IIONDA SS 50 Sports Moped 490c. 1973 to 1977 awmns wofixsger MANUAL ‘JHQCVVMT 'filfigk EELSHML Mp 'ijn‘xil cm ) L . h ‘ r * 1 ' . - > ' _ by S t1W. VWkins BJéch \ X mm. m um aun- v_ sup-d Mk by Mann" D'Imglm) - Model: covered: > 4‘ i' SSSOZE, 49a: dimer! model. MIy 197310 Sep‘ember 1975 I I . SSSDZKvZEl 49cc 5552an model. Octob’ r 1972'! to Demmbfl 1975 855023-25 49cc Sspeed model with hunt disc brakav Jmuaf‘l W76 to July 1977 ISBN 085696 167 1 © szncs Publishing Group 1980, 1935, 1988 :5; ~ All rum r“. No purl nl Ihil mm M b- mmmod ol Inm‘lu-d in Warm m by luv mm, «mum: m mammal, mum vmwww. v; nowhv mlormnion Ilomgl m ulvlevnl Ivnlrrl,wlmwl prvmm 'u .Lllwrlmlg lwm capyrlgm holder. . - _;Prlnm4iu England mull/3; ~ ‘ , Hfll‘uifilfimlnfi Gui-p Spml‘ow 1r v‘o‘mil ~ Snmmel A2211» England Haynes‘ nullé-aslia, Inc 851 Lawvahca Drive Newburv Park Calihvnia 91320 USA ..'..‘... 7 .‘V é-LJ ,‘ ”$3315“ i'cr~ a . 5mm- ‘ . ~ ‘ _ #3 5 Omaha-kc? ‘ ' -; m . ,0 Ann-um ‘ x. v on *5 ~ I'lilimwil 'V‘ ’~ .. ‘w 4.1? ,4 mun-r i . '1 V, 51 2 ’1 “" ‘ - 1“ m ‘ . '7.» r.- :\ u ' u ' 81 a | «1 7: 1 77‘ l. ' 7a 2 1s ‘ so . n; ~ gs -as A n . I7 ' a1 a. 91 .: ; :2 u as Is 7’, as ‘ 95m . ‘fl v . §§ , a V r‘ 39.: #3?- S£3v3¢33f§ , ,fl , 11.. Hand. sssuz mom was lmdu;d ma mu can-my , mm 1973 m mm puns: sun—m mm“ log-union um mricud win-on y-v old: on a mom 0! son: cum TM bih I. and on m. 5350 motorcycle w m ma bun hulrudumd nrr'er. m lny'nl rm bun my. Mun-a ma drum.“ out" v win. m from than! the Essay-as. 71le position Ind mm 0-6 In canwminnnl vac looms. Th Md an bl mod "Vi"! IN MI! Iockld in posilion by ul ml the kickmimr. , An unwinding mum of [ilk ml 1! in WV law "to M purol cannmptinn. Soon mu hi: immlou, a rid" laumwid Mm Lnrlbn to Manchu!" and hid 9m. who! MI ovar in hm inlnduud to Rik: [M oreycle I’llv mum. 1mm "13th fill up. ,: ‘ Tho DIG-l drlvl can In fllconneclld and (M Dudlhl Bdlnl: . . u ’ I ‘ .Q ‘3 , 4 . ‘ . 1 Ordering spare gens“ - Maud-humus}:- myolthflundnsaechomh k k aid-ch m and sum m m anti-I Hondl mt, who mu an mu to many no: mm .mk. Pm am h- V mhl‘tom Honda (UK! Limlnd hr. Ill ("th mm In . Whnfiwvmmxn nivhp-mr-quindmnm Whack. ’ Nw-ysq wwmmmmmlnmnn. ltuwnmmmmlormmm-flnmm Imu- mun:- I: mm on an w-h-nd do. a! mu fmng, . mun. Putnam-1'! ‘ Utterly pm: a! mull» No II W. Inn- 05 Mlle}! uni Jaw, hm In may ‘ infirm they m m *‘ufw: mm on menu-m and] ar hlimiilv Hana ddunapnrmr mm: exchange' shame. Sam- M “I! mom Imnwl 9.715 um I Inlrk mug. bub: (we a ”manila m. can be owlmo from :cmorv shops and ‘ Mn. Ma hm commie!!! own». Mun, chum: |- main ohm be lound mu hr from ham. n ;: alsu m anIn pm: on a Mon Ordr mu ham 3 number a! ' who Wank! mull-4v in m motorcvclo 7‘ n ‘0‘..." 4r... I i I i .0 g4.-;_; IrI lmlnod In ni- working III: you my in now: outing an "! aim to onoull inn your may nru lid: of monilon un mun In In corn III-ir- to drum cumin gummy Thur-é my: in now my: vi imina IncldInls. and knowing Wu in be I coleIMnllln lin on“ Moms: in» mnuwmuyoulwouolaw rain and In momma. «(warm Ipploldlh II wort you carry on! on your which Essential 00! and DON7s - F Doll"! mri rho tflgifls williour ling Ital-ruining til-i mo mmbfim It In Mullal DON’T Manly rum lhl llllor up born I Hot cooling leYIm- own I! WM 5 clmhlnd robin lhl ovum firmllv first, Myou may gar acnldld by ascaping mill". oorrf lnumpl in dr nll unui you In nuts 3. in: wéiod nlflchmly io Ivoid 80'6le manor-u: Iny DIflMtII ,omunouilonenrwhnout rim ammlnlno lhn ii in Infflolomly mol lo wold burnlng you. DON’T allow mu Hula of Inlllroeu lo collllct mo mlchlno‘s pllnlwork or pinniocomponnnia, DON‘T who" lode "quid. Ouch ll linl. brill. Iluld or until-la by mouih. or Illow Ihll'n to remain on your nirin. norr'r inn-[arm 7 it may no Inlurloua ro hum inn-Ammo: MId‘iMI). DON’T llhw any Ipill oll or gram la "main on in. floor - irrioo R up ctr-Inn! :wI. Mon torment IIipI on ii. DON'T Inl'flHlflIIlg worm liwll whlch mly ”In Ind an. im- DON’T ammo! lo III! I noovy beyond your :2prth mi I-ln DON’T rth In llnl an I'Ioh. or III. unynrlfiod anon on“. DON'T allow chlldrun or animal: In or Iround In unnnondod uhkl nouTinlwIlyntoIpnssun-bovolnorocornmormd melm-rrn. Mm hum mammary in una- Ina wliIIl rim. in mum- a“ in two my blow oil Imolbly ‘DO onurrl will no mImInI ll mom-d ”curvy Ill Ill limos. ths' r- Wllv impomm thn m. mnnin. n block-d up in aid III-(l or M retire on lak- on. when Immollnn lo IlIcIiIri I mum-n nur or boll. l s oonuIIly ballot lo pull on u IoInnIr. mlur nun pun. In that ii slippnuu 0cm"! you lull away from Ihl mashing minor rnnn on to II. no my on oroiaclion when uslnq now-r looll "on u drlll, I-ndar. hunch grindor no. no us. a uni-r mum on your hulll prior no man"! dilly loos — it will prone! youl Iliin lrum Inl'Iotlon BI well .mkilfl’ iii- din caller to rumovn alum-nu: but man mm your lunch Ir-n‘i ion Ilipoory. ND“ mu long-mm mullet Mn and min. a“ an I:- : imm- inure. D0 he“: loan donning (will. III no) no long ha? WI" out ill in. way or moving mochanlcnl pom DO row-nova final. wllIMlld‘l no, Info" worth: on in volilclu — IwociIlly in. Ilactrloul sy- m. 0 keep your work on My — it in only mo any to fall over Irudu left Mun around. 00 um uulion wn-n oompronlnu springs for mum-I or inllllllu‘on. Emuro that In. Nation ll lppllod i am Hi I oonlrollnd mlnntr. using [unable tools whldr pllclual I!!! poulhillry of (in spring IInpinn vlolamly. no mum mu Inv lining mine uud hu . uir working loud mlng moquan for on job. 00 gel serum In and medially till! I" is wall. when wmlng than. on in. which no curry out wort In n Icicle-I guru-nu and m In: ‘ rid flotillnod mam DO romnmbol "Ia! your “Nob “My moon: that ol‘yoorqu and mum. ii In doubt on My paid.