% ale/r , o \1 li ClKSODH (l)*32l\'33l\'000 book 1 ”\i‘? 2 Ol4ll710ll9ll INlli‘ll 'l KIM-1’1) \/ , \ 2 This manual should be considered a permanent part of the motorcycle and should remain with the motorcycle when it is resold. This publication includes the latest production information available before printing. Honda Motor (0., Ltd, reserves the right to make changes at any time Without notice and without incurring any obligation. No part of this publication may be reproduced Without written permission. . , r \ The vehicle pictured in this owner’s manual may not match your actual 1 vehicle © 2014 Honda Motor (0., Ltd / \ x / % up , o \1 li ClKSODH (l)*32l\'33l\'000 book 2 ”\i‘? 2 Ol4ll710ll9ll INlll‘ll 'l KIM-1’1) \/ Congratulations on your purchase of a new Honda motorcycle. Your selection of a Honda makes you part of a worldwide family of satisfied customers who appreciate Honda’s reputation for building quality into eveiy product To ensure your safety and riding pleasure: C Read this owner’s manual carefully. 0 Follow all recommendations and procedures contained in this manual. 0 Pay close attention to safety messages contained in this manual and on the motorcycle. , \ 2 O The following code in this manual indicates the country Country Code Code Country CB3ODFA U Australia, New Zealand , \ 2 / \ x / *3 ,7; \1 li citxooi-‘i (Urszix'asix'ooo book 3 «7-7 2 o l M 1 oil 9 ll Mii‘ii 'l ix: 1 ll.“ 40) a; ") A Few Wo ds About Safety ‘3 Vour safety, and the safety of others, is very important. Operating this motorcycle safely is an important responsibility, To help you make Informed decisions about safety, we have provided operating procedures and other information on safety labels and in this manual. This information alerts you to potential hazards that could hurt you or others. Of course, it is not practical or possible to / warn you about all hazards associated With operating or maintaining a motorcycle You must use your own good judgement. Vou Will find important safety information in a variety of forms, including: 0 Safety labels on the motorcycle 0 Safety Messages preceded by a safety alert symbol and one of three signal words: DANGER, WARNING, or CAUTION, These signal words mean: 4% ADANGER You WILL be KILLED or SERIOUSLY HURT if you don’t: follow instructions. You CAN be KILLED or SERIOUSLY HURT if you don’t: follow instructions. £ACAUTION You CAN be HURT if you don’t follow ‘ / instructions. Olhe 'mportant information is pro ed under the following titles: lnformation to help you avoid damage to your motorcycle, other property, or the em/ironment. r \1 is CKEODH (waszmskooo book ,1 «7-7 2 o l 44H 011911 Mum 162111.40) Motorcycle Safety Operation Guide Maintenance Troubleshooting Information Specifications I \1 Index \ a / F,2 P18 P32 P74 P93 P. 104 P. 107 Motorcycle Safety This section contains important information for safe riding of your motorcycle. Please read this section carefully. Safety Guidelines. image Labels Safety Precautions Riding precautions Accessories 8. Mod Loading Oiir sir We *3 ,7; \1 15 clxxool-‘l (0732113311000 book 3 «7-7 2 o 1 411 1 011911 «111‘ l ’11r211114/r) Safety Guidelines Follow mese guldellnes 1o enhance your salery: 0 Perform a11rouune and regular mspectlons speemeo 1n lhls manual 0 Stop 1ne engme and keep sparks and flame away belore nlllng me luel tank 0 Do not run the englne m endosed or parlly endosed areas Carbon monoxlde 1n eknausl gases 1s toxlC and can k111 you Always Wear a Helmet 11's a proven fact: helmets and protecllve apparel slgnmeanlly reduce me number and seventy o1 nead and other 1nlurres. So always wear an approved motorcyde heimet and protecuve apparel. P 1 1 Before Riding Make sure that you are pnysleallylu,rnenla11y focused and free or alcohol and drugs, Check Safety Guidelines that you and your passenger are pom weanng an approved motorcyde nelrnel and protecllve apparel. 1nsrrucl your passenger on noldlng onto me grab ra11s or your WalSL, leanlng will you In turns, and keeplng lnelr feet on me loorpegs, even wnen me motorcyde 1s slopped Take Time to Learn & Practice Even .1 you have rldden olner motorcydes, pracllce rlolng 1n a safe area to become lamlllar wun how lhls motorcyde works and handles. and lo become accustomed to me motorcyde's 5126 and Welght Ride Defensively Always pay attentlorl 1o olner venlcles around you. and do not assume that olner drlvers see you. Be prepared 1o stop qulckly or perform an evaslve maneuver commued 3 eel; Maps ap/moxow I %:15% 13 0130011 (1) 32113311000 hook 1 «7-2 2 o 1 411 1 0119 A111 1 1&111‘14 11 Mam; apbmlaw Safety Guidelines Make Yourself Easy ta See Make yourse11rnore v1s1bie, espeoa11y at nrght. by weanng pnght re11ect1ve c1oth1ng, posrtronrng yourse11 so other d11ver5 can see you,s1gna11ng oe1ore turnrng or (hanglng 1anes, and usrng your horn when necessary Ride within Yaur Limits Never 11de beyond your persona1ao11rtres or faster than condrtrons warrant. Fatrgue and Inattenuon can 1mpa1r your ab1i1ty to use good judgement and nde sa1e1y. Don't Drink and Ride A1coho1 and 11d1ng don't m1x Even one a1cohohc d11111< can reduce your aorhty to respond to changrng condrtrons, and your reactron trrne gets worse wrtn every addmonai d11111< Don’t drmk and 11de, and don’t 1et your 1rrends dnnk and 11de erther. Keep Yaur Honda in Safe Candition It's 1rnportant to keep your motorcycie properly ma1nla|ned and 1n sa1e ndrng condrtron Inspect your motorcyc1e pe1ore every ride and per1orrn a11 recommended marntenance Never exceed 1oad l1m1lS(IP 161, and do not rnod11y your motorcycle or 1nsta11 accessones that wou1d make your motorcyc1e unsa1e (I P, 15) If You are lnvalved in 3 Crash Personai sa1ety1s your 111st prronty. 11 you or anyone e1se has been In1111ed, Lake trrne to assess the seventy o1 the 1n1ur1es and vvhether 1t 1s sa1e to contrnue r1d1ng. Caii 1or emergency assrstance 11 needed A150 1o11ow app11cap1e 1avvs and regulatrons 11 another person or veh1c1e 1s 1nvo1ved 111 the crash, 11 you decrde to contrnue 11d1ng, 111st eva1uate the condrtron o1 your motorcycle. 11 the engrne 1s st111 runnrng, turn 1t o11 1nspect1or11u1d leaks. *1 sis/r , o \1 iii cixswoi-‘t (I) shoot) mink ri A 2 o 1 M 1 0H 9 ii AH!‘ I 'i ii: 1 iii 40) \1 I Safety Guidelines ‘ / check the tightness of (riticai nuts and boits, and check the nandiebar, controi ievers, brakes, “WARNI ”6 and wheeis Rlde siowiyand cautiousiy Carbon monoxide gas is mm Your motorcycle may have surrered damage Breathing it (an cause that is not immediateiy apparent. Have your motorcycie thoroughiy checked at a qualified seryice raciiity as soon as posslbie unconsciousness and even kill you. Avoid any areas or activities that expose you to carbon monoxide. Carbon Monoxide Hazard ‘, \ Exnaust contains poisonous carbon monoxide, ‘ / a coiourless, odoriess gas Breathlng carbon / monoxlde can cause i055 or consciousness and may iead to deatn it you run the engine in confined or even partiy enciosed area, tne airyou breatne couid contain a dangerous amount or carbon monoxide. Never run your motorcycie inside a garage or otner enciosure 7% on $14L , O \1 l3 clmmll (l) BZKSSKDOO hunk a » 201m 10)] 9M AH!‘ l ’l ltlll‘lJ/r) \/ f \ Image Labels 1 - Image Labels Read instructions (untamed m Owner’s a Manual carefully, g The followlng pages descnbe the label 5 meanlngs. Some labels warn you of E potenllal hazards lhal could cause senous Read lnslrucuons comalned m Shop Manual :u} lnlUry, Others prDVlde lmportam safety . carefully, ln the lnleresl of safely, lake the 3 Information Read lhls lnformatlon carefully motorCyde to be serylced only by your dealer. 3 and don L remove lhe labels. DANGER (with RED background) You WlLL be KlLLED or SERIOUSLV HURT If If a label comes off or becomes hard to read, you dom follow ”Wm”; ‘, \ Contact your dealer for a replacemenl, WARNING (with ORANGE background) ‘, \ ’ You CAN be KlLLED or SERIOUSLY HURT lf ’ There ls a speclhc symbol on each label you dom follow mslrumons} The meamngs of each symbol and label are CAUTION (with YELLOW background) as “HOWE You CAN be HURT If you don’tfoHow lnslrucllons, \ 6 r/ \ c / s / 7T oh ' 'ltswol-‘l (Un’izh' K000 lrimk 7 A (a? v fEE , O zoiuliollsll Alrll‘l ’llizill‘iJ/r) \/ Image Labels ‘ / BATTERY LABEL DANGER - Keep flame and Spark away from the battery, Battery produce exploslve gas that can cause explosion. - Wearthe eye protection and rubber gloves when handling the battery, or you can get burned or lose your eyesight by the battery electrolyte, - Do not allow children and other people to touch a battery unless they understand proper handling and hazards of the battery very well, r \ - handle the battery electrolyte with extreme care as it contains dilute sulfuric acid. Contact With your skin or eyes can burn you or cause loss of your eyesight. - Read this manual carefully arid understand lt beiore handling the battery, Neglect or the instructions can cause personal inyury and damage to the motorcycle, - Do not use a battery with the electrolyte at or below the lower level mark, ll Cari explode causing serious inyury, Maps aproioww I continued 7 f \ *3 ,7; \1 I; ClL‘WOl-‘l II) I’\ / Ame; aphlmaw I Image Labels amoo Wk , 0 HA7 ZUIJNIOHHH Alrl‘l‘l 'llxilll‘lJ’l) \/ , \ 1 RADIATOR CAP LABEL DANGER NEVER OPEN WHEN HOT, Hot coolant wlll scald you. Relief pressure valve beglns lo open at 108 kPa. ACCESSORIES AND LOADING WARNING LABEL WARNING , ACCESSORlES AND LOADING ‘ > - The safety slablllty and handllng of Inls motorcycle may be affected by lne addltlon of accessones and luggage. - Read carefully the Instructions conlalned In user's manual and lnslallauon gurde before lnslallrng any accessory, - The total welght of accessones and luggage added to rlder’s and passenger’s welght snould not exceed 132 kg (401 lb), whicn Is the maxlmum weight Capaclty. - The luggage welgnl must not exceed 3 kg (18 lb) under any (ircumslances, - The flmng of large fork-mounted or large handlebar mounted farnng Is not recommended, / \ \ / 4% *1 age , o \1 is CIKJEODH (0:32 33mm mm 0 «7 2 0 1 4H 1 0H 3 H AH!