the research necessary to evaluate the potential applicability of each and every one , we can begin working now in partnership with parents , public officials , industry representatives , and ATV opera tors themselves , to reduce this terrible toll .

A number of theories have been advanced as to why the ATV injury rate has not only climbed so quickly but is nearly double

bikes or trail bikes . Part of the numerical rise is at tributable to the rapidly growing popularity of the vehicles , but popularity is not the whole story . There are other aspects worthy of consideration . Equipped with three soft balloonlike tires , many ATV ' s not only remind people of tricycles but they have a stable appearance that makes them seem appropriate for users of all ages and skill levels . However , ATV ' s possess unique performance and handling characteristics that come into play when they are , for ex ample , maneuvered around turns or up and down hills .

These characteristics , coupled with the ability of the vehicle to travel over rough and varied terrain at speeds up to 50 miles per hour , can tax an operator ' s skill , strength , and coordination to the limit , and sometimes beyond . What all too frequently happens is that a sudden shift in direction or terrain brings about a change in equilibrium which , in turn , causes the rider to lose control of the vehicle . Subsequently , the ATV tips over either forward or back ward , or rolls over to either side , and those riding it are thrown off .

Of course , proper training , greater use of safety equipment and stricter State or local requirements covering ATV ridership would reduce this toll . Wearing a helmet , for instance , might not do any thing to forestall an ATV accident , but it certainly could prevent serious injury .

But just as surely as proper equipment is often neglected , so too is proper training often unavailable . Currently , the industry - spon sored training courses that do exist hope to train no more than 42 , 000 people a year . Moreover , States heretofore have been reluc tant to regulate ATV usage on private property , perhaps due to the difficulties in enforcing such requirements . All that I

y the case , the responsibility of the Consumer Product Safety Commission is , and has been , clear .

Ever since the rapid rise in ATV - related fatalities and injuries began to show up in our data - gathering systems we have been in vestigating ways to deal with the problem . The Commission staff briefed the Commissioners on their preliminary findings in Febru ary and March of this year , and on April 3 the Commission took decisive action . It adopted a seven - point ATV action plan consisting of the following :

One , conducting what is known as a hazard analysis focusing on the causes of ATV accidents and potential consumer exposure to them .

Two , carrying out engineering and human factors studies to de termine to what extent performance characteristics and / or opera tor behavior might be contributing to the problem and how either or both could be addressed .

Three , holding a series of public hearings around the country to solicit input from user groups , concerned citizens , technical experts and other parties interested in the usage of ATV ' s .