if ‘1; - : ,'.I,g;LIIi‘._.. ‘ s.” , 1 . ' 97%1164-1 V Ml] I'vwa. - we - , TflflllfllESHW‘w ‘\‘ , 1 . y; 1. mm mars wanna! ” ' 2. nx man . 3.3m mm: ' . a 1- ‘3 ‘ ' ' Ike Engines - foul-sunk: Engines . Transmissions - Electicafim gm 1 Mrsns‘ ,V t . m. . . , . 'n . Digitized by the Internet Archive , in 2012 http://archive.org/detaiIs/chiltonsmotorcch “'5 Ra momma T1t’ *OP Gcm ~ gummy! ( N1 cwous movoxcvmz sum: 529127 man 0 n DATE DUE DEMco $291 52 3 o vaIoL cussmcmuu cow Auwon :‘XLTQHS '~‘K_/Y_)v"C(CL: .. anE veL ccsv ummt \m uov ”Er KING couNw uaauv svstm Chilton’s MOTORCYCLE TROUBLESHOOTING GUIDE ’ OCee Ritch \LLUSTRATED CHILTON BOOKS A Division oi chilcon Company Publishers Philadelphia and New York 1‘ 1966 by OCCC Rum ”LL-hjmj m PH e'pm L, u and :‘mullamcn m Tcrc'n: Ca Ambamcsr Eggs, Lm AH Hj'VYS huftlld Mawimumd m vhe Umvcd 5mm 0! Am.r :J Lurny or Cungm,; C: 'd N: 56-27619 3mm Pymnng. Jamar» ‘95’ I, THE roux-STROKE ENGINE Siamng procedures The engme won't start The engmo is hard to start or runs erraIically Englne dles when thronle opened Mlshres on aeeelorahon Misfire; under load Mlsflres at hrgh RPM Poor low speed perlormance Poor hrgh spccd perlormance Poor general aortormanee overheahng Mlscellaneous cavbmcmr pvoblems Other englne pmblems Vlbvanan and noises 1. THE "40.5110“ [NGINE Slamng procedure The englne .5 hard to start or mns Crrallzally Engine dlcs when throttle opcncd Mlslives on ztceleralion Mlsllves undev load Mtsllres at hlgh speed Pam low speed pevfcrmancc Poor hrgh speed perlorrnaneo Poor geneval perlormanze Overheating and sclzmg Vlbvanon Noises The ollers on pump operatlon . ELECTRICAL SVSYEMS Magneto DC generator Contents mumul l0 II II II I2 H 23 24 25 26 27 27 27 25 30 30 31 32 33 37 39 .‘ u. 9‘ Battery ups Regulator Alternator RBCMIEVS Energy translsr Pornts and plugs Coil CLUTCH AND TRANSMISSION Cluteh slippage Gear grindrng Transmissrons Jumplng cm of gear Won't shrn Jumping out ol gear Sllpping kick starter t CARBURETOIIS AND TUNING General (arbulcmr troubleshooting Amal Blng Dull Ono Jlkav Kelhm KalhmeHonda C/v Mlkunl LlnkeneSChebler Zenilh Tunlng Tumng specrheetrons FRAME AND RUNNING GEAR Abnormal tire wear Wheels and suspensmn Brakes . Chain Ilps . 40 40 42 41 46 47 48 49 V53 55 55 58 58 59 6] 63 68 69 ,69 71 74 80 54 85 86 87 Chapter 1 The Four- Stroke Engine The commonest complaint or trouble encotln~ term! by the motorcyclist is ”it“ the machine will not start. The reason can be ettrontoly simple or it can he more compti rted, but the hIhIC proce» dun: for determining what the cztttsc of nun-\Iurt- ing is and [10“! it can l»: corrected should be lol- lowed in order to save time and to cmL‘r ill] the posstbrhrics. lly iollowin an outline. the trouble- shooter can also mentally or visually eliminate some steps and begin his trottblc watch at any point in the sequence knowing that he still not hate to l‘llle-ll'thk Non-starting is extremely frustrating in \icw of the tact that it h g nerally accompanied by some severe physical exertion. Pumping a kick \titrl lever on it blgedispluccmcnt bike adds to the rider's indignation and the most common reaction is to hurriedly guess at thc cause ol ntfllfttnclimti which usually leads to disgust and . andonmcnl of the project. The lirst rule is to go \tcp-b step and methodically eliminate possible causes. Like any tour-stroke-cycle engine the motor- cycte't powerplant obeys certain laWs. The first law l~ that there must be tuel and air in the proper proportion. The second is that there must he spark at the proper time, if these two are present. combustion must take place, The motor may not run long, smoothly, quietly or with good power, but it should at leatt run. Therefore the first step ”1 starting it bulky bike is to be absolutely sure you are lollouing the corn-('1 mining procedure. Thi\ mzt) seem Iik worthless advice to the owner who has been ri ng a given cycle tor some time, but if you are at all unfamiliar with it bike engine it it easy to apply the wrong technique and get results unly part or the time. STARTING PROCEDURES Question. ls this fuel tap really “On"? If there is any doubt about fuel level, turn the tap tn "Reserve." On many British bikes there are two taps, one tor regular and one tor reservet With a double—ended push-tap, the hex end controls the reserve. it you aren't sure. before making any starting nttemph, remove the line at the tap and observe fuel flow. With a supply or tuol assured to carburetor. tle— press the float tiokler (on Amal type carburetors) until gas flppean and closc the air slide or close the choke. On some older Triumphs. the s,u. (nulomobilc type) carburetor has a lever at the bottom uhich ix to be pulled up {or starting and pushed back doun when the engine warms up. in any event, richen the miflurc [or starting in the appl able way. Q) Kick- the engine over a couple of times with witch all and throttle open. (This should also be done in cold weather on cycles equipped with Electric vstilrtcr.) Hondus with electric starters can be turned over with the starter a levy times with the witch in #1 position. Q opcn throttle slightly inbuilt l'r ol the total travel and set spark control (if fitted) to about tins-half of lull advance. On hr singles uith compression release, push the starter lever down until the piston is felt coming to compression, then operate the compression re- lease and follow through gently on the pedal to get the piston pint compression This is a couple oi inches oi pedal travel, generally @ Kick the engine twcr briskly, getting all or your weight onto the layer and straightening your leg at the same time. Note: Resist the temptation to open the throttle wide at the first cough oi the engine, THE ENGINE W0\T START Assuming that repeated applications of the foot to tht: putlitl resulted in nothing but sweat on your ltrovt, it is time to look for malfunctions. Check lh: cho and throttle controls first, ls llw [my really on? Tvtiddle the key in the Witch 2 bit. He sure indicator lights art: on or try the horn in ill’l cllort to determine if the necessary elcctrical current is present somewhere in the system. 1/ (here is In: obvious supply of electricity: to heck the iuet supply. 5 tab to rcscrvct Turn switch to emergency start position and try again If there is it smell of mu gas, or visual evidence of flooding such as fuel on the carburetor. open the throttle wide and kick the starter ur operate the Electric starter to turn the engine over several times and thus Clear out the excess fuel. If the bike doesn‘t start now, further checks are neces< sary in the tuel supply. for which see below. If indicator lights or other necessaries do not funt'nfln.‘ stnpccl bad connections, blown lute or bad battery. For example: even though some Hondas have an ac magneto system a d . charged battery in the circuit can make the bike hard to start and poor running. Check the fuses in any model: also check all electrical Connections 2 The Four-Stroke Engine for clcanlinms ilnd lighlnc‘w. particularly ill: bin» lcrv gmumlr Thi: iV highly crillcnl, (This fuse: vlill Vary in locallon hm Will always be close |o lhc buttery.) II (use; look good and Conncclions \mm in order, check the balm The following advice will xcrmdrrlilc hullcry min 'n and lr is admiilcdly nol gnod prlxcliccr hm you can p y yourself ihrii lhcrc h jlllcc lur nor) liy \Iriklng a quick rim acre“ lhc hrillcry lcrml ll\ Vlllh a piece of wire or ihc handle» of r. pair of pliers. Do Ihis very jim cnough to gel 3 flash. If llm 'mlll'ry is rlrong and a good spark rcsullm cm’mlinc Ihc lerminalx removing. cleaning and rcplrlu g if in douhl :13 lo Iheil’ abiliiy ID pass electric V If Ilw lulllt'ry rmpomls mm): or not «I all Io il-u: dirccl»\liorl icchniquc. cilhcr have il charged. miich lo emergency srarring posilion (if available) or pmh lhc bike. If a dead haucry is [he sole problem. mosl cycles will push sun fairly easily. Cold wcaihcr and a big bike may make Ih: procen J hii dimciih ph3 $iclllly, biii |hc gcncrlillng 33mm on all model: i3 slcwlgnenl io niii mu pawcr In low RPM. so ihh holnlul feature which is iioi present in rho niiioinohilc sivriuiii wurh lor 3oii. CAUTIU , nyaii lml‘K' t/m briiim- rllm'ul-d. [rad llll‘ ncri‘mi DI] ELECTRICAL SYSJI..\I.\ iii mir book Ive/arc riirliiiig down [0 ilii- iiliimi wn‘l'u‘ Klan-ml ll nrigr I.lkill_ lhi» prccmuiun rho cll_'ni: \Xlll won'i crirch. ir i» rinio ro chcch lor n snarl ni lhc plug. (\\'c iiili u~c rlic ~ingiiliir ro mve uonh. ll )mlr mods‘l llih um“: ”um onc c3linuor. nioriinlly conduitm, hm n is nut uncommon in mm or me Innouing: HISI‘IRES 0X ACCELERA'I'IDN A: Frnm luw weed If [he engine is dropping ,hou undcr rum-rum non pN on [he line, bur running «runfrrcmrily mhcmim. |hc odds urc Ihut carbureuon I: (he \Ilein. 8 The Four-Stroke Engine Bnunm ul carhmelnr mm: m hlggev Nundas can he minim hy limping wire [Elallili a Sldl. The finl lhing lo cxanlinc 2 ill: idlc lumurc. The cumin «)lnplum lrl lmhnch luv. ”ml nm- rurc in ninlinng on nppliuinon oi Ihrolllc Thi~ is “(Cunlpanlcd ly n lump} idle in» mm me enriching for low spccd ix nol vacrdonz. Check lhc CKlLflISl [or black smoke, etc. Don't marlmlk |hc lzlcl “h". lhcrc clln be “fllL‘l’ in (he curhllrelm’ (loin liU\\l “hich N xuckml up m ”1: 5|an l‘cforc |he fuel can ll: replaced Walcr mm nlm llc prawn: In in: mosh sirnincr nnd mm on some model». A clogged nrr clcilncr can mun: nll<firing, bui u lull generally also xho“ up .r< puor pcrlqrnmncc rhrouplrnui Ihl: range, loo. A had spark plug. “hora rlic ccrnniic portion i\’ din) ilml clulxlnn l hvthcr. All illxo he remand- hlc fol Ill|§ UCCul’rchC. \thl': high \ollagc lfi hcing led rnnr n \}\[cm n clloosm lhl: Dime“ \ml in go ilnil n dilly plug is rin Open ln\‘ll:lllon lo . dlrcCl-ln-ground > can aka lie causing "clghl cycling.” C Al a gnu-n Ihrnlllc opening. rnganllcsa oi luau lr Ihc dropping occun m a ccrmln puinl in (he lhmulc \ccmr r: lrdlcss of um Rs being Iurnnd l'y Ill: Engine. mi; ix poor cilrbllrclcr inning or n bad needle, pcrhnpe one “hich is mcked or dnnrnged. D: A! no (‘0 or RPM Inconiislcnl misfiring ii ordinarily dlle lo mal« lunclionmg “1 [he clccll‘ical iyflcm. Go over (ll: lnlc from ucrn in stem spanng nolhing from )our rigorous scruliny. Plugs. poinls, connections, hWh lemon lend lo Ihc spark plug capilcilol’, l’h’lflcl’ '7th whole “orks can be individually or caller cly rexpnnxlhle. The imponnnl pain! in in cinrlnok nulhlng. For example. on iome Billlxh hikcs a had Connection all (he headlighl xhell m ammfler ciln culls: lhc engin: l0 mlsfire or quil became ii is n link in inc System! lenl llu-oulc opening )IISFIRES UNDER LOAD TlIlS hezldlng i‘ mean! [0 dc‘crihe a condilion ~omclhing like lhls You an: riding along serene. ly and appronch a hill. You open |hc |hrol|le and Using lulu m: In chuck valve clunnc: nll lriumuh. a: you mmull rhe \Iopc wnh ihe engine pulling am in best enorli. il begin: in drop n [C\\ lledh. Gennng (lawn, or rerurmng lo level rond elenrs up rhe mufiring r-im Llldgnmk oi lh'n eondirion ix rhni rhe plug i< hrenklng donn irom orerhgming The wrong plug i\ heing med or gnp is nrong Second Chnlcc “‘Ulllkl IVc. ilgdill. dilly all Clwncr Too large n nrnin ier, wilh insufficient prmnre drop or wnle rhrorrle opening .lnd lclnlnch low \pccd‘ rcslllls In improper nllxulrc Tnning 15 indicated. Poor luel enn pl , n big role in Ihlx mn or periermnnee. Premium incl, a~ recommended h; Ille manuhculren, shmllll be used in all times. “Chenp” gin i» poor economy lmproper inning \muld he nhoni ihe rrirh llcm in line to he enmidered. Sporx liming llccnmcs more critical in |hc load lncremcs. Finally, um] um lo be overluokenl: l: [he gellr being mud loo high [or rhe eondihom Cn- murdered? ;\ .