children and recognizing the inherent dangers in the use , counsel ing , and educating parents that these are not toys and , depending upon the design and construction , they are quite hazardous , dis couraging the use of ATV ' s , developing safety guidelines for those who disregard the hazard warning , advising the use of helmets and protective clothing , developing regulations for safe use , safety per formance , and demonstrable driver competence . Our experience with these efforts to curtail injuries from the two - wheel vehicles does not hold much promise of success using the traditional educa tional and voluntary methods to combat the ATV menace .

The Consumer Product Safety Commission ' s announced plan of action to conduct hazard analysis , undertake engineering , human and mechanical analysis , to hold public hearings to monitor volun tary industry standards and education is to be commended . But while the clock is going to run , children are going to be injured and are going to be killed . There are over 2 million vehicles now in use . The projection is 242 million by the end of 1985 .

I feel we have got to take action now in spite of what can be called the data paralysis that exists . It is my opinion after 20 years of working in the injury prevention field that in good conscience what the situation calls for is an immediate voluntary moratorium by industry on the sale of new ATV ' s while we are accumulating the necessary data to ensure acceptable safe use . This would be true , responsible industry cooperation .

Thank you , Mr . Chairman . Mr . BARNARD . Thank you , Dr . Greensher . [ The prepared statement of Dr . Greensher follows : ]

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