determination on the best course or courses of action to take . But , I think it is encouraging to see that the industry has expressed a strong interest in helping to address the safety concerns associated with these vehicles .

Mr . Chairman , the Commission has demonstrated its determination to do what is necessary and appropriate to resolve this problem . I hope a solution can be found and effectuated in a quick and cooper ative mamer , but if not , the Commission - - and I think I can speak for all the Commissioners when I say this - - will resort to more compelling measures to get the job done .

In closing , Mr . Chairman , let me just make one final point . All of us want to make sure that any unreasonable risk of injury asso ciated with the use of ATVs is addressed quickly and effectively . But we have to recognize that this goal will not be achieved overnight . Even if the Commission were convinced drastic action should be taken tomorrow - - and evidence to support such a conclusion is currently lacking - - it would have to do the research necessary , just as it is now doing , to make its case . Plainly , therefore , we are on the right track , doing what needs to be done to achieve the speediest , fairest and most effective resolution possible .

Again , thank you very much for giving me the opportunity to testify . I ' ll be happy to respond to any questions that you might


have .






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