'jggyuoulu moron co., no. " ‘ v I HMnI‘IU-l . “3181! .. . ‘> I’m unwisn'w L‘MW‘ IMPORTANT NOTICE W‘Wlammdmummmm "WWW Hm. mmumwmumny -mm) V CONSUMER INFORMATION VEHICLE STOPPING DISTANCE This figure lndicalm'. baking perhrmance that can be me! or exceeded by the vehicles to which ut apolws. without Iocklm the wheels mutr Gfluent continent 0! Iowa; ”me inlovmallm Inca-med vewesents resulls oblalmhle by shined drlvou under Qantrwed maul and which: condillons. and [he iniormulon my not be come! mder other nominal»; Dvm‘nfl—olmmMW-th’l-imlclllfl Full Dav-Noun! Sonic. lulu 1L"; '- thl ............ . .171 Mum ...... ........... [34 u so 100 W Slapping Din-loch Fool ham 00 mph mn- ' \ é A ACCELERATION AND PASSONG ABILITY This figure indent" yawn: (inn and autumn: nut can on ml or "needed by m which to Mich I! walk!» In the dtuatlons “rammed on Du nun pun. thmmmmanlnum wdolzohl'flandaflmlmwaot 35 MPH. Th. Wynne-ad pas: ass-rues an inIli-I speed at 50 MPH andlllmiltng spud o! 80 MPH. V .____._ __ uonul: Tho hurl-flan pruonlod nun-nu rmm alml. I! all“ Mum Ill-r unnu- nu and “Halo mum. In! u. Hum-non my not to cur-u lulu “bar nun-Inn. “It” 11‘ «l- l- mu IN. EM! 1*. ”0-“ “III LOW ”Kill [ID 1 m Uh.“ sum: 5'.“ nun 5" mm MSSIIE MIMI. ".U 'Dlll M59“ "L “mos -+__‘ I—I fi I: .--..----..---- [ED- M, D111 [W mun- srltu ‘ ‘ Lllnlw.’ 9m: ' no" ""“ 5"“ '5’" mun msnr. rmmx rm louL mm "IL Sim ‘t':.;::. """"""" “"' ,._...;.. sumnv TABLE: @‘EE-Efix‘: M LAM-wad pm ; M Somdl nun mun-mu pm. . J Somm- I My ; - ; ,_ , —. * k cur-nu § , _ PREFACE II is with anal plouuro rho! we wolcm you Io YHE HONDA CB 550 FOUR Vou My. vol-nod on: or the "nus: high speed rouring W molorcyclu ov-Hoblo. The C8 560 has bun onion-d. angmurod and mm to III-or rho demand: and moulromonu cl he most discriminnting mommyclm Tho monud in providod :o rhn you an own. and mow-In your HONDA CB 550 n tho high-Ix lml oI worm-"coo Therm, [or your sanitation I! Is IMPORTANT that you and and obwve the inlormalion conuinod hot-In. Whon «Moo 5: "Io-nary, consul: the HONDA dulor lrom whom you pur- chaos! m- momrcych or any Imhorind HONDA dnhr no you will rotary. prompt and undying India. We Ink. Ihh opportunity to Ihont you lor ducting I HONDA and mature your omrlnulno lulu-or In uh Ind plenum motorcycling. Goon-y nun-rm MOTORCYCLE TRAFFIC SAFETY Athy-xm-mm. Tho uh rider will spend much urn: Iurnir-y to ride In! Moplnq his ridlnn Ikllll In on III More var-luring inn: Inuit. 1. In many moloreych mam: minim, \M nurorndhllo film doe: no: no the motor- cydln in rim- Io now In occidlnr. Th- motorwdh! out man on! momdm more mm of his m by: O Waring hrlmor, rnoro vliok coming 0 Uirru flu mid" acrylirno while now 0 Avoiding mo "blind ml" of o‘fror Midas Ind dr'rrlng dllmlvoly. 2. Many morcydn moments occur or irr- mtionr, parking lot onluncu um cxlu, Ind Mm“. TM «totem/elm m W mun draw «In candor! u m loco- lions. .Em mud Isnfouorinrruny mororoycl- wold-nu. Oboy IM 9nd Ilrnlxs Ind NEVER mud not-r than conditions won-II. . Murry molorcydo nail-run 1m Irr “pained rial". A m motorcyclist maid Wouyfly funiliuiu mun" wiu- his monarch Won manning Io ride or: pub“: ma NEVER load your rnolortydo w on [Maori-none ridor. . Mm Mil myth scald-nu In du- to hood ink-Ia. The molarcydlst would ALWAYS w I hulrrm. HI tho-M lko wur olhor promlvo Opp-II Indudino on promotion. hams. Wu. Ind navy durum i ECONTENTSZM SERIAL NUMBEfi LOCATION CONTROL LOCATION ........... OPERATING INSTRUCTIONS .. Imumnnu and Indicator Lamp- Eloculcul Control. . Mn Illtcn llnlllm ml .. 3mm una- naught much Human owl-mar I'ilm Tum may "titan Mom button ‘ Mutual“! Commit sue-mu lot; sen loch" . mom- 3.5.1.. R0- hr‘e nodal Elna” ”VII .. Our dun“ wad , Kkll ‘l-lu Fill 3 an: Inna". Fuel and Oil, ru-I m on mam». Elicia o'l rmmmn Pvt-Riding Inmwon Surfing 1M Engine ..... Cold anqlm mum Momma Sllflln‘ In ulvmly sold van-Mm Warm anxlm “m urocodun Bulk-In Proudum‘ . . Riding Ibo Mmrcycle . Putin: ‘ $.10 Rldlnu Suggestion: MAINTENANCE ....... . Mam-mm Schedula.‘ Mainlem Opomlons Enabl- all“. sum alusl lgnlunn timing Id VIM umq ale-mu top-M l and um mum 45 Cum cmln “human 49 ”r clum- , 49 {Milk cahle odiuflmtfl! Corhwalnr filmmtnl Cllflrh ldhslmml , . , . , ,, . Drive duh hupecuan. Idlmlmml mu IuhrlcatIon Bill. intpccflnn m Idflllmnl ”ml "mart-I lml Immcflon, ‘ I Wins r. I ,. . , mm wimmim I Roar wan-mien finitely , , , FDI- rill-cm!“ ,, I HONII‘M beam Idjlnllninl , s‘wll‘h' when «nu-mum R'plltlng Ilghl tun TOOL KIT SPECIFICATIONS WIRING DIAGRAM r SERIAL NUMBER LOCATION in] T11: frame :3va number II. is stamped on ma Ion oI Ilm sleedng head. and the ongim serial numhcr 2‘ is locamd on (he rIghI sIdo lop o! w: crankcase, Yhaw number: urn Imuued when registering 4l\ Furn- unnl mum" Honolulu W Ihe mamvcycle. Rah: Io Iha Drama or engine ”III number when orderlnu re- plucamam pans Io ansum man you wall oblaln me conecl pan: (or your mod-I scrim I: EnuInn urial rumba (D Spoodumeter 12‘ 7achomuler 5V |ndlcnov and Manning law clullev ‘1: Disc bale fluid mmh m From but: lvvor v'l‘ Throulo grip m lunilion switch 1‘ Hudlighl switch (above) Starlet I‘W'ilch (below) i CONTROL T gem brake pedal LOCATION g c3231}. 9} Yum signal Iwhch (lbovo) Headlight dimm twilch (below) Ham bunon (below) A; Fuol Iank cap 0!! Gear chango padal at: Rent vivw Minot: (Md) ammo mam-mun \ l , 7%17‘953‘ h From bvako caliper '1\ Main swi‘ch ‘1 Fuul conlml valve and lual . - ’1‘ Rear make pedal 1‘ From bake disc V! Choke level slminev ‘ ST”. inertia?" ‘4‘ Sun lock :5 Side market mlleclcw I Gen chance undal 2‘ It s a a Iceman 9 ’ 91mm“... m [IE—OPERATING INSTRUCTIONs—m Function and ovaraflna Mum Rd. No. ' Dascrlptlon I l Yacltomalar n..-...m-. INSTRUMENTS AND mmcxron mmps ____ 1- l }.:mu-. RED ION: "no ipstrumanu am mounted abow Iho in the upper holder of handlebar; ‘ headlight also and ma indium! lamps Theltlunctiouund operating melhods am an localed In the Indicator panel buill described in Iho table in ma mm page. ‘ , lispendfimahfl 3 I Odo-nu [111’ lep llwlw mp "ml" am much .1. "lull beau It‘dltniflv u: l "f & . h ‘ Imbu lunar m Tad-omelet 11 Vaclomelu m: zone 1‘ Symmetry 3‘ 04mm", W mom“, 6 'um um ImNnIm Ava Tvmmeln nun Muh ngh bum lndlcalov lamp l Ian" vumbnn 7‘ Owl menu": wumng InuIU 1 Neutral lnmcuor lama ‘ a‘ Yum High-I maze-lo: |an Imficalu mum am. Imam crlllcal cum. operalinl mu . 'o Mold ovov-nmum; Hui-m emu mum m: ”(hamlet needle mm NEVER n. pnmllud lo umln' "a: RED 1M7 Indicate: a. M“ 191.0 lndlcales Iota! lttlnulilad amine “Maud. "adieu-3 MINN- "mulled "-51! la! ikh ll'fll. lmalav can be Run! ma mun-em to ma ro- by Immg nu lvipmolel reset knots In In- aiucnon 01 n:- ma». Lamp wlll he an wrwn hum-gm Is an nlglu bum. Rah! lo lulu 15/ Lynn mll Ila!" Mn" alllln [um “me “In! i! wanna um." lo mu m. '0 Conn-u II In. No. I Duel-mm funcuon and Drama Method 7. on mom-m unmlnz Mm lumm‘ an the man I um um bola.- hmp (red; slitting onfiine. dwelt Io mil. m m- on prawn waning limp h Iunuionln. (lamp am- cm. 1». oil puns-m Iumlna luv-p cm on when an lulu key switch l- "llama on: It lens 0" «Mn «he mum is tllrlld And I'm on ullbnd onglrw all plum. 10.0,!!6. smug m- Ium HIM up wink wlvlnu. II In an lm» Gallon of l mullmctlon kl \ho lubricants; syuum ln wllkh can u- Mlorcyrh mm: b. flopped fl once. me cn‘m- Iwmd all ma Ill: 0-: Incl checked ll m- cMcl myuls um mo mum all final I; wlmln Ih- memrlbed MIII. me clan 04 th- nulflmcllu wlll hm 1—mV-----ELECTRICM. CONTROLS-mm-m-w" MAIN SWIG" The main witch ‘1: is localod on the MI ids undo! me lorwud end of ma fuIl unk. Functions 01 me mpecllvo lwilch poahions In Ihuwn in lho chm below. ‘1- Min ”(HUI rune Ion Key Removal m m aux-mm md con-um by :onlxt’mg K" Punk" ‘ ‘ I ‘ um no-vul HONDA alum "new. an 0: l (mm: menu It anal. «uln- ml pol nlul no no “I an n. - (“loud "Id-vin- ol Ilm mum w u m “‘7 um um mm: 7 W ,7 "MOVIE- "0' “'9"! won“ "M" u- I in n M mail: :Imm ls complnlud. "gm: mil opem. ma Kw cm! 0- ‘ | mnllna temper-nun ii at no u inc-nee. I (om ‘ “mm a. b, “m.“ "moved. 7, , I 7 , 7 ' N l . . ileum chcull ls own. hum-n Im nu IIEM WW! K, c... b. a (:3; hale-nor um ‘ marl“ I» on wlun n. (munlnhon I. In H (PAMINGI "”2.“ TIM “y m hum“, "m" puklnalh- mam“. mu my: 0. I! Com W I: IGNITION SWITCH The three position ignition switch Ct) ls located on too ol the right handlebar orip switch homing. In the "RUN" position (cutter) the Ignition circuit will be corn- pleted end engine will operate. In the "OFF" position (either side at center) the ignition circuit will be open end the engine will not over-to. This switch I: Intended piimatily n e nletv or emergency switch and can non (I? Ignition switch '3‘ Still" nillcfl a Needllght mun u molly romain in the "RUN" position. 'l'hc Ignition will not operate unless the min In switch is In the "ON" position. When puking the motorcycle the mein key switch must be turned to the "OFF". or "PARKING" poehion end the key nhould he removed STARTER SWITCH Thle il e push button switch it locltod directly below the hoedlight lwilch at While the starter twitch is proceed the inner motor will crank the engine. The starter «tutor I: provided with a sele- Iv din-ice. The motor operates when the transmission i: in the neutral position or whon it is in gear with the clutch IMI Nunez-d. Reler to the action on STARTING THE tNGINE (page 27) lorlho correct Inning procedure HEADLIGHT SWITCH When heedlight switch 1 [ma I4) it "loved to "OFF" position. hoodlum gone out. When the twitch is movnd to "ON" position headlight .teillight end two tum signal lights come on. The headlight will only upurete when the main Itey switch il in the "ON” poeit‘ton. Ruler to main key switch on page 13 (D HeIdlgltt tint-Mr lelclt oi Turn t "amt a) Mom button HEADLIGHT DIMMER SWITCH Headlight dimmer switch (D II located on lell hendlehar grip twitch homing. When headlight dimrnev switch in moved to "Hi" position with headlight IMIch on. high burn it on. When tho switch I: moved to “Lo" poeition, low been il on. __.