‘ I ’i 021M“) \1 1 Image Labels / TYRE INFORMATION LABEL Com tyre pressure: [Din/er oniy} Front zoo kPa (2.00 kgi/cmz. 29 psi) Rear zoo kPa (2.00 kgi/cmz. 29 psi) [Din/Er and passenger] Front 200 kPa (2.00 kgi/cmz. 29 psi) Rear 225 kPa (2.25 kgi/cmz. 32 psi) Maps ap/moxow I Tyre size Front 110/70-17M/C 54S ‘, \ Rear 140/70—11M/c ass ‘, \ / Tyve brand: IRC / Front RX-01FD Rear RX-01RZ \ continued 9 /\ s / s / *1 ale , o \1 13 CIEJEODH (0’32 SHKDOO blink 10 “7:; 2 0 1 4“ I OH 9 I AWN 0 3i; l M 47} \1 f \ r \ 1 Image Labels 1 SAFETY REMINDER LABEL Fol your protection, always wear helmet, protective apparel. FUEL LABEL Unleaded petrol only DRIVE CHAIN LABEL Keep chain adjusted and lubricated. 20 to so mm (0.8 to 1.2 in) Freeplay Mam; almimow I CARGO LIMIT LABEL r \ Do not exceed 3.0 kg (6.6 lb) z \ / l r \ lo / \ t / x / %; ,7; \1 l; clxslool-‘t ll) Safety Precautions o Rlde (autlously and keep your hands on the handlebar and feet on the footpegs 0 Keep passenger’s hands onto the grab rails or your Waist, passenger’s feet on the lootpegs vvhrle rldlrlg 0 Always (onslder the safety of your passenger. as well as other dnvers and nders shoot) lmtvk ll «7-; , Protective Apparel Make sure that you and any passenger are weanng an approved motorcycle helmet, eye protection, and highsvlslblllty protectlve (lothlng. Rlde delenslvely lrl response to weather and road Condltlorls I Helmet Safetyrstarldard (erllfled, highsvlslblllty, correct Size for your head 0 Must ht comfortably put securely, With the chin strap fastened 201M l0ll91 /l\|lll‘.ll /i11ll‘l4//} Safety Precautions 0 Face shleld wlth unobstructed lleld of Milo“ or other approved eye prolectlon AWARNING Not wearing a helmet increases the chance of serious injury or death in a crash. Make sure that you and any passenger always wear an approved helmet and protective apparel. I Gloves Fullrflnger leather gloves Wllh hrgh abraslon reslstance I Boots or Riding Shoes Sturdy boots wlth noncsllp soles and ankle protectlon I Jacket and Trousers Protective, hlghly vlslple, longrsleeved jacket and durable trousers for rldlrlg (or a protective suit) il eh ewe Maps ap/omww I %:15% is cixxomi (l) szmsmoo book 12 A»: 2 o 1 M I OH 9 ii Riding Piecauiions - Riding Precautions g 3' Running-in Period i During ihe first 500 km (300 rniies) of running 3 roiiow these guideiines id ensure your 1+ motorcyde's future reiiabiiiiy and performance, 4’ 9 Avoid ruiieihrome siaris and rapid acceieraiion, o Avoid hard braking and rapid downrshlfls. , \ o Ride (onservatlveiy / \ [Z s / ii fie AWN ’i 3% 1 M4?) \/ Brakes Observe ihe following guideiines: o Avoid excessiveiy hard braking and down shins. > Sudden braking can reduce ihe motorcycle‘s siabiiiiy. > where possibie, reduce speed before turning; diherWise you risk siiding out 0 Exercise caution on low UECLIDH surfaces >The wheels iock more easily on suCh surfaces, and braking distances are ionger o Avoid continuous braking > Repeated braking, such as when descending iong, sieep siopes can seriousiy overheat the brakes, reducing their errecuveness Use engine braking Wlth intermittent use of the brakes to reduce speed. o For fuli braking erieciiveness, operaie boih ihe from and rear brakes iogeiher, *3 f; \1 13 citxooI-‘i (Urszmsmoo book 13 A»: 2 o 1 M I OH Bl! Mitiii Maui-M) I Anti-lock Erake System (ABS) This rnodei is equipped with an AnticIock Brake System (ABS) deSigned to heip prevent the brakes rrom iocking up during hard braking. o ABS does not reduce braking distance in certain circumstances, ABS may result in a ionger stopping distance 0 ABS does not function at speeds beIDw 10 km/h (6 mph) 0 The brake iever and pedai may recoil siightiy when appiying the brakes, This is normai, o Aiways use the recommended tyres to ensure correct ABS operation Riding Precautions I Engine Eraking Engine braking heips siow your motorcycie down when you release the throttle. For further siowing action, downsnirt to a lower gear, Use engine braking with intermittent use or the brakes to reduce speed when descending iong, steep siopes, I Wet or Rainy Conditions Road surraces are siippery when wet, and wet brakes rurther reduce braking erriciency Exercise extra caution when braking in wet conditions it the brakes get wet, abpiy the brakes whiie riding at iow speed to heip them dry continued Maps ap/oioxow I 13 /\ *3 f; \1 ii cltxool-‘l (Urumsmoo book 11 A i’ \ 1 Riding Precautions Parking 9 Park on a firm, level paved surface 9 if you must park on a slight incline or loose surface, park so that the motorcycle cannot move or fall over. 0 Make sure that highrtemperature pans cannot come Into Contact with flammable materlals I Do not touch the engine, muffler, brakes and other highrtemperature parts until they cool i’ \ down I To reduce the llkellhood of theft, always lock the handlebar and remove the key when leaving the motorcycle unattended Use of an arltlrthefl device is also recommended Maw; aprOlaw I I Parking with the Side Stand 1. Stop the engine. 7. Push the slde stand down ii on zoldfllollell AWN ’l 3% 1 M4?) \1 3. Slowly lean the motorcycle to the left until its vveight rests on the side stand A Turn the handlebar fully to the left, >Turning the handleparto the right reduces slablllty and may cause the motorcycle to fall. 5 Turn the ignition swtch to the LOCK posltlori and remove the key up 27 Refuelling and Fuel Guidelines Follow these guidelines to protect the engine ‘ 1 and catalytic converter 9 Use only unleaded petrol 9 Use recommended octane number Uslrig lower octane petrol will result in decreased engine performance 9 Do not use fuels containing a high concentration of alcohol P 96 0 Do not use stale or contaminated petrol oran oil/petrol mixture 0 Avoid getting dirt or water in the fuel tank, *3 ,7; \1 l; clxslool-‘i ll) cameo lmtrk l5 A Accessories & Modifications We strongly advlSe tnat you do not add any accessories that were not specifically designed for your motorcycle by Honda or make modifications to your motorcycle from its original design Doing so can make it unsafe Modifying your motorcycle may also Void your warranty and make your motorcycle illegal to operate on public roads and nighways Before deciding to install accessories on your motorcycle be certain the modification is safe and legal. 201M l0ll9l Asllliill /l11ll‘l4//} Accessories & Modifications ‘ 1 AWARNING Improper accessories or modifications can cause a crash in which you can be seriously hurt or killed. Follow all instructions in this owner's manual regarding accessories and modifications. Do not pull a trailerwttn, or attach a SldECar to, "> your motorcycle Your motorcycle was not deslgned for these attachments, and thelr USE can seriously impair your motorcycle's handllng 15 r \ k / ,r-c \ / i3 cixsiooi-‘i ii) amoo Wk ll; A»; 2 0 i Mi I oil 9 i Atiiiiii 011M“) \ / ‘L / Loading ‘\ / - Loading AWARNING E S . CEW‘NQ 9W3 weight affects your Overloading or improper loading can :2 molarcycle’s handling, braking and stability muse a crash and you can be seriously < 2: Always ride at a sale speed for the load you hm or killed gt are Carrying A? o Avoid Carrying an excessive load and keep , . Q Within Specified load limits F°”°,W 3” IPad."m'F5 a"?! “he" IMaximum weight capacity/Maximum loading guidelines In this manual. luggage weight P i04 ‘, \ o Tie all luggage securely, evenly balanced and ‘, \ e / close to the Centre of the motorcycie \ / o Do not place obiects near the lights or the muffler. / \ 16 / \ c / x / All % 4p , o \1 1’3 CIKSODH (UVSZKSSKDOO book 17 A 2 014“ I OH 9 I! AM“ ,} 3% 1 W4?) \/ Maps ap/mmow I ,\ ,\ / 1 /\ ‘7 \ \/ *1 ole/r , o \1 13 ClEJEODH (0’32 SHKDOO lmnk 18 “7:; 2 0 1 4“ I 0 H 9 l AWN 0 ii; 1 l“: 47} \1 f \ 2 Parts Location Rear brake fluid reservoir Battery Main fuse Fuse box ABS fuse D i— apgng uogwiado I F nt brake fluid reservoir 4 Throttle grip r \ Engine oil fill cap #Psa Engine oil filter Engine oil level inspection window Engine oil dram bolt Coolant reserve tank , O 'lL‘EODl-‘t (lesmoo mm 19 A 2 0 1 M I OH 9 1 MM 0 6% 1 u“ 40) \/ Clutch lever- Fuel fill cap m m - 3 m i 8 a m c a m Front seat Rear seat Rear suspen n spring preload adjuster- D ve (h crankcase breather Shift lever Slde stand % \% 1-3 cssoom (lmzmskooo book 20 «i=2 2 01M 1011511 MWH ’5 EIHHH #1 . Instruments Tachometer red zone (excessive engme rpm range) button apgng uaumado I Tachometer Do not apelale [he engme in rhe vathameter red zone. Excesswe engine Speed can adversery afleu engme Me 000 mm 21A»; 201M I ()ll 9 I Mllll Myrrh-M} %; ,7; \1 l3 ClL‘WOl-‘l ll) Display Check and the tachometer segment progress to maxlmum scale and then dlsappear If any part of these dlsplays does not come on when lt should, have your dealer check for problems, Speedometer 75191111112 _5._ s_._.