Mr . GLYNN . I think either system is safe . They are developed for a different market , or at least a slightly different market . The 250R is directed to experienced riders for - very often used for com petition .

Mr . CRAIG . Would you call it a racing machine or a competitive machine ?

Mr . GLYNN . Yes , it certainly is . It is directed for closed course racing or very competitive - type riding with experience , you know , from experienced riders - -

Mr . CRAIG . What is the 125 ?

Mr . GLYNN . It is a general , or dual - purpose vehicle we would call it . It is used sometimes on rural farms for farm use , but it is cer tainly used for recreation .

Mr . CRAIG . In other words , it is more utilitarian in its use ?

Mr . GLYNN . That is right . But I really want to emphasize they each have springing systems , each of them have suspension .

Mr . CRAIG . In your work with the Consumer Product Safety Com mission , we were led to believe this morning that there was resist ance on the part of industry to participate in the safety concern and the research that is currently being done by the Consumer Product Safety Commission . Would any of you care to react to that statement ?

Mr . GLYNN . I did react to that when I was in the audience , so if I may again . I just want to list some of the things that we have done since the beginning of the awareness , once CPSC brought aware ness to us . We pulled all the children ' s advertising despite the fact that we don ' t necessarily - -

Mr . CRAIG . You pulled all children ' s advertising ?

Mr . GLYNN . Off TV . There is no children ' s advertising on TV or in print . We pulled all the family fun . We produced a new family fun spot that cost us something like $ 300 , 000 . We shelved it . We put it away . We scrapped about $ 50 , 000 - $ 75 , 000 worth of brochures . They were the 70 model , and we still have brochures in our 70 model but there is no children in the 70 model brochures . They are just the new ones . We scrapped all that we had that we hadn ' t shipped . We had a poster that shows all of our models , and one , in the corner of that poster there was a picture of a 70 with a young man on it . Now , we weren ' t using young boys . We were using I think 12 , but nonetheless - maybe 11 . I am not sure of that so I really don ' t want to put that in the record as exact . But it wasn ' t just a 4 - year - old or a 3 - year - old or something , it was an older boy . So we scrapped those brochures , or the full - line poster and printed that again .

We agreed to age labeling , and we informed the CPSC of that I think February 26 , and we are age labeling all of our new models .

Mr . CRAIG . Let me stop you right there if I could , because several of you have talked about age labeling . Would you tell us , or is it such that you are doing age labeling at this time in response to the Consumer Product Safety Commission ' s concern and their inquir ies ?

Mr . GLYNN . Yes , we definitely did it in response to inquiries out of cooperation with the CPSC .

Mr . CRAIG . You would all agree with that , that your industries have done that ?