% 4P, , o \1 li VFRBOOX’MWWROOO book 1/\*7 2 O l J‘lrl 2 l] l 5 ll {filllllll [l 342 1 W4 0’1) \1 This manual should be considered a permanent part of the motorcycle and should remain with the motorcycle when it is resold. This publication includes the latest production information available before printing. Honda Motor (0., Ltd, resen/es the right to make changes at any time Without notice and without incurring any obligation. No part of this publication may be reproduced Without written permission. ’ \ . , ‘1 \ / The vehicle pictured in this owner’s manual may not match your actual 1 vehicle © 2014 Honda Motor (0., Ltd / \ x / x / i ate , O u Maximo/r) \/ "\ 2 Congratulations on your purchase of a new Honda motorcycle. Your selection of a Honda makes you part of a worldwide family of satisfied customers who appreciate Honda’s reputation for building quality into eveiy product To ensure your safety and riding pleasure: C Read this owner’s manual carefully. 0 Follow all recommendations and procedures contained in this manual. 0 Pay close attention to safety messages contained in this manual and on the motorcycle. O The following codes in this manual indicate each country. 0 The illustrations here in are based on the ersoox ll ED type. Country Codes Code Country VFRSDOX M ED European direct sales South Africa, UK, France ‘, \ ll U Australia, New Zealand I *The specrllcatlons may vary With each locale *3 ,7; \1 li \l-‘RBDOXfiZKMRODO book 3 «7-7 2 o I MI 1 2 i] l 9 ll a; lll'll 'll‘illlr-io’r) ") A Few Wo ds About Safety ‘3 Vour safety, and the safety of others, is very important. Operating this motorcycle safely is an important responsibility, To help you make Informed decisions about safety, we have provided operating procedures and other information on safety labels and in this manual. This information alerts you to potential hazards that could hurt you or others. Of course, it is not practical or possible to / warn you about all hazards associated With operating or maintaining a motorcycle You must use your own good judgement, Vou Will find important safety information in a variety of forms, including: 0 Safety labels on the motorcycle. 0 Safety Messages preceded by a safety alert symbol and one of three signal words: DANGER, WARNING, or CAUTION, These signal words mean: 4% ADANGER You WILL be KILLED or SERIOUSLY HURT if you don’t: follow instructions. You CAN be KILLED or SERIOUSLY HURT if you don’t: follow instructions. iACAUT ON You CAN be HURT if you don't follow ‘ / instructions. Othe 'mportant information is pro ed under the following titles: lnformation to help you avoid damage to your motorcycle, other property, or the em/ironment. r \1 is \il-‘iiaooxfizwwxooo book '1/\**7 2 o I erl 2 H l s H {mm ’i 2% I MN 00) Motorcycle Safety Operation Guide Maintenance Troubleshooting Information Specifications I \1 Index \ a / F2 P18 P51 P97 PMS P. 130 P.133 Motorcycle Safety This section contains important information for safe riding of your motorcycle. Please read this section carefully. Safety Guidelines. image Labels Safety Precautions Riding precautions Accessories 8. Mod Loading Oiir sir We *3 f; \1 l5 \l-‘lexoomzulllrzooo hook 3 «7-7 2 o I 44! l 2 l] 1 Safety Guidelines Follow these gurdelrnes to enhance your safety: 0 Perform all routrne and regular rnspectrons specrfred rn thrs manual. 0 Stop the engrne and keep sparks and flame away before frllrng the fuel tank 0 Do not run the engrne rn enclosed or partly enclosed areas Carbon monoxlde rn exhaust gases rs toxrc and can krll you Always Wear a Helmet lt's a proven fact: helmets and protecuve apparel srgnrfrcantly reduce the number and seventy of head and other rnlunes. So always wear an approved motorcycle helmet and protectrve apparel IP H Before Riding Make sure that you are physrcally frt, mentally focused and free of alcohol and drugs, Check 9H Irallllfll ’H‘illl'F-io’f) Safety Guidelines that you and your passenger are both weanng an approved motorcycle helmet and protectrve apparel. lnstruct your passenger on holdrng onto the grab rarls, learung wrth you rn turns. and keeprng therr feet on the footpegs, even when the motorcycle rs stopped. Take Time to Learn 8t Practite Even rf you have ndden other motorcycles, practrce rrdrng rn a safe area to become famrlrar wrth how thrs motorcycle works and handles, and to become accustomed to the motorcycles srze and werght Ride Defensively Always pay attentron to other vehrcles around you, and do not assume that other drrvers see you, Be prepared to stop durckly or perform an evasrve maneuver conrrnued 3 eel; Maps ap/moxow I %:15% 13 \1112100\ 321ll11nooo hook 1 «7/ 2014” 12111911 Inllll'll ’l 13 111r4 0 11 Mam; aphmlaw Safety Guidelines Make Yourself Easy to See Make yourself more vlslbie, especrally at nrght. by weanng onght refiecllve clothrng, posrtromng yourself so other dnvers can see you, slgnailng oerore turnrng or changrng lanes, and usrng your horn when necessary Ride Within Your Limits Never nde beyond your personal aorlrtres or faster than condltlons warrant. Fatlgue and unattentlon can Impalr your ablllty to use good judgement and nde safely. Don't Drink and Ride Alcohol and rldlng don't mlx Even one alcoholrc drlnk can reduce your abrlrty to respond to changrng condrtrons. and your reactlorl tlrne gets worse wrtn every addltlonal drlnk Don’t drlrlk and nde, and don’t let your rnends drlnk and nde erther. Keep Your Honda in Safe Condition It's lrnportant to keep your motorcycle properly malnlalned and In safe rldlrlg condrtron lnsoect your motorcycle before every rlde and perform all recommended marntenance Never exceed load lrmrts (IP 17), and do not modrry your motorcycle or lnstaii accessones that would make your motorcycle unsafe (I P, 16) If You are Involved in 3 Crash Personal safety ls your hrst ononty. if you or anyone else has been lnlured, Lake trme to assess the seventy or the lnlurles and vvhether rt ls safe to contrnue rldlng. Call tor emergency assrstance lf needed Also follow appilcabie lavvs and regulatrons 11 another person or vehrcle ls lrlvolved rn the crash, if you decrde to contmue rldlng, hrst evaluate the condrtron or your motorcycle. if the engme rsstrll runnrng, turn rtorr lnspeclforfluld leaks. *3 ,7; \1 l; \l-‘lesoox mlllln‘ooo imtrk 3 A check the tlghtness of (rltlcai nuts and boils, and Check the handiebar, controi ieverS, brakes. and wheels Ride slowly and cautrously Your rnotorcycle may have surrered damage that ls not lmmedlately apparent. Have your motorcycle tnorougnly checked at a qualrned seryrce racrlrty as soon as possibie Carbon Monoxide Hazard ‘, \ Exnaustcontarns porsonous carbon monoxlde. I a colourless, odorless gas areatnlng carbon monoxide can cause loss or consciousness and may lead to deatn lr you run tne englne n a conflned or even partly enclosed area, the alr you breathe could contarn a dangerous arnount or carbon monoxide Never run your motorcycle lnslde a garage or other enclosure 7% 4% , O ZUIMilZHiflH Inllllfll itfilll'alo/r) \/ Safety Guidelines ‘ / AWARNING Carbon monoxide gas is toxic. Breathing it can cause unconsciousness and even kill you. Avoid any areas or activities that expose you to carbon monoxide. $14L , O \7 13111121001; 3211111Rooo hook 5 «77‘ 20144112111911 Ihllll'H “he lllr4 0) \7 1’ \ Image Labels 1 - Image Labels Read instructions (untamed 1n Owner’s a Manual carequy, g The foHowlng pages descnbe the label 5 meanlngs. Some labels warn you of E potenllal hazards lhal could cause senous Read lnslrucuons comalned In Shop Manual g lnlUry, Others prowde lmportam safety . carequy, 1n the lnleresl of safely, lake the R? Informauon Read lhls lnformatlon carerHy motorCyde to be serylced only by your dealer. 3 and don L remove lhe labels. DANGER (with RED background) You W1LL be K1LLED or SERIOUSLV HURT If 1r a label comes offor becomes hard to read, you dom follow ”Wm”; ‘, \ Contact your dealer for a replacemenl, WARNING (with ORANGE background) ‘, \ ’ You CAN be KlLLED or SERIOUSLY HURT lf ’ There ls a speclhc symbol on each label you dom follow mslrumons} The meamngs of each symbol and label are CAUTION (with YELLOW background) as “HOWE You CAN be HURT If you don’tfoHow lnslrucllons, \ 6 1/ \ c / s / 7T oh , O ZOldllllelflll Inllllfll Malina/r) \/ image Labels ‘ / BATTERY LABEL DANGER - Keep flame and Spark away from the battery, Battery produce exploslve gas that can cause explosion. - Wearthe eye protection and rubber gloves when handling the battery, or you can get burned or lose your eyesight by the battery electrolyte, - Do not allow children and other people to touch a battery unless they understand proper handling and hazards of the battery very well, r \ - handle the battery electrolyte with extreme care as it contains dilute sulfuric acid. Contact With your skin or eyes can burn you or cause loss of your eyesight. - Read this manual carefully and understand lt beiore handling the battery, Neglect or the instructions can cause personal inyury and damage to the motorcycle, - Do not use a battery with the electrolyte at or below the lower level mark, ll Cari explode causing serious inyury, Maps ap/moxow I continued 7 f \ *1 agar , o \1 I; \l-‘RROOX’HZWHWOO Wk ff «7-? 2 U I 4*! I 2 H I a II InIIIEII 0 $2 I II'=.I ()0) \1 r’\ / Ame; aphmlaw I Image Labels RADIATOR CAP LABEL DANGER NEVER OPEN WHEN HOT, HoI coolant erI scald you, Relief pressure valve beglns Io open at 108 kra, ACCESSORIES AND LOADING WARNING LABEL WARNING ‘, \ ACCESSORIES AND LOADING 1 - The safety stabIIIty and handhng of fins motorcycle may be affected by Ihe addmon of accessones and Iuggage, - Read caredey the Instructions contained In user's manual and InsIaIIauon gulde before InsIaIIrng any accessory, - The total weIghL of accessones and Iuggage added Io meters and passenger’s welghtshould not exceed 192 kg (423 lb), whrch Is Ihe maximum weight capacny, - The Iuggage weight must not exceed 18 kg (40 lb) under any (ircumslances, - The frurng of Iarge fork-mounted or Iarge handlebaf mounted farnng Is not recommended, gaff *3 ,7; \1 1; \I-‘Iesooxfiazwuxooo wk 0 «7-7 2 o I M 1 2 H 1 a H [MASH 0 $2 I H'=4 00) REAR CUSHION LABEL GAS F‘LLED Do not open. Do not heal TYRE INFORMATION LABEL Co‘d tyre pressure: [Drryer oniy] Front Rear 250 kPa (2.50 kgf/cmz, 36 psi) 290 kPa (2.90 kgf/cm2, 42 psi) [Dru/er and passenger] Front Rear Tyve srze: Front Rear Tyve brand: Front Rear 250 kPa (2.50 kgf/cmz, 36 psi) 290 kPa (2.90 kgf/cm2, 42 psi) 120/70R17M/C 58V 180/55R17M/C 73V P‘RELLI SCORPION TRAIL SCORPION TRAIL 4% f \ Image Labels 1 g 9 9, fi 3 E m z , \ 1 connnued 9 r > *1 4;?” , o \1 13 \l-‘REDOYSAUHKODO mm 10 “7-7 2 0 1 M I 2)] 1 9 H ’mm‘u ’\ 1X HLH 00) \1 "\ / Mam; aplmalaw I Image Labels , \ / SAFETY REMINDER LABEL Fm your protection, always wear he‘met, pvoteclive appare‘. FUEL LABEL Un‘eaded petrol on‘y DRIVE CHAIN LABEL Keep chain adjusted and lubncated. so to no mm (1.2 to 1.6 in) Freep‘ay , \ l / \ x / *3 ,7; \1 l; \l-‘RROOXer\ll\lr¢000 hunk ll “7-? 2 0 l Ml I zll l 9 ll ’l‘llfr‘ll ’l 1% l ll_l.l (M? Safety Precautions o ere (autlously and keep your hands on the handlebar and feet on the footpegs 0 Keep passenger’s hands onto the grap falls, passenger’s feet on the footpegs whlle rldlng 0 Always consrder the safety of your passenger. as well as other dnvers and nders Protective Apparel Make sure that you and any passenger are weanng an approved motorcycle helmet, eye protectron, and hlghcvlslblllty protectlve clothlng. ere defensrvely rn response to weather and road condrtrons I Helmet Safety/standard certrfred, hrgheyrsrbrlrty, correct slze for your head. 0 Must frt comfortably put securely, wlth the chlrl strap fastened Safety Precautions 0 Face shleld wlth unobstructed lleld of Milo“ or other approved eye protectlon AWARNING Not wearing a helmet increases the chance of serious injury or death in a crash. Make sure that you and any passenger always wear an approved helmet and protective apparel. I Gloves Fullrflnger leather gloves wllh hlgh abraslon reslstance I Boots or ng Shoes Sturdy boots wrth nonrsllp soles and ankle protectlon I Jacket and Trousers Protectrve, hlghly vlslble, longrsleeved lacket and durable trousers for rldlrlg (or a protectlve sult) ewe Mays; apmoww I *J; / \1 is \IR800\ azumnooo book 12 A77 2 o l Mi I 2)] 1 9H ’niifiii ’i iilli‘f-i 0/ \1 Riding Precautions - Riding Precautions g 3' Running-in Period i During the first 500 km (300 rniies) of running g foiiovv these guideiines to ensure your 3 motorcyde's future reiiabiiitv and performance. 