The next 9 days I spent in University Medical Center . I under went surgery in which two metal rods were placed running parallel to my spinal cord . For the next 8 weeks I went through rehabilita tion . Over the weeks I began to progress towards my goal , which was to walk out of Spain Rehabilitation Center ; 8 weeks later I did just that .

The cost of all this was $ 40 , 115 : Of this , $ 7 , 670 went for doctors ; the other $ 32 , 444 went to pay for my stay at University Hospital and Spain Rehabilitation Center .

I had received a great deal of riding experience with ATC ' s . This consisted of 2 years of observing my friends ride . The instruction manual is not and should not be considered adequate for instruc tion . The positions shown for climbing hills and the like will not function properly while riding .

Most of my friends have not slowed down since my accident . They still have the same attitude I once , but no longer , had . This is the attitude that the accidents always happen to the other guy . On May 27 , 1984 , I became the other guy . Hopefully this will change .

At the time of my accident I was wearing a helmet . I am thank ful that I had one on . A law should be passed making it mandatory to wear a helmet . I saw enough people in the hospitals with head injuries to back this law up . It is a sad sight to see a 10 - year - old boy existing because his brain is gone .

Something many people do not realize is the dangers of four wheelers . One thing that should be changed is the rear axle : A dif ferential should be put on all models to make turning easier . -

The company Honda now manufactures a model 350 . This model is capable of attaining extremely high speeds , which are altogether too fast . The company Yamaha manufactures a model 125 . The front end of this model is too light . At high speeds and during a change of gears this model ' s front end has a tendency to come up in the air . This makes it extremely dangerous to drive at any speed .

Many ad campaigns cause accidents . They show three - wheelers jumping ditches and climbing large sand dunes . The Honda Four trax , though it is stated it is an exaggeration , is shown climbing a 90 - degree surface . I tried to go up a 60 - degree surface , and guess where I ended up .

A law stating a minimum age should be enforced for all models over 125 cubic centimeters in engine size . A license should be re quired . This should be attained after a written and driving test at age 14 . A maximum speed of 40 miles per hour should be mandato ry for all models in public use .

Thank you . Mr . BARNARD . Thank you , Mr . Abrams .

We will now hear from Mr . John McKinley . Mr . McKinley is from Akron , OH . Mr . McKinley ?

STATEMENT OF JOHN MCKINLEY , AKRON , OH Mr . McKINLEY . Good morning . My name is John McKinley .

On Saturday afternoon , October 6 , 1979 , my life as I knew it came to a sudden halt . I was 27 years old . I was riding a Honda