Mr . TIMOTHY SCANLON . But you have to remember that these ve hicles are being sold to go anywhere .

Mr . CRAIG . So is a four - wheel - drive Ford pickup . Look at the ads . Mr . TIMOTHY SCANLON . I disagree with you , Mr . Craig . Mr . CRAIG . Well , I disagree with myself . But I will also say that the ads indicate that you can jump them off cliffs and the

I will hold together , and yet the rational person would obviously not do that .

Mr . Menkes , as a college professor , what do you do ? I mean , what do you do as a professor ? What is your credential ? What do you teach ?

Mr . MENKES . I will be glad to submit the entire . C . V . to you any time you want .

Mr . CRAIG . Oh , no . I would just like to know what you do .

Mr . MENKES . I will give you a rough idea . I have taught every undergraduate course in the department and about 60 percent of the graduate courses .

Mr . CRAIG . In the department of ? Mr . MENKES . Mechanical engineering which embraces this entire discipline that we are talking about . Many of them deal with solid mechanic studies such as you have just seen , and more com plicated matters . My present emphasis happens to be on the use of microcomputers and design . And I run a microcomputer laborato ry .

In addition , I am also one of two editors for Marcel Decker , of their Mechanical Engineering Series , and I review and approve for publication anything that goes out in that series . And I have a long and interesting consulting practice as well .

Mr . CRAIG . In your consulting practice , what , if I may ask , what do you make a day ?

Mr . MENKES . What do I make a day ? Mr . CRAIG . On the outside . What is your normal fee ? Mr . BARNARD . I don ' t think that is really pertinent . Mr . MENKES . Seven hundred dollars a day .

Mr . CRAIG . I will withdraw the question . The chairman does not feel it is pertinent .

Then let me ask you these questions that relate to your engineer ing findings . And I think the chairman was pursuing this , and I think , you , by your own admissions in your conversation with Mr . Scanlon , knew little to nothing about an ATC or an ATV prior to him asking you to begin to look into the issue ; is that correct ?

Mr . MENKES . That ' s correct . Mr . CRAIG . Have you ever ridden one ? Mr . MENKES . No . Mr . CRAIG . You have never ridden one ? Mr . MENKES . No , sir .

Mr . CRAIG . Would you believe , or do you believe I guess that is better way of phrasing it that in your design and es

if we could turn to the first placard that you showed us . Where is the first one that was shown where you were talking about weight and balance as being a part of the overall design or stability of the ma chine ?

That is correct , that one where we have the vehicle center of weight versus the passenger center of weight . I notice an absence