apart from the other members of the industry by offering a

new , innovative type of product to the consumer .







In summary , Suzuki is committed to work toward continually improving ATV safety . As a responsible company , we want every one of our customers to enjoy the safe use of our products . Through Suzuki ' s individual efforts , through our work with SVIA , and through our work with CPSC , we are confident that ATV riding will become a safer experience for ATV users across the country . We are further convinced that


the CPSC has demonstrated great concern about ATV safety ,

and has embarked on a comprehensive program to deal with the

issues involved . We believe that Suzuki ' s programs , SVIA ' S programs , and CPSC ' s programs will complement each other in

making ATV riding a safer and more enjoyable experience .

Mr . BARNARD . Thank you , gentlemen .

We have heard various statistics today as to how many injuries and how many deaths . In the information that each of you have furnished the committee , your numbers are smaller than the CPSC ' s numbers . Do you have any reason to believe that we are talking about a significant difference here in the number of acci dents and / or deaths ? Beginning with you , Mr . Glynn .

Mr . GLYNN . No , the point I was trying to make , we are very will ing to cooperate with the CPSC , and we are not trying to dispute their numbers . The point I was trying to make is that the numbers they are using right now are very preliminary . They consider at a very shallow level what has happened . For example , what I was mentioning is the snowmobiles and its injuries per thousand , but it is considering only - I think we would have to agree that snowmo biles are maybe used for a 4 - month period , whereas the ATV is used the year around and in many commercial uses or utility uses .

Mr . BARNARD . I am not speaking so much of an intepretation of the figures as I am the accuracy of them . I think we are talking about 272 million riders or 242 million vehicles . We are talking something like 120 some odd thousand emergency room incidences . And we are talking about up to 161 deaths .

Do you generally disagree with those figures ? Mr . GLYNN . No , not with the numbers themselves . I think that the study of those numbers is very preliminary , however , especially since October .