mendations in the owner ' s manuals that are distributed with every Kawasaki ATV . Since its first availability , we have also included the SVIA ' s " Tips for the ATV Rider " in the crate with the owner ' s manuals in all of our ATV ' s produced in Lincoln . We feel this in formation is important and we have made an effort to deliver it to our customers .

I would like to discuss briefly some of our other activities to pro mote safe ATV use . We are working with the SVIA in the develop ment of a series of videotapes which will be available at dealer ships to orient new riders , new purchasers , or interested persons in the characteristics of ATV ' s and the techniques involved in operat ing them . Beginning with the 1986 models of all but one of our ATV ' s , we will be adding a recommendation to the existing label ing and the existing information that recommends a minimum age of 14 years for all operators .

This will be in addition to the wording that we have always had on our ATV ' s , cautioning that parental supervision and instruction is required for children . We are also working with the SVIA to de velop and deliver a quality program of rider education in order to teach the skills and enhance development of the judgment and knowledge needed for safe ATV operation .

Returning again to our own products , all but one of our 1986 model ATV ' s will be equipped with a device that can limit throttle travel , thus limiting the top speed capability of the vehicle . We think this is going to be particularly valuable in a learn s situa tion . We already equip all of our ATV ' s with headlights to facili tate use after dark when that becomes appropriate . We have a rather large utility user group in our marketplace , and these people don ' t necessarily want to climb off the ATV at the end of the field and walk home when it gets dark . They are still working . They need that piece of equipment .

We are working through our dealers to continue to communicate to the riders the importance and necessity of using the proper safety equipment . Our advertising will also stress this . We continue to stress this message of safe and responsible use with our advertis ing . Kawasaki is also working with the CPSC and with the other manufacturers in voluntary standards activity .

We are committed to the Voluntary Standards Program , and we intend to meet any voluntary standards which are developed from this activity . The industry , SVIA and the member companies have developed a productive working relationship with some elements of the CPSC staff , and we are hopeful that this will lead us all in the direction of finding some answers to what we certainly agree is a major problem .

That is the end of my prepared comments , but I would like to respond to some of the things which have been said previously , par ticularly those that indicate that this industry has not been cooper ative with the CPSC . I really would like to disagree with that .

We first provided information to CPSC investigators over a year ago . We tried to give them a big pile of information to help educate them as to what the vehicle was , what its characteristics were , how it was used , and who the users were . Shortly after that we took a group of vehicles out and went to one of the common riding areas