‘llSFIRES AT 1110" RPM Dropping or high R; i\ ~unlc|lnlcx m)\|lf)lng become so mom lilcclx oi engine innlng ore in- nsing snnll lighl hull: in wrw inside nyllndu inruugn plug hnlll Elllh, sfllflulfl In Wile, is infill! In D! insanan. R PM 9 (it High Examine snap common at all pains in! :nlmslnn and luuszllzssi \‘(llwlL Belore going into rhem. ii i< rim wkc Io cunllluh lhlll \.\ll'c firm! i: no! rczpamiblc Same riders lwlzl rheir engines rrghr np poo ihe redline nml llcvul ritrlllh) rhnr lhc \‘;i|\'c~ 1m: ermhing And, lhc mollcrn engine is so sum!) llrnl il can lake n cerlmn nmounl wdhmil disinlegrnllng. m thew people never learnAunIil roo lnle. m over- rc\ pub \l\!§ um llllrlcd all their Scali (\I inch :rccclerolion mlc< llinl lhe return (faring: cannm eonrrol them nnd ihcy slay open mo long, man {:11th down Llllcl’ lhc mm hm nlmcnl pad Ihc rump. ’lhc prolonged opening period destroys critical leve liming and causes a Lllluuon of the (gel chnrge and lhus lhc misfiring. II lhi: lm'l [he must, lhcn you hznc d wide Cliulc: oi pimihle orner Clulscs (D Since the main jcl, wilhmil being influenced moon by lhc needle. is recvera| things Wrong. (3 Are you ming un- righl grade of oil? If (he oil 1: I00 |igh| for conditions leithel’ riding or unginc wmr) a In! of il can blo“ righl Cllll [he cxhnuxl pipe. 00 up a grade and see it il helpfi. Drain and refill, of course. @ How i‘ lhc comprcvion'} Worn ring: permil the passage 01 crankcm upon, uni: c lu-avy with oil, imo lhc combmlion chamber when they Olhvr Engiml l’rubloms 13 art lmmml. A compmunn check will «lixclmu (In: condition (3 IV the ml hclng munnnl lu mpplyl On dry-ulmp cnginm um is crillcul Check the mean and [he rclum line from sump. a) (hack up» sump lnaallm. If it h plugged. mac“ nil uill bc hunlc j‘ nail \'.||\'c pui-lca. \ uh cxcemvu almanac bcmccn \Llhc mm ilnd guulc hurt, llrc lmpomir Mt fur a muuu amnunl pl oil burning. Il' com- prcwun checkx mil ucll. luu olher a 'mpmmx are pmnnl, measure \|cm~lnguidc cl rllncc by ap— plying slilc-lo-nd: prmun- ml valn» ~|cm ulin spring lcnllwcd. n ~hml|d nu. ruck. Lark ur all prmsurr—zmldon Tim lsn'| a kymplom. ii i: n problcm. Tllc ~)mp|mn\ “mllll hm n nifcdcd Illcmx‘cl x m mucllllniclll dilllC|Illlm bcLlqu 'xccpl in the rlm: lmltmcc at n modcl equipped \ulh an all prcuurc ' aim. Ihcrc i: no )lc clue to a lack of lubrlcmlnn a! crmcal poinh fL'kl by lhc pump. l’ruwurc railun- gcncrzllll nican: pump lailum hccml ' of ilcc mulnlcd dchrh In (he chock \ lvc in mm plunger |ype pump This 1: casll} cured by removing |llc relllinillg scrub. ipring and mu m |hc chuck Vlllu: and clclmlng |hc mm with solvcnl. Rarely. on xomc modclx, does the drive break. ln \qu lypcx mun ax lhc mull dliplllccmcnl Hondzu, will wml-nrcxslllc lulmcnuun [0 [he rocker bo\, |hc grooves in Hue cam “hich feed all up |n un- iup of um engine can become cloggm] \\llh muck if lhu engine \ neglccmd long cllnugll Remove Ihc rocker oil [red boll (sec illustration) and .\|:II‘| (he Engine. There Vhould be 1| Heady flow of lubricnnl. Schematic diagram shims cimll ' ol Iuhlicanl when smut? ink and my snmn system is used. "ii: is Rayal Enlfllfl. lint Iypical at others. 14 The Four-Stroke Engine Lntk n1 oil pressure—gradual onsel Again, if mm i: nn pressure lndlcalor, lhi< ifi nul Vumclhing the rider “nuld be aware of. If [here is an uil prmurc gage in [he aucnl and pmulm begin: In drop or falls ull more lhan usual \lhcn hnl. lnnh |o cxcmlvc clearance: in me pzlrls supplied under prci‘urc: connccling rods and nlainu. Luck of return In lank Thl< problem i, accompunlcd by lhc wmplomfi of heavy “ham! ‘moking und mhcr signs of mu- olllng «lncc Ihc luhnnam is accunlulaling .n the hump mum of making m wa} Bull The problem is generally righl in lhc rclul‘n pump \\‘iIh sheared drhc, had chuck Valve, loose pump mouming. lulled gaakcl. clc. A Return! possibility is lhnl lhc prmurc pump hax failed for mnlc came. In [his C352. Ihcrc would he nu smoking. hm lhc almplmn: of no oil prclill Closed}. gradually begin opening Ihc Chnkc, and a: man as lhc choke can be reduced. npen the throttle and tpecd the cnginc up. Grad- ultlly open the chttlte 11) engine vtnrrm up. 18 The Two-Stroke Engine With urn-m engine or in llol wcullmr Fulluuing | and 2 .ihm'c. luim: (he Chukc Alum: and open the ihmfllc H: m ‘5 and kick |hc cn- ginc mar on me Sinner. Seems simple, ducm'i .0 n n hm “ippose Ihc cligmc docsn’i iirc up right nun- Sr-pnmc yuu have been kicking the miner [or u thixlcmhic number of limes ml the nnI) wilnd )cu gc| is ymrr nun pnniing. Thcn “hiu‘ Then )ou'\c axcppcd inm ilic milighi zone Mien; rimming in (he wvrld tank! In: “rang. but chnnccs .rre rhnr only nne of n m» Hump i: Mm mung Tu find on! Min: “ihrng” and now in proceed, i| i\‘ ncccmry m follow a slup-b)‘»s(cp NEW Nix‘ruIE uon mums; m m rwo murm you: Hix‘ruxi ”(on ruvious mm mm :umsssm ”mm mm rxmurr Porn now NEW mxmr mung. Po" mwnzns method of eliminating Alum. As “ilh a four» \lmkc, ihcrc is imih in ihc Sialcmcnl lhnl if you nnxc n ‘1:an nnri you have hml and )nu hing \hcm mgelhcr under pressure a! [he righl lime, ymr‘u have an cxplmmn. So. either you haw no fuel. )ou hm no spark. on have no compression 0r )ou hmn’i gm ihe right lime. Bear up and follow rnrnugh on 1h: followmg: Q I/ Nwrr ix (1 sum" 0/ rflw gas, or visual :\id:nce of flooding such as furl on the car. hurcmr. (\an ihc ihrnnlc Wide and kick the Manor. ur operme (he elec|ric mncr in turn lhc NEW ”mun: BEING COMPRESSED READV rox mm pmon RISING Sun AT nu: lemma nirvuls Maw MSCENDMG 0N Iowa 57wa mm min unrrn mxwu w crmmrr um: comma: Example of Rolory Valve Ex I Dlsk all: as Valve. upelwd closed Ex 2 Crank acls as yalve // l nuellcd anemia" ai nu mury valvz. angina over (cvcral |lmcs and Ihlls clczlr out [he execs: fuel. @ L1 lire hey really an? Tviiddlc rhe key in [he suilch a bit. He iurc indicalor |ighl< are on or try me horn in determine if lhc neceasnry clccrri- cal current is prcwnl somewhere in rhe syslcm. (a; l/ Ilum- is (m nbl'imls supply 0/ plerin’r- ily, rc-check rhc fuel supply. 5w: ch to rcscrvc. Turn swilch to emergency alnrr posilion (i1 pres- em on your model) and try again. If the h ‘c docsn'l all!” now, furlhcr checks ar: necessary in the luel wppl v. for which we below. G) I] l'mlx'cnlnr lights or other (Icrexsan'rs do nnl function, suspccl bad canncclions, blovm fuse, or had hauery, For example, even rhough some hikes have an AC magnerc syslcm, a dis- charged bauery in rhe circuil can make the bike hard [0 Marl and resulr in poor running. Check lhc [mes in «11' model. The fuxea will Va ' in locarion hur will aluays be close in ihe haucry, Also check all electrical conneclions lor clean- liness and lightness. parricularly hauery ground, This is highly criiical. ll [uses look good and conneclions ‘ecm in orderY check the lmllcry, The following advice will scandahzc banery maken and ir ir adminerlly no| good pracrice, but you can r My yourself lhal there is current (or rim) by .lrilmg a quicl arc acres rhe ballcry rernunals villh a piece of wire or the handles of a pair of pliers. Do [his very briefly, juu enough in gcr a flash. Q) If (he bunny ir rirnng and a good spark reeulrs, examine lhe rerminah. removing, cleaning. and replacing lhcm ii in douhl m to Ihcir abiliry [0 pass clcc|ricily4 (5 if we bnllrry rPxpomh ire-ah 'rlr uni (u all Io [he direct-shun lechnique, ilher hm‘e ll charged, swllch to emergency slarling posilion [if available), or push Ihc bike. 11 a dead ballery is lhc role problem, man cycles will push 5|an rairly easily. Cold wealher and a big hike may make rhe proccae a hii dillicuh physically, bur Slurling Procoduro 19 YA s ENGlNE moi/m VALVE DlAGRAM EXHAUST EXHAUST-SWEEP new, 20 The Two-Stroke Engine Typiul small disylzclmull Iwnvsuukl, Suluki 5MB M15“. the generating system on all models is designed to put out power at low RPM so this helpiul (tantra which is nol present in the automobile system works (or you. CA U1 ION: I[ you Inn-e lllt‘ lvtlltt'l)’ rimmed. rout! 11m rt‘uimi oil L-LECv TRICAL SYSTEJIS In ”US [took IVE/Ola lllJltiIlg down In (Ill: ncmcrl :crvl‘cr nation, it alter taking this preenution the engine still won't catch. it is time lo check [or spltrk at the plug. (We will use the singular to so words. If _\our model hns more Ihun one cylinder. mcnlall) substitute the word plugs.) @ Rcmm't: the spnrk plug and examine the tip. it son he "bridged" wilh n tiny sliver or metallic deposits hciuccn the electrodes: it can be loulcd wilh hcmy, uct carbon deposits. the grip can he too w e or completely closed up. Or, the plug can he imcrnillly shorted. Clean Ihu tip, at hcllnr, replnee the plttg with the one you thoughtlttlly packed into the tool kit g; ll the plug .tppenrs to he good and you think |hc Condillon oi the electrodes shouldn't keep it irom operating, replace the high tension lead, place it firmly agmml the tins ot the engine hczid, and kick over lhe ‘tnrlerl You shmtld pct n int, hlue spntk ii the spark is w k check the electrode gap. In tht: two-strok: it should be .020" to 1‘30”. Anything Above .030" is too much. Less then .020 isn‘t particularly eriuenl. As a matter at (act, you can sometimes make it plug work by closing the gap right up. Sci it down to .015" or so and re-instnii it, The plug my be hrenking down under compression and the closer gap will often permit it to operate until you can replace it with n new one. If you don'l have a feeler gage, take a paper malehhook and a business card. Togclher they total about .015" in thickness. Adju condiliml, lml il is nol uncommon in cvcnl of [be following: MISFIRES ON ACCFI FRATION A: From lmv speed If lhc engine is dropping shols under neeele «— lion jun ell lhc line, but running siuislneiorily mhcrwise, [he odds are il-mi carburclmn is the Villainl @ Examine ihe idle mixiure. The elnssie symplom of loo-rich low-speed mivllrc is mks firing on nppllcnlion ni ihroule, Thii is uecem— panicd by n lumpy idle. Be sure ihe enriching (or low speerl is nru overdone. (2) [Jam overlook lhe (ncl Ihill lhcrc can be walcr in Ihc cnrbllrclar flcnl ho“! which i< sucked up ni the sun beiore ihe fuel can he replaced— or water in ihe mesh sirniner and Imp on some models. ® A clogged nir elenner enn enuse misfirlng. bul ir will generally also show up as poor per- formancc ihreughoui ihe range, [00. (a A had spark plug. where Ihc eernmle por- |ion is dirly and Cllluc: flmh-m'cr, can aim he rcsponsihlc for this occurrence. “’11ch high voll- age is being fed inln a more criricol n: rhe lend increasci. (19 Finally and no! in be overlooked: I\ the goat heing used loo high icr the condiiiom en- countered? .