, everydzy and (9154 mm are points m and mains! race tuck lasting. 0!! the mun-«M Iflnin, a drum I; [he only plan when a bike anbe lzken to In handilglniiu In reasonablz may. wilhwl dubbed"; a m. u a bu. on me way. u is ma 2 place where mximum s s an be readied Innldyaud ugh-um m D! prosecution. n is 9.5.. In monmu num- um I track, Ind film-aid is am,- «my. Problems um oven] mung“: maven, ml mnlumpllan mu nuupikobcuccmlnedm K .V 1, Immmnerhmv oodn oriymmnsnmqunnmu .‘lhe mulorcydebnyerls mmmmmbowinudlineis edlo Mon. nus-55¢ wit expedence nus-mu, and he mighl mu hmmmpwmmng Iinitsas bouillon-M avenll road 3 “I ‘QpflfiiMnmnambmolmwummuh nm§_aemum.mnnomma wand-«112mm } _ E” 4 conceivable rype oi eomer and gradieni. ii is a piaeewhere, or-ice ouiside The “30” and “so” limiis, a rider can do any speed he likes provided he is nor a menaee ro orher road users. ii is also a place lo whieh many readers can relare rhanks ro TTWeek: when we raik ahoui rhis comer or rhar, rhere is a good possihil y rhar a lair proponioi-i oi readers know iusr wherewe mean. The only way ro ger aiair pidure oi rhe iourh esw iesredwasioailowridersoi dill gab iies lomake up iheteams. So we inviied Manxmen Roger Surrliile and "Kipper” p, who will ooih he Travelling marshaisihrs year, so join us. in addirionro sinilmen Perer Kelly, a iong-siandingT-r lan, Dave Walker and Brian Crichron, rhere were Brian’s hrorher Colin, oeeasionai MCM iesrer Veler Hughes, and several riders hem ihe irade represenied in our resi, The hikes chosen were kawasaki's hrand-newshalr-dn eziooo5T, Yamaha‘s mighry X51100, BMW’s iaiesi R65 and Honda’s C3650 lour. All ran he desenhed as serious sporis Touring mounrs, and all lived up in iheir promises. A rri oi This narure always rakes a grear deal o organising, and ourverysineere Thanks musi is our ro all rhose who helped, The iamiliar igure oi Shell’s Kellh Coiiow made reiueiling arrangemenrs go smoorhiy as usual. A ianker provided by Mani Perroieiim waspuraiourdisposai. and rhe only snag wasr ar we had no really areurare measuring gau es. However, or The end oi lhe session aiii e bikes errepi lhe BMW were iilied io ihe brim belore doing one linai lap. Then The ranks were iopped up accurarelyai a Shell garage lo give us a iasi.la avera e. The hmw'siuel check was overlfielasl our laps. Sieve Thrush and iohri Perers eame irom Duniop; Hunda provided Roger zrceii, arran Buieherand Niek Edwards; Nick ieliery and Dave Hill represenred kawasakr, and Yamahasenl along sreve Hackerr, and meehanies Kevin Giles and Peter O'Connor. Tony Yeomans, and Technical srallrnan Aloerio Cliscuelo represenred th (Albevlo was the methinm In BMW's I97} MaudesTrophy aiiempi, when rhey pul iwo R755 around rhe 11’ course ior seven days MANIACS GO MANX and nighrs,soii was iamiliargroiindior ii in addirion, s and s Morors oi Casileluwn provided riders. Every conreivahie (Dndll on was n-iei wilh during ihe resi, irom ousy rraliie and ihe vagaries oi Manx drivers lo a menagene ol animaison iheroad, inrluding rabbi|§. mite,5hee ,duoks,dogs,eais,somerhing rhai iooke like a sroar or orrer and 7 sreve Hackeuswearsiawolll Aclually irwas an unheiievably ugly iarm dog in rhe Tholl~y~Will seeiion, heeause Kelly saw ir as weiil The wearher also ehurked everyihing ar us in irue isle olMan siyle, ranginglrom hriliianisunshine ro drizzle. rain, sleei. snow, and even a much oi heavy mill. The nighi riding was hirierly cold, wiih snow lying on iheroad irom ihe Bungalowio Creg-ny-aaa ar one siage. Even The roads gave a mixiure ol everyihing. ir wasn'i enough io know which way rhe corners wen - ii wasrusi as rmporianr To be prepared ro alier course as a car backed oux oi a driveway, or a drain-cleaning maehine suddenly appeared in lroni oi you. ll was a rompiere iesi, bringing up exaclly rhe eondiiions ihe poieniiai buyer mighr expeer — and we're glad To say ihai ii worked. The original idea was io cil(u|ale rhe 1'l course lor 24 hours, bui an ex ioraiory lap around The moon by Peier i