___._________.__..__.. TURN SIGNAL SWITCH Movo turn signal switch I1) to "L" position when melting e lelt turn and to "R" position when melting A right turn When the switch I: moved within range ® in hours, turn sign-I light "emu. When the switch is moved beyond the range. the light tie-hes end wernlno buzzer sounds Thle bone: is provided to tell the rider thot the light it still llnhlng alter I turn is mode, I! HORN BUTTON This is a push buttun switch @- (9:90 15) Iocatod dimctlv below the turn signal switch ‘2' When the horn button switch is messed lho horn will 093mm. -~ ‘ t "'1 'u m -MECHANICAL CONTROLS=- a .. vr u x - -- STEERING LOCK lho stealing slept ellhm to tha [all at light. This iluolino lock 10 it Iocatad on the mum lhe key into the lock. tum key 60' stunting stemduectlybulowtlls haadlighl to tho loll and mass in, tum the lock to case. Tum lhc hundlabal all me way to tho miginal position and «Know:- the key, " ‘ Th1: locks sleanng to help n'avolll lhell. SEAT LOCK The seal lock ‘11 (page 17) is located at tho right center cl butlom iida. To raise the seat insert the Itoy into the lock and turn it counterclockwise. The document compartment ‘2' is built in the seat and its lid is accesuble lrom bottom side by mining the seat. It Courtesy o m Slnnlnu loch l1 Docmnl comm-imam HELMET HOLDER Twn holmot holders il am located undo: the teat, To lock helmuls. raise mo Mal. hang helmets on helmet holdats and push down the teat. Honflldlull Mu— » mime! "olden FRONT BRAKE LEVER The brake law! '5" (Dave 18) it localod M the light handlebar grin Application M the hunt brain is ullucted by squealing the level with a farm ptoporlionai lo the Dialling cllovt tequlred. MOVE: It luv" 'rn ally ls Ixaonlvu, no p... M tor htpoclbn nna urvlcln‘ lntomutten. n THROTTLE GRIP stroke. ll the on ine Trtruttla corttrpl is at the right handlebar the idln speed. In: throfifiofikflrgu‘lz grip on. Twrstmg tho throttle grip inward be adjusted by rolvrring to "In section on 0 down: the Ilvottle and Increases rim THROTTLE CABLE and CARBURETOR «tame rpm; twining IN) grip outward lE ADJUSTMENT on page 52 ta 53 WI” close the throttle. As the lhlolllo ‘ grip ls cloud all the way, a resistance will be Inn. At this polnt tho engine speed should drop to idling (looorpm); il not. twist grip lunhpr into the ovarriding REAR BRAKE PEDAL CLUTCH lEVER Tha rout brake mdnl '1) is located at the The clutch lever x is located at \M left right loot rent Apoliution ol 1hr ronr handlebar grip. Squeezing tho lave! braka ls alfmed by pressing the pedal towards [M handlubar grip disengage: with n lures proportional to the braking the clutch Gradually releasing the lewr ellon required. ll pedal lroo travel is will result in smooth clutch ongugermrtt. unusual“ pogo 65lorinipcctiou and The clutch lever should hm 0.4-4.0 servicing. Normal free.- travel is approxi» int (10~25 mm) froo guy measured rnatelv 1 in. (25 mm). at the lever and Sue page 64 lot adlust- rMnt inlormation. (’0 FE) /T\ «fragm‘mm» ' _/ uy. wt» no.“ um- t...r min-mile :iiu u 25‘ nrvl brake pedal a; cutch lav-r Counuv Hondufim I9 m GEAR CHANGE PEDAL The gear Chang: pedal if) located near tho lutt loot rest i; cl the prograuivo snilt. poaltive step In”. which means one lull stroke 0! the gear change pedal will shin only one gear petition The shining to- quence ls arranged as shown in m. liguro. Shlltlng (mm the neutral position into low gear (1st) is parlormed by pressing the gear chango padal with the toe. Shifting in can cit-mi. pm.- to 2nd, 3rd, 4m and top gear (5th) I: parlormad by progressively raising tho pedal. Shilling down to Ihfl lower gear: I‘ performed by progmssivnly passing the pedal. Tho trnnunlssion neutral potl- tlon ls lacatod between lst and 2nd gear. 2.7“, SNIFYM SEWENCE Court." a marinara-x CAUYIDN: Duh. .ou can." In. =Iu|cn ml b. mull-ltd and the tthllI rm- mnurlly aloud to Ivol‘ “univ- utruu u: It.- In‘lllo um! um- lulu eon-pom“. KICK STARTER PEDAL Tho kick ulnar pedal located II the right side of tho angina can be used to um the engine in mm the buttery charge is too low to crank the Inginl with the elmric SWIM. Operate the kick sinner pedal with in: righl loot, starting from the top 0' the stroke and lollowlng through with a rapid and continuous motion. CAUTION: Dn nu Illa-r tn- Inert ut-nor ind-t u lfllfl Malt truly “in“ In: pod-I It”. CHOKE LEVER The choke lever (F ii located II the left side at the engine on the It" cylindar carburetor, Whon the choke lever is down W (notmnl driving position). the chokes are lully open. When the choke lever is up 8-. the choka are tullv closod (Cold Engine Stnning Positlonlv CD Chain lever II w-—n-.-.__.rua_ AND on”- .. .. _..- -3...— FUEL TANK Tho luol unk capacity I. 3.7 U. 5‘ gallons ll“) lncludlng m: 1,1 U. 5. gallons (H) m Iha reum supply. Pres: down on me WARNIMS: cap I!) and man push in (M lock Io ' 333233.133" ”a n" g ( ml. Alli-y up th. ugh. mi do not "not-w Illa-I won "Imll or Iplrlfl my IM mum- cycI- mun rolulhg. -Wlnn nluflln. u.- mk, mud our- "In". open the luel tank can. NOTE: on a: lamina unno- um. - u n. umm scum mun-far my»: a "command. ll Inch I "um. I- no! null Mu. you may at. l Ind-d "lulu ‘ ado Iuounc. 11) Fuel tank up (a mu dawn (R Push ln )2 FUEL VALVE The {ml valve (l: I; locum! at "‘0 lull under sido al the Fuel tank When (he lucl valve is in xlw "STOP”. (tearwurd) poshion. luol can «01 flaw (mm m: 'qu tank lo (M albumen The fuel valve should be in! in this “STOP" position when the molaccyclo l pavkod. Turning the luv] vulva lo tho"0 '(stniahl down) poallion nllow: luel to flow [0 the carbu- a) nm "A" “mum! mm mm lvom xh- mlln tool supply. Turning Iho {val valve lo Ihe "RES" (law-rd) position allows incl to flow (tom "13 rosorva supply. Whon lha main loel lupply is exhaust“, lhe luel valve should be turned [0 mo “RES" position xhamby allowing you In procud lo the nuns! Ian/ice Italian The Inc! valve also in- cmoorales a filter screen and sedimenl bowl which voquives periodic inspectlon and claaning (page 45), OIL RESERVOIR The oil reservoir is contained within the lower crenltcase and ls tilled through the arl illlev opening (D located on the right crankcase Dover. Thil oil ie Iupolied to engine, tranamllsion and clutch compo- nent: by an oil ieed pump The oil capacity is 3.2 U. S. ole. (3!). Oil level must be checked with the motorcycle sanding upright on level ground. Measure oil level by inurflnn the dl ~ nick until the filler cap ® touches rite fillet openlng (I) but is not screwed in. all level 13:51 be maintained between a lumen and lower a) mulls dipstick. on the m on nu. ml... at on 'Ier up '31 00w: level mark m Ln." um mari- ENGINE OIL RECOMMENDATION Uae only high detergent, premium quality motor oil certified to meet or exceed us automobile manulecturer’a requirements for Service Classification SE. Motor oil: intended tor Service SE will show INI designeiion on the container. The regular use oi special oil edditivea is unneceeury and will only increm ope- rnting expeneea. Engine oil would be changed at the in- tervals prescribed In the Maintenance Schedule on page 34. WI: e el i- e ruler teeter ail-emu in prion-nee and eevvleo m- oi the endan- a»: guilty eu- are wee! Ill-CM“. Viecolity Viscosity election should be baud on the average atmospheric temperature in your riding am. Chenge to tho propel Viacom oil whenever live change: in average elmoephelic temperature require It. Recommended viuealty 1 General. all tomperalurel SAE tow—40 Alternate: Above SB'F (15'C) SAE 30 32 (O'C) la 59'F (iS'C) SAE 20 at 20W SAE 10W Bekwv 32'F (O'C) )5 -——— HIE-RIDING INSPECTION Prior to stoning your motorcycle, porlolln a non-ml lnlpoctlon n a mum ol lllhlt to man lull lhll tho molorcyclo It In good, talc riding aondlllon Thu IND-c- llon will only roouln I low lninulos and can save you much limo and upon» In Ill- long nut Chock alla lollwwinq llama. no It adlutt- lnonl or solviclng II neaquMwlo the approptlato actlou In tho manual. 1. ENGINE OIL LEVEL-Manure all lml and Add all ll may (on. 24). z FUEL-Check Iuol lml and fill tank ll low (pogo 22). 3. BRAKES-Chock opal-Hon of Item and my tutu Adjust Ira play ir masonry (pogo fll-67). I. TIRE AIR PRESSURE-Check with I tlru all unsur- gauge: Innate tlm ll pronoun lo loo low (mo 70). 