‘lISFIRES AT HIGH SPEED (3 Since (be main jcr. wirhoul being influenced much by llle needle. i< responsible for mixiure control al high \pccd. il (hould be looked inlo firxl oll', Fullu“ lhc (pecificaliom in filling [his im- porlanl componcni . . . or :ldjuu according lo lllning iniormnrion supplied in olhor pnrr: oi lhis book, @ Believe it or nor. [hill old dirty air cleaner crop: up again in mi» \iluallnn Check ir. @ Improper lloor level ii n common cause of high speed mi<fir84 Scl loo low. [he "on! don nol pcrmil sufficient ind! m accumulalc in lhe bowl [0 serve lhe need: of Ihc carbllrelor. @ Spark plug: diriy, wrung heal range, im- proper gap, faull)‘. Any or all of lhcle plug fnuln can be rc‘pomible. High pressure hrcnl: down of n sccmingly good plug cnn also he lhe rrouole. Heal range i: preny crilicnl in air cooled engines. If lhe plug ie [00 cold ir 1th l finn- L ii i nlllly (V «l H il rlAYl o, in. 1 upon my in (Hamill? AM 0” Lin culaway nl Suzuki numur 7 L l r _r.k / PUMP WlRE \ ADJUST PLATE ADJUST PULLEY RETURN SPRING Minimum clearance al n is .u-ran mm Luanlz'l in: lzuanapump. me ADJUS'HNG SCREW \ ABJUST PULLEV GUlDE PlN Adiuslmenl nl pump on Vamahl singlzs (lyuical). npparenlly lighl unionsr Camplclc pump lailure is comparalively rnre but in rhe Yamaha pump, |llc udjusl pilllc)‘ guide pin um been known in [all mu. \u if rile pump obyiaualy quits. rhis a rim plaoe |0100k. Refer Io rhe following eondpmed lroul-lcshool— ing guide ror lurlher ale-mill on Yamaha pump problenu. 36 The Tim-Stroke Engine *“W ‘F Cable Guide / Throttle Cable fif/ Jock Nut , \Adjuscing Screw / 0.5 - 1.0mm Emmi zdjuslmlnt DI thinllle cahll tin Yamaha twins. Pump wire Adjust nur e7 Lock nut \ Adjusr Pulley Millstmenl III [Jump Shake nn Yamaha twins (typical). Yamaha pump lnmliloslmoling Trouble @ Poor oil delivery Came a. Rubblee in oil in the pump cnse Rzlnrdy a. Bleed the pump b, Check the lollowing points for oil leaking: (l) Breather gaskel (2) Suction pipe connector and pump ease (3) Dislribulor oil seal (4) Distributor plug (5) Pump case (6) Banjo and pump case (7) Pump and crankcam cover (8) Pump case cover and pump caee (9) Terminal oi plunger; plunger cover, plungr er cam oil tea! and plunger oil seal 'l'ronblx @ Pump fails to work. (Engine works.) Cause a. Delective viorm wheel pin b. Clogged pin hole Worn pin halt: Deiermed return spring chlcdy a, Clean pin hole b. Replace spring Trouble @ Plunger does not work. starter plate rotatcs.) Came a. Worn or clogged guide groove ter plunger cam guide pin a. Adjust-pulley guide pin missing Remedy a, Replace pump case cover ht Replace pump correctly Trouble ® Distributor hard to rotate Callie a. Incorrect achustmenr oi worm wheel plate h. lncerrect lining of plunger cum eil seal Remedy :1 Proper clearance is 0.05 m 0.] mm 1:. Replace or refit Trouble (3 Distributor partly hard to rotate Cause a. Worn or dogged guide groove for plunger cam guide pin Remedy a. Replace pump case carer Trouble @ Adjusl-pulley fails It) move in conlacl with com \urlncc ledc a. incorrect lining of adjustment cnmpnnents h. Too right filling bclween adjust pulley and pump case cover Reltlcdy a. Refil h, Replace Trouble ® Incorrect pump setting Cause a. Defective cam ut adjust pulley b. Defective plunger cam c, Wrnng fitting or control cable to adjusl pulley d Tnn hig clearance beluga“ adjust pulley and pump cine cmer e. Ten much play in cable Remedy a. Replace b. Replace c Refit d. Replace e. Readjusi (Dislribulnr or Chapter 3 Electrical Systems One or hm may he lantthnr rillcr bcctlllsl: ul ilulttnlullllt‘ c pt‘ricncc. trill. \ lune rtlmillctltlam \\hlcll :er lc _- well knoun, rhc finl :lntl eltlcst is the magneto iur lgnlllt‘n and dry cells iur lights. this a prcllv rttre hut some models [runt n b) Imc ern still use lL ntmt httcs ttith nntgnetu ignition hate :1 DC gcncmmr m an ttltcrnntur tor lighting ’lhi~ is typical oi many llS»\. Trutmph anti uthcr Britixh blkc‘ “llh Lllcm electrically The second uldctt syttetn, mud hy .’\ grcut numhcr oi ntutoretcles, ts cxactly likc lhill oi the atttuntuhtle ntth gcncmltvrrhilllcrl ‘uil systems using (lll’L | Current. Ylll'll:ll"lll. S|I7lxkl ilntl Kil- \\:l<..lkl l2 250:: models are probably [he must ram. tnr examples. the altcrnntur he been atlnptetl hy molar- c)clc manufacturers because All i|~ rcliilblllty and \crsnlilit). In the \C system, there are sexcrnl Vilrlaliom on :1 h ' idea. One ls lit use 1hr alternator as a magneto ror ignition and put a rcc~ tifier in the circuit to contert in output Io DC for llghling. A \ccaml i\ to \tllllzc Ihc illlcmillor [or both ignition and lighting. cmploting AC {or anything A lhtrd is to use Ihe Lllternitlor to supply gnlllun and headlight: hut lime a battery to feed neutral lnllicuttlr light, horn 11nd slop light rcganllcfi‘ All “homer lhl: nnltor is running A \urlutiun M | lo 1th DC {or lgnllion in addition to slop llg tntltcator and horn. Generally spenltin_ the smallest displacement modcls in the Iwn-slmkc bikes have the slmplcsl system: altcrnatur or AC magneto supplying output directly to the ignition, with other coils of thc ultcrnalnl’ dcvulcd lo (a) hendlighls and tail lights and th) charging the battery. chcml BSA models also use this system. Magneto The “c0ntcnlinnal” magneto is gear driven and puts out a whopping guud spark. incrcllxing lnlemily th RPM, and is relatitcly tree from malfunctions, which has caused it to he used on highrpcrfnrmanct: machines rnthcr widcly. Two types arc in utc. fixed advance and auto- matic ndeCm 'lhc iorntcr will be found mostly on racing b‘ es, and hoth types are largely LucasV built as far as cycles in Ihis country are Con- ccrrtetl. A “Magdyno” made by 1 cm, which incorporates a generator in an attaching case is found on many older British singles. the “per- alion or the magnclu is the same as it it was 37 Disintegmled kiiinuttnn nzmnn contact on magnctn can Ellis! internatshnn. iixzflaslvancz ntgnttn use: utters-n shall and nut which rtttttitcr special puller. chtrking irnttiutt tinting ui maznetn with static tinting llzhl/hlilzeL 38 Electrical Systems illlmc and Ihc genernlcr likewise. The mosr common problem cucounlered nilh lh‘e rungnero rs poor pcrIormanCc cnused by duly, oily highuension pick up and slip ring. Cronk- c e lapors seep inlo lhe ease and deposil oil, which colleels orher grime. Replnce lhe oil seal. Renimo lho pick upr nnd pipe eleon, Make sure \hal lhc bru\h praise“ our CI Ih: Case in lcosr w and work freely, Clean lhe slip ring h)‘ holding a clean clolh again“ ii and nlrning lhe engine over, breaker poinls on mags are possibly nol as or n1 3‘ orhor rgnirion sysrenis, bur nrusl be kepl irosh. making good conlacl, properly gopped and czircflill} aligned or all limes. Broken “ire: or in|crnixl shorls are rare on magncms. bul rhe lends from rhe pick ups con no, or shorr our. rhe syrupronrs ore Complclc luck of dcliv chorc going inlo rhe end or rhe case. check Io be sure lhnl (he kilbbllrron win: is nor grounding. An inirequcnr occurrence, hul one uhioh hm been known In follow an unskilled overhaul, is Illc dcslruclion of lhc carbon Conldcl for lhc I] bullon. improperly imlzillcd, il con be do» le- grnled 11nd shorr oul lhe mngnero. E\cn in mnking n quick check on a nonde- iiiering moguelo. ir is n good idea lo plll lhe bike on Ihc bland and mum Ihc rear “heel “ilh gearbox in lop gear. wrlh rhc brcohor poinl ooi-er plnle olr, _\0\l eon delernrine righr ouoy li lhe urmnrure gear is slipping on rho Shnfl. for example. The fixed-dduincc nrognelos ullllie rl lopered shorr and mo geor nursl be ulpped on nnd pulled off \Kilh u puller. If Once Secllrcd, they seldom uorh oli, bur n can happen. The aulomanc od- \ance rype has n hzif| can be n problem. Ordin' rhis doesn l jml hnppen nnd enule non llc|i\crv oi spork bol resolrs rn oul oi unie lirrngr firsl Tu Ics| lh: armalurc coil and condenser. rCr mmc ii {mm Ihc housing and connccl a wire from Ame Icrmina] of n lwudall dry cell [0 the cooler wrcw oi rhc orcoler plnlc. Connccl one side of an nmmclcr lo the ()1th barlcry Icmunal and [he olher Side (0 [he drmnlurc. Conlinuil)‘ should be prmcn and a rending or 4 amps indi- cates normal rcsmance. L's’ g rhe some horrery or n powur source in lb: 5 m w” make and break lhe conlzlcl nl lhc crnlcr screw scwml limes wilh :m nssislnnl holding one end of n shorr lenglh or plug wire grounded again“ rhe nrniruure body nnd rho orher oboul w -.i from rile slip ring conrncl. ll rhe nigh lension _ de is good il will build up rhe vollage enough lo rnoke n good spnrl at rhe gap. Worn conr rings con cruise such n divergence \I'I unung on low rhnl lhe niognelo is blamed, (merrier lair-iron a! Smrlmg s chewing 3mm . __‘. snnvqsmne aircrew 4 n.” so.» Surely sure mm Wiring diagram lor siarler-grnerrlor. priorily ol ariiisn oilrs sinrr 1951 has been posiliyr ground; prior morlrl years and all iaponrse cycles have negzliv: zrnund. rr adiosl loosen rlarrrp ion in and run zenevam in ii: rnorrnr nonrrilon oi orll shoolri or rpnrorirnairly Vo" Valocml generaior is driven by hall. Electrical Systems hem Trouble Causes Resalrs Acrlon {Meme doong «ioooarry donuom ~No wov ro rcpall Hm Mmml o c dzslo o 3 (ovfdemh‘y R olo o iolory Dre 5 m Bow lmrswu Lhmglng -so weer muses rFlrd lvuublo and g f: "‘ (View! snnrr :llrml 0: Carlos! or cclly ° °" -5olrrrrnn speorlrr [narrow or Lell slog, own” grow we rrrglr A7 7 , , , Pig's: - :oor lfr\l'"nl_)r"g «anon», warutnlm -Nu W m moon droning ono -Shor' mun wooloco bcmuv :mfllalglrg won WWW“ lor u Lune-ll -hcllery list-lo m m» llzmpelalllrei ‘Bal‘ery lolr ln Whle dais seen on -ll Sulphallan rs drulrorgeo plales filgM ballery (an r, "dlllnn ~5pocrlro grcw‘y be :hurged Mm -Bcliery osoo drop: and :npntrly ye’v wall :lrnam Mimi eronnn decruaws ~or lo~o Me n v “PM °“ rnoroe ‘Vohuge rises ono sulolrolror rs xoosoo uln'es olruLles soon when greor 'eploce NEQU'W soluncn loo r‘rrrl (Hnlqmg oar ml” ‘oonory Plates ‘anlgF pa'llcles llcl 'oke Umqe n \u‘mlun -Repeolr:d Mar ru'e -Bcllery can be rReplace bul'e'y ol drsrnorgrg (horged our roooon, Shrinkage Renewed decrecmefi rapldly averrnhn'glng -Volloge m lrmsn ul orsanorgrng nrgrr uni ‘elllpemlwes 'bepc'mcl; becc'rc rkeplncf bellow Sepcrular corbonlrlng 'H‘g” “‘m‘c” ”We weal-c gvcvl'y ~VVulped plales Battery llmhlems, causes anrl remedies. Check liming clmcly and is more R mar: lhan Ho" \arimion in pislon nlmcnlcnl lo nilccl point opening, rcplncc Ihc ring. Exits“ bearing war and conscqucm nrmulurc \ibmllm—l can be mlslakcn for ollror engine mo- chanical noisos. The condirlon Vhould ho onond- ed to inasmuch as damage m rho slrofl resully If (her: is more Hum .005" \urlical play at the end of lhe shaft, rcplac: lhc bearings, DC generalor ayslem The DC generalor-bawd electrical :ysmm is nnnlogom l0 that of {he nlllamobilc in some machinu. sligluly dlflcrcnl in olhcrs. lupanosc bikes of lhc medium displacomonl Varlcly, web as Yamaha, Suzuki and Kawasaki lZS—ZSOCC modck, hzll‘: a complete no system wllh u slanel-dmumo. \Olmgc regulator. coil, condenser. om, Ncwu Brllkh cycles goncrolly llavo dynnmm or filnrlcrrdynnmm and mognom ign' on nllcn DC is usorl. Japanese sysrern. ore llcgullvc ground, Erilish mudcls built sine: I95l huvc been posi- live ground. Prior lo rlnl Ihc) were also neg.- livc ground. Hurley-Davidsons have negative ground also. Tllls prolly well llil‘idcs up llu» lmuhlushnoling lnlo I\\‘0 calcgarics: (a) full syslom, onrl lb) ligluing only. lul's Lliapoy: of Ihc $ Icms wll h use a DC gcncmlor (or dynamo . you spunk Erilixh) only ior lighling or pcrhllp\ a slzlrlcrrlhnllmo l‘or uarring and liglus. Troubles hem generally rcl'nlvc around no lrghrs, no norn, no Sklrl camel] by a flul bullury or bad canncclinnso In any elm, sllspccl lhc bullcry first since il is (espon‘iblc 90% or lhc time. 