____ '\l\illlllIIIIMIIIIIIIIIIIIIII YorALnunflEl 555555., a: .I .Ikmlh/za 5 Fuel gauge 1: m Remaming fuel when only ist (E) segment starts flashmg: approximately 2.3 lltres (0.61 US gal, 0 El Imp gal) 7 If the fuel gauge turned off: (ators repeat flashing or lg contmued 21 f; \ ,/ When the lgmtion switch is turned on, all the mode and dlgital segments will show, - o 13 m E 8 :1 m g a m % r \1 ii casual-w (lmzmsmoo book 22 A»? 2 01M 10H 5 H AWN ’r 321%“) r\ (\ 1 1 Instruments (Continued) Odometer [TOTAL] & Tripmeter [TRIP A/B] E button switches between odometer .5.'_._ la _n _12 as triprneters. ’\llllllIIIllfliillll/l—IIII—Illl-l 0 Odometer: Totai distance ridden. "mmwm 0 Triprneter: Distance ridden since tripmeter was reset (press and hold the button to reset to 0.0 km). r’ \ Clock (12-hour display) r’ \ apgng uaumado I *3 ,7; \1 la citswoi-‘t (0:32 dBKDOO lrrmk 23 17:, 2 0 1 M I ()ll 9 1 Man O11ul4/r} To set the clock: 0 Turn the ignition switch on o Press and hold the until the hour dlgllS -327-3 9 Press the button until the desired hour l5 displayed, > Press and hold to advance the hour iast , L83 —’ £3 o Press the start Hashing. button. The mlnute digits 9 Press the button until the desned minute Is dlsplayed > Press and hold to advame the minute fast. [:33 a £33 9 Press the button. The clock is set. > The adjustment can also be set by turnlng the Ignitlon switch on, If no buttons were pressed for about 30 seconds, the display Wl” stop flashing automatlcally and the adjustment will be cancelled. eel; apgng uoueiado I 23 /\ % \%9 1‘3 CBSODH (l)*32l\'33l\'000 book 21 Km? 2 0144‘ 10H 5 ll A‘WH ’l Eli'f-i?) lg . 3% lndlcators if G PGM-Fl (Programmed Fuel Injection) malfunction indicator lamp (MIL) Comes on briefly when the ignition switch iS turned on with the engine stop switch in the 0 (Run) position. If it comes on while engine is running: apgng uailmado I <3 Left turn signal in Icator :> Right turn signal indicator 0%? A? @W Mar % \% is cssoom (lmzmskooo book 25 «i=2 2 01M 1011511 Mm ’i Emir“) 4a N Neutral indicator Comes on when the transmission is in Neutral, ,_F_ High coolant temperature dicator Comes on briefly when the ignition sWitch is turned on. If it comes on while riding: o tie We ED High beam indicator apgng uongado I @ ABS (Anti-lock Brake System) ndicator Comes on when the ignition switch is turned on. Goes off when your speed reaches approximately 10 km/h (6 mph If it comes on while ridin *1 sler , o \1 li (1:30le (UVSZKSBKDOO book 26 “*5; 2 O 1 Jill I 0 ll 9 ll AWN [l 32: 1 M4?) \1 f \ / Switches Eng e stop switch Should normally remam m the Run 0 pOSltiOH. > In an emergency, SWltCh to the off x posmon (the starter motor wlll not operatelto stop the englne 6) Start button apgng uagmaao I , \ t / b‘ Horn button I Curi> Turn signal switch > Pvesslng the Swllch turns the tum Slghal off. Headlight dimmer switch igh beam D: Low beam Passing light control switch Flashes the hlgh beam headlight. / \ 26 f \ \ / x / *3 ,7; \1 t5 cttxom-‘t (leh‘ash‘ooo book 27 A»: 2 o 1 A“ I OH 9 n Ignition Switch Swttches the elettrtcal system Orv/off, locks the steering, > Key (an be removed when tn the OFF or LOCK posttton Steering Lock Lotk the steering when parktng to hetp prevent theft, A U-shaped wheet lock or stmhar devtte ts atso recommended. 4% AWN ’t 3% 1 M4?) he ON Tums electrtcal system on tor stamng/hdmg, onj Turns ehgme chi LOCKa Locks steenng apgng uoglmado I I Locking , \ (km the hahdtebat aH the way to the teh 0 Push the key down, and turn the tgntttoh switch to the LOCK posttioh, > thgte the handtebar tt the tock ts dtmcutt to engage. 9 Remove the key, I Unlocking \nsert the key, push it tn, and tum the tghition switth to the OFF positton. 27 /\ aplng uaiioiado I 28 as A ' 'l:::ool=i (Un’izh' moo lrlmk Starting the Engine Start your engine using the followmg procedure, regardless of whether the engine is cold or warm. 2014ill0ll9l - lithe engine does not slalt within 5 seconds, turn the ignition olland wall it) seconds belore trying to start the engine again to recover battely voltage. - Extended last idling and rewing the engine can damage the engine, and the exhaust system, - Snapping the throttle or last idling lol more than about 5 minutes may cause exhaust pipe discolouration, - The engine Will not slalt ii the thlottle is lully open Alliifll 0&1ll‘i4/r} \/ 0 Make sure the engine stop sWitch is in the 0 (Run) position, 0 Turn the ignition switch to the ON position, 9 Shift the transmission to Neutral (11] indicator comes on) Alternatively, pull in the clutch lever to start your motorcycle with the transmission in gear so long as the side stand is raised 0 Press the start button With the throttle completely closed, z \ If the engine does not start: ® Open the throttle fully and press the start button for 5 seconds. ® Repeat the normal starting procedure, ® if the engine starts, open the throttle slightly if idling is unstable, ® if the engine does not start, wait to seconds before trying steps ® & ® again, I If Engine Will Not Start *1 4p , o \1 1’3 CIELEODH (UVSZKSBKDOO book 2‘) “*5; 2 O l 4“ I O H B I! AM“ ’> 6% 1 M4?) \1 f \ 1 - - ‘ 1 Shlftmg Gears Your motorcyde transmisswon nas swx forward gears in a one-down, five—up shift pattern. 6 o 2345 g ' E 9' I], m s. a m ,\ ,\ / N 1 1 If you put the motorcyde in gear with the side stand down, the engine wwll shutoff. /\ 29 /\ / 71 f 000 hunk in A»; ,r-t \ / i3 cirsiooi-‘i ll) “ Refuelling Fuel fill cap Ignition key Filler neck plate e Fuel filler opening aping uaueiado I ‘ Lock cover Do not fill with fuel above the filler neck plate. Fuel type: Unleaded petrol only Fuel octane number: Your motorcycle is designed to use Research Octane Number (RON) 9i or higher Tank capadty: 13 0 litres (3 43 US gal, 2.86 lmp gall /‘\ \j I Refuelling and Fuel Guidelines /\ 30 oieh 201M i0ii9i AJM‘. ii 0’11”“ 4} Opening the Fuel Fill Cap Open the lock cover, insert the ignition key, and turn it clockWise to open the cap. Closing the Fuel Fill Cap OAfter reruelling, align the fuel riii Cap latch With the slot in the riiier neck. Push the ruei riil tap into the riiier neck untii it snaps closed and locks. 9 Remove the key and close the lock cover, >The key cannot be removed if the cap lS not locked. AWARNING Petrol is highly flammable and explosive. You (an be burned or seriously injured when handling fuel. /‘\ \j 0 Stop the engine, and keep heat, sparks, and flame away. 0 Handle fuel only outdoors. 0 Wipe up spills immediately. All % ole/r , o \1 li ClKSODH (UVSZKSSKDOO hook El “*7 2 O 1 Jill I 0 H 9 ll AWN [l 3% 1 W4?) \1 f \ / Storage Equipment The Helmet holder, helmet set wire (in the tool kit), tool kit, and document bag are lotated under the rear seat. > Maximum Weight Limit: 30 kg (6.6 lb) > Use the helmet holder only when parked. I Removing the Rear Seat Document bag 0- '5 m E 5 3 ax : a m AWARNING ‘7 Riding with a helmet attached to the holder can interfere with the rear wheel or suspension and could cause a crash in which you can be seriously hurt or killed. Use the helmet holder only while parked. Do not ride with a helmet secured by the holder. 31 /\ % \% l5 cssoorl (l)*32l\'33l\'000 book 32 2 o 1 Ml 1 all 5 ll mill ’l Elli“) Maintenance Please read "Importance of Maintenance” and ”Maintenance Fundamentals" carefully before attempting any maintenance. Refer to ”Specifications” for service data. lmpomance of Maintenance Maintenante Schedule. Maintenance Fundamentals ToolK Remov g a installing Budy Components RearSeat. .. .. .. .. FrontSeat. . . Battery . Cllp. . Side Shand Drive cnain. Clutch Throttle. Crankcase Breather. Other Adjustments. RearSuSpenSlOn . . HeadlighlAlm . . . BrakellghtSwltch. . 'o'o'o'o'o'o'o'o'o *1 ole/r , o \1 li (1:30le (UVSZKSSKDOO book 33 A 2 014ll I OH 9 ll Aflllzll [l 32: 1 M4?) \/ > Importance of Maintenance > Importance of Maintenance Maintenance Safety Keeplng your motorcycle Wellrmalmalned ls Always read the matntehahce rhstructtohs absolutely essentlal to your safety and to before you begln each task, and make sure that protect your lnvestment, obtaln maxlrnum you have the tools, parts, and skllls requlred, - performance, avold breakdowns, and reduce alf We cannot warn you of every concetvable ; pollutlon. Marntehance IS the owner's hazard that can anse m perforrmng g. responsrbrlrty, Be sure to rhspect your marntehahce Only you can declde whether or 3 motorcycle before each nde, perform the not you should perform a glven task, g penodtc checks speclfled m the Malnlenance a Schedule. F. 34 Follow these guldellnes when performtng ’ \ . malntehahce r \ ’ “WARN' "G 0 Stop the englne and remove the key. ’ Improperly maimaining you, 0 Park your motorcycle on a frrrh, level surface mommy“ or failing to correct 3 usan the Slde stand or a matntenance stand problem before you ride can cause a ‘0 pfovlde ”Won . . . 