5. DRIVE CHAIN-Chock condition OI ell-In and manure chaln slack Mint II dliw chain ulnclt ls lnooltllcl. Lu- Mull It drlvo chaln wow: dry. fleplooo ll arm chain is bully worn at dual-god (W 56-60). . m ROWE-Chock tlwollle over-llon In all nutlno vodllono. Adjust ll Ina play it Incomcl. Replaca or W «bl. loutlllg ll throttle doe. not emu may In all steering Moon: (9090 52>- . LIGHTING EQUIPMENT-Chock hold- llgllt and tall/stoplight Real-o0 any bulb much ran: to nor-l (pm 8H7). —— STARTING THE ENGINE --—-'——— COLD ENIINE STARTING PROCEDURE ll Tum 1h. luol link valvo to tho “ON" 1. Inoan the luv Into tho main twllclt and turn lo tho "ON" poclllnn. En» IIIII llm IM tunan'nion it In neutral Ind llul lha GREEN mull-l Indicator Inlnp In tho lamp clumsy Ia lit. Also lll this limo the RED all ore-Ian warning lamp allould be I'll. II the lamp lails to come on. th- eon- noclionmouldho m Ioranopon circuit and Illa bulb chodwd Ind upload it burl-0d out. 3. Mom sun that hundlcbol orlp Ignition switch I; In th- "RUN" position 4‘ Poaillon filo click: low to me tullv closed position & 0m Ina throlua IIIDhIIy and pros: lho tuner button II the anglno do“ not mn wltllln 5 month. talus. Illa starter button and allow mo mar molol lo ml I0! ooptoxlnmcly 10 mend: More ousting the non-r button again, ll um angina dons mll flurl roadlly with the Ill-cull: cutter. use the llck mar poool to m IN mine. II [M engine lalla to start Ill-r maul mod allernpu. tum on "la main swllcll and lower llw choke lava to the fully op." position. upon tho lluultlo lully and crank the engine using tllo lack stannr pod-L Turn IM main switch to the "ON" position and lollaw llll utorllnn pronoun otlllinod In steps I through 5: how. Ivar. a! [his lime tho uao cl lha chair. It not nomwy. 6. Mllr ma englna mm. ammo n ap- oroximalaly 2.000 mm unlil (ha angina will prop-fly rupond to ma rhronla with ma choke open. HARDING: [Mt mid-a ”lam wha- mxfla 'll. Nov-r rm Iha wh- h a cloud nun Ir ml“ Hal. nova: TM on araaaun woman Ian. am la a" tllllh aanral manna an" I“ Il‘nm. mm a lha alum bundl- alaly W shack lho all II 0' III nun-Ir. n ur- In aata. aa nal war-la lb- mautoycla In!“ (In WWI”. In!” fl-l ll. um Iv a "In“ mach-Ia. STARTING IN EXTREMELY COLD WEATHER Prim the nngIna before muting by cranking aavaral limes wllh IN kkk lunar pod-LT!» mln lwilch or handh- bar lanillon swkdl should be lurnad on. Th: cholw should In lully cloud and ma lhronla opanad. Follow Ihe proud-Ara Io! COLD ENGINE STARTING. WARM ENGINE STARTING PRO- CEDURE Whan ma angina II In be n-auned whill it ill mill warm. pmooad with ma COLD ENGINE STARTING PROCEDURE: how~ ever, tho us: of (ha choirs in not meas- any. —— BREAK-IN PROCEDURE ————-—-——— A canlnl break-in procodun during an lnillal miluw will mauurably salami lha urvlca Illa 0' ma amino. During mi: crucial parlor! IM molorcvcla mum not ba drivan al full power ovar axlandad dimncas nor ahouId il be drivan mo flowly. Tha gen-val lulu an as Iollama: 1. Maximum conlinuoua enolm spud during lha fim 600 mllal “.000 km) mun n0! one“ 5,000 rpm (5036 wood In lha mmllva aura). 2. Inca-Ia lha maximum canllnucus amino wand by 2,000 rpm bum odomuar wading: ol 600 mllaa (1,000 km) and 1,000 milas (1.600 km). Drhra briskly, um too-do Inquemly. and us: lull umle lav snon zoom only. no no! canoe-d 7,000 rpm. 3. Baal In mlnd mu lo In: I]. angina will: ham [mule al low annlm wands. m- mla is annlicabla not only during bleak-In bul at all [Imam 4. Upon reaching an odorlletor raadlna of 1,000 miles (1,600 km). you can sublet! tha motorcycle to lull thronla motion: how. do not «cud 9,300 rpm ll any llmo (oburva RED ZONE Ilmk on madam). CAUTION! D. M! also-d 1.000 rpm Imam n»- nla' [M Dull-Ia ulna-n load. H CO" Rona-“um ,, M. -—— RIDING THE MOTORchLE —-—-— 1. Aft-r the engine hn burl warmed up. the mercyclo is may lor rldlng. 2. Whllo 1110 main. ll Idling. pull in IM clutch Inn and press flu our chang- podal lo mm lnlo low our (1 3|). WARIIHG Enmflullhosflouuod h rumo- M Mon rm tho Morey-II. 3. Slowly Mom on clulcn luv-r Ind n tho um limo grout-ally incruu mo onglno speed by opening rho thrown. Coordifltlion ol rho ommlc and clutch will nuns l smoolh, posilivo m M ma molorcyclo. lover and mm to 2nd our by rolling m. our clung. pod-l. 6. m- mom in "pound Io pragm- mlly mm to 3N1 4m Ind lop our I . NOYE: HM- mum“ [can «um I; or no“. u- unm- luuld to cloud In! a» amen flung-(u. Also. I» elll nth-flu III! I. (hr.- Irku- IooolIr-Ilhc ll kl (III) .1! hr! In" or II” dour-MM. A! MI?! W Doc-no m- “In 000‘ «n coolly uuol mm Cull-I (m 20!!) rpm. 4. Wm» tho rnororwcle amino I mood When dlcahrfliw mo rnolorwdo om ol approximuly to men (16 kph). ordlmllon ol Ill Ihronk and clon- mo thumb. pull in the clutch and ray but“ lo M moor-.nzmm I 1.11» «moth gradual Ippllullon 01 both tho lmnl and mr Mhl tonal». with lb. mulnd Ihrolllo coordination will, undor moor condition, lawn willy. wood reduction In! unblllly. As "to rrmorcydu wood- aro mound. it in common pumic- lo downhill m- !rlmmlulon mainly into tho our npproprluo lo: rho lpood ol lhl motorcyclc. Thi: mum moximurn control through balm braking alloc- rlvonus nod aculmlinu who“ nam- “IV. 2. For maximum Malawian and brok- ing. almulunoomlv clos- mo that» lle. dlungoge m- clulch Ind apply both the lronl ml roar haiku a mo motorcycle corms lo 0 map. This manouvur manila! :moolh coordinl- non of tho controll and to mainlaln can ll Ihauld bu pruticod "causally. I Ind-ponder“ Ipplicatlon of Iitlm tho lronl or M1 bum is Might“ ll only on. broke I- app!“ warmly amouh Io lock ma rupecfiw who“. broking Wm is orally m. 06 and control of the mororcyclo is dinicull. NOT! : no not an! [or I long Gui—no will nun-shot". and do on m m mutual. a In. alums. !lllll mo 4'”. chl- ll lll‘ll "W. In- om: lur- ll mull. an Inn- rnluh- h mly lubricated only whon 1M out-- In run-In. Inflow. luhlnuu may dung. m nun-h. m J! r;_=—M A —-———————-—_ PARKING ———u— When porting tho motorcycle, mm lho malt! lwl‘ch to tho ”OFF" potlflon Ind rumovo m- m. Tho snoring Ihould also be lodwd. Tum lir- luol vnlvo In tho ”STOP" Bouillon. When parking at "In!“ I! no. mm. the mall! Mlch an be turned to rho "PARKING" poolllon and the key rumoured. (to. pogo 13). This will tum on tho rallllghl And make one motorwclo more With Io will: mm mm ——-—-SAFE RIDING SUGGESTIONS LAMM nuke l pro-Ming inooocllon prior to riding your namel- (So. on! 26) 2. NM ride I motomycln withoul a helm and ll lo noon-mud mu rho monorcyolitl war boon. glows, m proloclion, and bright clothing 10 Iunhor our-once ridar sultry. 3. Hlndlaoar fairing: and Iuggogc run or uddh bogs may odnnolv mm rho handlng durmotlfllcs 04 III: mmorcyolo. Extra care mm! In when In loodinl ind riding mmorcycln wilh this equipmom. 4. Place huh hoods on I!» handbbfl! Ind your ml on rho loot rum whlu ridlng. Encourago o onset-gar to hold Nonhuun m himself on I» momma. whh bolh Windwuulhopouengorlom m . Oh; I“ Moral and local low rogu- l-rlono and urn your headlight In tho omit»: hours In mlko rho molar- cycl- more visible to orhm motorists. . I: is noommondod that you bnoorru lomlll-r with your now HONDA CB 560 by ridlng In In uncanomod un- boluro riding on Iho public highwm. . Bo nun Io Ilgnll when molrlog - mm or changing l-rru. ‘ Do not rid. on the roadway shouldon Rernlrnblr I motorcyclist would .1- woys pros-m nmun Ind "spool Dm- MAINTENANCE —— MAINTENANCE SCHEDULE Th! mm and mile-m imamls drawn In [no undue Ichtdulo In inland-d u I with hr mulching veg-1hr mlhla- n-nco and lubrication Mods let your HONDA CB 550. Mann mum-rune- ma leading to flu indie-10d know-ls at month: a! mile: whiclmm oeum first. For ouch mic. nonunion mak- Mum to Ihe moocfivo pact 1mm in IN. MAIN- TENANCE SCHEDULE. Sun-had man or high wood opomion under tdvem condlflom will men-hm morl inquml miclnn. To (momma lplcmc recommend-don: '01 conditions ll unduv Mitch you use you! eomufl your lullw'izud HONDA Baht. ll your HONDA CB 550 Ml boon tum-d m or Involm In I will-Ion, Mn you: HONDA Dnlur artfully Intact: lh. majovcompmlnu a. g. Immo. 5W" nnd Meeting pm to: mlsaugnmum a: damn. Ia mum lunhov nit tap-radon. CAUTION x 7' mun W M.” II‘ MIDI", at you "OHM unravel. do not Milly »- mlrayul- Ind 1n- sly luv-o noun p'“ when much; a: nu”... Own-y mac-“Inma- mmmumm mnmthmm—m W. M m manhunt-unity ”Mun-.mhmnufiflflm IIWIAI. hrlum um muslin fllflflw WI“ "moo Mm“ mum. "In. 3-3:: {M- 3:: Erma an" -u_-§_ iii. Hush lugiunyu‘“ In an“ _.. 0 Q rifll "L"! ”Ell—CI. A; O trAuKKunf—o—uwfiuwu-m @0747qu Awmmou mam an. m - m w num- u Jr_ 7 ‘ VALVE TAP'EY CMWE 43‘ -_u gnu n ____y - can» win tension «.9 IAN! All FILTER sum All) mm»:- Al! MILE“ “-0"- Nl All FILTE- ELEIEIH -I£ 'mpunETonU-sL-Imu-u—uy mmmnumh-M WIDE! ”594— 0-1 o‘o'ooo opo o “IAIN “Mun-ll“ WNW“ mun-m1”. O Maul"! 31 m mum-mu unn- a mu upon ”up!“ mm- nape-a mm mu mm “mm mm mmlmxmm REGULAR name: mum Perhml rub-g Inm I—m ln:h 6—wa- Ina-I- ‘ IRAII WOMAN—Inna“ “I'll. Al nun ‘lmhllull- O “All ”Hot LIUKAGI AWA‘W‘HMHMV ' INEEL NIBMWKES 43mm m_muuwm "my with semi Elba-we ‘0‘.” luml—Iu -—‘ nainT _uémpg4nmas «a. M71: Mini-un- lulu-u na- 1;..." ummua sounmem ___ ,_, , >7 Vifl’yfl-‘d‘nlflm—y Au. nun. sous, Ann 6min “new“: ' mu. um mm... a m, O lira-mull“!'mwumwunmmflwfidmumfllwhflmm‘md I Mined" ”Hull Olh "“le in"! all Ill-oh Io “down "mumwwm ovum. " INITIAL lEIVICE IENIOD 2U MILEI "'IMVIAL ‘IIVICI PERIOD [M ”II.” ,. u_———-u- MAINTENANCE OPERATIONS -m ENGINE Oil. 1. changing Oll Ind Oil Fm" Elam-m Engine oil is Ilia chi-l halo: nllecllng 1h. padocmana and ”M28 life ol In. on- glne, The oil recomnnndul on page 25 should bl and and always maintain-d ll m- pmw Iml. Th. all and all mm should ho changed Becoming to the schedule shown on page 35‘ Porlovm Ilia angina all clung. in m following mlllrll'. Drain ills oil while the engine is still warm. as Ihl: wlll 35am compleu and rapid draining. .. Plac- In amply oil drain pan under the crankcase to catch the all. Remov- iho dtain plug (3} wlm a 17 mm wnnch Ind chin (ha all. Al» mnwo ma WWI . . w b. Altar the all has bun dr-lnod l - ‘ . . » a) cum». duln an; oil llllav boll m (M: 38) and v film olomenl. the cnnkcuo. owni- "I! kick Ila pedal moral llmu lo ddsln all residu ‘ 0 [in mm bolt oll lam-imng in "In all system pair am. When me all has been compIMoly dminad. relnuall me crankcase duln plug. making sum max I?» drain plug Dell is in good condition Install lhe oil film elmm and tiuhlm Ihl fillu cavov, making WM 18 me cover seal in in good condition AI Inc initial 600 mllal service remove and discard II'II oviginal oil liliu ala- mem and install a new lilm olmnl. Thereallev. il I! lacommended mm a new "list elemenl be Installed every 3.000 min. 0. Fill mo cunlcam with nppvoxlmmely 32 U, 5, ql. (at) at pvernium quality, SE. SAE low—40 oil or its Iquivnlvnl. Sun ma angina Ind own: [or some! minulu, Slop ma angina and chock (ho oil luvul wilh mo lullev cap dipstick (1‘ (page 39)‘ NOYESI o D. nol worth lho mloreyolo I! ”ll 0" IIVOI ll bolav Ibo law-r all Ilvol «wk (84 (we 39) on m dip-link. o Ourlllllnl on era-Incu- will mu all in h. anchor.