'lh: llrsl place In oncok is :1! lbs hungry lorrni. nak. li lhcy aro slighlly 100w, corrosion occun bcmccn Ihl: Icrminal and the cables and m much rcsiuuncc i. put inlo |hc circuil rlral curronl cal-n flows ll lake» 3 clrml, firm cunlucx, so make sure all connccliom fil (his dcscriplion. You can make a quick run or lhl: balmy by snarling llirncll)‘ across lhc lcrn‘linuh. for an in- Slfml, with a wire or the hllnlllm of :l pair of pliers or lho hllllll: or u \Crcwllrixcr. ll )oll gel a barely pcrccpllble snark or none, lhc huncry i~, 40 Electrical Systems speetlte Gmwly Conve'smn Chem 10°C O“C 10'C 20’C 30'C AO’C Temperature “A.“ (32.” .534) (58’?) (ah’Fl (IOA‘F) 1 321 1314 1307 1300 1293 128i) 131: 1 304 1 2:17 1220 1 283 127i: 1 331 1 224 1287 l 280 ' 273 1265 '29' 1 25: 1 277 1270 1263 1256 1213' 1 274 12h7 1250 1253 1246 Specific 127‘. 1 2a: 1 257 1250 1243 1235 grnvlty 1213' 1 254 1247 1 2.10 1 233 1 226 125‘ ' 2:4 1 237 1230 1223 1215 12:1 1234 '227 1220 1 213 1206 1231 122.4 1217 1210 1203 11% 1221 121.4 1207 1200 110,3 1ch 1211 1204 1197 1100 1183 1175 '20‘. 1'91: 1107 ‘ 1180 1173 1 Hob sneeine :ravitytetnnmtm nhnrt. indeed. discharged. Obvioust 1011 can recharge it. if it is re chargeahle. but you will ham [0 know why i! is fldl. Battery The small stnrngu batteries in motorcycles are of low ampere huur capacity and like all hat- teries. they are seltdischarging in storage. Most manufacturers 3min: that dared balleries be charged once a month. Since many bikes are not used fur smeml mt‘nlhfi at a lime during the vtintcr. lhi‘ factor ucwunls for lots of com- plaint». Others are caused by carelusnesh in lcm‘. ing lightV on where thix can he done with the key removed. direct shorts in wiring or faulty \ultnge regulator. Do not. rcpcal lint, have a motorcycle baltcry re-eharged an a quick charger at yeur neigh- horhond (cnicc ~L’ui0n. The charging rate is tee high and the halter} will he ruined. 'lnehleeherge only. and [hen at a low rate tuch m LS to 2 ampere’hourfi. You can gn as high at 4 a h for short periuds. The haller)‘ will get pretty narrn. hut its long as il stays below 110” il will nol be damaged. Fill Ihc bllHCl') In the \pctificd level with nater hetnre recharging, Alter charging, check rhe (pacific grmil)‘ ill the electrolyte. A lZwoll battery \hmlld register uhme [.250 at ambient Iempcralurc of 68”. A 6401! unil shnuld ht: above 1230. Specific gruVl- u will he lnuer at higher temperature, higher at Iovlcr lempe nure, in allowance ean he made it temperature ifi drastically dliicrcm from 63‘. (See accompanying chart.) Voltage regulator If lht: battery is consistently low and weak, the trouble may he in the voltage regulatorr This is a simple electromechanical Lic\iC: between the generator and rhe battery designed to hold gener- ator output to a specified voltage. The regulator is an clcclro-magnel with a set of ConlaCl pninls spring-loaded against its pull. when generator output reaches ahuut l5 volts ("I the iZVVOIl system) or 7.5 to 8 volts (in the hault rtsrnml the pull of the magnet is suin- ciently Virong to separate the points and interrupt the circuit. There is an ndjuning screw which regulates the gap between [he pain“ and, thus. the cut»oul toltage. In aetinn, the points are in a constant state of Vibration and a regular llow of CulTenl is permitted. To check |hl: regulator disconnect the battery lead. Then ennnect the negative lead ot 3 Vol!- meter tn the D terminal of the generator and the positive lead to ground. Start the engine and run it up (u the poinl where the voltmeter stops flickering w l' and selllcs down to a slcady reading Thh is [he cut-out Voltage and should he apprnximately the values given above. It the \nllug: is low, shut off the engine and turn the right-hand adjusting screw slightly to bring Iht: points closer together. It voltage is high, adjust the gap wider. it doesn‘t lake much of a rum on the screw l0 afiect Ihe gap, so take il easy. Stan the engine, re-check and adjust as necemry. The output voltages gi\cn above are [or am- bient temperature at 60' to 80’. If it is hotter than 80', lower the reading a bit. say b 5 Volts. 0r, cumerscl)‘, it below 60' substnntially. raise it a like amount. ln ndrlirion lo imprupcr nrliuslnieni, lhe rcgu< llllnr sullcrs from oihcr ills: Rogululor problems He e an: some rcgulnlor ireuhles which can cause ii to uorl; improper!) or nol all all. l. Dlrlyconiacl poinrs 2. Burned conlncl poinls 3. Broken er shuricil niring in coil 4. Loose or lmd cormcciions 5‘ Poor ground Vibration of Ihc cycle cruises most problems and if lhc reguirnor is nol operaling nr all, search [or had cnmlccliuns firsl, Dirl) peinls enn besl he shined up by inserting n piece of paper or n husiness cnrd hemeen lheni nnll hurnishing h) rmullng lhe wiper or curd. llnrned phinls enn he dressed wiih \cr) fine emery clolh, Hired in llre snmc wa). A check can be mail: for .1 bad coil by running [he engine and holding the nrmulurc doun so lhal poinls npcn. 1i lhe) won'i my down Ihe wric< \\inding ii bud. I! lhc cnil pull: the conlncls lipurl bul \lolliigc llocsn'l drop [in imli- calcd by rho Vollmelcl'). lhe shunl windings are broken. Culoul The ulhcr pan of rhe regulelor is 11 cutout. a relay, \\' ch permits the non of elcclricil) in only one direclion. The mngnclic force cxcncd by in coil is mad lo overcome lhc rcsisluncc of n spring nnil cinse n circnir m lhnr currenl can flow lrom Ihc gencrnlor to [he ballcry. Olhervlisc Ihc circuit is broken, prmcnling current drum ironr Ihc bnuery, This cllloul is relnlivnly Irouble free, except for occasional sticking puinls. lr lnkcfi uhoul 12.5 vcln from Ihc genenuor lo mnke rho cumin operale in [he lZ-voll s)slem nnd nboul 6.5 in Ihe 6-voll syslem. )‘Cme Gap own Upl / Vol|agc Donn v Regoialinq Ynke Gap — a 9 rl o \ ngh~ Speed conlacl Poinl an Speed ,., Cunlacl Palm anhu ”Elihu" {typicalli Poinlcop am 5 4-1 E lccl ricul S ystvms /£ Core Gap / a.r~n 1 Up ‘ Voliagei Downi Regulating Plale ' <7Ya°§§lgflap >J PEnl Gap aka: cumin relay (typical). Complclc DC system This ysiern uses generaiorrbnllcry currcnr Io snpph igninnn neetk as well as Ihose or lighling. In nearly all cases, lhe generator is n sinner- Llynllmu. This curl) Triumph Thunderblrd is an exception, The regulumr. cumin and ballcry problems are lhc same a: previously described, hill the ncw elcmcnl of call . d condenser enrcrs lhc circuilry. Aim lhcre H more opporlllniiy for the ballcry I0 discharge hccnuec of Ihe added con- ncclions. Gene-ruler problems If lhe hnucry is 11m, lhc fir“ place in check is lhc \olmgc rcgulnlor. Disconnccl lhe bnllery lrom lhc rcglllalm B lcrmlnnl (or A lf bike has im :inlmelcr) and canncci lhc pusilivc land of Li vollmeier lo ihe lermlnnl. Ground Ihc olhnr lead. eilher on line regulalor E ierniinel or n suimblc 5pm on me bike. Slnrl lhl: engine and run it up {or a check on regulnlnr oulpui as described before. If there is no juice, check lhn generalor oulpul by keeping Ihe engine running a: aboul 3,000 rpm and re- movmg lhe wire from ihc genornlor F lcrminal and grounding ii lor nn inslnnl. If Vollilg: rises to oicr 25 \' (for 12 V) or 13 V ((0! 6 V) Ihcn lhe genernmr is good and mo rcgulalor is nl laulr. lf mirage does nol jump up, lhc generalor ls bad, Some Hurle)s hme a vollage regulnror, some do not. 'lhose which haw no rcgulalor employ a lhrcebrush guncralor or lhe lype round on Model A Fords. This is a reliable sclllp and we field coils are used, one lor igniiion, [he 42 Electrical Systems other added when li'hls are turned on. The movcahlc (narrow) third brush Contrels outpul. Moving the bnhh in the direction of rnlalion in- creases output, moving it in the opposite direction reduccsit. Here are possible causes at generator trouble. . Pour connections trr shorted terminals Oil or \ ‘zllcl’ in case . Carbon tlust rront brushes is shorting out nindings Poor brush contact with armature Worn-out brushes 6. Commutator or armature is dirty, pitted, or rough Cittmng hats-hes ta milkc poor contact, 7. The gaps between the armature commuta- tor segments are titled with carbon. 3, Field or Mnlnutrc coils hm'c broken wires. For a quick test at the generator. tr) to motor it h} cltltiltg the points or the cutout relny Thi causes current to than from the ballet) and it :huultl ipin. Disassentbly and examination of the generator should mitkt: tin) of the (“VHS candilivns oht'intts except broken wiring. T0 check the licltl Coil for continllit a Scl of [wt leads is nccenary. Remove Ihc w is from F itnd A terminals and attach the tester. It there is no continuity, there is .1 broken wire in the field. If lhi< lens a , chuck the airing of thc trike iur poor imulallnn sthich can be shoning. The armature is tested for continuil)‘ by prob- ing the shalt and the camnmtatar. if there is CUnIll‘llll . there ix 3 «hurt in tht: Windmgfi. Draw the :lmtnlurc contmlllitlor with fine emery cloth and undercut the mica insulzllofi with a pocket knife or a ground hacksaw blade so that the ~egntents are clearly separated. The presence of ‘llldel’ till the iitlc nl IllC homing indicates [hill the generator it ilrroning solder aml is shorted internally in the arnlnlurc. Replace lh: armature if in doubl. ln replacing the generator, it it is necessnrv to replace a negatitc ground with a nositne ground, or Vice versa. Motoring the unit for n few reminds with the current from the battery nill polarize it to the new polarity. mu..- v.3, SIarll-r-gcneralnr This combination is not nlcrcl) an arrange- ment trherc the generator is motorized. A gener- ator has very little torque with the normal vtind- ings. m a \rztner-dynumu has two sets or field windings and hrttshes. ‘lhe starter windings and hru~hcs are much heavier than the gcncmml‘ cant- puncnh, hut are subject to the same problems. Ptror internal connections can also plague Ihc starieregencrurur and these units are more suscep- liblt- to carbon dust. Check lhc same item: in the starter portion as in the generator portion vis- ually (ind for C(lnlinui ,' with the to“ lendfi. Ti starting mnlnl. (I) artist, (2) brush swirl]. (3) min coil, to) pull core, t5l tcnaiaal, tel internal gear, (1) tall hearing, [I] sntnnkll shall, (9) Splnckli. (In) 1w hnuslllg. Ill) planes my gear, (11] can!" nearing hnldll. t13l yarx, (I4) atmatan, ttst cover band, tisl commutator, ttn cannatatnr eat tum. tlal liulillg hush. Separate starter A separate starter is found on many modern cycles. It is analogous to the generator in its |r0uhlc~ and should be handled [hr same way. Starter drive chain wear and spracltet wear can ht: a problem on highemileage bikes because the ordinary ovarhaul does not include a chain un- lcsr |hc Condition is fairly Critical. This may he the source of noise when starting. but most riders do not strip donn to repair it until the chain or sprocket finally fails. Alternator The nllcrnillur is the modern outgrowth of the tlywheel magneto and is the least troublesome, mast emciem method of generating power in |hc small displacement machine. It is reliable in that there are no hru( a m / / u Checking rectifier in! "His! WWII“ ilnw (leakage) with millilmmllr—rezdinz shnuld be less than 10 ml. Selearw recr‘rer aoitcry A Simple rectifier test is to con-rm in circuit with hallsry and lilhl hulh. whrie wan red :rarev Electrical Systems 45 age rise> until at 14 \‘ulis the chcr Diode bee crimes parrially conducling, rhcrehy prmiding an rrlrernaiive pain for a small parr of rhe charg- ing eurreni. Small increases in hairery \ollngc rcsull in large increases in Zencr Bonnlucril'ily unril, al approxinrarcly ls volir, aboui s anipercr oi the alrernaier eurpur is byepa ing rhc harrery 'lhc hariery u ill continue re receive only a por< linn of rhe alrernarer ourpur as long as the sys— icnr volmge is relnlively high. Deprcs‘ion of the syslem voltage, due to the use of headlamp or other lighring equipnrcni. causcx Ihc Zener Diode currenl to decrease and me balance lo be dchricd and consumed by [he cumponcm in use. If the elecrrical loading is suflicienl Io cause lhc system vellagc re rail to 14 yells, ihe Zener Diode will rmerl to a high rcfii‘tance sure of nun-cenducrivrry and rhe full gcncralcd oulpul will go lo mecl lh: demands or Ihe balmy. Tearing rhe Zener Diode The [oil procedure given below can be userl when ll is required in check rhe perlerrnance of the chcr Diode type ZD715 (supplrerl for 127 Voil originally equipped and 17 oil convened molorcyclcs) uhilc it is in pas on on \he ma< chine. Good qualily moving coil meters should he used when timing The voltmeter rhould hme a scale 0—13, and Ihe ammerer 0—5 amps/min The test procedure is as follows: 1. Disconnect Ihc Cable 1mm Ihc cher Diode and cunnccl ammclcr (in series) between lhe diode Lucar lerminal and cable prcho ‘ly‘ dii- connecred. The arnrnerer red or positive (+) lead must ConnECI lo the diode Lunar terminal. 