- on Ipoclnlln min. which Mb. IF. in none oi following mu- uric-imam. you In «Mariam Incucn la lnIurI yourull, mi mIdchl Imnllun nI Icon It poolibl I. t Asbestos Connln iriaion Mung, ruling and an... umdum - Inch til-Ike llnlnp. duidl llnhol. oIIkIu. In: — corn-In “hum [mom- can mull ha him: in "old Inhllltlon I! dun horn sum pram limit [I luv-roam in hon/(Ir. II‘ In 1 doubt mun- lhIl may do oonmn koala. Fl'II . Ramnmber u lll «rm Inn patrol lguollnn) Is nigmy‘ . flImmIblr. mm m. or hIVI my kind at naked lI-mo Mound. whorl worklnfi on If. vohldo. But Ihl rlIlI does not 00¢ mun — I spark wind by In ulooirlul Inon-clrcult. by two Ill-III wrlacu com-ulna I on om". by oar-Ion use of tools. ‘ or win by mil: WW bum ID In your buoy unoIr cumin condlrionr ran ignliI polrol mm, which in a confined Iona II highly explosive Alw-yn dboonnocl the may oann (ground) unnlnol , bolero worklng on my on ol IMlunI or IlIclrIul xyllam. Ind now: rloli Ipilllnolull on no I nor min- I diam liluocomnuul‘rn-tlmishunfnwom abl- lor Inn! and Iloclrlul Hm iI lion: Dandy In IhI porno or minimum Il I ilmn qu in to Ixtinoulun - fuel or «coin-l ,. in lumn In nighiy mi: in an quickly urn- ‘ u ummmmnounrmminyumml’mml. loItolInI) "pour coma: Inlo thll emu). I: do IhD vapour-r from cmln ION-ml wen u ammonia. Any druinlng or ., 0‘ such lDlIIill liuldl M bu don. In u will I «liar-ll Iran. I’ wm uolng mum flulds mu now-rm. mo rum I.“ llnnl our-ruin. Nmr nu mimi- m uniform: Wart-‘3' lth rnIy giv- all pollolloul um " » Mmr run in. engine of I mom th| l in In many!» " IpIcI ouch II I gauge. mu: lulu-I cmmn mm oxIdI Milch In till-Indy pohwioul: I you mod In rum ongInI. IlwaI do no In In. coon In or or Inn luv-now}! ihe Mid. 0M ins workol-oe. The winery Nmu‘uu- mmorulowlmmligmmrmo unid- l bunny. Ii will norm-fly in giving of“ minimum of hydrogon 9n Mild! h ”willy 0M. Alwlyl disconn-n lbv bonny um (wind) annual mien! mom- ' More warning on m Paul or olo ‘ polliblt. looun in. Illlor plug. or omr whorl h cry from In Ixnmll noun:— Do nor m ms or in- many may bunt Y Imrewhonmwflmnunmm; ‘ 7-. 'l 2 : m an Iimroiyro. m wlion dllllhd i. voly umdel um mould not in Iliowod to come! rho in: or ll you our mud to prop." IlIcwlyrI yourull ml ltlfl slowly in in. yum. Ind novel mo Miler-31' leoct lglllln willhel w willing mu)" m Malns niecmclly wn-n lining In III-ml: pour moi, Milan in whioh work: Irom In. mIInI. IM-yl Innro rhn "I. I: correctly comma to in plug and mu. whom no i. prop-fly .- (grammar. Do ml nu men applinu‘u dump on rid om, bow-n ol culling I Ipplying Inn-um Mail In tho vicinity M lunl or fuel Ignition HT volleys ~ A In". Hume shoot an mull from muohlnd pm: at in. lgnlion syn-in ouch as [ho H7 loads. onolnl II runnlng'or b-Ing cranked. pnniculariy ll comp lll ’domp or an inwlllion I. am. WhorIui lgnmon xymm Is fined. nu INT vom‘oo In men manor could prove hul. Routine maintenance * PM mmim nllll'fllllw_h l uom'nuouu woe- nu mwnmawymmhhmmmmm out ll "Hid lull-go Mudfl‘. at on I m ”I! N m- mlehln II no! and hum-IN, m m. m. ~ um. muhwrfidn-nlwmw .DMD mmmmnhm-uummmnmm long, Vouflr'rll Inlet. II I. III mine-m WM at m my mlmavmtunmmmwwmu-Imm 3”. mm-nmmmwhvw-mnnfiml Thailan- um III: II “and bohw. u non-In- mm Old dand- m Amnp-nylm - mm c wovldid. m:- naeu—rv. In mm b. a“, . uni-'Wn-wbumfimm ‘ “mu-with. hmMfl-wuuldlroriu-d Int unbuluflv m- mum-.11 would I- Mic .memmmm. m hilnwmhulfl. whnmynnm .i‘umhIIu-mmmhmi-nmmm. u. WI: MI: numb-Id but no! man-a In dual, hull b- ‘ Gown!“ kh Wmmm mmhlmwillpmw WII M such (Ill, an If any m not much, (M mov- lounéfi In Hum Wk! mould nfllu. . m,bva-yznu-I-'< not On camp on ma Ifld (up up if Mun-w. Always in Mint on on luv-I 'mnd. using in "Am mnd in Him h mm, lbw m mm.- to: m on I-al w . Har- Ming??- donut local-don II- rigm- -r-nd ' ‘ of . mm. 1 than o7 ululnka- can; Ifl-an L hum-,mhwm—hgwuw1hoimm m. fimw n abnickuudollunumww l '1..- an. dbnitk Inn-cm. Do mow. Fora-aim §_.lhudlpi1ckmouldbnfldmt‘wdlhvhflu mmmam. . f‘ ‘ mawnMAh-wmukwimhtymmla. , - , ul mugkmmmum. J ‘ ka-MM.”olvr-Mmhfim»uuorflyflb ' onymmtmmmndfihb-fin—ofl Damon-1m. ‘ 5 . inn-M "achin- doom human-mam!" _J-mllmlinhfi,'rlvadconwolmm. Min-m. Hum, ham CM 'th Mum" Mm windy. ‘ Rulhfiwhhimu‘y-hmmflflmfi 0mg. wir- on. thin an an old all whim m Inniw k an any: to mull compute md rum arming. Jun om - phi wll h "bl-d. If m Mk“ n and In! I I‘m-don 01 my Miami," Inn-Mirth“: hMmu-rlodhuwun alga-um. w 11".! m mum oI man-rim. . floutlnc Minamo- puu m- if m. mm] mm II clol In my mlularv minhmm. "pie-II A man of urwm. muck cmdnhn nl "tum lying on centr- “and. Duck born and mull-l In! nun-cl Iunaioning, CHIN In mind I'll the effic-III Dwnmn 0! m. lam-av ul smulovy mum-m. fix WMM U m lulllhl formal-w -u m- et-zk- "mu mutt m wetlv and MM Innings. than any on 'M follnwing .auoml mt: auck vllv' ml chum and dim 6i nan-Irv con mi “Inn or min the making an. and an ignition liming m min! 51 mun-w can my air mm clam-n Chuck ”mm!- for our“! lmm of In- play a.“ In! "pm Mchgn i1 mry Chet Iud unk «min-I nah In! luk- Ii lock: 0! .dlmum Quack dawn our-don um adj-m u my mm: and Iuhrhn "nu drive chm If mm. nah: In \‘ ooniunmbn Mm unclut- ~ Click onion (10 mm lrlklv And dim i! m Examine m whom tor awn-d or mane linl um «oo- mono. and: mud on both tym‘ Ii um." war In: Ink-n Capacities data ubmm-on mm concitv [Swim Indus-moat m unit) Wmmluu’ltlfll TIFF“ clllanul ... (main. cold) Conner bulk" m apart my 9.; m- mums Front fork ‘ imlw: A1 oi! channv Murmassnmblv Recommended lubricants CW'ONENT ENGINE Nam! (mum!!! below 1mm, pom! . FINAL DRIVE CHAIN ALL GREASING POINTS Nun rm engml on snou/q be Mung-d any man man" In want or wn-n m madam I: ma fauna/21mm: only, me ml numb- changed any 300 Inf/91 VIII-loam spoon-'1.- Main complex. nu chucks hma undur ma mklv, rmnmlv m a: mnlhly may, not only it may an nm directly enameled wum um mm mm: below. Yhen :manm m: (gnawing: cmnp m awn. o-I. wru- the old od has mam-a o" ummn an ragmmnd filnkcl. cow ma clean nu: oil (hm :run by naming wim mvol. (cm, 550 and 5550 ml; only hav- mmnmt Ramon me air firm I mum and m s new "pl-cannon flan-«m bum who“; ma suck madman oi from and rllr hrlko m; Rwlacu i! nah.