“ oul of mu but ”I. l 0 WM“ awning u» molmycln III mum-"y only candluml. oll nun." ill-II be ptrlormcd at man lrmnt Inna-It Ill-I on! Mulch In "mm“ In the MIMI-luau «mm. D Fill" CID mollicll m Upon kvul mail 3 Lower anel MM 0 IV In. mouvayulu I: gala; u in “oral be u umdod p.91“. “I. all Ihnuld N chug-d prior h "t: rum The oil changu inlarval lo: your HONDA amino is band an lhI un nl ails thll mnl lho requiremems indiculed In lhl Mliun OIL RECOMMENDATION on page 25. Oil chang- inlorval: longer than thou listed in me MAINYENANCE SCHEDULE will insult in serious red-11:1 llons in angina Iila Ind may all.“ HONDA ubligllion undo! ma pmvislom ol mo new molovcyclo wlmamyv 2. Oil Prouuro Check To lest the condition 0! "is oil pump. ii is recommended lhil an oil plasma chock bl Mormed during the 12 month- my 6000 miles sewice‘ As lhlI Nona-Mun ,, m- chock mums a Incl-l oil mun mug. II should In done I! your HONDA doubt 3. Clo-Mug Oll Pump Sunlncr TM all pump «minor II loam-d under I'll oil pump inside "I ulnkuu all non, Herr-ave the mean all purr by ro- moving th- ruulnlng bola. Ohm-ml. [hi all pump minor Clan rm pump «ulnar Ind warn pur lborouflrly and nlmulL ‘I'lrll amnion mus! b- porlmmod by n qrullflld machulic Ind tlrwld b0 do" during th- 12 nonm- or 5,000 mills union. SPARK PLUGS The NGK D7ES or DENSO XZZES sport plug h mod n mud-rd mulprmnl on lM C3560. For most rldlrrg condlfiorrl lhll wart plug hut mm- ls aru- factory. Hawwu. ll the motorcycle I: going Io bl con-ltd tor “and“ urlodl ll Inf-WIN high mod- and rrur mulmurrr pm in NM cllmnru. tho spark plug! mould bu clung“ lo a cold" host range. Suvlclm of an spark plug in u 'ollow- I. much rho spark plug Ind and n- mova rho marl: plug wllhlho mocial munch gravid-d in run Iool Idl. b. mam rm elm and mu portal-In M (M spark plug lor dono- du. mound llama-in. or carbon louling. ll the spark plug duped” Or. how. or rho oltcmldu low to b. modal “My, "place lhl Ill-k plug. ll "$1er plug ls arborlld or wul laulod. lhl plug an be alum-d wflh a spark plug chum. whun wk club chin-r I- our available. us. I “I” wire hunt: to rum urban. Wash Mm Iolvam nod dry. 0. “Jul: rho mark plug 009 0 lo ecu-0.028 Inch (0.6-0.7 mm). The gap can In Wed with a minim-Is DIM 1h adiusnnum It made kw bundling rho rug-1M (grounded) cloc- undo Q d. Whoa installing rh- urlrk plug. ll would b- fim mud lo finger Ilgm and than rmued wirlr «h. wmnch 1’2 (0 3/4 lum, 61W: 0 All lurk plug: run-t M “an. M hmlflly Mun-II ullrg cu: m 'II'I MI all puilbly can no I. Do ugh-n. ”our r.- m lmrmt ml run W I“ i. no not Imam to dry or rm rm lur- (Il Iplrk III] D1 tun-lag. 0 mum: mum m '1 O IGNITION TIMING ADJUSTMENT Contncl breaker point gap must In ad- iusled below tho ignition tlrnlng adjun- manl in performed, Any change In gap will «fleet ignition timing. 1. Contact Breaker Point Gap Ad- human! 3. Romuv- the point covvr. b. Open contact points it with finger or wall screw duvet blade and Ix- amina lor pitting ll pitted ot burned. tho point: should bo roolacod and tha condensers checked. A gray dis- coloration is normal and can be to- mcvad with a point lile. Filing should be dam caralully. Clean the point contacts alter llllng with a clean aim ol unmixed paper such as a husinasa card or chemical point cleaner. Home the crankshall in thv clock- wiu direcilon to find the position 5" when mach breaker point gap Is at maximum and chuck wilh a thick- nass gauge. d. The nandard gap I: 0012-0018 in‘ (043414 mm). c. When adjustment is nacasury. loos- on the contact breaker plato Iockinfi scram Li and mow the contact breaker plate to achieve comet gap. When {v COMIC! breaker points 3 Contact but" pm- lad-Jug snow: ,1 Counuv Iva-.mlnt .uu. properly idiunod. rellghlon lacking warm '3‘. 2. Ignition Timing Adiunrncnt Do not parlovm thla operation unlil point gaps have been adjusted. a. Rotate the clankshall in the clock- wiu direction (see arrow) and align LD Ina" mm ’5‘ Cylinder numbfl a) I.“ cyllmhr brealm Win“ 3 Comm! breaker but! plan "(:an w ‘1) '7‘ math 6 In: "F" tinting mark (I) (1.4 cylindlr 131) to lhe timing index mark G). Al this tim this contact brookow point: 0 would jusl nan ta open. To dolerminc accuralolv Ihe exact moment of point opening. a timing light should b0 connacled acrots tha I .4 cyllnd ‘1 East: plate lodtinl scrum U) cont-ct art-nu right hm pm: ‘1 Right kmu pI-lo |o€|tlnfi screws a. 2-3 cyllnder Meier nolnls bro-kn oolnu :9. b. ll the llming ol the bra-luv point oponlnu ll lmonacl ([00 only or loo llll). talcum-m is wide by Ioaun- lnu the mac ban plala locklnu 1. mm a» uni cnmlullv rot-ting lh. bun plus 9 unlil m Ilmlno light ‘ lllckln. Tlnhlnn but plat. locking tum, NOTI: Mum; m- u.- pm clack-III- wlll mutt llama “ml-5. Coo-hr- cloclmln nation wlll now-mo Inl- flul llnlu. Tllll III- I‘IIIIIOI I. "I. "I" M II mm“ or "lard“ llmln' ulll amn- umloo dun-Ila. c. chl. connacl the timing Iluhl to 2‘3 «Minder lav-alter polnn (1". Rome mo u-nkshall 130' (1/2 mm) in "to u clockwlu dinclian and align the "F" (13 cvllndar) liming math to lhl influx mm: a) ll Illa liming light lllckerl cu goes all wlml mm Ill-l6 come inm pod.“ Ilignmonl. no Odin-1mm: ls mm ll lhe man-lam of pain! opening ll lncamcl loosen the m (2.3 cylindu) righl ban plu- locking scrum-I 0 and malt. (he ndiunmcn In lhl mo mum at memlonad in usllon “b’t Raehack lha conucl bnahr point was Ind lh- ianllion liming. Tllls smiu Ilmlna grandma I: nlnivoly «cums il done will: can. howcm. for hen result: I moboaoopi: limlng light should be und an boll! the remand and adv-null angina lgn‘nion liming can ho checked. Vow HONDA dale! has lhii squlpmem Ind can parlorm this opcmlion lot you. VALVE TAPPET CLEARANCE ADJUSTMENT haul" vulvu clmnca will cause llpml noise. and nnalive cleannu will prov-m vulva: lie-n cloning and anus. vulva dam-g. Ind pawn Ian-l Thon- lom, vulva nppm clnmncu should be mint-into newly. Perform ma valv- upped clam-nee check II "In milled intent-In NOTE: 1'»- Syllml'rl lr. WM“ 1- hurl In kn ud- In nu rlun ”dump a. Tum lucl vain lo "I! "OFF" posi- Iion. "move balh fuel llnes lmm m- lml valw body. rain "13 seal and pull the my luel link mbbor mounllng away [tom tho my l-nk mounL fill» the luck ol the lull unl: slightly and u I‘ pull me am: buck unlil ll clan lla- laws-d unk mourns Roman and "I unk uldo. b. Remove m- lgnillon bra-kc! pol " cm and the liqu lappel Idluni -' mm was 41;. (plan 46) c.WlIllo slowly vol-ling lhe cmnhhu ‘ (D Md“ mull Q ”T" mitt 11' I. 4 :yllndcv mul clockwile with the kick pedal. weld! live :1 cylinder inulur valve lappeL When this nope! goes down all me way and men stem to Illt. you must then watch lor me alignment ol lire Index mark (1) and ma “1'" mark 13. Check the 1.4 cvlinder mark (3). In this posirlnnl me pisron in M cylindlr Q] TOW“ “Wilma screw will In H T. D. C. (rop-dud-cenrer) oi the compression slroke Ind me inlnka and exheull vaiwr In the cylinder would be lullv elm Chad: lha clearance ol both velws by incening me looler gauge on belwaen lha novel winning screw A) and "‘0 valve stem ll cle-rance is correcr lhure will be slight drug or refinance as lire gauge in inserred. Adjuumonr is necnury il the clear- nnce ls loo mull or excessive gluon :1). Hold lhe IBDMI «firming screw in [his pasilion and tighten me lock not Q. Recheck [he clearance will! the gauge . To check or edlusl clearance cl :4 cylinder valves rotate the crenkshnlr clockwise one lull mm (360‘) end ellgn the mark: as in min "c" above. . v - lhen loliorw steps "6" and ”e". .Vaiva uppot adjustment lor 2.3 cy- linder can be performed as in um "c" Ihrouah “e". however. [he 13 cylinder mark r3 must show (nol 1.4 mark) when the index mlrk (D and "T” mark Q) In Aligned. The 52 cylinder intake rapper should be welchv ed (no! '1). ,To check or adjust :3 cylinder rep- pau. mllll rh- cmnnhalr one lull‘ The urendmd leppol clearance is mm (360') and align the marks 3; u m 0.002in. (005 mm) in step " " above rhen Inflow stop. EX 0003an (0.08 mm) "d" and "e" .Adiuumarrl in mode by loosening lhe rapper urew lock nul ill and . Inureli I" urwm udjuaring hole caps. 00 Ml overligmen. turning me ndjullinu screw (5) unlil there in Illghl drag an IM leoler (5; Index mlrk 1' 'Y‘ lnerl I. L“. M m Peeler [use '3‘ z. 3 cyllndev mm m Noll CID Mndauun "' W p. FUEL VALVE STRAINER The luel strainer is in tho luel valve body which is mounted on the bottom side of the ma! tank at the left side. Accu» mulntinn cl dirt in the strelner will raA strict the Ilow cl tho fuel Ind clue the carburetor: to malfunction: therelore. tho lual strainer would be serviced petiodh cellv, Turn control valve to "STOP" push lion and unscrew tho strainer cup It m Fuel valv- I! Remove the' ring seal -1-. and the filter screen an can be liked out Wash the screen and cup in solvent and m- asscmble Turn control valve to “ON” position and check luv leeks A: the some tlmo chuck ii there is any seepage around the fuel tank. in ltml leveling tube and luel line to the carburetors. and il the hose clamps are properly installed, :23? a» fuller “In!" ‘1 0 runs zeal lit Shula-t (up Cot-nay o m he‘d-bur u- CAM CHAIN ADJUSTMENT A loo-e cam chain will cause the valve timing to change, resulting in poor per- lcrmnnce, It will also cause excowve engine noile, a Set me crankshall to TVDVCV (top- dead-cenrer) ol the compression stroke with IM lick starter pedal v Adiustrnrmt is made by loosening the lensioner lock nul i1. Yhis wtll automatically release the tensioner screw '1‘, applvlng the proper tension to the cam chain, Alter completing the adjustment. tighten [he lock nut :‘j‘. 