1 Connect \‘ollmetcl' across chcr Diode and heel sink. The red or posilivc lead rnusr cone necl lo lh: heat sink which is canhcd ro rho lraare oi inc machine by ils fi\ing bells and e scpume canh lead. The black lead connccls lo the Zener Lucnr terminal. 3. Sum ihe engine, cmurc rhar all lighn are off. and gradually increase engine speed while an the same rirne ehserring both nrerers: :r. The series connected nmnlcler musl indi- eare zcro ampay up to 13.0 volis, which will be indicated on the :hum conneclcd vellmcier as engine speed is slowly in— creased. h. Increase engine speed srill lurlher, unril chcr currenl indicated on nmmcler is 1.0 amp. Al (his value the cher voltage should bc13.5 volts [0 15.3 \‘olls. c. Disconnect rhe balmy while rhe engine is running, and slowly increase engine speed unlil Zencr currcni indicated on the amme- 46 Electrical Systems “Jr is 5.0 amps. Al thi‘ \‘aluc Ihe Volt- meter should indicate 3 chcr \‘ollnge 0f 12.0 to [5.0 mm. Nola: Test “c" should be carried out in quickly a< pnwihle lo avoid ovcrhealing Ihe Zener Diode. Ii Ihe mnmcier in Icil “a" regiflen any current in all before Ihe voltmeter indicales 110 volls, lhcn u replncemenl Zener Diode musl be filled. Ir |c>| “'n' is salisizlclur)’, bul in lcsl “b" n higher anlngc than that stated IS registered on the \‘allmcter, befnre [he nmmeler indicates 1.0 amp, then a replaccmcm chcr Dinde must be filed. If in text “c" the Zenel’ Diode does nol pass 51! amps \\i|hin lhe stated \‘ollage limits. it should be replaced. Chm-king lilo energy Ir lei- .yslcm Tu Check out the AC coil in this syslem as used by BSA and others, il is nececcund bflitcry and Ihc ncgaiive Itrminal of the condenser. Thi. mum a supply or current normally de» livercd by Ihc alicrnator. Remove lhc lead from one spark plug and Upcn and clusc Ihc breaker puino a couple of limno. H u mark can he induced bzlncen me loud llnd Ihc plug or |L\ ground, then the coil and condeihcr serving lhal ping are in good shape. If no spark‘ then modulus a knoun good coil or Cundcnscr. This 122leva o6 Clutch and Transmission ,Maimxle diam." eellar Main-me . _ ball~lwanng shim /Serund amen mi- Low driven gear Eulhux Enmnanlms, Vamahl MRI. \ _Shifler-]1ELd‘ / \ / ‘\DI / / veaxle Bea! nailing i3 zcbumpllsnen by (muslin: still halls inln inlelnallyrhlnachlfl gear in small Vzmaha. <> Mun-mm sum in llama mnsmissinn slaps lumping nulalgm. umcs, prcuy frustrating The spacing helween rhe gem which musl be engaged lo achieve neutral is close and 1h: shift lever and claw muvemem are more or less "geared up" for easy aciion, so a small amounr of pedal nclion is hard in oblain. When a gearbox gels older, :1 similar silualion oxisu because of wear on shift forks, pins and spacers. In addilion, hard usage bends forks. II all adds up lo sloppy linkage and imprecise move- mcnl inside |he box, so you overrun one gear am! impinge on the next pairing. There is no adjuslnienl possible in me modern gearbox linkage, so if you are having real trouble Simple and eflecliv: gill clings mum! is :mulnylfl ill Vamlhl J-spud m. Trunsmissiuns 57 PRIMARY PINION PINION 2| 25 2nd ...'r (— I5 {D Std TOP MAIN AXLE 2nd LOW DRIVE AXLE PRIMARY GEAR I " ‘3rd . In . 3’ i lGEAR WHEEL 14 S! DRIVE SPROCKET inllllaw in Vamzha 4sneefl \ransmissinn a! I25“ mudlL finding a gear, it means a strip-down to gel at 1h: linkage and/or spacers, broken ratchet spring, as. A close perusal of the accompanying illusiralinns ¢< b of various gearboxes will make Ihc operations clear ~‘® ),7 Q; n and dcmonslralc Ihc need for internal repairs‘ ( 4g humm- m 7%; Shiftor mm “mm pin _Clmn;:n- lewr rA: nmzry molinn is comma inm lineav mnlinn hy shilm cam plate. may in plan. “upper yin and change Iml Czn accnunl In! jumping nut a! gear amt diflicull enme- Innzxufl cam maves shill m u: change gem in mm menl. 4-5pm. 58 Clutch and Transmission , K '\ nut tngngemtnt ls hy tapered dogs in Suzuki 3-sn22d. 3 Trannnliuiun jumps out or near Thi< means dtilerent things with difierent hoxen. in the annnete camlnnI-mcsh lranomifiiono where geura are engaged by coupling uirh dowele. either the gear is not being shovcd far enough into mesh or the dovlek ore “om ofi. ln hoxee which ute plungers nnd bnlls for lecnting. the apring, enn he mo we'tk. or engagement i< not being forced. Worn earn plalm in BSA buxm :th up this tiny. \vbrn xpacer‘, particularly in Honda beret, are responslhlc for the most complnints. There in a particular problem nirh Hondn Recent! gear spacert and n thtcler one is ntnllnhle from Honda IO COHEN Ihc condition. Wnrn or bent ohifl forks nre also a prime Cause. pnrriculnrly in srnnll ditplneement htlrea which may hnte been ridden by inexperienced youngsters. Kickstmer mechanism nl small tltsplaremznl Suzukls, Jamming (he Cogs into mesh when Ihe Clutch is mnladjusted accounts {or a lot of it. In Hondns, too. the shift drum limil apring can loie temiou and create Irouble. ® Trnnsmiesion won'l shill You are in for a strip—down anyway. but iI might be good lo know what Io look for. II the clutch opemles but (he shift lever won‘t move any gear, the pawl of the shift arrn or the Shining fork is broken. Or. in the small displace- ment bike, the dowels on Ihe end of the drum which engage the shirt levcr may he sheared err. This is rare, but it can happen. In addition, in various hikes, the numerous pins which provide the fulcrum points for linkage can break. ll you can get the box into one gear or more, depending on the type, then the problem lies in the engagement of the other gearfi: broken dowel pins. clutchdogs, etc. In the Honda. the enumer- shait ficcund gear is mun“); the firfil sutpeet he- cauoe it takes more of a beating. cent a m»; DUW‘ ‘13. VVWa'l S'W‘l'ig tom Broken SM“ liver Swill! n! Wm vlwl in pins can HMS: yrnhlems in Sulnki box. Trmlsm issiuns fliszssmhlld [cars in Narnia 45" box. In ihc Rmnl Enficld and such boxes whcrc lhc ratchet playx‘ such an lllipormnl mrL a weak or broken mlchci spring can permit me shiitcr m slide righl paei a couple of gem and lend you [0 mspm the moral. Seldom arc gear (cclh chewed up. pm when breaknuc doc: occur‘ ihc rcsulmnl growling and howling or malfunction is prclly Din/mus, wm portion ii 1rium|lh hnx i3 layshzli pinion par. Dmin lhc gczlrhox and examine the oil [or him of nlclfll. Poke your liulc linger inm lhc sump and run ll nmund lhc inslllc of lhc Cass: adjacent Io ihc hole for Ihc drain plug. If Ihcre are bits of melal, he prepared. 6: Jamming kick Mark-r The llrsl loolh on lhc kick smrlcr scalar bears |hc hrllnl oi service hccausc ii is lhc engagement paint and if one: fouled, ii is more llkcly in con- unuc to be aimed up. The mom can be ground all if lhi‘ l: (he only problem, rallml’ lhnn m» placing lh: whole scclol’. If Ihc pinion lcclh are lmd, lhc sinner seldom Jams, slippage is me symp» mm. Elal Lhanglng mlchanism nl Suzuki 3-Sncedl 60 Clutch and Trunsm ission 59,“: r“i:\' Crank :ns¢(L) 6“»an / @J Kick-WW“ gnu“ Wes “Muir-r h > “,r A "“‘n / Kick-n71!" rehiner: ’ bani": vald‘ chk-staml mechlnism, Vamzhl antfl MF-Z. @ Slipping ki slal'll'r rmchel pawl (in Briliih cycles) is to be suspected. If the engine does nol spin ever In response in it the reiurn spring breaks and the pedal docsn'l a kick, and [here nre grinding noiree. worn out or flip up, it should be replaced at once. Secure it in broken secrcr or pinion gun can bi.- suspcclcd. piece while operaling ihc machine Accidental If lh: starter doesn‘i mm to engage, a worn engagementcan mean big trouble. Chapter 5 Carburetors and Tuning The cnrhllrclor is, if no! [he hcan, m Icml the lung 0! [he molorqclcl II ix linkcrcd uuh luo much and nol kept clean enough by num ri-lcn Them arc (ml) 4 it“ mechanic» who llndurvhnd carbllrclion cnullgh lo nllcr the I my acuin - and improu: pcrl’ormancu, ya uuarly c "body mkc» lhu lihcrl) m .uaulnulala, Cumcqucmly, most czlrhurclor lrollhlc can he [mead ID Ihe lam "ulrlc up" or [he km Iimc sonlcbndy fiddled Wllh |hc cllrhllrcwr. A good undemnnllrng ur each carburulnr'e nruchanlcal mmhod of coping vli|h an cllginc'\ Varied dcmands for m 'r mixlum will help pm you on [he righl [ruck for lrluuhlwhoollnn \Vc ulll renew each of rho popular carlmrcmrs ln rm- Ierm‘ med hy Ihc manufacturers. Follow Ahc Ihinking of the ucugncr and you mll heucr under— slanu ulu-n- and how Irouhlc can crop up, Amal carbllrcmn haw alwnyfi been in the fore- mm or nlolorcyclc fllcl syslcme. New, pmhahly the Kclhin is used on more indixldllnl cycles hul [he Amal i< [ound in every corner of the world. Olhcr c1lrhllrc|nr< or rm slillcdhroulc lypc owe allegiance m Amal They use difl'crcnl mclhods ro aualu m: :unu- cnd~ in mun. cum, bu: lh: :inlpll'cily nr opcrmion and use of service are all l due lo this cancepl. g Warn HlmIUl slid: causes pmhlams in tuninl Amal Earhumnls. GEVERAL CHIHURETOR TROUBLESHOOTING Thcrc 'er two poixihlc [milk in ullrlnlrction, cilhcr richness or weakncsx of mixture. [In rations ul‘ ml...“ 5,) Black smoke ln cxnaml ruul \pru ng 0m of carbumnr Your-“rakes, cighl umking Q) Tua-umkcx, [our making Hull'y,1unlp) running Somy spark plug India-Xian; of uunknm m Spllling hllc in carburcror Emuic alomd’llnning I; Ovcrhcnling (9 Englnc rum bcucr il mmulu is nol wide 0an 0r choke i: parliully cloml. If ricnum or wcakncw is pmcm check if Cllmcd by: u. Fuel Iced. Check mar 1m and puwagc‘ are clunm filler gmlzc lu float chllmhcr banjo con- ncclion n nol choked wuh foreign runner. and (hen: :lmplc flow of fuel. Be sure rum i: no flooding. Eavhuratnl is usually Iinkered w' lull much and um ken! clean annulh Dy avuaz: liflu. Experts such as Mik! Eanalile flflvucale mainlalnin: Vactory specificalinns. 