
that in Pennsylvania where we have ours , so many of us go weekly , for hunting camps and we do have camps up at the mountainside , it is not uncommon to see both husbands and wives who own their own three - wheeler , and you will find many of their offsprings also

s a three - wheeler up there . And it is interesting to note that the sales must be picking up , at least in Pennsylvania .

Mr . Janson , and Mr . Bishop , there was testimony here relative to bad designs and so forth . Can you figure , can you see any improve ments of design which might help the three - wheel situation ?

Mr . BISHOP . I would say that if you put a switch on it to disable it for unauthorized use that would be 90 percent of the battle right there . We have a lot of bikes for a security reason , also , and not just safety . We have a lot of bikes stolen . The people that steal them , go out and crash , because they don ' t - they see people out having a good time on the three - wheeler , they can ' t afford it , so they steal their bike . They go out and crash on a stolen bike .

If you had some sort of a way to prohibit unauthorized use , I think that would be a major thing that you could do .

you could do . As far as the basic dynamic design , I can ' t speak to that , I am not an engineer .

Mr . KOLTER . Let me ask you one last question . In most States and in my State of Pennsylvania , before you can drive an automo bile or motorcycle you must take a proficiency test , an examina tion . Do you think sometime in the future , since more and more vehicles are being sold now , that perhaps the States ought to review this possibility of giving a test to see if , perhaps , they do have the ability to drive and understand what a three - wheeler can do before they are permitted to drive a three - wheeler ?

Mr . BISHOP . We are starting what we call our youth certification program in California . It is just a pilot project right now , and tha is what we want to do . We want to have possibly a sticker that the child could put on his helmet , so we know that this child has passed the course . It will be a badge of courage for him amongst his peers . He could go , " I proved to the State of California that I can operate this vehicle safely . Then they will all come in and want to do it . And we hope that that can be like the SVIA cam paign , and can be logarithmically , exponentially expanding .

Mr . JANSON . Mr . Kolter , I would point out that your State has a proposal before the legislature at this time to do just that : To amend the existing snowmobile regulations to provide for certifica tion for ATV owners as part of a registration program . It would utilize the registration dollars obtained through the registration of ATV ' s for education , enforcement , and also the development of op portunities for riders throughout the State . Unfortunately , in the last session that bill was unsuccessful . It did pass one of the two houses of the legislature . It is back up this year , and , hopefully , it will be passed and we will make some progress .

That type of legislation is very common . There are approximate ly 20 States right now that are considering some type of ATV regis tration program that will provide certification . Many States al ready have that type activity .

Mr . KOLTER . Thank you very kindly Mr . BARNARD . Gentlemen , in your opinion , is there a motorized vehicle that is more complicated to operate than the ATV ?