9 NOTE: Do MI lpply ox: "I. "villa!" lat." gnu-ire o- //’ Ill Loch ml (1.» humour mew AIR CLEANER Alr cloaner elemenl cleaning end/at replacement depends on motorcycll operating conditions Your HONDA del- Ier cen help you to detmmlne the m- quencv ol cleaning and replacing the ulemnl A device is built in the boltom of tho air cleaner case to super-ate o|l ham (9 the crankcase breamer lube Clean Ihe polyumrhuna elmnr 01 (he device al (he same rim: ol cleaning the air cleaner nlomonlv a» Raise rhe seal and remove Ihv Iool caso together wllh me air cleaner COVOI. b. Lih out the air cleaner alemenl ra- mlnlng clip (1, Removv the air cleaner Alr cleaner (use rz; n-mnmg cllp elamenl l! and clown il by lapping lightly l0 loosen dust mm using a sell brush; (Ire remaining dun can be brushed lrom Ihe ouler elemem Iurlace or blown away by applying compressed air lram rhn inside 0! Ilra elomcn: as shown ln lha illuirmion 3r A" mum rlvmflll c Roman me olemenl cover In (page 61) n . Remove the polyurethane elemenl ‘3‘ lrcm me elm-em covvr and wash il in clean sch/om Squeeze our excess wlvnnl and Ilmn dry me elarnenr rhorounhlvr VWhen ready to rnsull the air cleaner, assemble in the reverse order nl disA assembly. Elma"! con/1r cnuvroN: . a. mu nu Icld. Illull er orunlc "mm My mum” in. chain“ VT. a Man new u-o motorzytlo n um- upndu, um um «man I nor- noun-um. cram the dull plvl ru ale 5 ”1“”.th elem-n1 SI THROTTLE CABLE ADJUSYMENY Two control cables connect the throttle grip to a crank on the carburetor operat~ inn bar. One cable opens the throttle valves, whrle the other cable ensures posltrva clowre, Standard throttle orig play is approrti- mately 104 5‘ ol grip rotation This play can be adjusted at the grip play adjuster 1' and also with the adjusters 3 at the “I Lodt nut ‘1 Grip day ertiuiler lower end 0! the cables located at the thrortle crank gr. To adluat, loosen the lock nut and turn the adjuster. When pariah-ting tho adtuitment. bath the openlng and closing aides at the ad- ]uetera should be adjusted by equal amounts, Do not target to tighten the lock nut upon completion el adjustment Check lor smooth operation at throttle grip through the entire range from tully ill Aulmtera open to lullv closed with the steering handle at to the extreme right and lelt steering positions Intpect the physical condition at the throttle cable housing; between the throttle grip and the carburetors (or kinks, chaflnn. other damages or tor improper routing, Replace any damaged section or reroute If required CARBURETOR ADJUSTMENT Quadruple plston type carburetors are mounted on the cvllnder head to provlde independent carburarion to the respec- tive cylinder-r Both the chokes and the throttle: are linked to operate all tour carburetors simultaneously. Laetore making the ldle adjustment the engine must be at operating tern~ parature. Turn the stop screw tit on the throttle linkage which is neces- SJ alble lrorn the right tide to obtain lhn proper Idle speed, Turn the screw in the m direction to increase the speed 2. After pertorming the adjustment I- bove it the proper ldle speed cannnl be obtained or it the exhaust back otessures [rum the cylinders are not uniform, the carburetors require in- dividual udlustmant and synchroni- xation, 1r Stan strut: ' w Incvum the spun at Decrease rm tom: NOTE! Cllbunlor swamp-luna- require- IM nu e! wool-l humanl- and mull be ptflbrm by Ill mam-d Mend. Dal-v. auteur-m ”muted nuon le norm-fly nnum m be che- cked only n «nodal-d perlealu M lnlenence ill-"ell («a use 35). sylcnmhnlen 0! un cum-non um renun- uncle! Inurumenuthu m 'Mull he rel-nod I. In «mm-d duller. __.___.._.___.———-—-——-._.. CLUTCH ADJUSTMENT The clutch must be Bdlusled no lhel (ha engine can be comololelv dimmed lvom mo mmmission. but no! lo Ibo min! when! the clulch will slip when lhe machine in accelalnlina The clutch and ciulch cable should be adjusted lo provide O.4~D.8 in. (10~20 mm) lvoa play msumd al lhe lip ol mu clmch level To ediusl. potlmm lhs lellnwing fllpl. l. Cluxcn adjuslmem is made hv loosen- ing me clutch adiuam locking mu (0 and Iuming me odiuslev :3 lo align lhe aiiqnmenl marks :1; (page 56) on Iclualing arm and engine side covet, (1) Clutch Idmm loam: run «I Clulch adtuxlcv Courtney uw-.munn~..m b. Minor ndjuslmem can be made Bl both adiusleu el lhl! upper and lower ends of the clutch cable. Loosen the lock nul m (‘9 al lhe lawn! and) al the ciulch level and mm the cable ndjuslev boll "4r (‘1; nut at me law-u end), Turning lho cable adjusts! boll (nul 31 me Iowa: and) clockwise @ will lnctease the play in me clulch level. luming in me (E direclion will decluse Iho playv Do nol locum lo lighten lho lock nut alley compleling the adjummenl. ‘4‘ Clu‘ch «th adlusllv boil ’5‘ lock WI cl Alla: lho adiuslmenl has been made, check Io see mat the clulch is not slipping and mm the clutch is plopoiiy disengaging. Stlrt the attain: Ind litilt into gear. DRIVE CHAIN INSPECTION, AD- Thare should ht no oxcmlw grlnd- JUSTMENT AND LUBRICATION ina lrorn tit. trammisfion. Ind lho machine mould not begin to creep lorwardr Driv he machinolo check st-nd. with the mnunisaion in mutrulr I! link: cannot b- lruod, the chain must Turn the rut wheel slowly, and inspect be upland. tha drive chaln Ind smock-ts lor any ol tbs following conditions: non; Nov-r Inst-II a In": am- alt-III “in service tile ol the drivc chain In de- pendent upon planar lubrication Ind ad- ivstmlm. Proper maintenance will help f) '0' gnbblng 0' to uttnd urvic- Ill: and unsure smooth manlIftftucl-N “0|! "m Invasion. or ru- no “ power transmission to the run whaelt ,m“ ”u '"W‘l'" WW. I MI! non- drlvn Poor mainlenlnca can :nuu prunatura .9, ,, mm... m war a: dnrnaul to lhu driva chain and . xtn’lru u unfit; l'hiu :m‘:.;:.,;.. .1. sprockets - IMO-m0 in... war musty. The drivu chain must be chockod. and ”wrap-r Mtvsumt __ ’ ”Mood as necessary, alter the first 200 ”uncut: Win-“(7.4 swan mu ‘ milu al operation, and at lent svsry /+ . Exeuuruty Won Your- 500 mrles munitor. ll your CB 550 is ‘ In” or Dam-“4 Tum overntnd at sustained ltlah woods, or undos conditions ol frnqmt rapid nc- celoution, tho drlvn chain must he mlcud more ofton. I. lnspoctlon Place the mototcvcls on the center Drlvo ch-ln with damagod roller: or look pins mutt be raplacndr Chain which apmrs drv. or shows signs cl rust requires sunplarnantal lubrication Kinkod or binding link: should be i thoroughly lubriutod and worked lree. t_i‘_____ mun-v o Nona-“tut ,7 m Loch Ml m Clutch cau- adpster nut 16 2. Drive Chain Adjustment Drive chain sleek should be chocked and adjusted as necessary, Alter the lint 200 miloe 0' operation and at least every 500 miles thereafterv CB 550 motor- cycles operated at sustained high weed; or under conditions ol ltequant rapid accolevation. may require more lrequent \\ ‘ ‘1 C01!!! Pm XV Alla MA 3' Lock W! ‘1) Olive dull! idlusllng boll Q laden mark I! Chain balm-let clue adjustment. The pvocadute lor drive chain ttdlultmenl is BI lollowav . a. Place the motorcycln on It: center stand. with transmission In neutral in. Remove cotter vln (D item the rear axle nut a», and loosen the nut c.l.ooson lock nuts 0| on both ad- ]usring bolts 1.. «thin bath adjusting bolts an equal number oi lutnl mm the correct drlvo chain tension is obtained. Turn SI odluttino bolt: clockwise to tighten the chain, or counterclockwise to provide mons slack MIL!!! to provide approximately 3/4inch (20 mm) 0! chain slack at a paint midway between the driv- sprocket and ma rear wheel sprocket. Rotate lhe rear wheel and recheck slack at olhu sections 0! the chain, Slack must not be less than 3/4 Inch (20 mm) II a point midway between the sptocltets. regard— less ol the cltein section at which measurement is taken er Check rear axle alignmenl with the index marks on the teat swinging arm. Both left and right marks should corra- Ipondr I! the tulle appears misaligned, turn Ihl! loll or right adiusting bolt until marks cormsoond on both sides of the rear swingan arm l. Tighten both adjusting bolt lock nutst 9.1'r‘ghren the axle nut and install