- an min. Check Icmnm from mug (hock merino hue marina In: an“. mm mm on oemn and. Do "0! mint-n . emanation oI moving hand loot, v 0.7 Inn: (12 Imperial pm"! (1.: us aim] Bdow 0°C (32°F) SAE 1m " DOC-15°C mar-59°F! 5A5 10M - V cm 15°C «anon SAE an autumn om: ‘ DDIGIinch aux-acmm 22 mi from, 23 psi my mum mr lyre In :2 rm .1 oillion amen“! urn-u No: (3.3 fl oz) IW-105cc(3.5 , 3.6" oz} ‘ TVPI 0F LUBRICANT ,‘ V ‘ 1. Muldwxh 20W/50. To API SE specificallnn Mulliffl' IUN/M .- ré . 3-." Mumm amino or wwhind grease , - - : '2 I Mum-purpose my: «Idling pom Iimium ‘ . bud II. v .' .' I . ‘ " ‘ ' .' . i .. 7 v...“ Chapter 1 . Com-nu Engine, clutch and gearbox General dexulplion i nnov-tion . 25 Operations with engine/gearbox .n 0;». 2 Flock-rt and rockers-me examination 25 Donation: with engine/gearbox mom 3 Trocnoia oii pump- ran-om uxsmindtt‘on and misc-mam g1 Humming tne englna/gurtmx unit 4 Clutch- amlnflian and rImW-linn 2a Dismanilinu me stigma/gum“ grnnml . 5 input rw—atnbly 10m! .. . 29 Dismantling ma unglnay’gflarbox- removing Ina cylinder hand Emmi/m: reassembly , rwimingmo ”Islam-n gem and cylinder _, ' s and kickulvrll ‘ 30 . Dismantling the engine/gearbox removing an oimirl and Engim/p-rbnx MNV ‘ “WWW! C'BMCHE Mm 3' pirton ring: .. 7 Engine ma mummy - replacingm gm “liner Dismantling me thyme/991nm!" rum-lg me valves and mechanipn .. .. 32 rocker . ,, a Eninalgnrbox mummy reli ng and Humming lit! nixmzntling rm angina/galvbox ram0v‘mg me alternator ickttamr rlmm rpring . rmov 9 Sngl elgnrhox natumbiy- mailing til- 0! pump Drlmuy Dismantling 1h: engine/warbcul- 'mnovlng ma mgr pm. to drum madman .. 34 Dismantiing me Engine/gearbox removing me cmshafl Emu/gearbox rmmmbly - mix g the lcfl hand calm! chain IDrISIOIIGI . A 1| lflfl clutch uptraling mach-mam ... .. . Dismantling in. engnolqurbux removing the l. rill arm Engine/gearbox man-mow remain. iii- cart-mm conin sprocket 12 and lemroner ., ... Dismantling me pupae/gearbox - renewing the dutch Engine/gearbox rwmuv - rung mo pillml'hd operating mmhnrlism and the rig“ hmdengina cmr .. 13 cylinacr perv-l :7 Dimmilinq Rh unp‘nelgtvbml- wing m clinch Ind Engine/purport tea-tummy - mm the twin-din nan! ... as ' pvimarv anv- 14 Ennirlolqolmox run-«101v timing the overhang emit Dismantling Ihe any'ne/gwarbox stripo g the clutch 15 (valves timing) Dismumling me cngi e/gznbox (having me gear mailer Engine/gem: remcmblv- «piecing» mm alternator v: mechanism kickstamr mum apnn and oil pump ..-. 1S rota: and neutral indicator Dismantling [he engne/gwbox - mt mg thl crankcnu 17 Expire/prune: rnncrnuy- :2 mph. cont-ci bruilmmu Dismanding me enmne/WX . moving in. kickslmar ignition trmiug ... ' 'rndint and gear chm-r .. lax Eng’ne/gcerpox ream-lug «dusting the tapima miing inc engna/golrbox - remcvmg .6“; cranium" Envinalyurbux rec-rum mg mg mini Into the 19 "If"! . . ... u » gait-mi 20 Engine/geabox muiv completion criminal maim- xeminnupn and renovation 2| merits (inclining clutch Ilimlmenl) c. 44 Mar ban-i - uni rm and mow-lion . 22 Surfing and running the rebuilt Inginl 45 " Jinn-imp pinch ring! Am "Him and rat-ovation 1: Fault diagram eng‘ne“ 4s ’ ‘ wean.- decnrbunimion and examination 24 Fault dimsis- gearbox and clinch :7 vaimyliye m Ind vllve guides - examination and , SpcMe-iim lg '5 Enllm single cylinder ovumend cal-“she" chain operated Bale . 39 mm . Stroke Au mm Cubimpnclty 49 0c Communion ratio as : I Maximum Eng 5.! @1020!) rpm Maximum lavqua » len IM Imus ~ _ ' Ovulsius ‘ A )» Ring mp gap (pain compression ring-l Ring and W (all rinqi .. Gudg-on Din diamalar Vine..- lilm \ meclearance. mint and alhausl c. Sui any 12 . , .. jl'ilnmrall length ,, Wm limil "'5 and wide cleanings Olmit Eihaust Wall lengtn 1%: 3nd gum clearance 7 Hum Spring (gum) im length Wear limit 2.6 ft lb 0 9000 rpm Two compression rings, any oil control mtg 1 025mm. 1 0.50 mm, 1 0,75mm. 1 1.0mm , 0.00" - 0.0I2 In (0.1 - 0.3 mm) . 0.00! - 0.0!! in 0.5l2in lla inrnl Renm ii under/0,5” m (use mm) 0.00le with main: cold 45° " 2.000 in me mml Renlw lhmda‘r 2.530 in (65.6 mm) 0.0004 - 00012 in (0.0m - 0.030 mm) Renew i1 over 0.0023 in .06 mm) 2.573 in (65.3 mm] - Renew ilunuar 2.557 In 454.9 mm) 0.217 in (5.5 mml ‘ ii under 0.2m In (5.4 mm) 2 $10020 in l0.030 - 0.050 mm) Renew il we: 0.0032 in {0.080 mm) I. no In ii 1 mm) Wifunder i .060l;(2e.9nwni .. . ‘ - ... -v~»- w- . as . ‘ 1. ‘ Chan-1 ”Emu, chum Ind who): I D! In (25.5 mm) Rmmiiumorn.min r24 3 mm) ' 4 .» .3 18.5mm ' V ~' ‘ , spangfihnhnmnhngm 18.2mm . . ‘r Immacumh aim 1 (mm mum-1 - Thicknluaidm ... 1.5 mm . WNW 3.1 mm 2.592 1523 1300 0.95: 531: 3.500 .1 . 't Timommh‘nin' ‘ h} - -. Wlinderhnd mm 3.51m": ‘ wumymmua- dwr ss— .7 n m 1". wrinarmmma com 5.‘ -8.5f|7b .- ‘f Cebu-“1m mung mm 60 m lb ; Ammmm - .. van-21mm ~ clmchn .. .. .. 4. - ‘ . f . 1‘ »- ‘ t ‘ - . . III Cylindu mu m um Imam . 7g. — W“) r (Madam-a mm mum-oral, ‘3 1 am: mm M. mm 1: Sulml mu 3 Lei! M m cowl ‘ 4 Tappef inspecfion can! ‘ 5 6.33m 15 Bolt 5 6m" 17 am 7 Gukn 1a mm B Gad-9t , 15 Screw 9 momma: Inn/Ina; 20 rm to lulu mmilald 21 mum n We: 22 swiping :2 Spark plu' Chum-l “Emil", dutch id ullvhox I Gun-III duwipflml The Hunt SSSOZE n rifled M"! m Manama: any I in Much me nlw mach-mun .. Hum adv-11,1thle _'- tam-a mm m- llumiuhm may cylind- ma: u'nh m'. arv-ngangm n n my to dim-d: In. dul'lningwhonmu cylndev Mac n "mom, A mocha-d clums- is ind-m1 n m we": Wilmnn a! m. mam, u: wovid- .mr-aa 1...: In man-2n m knit-Ion by DU 17.! it DID [in “I.“ in m nah-canon syn-«n a pm. mm m an wank-z: and - cmlnluyl Mm «mm [M dmn mum 2 Dull-Ilhluwllh [windmill ln Frill- “ ix um noccautv no mum on mg‘m uniflmm nun-m. unles m. mum-n mmhlv Ind/or m. puma curing- ram-re Inumon Men Bur-{lam can b accomplish“ with OI! engmq m plant. men n nnmavu Ind rial-comm! a! mind. In“. Hamuval and nplmmnm at when hlrrll and p'mon. Rumoval mu mulncumem a! '1me morale genumor Human! and nolmmnl av clinch u-rnuv, Ramon-I ma vlpllmnl of fauna pinks!“ and lacuna"- mummy Wm new-val cumm- nnd In I: unamnen simul (Imusly‘ A null wok-hi1 h- ath-moon to man the comm. enum- unu Item m. um. Ill ap-nion «m mould I-ku apvuxunn-Iv mum mum-L Th5: will gin mo advantag- ul balm mm: and mm. mrking upon mbuN— a cum... inn (anr-IG-hx nun-mu Roman-I and "album of m. m curing. Rams and mum-m at ur- a-nmm “My. Hand ma moi-om: of m .