Mr . CRAIG . And how old at the time that the accident occurred was your son ?

Mrs . VANCE . One son was 12 , and the one that was in the acci dent was 13 . Mr . CRAIG . Was 13 . Thank you . Thank you , Mr . Chairman . Mr . BARNARD . We , indeed , appreciate your being with us this morning , and I know that it has been at some effort but on the other hand it was very important to this hearing . Thank you very much , and you can now be excused .

Our next panel is the medical panel . If they would please take their places at the table .

This morning we have with us Dr . Joseph Greensher , who is chairman of the American Academy of Pediatrics , Committee on Accident and Poison Prevention , and then I am going to ask my colleague and member of the committee , Mr . Erdreich , if he would introduce the other panelist . Mr . ERDREICH . Thank you , Mr . Chairman .

It is my pleasure to present to the committee Dr . Philip R . Fine - I call him Russ , but I will say Dr . Philip R . Fine - of the University of Alabama at Birmingham ' s School of Medicine . Dr . Fine is a full professor in the Department of Rehabilitation Medi cine . He is also codirector of the federally sponsored Spinal Cord Injury Care System at UAB . And as codirector of the federally sponsored Spinal Cord Injury Care System , he is , I would say , in our community one of the outstanding members of an outstanding medical facility , Mr . Chairman , that has got a worldwide reputa tion .

I think it is great , and I appreciate it very much , Dr . Fine , your coming and being with us today . And I am sure his testimony will be not only of value to this committee but to this inquiry that I know is very important .

Again , I appreciate your letting me introduce him , Mr . Chair man .

Mr . BARNARD . Gentlemen , we are indeed delighted today to have you with us . We would be pleased to have your entire testimony , without objection , entered into the record , and if you care to sum marize , that would be just as well .

We will begin our testimony from this panel with Dr . Greensher . STATEMENT OF JOSEPH GREENSHER , M . D . , CHAIRMAN , AMERI


I am here representing the Committee on Accident and Poison Prevention of the American Academy of Pediatrics where - -

Mr . BARNARD . Is that a national organization , Dr . Greensher ? Dr . GREENSHER . Yes , it is , sir . It is the organization of 27 , 000 pe

atricians , both national and international . It also includes South America .

Mr . BARNARD . Just for the record now , are you testifying as an individual , or can you say you are testifying for the American Academy ?

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