the cutter pint Replace the cotter pin II it is broken or appear: demaaed, h.Check rear brake pedal free travel. When the rear wheel I: repositioned to adjust drive chain slack. brake pedal free travel is also affected. Refer to page 65 let brake adjustment in- slrucl'rons. r‘. Remove the motorcycle from its center sllnd. While claim: on the machlnu. roll it lorword or book to be camin there are no light spots in the chain, thh the motorcycle on its wheels and ledun with the ridor's wuiuhl. lhe mat "winging arm moves toward a horixo- nlel position. and drive chain slack decreases, Drive chain slack should notbelessthen 1/2 inch (I3 tnrn) wilh \‘u memwmleonluwheeleendladem e.1'he CB 560 in ooulpped with the 3. Drive Chain Lubrication Nomliy me: drive chain iubvicelicn ie pedomled without removing the chain. It the lime oi chain ediullmem‘ Mace inquetu inloeciion end eeMcinn le mailed under eevete ooemino con- ditione. .Miim dvlve chain u described In endleee Iype drive chain end requires swindle inepection. ll dirty or tuned cleen with bunch and eolvenl. wine and diy with I cleen reg. Inspect the chain lo: wear (elopoy joints). etiiineee and binding at lhe joints. and Wen o: ecu-med mile-L Apply a lib-rel amount at good amino oil 0: chain lubricahl. ii dam-nod or wom. the chain Ihould be replaced, Replacemem al Ihe end- less cheln remains: a meciel loci. Ihete~ fore your HONDA dealec should be consulted. nape "e-é“. page 53.60. BRAKE INSPECTION AND ADJUSTMENT Bide: are item: M poison-I safety and should elweve be maimdned in won- adiuelmenL 1. From ante The CS 650 iron! bait: is a hvdtaulioellv nomad “liven/din type. This type bake will movide reliable wet-lion end excellent braking quellllee eunuch higher omilng Iempemuree Ihen the con- venllonel dtum woe brake. When eremre I: applied In Illa hreke lever, Make fluid Irenemlie the oieeeure to IM brake vision In the nelipll. prese- ing Ihe Mellon weds agelnei the die Broke fluid is A medium for Ira-emitting pmeureendplayaavhelroleinxhebrlia mum Therefon, when echeduied mu maintenance ll perfumed. it ie lrnperelive the! me from brake eyeum is inepeeud no eneure that there is no fluid ieeileoe. Al the Motion pede wean ed— Hood-4M w J dilional fluid is [alien into me ivewn from the liuid neetvoiv lo oomneew lur (he irlciion and wear. Because of: thin ieamre. ihe die bake is evil edjueiinyfi and the brake control levev iree travel" will remain oonetani once the lree [revel he been embliehed. providing the hy- drIulic mm is he 0! eiv. if the control love: free Invei becomes eeceseive and the iriclion pads are nol wom beyond Ihe nomnmded iimil (gene 65). there is probably elr in lhe breke eyelem and ii muel be bled. z. Breke Fluid The broke fluid level in the veeervolr should be checked Ii Hauler imerveie as In the MAiNTANANCE SCHEDULE (pew 35). Ram the memoir can, weehev and dlephlaam. and whenever the iml ie lowev Ihan Ihe level men: (‘0 engraved lnlide lhe memoir. ill! the molt lo flue level mirki Use only broke fluid which is “ignited DOT 3 u on the cor-ulnar. DOT 3 brake lulid mun IM SAE J1703 specification. Out lido the U. S, A.. ula SAE .1170: brake fluid. Reinstall the diaphragm and with”, and tighten Ilte reservoir can securely. ~w (L Llllel line (Markl WARNINGS: I ”I. "“100? 8 hell. "0H lrom IIIIIH container. e Clnrt III" no bole" "mung. 3. Bleeding The Bnlto System The brakes must be bled with greet cert subsequent to work porlomled on the brake system. when the lever becomes unit or spongy. or when lover travel is excessive. The procedure l: but pur- lotmed by two mechanics. 3. Remove the dust cap lrom the bleedv er valve and attach bleeder host) It. b. Place the free end oi the binder hose in e glass contannnr which has some hydraullc brake lluid in it so that the end ol the hue-3 can be submerged. r. Fill the maven using only the re- commended brake lluld. Screw the cap pull-Hy an the temrvolr to pre- vent entry cl dust. d. filpidly pump the brake lever several times untll pressure can be lelt. holding the lover tight. open the binder valve by About one-hell turn and squeeze the lever I" the way down, Do not release the lever until the hleeder valve hn been closed main. Repeat this procedure until bubbles cease to appear In the fluid II the end oi the hone. . Remove the blender hole, tighten the bleeder valve and lmrell the blender valve dust can. Mend-um ll Mur- l. Do not allow the lluid reservoir us become empty during the bleeding operation as this will ellow air to enter the system again Relill the fluid as olten as necessary while bleeding. 9 Check lar proper elloct el bleedlngv and absence oi leaks in the front brake lines willie holding pressure egalnst the brike lawn. Relill fluid in the reservoir when bleeding is com- pleted. Reinstall the diaphragm wexher and reservoir cap and tighten. When the hydraulic brake Intern he- been drained. it should be lilled as outlined below: A Fill [M lluld reservoir. b. Open the blender valve by one-hell turn, squeeze the brake level. close the valve and release the brake lever. This procedure mm be repeated in this sequence until hydraulic fluid begin: In New through the blender hose, Having lillod the hydraulic eye- lem with lluid, proceed with the actual bleeding operation. CAUTIONX e Inlte fluid which MI been stunned out el ur- Intern mull net he need “III. e Cm lltlll ee leltan. ee Male III-la IIIII dun-l! "I. paint "out lllll hr elnenen |etue lam-I. e. Brake Caliper Adjuetment Whenever the brake pads are replaced the brake celipet iii muet be adjusted. mis etfiustmanl in made. so that there is I smell clearance between the fitted ltictian pad it and the brake disc. a. Raise the hunt wheel all the ground. b. Loosen the caliper stopper boll loclt nut rm. c. Using a suitable screw driver. turn the stopper (9 bolt in direction 8 until the lrictiun pad contacts the brake din. When lha wheel is routed. a slight drag should be noticed. d.Whilo rotating the hunt wheel, tum 1: Brake caliper d; Brie pads. Q Sloane! bolt lock ml ’9 Stowe! WI 5‘ Cat-new . the stopper bolt in direction it until the hunt wheel tolatee freely. e,Tum the atom»: bolt in direction 8 1/2 turn lurthor and tighten "‘3 lack nut. 5. Brake Pads Brake pad wear will depend upon the severity ol usage, type of driving. and cendition ol lhe roads. It may be ex- pectod that the pads will wear luster on dirty and wet roads. Visually inspect the pads during all regular service inter- vals lo delemrine the pad wear. The pad wont can be determined by measur- ing the inside clearance bemon the lace ol the caliper housing and the brake disc while praising the inner housing lownrd the disc ll clearance is less than 0.12 In. (3.0 mm). reglece both pods with a new sot. NOTE: In. enly noren lenulne repleeetnertl "Dene-t pad- all-rod by MIDIIX.‘ noun Deal-re. when eervm le ne- ee ery on "I. been". consult yet-r MA Dealer. 6. Rear Breke Adjustment The rear brake is oi an internally ex- panding type. To check the rear brake pedal ill Ives lraval. role: the rear wheel 65 in Rear bun pedul 1t roar: mm at rural mow bolt 0" the ground by placing lha motorcycle on tho center stand. Rotate tho wheel by hand and note the dislanco the pedal tip travels '1‘ beloro tho btako take; hold Normal tree travel in approximately I tn. (25 mm) ll adjustment ls necessary. maka tlw adjustment by turning the ad- Iuttlng nut St, Turn clockwise lot less ltoo lvrtvoll comterclockwisa lnr mentor 66 {too naval. Thu stopper bolt '31 is pro- vided to make a odjtmmcnl at the pedal height baton the adtuttment by the nut. To turn this bolt. loosen the lock nut. Alto! adjusting, lighten the lock nut. "OTIS: 0 not. nun um m. cut-out M an ad- IIII‘Ill‘ nul II In!“ on the Bill- lfl'l'l Pill I'Ilf lhl "Jul Mwlxmnnt NM Dull modo. I' tho 'Il’ ihul unm- bly VIII boon mill-d font-I‘d or I find. II In drlv. til-In I‘Mlm "to roar on“ any "out" odltnt. mall. I Inlpccl KM month: of IR. rtlr till. you ulualln‘ um [M lochln ball I! In“ mama-Ind. 7. Roar Buko Wear lndlcotor When the luv brake is applied. a red nrraw at. adiaccnt to the rear brake arm qt moves tow-rd I red tolerance mark imam Monaural 67 I1: on the rear balm backing plate d). The dtstanca between the arrow and th- reference mark. on lull application of the rear brake. lndtcales brake lining thick- ness, ll the Inow aligns with the ralerenco mark on lull application of the roar brakat the brake shoes should be mmoved and inspected (or wear. Replace the Ill flair hr. bod-in: [Illa J) Rulnemu mark ‘1‘ Alma ll) REM bum: aim brake dices. ii the thickness 0' IM lining is moan-423mm) or Ins. mm wm Irlu urvlee in Mill-7!. at your uninvited Honda mlercycle do. I. when "pl-eh: brake Ihau. WHEEL REMOVAL AND INSPEC- TION 1. Front Wheel Removal Rmval at me from wheel I: parlormed in the (allowing manner, a. Rain the horn wheel off ma ground try placing a auppon under the engine. b. Ron-rave me Ipudmtu cable L1" Irem the iron! wheel hub assembly. ct Remove Iha ulo holder fixing mm (D and the iron! wheel assembly can be removed lrom the from lam To lnelall the iron! wheel reverse lhe sequence ouuined above. iii 51»; water um: a run holder lining mu NOTE! : u 0 MRI! rental-II [he run! wheel "I lrlctl-n plea :ll be Ink-n on! a! un nailpcr nearnaly and med pr '0. [no pl ‘5). I Do ml do”. "I. Niki lav-r WW the Intel ll e" the Uriel-royal. bo- nel- ". caliper pinion will he lore ml ol the eyl hr with new»! Ian 9! lulu "M. I! me can occur ”wish; 0! In: brake ayllern will be neuury (no [we‘- Il~04). 