- Elm-r, .I-nnn mu ‘ wmx mum mung. ‘uu- 1 Drum in an In rImov-ng m am pm urn-mun "- rnqir- Ivmial, um Ill'llmg mm, 2 To an». In. "ham Int-m Iemovu "- ra- amm non Much holds m- um; mm noun; m. "mm Hung- m m- wlinm bud, and mm“ In. a run um "am an (up «will mourning no". the whole tun-m umm an m h. limo may. 3 anav- m. 6mm kickntur pinch boll Ind pull m- luck- nm 0" m lolinod mm, 4 Lm an! In: elmch mule Irom n: mum lug «noun handh- w sewn-r u nncu-rvl. Hmvn n- nupk Irom m2 dun-A ”Ililnfl Il‘m HID, 5 Ramon and damn-cl 1M h-uuv n In hm I'll w comma» a. mom m. Ill-mm! lua- 0mm «in Ming hm.- u [he-l unto mun-clan (non mm mun In 9:- m!» convene! mm m - hum who). a Mum me and. Mcmwomnu uni nluomundivlfl' «Tuba. 7 Romm- "~me hvahcnbollmnullmpulwu on in puma m. a Runn- m urbmnor mum. lla- bl “mumm- hum mg nu! ma wlung on! m- int n. mu ma up am 0! many, mmmlul not w an... n a: and u. norm 9 than m. Mo 6mm an“: n "- qlinau nun undo! mo mm'n-nilold Ramon u cub-"um and mmiloid by pulling it uh: m. man: ho- ": rumm- ma ml cum-9mm Mlch h scum: hy mm 5mm noun-a luau: no me an chain mid mm: by the. Sum bum. 4.3 Eamon the kicknan mu 4.100 Plenum the par (rump-ya bola ma V «a - vru nab Lin 0" m. driven on! m 4.14 Roman m lefI-hond .ngim out" cavev 6 J Home the hand Mr , 1.1 k. altovrt it to tn lifted clelt. _ . . .t' 13 Flo-how __ pliel Wk“ citcib and null o" the crochet, firing Ind Inn-mutt drive mg. 15 Remove the lekhend lmlnl oover by undoing tour arnrn era-head saws. ‘.~ 15 Remove the stsoolng nut truth the top engine boil then remove the enalne bolt nul III.) the loellhengtre oott nut. is Swpwt lhl iron! at t e noltte end tutorewtheton engine bolt, then allow the and»: to drum. l7 Free the almnetor clfln and the engine. With- drlw the bottom «tyne bolt, whlai now treat the anoint and 5 Ditn-ndhuIV—ilnflmlmx . out.“ Won commencing work on the engine unit, the ext-trill esdaoet should be ate-ted thoroughly. A traitor qua englne has very little error-nice lrom roed grit and other Ioreign mettar, which will tlnd its way Into the dlehttttlea engine this simple wmian it not observed. 0m of the pmprllllry engine cleaning oatrtpounds etch as 'tsvnlt' ten be two to good often. pertioulerty lf‘the comund is ellorted to work inlo the iilm at oteere anti oil before it is washed ewey. When warning down. make sure that water cannot enter the moor-mar or the eieetri I system, pet-ticuletly it these pert: have been exposed. valt u. undue lame to rm my nubbom pm, unlesx men made of thlt reqttirement. Thor inverietslv good route a pm is diitioult to remove. often because the die mending operation has been nckgdfit 2' wrong sequence. lat-trending will at node antler T? e tirnpte engine stand il connrumd the! will ontrewttd with the ehphe mounting points. Th' "rang-mum will permit the complete uhit to he chmpod ri at», to me work omen, leaving ooth handrtree. B Dmnlli‘tg (ht Eng e/Gurbox - Hlnmflnfi IN Cylim H ltd C ndlv 1 Before the Minder heed can be tidy-d. rt monetary to rumovl the overhead cerreheit min,“ torocket, oorhplete with timingchain. 2 Remove the 6mm pelt frnm the centre of the rigtt-hond camshaft cover. This posses rigtt through the cemshstt and when wilful-"wt will wmil lhl left-hand [circulm cover to bl "mom. :1 R-movu also the righthmo (tinned) cover, sfier ununwlnw the two no: heart screws. 4 Rotate the crenkthelt so that the piston it at top then centre Ind chuck Milk-r tho ‘0' muk II III 5dr M ".109 cumin“ meek-t it in line with the nmm at the centtheft and the centre oi the orenksheit. There isa mark writ-i on the cemtsox cutting which it intended tor alignment purmm. it may no nee-eatery to rot-me the eug’ Ivor-I times until the '0’ mm: exectlv coincides wilh this centre line when the pietnn it et top seed comm (TDD). 5 UnIJIuw the {hilt 6mm halt! "In (luin It! mmitlfl drive tap umckm I0 "is cumin" Ind wimfi'w "It cumin“, luvin the sprocket and oh n in the eylinoer heed. 6 Remove the cylinder head nuts and withdrew the cyl'etder had, allowing the eamlhafl ”rocket and chain (a drop lhrough their tunnel in the mting. 7 Never lemon the cylinder hand before the carmhnh unlock" is removed fmm the camshaft. 3 Hanan!- mu 6mm ml! And Mlhlr from tho [mound llfl at [in CVIIHW Dir-l. Ind fillwaul XM cup chain Quid! rullr. The c7 rider banal can now he slid llong ITI- holding down and: untit it It char ol the crankcase 9 It m9 90¢an I'll nm blcn remand "am the frame, it i! ‘ " ‘ a \ ' s 16 Client" "Engine, clmat Indigo-that tt mgr. goth pea-l ehetn and “not om. ehsrn em", neon-iv ta remove the Ilflrlllnd atone oovar Ii ductibod ln llllke Iiid ‘ Nil... Section e14. ‘ 12 H mm lam eating and the rut broke nod-l lllum , spring. 7 Dlen-trtslrtg Erin-I (It-box . removing the Pin» end Mort are. 1 Thu ”apnea o'er is o! the fully Honing Iwe. retained 17v tvso wire cirelips in the piston bosses. Alter the eirellps have been removed, using pointed note pliert, the pin can be tapped llghtly «turn the piston. 2 Non the Dino" is merited with en errow end mun be positioned to that the arrow points downweros. u the piston ls evening. 1h mount will u mmued un lite Dillon clnwn. 3 Remove the oiseon ringt by expending them gently, using extreme are bouu- they are very beinll. ll they prove diffiwlt to remove, slide stripe at tin behind thatn. to help use them from their groom. The top piston ring is of the cteorne type Ind thoutd hm the mark 'top' on the vooerrnott ieoe. The set-cud ring is tepered end should hate the 'Inp' mlk in e simil. . pasilion. A slatnd nil want mtg is tilted in I!!! Iowa! QWDOVI, which En la: lomtsd with either fan uwlrmuflt A—.——__.._.—__—_ l Nun-“ling ml Win/Gluin- - "Inviting (h! valves uni rotten .r l The rocker ermt ere rlmmnd by withdrawing the rocker arm them To inmate remotel, the them are Intern-Irv tleeatied end en‘engine boit can be mo in end utedto pull them out - 2 The taives tee retained by a pair at split ooltetr tn the too call-L To remove the velvet the sprint mutt be compressed using e veive toting camper-r or it one il not minute (or it too large), a spanner end timer can be land at e sulauitute. 