4’ 9 Avoid fuiisthfome starts and rapid acceieration. 0 Avoid hard braking and rapid downsshlfls. , \ 0 Ride conservativeiv / \ 12 s / is on Brakes Observe the foliovving guideiines: o Avoid excessiveiy hard braking and downs shifts. > Sudden braking can reduce the motorcycle‘s stability. > where possibie, reduce speed before turning; othervvise you risk siiding out 0 Exercise caution on low UECLIDH surfaces > The tyres siip more easily on such surfaces and braking distances are longer, i I o Avoid continuous braking > Repeated braking, such as when descending iong, steep siopes can seriousiv overheat the brakes, reducing their effectiveness Use engine braking Wlth intermittent use of the brakes to reduce speed. o For fuii braking effectiveness, operate both the front and rear brakes together, *3 ,7; \1 13 \I-‘iiaoomziuvinooo book 13 “7-7 2 o l Mi I 2)] 1 9 H ’iNitr‘ii ’i Gain“ a?) I Anti-lock Erake System (ABS) This modei is equipped with an AnticIock Brake System (ABS) designed to heip prevent the brakes from iocking up during hard braking. o ABS does not reduce braking distance in certain circumstances, ABS may fesuIt in a ionger stopping distance 0 ABS does not function at speeds beiow 10 km/h (6 mph) 0 The brake fever and pedai may recoil siightiy when appiying the brakes This is norrnai, o Aiways use the recommended tyres to ensure correct ABS operation Riding Precautions I Engine Eraking Engine braking heips siow your motorcycie down when you release the throttle. For further siowing action, downshift to a lower gear, Use engine braking with intermittent use of the brakes to reduce speed when descending iong, steep siopes, I Wet or Rainy Conditions Road surfaces are siippery when wet, and wet brakes further reduce braking efficiency Exercise extra caution when braking in wet Conditions if the brakes get wet, appiy the brakes whiie riding at iow speed to heip them dry continued Maps ap/oioxow I 13 *J; / \1 13 \111300\ 32111v1nooo1mok 11 A77 2 0141112111911 ’1>111111 11%“er a; \/ 11am apbmww If Riding Precautions Parking o Park on a hrm, 1eye1 paved surface o 11 you must park on a shght incline or ioose surface, park so that the motorcyde Cannot move or faH over. 0 Make sure that highrtemperature pans cannot come 1nto contact w1th Hammaoie mater1a1s o Do not touch the engine, muffler, brakes and other highrlemperature parts unt11 they coo1 down c To reduce the 11ke11hood o1 thett, always 1od< the handiebar and remove the key when 1eay1ng the motorcyde unattended Use of an anurtheft device 1s a1so recommended I Parking with the Side Stand 1. Stop the eng1ne. 7. Push the Side Stand down a. 51ow1y 1ean the motorcycie to the left unt11 1ts we1ght rests on the side stand , \ 1 A Turn the handiebar quy to the 1ett. >Turn1ng the handiebarto the right reduces stab111ty and may cause the motorcyde to fall. 5 Turn the 1gh1tion sw1tch to the LOCK pos1t1on and remove the key IP 40 , \ 1 / \ s / *3 f; \1 l5 \l-‘lisoomzltlllnooo book 15 A Refuelling and Fuel Guidelines Follow these guidelines to protect the engine and catalytic converter 0 Use only unleaded petrol 0 Use recommended octane number Uslng lower octane petrol Will result in decreased engine performance 0 Do not use fuels containing a high concentration of alcohol I? izi 0 Do not use stale or contaminated petrol oran oil/petrol mixture 0 Avoid getting dirt or water in the fuel tank, Honda seleaable torque control (Torque Control) when the system detects rearwheel spin during acceleration, the system Will limit the amount of torque applied to the rear wheel based on the Torque Control level selected ZOl-UlIZHIQH ’i>llli‘ll ’l 1% l [Ur-1 0?) Riding Precautions Torque Control will allow some wheel spin during acceleration atthe lowerTordue Control levels settings. Select a level that is appropriate for your skill and riding conditions Torque Control does not work during deceleration and will not preventthe rearwheel from skidding due to engine braking, Do not close the throttle suddenly, especially when riding on slippery surtaces Torque Control may not compensate tor rough road conditions or rapid throttle operation Always consider road and weather conditions. as well as your skills and condition, when applying throttle it your motorcycle gets stuck in mud, snow or sand, it may be easier to free it With the Torque Control temporarily sWitched orr. Temporarily turning on Torque Control also may help you maintain control and balance when riding on offcroad terrain. Always use the recommended tyres and sprockets to ensure correct Torque Control operation Maps ap/moxow I *3 f; \1 l; \l-‘lesoox iz\ll\l>¢000 lmtik Hi A i’ \ 1 Accessories & Modifications Accessories 8t Modifications We strongly adyise that you do not add any accessories that were not specirically deslgned ror your motorcycle by Honda or make modlflcatlons to your motorcycle rrom its original deslgrl Doing so can make it unsare. Mooirying your motorcycle may also Void your warranty and make your motorcycle illegal to c \ operate on publlc roads and highways Berore deciding to install accessories on your motorcycle be certain the modirication is sare and legal caye; aiatarozow I ZOIJil Izll19ll , 0 ”Will ’l it l Ill-l (M? \/ , \ z A WAR N IN G Improper accessories or modifications can cause a crash in which you can be seriously hurt or killed. Follow all instructions in this owner’s manual regarding accessories and modifications. Do not pull a trailerwrtn, or attach a Sldecar to, ‘ ) your motorcycle. Your motorcycle was not deslgned for these attachments, and thelr use can seriously impairyour motorcycles handllrlg / \ \ / Loading a Carrying extra weight arreas your motorcycles handling, braking and Stability Always ride at a safe speed for the load you are Carrying 0 Avoid Carrying an excessive load and keep Wlll’lm Specified load llmllS Maximum weight capacity / Maximum luggage weight P 130 0 Tie all luggage securely, evenly balanced and close to the Centre of the motorcycle 0 Do not place oblects near the lights or the muffler \/ ii?” [K x / l3 \l-‘liROOkHfllHlWoo mm 17 “7-2 2 0 i Mi I zll 1 9 ll ’i‘ili‘ll ’l it i ill-l 04} Loading ‘L / AWARNING Overloading or improper loading can cause a crash and you (an be seriously hurt or killed. Follow all load limits and other loading guidelines in this manual. Ame; apmmow I /‘\ \/ *1 41e- , o \1 1:3 \I-‘kxoox-azmlwoo book 18 “7-7 2 0 1 4:: l 2)] 1 9 H NM: ’1 1% 1n“ 0?) \1 I) Parts Location Rear seat-b - Main fuse & Fl fuse IN! > . t - - Battery -l Battery (over Front brake fluid reservoir - Front brake lever r \ 2 Throttle grip op 11-: Coolant reserve tank-k - apgng uagmaao I Rear brake pedal Rear brake fluid reservoir 7: + *1 slew , o \1 1:3 \l-‘R800X*32\U\1K000 book 10 “7-7 2 0 1 M I 2)] 1 9 H ’Mm‘u ’i 1% 1n“ 0?) \1 Clutch lever Clutch fluid reservoir - o '5 m E 8 a m c a m Front suspension sp 9 preloadlrebound damping adiuster Fuel fill cap Fuse boxes Document bag Tool kit ‘1‘ Rear suspension spring J ‘ preload adiuster knob Drive chain Rear suspension rebound damping adjuster Shift lever de stand Englne oil dram bolt *1 4;?” , o \1 15 \I-‘Raoomzwwmoo book 20 “7-7 2 o l M I 2)] 1 9 H ”MM Mame-1 a?) \1 r \ 2 Instruments Tachometer NOTICE Da net operate me engine in me xachomexer ved Zane. Extesswe engine speed can adversely aflea engine Me, apgng uangado I , \ ‘, \ / Tachometer red zone ’ (excesswe engme rpm range) Display Check When the \gmtion swwtch is turned on, aH the mode and digwta‘ segments wwll Show, N any part of these dwsp‘ays does not come on when \t should, have your dea‘er check for prob‘ems. / \ 20 f \ x / x / %3 ,7; \1 1; \l-‘RROOX’HAWIWOO Wk 21 “7-7 2 0 1 Mr I 2)] 1 9 H ’r‘urr‘rr ’r 1% 1 MA (M? r \ 2 Fuel gauge Speedometer Remaimng fuel wherr oniy Ist (E) segment starts flashing: approximateiy 3.5 Mtres (092 US gal, 0,77 imp gai) If the fuel gauge indicators repeat [HI 1: flashing or turned off. _= '-l u—: -—- my. , \ 2: ‘755'64255'5 Handle grip heater status icon ‘ / 552;; 7952775 L, 5’52] L _- The handie grip heater status icon wii whrle the harrdie grrp heater rs on, Clock (12-hour display)lTrip t'me/ Handle grip heater level Odometer [TOTAL] & Tripmeter [TRIP NB] 8( Mileage countdown 4% i appear mnrmued 21 52% \ *; ,7; \1 is \l-‘RHDOX’HAiHlWDO imnk 22 “7-7 2 0 l M l 2H 1 9 H ’r‘uir‘n ’i We 1 MA or} r'\ r\ 1 1 Instruments (Continued) Torque Control level Coolant temperature gauge (:5,) 0 Above 122 °C: - High coolant temperature indicator lights -6th (H) segment fiasnes > Even if the engine coolant temperature is mm M low, the (ooiing ran may start runnrng when mmim - you rev up the engrne, This rs normai, , \ I¥Gear position indicator -> Fuel mileage meter/Average speed I} aprng nanerado I r’ \ rm“ , ”5/"; Air temperature gauge (AIR) Dispiay range: 40 to 50 °C 0 Beiow -11 "C: "-”- dispiays 0 Above 50 °C: "50" (°C) flashes > We temperature readout may be rncorrect at low speeds due to reflected heat /\ 22 /\ 4% Odometer [TOTAL] E Tripmeter [TRIP Al B] E Mileage countdown Odometer [TOTAL] E Tripmeter [TRIP NE] E Mileage countdown utton swttches between the o ometer, the triprneter A, the triprneter B and the miieage countdown. Wodometer —mvmetem -mpm. a Mileage countdown -m- IOdometer Total distance ndden, When " ------ ” [S displayed, go to your deaier for service. I Tripmeter Dtstance ridden since triprneter was reset, When "----.-” is dtspiayed, go to your deaier for service. To reset the tripmeter: I Mileage countdown Dtstance travelied [S subtracted from a preset figure. Display range: 999.9 to 0.0 km or mile When the countdown vaiue reaches "0.0" km or mHe whHe nding, the number th flash, contmued 23 f > 71 + apgng uoueiado I i’\ / aptng uothado I 2\ll\lr¢000 lrlmk zl “7-? Instruments (Continued) If an indication other than the mileage countdown is displayed, the indication automatically swnches to the mileage countdown and flashes "0.0" km or mile. > To reset the mileage countdown dlstance, utton when mileage countdown is displayed > When changing the unlt to "km” after settlng the trlp dlstance to ”625 mlle" pi more wlth the unlt set to ”mile” unit, the thousands place dlgll is not displayed because the distance exceeds the maximum display range To set the mileage countdown: 24 zolullzlltsll ’nllli‘ll ’l ire 1 NH 00} Gear post on Indicator Shows lst to 6th gear positlon. When the lgnitlon SWltch is turned on Wlth the transmlssion ln 3rd gear or hlgher, the gear posltion lndlcator will be displayed as shown ln the lllustratlon. After the transmission ls shlfted to 2nd gear, the gear positlon lndlcatlon will display the correct gear positlon. Always use the recommended tyres and sprockets to ensure correct gear posltion indication. *3 ,7; \1 13 \l-‘RHDOX’HZ\H\!N000 mm gr, “7-7 2 0 1 Mr l 2)] 1 9 H ’r‘rvrn ’r 1% 1 MA (M? , \ 2 Fuel mileage meter 8: Average speed L/lflfllrm @II-l-j Fuel mileage meter 81 Average speed , \ button swrtches between the current / fuel mileage, the average fuel mileage and the average speed. '1 55 Current fuel * mileage Ema-re fuel * mlleage AVG - t 317W; Average speed 4% 4%“! C r \ 2 I Current fuel mileage Drsplays the current or instant fuel mileage, Display range: 0.1 to 99.9 km/L (L/lookm, mrlyL or mile/gal) 0 When your speed is less than 7 km/h (5 mph): ”-.”- rs drsplayed 0 Less than 0.1 km/L(U100krn, mile/L or mile/gal) or more than 99.9 km/L apgng uoueiado I (U100krn,rnrle/L or mile/gal) : "--.-" rs displayed , > When "--.-" rs displayed except for the above-mentroned case, go to your dealer for service. 25 \ x / aping uaueiado I 26 Instruments (Continued) I Average fuel mileage Dispiays the average fuei mileage sinte the selected tripmeter was reset. The average fuel miieage will be calculated based on vaiue dispiayed on the tripmeter (A or B) selected. Also, the average fuel miieage for tripmeter A wtil be dispiayed when the odometer or the mileage countdown is selected. Dispiay range: 0.1 to 99.9 km/L (U100km, mile/L or miie/gal) lmtial display: '-.-” is displayed Less than 0.1 km/L (U1 00km, miie/L or miie/gal) or more than 99.9 km/L (U100km,mile/L or trifle/gal): "--.-" is displayed When the tripmeter A or B is reset: "--.