2. Rear Wheel Removal Removal ol rear wheel is performed in tho lollowinh manner. - a, Place the rnolurcycle on the center i ' stand. . | [1. Remove the rear brake adjusting nut 'l" m" ”"h “Mm“ "" f. and actuating rod horn the brake 67703317432370 WWW—.— arm ‘11. downward. Remove Ibo rear lurk cap a. Remove rear brake backing plell iixlng bolts 0) and and caps. torque erm lock pin '1“ nut «D, welhar l. Push lhe wheel lorwerd. I"! ma chain $1. and ball rim 0" the sprocket. then pull the wheel d. Home the caller pin and looaan rearward. elem ol the rear icrk. "W axle nulm. To install [M rear wheel. tavern IM 0. loosen the rear wheel adjusting boil sequence outlined above. lack nuts It. back out the adjuster Adiull [M drive chain lemion following boil: 0 and mm the chain adjusters drive chain adjustment (us page 68) mum or m ,r .:6 i him. will a Luck M 0 «mm ball 9 ruling Doll 3. Win—I InspocVJon AI any limo m- fmnl or run wheel il remand. lake lhl opponunilv l0 lhovomhly inspect IM wspamlon com- ponanlxi bruka irklion IInlngs and when! buying Carefully imml Ibo condi- lion ol wheel rim and spoke xcmion at Iwulm Imam-ls in In iho MAINTE- NANCE SCHEDULE (nag! 36). II is racummandcd max ratiohlonlng oi spokes be done by a qualified mochlnic. ____,_.____._._————————— TIRES Ii any on. item would have ‘0 in singled out IS lho most Imponanl lo molovcycla "kw, il would woblhlv be Ibo lives YIL Ihls is {manually the mom neglected llam an lha MOIOICVCIB. Because the fire- can be impacted eau'lv. w: recom- mended lhll you man II a mum oi habil lo check lha wndilion ol the lira! during lhe PRE-RIDING INSPECTION 1. The Prmuro Conan lira pressure will movido maxi- mum nuhllilv‘ rldlng cnmlon Ind “i. lilo, Tu Insuve Iho propel lira prawn. iallow ma ncommendulom in me lol~ lowing lable‘ 70 Rmmmm Tlro Inflnlhn Pram (cm) up In IrmL zsvu) Cold [in figblwmylr— P'fl‘ulil , v pal lug/me) Up in mm. "W" cut-thy Io-dln. Vchkll “puny land 33° '“IIMW Fronl: 325~ I9 Tu- MIG Rel! 175: i E See Also the tile inlovmmlon label uflixad to "1- mar Vanda: land-“um w 7] CAUTION : O Ovlvlnflllbn or undirlnflllhl II II. II"- will cum nun-null mu Ito-r .r other dunno I“ "out . lusty tux-rd. Ruling nm- minim-ha llnI IIII a”. "II "III In 9 III "I annulus Cm I'm-(II.- vulva 30- von Morin-"mun any run“ In Inn of m an 1mm the mm 0 thank nu pnuunl luau-nu and Idlun ll Maury. o Ioplnco in: Ilm Irina nu III-S ‘00! ll "II cut-1 0' [III III. II I'll Ih-‘l 0.12 In. 13mm). 2. Tim Trad Common Oporaring the molorcycla th anus- sMIy worn lln and will adnmly alien liability and motion. 0nd oonuquanrlv lmrito Mnrdoun condition Down-Inc rho limo whon you naod lo mine. In. Ilru by maturing mo 7" mnlnlnu Mir oi tlra mad. Tho limlu ol Iiro cantor marl down are 005 in (1.5 mm) In Iron! and 0.08 in (2.0 mm) in the roar rims. 3. Tim nanwval Ind lnmllnlon In rho event of I liar tin or puncnm. or whorl installing 1 MW lire. lho Iollowinu in"! would be hot in mind. minus” only rha lira flared on the label mind to IM roar fond-i b. Nwor um u) with or vulcaniu a lira easing. loo-mm“ ur- arm BRIDGESTWE rm: | Supp-r laud 21:2 l mum wold Zlnz 71 ‘ Innar lube: would be parched only in EMERGENCY tirrmiona, . Alwavl locals and alimlnala lilo CAUSE oi the or Inner who dorms. a Puncnrro duo lo slurp oblacl or mara imp-oil Pumura duo Io loo-o 0nd broken a. mom. Flm (in duo in vandalism or looking valve corn. Flo! Iln duo Io inlarnol culling or Gv cum I Fm lira due lo lira milling on rim‘ v.11!- inner tube in rnull compond to tho rim casing aixo. .- hro nmovul would brr porlonnod in tho Iallowing mnnnlr. .1. Remove lite wheel Mbly Io be worked on as described In From or 7:1 ROI! Who-l Rcrnovll. was 63-70. . Roman brake booking plan asumblv Ind/or uxio, so whool can he luv-o iln. Lay whool unrnblv on: raw or cardboard lo prwonl hub rum darnna. Rem VINO cm and valve stem mining mm. loon- and nmava any sharp ooh“: imboddod in m (in. Slap on rin- ming ro bruln i1 lroa lrom the rim. Repeal on “‘13 oppodlo Iida, Using two null or medium sin Irons. placed H in‘ (100450 mm) wan Il'ld inaemd baiweon rho rim edge and tin bud a! the valve warn loo-lion. pry in and downward with both the Iron; while depressing lM lira bead opposite "In tin Irons wlrh your loot. Wlunliribud iaahovo Illa r—————7 rlrn odor. "move on: llro Iron and man ll 34 ill. (76-100 mm) lunlur may from lha lilo iron supporting the lira bald Ind lnnrl Ind prv "II lire bud lunhor on ol rho rirn. Proceed ln this mann-r unlil mo onlln skin at rho Ilrl rating is lbw. and clan of the rim «loo. . Th- doflntod Inner lube an now In pull“ lrorn tho lira casing Ind Illa lnner rlro using impound for dim-go or protruding alum obiocl. otcl Locate and eliminate uuu ol flu or punc- turn . lnslall a now inner tube oi rho cor‘ Incl Illa lw lnllallng vary slightly. Lowe Illa valvo cumin Illa Vllw slam. . Imp-cl lbs whorl rlm Inner who proleclor strip to In ll‘llI lt ll in good condition and comm ml! the spell. 74 4 Apply I llolrl conllng ol lir- mount- nipolu. Align the liru bllurta mark will: lha valve rum hole in the rim 0nd Infill rho panhllv inland inmr lulu into “it live who. Work tho inn-r lubn inlo proper podllonln lhe lira caning Ind input the vulva sum lltrouun mo valve stun halo ln the rim lnnall I valve slam Mflning run parliallv. but not tightly, onto rh- Vllva Item, Remove valve CI)". in wiurlon lliuuld duloroonl can be uud in an ammo-nu) lo ”ch ol the rim bud write”. Ind bcrwun rho lrne riru bud and rim union. The tire cm nwv he slapped lnro pho- mlng your huh Plnclng bout hula on the rlro bold opposiu lh vulv- can all! prul the tin bud inln plncn pronto-Wily with each mp ln appetite directions around lh. wnaall IIL Wlml 00—90% M Ih' Iin band I! ln place, an a tire mourning mallol (haw nlbbanu-Ihcr or plnlic horn- mor) lo Ion:- th- rumalnlng mlion lmn pailion. Avold ullng Ill. Irena or Icuw drlvau lor lhlI war-lion I! innnr who punclum will ruulL n Inurl th- v-lvo um and ov-rinlllle tln Inward pasture by Approxi- mnoly 10 psi (0.7 kg/crn'). This will holptu properly gut 1M lira buds inlo the rim. Imp.“ lnr prop-r lln bud ultlna and Mme the tin. Rainllm lo lhe correct :podlied pru- sun (In mu 7|) and tiqlmn lhl valve stem rIlIinino nul llghlly. Mend-“rm ’1 w or Rachael: 1h. lln pm-uru md install thu VIM sum cap. p. Install whorl mummy a per incl- ructiool on p09. 63-70‘ NOTE: m opunh— n'rln I“! II local-l lulu. and h “much—mo ulny cl on rllor I. “all.“ on tho nod «lulu-n 9' th- urn all Illa-I “will... in w. you II My. IM- unlno mm by your ”on“ Dulw IM- poulbk. FRONT SUSPENSION 1. From Sulpeniion Inupoctlon Chock lhe lronl Iork amblv by locking ma 1mm brake and pumping the Iork up and down vlaovously. The momlcvcln must not b. on me comer sand when periovming lh'ls inspeclion, Impm (on me (allowing items: alOiI scepaqe around the cushion oll teal; h‘ Fouk pipo bushing wow. 1:. Socuvirv ol items mack-ed lo the lork assembly. 6, Excessive play in lhe :Iaennn head 0‘ Carelully inspccl all lronl wwenslon hue-1m: (or llghlness, lhis includes Iha allachmm polms ol lhn lovk plpu brake componanu and handlebar. NOTE: coal-ct you: Nona bum In: rap-Iv 0' my uurln; .1 mm mum-m no Mal up" Iln moluuyelo um: Don mm. or Gnu-d “noun; or lrolll Mpmlbn, I! Mndllrl' l|l| bl mm. 1 mama. 2. Front Fork Oll Chung. To maintain good riding characmlsliu and increase lolk sorvico lile. [no oil In the hon! lock legs should be clung-d periodically. This would be don- allot O anl loch dilln plu] ’6 (ma ho fim 1,500 miles 01 opevallon, and bl Sonhemmmcyclaonlhocenlm "Ind. c. Place I lack under the crankcase to n loam ovary lZmomhs or £000 mum ‘hareaflar whichavey occurs first .1 Umcvew lhe honl lock drain plug l‘ a! the bollom of loll. cylindm and drain me oil by pumping ma luck. §cvew in ma plug Setumly alter drain- mg ‘1‘ Too liar plugs Honolulu! W 6. connol lowering oi lhe lvont and. Remove the handlebar by removing the lam handler»: bolls. :Jntcnw tho lop filler plugs m unllll noel L Lowev me jack under tho angina lo extend lhe lack spring: with IM up lachod lillov plum lMM the (Mk springs to one tide and pour 5.d~5,6 on. (160~|66cc) of pramlum quality ATF (Amomllic Ymnsmissuon Fluid) imo each fuvk leg; .R-iu the lack unday me engme IO allow tho lurk outings and lillu plugs l0 valum lnlo Iho fork lugs. , Securely llahlen the [on llllm plugs m . Reinstall handlebal. tightening the lwo Iron! bolls llrsl, [Mn socumlv thghumlna "lo (we rear bulls kl Remove Iha inck lrom and-r 1h: engine. I. Securely lighten mu Ion lillei plugs nller filling. REAR SUSPENSION 1. Roar Sutpamlon [Mpeclion Chuck Ihu rear suspomian paviodically by caralul visual cumin-lion Not: me lollowing item, a. Roar lorll bushing—This can be chockod by pushing haul mains! 1M sida ol the mar wheel while Iho muior~ cycle is an lha comer sland and leoling for lameness oi Ihs lurk bushings, b. Chock side Hand aprinu for damage and limes; cl Chock all susuension componunl al- luhmonl palms Ior security ol lheiv rawacliva luslonorl. CAUTION: Ir my sign or um abu- condlfllru In none“, eonlull your "and! Bull! '07 {IVUIM' hip-I1!