Mr . JANSON . Mr . Chairman , I would point out that our parent or ganization , the American Motorcyclists Association , made a publi cation called Trail Riding In America , which identified 1 , 300 public riding areas where motorized recreation is allowed throughout our country . In fact , we were even cited by President Reagan for that publication , for its contribution to responsible off - road vehicle use .

Mr . BARNARD . What is the normal charge for a training session ?

Mr . BISHOP . The clubs will do it for free . The Specialty Vehicle Institute of America is instituting a plan where they have chief in structors throughout the United States that then go ahead and teach instructors , and it is exponentially expanding . They are free to charge whatever they want . As there is more instructors , the free marketplace will regulate the price . So there is no hard and fast price right now .

The clubs will do it for free . The clubs need members . And one thing nice about clubs is you have peer pressure always existing and always exerting . If some guy gets out of line , his peers put him back in line .

Mr . BARNARD . I am sure that a lot of people did see the 20 / 20 expose on this subject . I guess that is what made it as popular as it did . I would say this : That our hearings were already planned at that time , so it did not necessarily provide us with the reason to have this hearing . We had already determined to have it .

But one of the things they showed was a bunch of little kids bop ping one another . I mean , banging up one another , like one of those destruction races . What do you call it ? Demolition derbys . I mean , they were going at one another like roosters .

Do you support that type of competition ?

Mr . JANSON . No , sir ; in fact , that was not competition . That was unregulated use . And I would agree with Mr . Craig , that is where you call the parents .

Mr . BARNARD . That was unregulated use ? Mr . JANSON . Yes . In fact , let me make one point clear . There was some footage in that 20 / 20 broadcast which included competition events which are sanctioned by our organization . However , none of those portrayed competition by young people . That competition footage did include some video from our National Cross - Country Championship . That , in particular , which involves a speed contest on cross - country courses , last year existed without a single injury .

Mr . BARNARD . Well , I would have to say that if we instituted a training program we would really have to do some backtracking . There are 2 . 5 million of these vehicles out there , and I think that the maximum training that has been done is 42 , 000 per year .

Mr . BISHOP . Well , one other thing , too . If you have 2 million of the vehicles out there , the average vehicle services 242 riders , so you have got a lot of people out there , 5 million people out there that are using the vehicles .

And on that 20 / 20 broadcast - -

Mr . BARNARD . Maybe we are lucky that the accidents are not many more than they are .

Mr . BISHOP . We don ' t know that these accident reports that you have are that accurate . Because in a reflection with the records that we have provided , on a really controlled basis , they don ' t sub stantiate the estimates that you have come up with .