-” is displayed 4% , \ 2 When "--.-” is displayed except for the above-mentioned case. go to your deaier for service, To reset the average fuel mileage: , \ 2 / \ x / *3 ,7; \1 l3 \l-‘RHDOX’HZ\ll\lWDO mm 27 “7-7 2 0 1 Hi I 2H 1 9 ll ’i‘im‘ii ’l 1% 1 MA (M? I Average speed Displays the average speed SVKE the selected tripmeter was reset. The average speed Will be calculated based on value displayed on the lripmeter (A or B) selected. Also, the average speed for tripmeter A will be displayed when the odometer or the mileage countdown l5 selected. 0 lnitial display: "---" is displayed When '-- is displayed while riding, go to your dealer for service. To reset the average speed: apgng uoueiado I 27 *1 up , o \1 i; \r-‘iesooxfiazwwooo Wk 23 “7-7 2 0 l M I 2)] 1 9 H ’mvm ’\ 1% 1 NH (M? \/ apgng uaumdo I 28 , \ 2 Instruments (Continued) I To reset the tripmeter. average fuel To reset tripmeter B, average fuel miieage mileage and average speed and average speed (these are based on To reset trrpmeter A, average fuei mrieage trrpmeter B) together, press and hold 5 and average speed (these are based on button whrie trrprneter B is displayed. trrpmeter A) together, press and hoid s A f I A d button whrie tripmeter A is displayed. verage ue verage spee mileage Average fuel Average speed i mileage or $1" \ 2 Tripmeter A rm “um / \ t / Clock (12-hour display) & Trip time & Handle grip heater level L/ 100/0" HA- (‘D ll-I':II_- II_I'I_ .l Clock (12-hour display) 81 Trip time 8( Handle grip heater level You can sWitch the modes between clock / and trip time mode by pressing and holding Handle grip heater level -> Press and hold button. =<>The heater level is displayed for about 5 seconds when the handle grip heater is on or its level is changed. I Clock To set the clock I Trip time Displays the time elapsed since the engine was started, Display range: 0:00 to i959 (hourszminutes) The display returns to O 00 when the time elapsed exceeds i959. I Handle grip heater level When you operate the handle grip heater, the clock or trip time automatically switch to the indication for the heater level, The display Will return to the ordinary mode after about 5 seconds. To 0 erate the handle grip heater: 4% ZS fil ii? i apgng uagwjado I Instruments (Continued) Display Setting Following \tems to change sequentially. 0 Clock setting 0 Backllght bnghmess adjustment HISS \ndlcalor semng Changing the speed and mlleage umt Changing the fuel mlleage meter unit Setting the mileage countdown 30 Ordinary dlsplay Clock settmg Press and hold the hour fast. continued 31 *1 4P, , o \1 l3 \I-‘kzmoxfitzuluxooo mm :32 “7-7 2 0 1 Ml I 2H 1 9 ll ’mm‘n ’l 1% 1 NH (M? \1 r \ 2 apgng uagwjado I Instruments (Continued) 9 Press 5 dlsplayed, > Press and hold the mmute fast. button until the deslred mlnule l5 button to advance the display moves to the backlight bnghtness adjustment 32 2 Backlight brightness adjustment: You can adjust the bnghtness to one of flve levels. 0 Pres L button. The brightness .s switched, l l '> l l button The backllght l5 set, and then the ISplay moves to the on/oft of blinks of HISS lndiealor (HISS lndlcatov comes on) / \ \ / 3 HISS indicator setting: You can select the bllnk or off the HISS indicator. 0 Press button to select " 5,7 " (blinks) or "5FF"(oif). I7 4. I1 ' w‘F ’l—l o Press setting button, The HlSS indlcalov t, and then the dlsplay moves to the Changlng of the speed and mileage unit, 4 Changing the speed and mileage unit: 0 Press ”km” or "mph" & "mlle". umt IS set, and then the dlsplay moves to the Changlng of the fuel mlleage meter umt, 33 /\ *1 «tern , o \1 t3 \l-‘RHDOX’HZWHWDO mm .‘H “7-? 2 0 1 M l 2)] 1 9 H ’T‘utr‘H ’\ We 1 MA or} \1 r \ 2 apgng uonmdo I Instruments (Contrnued) 5 Changing the fuel mileage meter unit: \f the "mph" for speed and "mtle" for mtleage are selected, the fuel mtleage shown by "mile/L" or "mTIe/gal”. —- 9 Press button, The fuel mrteage meter unrt rs set, and then the drsplay moves to the semng of mlleage countdown 34 6 Setting the mileage countdown: o The preset figure rs drsptayed and the thrro orgit erT be Hasnrng W, K" [771717 a “#1.le e To set the third otgrt, press the desrreo figure ars, > Press and hoto button to advance the figure fast. f \ 9 Pres button, The second drgtt starts / flashrng. m 5117171.”. 0 Repeat the steps 0 and 9 for the semnd and hrst orgits. / \ s / 9 Press button, The trip distance IS set, and then the display will return to the ordinary display, The trip distance Will not be reset when you complete setting of the mileage countdown by pressing T button only or when you set the trip distance to the same as the current distance. When entering the setting mode using ”km" unit after setting the trip distance to "625 mile" or more with the unit set to "mile", "---.-" Will appear because the distance exceeds the maximum display L button to display "000.0", and then set the trip distance again it necessary. Pressing -button while "-—-.-" is displayed Will return the display to the ordinary display and keep the previous trip distance. aping uoueJado I 35 *3 ,7; \1 is \l-‘R800X*32\U\ln000 hook 36 “7-7 2 0 1 Mi I 2)] 1 9 ii ’i‘iiii‘ii ’i it 1M4 a?) r \ / Indicators ¢r Left turn signal indicator aping uaueiado I Hi Low fuel in Icator 0 Comes on briefly when the ignition sWitch is turned on. 0 Comes on when there is only reserve fuei left in the fuel tank. Remaining fuei when iow fuei indicator comes on: 35 litres (092 US gal, 0,77 imp gai) /\ 36 / fi‘lfl Low oil pressure indicator Comes on when the ignition sWitch is turned on. Goes off when the engine starts. If it comes on while engi e is running: N Neutral indicator Comes on when the transmission is in Neutral, ED High beam indicator 0 PGM-Fl (Programmed Fuel lniection) malfunction indicator lamp (MIL) Comes on briefly when the ignition sWitch is turned on with the engine stop sWitch in the 0 (Run) position, Comes on when the ignition sWitch is turned on With the engine stop sWitch in the Rl (Off) position, If it comes on while engine is running: 1?) Torque Control indicator - Comes on when the ignition switch is turned on. Goes off when your speed reaches approximately 10 km/h (6 mph) to indicate Torque Controi is ready to work, - Biinks when Torque Controi is operating. If it comes on while riding: ABS (Anti-lock Brake System) i dicator Comes on when the ignition switch is turned on, Goes off when your speed reaches approximateiy 10 km/h (6 mph). If it comes on while riding: 7 HISS indicator 0 Comes on briefly when the ignition sWitch is turned on with the engine stop switch in the 0 (Run) position, Goes off if the ignition key has the correct coding. Fiashes every 2 seconds for 24 hours 45 Torque Control OFF indicator Comes on when the Torque Control is turned off, 7 :{> Right turn signal indicator 'gh coolant temperature Indicator Comes on briefly when the ignition sWitch is turned on. If it comes on while riding: when the ignition switch is turned off. 37 *1 slew , o \1 l5 \I-‘lexoomzwllxooo hook 38 “7-7 2 0 1 Ml I 2H 1 9 ll ’l‘llll‘ll ’l 1% “ll-l a?) \1 r \ ’ Switches (’7) Torque Control switch Torque Control level settlhg and Torque Control ell/off. PASS Passing light control switch Flashes the high beam headlight, apgng uanmao I ght dimmer switch ngh beam . Low beam ¢=ri> Turn signal switch - The turn signal will automatltally stop when you complete the tum. - when used for a Iarle change, the turn slgnal ls automatically stopped in 7 seconds or after rlding 120 m (131 yards). > You can manually cancel the tum slgnal by pressmg the sztch In > ln some cases, the tlmlng at which the tum slgnal stops is changed, > Always use the recommended tyves to ensure CDVVeCl automatic cancellatlon operatlon. /\ 38 l / \/ il eh *1 stew , o \1 i; \i-‘iesooxfiiziiiiin‘ooo mm :30 “7-7 2 0 i Hi I zit l 9 ii ’i‘iiti‘ii ’i it i iii-i (M? \/ Ignition Switch Switches the eiectricai system onlofi, iocks the steering, > Key (an be removed when In the on or LOCK position. Engine stop switch Shouid normaliy remain in the 0 (Run) position. > in an emergency, switch to the Rt (off) position to stop the engine, apgng uoueJado I A Hazard switch i’ \ Switchabie when the ignition SWitch is on, Can be turned to off regardless of the ignition i / SWitch position, > The signals Continue flashing With the ignition switch in OFF or LOCK after the hazard swlteh is on (3) Start button )0- Horn button 39 /\ *1 4P, , o \/ ii\l-'R800X*32\U\1RODO book to “7-7 2 o l M I 2)] 1 9 H ’huh‘u ’t hunt-1 a?) \/ apgng uahmao I Switches (Cont/nued) Steering Lock Lock the steermg when parking to help prevent theft, A U-shaped wheel Iotk or stmhar deer ‘5 3‘50 recommended, 40 , \ 2 ON Tu ms electrica‘ system on for startmg/ndmg OFF Tums engme off 1 LOCK Locks steering I Locking , \ 0 Turn the hand‘ebars an the way to the \eft or ‘ I nght 9 Push the key down, and turn the IgniUOn swltCh to (he LOCK posmon F Jiggle the handlebars \f the IOCK IS dwfflm‘t to engage. 9 Remove the key, I Unlocking Insert the key, push it in, and turn the ignitwon SW‘tth to the OFF positton. / \ t / Handle grip heater indicator: Displayed when the handle grip heater is on. The selected heater level is indicated by the number of times the indicator blinks when the heater is turned on and the heater level is changed. For example, It you select heater level 5, the indicator blinks 5 times and repeats it 7 times, Heater level: The selected heater level is indicated for a few seconds when the handle grip heater SWitch is operated. Handle grip heater status icon: Displayed when the handle grip heater is on. I If the "E1". "E2" or "E3" blinks:- flfifi .F’W; , \ , . Handle Grip Heater VFRSOOX is equipped With a handle grip heater that warms up your hands during ride, Wear gloves to protect your hands from the heated grips. , \ / Handle grip Handle grip heater switch heater status icon Handle grip heater indicator Heater level \ \ / aplng uolleJado I aping uanaiado I 42 Handle Grip Heater (Continued) I To operate the handle grip heater 0 Start the engine. P, 45 o Press the handle grip heater switch, The handle grip heater is on. >rhe status icon Wlll be appeared on the display when the handle grip heater operates. 9 Select the heater level by pressing the switch >rhe clock or trip time on the display automatically swnch to the indication of the heater level. The indication will return to the ordinary mode alter blinking for about 5 seConds, > Do not leave the handle grip heater in the high position for a long time on a warm day. 0 To turn oh the heater, press the swnch until the status icon on the display is disappeared, Also to turn off, press and hold the switch, Do not use the handle grip heater With the engine at idle for a long time. it may result in 4% a low (or dead) battery, Maintains the selected level when the ignition SWitch is turned off. > The heater level is not changed it the ignition swnch is turned to the on position Within 5 seconds after heater level change, ‘ Level 5 mi. 5 l highest temperature Level 4 ‘ , Off Level 3 Level 2 Level 1 lowest temperature —I -> Press the handle grip heater SWItCh => Press and hold the handle grip heater Switch %3 ,7; \1 l; \l-‘RROOX’HZ\ll\lWOo mm L? “7-7 2 0 l Ml I zll 1 9 ll ’l‘lllr‘ll ’l it 1 MA (M? Honda selectable torque control (Torque Control) Torque Control level (engine power control) (an be selected or turned on/off. > Do not operate the Torque Control swltch while rldlng Stop the motorcycle first and the turn off or on and select the deslred level, > The Torque Control settlng (annot be changed or turned all when the system ls actlvated (Torque Control lndlcator flashlng) V Each time the lgnltlon switch ls turned to the ON posltlon, the Torque Control level wlll automatically be set to level 2 (max) V When the Torque Control is turned from the off posltlon to the on posltron, lt wlll automatically be set to level 2 (max) Torque Control level setting The level can be selected by pressing the Torque Control szttn. V Level 2 Is the maximum Torque Control level V Level 1 Is the mlnlmum Torque Control level Torque Control on and off Torque Control (an be turned on and off by press and hold the Torque Control SWlKh. Torque Control switdl contmued 43 r \ 2 o '0 o E 6' a at 5. o o , \ *1 elexr , o \1 l; \FRRO. Alumna Wk ll “7-? 