Mr . BARNARD . Mr . Bustamante . Mr . BUSTAMANTE . No statement at this time , Mr . Chairman . Mr . CRAIG . Mr . Chairman , may I respond to that ? Mr . BARNARD . Mr . Craig .

Mr . CRAIG . Mr . Chairman , I have always appreciated your fair ness and your openness , and if I said something this morning , it was intended at the direction to express my concern by the way the hearings were put together . It was not intended nor will it ever be intended to be an attack on you as an individual or your integrity or your chairmanship of this committee .

I do believe that the hearings are appropriate . I am pleased that you are hearing them . I am concerned , as I expressed very openly , about the method by which they have been held and the inability to hear the whole issue . And I thank you for an opportunity , if nec essary , to broaden the subject and to broaden the hearing base on this most important issue .

Mr . BARNARD . With that we will get underway . This morning we do have as our first panel families and victims themselves of acci dents of ATV ' s . And certainly we are delighted and appreciate your being here this morning . We have you first on the program for several reasons , but primarily we hoped that we wouldn ' t in convenience you by being here all day long , and this will give you an opportunity to appear and then leave .

We have with us this morning Mrs . Janet Vance of Gatlinburg , TN ; Mrs . Sandra Crisp of Fort Washington , MD ; Mr . Jack Abrams of Aliceville , AL ; and John McKinley of Akron , OH .

We will hear from you in the order of Mrs . Vance , Mrs . Crisp , Mr . Abrams , and Mr . McKinley . I might say if you have prepared testimony , you may be at liberty to read it ; we will that your entire testimony is entered in the record without objec tion . But if you care to summarize , that will be just as well .

Mrs . Vance , we will hear from you ; and if you would , give us your name , where you are from and whatever othe

ation you would like to furnish us . And if you would pull the microphone closer to you , please , madam . STATEMENT OF JANET VANCE , GATLINBURG , TN , ACCOMPANIED

BY JEFF VANCE Mrs . VANCE . My name is Janet Vance , and this is my husband Jeff . We are from Gatlinburg , TN .

I will just read this . Mr . BARNARD . That will be fine .

Mrs . VANCE . Our ATC experience started in the fall of 1982 . Our two sons , Matt and Bob , started noticing ads and began begging constantly for three - wheelers . They had wanted motorbikes since they were small , but the rule at our house was no motorcycles or trail bikes . For 2 months they showed us pictures and called us into the den every time an ad came on TV . We repeatedly said that we would not consider buying one .

Then my husband Jeff and I started talking about ATC ' s in pri vate . We knew that if we bought our boys one we would have to get our nephew Mike one , too , because they were all three very close .