The Commission has reports of 161 ATV - related fatalities which occurred between January 1982 and April 1985 . These death reports came from a number of sources , including death certificates , Medical Ex aminers and Coroners , and news clips . Reporting of death certificates by the states is not yet complete for 1983 , 1984 , and 1985 . A staff review of the 161 reported deaths revealed that 73 victims were under 16 years of age and 39 victims were under 12 years of age .

The age distribution of ATV injuries has remained approximately the same from 1983 to 1984 . Three - fourths ( 73 . 6 % ) of the victims of ATV related injuries were between the ages of 5 and 24 years of age . Almost one - third of ATV injuries ( 32 . 0 % in 1984 ) involved children under 15 years of age .

The Commission ' s staff examined a total of 169 in - depth investiga tions reports , six of which involved four wheeled ATVs . Forty - six of the investigated cases were fatalities . Based on this limited sample of in - depth investigations of injuries and deaths , the staff identified some of the factors which may contribute to these accidents . Overturning and loss of control were documented in the majority of reported ATV accidents and deaths , and were observed regardless of whether alcohol , riding double or speeding were also observed . These incidents involved drivers of all ages . Also , although some victims were first time ATV users , many had previous experience riding ATVs , and experience riding motorcycles or minibikes . While drivers of all age groups have been injured or killed in ATV related accidents , a great many fatalities and injuries involve children .

The table below gives a comparison between the number of injuries and the number of ATVs in use during 1983 and 1984 .

Estimated Hospital Emergency Room Treated Injuries Per 1 , 000 ATVs in Use

Estimated Hospital Emergency Room Treated Injuries Hospital ized Per 1 , 000 ATVs in Use

1983 1984

21 . 7 - 22 . 2 36 . 2 - 37 . 0

2 . 58 - 2 . 64 4 . 88 - 4 . 99

NEISS estimated frequency of injury associated with ATVs , mini bikes / trail bikes , and snowmobiles are compared in the table below . These products are similar in that they are off road vehicles used for recreational and other purposes .