2 0 l Ml I zll 1 9H ’l‘llll‘ll ’l l’Kllll-l (M? \1 r\ r\ 1 1 Honda selectable torque control fl'orque Control) (Conunued) aplng uaumado I Torque Control Torque Comrol level: level: ’ \ . . . l’ \ / maxlmum mlnlmum , on - ‘ -> Press the Torque Control switth :> Press and hold the Torque Control swilch No Torque Control 44 f \ s / s / Starting the Engine Start your engine using the foliowmg procedure, regardless of whether the engine is (oid or warm. Ii tn engine does not start Within 5 seconds, mm the ignition oii and wait lo setonds beinre trying in start the engine again to recover battery vaitage. I Extended iast idling and revving the engine can damage the engine, and the exhaust system. I Snapping the throttie or iast idling for more than about 5 minutes may cause exhaust pipe distaiourat‘inn. I The engine Wiii not stait ii the throttle is My open. 0 Make sure the engine stop switch is in the 0 (Run) position, oiurn the ignition sWitch to the ON position 9 Shirt the transrnission to Neutral (E Indicator Comes on). Aiternatively, puH in the dutch lever to start your motorcycle with the transmission in gear so long as the side stand is raised 0 Press the start button With the throttle Compielely dosed If the engine does not start: (9 Open the throttle My and press the start button for 5 seconds. ® Repeat the normal starting procedure, (3 irthe engine starts, open the throttle slightly if idling is unstable @ itthe engine does not start, wait 10 seconds before trying steps (9 & ® again I If Engine Will Not Start 45 *1 4p” , o \1 13 \l-‘REDOYSAUHKODO mm '16 “7-7 2 0 1 M I 2)] 1 9 H ’mm‘u ’\ 1X HLH 00) \1 I) Shifting Gears Your motorcyde transmisswon has six forward gears in a one-down, five—up shift pattern, apgng uagwjado I , \ , \ / 2 If you put the motorcyde in gear with the swde stand down, the engine will shut off. / \ 46 f \ x / x / 71 + %:15% l: \lleaoox lz\ll\lr¢000 Wk l7 A77 2 0 l M lzll19ll ’l‘llflll llVe llll.l 0/ Refuelling Ignition key Lock (over Level plate Do not flll Wlth fuel above the level plate. Fuel type: Unleaded petrol only Fuel octane number: Your motorcycle ls designed to use Research Octane Number (RON) 91 or hlgher. Tank capacity: 20.8 lltres (5.50 US gal, 4 58 Imp gall I Refuelling and Fuel Guidelines 4% Opening the Fuel Fill Cap Open the lock cover, Insert the lgnltiorl key, and turn lt clockwise to open the fuel flll cap. Closing the Fuel Fill Cap 0 After refuelllng, push the fuel fill Cap closed until lt lacks. 0 Remove the key and close the lock (over, > The key cannot be removed r the fuel flll (ap lS not locked AWARNING ‘ ' Petrol is highly flammable and explosive. You (an be burned or seriously injured when handling fuel. I Stop the engine, and keep heat, sparks, and flame away. - Handle fuel only outdoors. - Wipe up spills immediately. 47 /\ apgng uagmaao I 48 , \ - 1 Storage Equipment Helmet Holder > Use the helmet holder only when parked, The helmet holders is located urlder the rear seat. The helmet set We lS stored in the tool I Removing the Rear Seat klt. P. 67 A WAR N IN G Riding with a helmet attached to the holder can interfere with the rear wheel or suspension and could cause a (rash in whi(h you can be seriously ‘, \ hurt or killed. ’ Use the helmet holder only while parked. Do not ride with a helmet secured by the holder. Helmet holder "e'me‘ D'ri"9 / \ x / 4% Tool K tIDocument Bag The tooi kit is iocated under the rear seat. Secure the tooi kit With the rubber strap A (iargediameter) as shown in the iliustratron. The document bag iS located under the front seat, Rubber strap A Document hag Tool kit I Removing the Rear Seat I} U-shaped Lock A U—shaped iock is heid in piace above the rear fender. 0 Remove the rubber strap A (iarge-diameter) and tool kit from the rear fender o Piace the U—shaped iock onto the rear fender, and then secure it by hooking the rubber strap B (smaii-diameter) at the three points as shown in the riiustratron. > Some U-shaped iocks may not fit in the compartment due to their SiZE or design ‘ , Rubber strap B U-shaped lock Hook points (ontrnued 49 f \ I, % \1 15 Vl-‘RBDOXfiZKMRODO book 50 A77“ 2 o l M 1 2H 1 9 H 5mm ’r 6mm 0?) r \ 1 Storage Equipment (Commued) 9 New me tool krt onto me U—shaped rock, then secure the [our krt and the U-shaped rock by hooking the rubber strap A at the two points as shown rn the rHustratron. Tool kit 0 u E a 5' 2 m E, n n: Rubber strap A Hook points I Removing the Rear Seat %3% r anomzluvlsooo book 51 4< 2 o 1 411 1 211 1 911 $111111 1112111“ 0?) Maintenance Please read "Importance of Maintenance" and "Maintenance Fundamentals" carefully before attempting any maintenance. Refer to ”Specifications” for service data. Importance of Maintenance P 52 Brakes/Clutch. P. 31 Maintenance Schedule.. P 53 Side Stand P. 34 Maintenance Fundamentals P 55 Drive chain. P. 35 Tool P 67 Throttle. P. as Removing & lnsta 9 Body Components P 68 Other Adjustments. P. 39 RearSeal. . . . . . . . . . . . . P as Clutch and Brake Levers. . . P. 39 Front Seat. . . . . P 69 FrontSusperlsmn. P. 90 Want Under Cover P 71 RearSuspenslon . P. 92 Battery Cover . P 72 HeadlightAlm . . P. 93 Battery. P 74 Front Seat Helght. P. 94 Engine 0 P 75 Coolant. P 79 l / 013% Pin PM *1 ale/r , o \1 ii \I-‘Raoomzwwnooo book 52 “7-7 2 o l M I 2H 1 9 ll ’myr‘il ’l 6&1le a?) \/ > Importance of Mainte ‘ > Importance of Maintenance Maintenance Safety keeprng your motorcycle wellrmamtalned rs Always read the marntenance rnstrucuons absolutely essentral to your safety and to before you begrn eacn task, and make sure that - protect your investment, Obtain maximum you have the tools, pans, and skills required g performance, avord breakdowns, and reduce arr We cannot warn you of every concervable g, pollutron Marntenance rs the owner’s hazard that can anse rn performrng a responsiblllty Be sure to rnspect your marntenance, Only you can declde whether or g motorcycle before each ride, and perform the not you should perform a gryen task, a penodrc checks specrfred m the Marntenance Schedule F. 53 Follow these guidelines when periormlng ,’ \ A maintenance, ,’ \ ’ “WARN I "G 9 Stop the engrne and remove the key ’ Improperly maimaining you, 9 Park your motorcycle on a frrm, level surface mommyde or failing to (mm a usrng the srde stand or a malntenance stand problem before you ride can cause a to provide SUppon’ . . . 0 Allow the engine, muffler, brakes, and other (rash In which you can be seriously . highrtempefature parts to cool before hm m mad- Servlclng as you can get burned _ _ 9 Run the engrne only when Instructed, and do Always follow the Inspemon and so rn a wellrventllated area, maintenance recommendations and schedules in this owner’s manual. 52 r \ \ / s / The maintenance schedule specifies the maintenance requirements necessary to ensure safe, dependable performance, and proper emission control, Maintenance work should be performed in accordance with Honda's standards and specifications by properly trained and equipped technicians. Your dealer meets all of these requirements. Keep an accurate record of maintenance to help ensure that your motorcycle is properly maintained, Make sure that whomever performs the maintenance completes this record. All scheduled maintenance is considered a normal owner operating cost and will be charged for by your dealer, Retain all receipts, if you sell the motorcycle, these receipts should be transferred With the motorcycle to the new owner, Honda recommends that your dealer should road test your motorcycle after each periodic maintenance is carried out, aoueualugew I continued 53 % ’4 g E, z a z a: z a r\ / /\ 54 \ / 15 \I-‘Raoomzmiooo mm 31 “7-7 2 o l M I 2 H 1 9 M ”New ’< 6% [KW-1 a?) Maintenance Schedule Pre-ride quuenty " Imus cheek xmmkm I ll 24 36 as ‘33:: :32: “2:? HP 56 “warm as x 15 24 32 Fue‘ Line \ '1 II '1 II n - Fm Lm‘ || » nvatfle upevauen \ n '1 II '1 II || 33 NICIeanu" X a n3 » Spark Hug \ fl :3 - Valve Clealame \ n n » Engme on n a a) e 9 ‘3 9 75 Engine oil Filler @ a a a a e 77 Engme we Speed \ n n n n n n — Radiatorcaolam" n n n n n n sum 79 mm Synem \ n n n n n — mfiaw mr Supply \ II II » Maintename Level \ mxeymemaxe We remmmend same by your dea‘ev, me}: you have me nezessavy mob and are mamamany muse Prateduves ave women m an olhma‘ Honda Shop Manual X Tethmm‘ m the Imevesl al may, have yam mmmtyde sewed by yam mm Mainlenznce Legend || mspen (dean, 2mm, lemme m veplaze, .I nemssaw) Luhntale @ Replaze 15 \‘l-‘RBDOX’SZKMRODO book 55 A7 2 o l M 1 2H 1 9 H , mm ’< 6mm 09) Maintenance Schedule Pmme Frewtnty “ Rem; (heck xmmkm I 12 24 35 as mt? :33: “:22? =1? 56 waOm 05 3 I6 14 32 Dnve (ham '1 Every 1,000 km (sou mi) II- 85 mm Chem Slider || '1 || || 37 make fluid '3 n n '1 || n n z Yam 31 Brake Pads Wear n n n n n n 32 make Sysmn fl || '1 n n n 55 Brake‘ightswitth n n n n n as Head‘igmAwm n n n n n 93 Lights/Ham n - Engm Smp swiuh fl » Clukhsymm n n n n n 55 (mm a n n n n n n man a; 32mm: n n n n n u an Suspensmn \ n n n n n 90 Nuns. salts. Fasteners \ II || '1 II n n - Whealx/[yrex x n n n n n n 54 Slaying Head Hearings X n n n n n n - Notes: " m mgm odemelev reading; repeal at me Ivequemy Imevva‘ esuhhshed m '2 Emma more nequenuy when mm m unusually wet or dusty aveas '3 Replatemem mm; mezhamm‘ 5km aaueuawgew I 55 /\ % r \1 li lil-‘RBDOX’SZKMRODO book 50 A77“ 2 o l M 1 zu 1 9 ii freiii ‘ii ’i Gain“ 0?) at. q Malnte e Fundamentals q Pre-ride Inspection To ensure safety, it is your responsibility to perform a pre-ride inspection and make sure that any problem you find is corrected A pre- ride inspection is a must, not only for safety, but because having a breakdown, or even a flat tyre, (an be a maior inconvenience mueuamgew I Check the followmg items before you ride r \ motorcycle: 0 Fuel level-Fill fuel tank when necessary. P, 47 o Throttle-Check for smooth opening and full (losing in all steering positions, IP 88 0 Engine oil level-Add engine oil if necessary (neck for leaks. P. 75 o Coolant level-Add coolant if required, (neck for leaks. P. 79 /\ 56 4% 0 Drive chain-Check condition and slack, adiust and lubricate if necessary. IP. 61, 85 o Brakes-C neck operation, Front and Rear: check brake fluid level and pads wear IP. 8i 0 Lights and horn-C neck that lights, indicators and horn function properly, 0 Engine stop SWitch-(heck for proper function, IP 39 , \ o Clutch-(neck clutch fluid level IP 83 ‘ z 0 Side stand ignition cut-off system-Check for proper function. IP. 84 0 Wheels and tyres-Check condition, air pressure and adiust if necessary IP. 64 Replacing Parts Always use Honda Genuine Pans or their equivalents to ensure reliability and safety When ordering coloured components, specify the model name, colour, and code mentioned on the colour label The colour label IS attached to the rear lender under the rear seat, P 68 Maintenance Fundamentals ‘ 1 Colour label Insialling non-Honda parts may make your motorcycle unsafe and cause a crash in which you can be seriously hun or killed. Always use Honda Genuine Parts or equivalents ihat have been designed and approved for your motorcycle. 