in California and , in conjunction with the SVIA staff , we taught several of the CPSC staff members how to ride .

We used the draft of the then - under - development SVIA Training Program . We tried it out on them . We tried both to show them what the vehicle was , and also to illustrate the type of training and operational materials that we were developing and which we were in the process of trying to deliver to our users . We have appeared at hearings before the CPSC , and made an effort to explain some of the programs that we had . The SVIA representative had a very large presentation at a hearing in October to describe the very same types of training and educational materials that we were de veloping and hoping to distribute , perhaps with the CPSC ' s help . ยท Unfortunately , at the time , the CPSC didn ' t really want to talk to the SVIA , they wanted to talk to the manufacturers , and SIVA ' s presentation wasn ' t even able to be given . So I am not happy with the characterization of this industry as having failed to cooperate , and I just wanted to get that point out .

Thank you very much , Mr . Chairman . [ The prepared statement of Mr . Hagie follows : ]