61 62 Carburetors and Tuning b. An leeks. Them mny he m Ihc conncclion ro lhe engine or due ro mum .nler ynhe slcme guide clenrnnee. c. nerecrue or worn porn. Emmplcx are n lame fining rhroule ynlve. worn nccdlc ler. lame leu. d. Air elenner choked up. o An nir elenner hmlnfl been removed. Calllr rnmrola Sec rhnr rhere ls o minimum of brrcklroh when rhe cemroh nre «cl lurch and llldl nuy rnoyemenr or rho hnndlehnr (10w nor enure lhe rhroule Io open; |hi~ i~ done hy rhe ndruuer» on lhe ion of the enrhurelor. See mm the rhroule shuts down ireely. I’m-1 {cell Same lmer model munh rrnd orhen nre ruled wuh u filler gnuze m rhe lnler re Ihc noru chrrmher. To remove lhe liher grurze unzcreuv Ihc hemo boll; lhe bunjo crm men he renuned nnd rho hirer gnuee “illulrzmn irnm Ihc needle willing. Eu ~llru rh.u rln- hirer gnu/e h uudmnrged nnd free from nil iorergn mnuer Te cheek irrel flaw. belore rcpllelng lhc luuuo. mm on lucl ldp momcnmrin and sec rhru iuel gushes mil. Fhmiling Thix may be due |0 a norn needle or n leaky lloru. hm 15 more llkcl} due lo impurhim (grit. null. 015,) in lhc Iank: \u oleun mll Ihc lloul chnmber pcnodicalh' lill lhe Imuhlc comer. ll lhc rrouhle pcrfilsh, the (link minl he drrnned rrnd clenned eul. Fixing carlmrclor nnd air leaks Erriulc «lmvrunnlng o onen czul~cd by mr leaky \u \‘crlly |hcrc nro nnne nr Ihc poiru oi rumcluuem lo ihe eyhuder or lnlcl rune. Check by memo ol :ln orlenn rind ehnunme by uen nnrhers 11nd lhe equal Iighxcning of flange mm. 0n lmer model Aumh n \(‘ullng ring ix ruled inrn lhc rue urchnrem lnge or rhe eurlmrelor ln old muchinca idol mu lor rnr Isak: enmed hy .r norn rhroule or uorn inlc| ynlre guidu. [hu'kfiring in (-xhulhl Muy be enmed by loo nenk n pilot mixlulc when [he Illrolllc h clmcd or ueurly cloxcd. Alxn u mr he cumcd Il)‘ hm rich n pilm mirrure nnd dn leuh in |hc C‘dminl \yucm. The reason in euher eneo u rher lhc mlUiIrc has nol fired in |hc erhndcr und hm lircd in rhe hol exhnusl header or uurlller. ll rhe hanging Imppcm when ”10 rhroule n irurly vlidc open |hc lreuhle wrll he Ign on, nor cnrhurolion. lav-row (- l'url ennuunplitm ll lhi: crumol he corrccred by normnl adjlm- nreru, lr my be due lo flooding earned by in pllrilim lroru rho muL lodging on lhe flunl needle will prcvcming ur val": lmm closing. ll mny nlso be earned by n urn-n 110m needle valve. High cumumplion wilI be apparcnl it ill: needle jel has word. It may be remedied or im— proved by lowering lhe needle in [he rhroule, bur iI il Czulnol he, rhc only remedy is ID gel :1 new needle lei. There :er meny orher came: or high fuel can- rumprion n0| cunncclcd vlilh rhe cnrburelor. Three variable pa“! ul Amal: (A) (Mum: slup smw murals ulh spud; (Bl pilul ail smw cnnlrnls ml: and lnw speed mixlullz (Cl maul in canlmls "We! speed range. Air fillers These may affect Ihe jel tellln' If a carhurercr is so! with an air filler and [he cnglnc k run wilh~ out one, rake care not to overhear lhc engine due lo we weak a mixlurc. Testing will} the choke hill indicnle it .1 larger main jer and hlghcr needle pnsirion are required, Eflccl oi ullilurlr on cnrlmrclor Increased allilude lends Io produce a rich mi).- rure. The greater lhc allilude. Ihe smaller (be main jel required. Carburemr: are sel by Ihe Izclory ‘uilahle for allliudes up to 3.000 feel (ap- proximnlcly). Carburclorfi ufied conslnnlly for nlliludcs of 3,000 to 6,000 feel Should have a re- duction in main jet size of 5%, and Iherenl’lcr {or every 3,000 (cal in exec“ al' 6,000 feel allllude [urlher reduction: of 4‘7: should be made. No adjuslmenl can compensate for losl power due Ia rarified air, AMAL CARBCRETORS .‘Ionohloc-R. ~TT-Gl’ The supply of air Io Ihc engine is comrolled by a lhrollle slide which carries a lilper needle oper- uling in Ihe needle jel, The needle is secured in Ihe lhroule slide by a spring clip filling in one of five grooves and rhe mixing srrengrh lhmughcul a large proponion of the throttle rnnge is comrolled by the posirlon o! ihis needle in me slide nnd by [he size at [he iel in “thh ll work, There is, however, a reslricling or main jel nl Ihe bollom of ‘he needle jet and Ihe size 0! this conlmls [he mix- lure slrenglh at the largest lhrollle openings: A! Very small ihroule openings fuel and air are led Io Ihe engine lhrough a separare pilul syslem, which has an Outlet ar rhe engine side of rhe Ihmllle The air supply Is this piloI sysrem is con- rrolled by lhe pilol air sereu, and Ihe slow running of the engine can he udjusred by means of xhii screw and il slop which holds the lhrollle open 15 very small amounl, The lhrullle slide is cul away a! Ihe hack and rhe shape of rhis curnuny ennrrols rhe nuxrure a! lhrolrle openings slighlly wider rhan that required for slow running. There is n compensating System [0 prevent undue enriching of lhe mixlure wrlh increasing engine speed, lhis sysiern con03“ng block, pouring a small amounl of gasoline inlo lhe apenure. surrounding lhe needle and checking ii for leakage LINE TO BE LEVEL WITH BASE OFCIRCLE Mounting DI Amzl EP on BSA Snilfile. Anml Carburetors 67 p, Be «urn ihar lhc lloai dncx inn luilk ny shaking i| re xcc rl n eenrarm 1m) luel. Do nol auempl l0 repair a Llumdgcd Hear, A nevi one can he pllrchaacd [or a mull eon, ~ (5h ihe giuulinc lilier, uhieh lie over lhc needle us ing hide-l. {or any powlhlc damage [0 lhe nre»h. . mic lhzu rlre filler hm nnl purlcd [rum in ~upporling errueiure line enabling rhe ginohnc m humus unfilrered. a“ When lcplacing czlrhllrcmrr do fit“ over. ughlcn ihe nun and thin narp lh: herlv. .Ul \L CP-2 Thn i» rhe neueu Amal. lr follow rhe mmc principles as preliom model: but ihe loedrion ol rhe pilor lcl hm been changed. The remore noai houl which n a learure el lhis model i\ mourned hclvlccn rhe |wo Cilrhurclors Spilfirc vlhl‘n filled to :| [Win \llch as the BS Mk, II. Finding hie! level using clnl plaslle (unlinmal av. 68 Carburetors "ml 'I‘unilg 111: pnmwn of 1110 11m chamber rclmhc 10 [he um curhurcmn |~ udmimhlc h) meani of \hc rod» rm “hmh .r r~ \mpcndml [mm m lnp mmlm- in; The gm Imel m rm chumhvr r: 1ndica1ed h) r. nmed 11m 011 111: uulmlc oi 1111» bod} 11nd 1n pmmomng 1h: fluzu chamber 11m 1rnr~ ihould bu on 11 1m-1 111111 (he luuml mum of Ar c1rclllm’ \cnhud mark on (he crxrhurcmr J1r ju plugs 11m {0110“ mg rlluummn \\ 111 mm- 11m cluur 10 \nu mu )m. 11111 pmhuhly r1011 lhzn mm 11m 11m chamber in 11113 pomrmr 111: \han pipm cmmucnng 11 unh each 111 (he nun curburcwn .m- s1rmgh1. RING The Bing Curhurclur r» kmmn pnnmpnll)‘ .rr 1hn munlr} mar».- 11 r» fined 10 1111111 models. 1r 1; cfiwnuull) 1m Ihc M11111. Hch are du’cuium for dimizcmhl) and arumunrm: g; mama-1 1mm air finer 1mm Iramnu \iufi hmmng and remme rm- filler. Clean {he 111m :lemenl \«hcn nccmm by 1.1mm; mu [he dml (And rcplucc 1| cu \ 3.000 nu‘lm Nmu' When immlhng 11m Mr r111: remsmber |he Incanng pm and make :1 crxrrccl m. Upon remmul of upper engine huuzi cover. 11h cm the mm \crccn. cmn 11 “am gmnnc and m 11 “1111 oil 9 For rcmmnl 11ml Clcaning of [he cnrhllrflor, 11mm“ 1h: knurled ring on [up and pull \hroule 51111;» upward and mu, . 1mm pan Feud fur Idlmg mlxmrc . ldhng jel P111; . Con1rn1 cahlc N11. mum Spnng . JcInccdlc Imlnlur . 111mm: 31111: Air mm: mm . Cmnpcnxrmm Ier needle Neudlc jcl nir Iced HoqufimgleH Tmnma cahle aflfustmanl ll handllhal. 1:. Mam jc1 1; Plug 14. Priming human 15 Flual 110111 16. Hum 17. Dnmpcrring 1» Has: finmg 19V Idling mixmrc adjuuingscreu 20' 11mm» mlw mp 5cm“ Eulaway 0! Ring Eavhulnln! uslfl an BMW. lflznkifibilinn of pan: is in text. "Hum: cable adjustment :1 calhumar. . :1 MM all paving-x and 1m and rmucni- M.» pilih pmpcrl) ciwml mm prmhlcd mm mm gihkch lnr prc 'Imrmn mlyuximcni. «m rhc “um; mixtun‘ dimming xcrcw rum m “mi lhun hack ii oul our: and a mu mm (D '1“ mm Ilic idling mail mm (WM grip In mm W,» p0\iiinil mm «mm mmulc mm“- ml hurh Cruhunzinrx [m i plu)‘ of m", [ll-ILL OIK'I'O Th: Dcll 0m cmbumur is fined lulmn MAM» :riul “mum nu» rm Ann! 10 ”IA! hcilnling [0r iniurmuiiun zrml scn it: [0 mos! Rum JIKOY The \hleL‘rFurupcun v xium of (he mmrni Ami arc um! on 1mm mmmc, c, ’ihm an» munobluc carburcxom '1 he main in [Mon 6‘) is I mml ||hc mi n] lbs in: i jcl [wk and il i~ ziumiiw mm \1)!\Lll‘\\il\gI)!c¥l|ilill]flhu]|. The iklliiigj ism cdun (htlighlJmns‘\Iilcilhmc m.» pilni iii sure“ 11» lhlUch \uhc nccnllc ix lumml ccccnir .n ma Ihrmllc \.\l\c Lind [minim nuccnilrlc Micr unwrcmng n..- mixing ‘27 \25 \25 ~21. ‘23 De‘l om: carhumulr (I) Tinned "rm nezdle, l2) ”flared needll, 13) tickle! maimnl lilIK, (4) final clam!" cum, [5) mm chamhzr cum screw, lei pin! uninn wash", (7i licklu spring (a) gas filter, (a) luckier, um gas nip: uninri, rm my: washer, ilzi pin: uninn nut, (1:0 air slid: spring, 1141mm“: siidz cum nut, (IS! canle adjusting screw. um um» filming straw Iacknul, [17) (Nam: slide WV", [18’ Hi! cDmmi slifll, HS] lhrntlle spring, (1m unwed new: annnnl mg rim. (1|) lhrnulz slids, Ill) ring Elamn screw, 123) ring damn. {141 carhurelnr mm, M! side, (zip Ihrpm: stun suew Incknul, 115) nilnl air smw spring, (17) nllnl air smw, rm mrnule stun screw, [19) mm chamber umnn washer. (In) slaw running in, (31) main in. (an aim nhamhzr uninn nlug, (33) needlz ‘ {34] final chamber uuian wash", (35) air inlet. [35) llnal chimhzl, [37) flail chamhfl cave! Wash". (35’ final needle Illai n: Saving, (39) final. Carburetors and Tuning 70 L_xo< 3: ”a: .12: :2 ”.2 I .3: 33 mu 5 I ”mean we 3 m0 m0 S \u 3. 3 ‘m 59: 2 5—5.. mm 35:? 912.2. s; E 56‘ m: 9.51? chanthcr top. 13y conlprc<\lng the tpring tlte Ihmlllc cable “ill ht: Ircctl [mm the I’CCC» in Iht: throttle mite itntl the tpting l'cSlillg oit the needle clip end he rcmmctl. The needle clip hccurtn the pmitittn oi the needle. 1he nthin jet, itlling jet. throttle v to \ltlp screw 11nd the pilot all \Cl’cllt itrt: RICI‘L‘Wil‘lc {rum the right-hand side of the ct Ivllrclor Lifter rc- movnl of the CL“ t:r. Acccs: (or cleaning and repairing the float ehnnther pnrtt it ohtntned .titcr tinsch\\ing the mo M 5 wrong and ramming the llmtl chamber mp. thulclnn are ittljtlslcd M Iht: work fur hrcilkr ing in. After approximately 1,500 to 2.1100 km (1.1101) ntilesl they hnlc to be ntlj|l~|ctl as follows: For the 2922 SB 12 carburetor (for Ih: 453 mode ntntn Jcl itlling jcl 105 (Solexl 40 (Solex) needle pthiliml 2nd In 3rd notctt from top pilot nir :crcw /z m I turn slack from light For the 291.1 SB 14 Carburetor (tor the 450 model): main jet idling jct 109 (Solex) 40 (Solcx) needle position 2nd to 3rd notch from top pilot air tcrow V2 to l tttrn slack from tight For the 2926 SB 12 carburetor (for the 455 model): main jet idling jet nccdle poeition pilol oir screw 120 (Solex) 60 (Sulcx) 2nd to 3rd notch from top 1/; to i turn More recently carburetor 2922 SBD II has been imploycd for [he 453, 473, and 473.04 models: main jet 85 (Sulex) idling jet 45 (Solex) needle posilion 3rd to 2ntl notch from top Carllllmlor Z924 SBD 12 and later still 2924 SBD 17B carburetor for the 450, 470. and 474.04 models: 2924 SBD 12 90 (Solcx) 88 (Soch) idling jet 45 (Solex) so (Solcx) needle position 3rd to 2nd notch from top Carburetor 2926 SBD 153 for (he 455/05, 475, and 475.04 models: 2924 SBD 173 main jet main jet 91(Solex) idling jet so (Solex) needle pn 31d In 1nd notch from top (The pilot atr screw setting is the Same at [or the SB carburetors.) Thic adjustment applies to gasoline ot 72 octane grade (regular). The adiuslmenl has to he checked tor other kinds 0! fuel. When reselling the carburetor after running in, the throttle