57 /\ aaueuazutew I 58 38 «7-7 zti motto lmtrk Maintenance Fundamentals Battery Your motorcycle has a maintenanceriree type battery You do not have to cheCk the battery electrolyte level or add distilled water Clean the battery terminals rr they become dirty or corroded. Do not remove the battery Cap seals There IS no need to remove the cap when Charging NOTICE Your battery rs a mainlenamarlrae type and (an be permanently damaged ri the (ap strip is removed This symbol on the battery means that E this product must not be treated as household waste NOTICE An improperly disposed pi battery can be harmiui to the environment and human health. Always (onlrrm local regulations lot battery disposal zoturtziltsrr , O ’i it 1 MA or} \/ ’r‘rtir‘ r r AWARNING The battery gives off explosive hydrogen gas during normal operation. A spark or flame (an cause the battery to explode with enough force to kill or seriously hurt you. Wear protective clothing and a face shield, or have a skilled mechanic do the battery servicing. I Cleaning the Battery Terminals 1. Remove the battery IP 74 7. rr the terminals are starting to corrode and are Coated with a white Substance, wash with warm water and wrbe clean 3. lf the termrnals are heayrly corroded, (lean and pollsh the terrnrnalswrth a wlre brush or sandpaper, Wear safety glasses A After (leanlng, rernstall the battery, the battery has a llmlted lrfe span, Consult your dealer about when you should replace the battery Always replace the battery thh another malntenanceefree battery of the same type, lnstalllng l’laNHDl’lda elettr‘ltal atlllr‘ll ’l 14¢“er a?) \1 , \ _ , \ I Malntenance Fundamentals I If a luse falls repeatedly, you llkely have an electncal lault Have your motorcycle mspected by your dealer, Engine Oil Englne oll consumptron vanes and orl duallty detenorates accordrng to ndrng condltrons and tune elapsed Check the engme orl level regularly, and add the recommended englne all If necessary DIrLy orl ’ \ or old all should be changed as soon as oossrble mueualulew I I Selecting the Engine Oil For recommended engme oll, see "SpeclflCatlonS" IP 131 ll you use noncHonda englne oll, check the label to make sure that the all satrstres all of the lollowrng standards I JASO T 903 Standard” MA I SAE Staerard‘Z 10W730 o APl Classlflcallon‘3 36 or hrgher so ‘l The JASO T 903 standard ls an mdex lor engrne orls for Acstmke motorcycle engrnes There are two classes MA and MB For example, the foHuvl/lng label shows the MA classrncatron - k0” code M A Foil classification ‘2 The SAE standard grades orls by therryrscoslty ‘2 The APl classllrcatlon specrlres the qualrty and ‘, \ performance ratrng ol engrne olls Use 56 or / nrgher orls, excludrng orls marked as ”Energy Conservlng" or ”Resource Consewlng“ on the clrcular APl Servlce symbol *3 ,7; \1 li \I-‘lexoomzulllrzooo book 51 “7-7 2 o 1 Ml I 2)] 1 9 ll ’l>lllr‘ll ’l W; 1ll§r4 a?) Brake Fluid (Clutch Fluid) Do not add or replace brake fluid, except Irl an emergency Use only fresh brake Huld from a sealed contalner. ll you do add fluld, nave tne brake and clutch system semced by your dealer as soon as possible NOTICE Blake lluld can damage plastlc and palnted surlaces. wlpe up spllls lmmedlately and wash thoroughly, Recommended brake fluid: Honda DOT 4 Brake Fluid or equlvalem Drive Chain Tne dnve cnam must be lnspected and lubncated regularly, lnspect tne cnaln more frequently ll you often nde on bad roads, nde at nlgn speed, or nde Wllh repeated last acceleratlon Maintenance Fundamentals ll tne cnaln does not moye smootnly, makes strange nolses, nas damaged rollers or loose plns or mlSSlng Ocrlngs, or klnks, naye tne cnaln lnspected by your dealer Also lnspect the englne sprocket and rearwneel sprocket. ll elther nas worn or damaged teetn. nave tne sprocket replaced by your dealer, , \ /_/\/\ /”//\7,/\ / / , Normal Worn Damaged (GOOD) (REPLACE) (REPLACE) NOTICE Use of a new thaln wiKh worn sprockets wlll cause rapld (halnweal, Commued 61 /> gaff *2 q; / \1 ti \I-‘kxoomzwurzooo hook 52 “7-7 2 o 1 M I 2)] 1 9 H ’mm‘u ’t We “Ur-1 a?) \/ ameuazugew I 62 Maintenance Fundamentals ICleaning and Lubricating After rrtspectrhg the stack, dean the charn and sprockets whue rotatrhg the rear wheet, Use a dry doth wrth charh deaner deslgned specrfrcaHy ror 04mg charhs, or neutrat detergent. Use a sort brush rr the cham rs dlny. After deamflg, wrpe dry and \ubncate wuh the recommended lubncam. \f not avaflable, use SAE 80 or 90 gear ou Recommended lubricant: Dnve chain lubmant designed specifically for O-nng mains. If not avat‘ab‘e, use SAE 80 or 90 gear 0“, Do not use a steam deaner, a mgh pressure deaner, a wrre brush, voratue Sch/em such as petror and benzene, abrasrve cleaner, charh deaner or \ubncant NOT desrgned spearrcauy ror Ocnng chams as these can damage the rubber Ocrmg sears Auord gettrhg \ubncant on the brakes or tyres, Avoid appryrng excess charh \ubncant to prevent Spray onto your domes and the motorcyde. Retummended Coolant ‘ , Pro Honda HP coorant rs a prerrmxed sorutroh of ahtrtreeze ahd drstrued water Concentration: 50 "/d anufreeze and 50 "/0 dismled water A concentratlon of antifreeze below 40 “/0 Wlll not proylde proper corroslon and cold temperature protectlon A concentratlon of up to so % will proylde better protectlon m colder cllmates. NOTICE USlng coolant not specltied lor aluminium eng'lnes or using ordinary tap water can cause (olloSlol’l. Maintenance Fundamentals Air Cleaner Tnls motorcycle lS equlpped wlth a vlscous type all Cleaner element All blow cleanmg or any other cleanlng can degrade tne viscous element performance and cause the lrllake of dust. Do not perform the maintenance. snould be servlced by your dealer, 63 *1 ale/r , o \/ li\l-'R800X*32\U\1R000 book 54 “7-7 2 o l Ml l zll l 9 ll ’hlllr‘ll ’l GEN-“r4 a?) \1 \ / mueualulew I Maintenance Fundamentals Tyres (Inspecting/Replacing) I Checking the Air Pressure Vrsually Inspect your tyres and use an alr pressure gauge to measure the alr pressure at least once a rnonth or any tlme you thlnk the tyres look low. Always check alr pressure when your tyres are cold. I Inspecting for Damage Inspect the tyres for Cuts, SllLS, or CraCkS that exposes labnc or Cords, Or Hall; or other forelgrl objects Embedded lrl the Slde ol the tyre or the tread Also lnspectfol the bumps or bulges In the slde walls of the tyres. 64 I Inspecting for Abnormal Wear Inspect the tyres for slgns of abnormal wear on the contact surface Mr 7/ zil hiwoo lmtvk I Inspecting Tread Depth lnspect the tread wear Indicators. ll they become VlSlblE, replace the tyres lmmedlately For safe rldlflg, you should replace the tyres when the minimum tread depth IS reached. 201M Izll19ll ’i‘llli‘ll ’i We 1 M4 (M? Maintenance Fundamentals ‘ 1 AWARNING Riding on tyres that are excessively worn or improperly inflated can (ause a crash in which you can be seriously hurt or killed. Follow all instru(tions in this owner's manual regarding tyre inflation and maintenance. German law prohlblts use of tyres whose tread depth Is less than 1 6 mm. continued 65 f \ *3 f; \1 l; \l-‘lesoox lz\ll\lr¢000 lmtrk Mr A 2 Maintenance Fundamentals Have your tyres replaced by your dealer For recommended tyres, arr pressure and mlnlmum tread depth, see ”Speclflcatlons”. .P 131 Follow these guldelrnes whenever you replace tyres . Use the recommended tyres or equivalents of the same slze, construction, speed latlflg, and load range . Have the wheel balanced wlth Honda Genulne balance werghts orequlvalems arter / the tyre rs lrlstalled . Do not install a tube rnsrde a tuueless tyre on thrs motorcycle. Excesslve heat bulldcup can cause the tube to burst . Use only tuueless tyres on thrs motorcycle. The nrns are deslgned ror tuoeless tyres, and dunng hard acceleratron or braklng, a tube type tyre could slrp on the rlm and cause the tyre to rapldly derlate. aaueuazulew I 66 il do zolul IZHIQH ’l‘llil‘ll ’HKIM-HJ/r} \/ , \ 2 A WAR N IN G Installing improper tyres on your motor(yc|e can adversely affect handling and stability, and can cause a (rash in whi(h you can be seriously hurt or killed. Always use the size and type of tyres recommended in this owner’s manual. , \ 2 / \ \ / % 4P, , o \1 li VFRBOOX’HKMSUOO book 67 “7.; 2 O I I‘ll 12H 1 9 ll film‘ll ll lfilll-‘F-l 0?) \1 2 Tool kit ‘ 1 The tool kit lS stored under the raer seat. P, 68 You can perform some roadside repalrs, mlnor adjustments and parts replacement wwth the tools contained m the kit. 0 Standard/Phlllips screwdnver O Screwdriver handle .14 x 17 mm Open end wrench I o Helmet set wire ‘ 1 O 5 mm Hex Wrench 0 Pin spanner O Fuse puller O Extenslon bar 0 Front suspension spring preload adjustment spanner aoueualugew I 67 /\ % \% 1-3 \‘FRSOOX’SZMMEOOO book 68 l<~ “ Rear Seat mueuamgew I Rear seat Rear stays 9 Body Components Seat lock I Removal 1. \nsert the \gmtion key mm the seat \ock. 2. Turn rt dotkwise, then puH the rear seat up and batk. I Installation 1. \nsert the prongs into the rear stays on the frame. 2. Push down on the rear of the rear seat. Make sure that the seat is \otked seturely m posrtion to puH rt up lighfly. The seat locks automatically when dosed. Take (are not to \otk your key m the compartment under the rear seat. 2014*r12n19fi fiMFH ’Hicluémoé? #1 . '3? {if % \% 1-3 trRaoqumMEoou book 69 [xi-7 2 0145“ Zfi 1 9 El MES $621M“ 05? fig . Removing & Inshalling Body Components > Front Seat Front Seat I Installation 1. When setting the mgn seat posltion I Removal install the front seat by aligning its recesses With the front side stays and placing its prong on the front (entre stay. Mounting bolts High Eosition: Prong Recess aoueuaxugew Recess Q, . Frontsidestay ‘ ‘ Frontsidestay Front seat Front centre stay 1. Remove the rear seat, IP. 68 2. Remove the mounting baits and (oiiars, and then puii the front seat back and up. (ammued 69 on 4% nth *H‘h % \% 1-3 \‘FRSDUX’BZMMEODU book 70 “L; 2 0145“ 2n 1 9 El fillifi $621M“ 05? mueuamgew I Removing & Inshalling Body Components > Front Seat When settn the ‘0 seat posmon InstaH the front seat by ahgmng its recesses with the front side stays and rts prong wrth the front centre stay. Low position: Prong Recess Recess Front side stay Front centre stay Front side stay Z. InstaH the coHars and mountrng bohs, 3. Tighten the mountrng bohs secure‘y. 4. Make sure that the mount posmons of the front seat prong and the adjust ptates are the same seat positron. P. 96 Qt , Front seat 5. \nstall the rear seat. Make sure that the seat is tucked seturely m posrtion t0 puH rt up lightty. For the front seat herght adjustment, see "Changrng the Front Seat Height." IP. 94 44% en % \% 1-3 \‘Htaoomzmmsooo book 71 “L; 2 o 1 4T1 2n 1 9 H mm ’l 6&1!“ 05? fig . Removing & Installing Body Components > Right Under Cover Right Under Cover The rlght undercover must be removed to — replace the englne Oll filter, Right under cover I Removal Collars 1. Remove the bolts and collars, 2. Remove the rlght under cover. I Installation Install the parts in the reverse order of removal, aoueualugew I % \% 15 vFRaoqumonou book 72 [<92 2 o 1 45:1 Zfi 1 9 El fillifi 5F1'i’21l4ér4 05? Removing & Inshalling Body Components > Battery Cover Battery Cover The battery cover must be removed to remove the battery, to servrce the mam and fuse box fuses. I Removal 1. Remove the front seat. P. 69 2. Remove the clips. 3. Remove the battery cover. mueuamgew I Battery cover .%C|ip Adjust plates Ago % \% 15 \‘moumzmvsoou book 73 [xi-7 2 0145“ Zfi 1 9 El fillifi $621M“ 05? fig . When settmg the IQ posltlon 1. Remove the front seat. P. 69 2. Remove the clips. 3. Move the right rlb of the battery cover to the right SldE (9). the inslde of the right adjust plate (0 Battery cover Removing & Installing Body Components > Battery Cover 4. Whlle pressing down the rear left part of the battery cover (0), pull up the right part of it and remove the battery cover to Battery cover Right rib aoueualugew I I Installation Install the parts in the reverse order of removal, err 4h eng% % \% 15 \iFiiaoaHzitiviEooa book 74 “L; 2 o 1 4&1 2n 1 9 El filliEl $621M“ 05? fig . Removing & Inshalling Body Components > Battery Battery 3. Distonnett the negative .9) terminal from — the battery, 4. Distonnett the positive (+) terminal from the battery, 5. Remove the battery taking care not to drop the terminal nuts. Rubber strap Positive terminal I Installation Install the parts in the reverse order of removal. Always connect the positive (+3 terminal first. Make sure that bolts and nuts are tight. Readiust the clock after the battery is retonnected since the clock goes wrong once the battery disconnected. For proper handling of the battery, see "Maintenance Fundamentals." IP, 56 I REMOVBI "Battery Goes Dead,” IP. 1 11 Make sure the ignition svvitth is off. 1. Remove the battery (over. F. 72 Z. Unhook the rubber strap. mueuawiew I Negative terminal , 0 ll Ham 0;) \1 r\ (\ 1 1 Checking the Engine Oil 1. if the engine is cold, idle the engine for 3 inspection to 5 minutes, Window 2. Turn the ignition sWitch off, and wait for , Upper level 2 to 3 minutes J 3. Place your motorcycle in an upright =@= position on a firm, level surface >—‘ 4. Check that the Oil level is between the . , Lower level , \ upper and lower level marks In the Oil level / inspection Window, Oil level Inspection window 75 f \ x / x / % q; / \1 ti iii-'iiaoomzuivinooo book 70 A77“ 2 o 1 M I 2)] 1 9 ii ”raivii‘ii ’i new“ 0;) \1 \ / mueuawiew I 76 Engine Oil > Adding Engine Oil Adding Engine Oil If the engine oil is beiow or near the tower level mark, add the recommended engine oil P. 60, 131 1. Remove the oil fill cap. Add the recommended oil untii it reaches the upper \evel mark. > Place your motorcycie in an upright position on a firm, \evei surface when checking the on \evel. > Do not overfiH above the upper \evei mark. > Make sure no foreign objects enter the oil fiiler opening. >Wipe up any spiHs immediateiy Z. Secureiy reinstaH the oil fiH cap NOTICE OvernH‘ing With an at operating with insufficient an can cause damage In yaw engine. Do not mix d‘ifleient brands and grades of mi They may aiiea iubncanan and dutch apeiation. For the recommended on and oil selection guidehnes, see "Maintenance Fundamentais". P. 56 in % \% 1-3 \iFRXOOXiSZlUMEOOO book 77 “L; 2 o 1 “rt 21'] 1 9 H finiu ’iiiitluér-i 05? Changing Engine Oil & Filter Changing the oil and filter requires special tools. We retommend that you have your motorcytle serviced by your dealer. Use a new Honda Genuine oil filter or equivalent specified for your model. Using the wrong ail iilier can result in serious damage to the engine, 1. Place your motortycie on a firm, level surface and lower the side stand. 