“ "In rur Inn-01mm unlu on ill. on um n m um" ma 4. "lulu. NEVER llumnl In it may In. In! Ind dluunmhlo m m: mum-Ion Gland! min. f 1, Roar Fork Bushing Lubricallon There are two lubrication poinli fin and 1 as shown in the figure. It is recon» mended mm Iubncauon be parlormcd wary 6 monihs or 3.000 miles which- nvor occurs firsL Usn muIIIpurpeu ctr-um Yul- NLGI Na. 2. UI Bras” moth 1 Gran mm 3. Roar Shock Absorber Adjust- mam Thereat thock absorber I has live-ranges of adjustment and can be adjusted to meal the dlflerent type: ol road or riding conditionnt Position "I“ la lor normal riding with the damper spring strengrh increasing progressively lrom “II" to "V": to ha used tor heavier load condi- tions or when operating on rough roads. 7 ' '. \ It Run “rock plumber SATYERV l the motorcyclo is operated with an m» .ulliciant (low) battery electrolyte level, ;ulfation and battery plate damage may )ccur Inspecting and maintalnlng the tlectmlyte love! is a srmple. qumll opera- ‘iorr. rherelore it should bl' Dertormod lrequarrtly as indicated in the MAINTE- NANCE SCHEDULE (page 35) and PREvRIDlNG INSPECTION [page 26) l. Buttery Electrolyte n For battery (lZVr'llAH) inspection and sen/lee access. remove the right cover and raise the seat The electro- Iytu luvrl can be sum Item the right side at the motorcycle \wthuut re- moving the battery Ihe correct elec- lmlyzu level is bulwcen the "LOW- ER" and "UPPER" level marks on tho tr anr levcl battery case. r To correct thn nloctmlvtoloval. remove the battery cell cam: from Ihu con: needing level correcrionl Use tr small syringe or plastic tunnel tor adding water Clrulullv Add the proper amo~ urrt cl distilled water to bring the ole» ctrolyte level at the cells between Ihe "LOWER" and "UPPER" marks. 1‘ Lav: :I level Formexdmumlmrery perlormenceend b4 llle only distilled were: elmld be added. 1. Buttery Remove! end lnnelle- (Ion Bllllry removal may he neceeeery lor nevege or when hem elecuolyte speci- llc grevity vending ls below 1200. Meeting Ihe need lea benuy recharg- ing. _ eke-nov- hem-y retainer. ducenrum the around (~) negellve cable cen- nectlon lim, end then m- posluve (+) ceble. 'l'he may all now be lined lrom lu mourning Nole the positioning of the tables, prom mbber (-l-J lennllnl covet. end bellow mount rubber pede. u well as the roullngolthe baneryvenuube. Below inmlllnu me bellely. cleen the battery end in mounting rue- wnh veneer Baklnu soda and weler can he need to remove any exhllng coercion ll Benery insulllefion l! perlmmed In rho rev-tee older ol removal. Pey peniculer mention lo the bellow rub- ber mounu pea: :21 the yarn: page mull . Conmcle prom" e - live n?” terminal wlrh the rubber Inwlelor and rhen connecl the negl- Ilve (—) lennlnal. CAUYIOI 1 Be In! eeullchue the-e Will-ml ee-eeotleee ee euneae to the battery lenhlnele m result. 3‘ Benny Chewing ll lhe helm eleclrolyle specific orevily reading (me-lured with e hydrometer) drop. below l.200 0 68'5 (ZD'C). the bellow Would be charged er I run not lo exceed 1.5 em unfil Ihe specific urevily reading le between 1260 end 1260 G GB'F (zo'C). Frequenl Ge- clwglnn my be lhe result ol improper surfing procedure. poor engine condition end/or electric-I eyelem probletm To locale end cancer the new of mi: condition. we monk you conracl your HONDA deeler. When uotlng \he motorcycle. or II it in no! to be used lo: an extended Mod. mo benery negerlve (—) oeble should be dleconnecled or lhe bellery termed end stored in e cool place. The battery should be charged ll lees! once a monlh during the troupe period to renew- the benerv Ill». FUSE REPLACEMENT The Inn be: i: located Inside the loll elde cover. The lmoemoee ol the Ihree recormoded lusee are 5. 7 end 15. When lrequenl llllule cl rho lose oc- cure. it usually Indie-lee I short circuit or on‘cwerloed in rho electrical eyetem. In Ihle cue Ihe electrical Intern would be checked vlwelly lor shone or other possible melluncrlons. ll the prohlem We ,, w cnnnot be located visually, Ihe motor- cycle should lw examined by an au- thovized HONDA Dealen il' Fuse hul CAUTION: .- Iwe ta Ill the lune luvlu [M lpculflld amperage II "I wuerlbod pollllonl In [In run but. "Iver uni-mule a luu mm all" or metal I'll. or Inn-ll - In“ at too lau- eaomlly TM lnu II prevlaefl to planet 1h clrkzal an an: and do“ DIM II "I. INVI could Illull II nun dam-u. tn the uncut. __________‘______.____, HEADLIGHT BEAM ADJUSTMENT The headlight must be pmpmlv adjusted lot safe night dvivmg in accordance wilh applimblo veguiations. This motorcycle has pvovisions to adjust tho handllghv beam in bmh tho vtmical and ltmimnmi duectiona. n. Vutical annulment us made hry loosen- ing the bolts 4" which mount the Madlnghl assembly The headlight is normally adjusted in the vertical direction in mm the unto: ol the beam intmocts the mound at the point appmx. 165 leet (50m) inlvenl 01th: motorcycle in Ihe “ding position, u Courtney hi Horizontal beam adjustment is made wilh the adjusting screw '1: located on "V! Ialt side at the headbght when lacing the motorcycle. Tuming the screw in will locue the beam toward the loft aide o! the rider Ad‘ust the beam to coincide wuth the center Iinn of (hi) motorcvclcv Lil mmngm weanling balls I Miran-t: screw Honduflm n W STOPLIGNT SWITCH ADJUST- MENT ‘lha (29550 is equipped with independent stoplight twitches lot the rear and lronl bales. A mhankallv actuated pedal [witch (I) is mounted on the tight side towatd the rent 01 the engine '0' the rear brake system. and a pressuru acIullod Iwitch ‘3 at lhe brake hose ioim lot the ham bvake mtem. at First. make Iuva lhet the blokes are plOp‘l'V ndlusud. b.Tuvn on the main switch ("RED" dot). at Lower the center stand to clear the rear wheel lrcm the gtound. spin the wheel by hand and the stoniioht Ihauld came an when the brake pedal is depressed to the point when the rear brake just “an: to take hold. Ad- lust by turning the adjusting nut in ll the stoplight switch is late in switching on thin stoplight. tum in ® the switch adjuitmo nut t1: and it the stoplight comes on too catty, tum out '3 lhn switch adjusting nut it. d, The stoplight switch 41‘ on the from u‘ Stoplight :wttuu an” 1» Adlmlmx nut It bvavkc is nlw checked in 01: same mart» not by taking the [mm wheel all the ground. Nowavet. the pressure switch ' cannot ha adjusted and must be Nb placed Altar replacing tltc switch. blood the hunt bmkn system tn ac- wtdunco wuth ptoccdure on men 62. ‘1‘ Stupltxhl mtm mum. REPLACING LIGHT BULBS “.‘lhen exchanging the light bulbs, alwayl 1. Hudlt‘ght Bulb Riplaoemont inplace the bulb with that ol the specified ‘rpo and tating. (paga 91‘ 'his is impottartt to pmvunt the olocttica t-ghtinn citcuit ltom malttmcdoning. Procodun l tt.Rcmovc horizontal adjusting “:th ‘1 and mauntmg scwws 'll it llmizuntal IdpfllIng xanw ‘2‘ Mounting 5mm 3‘ tech mm s 5».qu bum mt ruhlnlng snows Lock Ictuvu I: b. Remove the upper and lower retaln» ing lock clips 1‘: and screws ll lrom lhe rlm tRomovo Iln Iwo sealed beam unil ralaining screws .11. d. Innall a new sealed baam wall. As‘ terrible by reversing me proceduro ductibed above. 2. Tall/Slopllght Bulb Ruploco~ mun! Pros-dun alumna the two 5!:me mounrinq the rail/stoplight Ions. the“ the bulb ‘1‘: inward ID and twist lo rho lull 0‘9. and the bulb can be remand 0. c. Roplaoa wuh n nuw bulb. d. When lnsulling [he lens. lighten Ihn sum unllovmly and do nor owl- righun, 3| lhrs may uun poor sealing or damp lo the lung. TOOL KIT — The Iool kil 1‘9 is conrarnnd m m: com- panmem located in rhe barrow holder case under me sear. Minor adrusrrmnl and pan: ruplncmnr can be pedormu‘l wrrh the reels conlainad in \lm kir. M- lusrmonu or repairs which cannot be performed will: these rools should be ralamrd to your HONDA Dealer. 1" Talusrnumr l-olh 3. Tum Signal ngm Bulb Roplnn- mam Procedure Bulb replwmm is made in me same manna: u lot we tnil/sropliam bulb in paragraph "2" above ’9 Tool kil 6°"an Honour-«n W Lisred belaw are me irorns included in [he looI kil 10x12mm open unfl wru‘ch lax 17mm open end wrench Spark plug wrtnch mm: No, 2 screwdrrvm ‘ No 2 mm! min! xzruwdrrver . Nu 3 cross porn! Kris-drug: ~ Lever. luv screwdvmr Sue-maven mp . Numb. rm . 12m“ box wrench ‘ 26mm box wrer‘flr - Pm Spawn” tool bag SPECIFICATIONS ITEM DIMENSIONS Ova-ll lsnulh 33,6 In. (2.120 mm) Ovemlllwldlh 32.5 in. ( 825 mm) Ownll hcium 43.9 in. (1,115 lnm) Wheelbns 55.3111. (1.406 mm) WEIGHT on, weiohl 423 lbs. (192 kg) CAPACITIES EngIIII oil 3.2 US ql. (3.0 Ilia!) Fuel tank 3.7 US all. (14.0 112.1) Fuol mum unk 1.1 US gal. (4.011101) an1 (out 5.4-6.6 02:. (1 GO~188 cc) Hydraulk: fluid 1min Passing-1 “godly 1.2 on (35 cc) Opal-w: and on. plunger W man-Inn: ENGINE Born Ind woke Companion mic Dlspimm Contact hulk" point 931) Sam plun (“P Van uppex dear-nu CHASSIS AND SUSPENSION Case: Tull Tn: 111.. Iron! Tire tin. rear POWER TRANSMISSION 1303-11392 In. (58.5x505 mm) 9 : 1 39.19 cu in. (544 cc) 0.01 2~0.018 In. (O.3~O.4 mm) 0.024~0.028 In. (Os-01 mm) IN 0.002 in (0.05 mm) EX 0.003 in. (0.08 mm) 64' 4.1 in. (105 mm) 325-19 (4 FR) 175.13 (4 PH) Palm-w Muclbon 3063 Final "(locum 11 76 New Man II 1y ELECTRICAL 3|“er Gummr ”Gm Hudlgm Til/unwell! Turn llngal lights Mala: light: Turn Iignol polilhn light Fun 2363 1 £36 ‘ .263 1 .035 0.900 12V-12 AH A. c. gimme: |2V-50I40W 1 ZVJIQCP 1 2V-3ZCP 12V-2CP 12$ch ‘5 mm. 7lmv SAE WADE No. I167 SAE TRADE No. FRONT: 1034 REAR 1 1073 SAE TRADE No‘ 57 and Sum I! M mm 'WIRING DIAGRAM U.S.A. TYPE M light—”IF.” ."fi ~_-_|_-m V w." v nun..-” alum“ — mountains-M Courtesy HonduFun W