0 Allow the englne, muffler, brakes, and other (rash ln whlch you can be serlously . hlghrtemperature pans to cool before “u" °’ mad- servlclng as you can get burned _ _ 0 Run the englne only when rhstructeu,and do Always follow the lnspectlon and so In a wellrventllated area. maintenance recommendations and schedules in this owner's manual. 33 f \ k / s / % r \1 ii CBEUDI-‘l (lmzmsiiooo book 31 A mueuawiew I 34 Maintenance Schedule The maintenance schedule specifies the maintenance requirements necessary to ensure safe, dependable performance, and proper emission control. Maintenance work should be performed in accordance With Honda’s standards and specifications by properly trained and equipped technicians. Your dealer meets all of these requirements. Keep an accurate record of maintenance to help ensure that your motorcycle is properly maintained, Make sure that whomever performs the maintenance completes this record, 20144 llOllBii AWN mum» All scheduled maintenance is considered a normal owner operating cost and will be charged for by your dealer, Retain all receipts. If you sell the motorcycle, these receipts should be transferred with the motorcycle to the new owner, Honda recommends that your dealer should road test your motorcycle after each periodic maintenance is carried out, 15 cnxoom (lemsmoo book 35 A7 201M10H9H Mum ’H&1U‘r4§) Maintenance Schedule ‘ > mm, Odometer Reading" kems (heck xwuokm 1 12 24 35 as 111:? :33: "Egg“ EP37 xmmm 0.5 x 16 24 32 Fue‘Line \ '1 II n || || - mum n so - Thromeoperalion \ n n n n n n 59 5 Air Chanel" \ a a 47 g (yank-aye Breathe!” 7a a SparkPlug \ n 0 - g Valve (\earante \ [I II - Enginecil n ‘3 a .3 9 a g 54 '> Engmeomm ‘3 a a .3 a. .3 54 Enginemlespeed \ n n n n n n - Ramamvcoowamw n n n n || || 3mm 57 Conlingsysum \ n n n || || - SetondaryAwrSupplySynem \ '1 II n || || - Dlive Chain n Every 1,000 km (mu mi): n 52 Maintenance Level Mainlenance Legend \ memedme Weremmmend sen/mebyyouvdea‘evmmess I] mspeu(nlean,amusx, \ubntale‘ mveplatewrnetessavy) you have me nezessaw tools and ave methammHy skmad (\ean figzazisgfisziszmfisswaggicfwmssasamssf‘ mm sevmed by yam dealev Revlate commued 35 f) ,7 « o \ 1’3 CIKSODH (l)*32K33K000 book 36 “i/ 2 014“ I OH 5 I! AWN ’} E 1 W4?) \/ mueuamgew I Maintenance Schedule ‘ > pmide Odometer Reading" hem; Chetk “.00ka I ll 14 36 as ‘31:? Ex: ":32? HP 37 xlmonn 05 x 15 24 32 Dnve(ham5hder '1 || n n as EmkeFlmd“ n n n n n n 2mm 59 ErakePadsWear n n n n n n 50 EIakeSynem n n n n n n 59 Brakehghtswinh n n n '1 || 73 HeadligMAim n n n n n 72 Ughanom || - Engine smp Swildw || - ' > (\mthsyxlem n n n n n n n 55 smesmnu n n n n n n m suxpenmn \ n n n n || 71 NuleolmFasunels \ II n I] II I] II _ Whee‘sflyres X || '1 II n n n u smuingHeadseanngs X n '1 II n '1 || - Moles: "I A! mgney odemew vezdmg‘ repeal at me hequenty Imevva‘ eslahhshed have '2 seme move hequenny wnen ndmg m unusually wet or dusty aveas '3 Same move hequenw wnen ndmg m ram m at run meme '4 Rep‘ztemem requues methamu‘ 5ka 36 /\ x / I, % \1 li ClKSODH (l)*32l\'33l\'000 book 37 “i 2 O 1 4“ 10H 9 ll AWN ’l Elll‘r-i?) \/ . f \ r \ / Mainten e Fundamentals / Pre-rlde "Enema" 0 Drive cnain — Check condition and slack, To ensure safety, it is your responsibility to adiust and lubricate " necessary IP’ 62 perform a pre-ride inspection and make sure . Brakes _ Check operation, that any problem you find ‘5 corrected. A pre- Front and Rear. check brake fluid level and - ride inspection is a must, not only for safety, pads wear. ' 59' 60 , g but because having a breakdown, or even a . Lights and horn _ ChECk that lights, 3' flat tyre, can be a maior inconvenience. indicators and horn function properly 3 0 Engine stop sWitch — Check for proper g , . ‘ 8 Check the followmg Items before you ride function > ‘, \ motorcycle: 0 ilutch r— Check operation, ) P 65 ‘, \ I 0 Fuel level — Fill fuel tank when necessary. , “St reep ayi necessary. I ' I IP 30 0 Side stand Ignition cut-off system - Check 0 Throttle — Check for smooth opening and (Io/Lpropergunction,CP. :1 d' . full (losing in all steering positions IP. 69 . ee 5 an tyres _ EC con ition, a" . Engine 0“ level _ Add engine oil if pressure and adiust if necessary, IP 44 necessary (neck for leaks. P. 53 O Coolant level — Add coolant if required. Check for leaks, P, 57 f \ 37 f \ x / x / 4% % r \1 ii CBEUDI-‘t (Usszmsmoo book as A 1 Maintenance Fundamentals Replacing Parts Always use Honda Genuine Parts or thelr equivalents to ensure reliability and safety. When ordering coloured (omponents, specify the model name, (oiour, and code mentioned on the colour label. The colour label is attached to the frame under the rear seat IP 49 mueuamiew I Co our 3 e 38 201M lOiiBii AWN ’ii&1i!‘r4§) \/ , \ 2 A WAR N I N G Installing non-Honda parts may make your motorcycle unsafe and cause a crash in which you can be seriously hurt or killed. Always use Honda Genuine Parts or equivalents that have been designed and approved for your motorcycle. , \ 2 / \ \ / moo lmrrk so A Battery Your motorcycle has a marhterrahcerree type oattery You do not have to check the battery electrolyte level or add distllled water Clean the battery terminals if they become dirty or corroded. Do not remove the battery (ap seals There Is ho need to remove the cap vvherr Charging NOTICE Your battery is a malnlenanteiree type and (an be permanently damaged ii the tap strip lS removed. , 0 201m rolls)! Asniiill /l‘itlll‘i4//} \/ Maintenance Fundamentals ‘ 1 AWARNING The battery gives off explosive hydrogen gas during normal operation. A spark or flame (an (ause the battery to explode with enough force to kill or seriously hurt you. Wear protective clothing and a fee shield, or have a skilled mechank do the battery servicing. I Cleaning the Battery Terminals 1. Remove the battery. IP. 51 2. lf the terminals are starting to corrode and are coated with a Whlte substance, wash with vvarm vvater aho wrpe clean continued 39 f \ 201.1t *3 ,7; \1 t5 ctxxom-‘t (Usszhashooo book to A Maintenance Fundamentals a. \f the terrnrnals are heat/Hy corroded. dean and pohsh the terrrunatswrtn awlre brush or Sandpaper Wear safety gtasses mueualutew I 4. Atter deamng, rernstan the battery The battery has a hrnrted hte span. Consult your deater about when you shoutd replace the battery Atways reptace the battery wrth another mamtenancerfree battery of the sarne type tnsranrng nonhpnda etettntat accessanes (an ayerbad the E‘Etmta‘ system, dis Front Seat Front Seat I Removal — 1. Remove the rear seat. IP, 49 Mounting bolts 2. Remove the mountmg bolts, and then pull Front seat the front seat back and up. I Installation 1. \nsen the tab into the recess. 2. \nstall and twghten the mountmg bohs secure‘y, Make sure that the seat is \ocked seturely m poswtion to pull \t up lighfly. 3. \nstall the rear seat. mueuamgew I % \% 15 cxsoori (limziiasiiooo book 51 «i=2 2 o 1 4m on 5 H Milli ’i was“? $21 . Removing a Installing Body Components > Battery Battery Negative Positive terminal terminal Battery 0 er I Removal Make sure the ignition switch is off. 1. Remove the front seat. P. 50 Gish 4% mile 2. Remove the battery holder by removing the bolt. 3. Disconnect the negative l’ terminal from the battery. 4. Disconnect the positive 1+) terminal from the battery. 5. Remove the battery taking care not to drop the terminal nuts. aoueualuiew I I Installation Install the parts in the reverse order of removal. Always connect the positive ‘_+) terminal first. Make sure that bolts and nuts are tight. Readjust the clock after the battery is reconnected since the clock goes wrong once the battery is disconnected. For proper handling of the battery, see "Maintenance Fundamentals." IP, 39 "Battery Goes Dead" P, 86 *1 ole/r , o \1 l3 ClKlEODH (UVSZKSSKDOO book 52 “*7 2 014ll I OH 9 ll Afllllll [l 3% 1 W4?) \1 r \ r \ 1 Removing & Installing Body Components > Clip 1 Clip The clip must be removed to remove the headlight assembly. I Removal 1. Press down on the centre pirr to release the lock, 2. Pull the :le out of the hole, " > {£1 “#9 " ) mueuazugew I Installation Push the bottom of the centre pm, 2. Insert the clip into the hole 3. Press down on the centre pm to lock the (lip. 52 f \ 71 He % r \1 ii ClKEUDH (l)*32l\'33l\'000 book 53 A 2014ii10ii9ii Checking the Engine Oil 1. if the engine is cold, idle the engine for 3 to 5 minutes, 2. Turn the ignition switch off, stop the engine and wait for 2 to 3 minutes. 