2. Remove the right undercover. P. 71 3. if the engine is cold, idle the engine for 3 to 5 minutes. 4. Turn the ignition SWiKl’i off, and waittor 2 to 3 minutes. 5. Place a drain pan under the drain bolt, 44% Engine on > Changing Engine on & Filter 6. Remove the oil fiii cap, drain bolt, and sealing washer to drain the oil. Sealing washer Drain bolt (ontinued 77 eii Ago aoueualugew I *ii‘h % \% l5 \iI-‘iiaooxnzmiwzooo book 78 [xi-7 2 o 1 4n 1 2H 1 9 ii fiiwi‘ii ’l Gull-#4 0?) i Engine on > Changing Engine on & Filter 7. Remove the oil filter With a filter wrenth 3. Apply a thin coat of engine oil to the from the right side and let the remaining rubber seal of a new oil filter. oil drain out. 5. install the new oil filter and tighten. >Distard the oil and oil filter at an Torque: 26 N m (2] kgfm, 19 let), approved retycling centre. E E, E. m z m 3 PE 10. install a new sealing washer onto the drain bolt. Tighten the drain bolt. Torque: 30 N m (3.1 kgfm, 22 let), 11. Fill the cranktase With the retommended oil (I P, 60) and install the oil fill cap, 43.. it Required oil when changing oil 8: engine oil filter: 3.1 litres (3.3 US qt, 2,7 Imp qt) when changing oil only: 2.9 litres (3.1 US qt, 2,6 Imp qt) 12. C 13. C 44% hetk the oil level, P. 75 heck that there are no oil leaks. 14. install the right under cover. {if 3% % \% i5 \‘l-‘RSOOX’SZKMEODO book 79 l<~ “ Cool Checking the Coolant 1. Plate your motortytle on a firm, level surface. 2. Hoid your motorcycie in an upright position. 3. Check that the cooiant level is between the UPPER and LOWER level marks in the resewe tank. LOWER level 2014ri12i119n QM ‘H ’i Gain“ 0?) If the toolant level iS dropping notiteably or the reserve tank is empty, you iikeiy have a serious ieak. Have your motortytle inspected by your deaier, Adding Coolant If the cooiant ievel is beiow the LOWER level mark, add the recommended cooiant (IP. 62) untii the levei reathes the UPPER ievel mark. Add fluid oniy from the reserve tank tap and do not remove the radiator cap. 1. Remove the front seat. P, 69 43.0 aoueualugew I Coflfmued 79 sti% mueuazuiew I so Coolant > Changing Coolant 2. Remove the resen/e tank cap and add fluid while monitoring the coolant level. > Do not overlill above the UPPER level mark. > Make sure no foreign objects enter the resen/e tank opening. 3. Securely reinstall the cap, 4. Install the front seat. AWARNING Removing the radiator cap while the engine is hot can cause the coolant to spray out, potentially scalding you. Always let the engine and radiator cool down before removing the radiator cap. yy,\<\\ Changing Coolant Have your dealer change the coolant unless you have the proper tools and are mechanically qualified. 4% % \% i5 \‘l-‘RBOOX’SZKMEODO book 81 l<~ “ 2014M 12ii19ii {Elli ‘ii ’i Gain“ 0?) fig . Bra kes/Clutch % Checking Brake Fluid 1. Place your motorcycie in an upright position on a firm, ievei surface, 2. Check that the brake fluid resen/oir cap is horizontai and that the fluid ievel is If the brake fluid levei in either reservoir is beiow the LOWER ievel mark or the brake lever and pedai freepiay becomes excessive, inspect the brake pads for wear, If the brake pads are not worn, you most likely have a leak. Have your motorcycie inspected by your aoueualugew I above the LOWER ievei mark. dealer. 3. m Check that the brake fluid reservoir is horizontai and that the level is between the LOWER ievei arid UPPER ievel marks, Front brake fluid re e oir LOWER4l level mark 7 Rear brake fluid reservoir UPPER level mar LOWER level mark % r \1 ii lil-‘lt800X*32\UVlR000 hook R2 A77“ 2 o 1 M I zii 1 9 ii ’nivii‘ii ’i Gain“ 0?) a? E E, E. m z m z 8‘: Brakes/Clutch > Inspecting the Brake Pads Inspecting the Brake Pads Check the condition of the brake pad wear indicators The pads need to be replaced if a brake pad is worn to the bottom of the indicator. F t R Brakepad Brakepad Disc Disc k. KL Wea r indicators Wea r indicators Wear indicators 1. inspect the brake pads from in front of the brake caliper, >Always inspect both left and right calipers, 2. m Inspect the brake pads from the rear right and left of the motorcycle. If necessary have the pads replaced by your dealer. Always replace both leftand right brake pads at the same time. % \% 1-3 \ii‘iiaoomzitiiiisooo book 83 “L; 2 o 1 4T1 2n 1 9 u fiMiH ’i ifiluéi-i 05? i Adjusting the Brakelight Switch Check the operation of the brakelight SWitch, Hold the brake light SWlKh and turn the adiusting nut in the direttiori A if the SWlKh operates too late, or turn the nut in the direction B if the switth operates too soon, Erakelight switch Adjusting nut Brakes/Clutch > Adjusting the Brakelight Switch Checking the Clutch Fluid Clutch fluid reservoir 1. Place your motortycle in an upright position on a firm, level surface, 2. Chetk that the dutch fluid reservoir (ap is horizontal and that the fluid level is above the LOWER level mark. if the fluid level is low or if you find fluid leaks, or deterioration or (ratks in the hoses and fittings, have the dutch system serviced by your dealer, 43.0 i aoueualuiew I % q; / \1 ii lil-‘lt800X*32\LM8000 book 8,1 “7.; 2 o l M 1 2H 1 9 ii an ii ’i Gain“ 0;) \/ f) f) mueuaiuiew I Side stand spring 1. Check that the side stand operates smoothly. If the side stand is still or squeaky, clean the pivot area and lubricate the pivot bolt With clean grease. . Check the spring for damage or loss of tension. . Sit on the motorcycle, put the transmission in Neutral, and raise the side stand. N w 84 i so 4. Start the engine, pull the clutch lever in, and shift the transmission into gear. 5. Lower the side stand all the way. The engine should stop as you lower the side stand. if the engine doesn’t stop, have your motorcycle inspected by your dealer. ve n Inspecting the Drive Chain Slack Check the drive chain slack at several points along the chain. If the slack is not constant at all points, some links may be kinked and binding, Have the chain inspected by your dealer, 1. Stop the engine Place the transmission in Neutral. 2. Place your motorcycle on the side stand on a level surface. 4% ‘ll ’l new“ 0?) 3. Check the slack in the lower half of the drive chain midway between the sprockets, 30toAOmm Do not ride your motorcycle ii the slack exceeds 50 mm (2.0 in), Drive chain slack: - g 2 :1 3 :1 m :1 S 4. Roll the motorcycle forward and check that the chain moves smoothly. Coflfmued 85 f > % \4E 15 \TRBDUX’SZMMEODU book 86 “*7 2 0145;] 2 fi 1 9 El fiwfi 3H2": 1 “#4 09? g . 4% Drive Chain > Adjusting the Drive Chain Slack % 5. Inspect the sprockets. IP, 61 5. Tighten the bearing holder pinch bolt to 6. Clean and lubricate the drive chain. the specified torque. IP.62 Torqu 74 rn(7 kg mi55lb . . . . if a torque wrench was not used for this AdJUSt'ng the Dl’lVe Cham SlaCk installation, see your dealer as soon as possible to verify proper assembly. improper assembly may lead to loss or braking capacity. Adjusting the chain requires special tools. Have the drive chain slack adjusted by your mueuaiuiew I dealer, 1. Stop the engine. Place the transmission 6' Check drive them 5‘3“ P- 85 in Neutral. Bearing holder Bearing holder ‘pinch bolt 2. Place your motorcycle 0n the side stand on a level surface. 3. Loosen the bearing holder pinch bolt, 4. Turn the bearing holder clocl Other Adjustments > Adjusting the Clutch and Brake lAdjustment method Levers Turn the adjuster unttj the numbers ahgns — wtth the tndex mark whtje pushmg the lever You can adjust the dtstantes between the up forward tn the destred positron, - of the dutch lever and handle grip, and ; between the Up of the brake lever and After adjustment, check that the levers i handje grip, operate correttjy before nding g Nance 3 Do not turn the adjuster beyond tts natural \imit , \ , \ Clutch lever Adjuster Adjuster Brake lever Forward W ‘9. Forward Index ma‘rfi’7 F- Index mark ‘ o ' V " r \ n 89 %3% \ % \% 1-3 \iFRXDOXiSZhUMEODO book 90 “L; 2 o 1 4&1 Zfi 1 9 El MES $621M“ 05? i mueuawiew I Other Adjustments > Adjusting the Front Suspension Adjusting the Front Suspension ISpring Preload You (an adiust the spring preioad by the adjuster to suit the ioad or the road surface. Turn the adiuster usirig the preload spanner provided iri the tool kit. .67 Turn (Iotkwise to increase spring preioad (hard), or turn (ounterciockWise to decrease spring preload (soft). The staridard positiori is 5th groove from the top aiigning With the top surface of the fork boit. 43.. fi Fork bolt 5th groove \\\i\¥_l § % \% 1-3 \‘FRSDUXiBZhUMEODU book 911<~~7 2 0145“ 2n 1 9 El MES $621M“ 05? fig . Other Adjustments > Adjusting the Front Suspension I Rebound Damping You can adjust the rebound damping by the adjuster to suit the load or the road surface. Tum (IotkWise to increase rebound damping // ‘\ (hard), or tum (ounterclockwise to detrease \C>] rebound damping (soft). The standard \V/ position i51 1/2 turns from the maximum setting so that the punch mark on the adjuster aligns With the referents mark, Reference mark aoueualugew I Punch mark 'Adjusteré Do not tum the adjuster beyond its natural iimits. Adjust both ith and nghtimks m the same spring preioad and rebound damping. % \% 1-3 irRaoaHzitiviEooa book 92 “L; 2 o 1 4&1 2n 1 9 El filliEl $621M“ 05? i mueuawiew I Other Adjustments > Adjusting the Rear Suspension Adjusting the Rear Suspension ISpring Preload You can adjust the spring preload by the adjuster knob to suit the load or the road surface, Turn clockWise to increase spring preload (hard), or turn counterclockWise to decrease spring preload (soft). The standard position is 7 clicks from the minimum setting, I Rebound Damping You can adjust the rebound damping by the adjuster to suit the load or the road surface. Turn clockWise to increase rebound damping (hard), or turn counterclockwise to decrease rebound damping (soft). The standard position is 1 1/4 turns from the maximum setting so that the punch mark on the adjuster aligns With the reference punch mark. Punch mark S H C”) Reference punch mark Ag. '3? % \% 15 VFRXDUXfiZAUMEODU book 93 [<92 2 o 1 45:1 Zfi 1 9 El NEE! 5Fii’zll4ér4 05? fig . NOTICE Do not win the adjuster beyond its Iimils The rear shotk absarbei iiampei unit (onlains high pressure nitmgen gas. Do not atlempl to disassembie. smite, oi improperly dispose oi the iiampei See your deaier. other Adjustments > Adjusting the Headlight Aim Adjusting the Headlight Aim You can adjust verticai aim of the headlight for proper ahgnmem. Turn the knob in or out as necessary. Obey iocal laws and reguiations. aoueualugew I , f/ \ 7“ (—E 1 Lb at Loiii‘ier i=5: Raise ’ '-°‘”°' El , ‘ *3 ,7; \1 li \i-‘itaoomzitiviiooo hook 9,1 “7-7 2 o l M I 2H 1 9 ii ’i>iiii‘ii ’i Gain“ a?) Changing the Front Seat Height The front seat can be changed to one of two positions according to your preference To change the seat height, use the proper hex wrench. In the interest of safety, we recommend that you have your dealer perform the adjustment. 1. Remove the front seat. IP. 69 / 2. Remove the socket bolts A and seat adjust plates. 