0n removing s velve keen ell in components together, then remove V 01! oflllr vllvl, Iain}; ml not In mlx ma two nun! pr“. 9 Dian-mung the Enoinolmflnx - leeinq Ilw lit-“mm lulu 1 Lock tit! nine by placing a [It through tho wall and Bf ml connecting rod Protect the crankcase gmket iece with two pieces 0! wood. to mitt dlm Ind tub-quot“ oil leekege. 1 alumni-10m rotor Mll wlll I will!!- ring nannrur mill. 3 The rotor is retained and locmd on the then by means at a teper and woottruii key. Use a (Wu-leg puller to remove the rotor. locating the pgller leg on the remiorced centre at the rotor. I1 I puller it not e Hattie meke up Iwa bent pile“ cl trtetel end whiln holding the engine up by [In-I, up the flank» M spindle e mm blow lair: on the reintotced centre which Iiouid in: KII: mini. We flculd h lion not to durum "1| “trad! by vcplaciny th- nult on the and 0! {ha IDMU, below uingl dritt. . to nisrrtantiing the Engine/Gearbox . nemnngtl: ttator plate 1*“, t R move the two 6mm oountereink crassMad sum retaining the stator plate. 2 Pull out If}. neuznl light indicator switch land from Ihe IwiIch utminll end lltt out the hunt piste oor-nolete. Note the ruhhnv O-ring around the perineter oi the “not pleie, -‘ tt Din-tiling the Engine/center: . Renewing the cum" ehein van-toner 1 Remove the omen chain. , 2 Merk the position at the oamshm ehsin tension-r outhred by scribing a line on it where it meetnhe erenkesse. 3 Slackzll (h: diam Iocknut and slacks" til adjuster new I Canal: at items. This lre_e's the pushrool. s..__. 1 *ens‘i , an Angn my liming mark as Human the whim cam emu suing mllw 7.1 mm mu punm c|rclip 31¢ filmdmg m lul TM the mini»! mmnmnk um A.“_‘AL_. _ 111 L101 a” nu imp-niac- cm l3 2- Lih on! (M clutch flop Din 4 Romain mil plug boll on III. unamu' uI lhl mint Inn hold- nu tar-'onu in poiilion und run-av. mo mo vinyl an annual. nuIing lheir ordov 5' ' . I. » chm-l IlEnninI. «Incl: Id "box "‘ ' 21 i J Wmmcmmmhm It!” val-my drum and Iill all In- two plum. ano In. lour nlnl H Ihty III lool ' 4 fimvn In: cilclip lmm mu lie ‘ , Mk (II. ulna luring rm'nu all fell“ by m‘ In: "run 12 Dim-min. n- EnuinI/Guvhnl . mun... a. nu: unv- WW“ I am». in. ma cidlp‘ lmm an. (Inn! alive ml: mid lift on nu mam. Du nol law a mumm- thirdnndlinl clrcllp Ira-n l‘lIIindIM vacuum, I: Dlllvlnllin' Iln Emilio/Gum: . Rom-In. In: damn lull-III". mhanlun Ind In. 7mm min.” In Roman "II I“ 5mm mum-flunk duh-Id WI me [Ill clinch awning mach-nil" inaction plat- Inc ml 0" m: phi: - _ Z Lifl out lilo clulch 809 93". WIND! libs-MINI Ind mind: £07091!!! with min. ma o-nng. 3 Hen-luv: the counting luv-r ruling plan by undoing In. 5min countammk audlud can: The counting hm comm-n widl than and lucknur cm now In Iliad out 4 Rm m rum 8mm can“ lam In nu liDhI- «m lid- my Ind II“ [In cow 0" lflM nova will b [M clutch DU'I rod. which cln now i”- Iilmi mil. 5 Elmo“! the (film, guifl Ind swing from the DI!!!- 0! III cinch. 1‘ Dilllhnfling lhl Eninalhbax - Running Ill. 6M Ind pun-v cm I Romain cm loll 5mm munmlunh cram-d mm mm main mu clutch new and Illl m Bum 4:“.le lhloud clutch mm mu: m. unlrilugul hi my. 2 Knock luck "It [ah nl lhl lock wad-r Ind m m clinch unv- nul will: In. Hana Irviu loci or am hallo-Md lrnrn u when of h-vy duty p'u. To slack-n XN um "um will hm In h lock-a Iniug . I. mm the wnnucfng rod ln-ll Ind [do not lurgn Ih‘ wolIflM pin" 0! wood) :- balm. RcI-v In Season al 0! mi: mum. Non "I. mm bdled lock wash-r cm In. uh M‘IIV. J Lin all ma clumh uniI lollom Irv In: clinch prim arm lid in home bum. 4 fi-mml "I. ell-clip 1mm an anvil! pllm-y drlvl plr um Iill m. cm afl in mm. Flnullv lift a" lhe null-l on [manil- lna’ll,‘ nunng lh: Ilrpr llanp hm Inn-la. Is mil-min; nu Erwin-[Gena . swim. m- clutch I To strio I," dun“ um um min was: In In. chum plan, tho :lumn m haw to In com-nod. TM uni-I wry lo accomplim mil is In put mo flumh into 3 via limo wlrn um views and car-fully column llu clutch unk. using in pun-w the any and mm rem "n In; chclip. On My the will"! mo clinch um um I: mmd w upon lhl clmdl luring. 2 TM clinch mmr’nln‘mn mock chum-v spring: an be nmlmd by prising man. on wlm u mum. m. FiniN m In. mining finals»: 5 Pull on! tho oil Iilhr Inn-n loan-1 In lhl- humm OI lhI 12mm. 6' Runw- “II dun 6mm and“ lam Will-weft!- mu lino! in 0.- oil yum-nu lm il on all unn. We" puny ruling mipping an: to cum. 2 Sonic!- u .. ; 7 Emma Iho 6min hull Inal rut-in: In. gm rdmrn. Thll lull in loom-d win-l m- mbew slug In In Iflmmk- m ho". I7 min-nullwlv- En’lIMx - s-p-mlnlm m— ___ I anaw ml Iinhl 6mm malt-d um 0nd hum IN erlflkm I’lllvu by pulling “am am. N [M In dlfliwh Ia nun fillt chflk mu! mwmlflg Nu bun KM aid 1' III is camel gritty up around In: umkcd Mun mm a Illa In: hm. DO NOT PRISE THEM APART WITH A SCREW- DRIVER. II mun-nub. III suing/Bum: . m lb- Hm Ind-l md ’u :lunw I TM kickmn-r wink canal-w with It! umhn un now bu Iilud an... 1 To aim-nu. "I kick-Pun: mum IunM, in. and ($1de h- In In mm m- filming me man" Ind w campin- fork: am now bl liftdoln HI moor-Illa. MII Mile ml not '0 lo. my 0' III mm" Mll- 19 mm I'- Ewhbnl - Win. Malt“! -mlly I In. crlnku‘ brim If. u liding Ill III mu “Hm” hwirv In I’ll anus-.111: sunk!!!“ my commu- wilh b-rIlIul MH'IIMIW “on tho amic- hIII HIM dmlwfly,uim adv IIIM Wm. ummmm-mn I B'Inm tilmi'llml "I! am: of 1M dilmlmlud ouch" unl! Mr vol-r, It '- I'lIlill 11-! [My mm I. m Immlv. U. I plrlIIiu/P‘Nl mil In I‘m III "II! a! old oil-m1 In“ which ".1 m maul-ha MINI! III mint. 2 Ext-II". III. mum mlml fflf and“ of cm. Iiwll of dam... ll . mall is alum-red, II will uquin 9(0le mull. J Ellnlim Wally llch m In (tannin. VI. ”in! M W. if nlu-IY chalking will. In. Kohl-II:- fiurn “fled In all Swifilatians Socflon DI "lit CMDIIV. ‘ U. l clan, “MAI“. "910? cI-ning md drying Xh- vlbll comma, amuwlse mm II link a! IT." p-Iiclu mm m. inumd oIv-w. u Di-n-nllingln- Enable/Gaul)“ - numvlnnh- .