valve needle position has to be checked. After unscrewing the main jet bolt and the idling Keilu'u 71 let the \'i|ltlt: or the trio jt:l\ hm to he checked. The throttle toltc \lop wrcw ttmuld he slltckcnctl. The pilot itir tetct» ohmlltl he tiuhteuett nnd then tluctened its preterihetl .r\llt:r ttttrtinu. tlte engine ltllmg speed hut in he :Itljlhtcd with the throttle tttlte \lUP ~crt:\\'t The throttle enhlc play hm to he token up uith the cubic bolt end its posilion secured with the nut. KEIIIIN liondn IV the big tncr or Keihln cttrhuretort "Milt in lupun. Bath the tilde throttle and crinr ttnnt tncttunt lute; tire usctl. The tilde throttle tipes nre fitted to all models up to the 450. which hm tun chrhurcton. \ dovtndrnit ntndel is found on the Honda 50 Model 100102. Aecontpnnying lllu Keinin downdlait lyp: ls used an “and: 100-101 72 Carburetors and Tuning lurl llnw in Keihin simmi lypz. Opel-mien \thn choke IQ“)! is pushed up in full shill pmliiun. ihe choke [2) colllc< down. The relief links (3) rnnrilh new in ~hnl lhc window (5) by me spring (4). When lhc lhmlllc who (1) ii npened about 1,4. incl Sprays oul irorn ilic pilol onller (a) and rhe needle jel (7) (due to vacuum) llnd all |Iic same unit lhc relief valve (3) is npcncd (dolled pan (8) ) properly [0 allow air now lhmugh 1h: Window (5) lo give most ndequnlc mixlure (er slufling. AIicr rhe engine i: sinned, \ncnunr increase», opening (he relior vnhe (3) widely lo iced ndeqnnre n wire in rhe cnol engine, The re- 1ch Valve (3) opening will \‘ziry. cmrmpomling lo lhc lhmulc \fllVe (1) opening (9). Funcxiun at each pm (9 Main jcl (10) The primary funciion oi Ihe main jel is lo annual fuel flow for proper nlixlulc a! high spend. @ Air jol (5) To prevenl loo rich :1 mixlure at high speed (lhrolllc wide open) or loo loan a mixture nl slow speed, air i< ‘upplied in thc nccdlc jcl which conlrols th‘ unmunl. @ Needle ier (4) Ai full lhnlllli: and ill nlcdium specd [he needle in once more norm ro comm] fuel nirer con- lml by (he ninin jcl. ll is ndpmerl ni Ihc Same mic {is this jel needle. @ lei needle (7) The fundion of Ihc nccdle i: In control n ix- lurc mlin rn medium rhrnnle opening (belween Hi and V: mm) in Conjunction with [he needle in explained above. ‘l’he jet needle. having a long taper, is titted in a suspended state on the center hole oi the throttle iahe, the tapered end inserted in the ncetllt: jets Therefore it moves up and doun according to the throttle \‘altc, its taper responsible tor udcquntc mixture ra to. The needle Can be adjusted to four positions, first position (highest) giving lcanest mixture and tourth position gi\ ing richest mixture. @ Throttle Valve [6) The throttle valve controls the amount of air suc« oned by the engine and has the important Iunction or controlltng nti\turc. 'there a cutaway on the air suction side or the throttle \‘dlt'c. By chang- ing the size oi the cutaway, negatiie pressure on the needle jet can be varied to change the amount of flow to change Iht: mixture ratio. The range of this function is betuecn idling and around H [mm nutciicctit hate ‘1’: turn, @ Slow jut (13) The slow jet control: flow at fuel at idling state. By a loner opening at the throttle a taporized mixture is made by air coming through the orifice oi the itir bleed. (a Air scren (II) 'lhc :tir screw cantmls the amount of air ilow~ ing in the idle isle“) slstem. lt controls uir to be mixed with Iuttl \thich passes through the slow jet to get adequate mixture “hich is Iorczd trom the end or the slow jet. in making pretintinart . justntents. engine re pair or replacing Worn parts. be certain that (D each part or the engine is properly adjusted, @ the Carburetor is checked ior atr leakage, @ all worn parts are replaced with new parts, High speed atljthtment For the lull throttle position (full to half open) adjustment is made in the main jet. To determine rich or lean mixture. the tollouing procedure is used. (D \Vhile running at full throttle, close the choke a little; this creates a rich mixture. II the speed increases. replace the main jct with the next larger size and check again, using same procedure. C2) It the speed decreases when closing the choke, the main jet is suitable, or too large. To determine if the jet is suitable or too large, replace jet with next smaller size. It the speed decreases and then speed increases by closing the choke, it indicates that the original jet is the proper one. Replace original iet ior hest periotmance. Intermediate speed adjustment For the throttle opening to to 1/2, the mixture is regulated by the height or the throttle cutaway and jet ntedle. Intermediate speed control is more precise since the cutaway will attect any speed under to throttle opening. Fuel consump tion is most economical when the jet needle s leaned out ID the left as much as possible without Keihin 73 MittsUttK float level ill Keihilt. causing a loss in acceleration in the intermediate speed range. (9 Jet needle 3. If black Smoke comes out of the exhaust at intermediate speed. thl: mixture is too rich, Lean out the misture by turning needle to the lens h. it you to the engine “braking“ while accelerating or running at constant speed, turn jet needle to the right. (2) Cutztvtay or throttle valve The higher the punched rnarlt, the “crtkcr the mixture and \‘ice \ersa. Idle spot-d adjustment From 1/4 throttle to idling. the mixture is reg- ulated by the air Screw and the throttle valve Cutawa). (D Air screw The mixture is regulated by the air screw while idling; a turn to the right makes the mitture richer; a turn to the left makes it leaner. After adjusting. check for engine- misses by tlightly opening the throttle. II there is a miss, re-ndjust tor hetter perrormance, ® Cutaway of throttle valve At almost it throttle opening. mixture regu- lation is sometimes difficult. In such a CLtSL‘ lake higher Cutaway number: it mixture is [Oct rich and Vice versa adjust the air screw again, Arljuslmrnl of "oat position (carburetor remoted from ~engine) ® Place the carburetor uptide down This is not the correct float position or the regular Iuel level since the spring in the float valve is retracted due to the thrust from the float valve end on the float arm by the weight at the flat“ itself. @ Tilt tht: carburetor So that the float pin (4) std): in upper post on and itoat (l) in luwer position; hold this position just before the float 74 ( Irlmrelnrs and Tuning nnn (3) lenvc< rhe float valve end (2) (leaving nuinl i: aheul 7o= [mm upsilll: down pmilion). neynnd a margin el 50’ m 70", lhe final value (2) (10% "0| l‘CII’IICI. :9 Meanure lhe heighl dillerenec hemeen lhe inner end 0( |hc enrlrurelnr (5) and carhurerar hmly is), There i< no dimenlu uilh perlermnnee ii lhe accuracy of H10 flonl poxilmn day within 0.5 mm (.02") up and down. it dmnred lrern Ihi: nrneunl. udjual lhc ileal arm <3) hy bending wirh special care in Ihe prezerihed 0.5 mm. liElllIN-IIONDA 430 A pair of e '\ (consmm uncuurnl carburetors of lhc 5(3ch (\pc 1m: upccific iercl, lhc overflow line pcrmik lhe iuel lo be dischargcd. @ Clmkc When srnrring engine in cold weather, ii is nec- emry n» prmide a rich mixmrc and [or this purpesc n choke \alve (3) has been provided \Vhen lhe choke |e\cr (17) is med, the choke (3) cloxcs and nir flow ix milcd. Howewr, if the opemien ii improper, macs; fuel is red Io lhe engine. For [his Icawn, a relief valve (18) is provided on Ihe choke vnlre 13). The relief \ah'e (18) open: and closes by the negalivc plesmrc, and makes rhc mixlure wilablc m n celd engine. Vacuum piston and in mill: (m) in Klillin E,V maul]. thhhflundu 450 77 fl g g Film in and 3an ill 0' E V cavhurelnr. l1 MJ\ § mm: JEY HOLDER Main in, Hull: ill hold”, and null! i=1. ? GASKEY i VALVE 5m VALVE Flam Mull! Valli! nompnnlnls in C V Illuflzl. k; \Tl // Dnzrflinn nl mint Valve in choke in ON madel. ii 78 Carburetors and Tuning Curllurelor flincllnlls ® Idling \Vhen idlingi [he lhrollle Valve (15) i‘ in an almosl closed posilioni and [he fuel is jailed from rhe pilot ourler (12). Accordingly, rhe mixlure regulation is pcriormcd a! [he pilol screw. When (he piloi screw is lurnerl in. me mixiure becomes lean and becomes rich when Ihe screw is Iurned oul. Screw lhe needle fully in and back oil unlll rhe besr cng‘nc speed is ohmined wilh a closed lhrollle, (.5 Lou and rruising speeds The iuel is mainly ieired from rhe bypass (13) because rhe rhrorrle valve (15) is opened at a specific level. Accordingly, lhe mixrure adjusr- rnenr is sel by rhc inside dinrnerer of rho slow jel. Nola: Thi: iniidc diamelel’ is somelimes indi- cnled by number, Lind fur inslnnce, if lhe number is #38, ll means ihnl the inside diameter is 0.38 mm. @ Medium speed The opening or rhe lhrollle valve (15) becomes larger, rhe vacrrurn pislon (16) sinrrs rising, and rhe iuel slans ro jer lrorn Ihc nccdlc jsi; however, lhe jclling value is regulaied by lhc jcl needle. Accordingly, the mixrure ndjusimem is perlormed by rhe serring posirien of rhe jel needle ro rhe vacuum pisron (16). @ lligll speed Boih lhc ihroule valve (15) and ihe \‘acuum pisron (16) are fully opened, and accordingly. rhe jel ncndle's CDndilion is [hill in which [he jel needle is moslly lined up; rhus, ihe fuel is jailed our from rhe necdlc jcl. The mixture adjuslmenl is set :n ma main jei. @ Floal level ndjuslmenl ll is dilTchlll lo measure [he heighl of Ike fuel level ilscll’: thus, lhe fuel level is decidcd by [he heighr of rhe ilnni. Plzicing rhe carburernr verti- cally as shown and lighrly hiring and lowering Ihe nonr (ll) by linger, delermine rhe posilion where ihe l‘loar valve (6) head conrncrs slighdy rhe floar arm (7) or Clearance of aboul 0 mm is lefl be- lvlccn (hem. and [hen measure "H wilh a level gage, If “H" is no! Ihe mlcd Value, adjust il by bending thc llonr arm (7) carefully. N010: \thn checking ihc Conlncl of (he lion: Valve (6) ilnil ll'lC l'lonl {inn (7), il musl be done very carclully, because rhe spring is conrained in (he flank \‘nlve (6) Lind if this valve head ii pushed, rhe spring is gone inn) lhe inside oi rhe floal valve. cnrlmiernr cleaning and adjnsriuenr— Honda 450 ll lhe carbureror is conraminared or improperly adjusred, lhe engine efficiency is noriceably loaered. For example, if rhe mixmre is roo lean, rhe engine overhculs, and ii roo rich, engine opera~ rion may become heavy and deiecrive. When iuel overflows, ir may cause fire. For rhese rea- sons, lire carburetor musi be disassembled. in. speered, cleaned and adjusied periodically. (D Remove bolh lei! and righl air cleaner case. Ce) Ramovc Ihc 6 mm hex head ball and air cleaner connecung lhe lube larch bell. rake ofi rhe lcl‘i and right air cleaner covers. rim iml an ill! mini". Starter full open Slarter perfectly closed «A - air prime-e ‘ fuel passage H enmiu lul\lllre pasiagr‘ ,,St.trtt-r l’luneei- starter jet jt-t not-dir- Keillin-Ilmttla 450 79 VIM 2( )SL‘ Carbu rt~tnr (I|l|l4‘l lltl‘ItHlt' hilt, lnll‘l port \oir iet ’\ float valve ma in jet Schmztlc Ill czthutltor used nll Yamaha 150. @ Loosen the throttle cable adjusting holt and nut, remove the throttle wire from the Carbul’clm’r (9 Loeten the carburetor helt, remove the car- hurctors. C5) Disassemble and clean carburetors with gasoline. © Use compressed air to clean the individual nozzles, and after cleaning reassemble, reinstall, and adjust. (3 Idling adjustment a. Turn the screw stop (1) to adjutt so that both left and right exhausts are equal. When the stop screw it) is returned, if the rotation cannot be lowered. loosen the lock nu! (2)r and tighten the cable adjuster (3) by one more turn. b. For either right or lett, open or close the pilot screw (4) slowly from the preterit pofi» lion and find the position where the engine speed becomes the highest. ll tightened, the mixture becomfl loan. H 10 filmed, the mix— Iruc become: rich. The adjusting should be performed within : 'A lo ‘/4 [mm c. Rcudjust the dill'crcncc of exhaust strength between the left and right which occurred with the adjustment performed in accordance Wllh the instruction in (it) above, with the stop screw (1) in accordance with the in< situation (a) above. (I. Repeating adjustments (a) through (c) ubote, adjust the carburetors so (hit! the proper speed and exhaust ureugth are ob- taincd from both left and right carburetors. ® Throttle valve adjustment Adjust the throttle anvc so Ihal bclh side throttles operate equally, Touch bnlh throttle arms with the fingers from beneath the carburetor and move the throttle grip it little to see it both levers start moving at the same time. If not. loosen the lock rm! (2) and adjusl with the cable adjuster (3). 