3. Move the adiust plates and install the socket bolts A in the mounting holes for your preferred seat position (high or low), and then tighten them. mueuazuiew I 94 \ 1 other Adjustments > Changing the Front Seat Height 4. if you change the front seat height from high position to low position, remove the socket bolts B/set collars A and socket bolt C/set collar B from the seat rail and front stay. (The socket bolts B/set collars A and socket bolt C/set collar B are not required for the low position.) > Make sure to install the socket bolts 3/ set collars A and socket bolt C/set collar B when the seat height is returned to the high position. Tighten the socket bolts B and socket bolt C if reinstalling Torque 2 N ml 2 kg m, 9 lbf ft) % \% 15 \iFiizioaHzitiiiEooa book 95 [xi-7 2 014?] Zfi 1 9 El MES $621M“ 05? fig . Other Adjustments > Changing the Front Seat Height Socket bolts 3/ Socket boItC/ 5. install the front seat. IP. 69 set minis A set coner B >— ' InstaH the from seat by aiigning its retesses With the from side stays and piacing its prong on the from (entre stay. High Eosition: Prong aoueualuiew I Recess Recess Adjust plates Socket bolts A Front side stay " Front side stay Front centre stay mmmued 95 cit 4% *H *H‘? % \% 1-3 \iFRzioaHzitMEooa book 96 [xi-7 2 014?] Zfi 1 9 El MES $621M“ 05? other Adjustments > Changing the Front Seat Height mueuawgew I > When semngthe \owseat usmon install the from seat by ahgmng its recesses with the front side stays and its prong with the front centre stay. 6. Make sure that the mount positions of the front seat prong and the adjust piates are the same seat position. As. Low position: Prong Recess Recess Front side stay Front centre stay Front side stay ' ngh Posfllor" Adjust plates Soc et olts " 6 Front centrestay .J ,, , W K" s ; «Settonars % mm Adjust plates Soc et olts " 6 Prong Front centre stay in anomzmivlsooo book 97 4< 2 o 1 4n 1 2H 1 9 ii fiiwi‘ii ’i Gull-#4 0?) fig . Engine will Not Start (HISS indicator stays on) .. Overhea ng( gh coolant temperature in r atoris on)... Warning Indicators On or Flas Low Oii Pressure indicator . . . . PGMcFi (Programmed Fuei Iniectiori) g . Malfunction indicator Lamp (MIL) . . .P. iOO ABS (Anticiock Brake System) indicator . P i01 Torque Control indicator. . . . . . P iOZ Troubleshooting other Warning indications i03 Fuel Gauge Faliure indications. . Handle Grip Heater Faiiure indication Tyre Puncture. Electrical Trouble aattery Goes Dead . . Eurnedrouttightfiuib . Eiown Fuse . . . . . ii4 % r \1 ii iil-‘RBOOX’SZWWRODO book 93 A77“ 2 o l M 1 zii 1 9 ii {Mi e? :‘ o c z 52 =- o P. 5, «a Engine Will Not 5 I Starter Motor Operates But Engine Does Not Start Check the folloWing items 0 Check the correct engine starting sequence. P. 45 0 Check that there is petrol in the fuel tank, 0 Check if the PGM-Fl malfunction indicator lamp (MD is on. > if the indicator light is on, contact your dealer as soon as possible. 0 Check if the HlSS indicator stays on. >Turn the ignition switch to the OFF position and remove the key, Reinsert the key and turn the ignition sWitch to the ON position, If the indicator still stays on, check the followmg: Check if there is no another HlSS key (including spare key) close to the ignition switch. so i t (HISS Ind ator stays o ‘ii ’i Gain“ 0?) Check if there are no any metallic seals or stickers on the key. if the HlSS indicator still stays on, have your motorcycle inspected by your dealer I Starter Motor Does Not Operate Check the folloWing items: 0 Make sure engine stop switch is 0 (Run) position P 38 0 Make sure the side stand is raised ‘ z 0 Check for a blown fuse. lP. HA 0 Check for a loose batteiy connection or battery terminal corrosion. P. 74 0 Check the condition of the batteiy P, l 1 1 If the problem continues, have your motorcycle inspected by your dealer %% l % up , o \1 ii VFRBOOX’HKMSUOO book 99 “7.; 2 O I I‘ll 12H 1 9 ll fill ll ll ifilll-‘r-l 0?) \1 ") Overhea ng (H gh coolant temperature d ator ") The engine is overheating when the 2. Check that the radiator fan is operating, following occurs: and then turn the ignition sWitch to the C High coolant temperature indicator comes OFF position, on. O Acceleration becomes sluggish, Suspect a fault. Do not start the engine. If this occurs, pull safely to the side of the Transport your motorcycle to your dealer, - road and perform the following procedure, :| Extended fast idling may cause the high Allow the engine to cool With the ignition g. coolant temperature indicator to come on, switch in the OFF position. g , \ 3. After the engine has cooled, inspect the g , \ / Continuing to ride with an overheated engine can cause Vadlato' “059 and CheCk " ”we ‘5 a leak. g ’ serious damage to the engine. P. 79 1. Stop the engine using the ignition sWitch, DO not start the engine. TEMPO” your and then turn the ignition switch to the motorcycle to your dealer, ON position, 4. Check the coolant level in the reserve tank, and add coolant as necessary. P. 79 5. ll 1-4 check normal, you may continue riding, but closely monitor the temperature gauge. 99 f \ x / x / oi<> or *5% i3 HRBDOX 32\LMR000 book 100 «7-; 2 o 1 .Hi 12H 1 9 ii iviiii ii iicliil 4 09) Warning Indicators % Low Oil Pressure Indicator If the low oil pressure indicator comes on, pull safely to the side of the road and stop the engine. Continuing to iidewith low oil pressure can cause serious damage to the engine. 1. Check the engine oil level, and add oil as necessary. P. 75 Z. Start the engine. >Only continue riding ii the low oil pressure indicator goes off. Rapid acceleration may momentarily cause the low oil pressure indicator to come on, :‘ o c 2 Si :- o P. 5, to especially if the oil is at or near the low level. If the low oil pressure indicator stays on when the oil level is at the proper level, stop the engine and contact your dealer r Flashi of r , \ 1 lithe engine oil level goes down rapidly, your motorcycle may have a leak or another serious problem Have your motorcycle inspected by your dealer. PG M-Fl (Programmed Fuel Injection) Malfunction Indicator Lamp (MIL) .' \ If the indicator comes on while riding, you 2 may have a serious problem with the PGM-Fl system Reduce speed and have your motorcycle inspected by your dealer as soon as possible, / \ x / % l % r \1 ii \i-‘itaoomzuiviiooo hook ioi «7 ‘ Warning Indicators On or Flashing > ABS (Antirlock Brake System) Indicator ABS (Anti-lock Brake System) Indicator If the indicator operates in one of the foilowmg Ways, you may have a serious problem With the brake system. Reduce your speed and have your motorcycle inspected by your dealer as soon as possible. 0 indicator comes on or starts flashing while riding. O indicator does not come on when the ignition switch is in the ON position. 0 indicator does not go off at speeds above i0 km/h (6 mph). 2014 Torque Control Indicator ‘ 1 Torque Control Indicator If the indicator operates in one of the following ways, you may have a serious problem With the Torque Control. Reduce your speed and have your motorcycle inspected by your dealer as soon as possible. . Indicator comes and stays on (solid) while riding. . Indicator does not comes on when the ignition sWitch is turned on, . Indicator does not go off at speeds above 10 km/h (6 mph) 4% Even when the Torque Control indicator is on, your motorcycle will have normal riding ability Without Torque Control function >When the indicator comes on while the Torque Control is in operation, you will have to completely close the throttle to regain normal riding ability. The Torque Control indicator may comes on if you rotate the rear wheel while your motorcycle is lifted off the ground. In this i 1 case, turn the ignition switch off and on again. The Torque Control indicator will go off after your speed reaches 10 km/h (6 mph). Fuel Gauge Failure Indications If the fuel system has an error, the fuel gauge Indicators Will be displayed as shown in the illustration If this occurs, see your dealer as soon as possible. Handle Grip Heater Failure Indication If the handle grip heater system has an error, the handle grip heater status icon Wlll blink. If the "El”, "E2” or "E3" blinking does riot _. go all, see your dealer as soon as possible. é Handle grip heater status imn g 21 i o 9 3' in 103 %% l \1 ii \FR800X*32\UWR000 book 101 “7:; 2 0 l 4 ‘l l 2 ll I 9 ll (Filli‘ll 'l RIM-1 0 9} \1 i’\ Tyre Punctu z a? :‘ o c z {E =- o 9, 5, (a Repairing a puncture or removing a wheel requires special tools and technical expertise We recommend you have this type of service performed by your dealer. After an emergency repair, always have the tyre inspected/replaced by your dealer. Emergency Repair Using a Tyre Repair Kit If your tyre has a minor puncture, you can make an emergency repair using a tupeless tyre repair kit, Follow the instructions provided with the emergency tyre repair kit. Riding your motorcycle With a temporary tyre repair is very risky. Do not exceed 50 km/h (30 mph) Have the tyre replaced by your dealer as soon as possible of i AWARNING Riding your motorcycle with a temporarytyre repair can be risky. If the temporary repair fails, you can crash and be seriously injured or killed. If you must ride with a temporary tyre repair, ride slowly and carefully and do not exceed 50 km/h (30 mph) until ‘ z the tyre is replaced. Removing Wheels Follow these procedures if you need to remove a wheel in order to repair a puncture %% l % \% 1-3 \‘FIEXOOXfiZlLMEOOO book 10-; «‘e-y‘ 2 o 1 Mn 2 n 1 9 u {EMEH ’l a 1 EM 059 When removing and installing the wheel, be careful not to damage the wheel speed sensor and pulser ring. I Front Wheel Removal 1. Place your motortycle on a firm, level surface. 2. Cover both sides of the front wheel and brake caliper with protettive tape or tloth, Mounting bolts Wheel-speed sensor Tyre Puncture > Removing Wheels 3. Remove the wheel speed sensor by removing the bolts, 4. On the right side, remove the mounting bolts and remove the brake caliper, 5. On the left side, remove the mounting bolts and remove the brake caliper, > Support the brake (aliper assembly so that it doesn’t hang from the brake hose, Do not tWist the brake hose, >Av0id getting grease, oil, or dirt on the dist or pad surfaces. > Do not pull the brake lever while the brake caliper is removed, >Take (are to prevent the brake caliper from stratthing the wheel during removal. (onrrnued we 43.. aupooqmqnm 1' IOS % $ 15 vFRsooxaszoooboak 106 «'e-y‘ 2 o 1 Ail 2)? 1 9 El fifia ¥fi19§4 of) 4% Tyre Puncture > Removing Wheels 6 . Remove the front axle bolt. 7. B. :1 o = E m 2' o g .3 Loosen the right axle pinch bolts. Support your motorcycle securely and raise the front wheel off the ground using a maintenance stand or a hoist, Axle pinch bolB Front axle bolt 9. Loosen the left axle pinch bolts, 10. On the left side, withdraw the front axle shaft, and remove the side collars and wheel. Axle pinch bolts Front axle shaft are an egg. to *ll'fih Installation 4. 1. Attach the side collars to the wheel, 2. On the left side, place the wheel 5. between the fork legs and insert the lightly greased front axle shaft to the end, through the left fork leg and wheel 6. hub. 7. 3. Align the end of the front axle shaft with the surface of the fork leg, E. Surface of fork leg A End affront axle shaft Tyre Puncture > Removing Wheels ‘ / Tighten the left axle pinch bolts to hold the axle. Tighten the axle bolt. Torque: 59 N m (6.0 kgfni, 44 lbf‘ft), Loosen the left axle pinch bolts. Tighten the right axle pinch bolts, Torque: 22 N m (2.2 kgfni, i6 lbf‘ft), install the right brake caliper and tighten the mounting bolts Torque: 45 N m (4.6 kgfni, 33 lbf‘ft), \ \/ Buuooqsaiqnmll continued 107 f \ *ll‘h % r \1 ii lil-‘RBOOX’SZKWODO book ms «7/ \ 1 Tyre Puncture > Removing Wheels 9. install the left brake caliper and tighten the mounting bolts. (4 6 kgf m, 33 lbfl Torque 5 N >TalUse new mounting bolts when installing the brake caliper. NOTlCE When installing the brake tallpElS into position an the lurk legs, tarelully lit the brake dis: between the pads to avoid Stlalthlng them 10. Lower the front wheel on the ground, 11. Apply the brake lever and brake pedal several times. Then, pump the fork several times. 12. Retighten the left axle pinch bolts (2 2 kgf m, 16 lot ft) Euiwausaiqnaul Torque 2 N 108 2014 Removing Wheels I Rear Wheel 4. Move the muffler outward. 5. Remove the rear wheel nuts, and remove the rear wheel. Rear wheel nuts Muffler Removal 1. Support your motorcycle securely and raise the rear wheel off the ground using a maintenance stand or a hoist. 