— when» mum, ham mum .Ipling Ind III ”III _*— I Know m: an: niacin: ponnv- nun pivot ban mall" an me my um and wring. 2 Unch (h. wall all-ml owning Im Ind pull am In. whol- :Iecnr oomph: Mm th- our In- mull. lazing mil- and mum vinyl mags-a ......~ 2| I'CMIMM B‘Ill.‘ Ellln'nuinn-Id W i I FIINI’! of I!» “find bring is imi-hly WWW by D knock hum wllhin lhl cunku- nu mourn-duly bum; wan. San. "bf-{Ion will II”- M Ilufltfleld. III" MIG I- nc Vin“ vhv In (I. big-GM Ming III! "In old nil Ill bun wash“ um. I' Mn 3 IIIII’ lmnum a! Dlly I: Ovikm, lb. hiring il dun I07 minimum. [b no! run I"! mmhim with I A .1 ”.2: Knack back {he um D! m- an my M21: The woman-d dutch nul '00! :SH I4 2: Usmme low l6] PHI! w! the Molt sonny: .- r» ‘ 15.13 Usmgawce us mum to ma nmav-I Mcimlb (“mar ,n. V... 5 ..- LJIZ. ll lbLIllml 15 2 Unhook 5nd nu am we 9w nlqlw 1 w ‘ - 16 3 Remove um um llaclol drum leIl ,, -‘ ’ Nammqompmmlm. s!- I < . . o. ".7 Film” IN Inn-Mod I“ v. donor tum Don 15.5 Ramon! m. on! pump “'1 ’ ‘ ' .\ h '4' 3 ‘ cram: 1/Enflne,dum$1 m gumox . "g r‘l. '3‘: ‘z I! n nun-u my having unam- '1). wind m 'm-d InI: mammal; Ban-dung I Noun Inn. Map Mn hm IN mmvunnlu ‘ ‘2' ' 3 Film! M m. main man.- "um-ivy Lac-mu lh'onnal In mum. rum '9‘!" g-‘homm mm m mlm. .mm- . ma h, vlhmm. “n- vhrnhn an .- ifln mm ‘ mong- mum“. - , r' 4 Th. mum-h mtin baring- n’bf mu flllfiwfisfll lfi . v VII-HIM!“ In muflo'moffivollf pmhu'humm - may mud. m I To mm m. mun uflmwoarim mllumniI-bk 4" Mme-hum. menial uni-hurl»: um mo. na- clamp-d hummmmdmmksflr Ina-UV win a mid- rug-Ila! Ill-Inn nMvnhna-Ik- Mmmn-n.mmm mnlmfid Imam hmflhmkwim-qMIWMw nu- ma chkn puma-v mwhu momma" Ink»: 5 Noun Human-rim *hwnmmhmh- ' ‘ 13 final ’ 14 DOM ' 15 Do"! A m lmm KM mum Info" luau an I! will“ tun-pm Wknitnu-dtolwomfiul 1;) vIlP-r . _ 22 kai- l he)" ma mmmbn imabdlvmn cyfimirb-I‘inud ' Mammal! Ind piston iv, a milk fiMmmhlinholmlmmtfi-MN (VIII. tip 1 0" Inn of "I! ”lit bird hon-ulna awfully. It will b- foundmu m- lu ridgoumumm Mun-dupe: M which wlll vlfv according m an Imunt M' van! "I! has uni]; pm. Thu mm the Ilmlt o! mvul cf the um. «may. a , . - W- an mm diam» Inn Maw In. rldm, um mm. Calm-’- nfi mug Mm gm hummMMuynr-drhmu. mlefin—mum‘uhlm‘o u an ant-vana- In main. mm 0.006 Inch II Ismfi' hiv- nowllmM-flhnrmm-Mmuw ' . :l llmlnbml mmrkmmlmfi. .Ir. . when r!- M m In mun-i 17/ ‘Vl-Rh It, *“ . ‘ .5 I -- , . 'r ’3‘.” . J . .1 . . ~, x‘ ‘1 I '_ J hum-mun- "6 . .1 Cam-huh s Vanna-u w ropeouu u rmmm, ‘7 ‘2 up»... 1 Whom-u] yummy/w - ' . J lust/nan m 14 rmldum‘ngm ‘ 4 mun-M o ”lingual” _ noun mm 5 5mm a 9 Vlnnringinnnr ~ mvk‘nnh hwuwxmmmmm mung-J17 “huh-«Imwmmnw m m In! an :yllnbv mi oath-mundane! mm, wilmhnnulhaum. H I M thounucimwlhmm'ov ml mum-Iv my w 11‘ tiny but nulud ham an ltlh' main. aim av dmium-m of m wagon pm. A «but! wnl I- nca-7v m nmuw any data mam-mm. bum-am o! ‘hv mum cl hon war. och-Mt- I mun-ton M will our. a tank mu xh. oxnmd w‘lhgflnl m m d Mu an. mhwi- m. a» m: mi. (M301 "Inc WrN-fitwlll’llplmnm .._____.____.— "atmmm-uimuw ; nun-hymen". mama-mummi- hum M nil b Wm Mauriz- Malcolm. Hm! vmolm'mmohnnmn ain'- :1:le mmmummm Flnim onby whl‘hl ,Idlhmofllfll.nhnubmldmlm unmwmmlmn. Mu-mmamh. 3"!“an ocainhdh warm-«dun nmhknmlbrmdmfidhhummon mum. dafl'huvmydnhwmv-Whflulhfl- “I'D-0*“. :- Daphnmmmlbbmmfihn, ' ".mnrwlommltllfiflml'h ‘ " ”hummlhmmmmmrmr ‘1 :lmnlla‘ ‘ RM lam Cor mall control flog. mum luau-1mm ml. II II mm! mm mmuf—uuoemvonlnmn 5 film VIM unri- mmndbwm Wmmrmm-nm nhnn Indlrr-nln'm-nlmhcy a: bow-- UIM'MG‘OMM In. pineal.» Iouu m wonmnulv IX inch-u [mm m In: OOIIIMMtthnmnlI-vnnlqunwlmmlm* ‘, mam-Imam palm-hm: pup: "mm-M mmwlnnwm awning gunman mum. man-m- m I2 W'Imhv mnfi- . mm p' . 1 Mnmwlmmmuaunmlmufi’m V,V-. a. \ -A~A.~*—~'—-—w. IL!- Ovdu a! My M m- pubs: Mn (N _ T." and a. . .5, 3-“ 25 VIIVCI. VII" huh am! VIII. Gilli] - Eumhllion and innovation ’l Aliar cluning lh- vulva: to nmave all mm 0! cl’ examine ih- had: far sign of Dining and burning. Burning the yawn sears in ihii cylinder head Ti- iglhaun vain and' n: max will probably tannin ihe non malnn banana Ilia: am the hone! mnning of "in two I' the Dlfilwh Ilbilb fll Mk: ‘ can be removed by grinding me mu ar‘plm iognhei iulng ilna valya grinang mmnund. 2 Valya grinding a a smple iaik carnal! out .‘iollima Since; n (we: oi line valve grinding command lnq'borummri pm.) an iha anal ran and apply a lumen grindilg idol id lho had at the VIIVE, or use a scvewdrivel in th. slut In luvalw Mad. With a :mi-ruury maiian, grind in the yam had In Its an, using a backward and forwlrd mlon, It in advilbll to lift my Valv- occaiionally, to diivlbuta KM windlnn unwound manly. Repeat this agar-lion until an unbroken ring oi Iiwil gray mllt linnn a a man an bani ya {and iaai. This danmar iha grinding uperalian ls mmplele lure paging to lira nan weruiian. make quila sure ihai nll lrauas oi the grinding cumuuunci liav‘e been ramoved lrdm boih in. very- Ind Ill .n' and dial r‘i'one has enmrgd the valve guide ll «his main is no! chimed, rapid men! will lake glam, due m the abrasiv! rlllm! oi Ihe cllbamndum Butt. 3 when deep: pii marks are ancouni‘s'r‘d. ii will he nee-nay an analé'ai 45‘! Meier resort in axaasiie grinding hora-l! mix will anly paekei ihe valve and lead in ramgad engine ellicimcy. ll mare ix any dnum ahanr ihe gonaiiion al a valv one. 4 Examine ihe canditiml ai ihe yalg- aallm and rha mm the valve in which ihey seal. ll ihere is any sign oi darn-ga, \neu roplmmanu should be viii-d Ii ihe aolien walk ioaae n ihe engine is running: a valve will drug in and cauaa damag- a, . _ 5 Mann. ihe vulva mini iar M. making ralaren‘aa la the iole nu velim given in ilie Splciiicntlons Ssnibn al ihii an iar. Chaak also the valw guinas. ll wear ii wider". llie cylinder had will need in be replaced it ii is oi the em iron iyga In iheee cylindel heads the vain guide; are an inmgal peri and unnm be replaced. Array cylindn head: are lined will- deiachable valve guides, which all be removed by heating lira a. cylinder head in an oven than Lama linn diam‘mzr drill in aliv- ' rhani our or position The iniilsl dianieiar al ihe dr'm must be a sand tn ilizlln ’yelyn guide mm. Ribbe- with ma new value gisrsaa whnanhe under head is grillwann: .. xolnmcei in in. hpagiiicaiiane II lha wings I laugh afiilihni any doubt abounhnir mniqpon, f whim“ ”alum ~ If fining has n’iiean lamkan annual should ‘7' $7153. “:W F’ufli an he “mailed by llw indicicui iii of EM 2 magi-Jacki, sham and rum arm hue diamaz'ai v'iiih g miunmml' Ind i1 ‘ nbuin ,i- lo use a valve reiacing naehina and also a valv- sis-I cum at In! cy '-. a Cheak‘iho'UJN-ngih cl (h. an». springs againn tho lm oi finnéfl'fin only ii lhis is" "‘"m “"4"" 9"“ Elihu-it bmkln or hem worn | n Ind In. immd :Iulicli plum a wuh with .