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Honda is committed to continue safety activity , both on

its own and in cooperation with the SVIA , and we are committed to

the belief that such activity will reduce accident rates .

CPSC personnel , during investigations and several meetings with Honda personnel , have expressed concern about young children operating the ATV vehicles . Mr . Shigenari studied

youngsters at age 7 and 8 riding the ATC 70 vehicle during his

development of that vehicle . He concluded that with proper adult

supervision these youngsters could operate the machine safely and

efficiently . The CPSC ' s human factors studies show that children above the age of 6 seem to be able to operate the vehicle safely ,

with , of course , the appropriate supervision . Honda has always

been of the opinion that chronological age , alone , does not

determine who can or cannot operate these vehicles without

substantial risk .

However , the above mentioned studies give us

an outline of the normal child ' s ability .

Notwithstanding this fact , Honda voluntarily decided to

age label their vehicles , starting with the 1986 model now in

production , in order to lower perceived risks to youngsters .

Honda is labeling its 1986 70cc model vehicle as recommended for 12 years and older , and all other models for persons 14 years or older . Honda was purposely conservative in deciding on these ages even though information available at the time of this decision made it clear that some children of a much younger age


could adequately operate the vehicles safely . However , Honda

wants to avoid risks to youngsters who would perhaps ,