2. Loosen the muffler band bolts. 3. Remove the muffler stay bolt, nut and washer. Nut ‘H’\’ W surmoqmqnm 1 I Rear wheel Rear wheel nuts Band bolts Washer Stay bolt (ontmued 109 Ohm 4h mile %; ,7; \1 ii \l-‘ltsDokSsz‘lRODo book no «7-: 2 o 1 M l 2H I 9 n (mull! 'l ix: 1 ll 4 09) 1 Tyre Puncture > Removing Wheels ‘ 1 Installation 1. To Install the rear wheel, reverse the removal procedure. 2. Tighten the rear wheel nuts equally. Torque: 108 Mm (110 kglm, 80 lth), 3. Hold the muffler mounting bolt and tighten the mounting nut. Torque: 27 N m (2.8 kghn, 20 Ibf‘ft), fiupooqsannoul ,\/ 4. Tighten the muffler band bolts ‘1) Torque: 2i N m (2.l kghn, l5 Ibf‘ft), 5. Check that the wheel rotates freely. If a torque wrench was not used for installation, see your dealer as soon as possible to verify proper assembly, Improper assembly may lead to loss of braking capacity / \ 110 f \ x / x / 4% I, % \1 li VFRSDOX’HKMRUDO book 11] "* Elect cal T uble .’\ Battery Goes Dead 2014¢r121l19rr Ml ll 'lltllllztolr Burned-out Light Bulb Charge the battery using a motorcycle battery charger. Remove the battery from the motorcycle before chargrng. Do not use an automobrIe-type battery charger, as these can overheat a motorcycle battery and cause permanent damage. If the battery does not recover after rechargrng, contact your dealer. Jump startrng using an automobile battery rs not recommended, as thrs can damage your matarcycle’s electrrcal system. Follow the procedure below to replace a burned-out lrght bulb, Turn the rgnrtion switch to the OFF or LOCK position, Allow the bulb to cool before replacing it, Do not use bulbs other than those specified, Check the replacement bulb for correct operation before rrding For the Irght bulb wattage, see "Specrfications". IP. 132 confrnued \ \j 1H /\ % \% 15 \’FR800X*32AUMEODU book 112 A'¥"/’ 2 o 1 45:12): 1 9 El Mtge Whiz“ 059 ii fiuuaaqsaiqnm 1 I Electrical Trouble b Burnedrout Light Bulb I Headlight I Brake/Tail light 43.. i The headlight uses several LEDs. If there is a LED which is not turned on, see your dealer for this service. Brake/Tail light The brake and taii light uses several LEDs. If there is a LED which is not turned on, see your deaier for this service. % \% 15 \iFlizioonllelsooo book 113 «w? 2 o 1 4171211 1 9 u {EMEH ’l ltllfirrt 059 Ele(tri(al Trouble D Burnedrout Light Bulb IFrant/Rear Turn Signal Light Turn signal light The from and rear turn signal lights use several LEDS. It there lS a LED which is not turned on, see your dealer for this service, Olgh 4% I License Plate Light 1. Remove the strews. 2. Remove the lltehse light cover and license light (over patklhg. 3. Pull out the bulb Without turning. Packing Screws Bulb License light cover 4. lnstall a new bulb and parts in the reverse order of removal. Jen Buglooqfimnoul % r \1 15 \I-‘Raooxiazwwwoo book 111 «7 ‘ fiugwaqsannaul HA Electrical Trouble D Blown Fuse Blown Fuse Before handling fuses, see "Inspecting and Rep‘acihg Fuses", P, 59 I Fuse Box Fuses Fuse box (overs Spare fuses Spare {use 2014<>12HI my 9H (mm! ’\ RIM-109} . Remove the battery cover. P, 72 . Open the fuse box covers. . PuH the fuses out With the fuse puHer m the tool kwt and check for a b‘own fuse. Always rep‘ace a blown fuse wwth a spare of the same ratihg Close the fuse box covers, . Remstall the battery cover. % \% 15 \rrxaouxiazmmsoou book 115 4w? 2 o 1 45:1 2n 1 9 El fiuga Whiz“ 059 fig . Electrkal Trouble b Blown Fuse I Main Fuse & Fl Fuse 3. Pull the main fuse and Fl fuse out with the fuse puller 1n the tool klt and check for a 5‘5“” magnati‘: SWitCh WV” blown fuse. Always replace a blown fuse with a spare of the same rating, > Spare fuses are provlded in the fuse box. - 4. Reinstall parts 1n the reverse order of j a removal. 5 NOTlCE 3; 11a ruse (ails repeatedly, you llkely have an elearital g problem. Have your morarrycle lnspeaed by your dealer. 3- Main fuse 1. Remove the battery (over. IP. 72 2. Remove the starter magnetic sw1tch cover. The ere em Fliaoomzlullsooo book 116 «x 2 o 1 .1171 2 n 1 9 is male ’l 6% 1 EM 059 Information Keys i 17 lnstnnnents, Controls, & Other Features Fuels Containing Alcohol. Catalytic Converter Caring for Your Motorcycle Storing Your Motorcycle . Transporting Vour Motorcycle. You at the Environment... Serial Numbers 129 Ole? AFC CGW *3 f; \1 t5 \I-‘Itxoomzwurzooo hook 117 «7 Keys Ignition key Thrs motorcyde has two rgnttroh keys and a key tag wrth a key number and a bar code The rgnrtron key contarns a speoat coded chrp that rs recognrzed by the rmmobrhzer system (HtSS) In order to start the ehgrne. Handle the key careruhy to prevent damaging the HISS components 0 Do not bend keys or subyect them to undue stress. 0 Avoid prolonged exposure to sunhght or hrgh temperatures 0 Do not gnnd, mm or rh any way attertherr shape 0 Do not expose to strong magnetrc objects \f you ‘059 all keys and the key tag, the PGMVH umt/rgnrtron controt modute must be replaced by your dearer, To ayord thrs, keep a duphcate 2014 Store the tag m a sate tocatron, A metat key hotder may cause damage to the area surroundrhg the Ignmon swrtch, Key number and Ignition key bar code \ \/ uogzewmpu I 117 /\ *3 f; \1 is \I-‘iexoomzwiinooo hook 118 we \ / uogmuuqui I 118 Instruments, Controls, 8t Other Features Instruments, Controls, 8t Other Features Ignition Switth The headlight is always on when the ignition swrtch is ON Leaving the ignition switch on With the engine stopped wrii drain the battery Do not turn the key while riding Engine Stop Switch Do not use the engine stop sWitch except in an emergency, Doing so when riding wiiI cause the engine to suddeniy turn ori, maklng riding unsafe, If you stop the engine using the engine stop switch, turn the ignition switch ori. Falllng to do so wiii drain the battery Odometer The oispiay iocks at 999,999 when the readout Exceeds 999,999 201m 12H I 9H (iviii‘I ’ihkii‘idoh Tripmeter The triprneter A, B returns to 00 when the readout exceeds 9,999 9. HISS The Honda ignition Security System (HISS) irnrnobiiizes the engine‘s ignition system it an Improperiyrcoded key is used to try and start the engine when the ignition swrtch is turned off, the Hiss irnrnopiiizer system is aiways aiert, even if the HiSS Indicator is not Hashing ii the ignition swrtch is turned on with the engine stop swnch in the 0 (Run) position, the HiSS indicator turns on and goes off after a few seconds to indicate it is OK to start the engine IHISS Indioator Does Not Turn off P. 98 4% % r \1 li ll-‘llaooxfizmlvlwoo book 119 «7 The HISS lrldlcator slans Hashing every 2 seconds for 24 hours after the lgnltioh swllch is turned off. You (an turn th5 feature on or off. IP 33 Thls lmmoolllzer system complies wllh R & TTE (Radlo and Telemmmunlcatlons Termlnal Equlpmem and the mdldal rECOgrllliDrl of melr cohformlly) Dlrecllve, 2014¢l12ll19ll (rallll‘l! ’l at 1 M 4 0 9} Instrumems, Controls, & Other Features CE The declaration of eonlormlly lo R & TTE Dlrecuve lS provlded lo the ownerat the lee of purchase, The deelaralloh ol conformlty should be kept at a safe place when (he dedaration of conformlty lS losl or S nol provided, Contact your dealer, South Afnta only Slngapove only , TAM/9“ Cowl las Nth [DA Standards I C S A NHUZZEM . . mom commued \ \/ uouewmwl I 119 /\ *3 f; \1 ti \I-‘Raoomzwwoo book 120 «7 ‘ \ 1 Instruments, Controls, 8t O‘hev Features Dacument Bag The owner's manua‘, registrauon, and insurance mformauon can be stored m the p‘asuc document bag \ocated under the front seat Ignition Cut-UH System uaueuuqul I rests ned 120 A banking (\ean ang‘e) sensor antornatreeny stops tne engrne and me pump rftne motorcyde faHs over To reset tne sensor, you must turn the rgnition switch to or; and back to tne ON posmon before tne engine can be 2014<\12H19H (nun l I '\ RIM-1 0 9} *1 slew , o \1 li \l-‘Raooxfizulvliooo hook 121 «7 2 u 1 4 Pem‘ (Oma‘mng Emam‘ may be symptoms or performance problems. try a : marketed under the name Gasohol were" ”m °f Dem» 121 f \ s / s / *3 f; \1 ti \I-‘iiaooxfizliwxooo book 122 «7 ‘ 1 Catalytic Converter Catalytic Converter This motorcycle is equipped with a threeeway (ata‘ylic converter. The (ata‘ytic converter contains precious metals that serve as Cata‘ysts in high temperature chemicai reactions that convert hydrocarbons (HC), carbon monoxide (co), and oxides oi nitrogen (NOX) in the exhaust gasses into safe compounds A defective cataiytic converter contributes to air poiiution and can impair your engine's performance A rep‘acement unit must be an original Honda part or equivaient uaueuuam I 122 2014 Make sure that no lubricant spills onto the brakes or tyres Brake discs, pads, drum or shoes Contaminated Wlll’l oil will suffer greatly reduced braking errectiveness and can lead to a crash. 5. Lubricate the drive chain immediately after washing and drying the motorcycle, 6. Apply a coat or wax to prevent corrosion >Avord products that contain harsh detergents orchemical solvents. These can damage the metal, paint, and plastic on your motorcycle Keep the wax clear or the tyres and brakes continued ii min \ \/ uoneuooiu. I 123 f \ % r \1 li \l-‘ll800X*32\UVlRODO book 121 «7 ‘ / Caring for Your Motorcycle > If your motorcycle has any mat painted pans, do not apply a coat of wax to the mat painted surface I Washing Precautions Follow these guidelines when Washlng 9 Do not use hlghrpressure washers: > nghrpressure water cleaners can damage movlng pans and eleclrlcal parts, renderlng them lrloperable 0 Do not dlfeCl water at the muffler > Water in the muffler can prevent starting and causes rust in the muffler 9 Dry the brakes > Water adversely affects braking effectiveness. After washing, apply the brakes intermittently at low speed to help dry them, 0 Do not direct water under the seat > Water in the underseat compartment can damage your documents and other belongings, uoueuuoyul I 124 Tl ere 2014 Water ln the air cleaner can prevent the engine from starting. I Do not dlrect water near the headlight > Any condensation inslde the headlight should dissipate after a few minutes of running the engine. 0 Do not use waxes containing compounds at the mat painted surface: > Using plenty of water, clean the mat painted surface with a soft cloth or ‘, \ sponge, Dry With a soft, clean cloth 1 > Use neutral detergent to clean mat painted surface, *3 ,7; \1 li \l-‘ltaooxfizuivlnooo book 12»; «7 ‘ Aluminium Components Aluminium Will corrode from contact With dirt, mud, or road salt Clean aluminium parts regularly and follow these guidelines to avoid scratches 0 Do not use stiff brushes, steel wool, or cleaners containing abrasives 0 Avoid riding over or scraping against curbs. ,’ \ Panels Follow these guidelines to prevent scratches and blemishes 0 Wash gently using a soft sponge and plenty of water 0 To remove stubborn stains, use diluted detergent and rinse thoroughly With plenty of water. 0 Avoid getting petrol, brake fluid, or detergents on the instruments, panels, or headlight, 2014 If you leave the battery rn place. dlsconnect the negatlve ermlrtal to prevent drscharge *3 ,7; \1 li \I-‘Raooxfizulwr‘tooo book 127 «7 ‘ , \ 1 After removlng your motorcycle from storage, lnspecl all rnarntehahce items requlred by the Malnlenance Schedule , \ / \ \ / 201412H19H Compmian mun , O ’Hmwmoh \/ f \ 1 782 (m3 (117.7 m-m] 720x483 mm (283 x 1.39m) ”.8 I 1 umded penal Rezommended 9| RON or mm 20.3 mm (550 us ga‘, 4.53 Imp gal) WWZS 12V—1 IN! (W HRH I‘LEAH 110 HR) Ist 2.8% 2nd 2.052 3rd I'll , su. ) m. I339 I 2,537 r \ x / \l-‘REDOY Ammo hook 13| « 2 u I .I ”a P 99 P adjumbIeI In) — Idlespeed um: um rpm Honda “Hake mamnyde an API Service Clasiilitatian se a! higher, Retammended . , exdudmg ans walked as "Enemy Conselvmg' engme an N - . or Resume Consemng, SAE WOW-30.1ASOT 903 standard MA 131 r \ \ / *3 ,7; \1 l5 \l-‘REDOYSZWHKODO book 132 suagmgpad; I Specifica‘ions Remmmended Drive mam lublkanl designed speelllcally In! :1er chain G-ring dwalm, lf rm avallahle, use SAE an or lubricant Sogeamll. "V“ha'" 301::me (lzmlsin) slatk Standard drive DlD 525Hv3 a: RK SZSROZE chain Na.aflinks llo splocket bzes m xbmzkex I Bulbs Headlight LED Brakellghl LED Tail light LED Emmbm :lgnal liglm LED Rearmm signal IlghIs LED lewe plale llgm IZV»SW I Fuses Mam luse 30A mher luses 30A, 20A loA 2014