- i mix Ind chock theI uigy are nol hicklod ar dis- Behiava all trade; ni dutch linen debris. olhawrsi a Elma-up will ailecicluich mu. ’ mlpdcliun will show Mull-i the (chum oi th- clum- MW: banal"! blmulzl and whuhai ildultaiioni hair: in me dais with mach they engage puns shwld ha rmuad win. a tile, whichfiarl Alm he need In dreia the den. wavidzd the damn bl In: indnninilone II no! “)0 unit. 4 Chock mi thickm I ll‘ lricllon lining in the insarlad plum. ll' lire linings have worn lhe plara ihuuid be replaaad. , Worn lining: prov-now climll slip. 5 Chock also me live length oi in: oluich wringi. Da nor clump! to much the spring. if my haw command They replaced when may reach lhe m'aeahle ilmit, a a i. To mmhlo m iha pmmnln smlon 15 um. 29 Enflm handily ~ General l avian ruumbly ii cummneod 1h- v-rlolu origin. and guabox wmpunani: should be moroughly cleaned and plaoad clan m iha working and 2 Malia umll iramal In. aid geekau hm been rundud I‘d ihe mulnu nil-on an clean and urn-mod. Ono oi me but way: In mime nld psku unum il in hwy - rag hank-duh mthylmd spirit. m am as n solvaiii and will murl «he cunani i: rammed wiihoui mun lo ear-ulna ml the coup aueniptk al darn-gr. . e mi ragerher all in: wry iooii Ind hm milabie en . ail aan lillaa with clean engine ail. Make aura hm dl the new Iran: and all seals-mo hand; noih lmoruilunruling llien * ' ing $9 stop in in. middle 01 a runway nan-nee houuu . .iiiial pike: or rapilcilhinl he. been Lwlvlookld. l "Jule me mmbly area is cleeri and :hai Khan is ndn" rking mu. Ruhr in the vol-qua and clear-me mink val ihey mg'nnn, Mlqy ul lhe mild: bolls an ' nuily In! W \lwy an aim-lightened. Always um ma barren ah: 3." 'VB bit for Ihe most had sum and navy ll'l nrdinarv wmdrivar Or Bunch. '! 5 Emma Ill lull W In doubl Iblltu (Mi! condition. All" replacing "hem groo- thlir lol’mfi fur Iv 'mllilm is!“ inlnim Without iii 01 Miami aux magnum I naming th- arankilian, gem iii- gum arm 2 Aeen'i r run-cm. ill-iii in iha cam . Voranr. Do i luv!" any of I Wuhan or lune-ls ‘ 3 am rhe aaraemr an we selecrar drum making sui- inkig dipl are Iii-rind ilia ear-reel my. Mi large! iha null al lighi lndlumr "hm com-cl. , *tlngniha aelazior drum and fork; and me two gearsham wl1ll - em mama asa unil animals. in rhe animal wt! realm mi: in ihamnliaaie .35 “ i). «J. 27 Trajajifilabll ganipalanunu Examineiian aria Hid-amt!“ Jr W“! nan-nay - Joining (in unlike-II heli- 39:5! ‘1) Glam“! Simon 1310' Udall: of KM Gil Mp. .» minim fi fi- M’ake I Ifun coiling oi will]! com-m x2 umk In iii hollnw don-l all- are in poflt'nn. nu rin- ganknpndldmr the rigliiiimd crmkuh on to th- UNI-lion'- Thu lwo him ihould lucng ingediar willioiri i ll». 3 Replay me liflll hm would m thhfi final 5 WM: ihe kioknamr ralchei gum and spring an id ii: . ‘ bow til 98k“ fl)” d mmnkul MI! - _ 1“. 30 Chnpw IlEngim. Hindi Ind ulIrbox ‘ u mule-nu n-nnlhlv - mini Haul-ah. Iho pIr m 1 finale. nu mo me plan ma Mrplmohh. par-imp: G'ImL TM but plnt In a! lull longlh. III! on. will mutt mm. (mm m alum: drum to In -- . loan-lg pln. m: Rm! Ill-um um rh: um plll. on th- um! M II- dun il cumuv "gill-rid. Tum VI lllfllll W In! iiI I'll m b0" lid m luml'llofilrlndo'dllmfium.flqllulh in in 8mm pivot ball I» lhurmkc-m :n Elfin/Glut“ man-luv - an' n1 naming "I kick-un- I'm win. I‘idl kiamr orllln on I: milit'nmwl'll nlimd mini. Yum I'll m :bckwi! «mil I’ll mac! II- urinn unin- III"! Ionian DI unkn- mp. Loon Inn-Ida! Ihl Ilium NW Guild DI all“ Iug "hill Itching Ihl ‘lh'hl Ihl Mlv clodlwlu wiflofl. 2 FR Ifil tithing tidb Ind flick III-I ”II “In kbkflm «It I-lltrlI 'umion nomiy. II will In {cw-y . um an pum- n l-cllhnu rh- chldllng ol m-uhcmmmm lazuli-laun- n—puy - mean. ll- oll‘pmnp, Flmd'ivllndullm'l . l lupin I». oil pump usqu I m plat llfl ugh-n awn Ihn Ihrll Mm III-hing ROM mlmlv, 2 Fol-u nu W on rh- ennui-it will in In "rip polmlng inn-mun. FiI in. win-w driv- plnion arm III 9..» be: Mmdncull kid“ Incifdlp, J OII Ind nob: Ihv cluth hula. we "I mmkh prim ddvl nun maho- IIIl chm HIM by I'- Whidomd am I'll com My mend Ll. I? I'll! I'll mulling ”ouIIidu" an In 1-6 wIIIlIhlm In willanIlln “Wm-id . llnmv m. clumn ml. my. in up". mu. m min- wll luv. ho ho lock-I I7] phchlfil M Ulloofil I'll mil-idol“!- eomlulion rod. not 1min: lo uuyromivt packing I-Iw-n m V Ind I'll put-I Ila. Knot? car [he lib: I)! fill (lb wIIMr. l Rapha- m clumh mu plau- nun.- "um. _____.__._..__—— S Elfin-(w r—mfly - Nari. th- IdI-lnnc m “mt-ownin- mums-n a EllwlIIG-lhx mum": Hamill. I'll. unlit-II ml» I “union - ., '1- I Hi an. aim, gum. and name way im m mm , ml. 2 min. m thlltll name his Ill ugh—ma Ila- new: 9 louflrwfln m inIn m hol- mid-a. 3 HI I on: aim. rill-no. ml Hymn In- light 8mm mn- r—s m Mul- dlllmnr mu) in . dimnal ml mu nqllonee. 