3. Place your motorcycle in an upright position on a firm, level surface 4. Check that the CHI level is between the upper arid lower level marks in the oil level inspection Window, ’lElll‘r-M) \/ , \ l on fill cap on level inspection - window g S k Upper level g k Lower level 2 re , \ l 53 / \ t / % r \1 is ClKSODH (Urszmsmoo book 51 A»; 2 o 1 4i \ / mueuazutew I 54 Engine on > Adding Engine Oil Adding Engine Oil If the engine oil is below or near the lower level mark, add the recommended engine oil P. At, 105 1. Remove the oil fill cap. Add the recommended oil until it reaches the upper level mark. > Place your motorcycle in an upright position on a firm, level surface when checking the oil level. > Do not overlill above the upper level mark > Make sure no foreign obiects enter the oil filler opening. >Wipe up any spills immediately 2. Securely reinstall the oil fill cap 4% iioiieii Niliill ’l 3% l Writ?) NOTICE Overfill‘ing With a‘il ai opeiating with insufficient a‘il can cause damagetn yaurengine. Do nnrmix d‘iflerentbiands and grades of oil They may allect lubrication and clutch apeiation. For the recommended oil and oil selection guidelines, see "Maintenance Fundamentals ” IP. 41 Changing Engine Oil 8t Filter . , Changing the oil and filter requires special tools. We recommend that you have your motorcycle serviced by your dealer, Use a new Honda Genuine oil filter or equivalent specified for your model. NOTICE Using the wmng oil lilter can result ‘in serious damage to the engine. % \% l5 casual-w (lmzmsmoo book 55 4< . if the engine is cold, idle the engine for 3 2014n1 to 5 minutes. . Turn the ignition swttch off, stop the engine and wait for 2 to 3 minutes, . Park on a firm, level surface and lower the side stand. . Place a drain pan under the drain bolt, . Remove the Oil fill cap, drain bolt, and sealing washer to drain the Oil. Drain bolt Sealing washer 4% an one” AWN Whit“) #1 . Engine on > Changing Engine on & Filter 6. Remove the oil filter (over, oil filter, spring and gasket by removing the oil filter (over bolts and let the remaining oil drain out, > Discard the Oil and oil filter at an approved recycling centre. aoueualugew I 0 Oil filter cover; H 4, :ww Oil filter Gasket Oil filter cover bolts Coflfmued 55 *ll‘h % q; / \1 li ciisooi-‘t (l)*32l\'33l\'000 book 56 A»; 2 o 1 M I Oll Bil Mitzii Maul-M) \/ \ 1 Engine Oil > Changing Engine on & Filter 7. Install the new oil filter With the OUT- SIDE rnark lacing out, B. Install the OII filter spring into the oil filter cover, and then install the new gasket and oil filter cover by tightening the oil filter cover bolts. Torque: 12 N m (1.2 kgfm, 9 lbl ft) mueuamiew I 9. Install a new sealing washer onto the drain bolt. Tighten the drain bolt. I Torque: 24 N m (2.4 kghri, 18 lbf‘ft), 10. Fill the crankcase With the recommended oil (IP 41) and install the OII fill cap, Required oil engine oi filter: 1.5 litres (1.6 US qt, 1,3 Imp qt) When (hanging oil only: 1.4 litres (1.5 US qt, 1,2 Imp qt) 56 11. Check the oil level IP. 53 12. Check that there are no oil leaks, NOTICE Improper installatian or the oil filter (an result in serious damage to the engine. Oil filter cover 4"; E I filter qfl OUT-SIDE mark Gasket 0| filter cover bolts % r \1 ii CBEUDI-‘l (trszmsmoo book 57 A7 2 o 1 4n 1 0H 5 I! Armin ’i?&1ii‘r4§) Checking the Coolant 1. Place your motorcycle on a firm, level surface. 2. Hoid your motorcycie in an upright position. 3. Check that the cooiant level is between the UPPER and LOWER level marks in the reserve tank, If the coolant levei is dropping noticeably or the reserve tank is empty, you irkeiy have a serious ieak. Have your motorcycle inspected by your dealer, LOWER level Reserve tank Adding Coolant If the cooiant level is below the LOWER levei, add the recommended cooiant (I P, 43) until the level reaches the UPPER ievel mark. Add fluid oniy from the reserve tank cap and do not remove radiator cap, fig. r’\ / aoueuatugew I conrmued 57 f \ 4% % r \1 ii ciisooi-‘t (lemsKooo book 58 A»; 2 o 1 4i \ / mueuaiuiew I Coolant > Changing Coolant 1. Remove the screw 2. Pull out the prong from the hole and remove the resen/e tank cover 3. Remove the resen/e tank cap and add fluid while monitoring the coolant level. > Do not overlill above the UPPER level mark > Make sure no foreign objects enter the resen/e tank opening. 4. Securely reinstall the cap, 5. Install the reserve tank cover. AWARNING Removing the radiator cap while the engine is hot can cause the coolant to spray out, potentially scalding you. Always let the engine and radiator cool down before removing the radiator cap. llOllBll with ’lElll‘rJU) \/ , \ 1 Reserve tank cap n Reserve tan cover , \ 1 Changing Coolant Have your dealer change the coolant unless you have the proper tools and are mechanically qualified. / \ x / % r \1 ii ClKEUDH (l)*32l\'33l\'000 book 59 A7 2 o 1 Mi 1 oii 9 ii Mitii ’i Elil‘pi?) ‘I > Brakes Checking Brake Fluid 1. Place your motorcycie in an upright position on a firm, ievel surface 2. Check that the brake fluid reservoir is horizontai and that the fluid ievel is: above the LWR mark. m between the LOWER and UPPER ievel marks If the brake fluid levei in either reservoir is beiow the LWR or LOWER levei mark or the brake iever and pedai freepiay becomes excessive, inspect the brake pads for wear If the brake pads are not worn, you most likely have a ieak. Have your motorcycie inspected by your deaier Front brake fluid reservoir LWR mark Rear brake fluid reservoir UPPER level mark LOWER level mark 59 /\ %; ,7; \1 is Cl:.‘§00l~'\ (Urumsmoo hunk an “7:; 2 0 1 M I on 9 I Mini 0 6% 1 Hi 40) f \ r \ fif Brakes > inspecting the Brake Pads 1 Inspecting the Brake Pads Check the condition of the brake pad wear Wear Wear - indicators indicator indicator The pads need to be repiaced if a brake pad E . E, IS worn to the indicator, 3, Brake pads g 1. inspect the brake pads from below a the brake cahper. . R Wear Wear , \ 2 Inspect the brake pads from the indicator indicator ( \ / rear nght of the motorcycie / If necessary have the pads repiaced by your Brake pads deaier Aiways replace both ieft and nght brake pads at the same time, 2014tiloii5ii AWN Hunt“) #1 . 4. Start the engine, pull the clutch lever in, and shift the transmission into gear. 5. Lower the side stand all the way. The engine should stop as you lower the side stand, it the engine doesn't stop, have your motorcytle inspected by your dealer, % \% l5 cssoom (l)*32l\'33l\'000 book Gl 4< S de Sta aoueualugew I Side stand spring 1. Check that the side stand operates smoothly. If the side stand is still or squeaky, (lean the pivot area and lubricate the pivot bolt With clean grease. 2. Check the spring for damage or loss of tension. 3. Sit on the motortycle, put the transmission in Neutral, and raise the side stand, % 4L 4 O \1 ii CKEODH (l)*32l\'33l\'000 book 62 “i 2 014M 1 O H B H AWN ’l E 1 W4?) \1 f \ r \ / rive Chain 1 |n5pecfing the Drive chain 3. Check the slack in the lower half of the Slack drive chain midway between the sprockets. Check the drive chain slack at several points Drive chain slack: along the chain. If the slack is not constant at 20 to 30 mm (0 8 to i 2 in) all points, some links may be kinked and > Do not ride your motorcycle if the slack binding. exceeds 50 mm (2.0 in), Have the chain inspected by your dealer, mueuaiuiew I , \ 1. Place your motorcycle on the side stand , \ ’ on a level surface ’ 2. Stop the engine, Place the transmission in 3 ‘ ‘4';ng Neutral. 4. Roll the motorcycle forward and check that the chain moves smoothly / \ 62 f \ x / x / 4% % \% 1-3 cxaaori (limzmsmao book 63 «i=2 2 o 1 45:1 on 5 El KEEEI Wi- 1 Him» #1 . Drive Chain > Adjusting the Drive Chain Slack 5. lnspect the sprotkets, P, 42 6. Clean and lubricate the drive chain. P, 43 Front edge of adjusting slot Adjusting the Drive Chain Slack Adjusting the chain requires special tools. Have the drive (hain slack adjusted by your dealer. aoueualujew I When adjusting the drive chain slatk, be careful not to damage the wheel speed sensor and pulser ring. L03: "Ut 1. Place your motortycle on the side stand on a level surface. 2. Stop the engine, Place the transmission in Neutral. 3. Loosen the rear axle nut, 4. Loosen the lock nuts on both sides of the swmgarrn. ear axle nut I.A justing nut , e % (ammued 63 one 4% en % q; / \1 ii citsooi-‘i (tmzmsix'ooo book 61 A»; 2 o 1 M I all Bl! Mirth ’l?&lll‘r4§) \/ \ / mueuawiew I 64 Drive Chain D Adjusting the Drive Chain Slack 5. Turn both adjusting nuts an equal number of turns until the correct drive chain slack is obtained Turn the adjusting nuts clockWIse to tighten the chain. Turn the adjusting nuts counterclockWIse to provide more slack. Adjust the slack at a point midway between the engine sprocket and the rear wheel sprocket. Check the drive chain slack, P 62 6. Check rear axle alignment by making sure the chain adjuster index marks align With the front edge of the adjusting slots Both marks should correspond. if the axle is misaligned, turn the right or left adjusting nuts until the marks are aligned and recheck chain slack 4% 7. Tighten the rear axle nut Torque: 88 N m (9,0 kgi»m, 65 let) E. Tighten the drive chain adjusting nuts lightly, then hold the adjusting nuts and tighten the lock nuts Torque: 2i N m (2i kgi»m, 15 let) 5. Recheck drive chain slack, If a torque wrench was not used for ‘ 1 installation, see your dealer as soon as possible to verify proper assembly, Improper assembly may lead to loss of braking capacity. % \% 1-3 cxaoori (timzmsimoo book 05 «i=2 2 o 1 4n 1 0 fl 5 H Milli ’i-iiz 1 film» i I Checking the Drive Chain Wear Check the chain wear label when adjusting the drive chain. It the index mark on the washer enters the red zone on the label after the chain has been adiusted to the proper slack, the chain is excessively worn and must be replaced. Ch DlD SZOVF or RK SZOKLO If necessary have the drive chain replaced by your dealer. Drive Chain D Checking the Drive Chain Slider Checking the Drive Chain Slider Check the condition of the drive chain slider. The drive chain slider need to be replaced if it is worn to the wear limit line. If necessary have the drive chain slider replaced by your dealer, 27: Wear limit line Drive chain slider Index mark 43.0 i aoueualugew I % r \1 ii cixsool-‘t (l)*32l\'33l\'000 book as A7 2 0144i 1 0H 9 u AMIH ’i a 1 iii-M) —, r’\ / Checking the Clutch IChecking the Clutch Lever Freeplay - Check the ciutch iever lreepiay, Freeplay at the clutch lever: 10 to 20 mm (0.4 to 0.8 in) E E, E. m z m 3 8‘: Clutch lever Freeplay fig. '\ Check the clutch cabie for kinks or signs of wear, If necessary have it replaced by your dealer. Lubricate the ciutch cabie with a commerciaiiy available cable lubricant to prevent premature wear and corrosion. 