80 Carburetors and Tuning 4——— Passage of Air 4——Passage of Fuel I i I Jet needle ': I Inlet Purl i From l —— l ‘ ‘ Atmosphell ISlarier * r, T l lFully Opened m» i i ‘ -T‘;?*'Fully Closed ‘ r r ui :5 _ i i ' 1 ' § aI er Plunger A_lr_Jslmkc \ariablc< are (1) Valve liming, {2) valve clearance. [3) fuel/air rlllio. (4) spark liming, <5) peinl nnil plug gap. Tho-stroke mechanic: have men less to worry nhenl: enrbnrerien, ~pnrl: liming. points, and ping. So inning is no hig uenl, i[ you gn nl it logically. (D Scl lhc vnh-e/lnppel (rnckcr nrnr, liiler, etc.) Clearance. Thk is )pcclficll viith engine cold in nlmun nil Clt‘cx “Cold" ~imply mczlm lhnl lhe engine should he npprnximnlely Ihc ~zlme lcmpcr- nlllr: in file rcxl of [he hike, Ihc frzlmci clc. In other words, don'l adjuxl lh: VleVCS if [he cnglnr, or me all in Ihc engine, i< warmer l0 lhc touch [him any olhcr pnrt, Letting il \ll ol'crnighl is lhc rnle followed by most shop», hlll whatever lime il lflkCS ID cool down i: the amounl Io allow, Clcztnlncc< Specified with engine nnnn arc marked nllh nn zlslclisk (.)_ The liczl way In gag: lhe clearance is by go and no-go. If clearance ix \pccificd 1a .008", don‘t check it with n .008” fcclcr gage. Use a .007", which should slide lhrough lhc spaccv and ll .009" which should nol. The anSI important ihing k to he hire you have lhc lappcl, pllshrod. rocker arm (or nhnlcver i; applicable lo lllc lypc 01’ \‘(lch llzlin In your machinc) on lllc heel of lhc cnm, nnrl nel iliglnly nnxo lhc quiexcning lamp or Ihc lobe inc”. This means lhul you should have the pislon at top dead center on the comprcmion nrnke, not lhc exhaust alrcke, At this peinl you czln acl both inlcl and exhaust valve Clearance. This do“ not hold lrll: wilh Ihc Triumph Iwim :md Mlllchlcu \inglcs, howcvcr. On the Triumph, zcl clcnrnncc nn lh: lnlnkl: vnhe of nnc cylinder vihcn the inlakc valve en lhe nlher cylinder in tnlly epen, lhen repent vlilh ihc cxhausl valves in lhc same manner. 0n the Malchlcw, romlc lhc engine url|il lhc piunn i\‘ at TDC on Compression/ ignilion. ann lhc engine bzlck until plny is just mkcn enl ol inlnkc plnhmd rind scl exhaust vnlvc Cltarilncc, Then lum lhc engine forward unlil pals! TDC and play is Inkcn out ni exhau1 Sill; \VEIGHT 2.25 150 2 50 175 175 225 3.00 275 3.25 325 3.50 350 For mry 25 pounds of imladm weighl ovcr Ihcse slanddrds, add a pound of air lo from and rear. For every 25 pound: you weigh over 150, add n pound, lronr end rcnr. If you are going to cnrry u pinwngcr, iidd nhmu 5 pounck lo rhc rear and n couple [0 Ike lronr. For nnlnincd high specd riding. higher pressures Ihlm normnl nro required. Thi< will prevent you ironr mining lircs by under-inflation and will Luann: fairly decenl hzll'l' dling. To gel exnclly lho righ| canihinulion for )‘uur cycle is u mailer of Ina! nnd error. however. The \ympmms of undor-rnilnrion nrc exce“ lire Wezlr m lhc sidcfi or the lrcud (plm, of counc, mushy slecring. poor hnnclling. elm). 91 Balance mark an ill: shwld h: adjacent in HIV: sum. ol-er.innnliorr results in excecr wear in lhc Ccmcr oi lhe rreud. hurd. jolling ridrn clc. Mnulignmenr will lll~u cume lire n . Chuck lhe zillgnilleill or me \Vhech “ilh n lung uruighl- odge. porhculurh ii lhe chnrn hm becn replaced or lhc rcnr wheel removed ror any reason. Wheel-In g Louxc or hcnl \pukc\ Cdn pull n rim our of true :md 10“ of rldtrs Whip o|ll lhc old xpukc wrench nnd go ro \mrk Yull cnn do u, hul lhe hen :ld\icc i: in Ink: 1h: Wheel in winchody who has plcmy of chpzricnce. Ench spoke hum be Iighlencd or Ioowncd d [raclion of a mm 11! a lime and ii la n riruoccnmrning process. The Iym is opl lo pull lhe whecl om oi round while trying lo curc lateral dcflcclion. lh-m or slifl' flooring in uddruon lo lovl from lire prenurc, which \ccm\ prcuy obvious. heavy sleering can be lroccd in bad \lccnng hcud hcn lngs or incurrccl adjun- mcm of the control. L‘nor-rlnin or unhhly plan-ring Worn hearings in the nor-ring head or in Ihc from wheel an: lhc hm choices in ihh case. In the cam: 0f non»;ldjlls|ublc hearings. rcplziccnlcm i~ lhc nmuml coune Anolhcr pambillly is that Ihe |irc i~ nol properly mud on d - rim. not run. ning mic. Thi) luucr condilion will ‘how up in handlchilr oscillmicn in slow mud, Hullumillg of slhpl-Iniun ln rho high nrilcnge hike Ihk con be due [0 rnrigued springs, bul more lhnn likely u is cuuotd mee and Running Gear 92 um" ha 5pm suscvm 5mm dam W x / western/m dzmpev mck 5W9 anl W (nu my: 5mm; dampu phu A Sleur;:rh;ev;1'c a s-qu damn! Spurn] Slmnq :wev Sphng nu S1eenqcz'w 5: gm 31mm: damn" nulawaY. Nnnda 45a, lynical ul ulna! mudzls. . SIEERING Mann A van: mum Removing stealing sum, flnwnwam, Nnnflzv by lack of ml in the from {om hhd 'Dr fmlurc or [he hhock unil in Ihc mar. The oil in from mm should be replaced at 10,000 miles or ~L‘monnll}. n Ihix is not done. gumming and dutcnordlion of the oil eah rcsnh in pour mien. chr cushion uni|> should be rc- placed as a "nil Although ~s ndle OH" is Ihc Icrm used by runny Inclurics m dcxcnbmg the oil 10 he used in fork), any good luhncmng all can he med SAE 30 n gcncm y lhc grads in summer or in elimam “hem \vinlcr nempemuue Llucm] drop below so) in [he daytime. 1n |he winter in rough climzncs. anl hnkz adiuslmanl. Yflumfm. In: dull!!! ' in: indicates pnsilinn u! In: my: Iem when mnywnm ADJUS‘IER NUT Rn! Make adiuslmznl. Tlillmuh. Hymn lin: flnwinl ul lava! shnw: nnsiliun when limngs are worn. Ran cuihlm i» U use RcrlboM'l , " mm m: on non mun uni Milli» u my pay m li ul Fiul 29 in mm mm m iil ml nwlnniml cum / acivrinnnnln / Frame and Running Gear 93 Ram mi in mm pip Real mm mm me Renl Culllnn wmq innm Fln'lfial,"wu‘1llblll mm 7. E1055 slclinn oi (Ill cushion assembly, Manda 450, iyplcal oi nlhel mnfleli. rm ran ow En n n m. onncm i, do” no sin.» m in 5-0»— MAUJ 4W cum" 5, ham Fall 7D ois lPerane l JSUlflOLSgnA I Ilomlgwmeylf'un‘hw ’7 lawman L bum, Lanai" ' ’ Front inlk cushinll. Manda 450. typical al other mndlli. SAE 10 can be sllbfillxulcd. For some ridcn yea!- round :0 ucighl IS mlisfaclory. Il doesn'l cos| much lo upcrimcnl and me handling of lhc bike can bc lnilomd n groin dczll lo your liking by changing ihc oil. Sonic lucchnnic~ \uggcsl lhc inc of non-dclcrgcni. or low dclcrgcm inch as Valvu- linco Dragging iirakus Exlcmnlly, lack 0! (rec play 'n (he bmkc pcdlll or hand lcvci ulll cause dragging brakes. lnicrn- ally. wcnk rclllrn or rusted cm and lcvcl’ shafts can prcmnl hill rclmc|ion. The ~ympl0m\ may nol be >0 seven: as |o incluclc poor perform- ance, ycl Ihcrc can be enough (1mg lo Cause cx~ Cemve bmkc lining vicar. The obvious symplom is hot wheel hubs. Scraping sound lmin brakes This n due Io worn-out brake linings. a biokcn shoe, or broken pnoi. Lining replacement lime This comes when lining lhickncn ii half~rc~ duced. Ai ibis poinl lhc ndjllslmcm is prcily “ell lakcn up in mos! bikes. \thn half lhc adjuxlmcnl has been Until, ii li a good idcn i0 bcgin thinking nboui rcplacmg lhc shoei, bccallsc the brakes lmc qllil: n bil oinil’ccllvcnco whcn hol, Moxl munch have lining nicouning npprnxiniaicly 1i" lhick when fresh. Chain uliining This slams from :i IotHighl candi|ioni ll ~hould be a “liming Io Ihc ridcr because CKCC\S tension camc‘ chain and sprockel wcai plus vicar on Remnving mini lurk can: lot when nmovfll, BSA. ‘ L)» [TRAILiNG filo E __ SM: alianxlmull lnr llnnl hiakls, BSA. l Ems: Sealinn Ill lea! huh. Hand: 450. Class section M llulll huh, lllllid: 450. (min dilvmfl alleclirm Eliaill maslev link. Be sill: rinsed end is ill dirlcliuli nl relation. 94 Frame and Running Gear Slmching chain (a Ililrminl Imollnl Di Vlur. bushings and hcarings in the lninsmission case, which leads in slrippcd gears and all sons of good lhingsr Chain flopping Rnitling, slapping sounds . gni - excess slack. This i< as had as loo (ighl a chain as far as spreekei wear is conccrmd and Ihe inlermillcm shocks to the rc‘l of the drive Imin don’t do it any good either. Chain adjuslmenl Proper chain adjustment usually calls for w to 3,1" of slllck halfway hclwccn sprockets with the machine on its wheels, unladon. Clmin lips Oil [be oh 'n onoe a week, alter every wash job, and aficr riding in the min. Use a mcdium weigh! oil wilh Molykotc or some ximilar molybdenum disulfid: nddiliv A worn chain can wear the sprockets by ng up and down. A worn sproekcx can ruin a chain. Replace the whole set when vicar i< idem. To dcicrminc if a chain is worn, rcmnvc il and hold ir out parallel to the ground to check , dcwnys dcllcclion. Wear of up to 1/. inch per foot is permissible inasmuch as this can bc lolcmlcd before [he sur— race-hardening oi the he gs is worn through. To check it ill: chain is serviceable, remove il, clean it thoroughly in solvcnl, Drive a nail in a flat surface. hook 1| link of the chain over il. and slrclch it om as iighl cu possible Here are the Iolcranms for various chains [0 be measured against a ruler. 5,9" pilch 10352". 1/2" pitch—23 pitches equals 11w; maxi- mum: 11% w pitch 9330". When installing Ihc chain, be sure the open end of Ihc master link ii away from the dircclion of rotation. 16 pilchcs equals 10"; maximum: 24 pitches equals 9"; maximum: S OHIlION'S by OOEE RITCH /« comprohonws- Gmde to assist the mmorcycle owner or mechanic to I03!” :hc ork‘chvc unu adorn he begins any disassembly. It w (warm you (C wpomt the mural: :0 mm you wm know what to look «or as you arc dmassemblmg the UM. There‘ove‘ n will usuauy save urns and mom-,y m making any repair, \n as: y yepmr shop wxm testing eqmpment. Included are some gimme m Intak- mc (manic and gct mo ongmc‘ stained 1 :5 Omar m orgamzed around (he famihar unlts of the molorcynle. ‘mrrstrcke and [worstroke cngmes, fiucl system electrical sysVem, name anude aiso arc valuanlc lunlng ups Wthh cannot be c, .n, m any shop manual. Hhm'ml’i‘d w-m Act) by ‘3ch phoms. cxplodco views of the mechanr "3‘ 4n: Mammal unns pus u sr‘k‘Cthfl 0" wmng dragramfi Var (he more my mods‘s of n‘ m there wm be umes when a motorcyc‘e is slalleu far vow ~ cydes CHILTON BOOKS A nn-sm 310mm Campan} Publishers PlliladelphIa and New Yavk