1 Clutch > Adjusting the Clutth Lever Freeplay ‘ 1 Adjusting the Clutch Lever Upper dutch cable adjuster Freeplay— Upper lock nut I Upper Adiustment Attempt adjustment With the upper dutch (able adjuster first. 1. FUN back the rubber dust cover, 2. Loosen the upper jock nut. "\l 3. Turn the upper dutch cabje adjuster untII ’> the freeplay is 10 to 20 mm (0.4 to O 8 in). R bb d t 4. Tighten the upper jock nut and check the u er us cover freeplay agajn. _ 5. jnstalj the rubber dust cover I Lower Adlunmem If the upper dutch (able adjuster js threaded out near jts jjmjt, or the correct freeplay cannot be obtajned, attempt adjustment thh the jower adjustjng nut. contmued 67 f > %% j up r % \% 1-3 cxaaori (UHzKasKoao book 63 «i=2 2 o 1 4&1 0 fi 5 El KEEEI Wi- 1 NH» mueuamgew I Clut(h > Adjusting the Clutch Lever Freeplay 1. Loosen the upper lock nut and turn the upper dutch (able adjuster all the way in (to provide maximum freeplay), Tighten the upper lotk nut. 2. Loosen the lower lock nut. 3. Turn the lower adjusting nut until the dutch lever freeplay is 10 to 20 mm (0.4 to 0,8 in). 4. Tighten the lower lock nut and check the dutch lever freeplay. . Start the engine, pull the dutch lever in, and shift into gear. Make sure the engine does not stall and the motorcytle does not creep. Gradually release the tlutth lever and open the throttle. Your motortycle should move smoothly and accelerate gradually. U! 43.. Lower lock nut Lower adjusting nut It proper adjustment tannot be obtained or the clutch does not work correttly, see your dealer. 44% an % 4% Hi; 0 \1 ii CliEODH (l)*32l\'33l\'000 book 69 “i 2 014“ l 0 ll 9 ll 4014;le ’l E 1 W4?) \1 f \ r \ / Throttle 1 Checking the Throttle With the engine off, check that the throttle rotates smoothly from fully closed to fully open in all steering positions and throttle freeplay lS correct, lf the throttle does not move smoothly, (lose automatically, or ii the table is damaged, have the motorcycle inspected by your dealer, aaueuawgew I , \ Freeplay at the throttle grip flange: , \ ’ 2 to 6 mm (on to 0.2 ml, ’ Freeplay 69 /\ % \% 1-3 cxsoort (urszmskooo book 70 «i=2 2 o 1 4T 1 o n 5 H mm ’5 a 1 Him» #1 . A? case Breat % Cleaning the Crankcase Breather 1. Remove the crankcase breather tube plug from the tube, 2. Drain deposrts rrrto a suitab‘e container. 3. InstaH the crankcase breather tube plug, mueuamgew I Crankcase breather tube plug {if I, % \1 1’3 CUEODH (l)*32}\'33}\'000 book 71/\* 2 01-1“ 10H 5 H AWN ’H&1H‘r4§) \/ . f \ Other Adjustments 1 Adjusting the Rear Suspension ISpring Preload You can adjust the spring preload by the adjuster to suit the load or the road surface. Use the pin spanner and extension bar to turn the adjuster, Posmon 1 rs for a decrease spring preload (soft), or turn the posrtion 3 to 5 mcrease spnng pre‘oad (hard). The standard positron rs 2. Extension bar ' Adjuster Pin spanner Attempting to adjust drrect‘y from 1 to 5 or 5 to 1 may damage the shock absorber, NOTICE Do not attempt to disassemb‘e, service, or impropeny dispose of me damper. See your dearer. aoueualugew I 71 /\ % \% 1-3 cmori (limzmsimuo book 72 «i=2 2 o 1 “ii on 5 El *BEEI Wi- 1 film» i a E, i m = a: a PE Other Adjustments > Adjusting the Headlight Aim Adjusting the Headlight Aim You (an adiust vertical aim of the headlight for proper alignment. Turn the pinion using a Phillips screwdriver provided in the tool kit (I P. 48) in or out as necessary, Obey Iotal laws and regulations. % é 15 c3300” (UHzmsKono book 73 «i=2 2 o 1 45:1 0): 5 a WEE Wi- 1 ”#49? é . A? other Adjustments > Adjusting the Brakelight Switch % Adjusting the Brakelight Brakelight switch Switch Check the operation of the brakeijght swnch. Turn the adjusting nut in the direction A if the Sthch operates too iate, or turn the nut in the direction B if the swnch operates too soon, aoueualujew I ‘ Adjusting nut 73 *ii% % \% 1-3 cxsoori (UHzKasKooo book 71 2 o 1 4T 1 o n B H Kaila ’i 7% 1 Him» #1 . Troubleshooting Engine .P 75 Electrical Trouble. Overheating (High coolant temperature Battery Goes Dead . . . P 86 indicatorison) .P 75 Burnedroul Light Bulb . . . . P 85 Warning lndicatorsOn or Flashing. P 77 Biown Fuse. . . . . . . . . . . . . P 90 PGMrFi (Programmed Fuel InjeCYIOH) Malfunction indicator Lamp (MIL). .P 77 ABS (Antirlock Erake System) Indicator . .P 77 Other Warning Indications. .P 78 Fuei Gauge Failureindrcatmn. . .P 78 Tyre Puncture .. .P 79 l / 0%? A? 7% % r \1 ii ClKEUDH (l)*32l\'33l\'000 book 75 A7 2 o 1 Mi 1 oii 9 ii Mini ’i Elll‘r-M) Engine Will Not Start I Starter Motor Operates But Engine Does Not Start Check the folloWing items: 0 Check the correct engine starting sequence P, 28 0 Check that there is petrol in the fuel tank 0 Check if the PGM-Fl malfunction indicator lamp (MlL) is on > if the indicator light is on, contact your dealer as soon as possible I Starter Motor Does Not Operate Check the following items: 0 Make sure engine stop SWitch is OlRun) position P. 26 0 Check for a blown fuse IP, 90 0 Check for a loose battery connection or battery terminal corrosion P 51 0 Check the condition of the battery P. 86 if the problem continues, have your motorcycle inspected by your dealer. 75 Buuooqsalqnmll at. i’\ z \ / ails l % r \1 ii CBSUDI-‘i (l)*32l\'33l\'000 book 75 A fiuiwaqsaiqnaul 76 The engine is overheating when the following occurs: 0 High coolant temperature indicator comes on. . Acceleration becomes sluggish. If this occurs, pull safely to the side of the road and perform the following procedure. Extended fast idling may cause the high coolant temperature indicator comes on. Continuing to ride with an overheated engine can cause serious damage to the engine 1. Stop the engine using the ignition sWitch, and then turn the ignition switch to the ON position. 4% 201M lOllBll AWN ’l i£1lllr4fi 2. Check that the radiator fan is operating, and then turn the ignition switch to the OFF position. Suspect a fault, Do not start the engine. Transport your motorcycle to your dealer. Allow the engine to cool With the ignition sWitch in the OFF position. 3. After the engine has cooled, inspect the radiator hose and check if there is a leak. ‘ I P, 57 Do not start the engine. Transport your motorcycle to your dealer. 4. Check the coolant level in the reserve tank, and add coolant as necessary. P, 57 5. lf1-4 check normal, you may continue riding, but closely monitor the high coolant temperature indicator. % r \1 ii CIKSUDl-‘I (l)*32l\'33l\'000 book 77 A7 2 o 1 Mi 1 oil 9 ii Mirth ’i i£1l!‘r4§) Warn ng Ind ators On or Flash PGM-Fl (Programmed Fuel Injection) Malfunction Indicator Lamp (MIL) II the indicator comes on While riding, you may have a serious problem with the PGM-Fl system Reduce speed and have your motorcycle inspected by your dealer as soon as possible, ABS (Anti-lock Brake System) Indicator lithe indicator operates in one of the following Ways, you may have a serious problem With the brake system. Reduce your speed and have your motorcycle inspected by your dealer as soon as possible. O lndicator comes on or starts flashing while riding O lndicator does not come on when the ignition switch is in the ON position. 0 lndicator does not go off at speeds above l0 km/h (6 mph). If the ABS indicator stays on, your brakes will continue to work as a conventional system, but Without the anti-locking function The ABS indicator may flash if you turn the rear wheel while your motorcycle is lifted off the ground, ln this case, turn the ignition sWitch off and then on again. The ABS indicator Will go off after your speed reaches 30 km/h (l9 mph). 4% 77 5U!1°°H53|qn°1.ll filo .’\ z \ \/ % l 000 book 78 o 1 M I OH Bl! Mm 0 W4?) ") OtherWarn gln cat ns Fuel Gauge Failure Indication If the fue‘ system has an error, the fuel gauge wwll be dwsp‘ayed as shown m the \\\ustrat\on. If thws occurs, see your dea‘er as soon as - posswble. :‘ o c z {E =- o ,\ 9, / 5* u: /\ 78 \/ F *3 ,7; \1 ii ClKlEODI-‘l (Urszmsmoo book 79 A7 2 o 1 :Hl I oii 9 ii Miiiii ’i 6% 1 Writ?) Tyre Puncture Repairing a puncture or removing a wheel requires special tools and technical expertise. We recommend you have this type of service performed by your dealer. After an emergency repair, always have the tyre inspected/replaced by your dealer. Emergency Repair Using a Tyre Repair Kit If your tyre has a minor puncture, you can make an emergency repair using a tubeless tyre repair kit Follow the instructions provided With the emergency tyre repair kit. Riding your motorcycle With a temporary tyre repair is very risky, Do not exceed 50 km/h (30 mph). Have the tyre replaced by your dealer as soon as possible. AWARNING Riding your motorcycle with a temporary tyre repair can be risky. If the temporary repair fails, you can crash and be seriously injured or killed. If you must ride with a temporary tyre repair, ride slowly and carefully and do not exceed 50 kmlh (30 mph) until the tyre is replaced. Removing Wheels Follow these procedures if you need to remove a wheel in order to repair a puncture. When removing and installing the wheel, be careful not to damage the wheel speed sensor and pulser ring. continued 79 4% Suitoousaiqnmll fig. .’\ z x \j k/ %% l % \% 1-3 cxsoori (limzmskooo book 80 «i=2 2 o 1 4n 1 o n 5 H Mini ’5 a 1 NH» fiugwaqsannaul Tyre Pun(tuve > Removing Wheels I Front Wheel Removal 1. Park on a firm, level surface, 2. Remove the mounting bolts and remove the brake caliper. > Support the brake caliper assembly so that it doesn't hang from the brake hose. Do not twist the brake hose. >Avoid getting grease, oil, or dirt on the disc or pad surfaces. > Do not pull the brake lever while the brake caliper is removed. 3. Remove the front axle nut. Mounting bolts Bra e caliper \ .‘I M l ‘ Wheel speednsens r Pulser ring Ago % q; / \1 15 casual-w (leKasKooo book 81A 2 01M 10H 5 H AW! ’5 am“) \/ , \ 1 Tyre Puncture > Removing Wheels 4. Loosen the axle pinch bo‘t. 5. Support your motorcyde secure‘y and raise the front whee‘ off the ground using a maintenance stand or a host. 6. Remove the front axle shaft, front whee‘ and side collars, ,\ Axepinch bot / > contmued 81 auuooqmqnoul \ \/ % r \1 ii cirsooI-‘i (Urszkasmoo book 32 A»; 2 0144i I oii 9 ii Aniiiii ’i 6% 1 iii-M) \ / Euiwousaiqnoul HZ Tyre Puncture > Removing Wheels Installation 1. Attach the side collars to the wheel. 2. Position the wheel between the fork legs and Insert the front axle shaft from the left side, through the wheel hub and right fork leg. 3. Tighten the front axle nut. Torque: 59 N m (6.0 kgf»m, 44 lbf‘ft), 4. install the brake caliper and tighten the mounting bolts, Torque: 30 N»m (3 1 kgf m, 22 lbf ft) >Take care to prevent the brake caliper from scratching the wheel during Installation >Use new mounting bolts when Installing the brake caliper. When installing the brake caliper inm pasitian on the fork leg, carefully fit the brake disc between the pads to avoid scratching them. 5. Lower the front wheel on the ground 6. Apply the brake lever and pump the fork several times, 7. Tighten the axle pinch bolt. Torque. 22 N rn (2.2 kg m, i6 lbf ft). 8. Raise the front wheel off the ground again, and check that the wheel rotates freely after you release the brake. If a torque wrench was not used for installation, see your dealer as soon as possible to verify proper assembly, Improper assembly may lead to loss of braking capacity. 4% % \% 1-3 cxaaoH (UHzKasKoao book 83 «i=2 2 o 1 “it on 5 El KEEEI Wi- 1 Him» #1 . Tyre Puncture > Removing Wheels I Rear Wheel 4. Remove the drive chain from the rear wheel sprotket by pushing the rear wheel forward. Removal 1. Support your motortycie secureiy and raise the rear wheei off the ground using a maintenance stand or a hoist, 2. Loosen the rear axle nut, iock nuts and turn the adjusting nuts so the rear wheei (an be moved ail the way forward for maximum drive chain siack. 3. Remove the rear axie nut. an m 2 m x 0? m =- m :r E: c 3 = m Sugwoqselqnoul Adjusting Wheel speed nut sensor Drive c aln Rear axle nut Lock nut , e % (ommued 83 one 4% en % \% 1-3 cxaaori (timzmsmao book 84 «i=2 2 o 1 4&1 0 fi 5 El KEEEI Wi- 1 as“) fiuuaaqsaiqnaul Tyre Puncture > Removing Wheels 5. Remove the rear axle shaft, side collars and rear wheel, > Support the brake caliper assembly so that it doesn't hang from the brake hose. Do not twist the brake hose. >Avoid getting grease, oil, or dirt on the disc or pad surfaces. > Do not push the brake pedal while the brake caliper is removed. Installation 1. To install the rear wheel, reverse the removal procedure. >Take care to prevent the brake caliper from scratching the wheel during installation. NOTICE When insuring the brake caliper mm position, tarelully lit the brake disc between the pads to avoid scratching lhem. 2. Make sure that the lug on the brake caliper bracket is positioned in the slot on the swmgarrn. Brake caliper bracket Swingarm Ago 3. Adjust the derE chaln, IP, 63 4. lnstall and tighten the rear axle nut. Torqu 88 N m (9 O kgl rn, 65 lbl t) 5. Alter lnstallirrg the wheel, apply the brake pedal several times, then check W the wheel rotates freely, Recheck the wheel ll the brake drags or ll the wheel does not rotate freely, If a torque wrench was not used for installatlon, see your dealer as soon as posslble to venfy proper assembly, Improper assembly may lead to loss of braklrrg capaclty Tyre Puncture > Removing Wheels 85 \ \/ % r \1 ii cirsom-‘i (l)*32l\'33l\'000 book as A .’\ / Euiwoqsaiqnoul 86 201M lOllBll AWN ’l Elli-M) Elect al Trouble ‘7 Battery Goes Dead Burned-out Light Bulb Charge the battery using a motorcycle battery charger. Remove the battery from the motorcycle before charging Do not use an automobile-type battery charger, as these can overheat a motorcycle battery and cause permanent damage If the battery does not recover after recharging, contact your dealer. Jump starting using an automobile battery lS not recommended, as this can damage your matotcycle’s electrical system. Follow the procedure below to replace a burned-out light bulb. Turn the ignition switch to the OFF or LOCK position, Allow the bulb to cool before replacing it. Do not use bulbs other than those specified. Check the replacement bulb for correct operation before riding. ') For the light bulb wattage, see "Specifications." IP. 106 / \ x / we % \% 1-3 cxsoort (UHzmsKooo book 87 «i=2 2 o 1 4T 1 o n 5 H *Wlfl “4% 1 Him» I Headlight Bulb Clip Bolts 4- 1. Remove the bolts and clips( (IP. 52) on both side and pull the headlIght assembly forward. 44% Ele(tri(al Trouble D Burnedrout Light Bulb Pi n Dust cover Bulb Connector 2. Pull off the connector without turnIrIg. 3. Remove the dust cover. 4. Press the pin down and pull out the bulb without turnIrIg It. 5. lrIstall a new bulb and parts In the reverse order of removal. Do not touch the glass surface with your fingers. If you touch the bulb WIth your bare hands, clean it with a cloth moIsterIed WIth alcohol. 43.. aupooqmqnm 1' contmued 87 ah *H‘h % \% 15 cmoH (umzmsmuo book as «i=2 2 o 1 45:1 on 5 El WEE Wi- 1 air“? #1 . Electrical Trouble P Burnedrout Light Bulb IPosition Light Bulb IBrake/Tail Light Bulb fiugwaqsannaul 1. Remove the rear seat. IP, 49 1. Pull out the socket 2. Turn the socket counterclockwise, and 2. Pull out the bulb without turning, remove it > 3. Install a new bulb ln the reverse order of 3- Sllgmlv press the bulb In and mm r: removal. counterclockwise. 4. lnstall a new bulb and parts ln the reverse order of removal. 5. lnstall the rear seat. The 4% em we % \% 1-3 cxaaom (ll)*32K33K000 book 89 «i=2 2 o 1 NH 0 n B H *Wu ’Hiz 1 air“? I Front/Rear Turn Signal Bulb 1. Remove the screw A and screw B. 2. Remove the turn signal lens and lens packing. 3. Slightly press the bulb and turn lt tountertlotkwise. Lens packing Screw A Screw B Bulb Turn signal lens E|e(tri(al Trouble D Burnedrout Light Bulb I License Plate Light 1. Remove the strews. 2. Remove the litense light cover and license light cover patking. 3. Pull out the bulb Without turning. Cover packing Screws 4. install a new bulb in the reverse order of removal. > Use only the amber bulb. 44% 4. install a new bulb in the reverse order of removal. Jen aunooqselqnm 1' Eugwaananaul 90 Electrical Trouble D Blown Fuse Blown Fuse Before handling fuses, see "Inspecting and Replacing Fuses " IP, 40 I Fuse Box Fuses 1. Z. 3. Remove the front seat. P. 50 Open the fuse box cover, Pull the fuses out one by one check for a blown fuse Always replace a blown fuse Wlth a spare of the same ratlng. . (lose the fuse box cover, . Relnstall parts ln the reverse order of removal, Spare fuses §, % \% 1-3 cmorl (lleKasKouo book 91 «i=2 2 o 1 “it on 5 El *BEEI Winn“? #1 . Electrical Trouble b Blown Fuse I Main Fuse 3. Pull the main fuse out and check for a blown fuse. Always replace a blown fuse Wire connector with a spare of the same rating, >Spare main fuse lS provlded in the starter magnetlc switch. 4. Reinstall parts ln the reverse order of removal. NOTICE ll a luse lails repeatedly, you likely have an electrical problem. Have your motorcycle inspected by your uealer. Sugwoqfilqnoul Spare main fuse 1. Remove the front seat. P. 50 2. Disconnect the wire connector of the starter magnetic SWltch. (ontmued 91 Olglc 4% ell *ll‘h % r \1 li CBEUDH (lmzmsmoo book 92 A»; 2 o 1 4r \ I Elec‘vical Trouble D Blown Fuse IABS Fuse Eugwaananaul 92 llOllBH Mum Maul“) \/ . Remove the front seat. P, 50 . Open the ABS fuse box cover. . Pull the (use out and check for a blown fuse. Always replace a blown fuse with a spare of the same rating, . Close the ABS fuse box cover. . Remstall parts m the reverse order of removal. % \% 1-3 cxsool‘l (llmzliasliooo book 93 2 o 1 4T 1 o n B H Milli ’l a 1 “#45? fig . Information Keys Inslruments, Cnntrols, at DH‘IEV Feaiures Fuels Containing Alcohol.. Catalytic Convener. Caring for Your Motorcycle. Storing Vour Motorcycle .. Transporting Your Motorcycle Von & the Environment. Serial Numbers. *3 ,7; \1 15 cnxorm (lemsmoo book 91 A»: 2 o 1 44 uoueuuom I Keys Keys Ignition key Be sure to record the key number prowded wun the key number p‘ate and record u m this manua‘, Store the spare key m a safe \ocauon To make a duphcate, lake the spare key or the key number to your dealer If you ‘052 .3“ keys and the key number, the Ignmon swucn assemb‘y er probab‘y have to be removed by your dea‘erto deterrmne the key number A metal key norder may cause damage to the area surroundmg me rgnruon swuch. 94 \IOHBH mm: H Maui-M) *3 ,7; \1 is cixxooi-‘i (Ussziiasiiooo hook on “7:; 2 0 1 «i I mi 9 i AWN ’i 6% 1 iii 4?) Instruments, Controls, & Other Features Ignitian Switch The headiight is aiways on when the ignition switch is ON Leaving the ignition switch ON with the engine stopped wiii drain the battery, Do not turn the key while riding Engine Stop Switch Do not use the engine stop sWitch except in an emergency Doing so when riding Wiii cause the engine to suddeniy turn oii, rnaking riding unsafe if you stop the engine using the engine stop switch, turn the ignition sWitch oii Faiiing to do so wiii drain the battery. Odameter The dlspiay iocks at 999,999 when the readout exceeds 999,999. Instruments, Controls, 8t Other Features Tripmeter The triprrieter returns to o 0 when the readout exceeds 9,999.9 Document Bag The owners manual, registration, and insurance information can be stored in the piastic document bag iocated under the rear seat, lgn n Cut-off System A banking (iean angie) sensor automaticaiiy stops the engine and ruei pump it the motorcycie raiis over To reset the sensor, you must turn the ignition switch to on and back to the ON position berore the engine can be restarted \ \/ uopeuuoiu. I 95 /\ *3 ,7; \1 l5 clxxool-‘l (tHzKasKooo book 96 A \ I Fuels Containing Alcohol Fuels Containing Alcohol Some Convenllonal fuels blended wltn alcohol are avallable ln some locales to help reduce emlsslons to meet clean alr standards, If you plan to use blended fuel, (neck that ll ls unleaded and meets the rnlnlmurrl octane rating requirement The followlng fuel blends can be used ln your motorcycle: 0 Ethanol (ethyl alcohol) up to lo% by volume > Petrol containlng ethanol may be marketed under the name Gasonol, ualleuuqu I 96 2014lltoll9ll Afllllll ’l 3% 1 WM?) \1 The use of petrol contalnlng more than l0% ethanol may: 0 Damage the palntlng of the fuel tank I Damage the rubber tubes of the fuel llne 0 Cause corrosion of the fuel tank 9 Cause poor drivablllty NOTICE Use al blended fuels tontarnrng hlgher than approved percentages can damage metal, rubber, plastic parts of your fuel system If you notlce any undesirable operatlng , 1 symptoms or performance problems, try a dlfferent brand of petrol *3 ,7; \1 l5 cltxool-‘t (chzmsmoo book 97 A Catalytic Converter ans motorcycle l5 equipped with a threecway catalytic converter The catalytic converter contarn preclous metals that serve as catalysts ln nrgn temperature cnemical reactrons that convert hydrocarbons (no, carbon monoxlde (co). and oxldes or nrtrogen (NOX) tn the exnaust gasses into safe compounds, A defectlve catalyllc converter contrlbutes (0 all pollutron and can lmpair your englne's perrormance, A replacement unit must be an ongrnal Honda part or egurvalent. zolwll OHBH Mom Haul-M) Catalytic Converter ‘ 1 Follow tnese gurdelrnes to protect your motorcycles catalytrc converter 0 Always use unleaded petrol. Leaded petrol will damage tne catalytrc converter. 0 Keep tne engrne rn good runnrng condrtron, 0 Have your motorcycle serviced if your englne ls misnnng, backflring, stalling, or otnervvrse not runnrrtg properly, stop ndrrtg and turn off - tneengrne, i 2 § ' \ 2. I o a 97 /\ c / *3 ,7; \1 li clxxool-‘l (Urszhashooo book 98 A uoueuuom I 98 Caring for Your Motorcycle Caring for Your Motorcycle rreduent Cleanlng and pollshlng rs lmportant to ensure the long lrfe of your Honda A clean motorcycle makes lt easler to spot potentlal problems. In partlcular, seawater and salts used to prevent rce on roads promote the formatron of (offoslon. Always wash your motorcycle thoroughly after rldlng on coastal or treated roads, Washing Allow the engine, muffler, brakes, and other hlghctemperalure pans to cool before washlng 1. Rlnse your motorcycle thoroughly uslng a garden hose to remove loose dlrt z lf necessary, use a sponge or a soft towel wrth mlld cleaner to remove road gnme > Clean the headllght lens, panels, and other plastlc components wrth extra care to avord scratchlng them. Avold dlrectlng 2014flloll9ll AWN 0&1“)le water mm the arr cleaner, muffler, and electncal parts a. Thoroughly nnse your motorcycle wrth plenty of clean water and dry wlth a soft, clean cloth A After the motorcycle dnes, lupncate any moving parts > Make sure that no lupncant SleS onto the brakes or tyres, Brake drscs, pads, drum or shoes contamrnated wrth oll suffer greatly reduced oraxlng effectlveness and can lead to a crash, 5 tupncate the dnve charn lmmedlately after washrng and dfylng the motorcycle 5 Apply a coat of wax to prevent corrosron > Avold products that contarn harsh detergents or chemlcal solvents These can damage the metal, palm, and plastrc on your motorcycle, Keep the wax clear of the tyres and oraxes, > If your motorcycle has any matte palmed pans, do not apply a coat of wax to the matte palnted surface 4% *3 f; \1 l5 cltxool-‘l (Urszhashooo book 99 A I Washing Precautions Follow these guldelrnes when washrng 0 Do not use hlghrpressure washers: > nghrpressure water cleaners can damage movlng parts and electncal parts. rendenng them rnoperable 0 Do not dlrect water at the muffler: > Water ln the muffler can prevent startlng and causes rust In the muffler 0 Dry the brakes: > Water adversely arrects orakrng / errectryeness After washrng, apply the brakes rntermrttently at low speed to help dry them, 0 Do not dlrect water under the seat: > Water ln the underseat compartment can damage your documents and other belongrngs il on zoldlllollell AWN ’l 3% 1 M4?) Caring for Your Motorcycle ‘ l 0 Do not dlrect water at the alr cleaner: >Water ln the alr cleaner can prevent the englne from startlng 0 Do not drrect water near the headlrght >Any condensatlon lnslde the headllght Should dlsslpale after a few mlnutes of runnrng the engrne. Alumlnium Components Alumrhrum le corrode rrom contact wrth drrt, mud, or road salt. Clean alumrnrum pans regularly and rollow these gurdelrnes to avold scratches 0 Do not use strrr brushes, steel wool, or cleaners contarmng abraslves o Avold rrdrng over or scraprng agarnst curbs, \ \/ uouewmw] I Panels Follow these gurdelrnes to prevent scratches and blemlshes: 0 Wash gently usrng a sort sponge and plenty of water conrmued 99 f \ % r \1 ii ciisooi-‘i (Ussziiasiiooo book 100 «7 ‘ uaizeuuaiui I 100 201.10 Caring for Your Motorcycle c To remove stubborn stains, use diiuted detergentand rinse thoroughiy with plenty oi water o Avoid getting oetroi, brake fluid, or detergents on the instruments, paneis, or headlight. Exhaust Pipe and Muffler The exhaust pipe and rnuiiier are stainiess steel but may become stained by mud or dust To remove mud or dust, use a vvet sponge and a iiouid kitchen abrasive, then rinse vveii With clean water. Dry With chamois or a sort tovvei, If necessary, remove heat stains by using a commerciaiiy avaiiabie fine texture compound, Then rinse by the same manner as removing mud or dust loiisii Asiiiitii Mun-$49} When the exhaust pipe and rnuiiierare painted. do not use a Commercially avaiiabie abrasive kitchen cieaning compound, Use a neutrai detergent to ciean the painted suriace on the exhaust pipe and muffler. if you are not sure if your exhaust pipe and rnuiiier are painted, contact your deaier Even though the exhaust is made ai stainiess steei, il (an betome stained Remove aH marks and biemishes as soon asthey aie named. 4% %; ,7; \1 ii clxxool-‘l (chzllash‘ooo book lDl « Storing Your Motorcycle if you store your motorcycle outdoors, you should consrder usrng a qurbody motorcycle cover if you won't be rrdrng foran extended penod, foHow these gurdelrnes 0 Wash your motorcycle and wax all parnted surfaces (except matte palrlted surfaces) Coat chrome preceswrth rustclnhlbltlng orl, O Lubrlcate the drlve Chalrl P, 43 / 0 Place your motorcycle on a rrlalntenarlce stand and posrtron a block so that both tyres are oh the ground. 0 After ralrl, remove the body (over and aHow the motorcycle to dry 0 Remove the battery (I P 51) to prevent drscharge Charge the battery In a shaded, weHc ventllated area. > If you leave the battery lrl place, dlsconnect the negatlye ,,-, termlrlal to prevent drscharge / 2014