6 Rap!” rhe clinch owl-(inn lwu sculpt-II with in naming MM Ind lodmul 60"on IN IN .fllnu all. whim ilnhlmd " ‘byunlfinmounumrk mull-n1 mm V (in-I- Ind ln-n an um um um sunli- annulu- W own a- u "DI-all a mu}... ll awn, ,w hurry-d noun law In anathema _____._—L—"— 1 Born 1h. arm-II Iorldomr Mai by tar-win m pivot boil Inn: Iblcrlnkel- FII mm chin 2 Rum lln unis:- mood willl maul-ma "at m: Walling cum «on m. min- lld m in on lock gar-w so ihnrlurodamthwuuumxw mum-nick and. an n vii-n abut-nan. Lock In. aqua-v mm with in 6mm Iocknln . :l Flu-la m. was union-v spring (III! I'qhur win. 1. inn-ma In) Inc an huh- undourmiumr Imw. Rwllfl «a plug hall um um. ' 31 Elwin-M- m-mbly ‘ Full». Ina Pinon Ind mund- nnml f~ I Aulmhll m. pmnn nn lhe cannaung m¢ will: me ”law on In. amen crown luring damn-mm ll "IV In my In Mmfimninwm wmrtommmnplnm Inn! Ihl gluon “I. “W IN WW nil fi'diw, fluckiru h Il-Ifl IM In"! clmfipl I. Ioand aouiflvlly In I’ll! groom. AMI "I Illvl cilclivl - W rl~ul I'- oriflnlh fl “Odd-NI to own uh. mum at Ih. mun. \llilh my during Ihh ovulation II I drain IIIII h, II "Iv In literary Io dlvlllnfll (I'll Irvin. -Inl 2 mm m nimn vinl ub- wlm me Soocmadom m1 -mblI the rings In Ill-iv "mm". VON/u. chucking lo null. um rm rm TOP nil-ling an hath «amnion rings “on up- wardl. Thl chmm ling SIB-Illa In If. M yum! of n. pl” J 5010!! I'll DIIIml II In-md in» If. cylhwrll I'Ilu“ l'll'l drivl chlin nun I- fld (New In. lulu! can In Ihl cyllndu MEL Th3 :II'li mid. 'oIIlI mould III) I! "not! I! I'll! lllg' and Inland by Lhc plrl In '0‘ ring a! III“ um um) I'll Ub'ludfifi M "I. cvlht IIII’IL 4 Pi! I now CYI'IIH II- Ulkn Mail I'- Ilill'nl [Id “In cvllnfl bore. 6- III cylilal bun-l dam III: lon‘m down mm: and wilh Ih. pimn m I commit“ Milieu low-r I'll Mil all! Ibl Dim" infill comm“ I'll vim ring. will IhI filly". Chuck mu lhu ring ”I a: "wad Ind rlm ill lim with "an am, w cut dawn communion ion add an II no“ Mlfln (VII Iinfi nu Illng mmwmd Ind ln-md Into "I. burn! bum- Ihlv an brink Ind will tar-Ir vary ally, 3. Enpinllurmx flmfly ~ Huh. "I DIIhd- H —_______—,— I Mon m- Mindr Md en la- um m i!- Inulna «mm .bu lulv I—rrlbhd. AIM iI rllly Inne- Mil-Io minu- Ih- roan: Mall "a mum: had is uni-d dawn. Ihk knoI so ,In chi-a. Thu rod-r phldn u- lminodby I'l- Innhnhfina mautflm wmmqlmw-mmpmh arr-Wu ornpllud unit: In- cyllnar In“; in Mad. 1 Ln»- ihe orlinmr hull only It- wily-d: hum, railing mm In ind I'M amt-ll arm chain mix-ugh In. mud on! in IN mm o! 11w bud. II I! now-Irv 0 loop Illa chin wound lhI Inw- urmnm unlock-x owing Ihu mural-on wass'ng both through Ihl tunnel. TM cm In up! Iopll'ur by using a Wh Ihmugh nu «ma at ii my: I) mu mlv m mull-d In clo- pruxlmllv In m- “in, whlln II- had i! boll-dam. I'M umuhaft is "II-dim Ihl rMI- fund lid. of I'll aim has Mm lhau'k nmalom cl-lln lo: Ill: mm no pl- IIlmugh‘ 3 Nol-IhnIduvniI-f llmummmimyw ndh—l-ndnoIIun- ring-Ii. 4 Fltmflnncd yin-wlmrhuowim Fm,“ pull down lv-IW mum lorquI mm:- nil-vale. 5 B? R In). AhmIlrlmu-nainmlmlum In III-aw maul-mm hue-ll- I! nib, cvlT-rdur hid will dual-I hl'ly. Ther'l Ian-num- ball on Ill. uh hand I“: a! In. cvllldlv hold hm hm: lug-cub cumin-fl Imam Imam. - Chm I/Engim, mm and gum-o- 3" , . . ‘ '3 . ‘1 1 J’ I C'. “ ‘ mIAman—mmmmw , i * 1 Lmucmm- l Minivan .I mum ‘ moon! '~ , m l Sliding»: _ r fireman-r warm . L 2 Mama»! 0 all-molten: ‘ 1 Basin was- -0 1"qu ' 7 sum, mama—nu mm - ~ 3 Dn'nmroclm a span, h u 0!!le 20m .-.. tzronar 9 mmkmn = 15am» 21MB '- r. , . ~ ‘I . . .5" s: . r‘mdbdowlhh,Ikhllhh‘dtfiuwllnflnm.fih Imam. anmmmmmmmmq- mun-fish“. ' > . «mum- ma an: m m u- m undue-i . . \ \ Wan-mm» In. l mmbrmmhmw Mun-I F —————._ Jawm-mmy-flmnhmm ltd-Hm .' . . . I Ran- Ili MM: mu m mhmhllufimam ' mm «hymn-unu-mmnmmmmmm II‘WWMIMWWI. 2 mmmum 'unomum-o mnmll’o’mnmdmu Vacant-1M: h.fil,mo‘elod( Dominant. ion-hamm- WJ’MHIIH‘IIM “mm wait-m Mm 'O'Iini‘n'l. . ’ l‘vmmwmmmummmwbu. ”mummnmnmn—mmfimm— mvwmmmmmumgmm i mmAhnuu Rmminp m" Comm Maker Comm mum oiling fen own; left Condenm { d 9 a. v.s. Goat-m»; 7 Condmfar ‘ f3 Gena/afar “7th a Generator comb/era 14 Grommet s Wugaer Lv: ‘ 15 Wm" Y0 Gmmmr row! 15 01/ ml 11 Gmmrw mar 17 thing 12 Gmerawr smwr, I. ; ‘(N’ . ‘ ‘ 31.2- 016.7 of unholy 0' KM pump "when a, .: 302‘ Order 0! assemhly ol the unrbox uymah . nu. th ofau SI luembly 0' lb: 5" 30.2, fiver M Jammy at m. '1! max luvshlfl box wank 3 '4 30 3b Rm‘ace the neunaa hgm Indbca‘of x'wuch Ionian 3.35 No“: the Wm pasifinn a! the dowel pin retaining CHI” 30.5 Assemble m kicksianer mam-x, gear on us shah . ' . ,. .‘ ; 31.2 Eh "I. mm.» balm Koqnlhlr t. \ ..4g ‘ -. 3? 2 bid" at an: may of me mum: mm" . Mr. . 36.110, ‘5 , de A , ' » ' ~. r 0! nxmbly DI (he guvbox luyml 1 m polivion win- nu ma 6mm munununk mum-pd nor-w]. 2 m nuulrll “9m inacami switch should m h. recnnnomd. a Rtphca m moan." um mm m mniumn snindlu no mm m nmmmov mmr mlklnn am w my. m Ikcy with m SID! 4 mph“ m min! wast-u Ind-m ma (inhun m: was: TH any": mil team have to he lock-u into amnion m tummy mu , 4| EnginllGulbox [MIY may!" and iguuon nmnl t . Rfler In Chap“: 3 Section 4 10V dlmllL ‘2 Enrnl/Gllbol Rot-WV - Musing III- Tim I The mom mania ho named to 0.002 Ind! cum-m when m engimi cold and mo panor- il :1 m and an". Kroc! nu ma comm-ion man 2 To may: uppm, mum in luck um u m. and 0' my rocker am an mm m pummu min-m umii m. clear- Inc! u :05"!!! u imam-Wu .' Inlay-non. Maid ml nun-w «and lfllufllf vim-iv mun ma lock n‘ux i: nomad nth-MI- n will move and «Pi unmm min;- but. 3 cnmpizuu EM Imunmanl u but: valve; am and ngmm me wen box um axing an 0' ting I-h. u. a spam-1mm.“ Know "1 mix-«win an un- will damn. Inily: _—__—_.—————_.i. u Elwin/Goth” rum-m» refining nu "Iii. into an Mw “Mull mnl 9am 4‘ Enng/lehox HImmMY , ennui-lam Ind Flu-l Mul~ mu [mum-rm dulflv ndgunn-ML 1 Realm nu- way“ u 024 inch 2 fivplau Ami nun-"Sh; rmkm- amn plug mm: m lumP wixh :inn mun: on bi m. v comm-mm Vine-iv The apacny .s 0,7 ii , iun'nvw o panelplnl. Duckimh me dlmick m mnka we 13.. oii u at mum imi. :i Adiun m. min Iluv ire. my Io Lo - 2cm .1 nu am. Thu admamanl is mafll by m. wmw .nu lucknui loam vino: iho right-hand :Ivomod m9“: Iancl'Iln com. _ . ' #69- ahu checklng that l' I. slaved ll 45 3min: Ind Run-MK. _d mum Eniu' -- , * .——r.—-—— ww- mo innill Mir-oz 'u made. run an Invinu gently 'or me vim uw minu' 1' mm m allahmu bit to c-muim lhrnughou! all pad of;- mgim mum: aim ii 3 number oi new am have ham rmm q, if the envim ha. bun nbomd. H WAN be mes-(y Io wqco win-l runningun inurucliom ‘h rim mp mw‘piu M amaldcpponumiy to buddown' ma misiacmw "gun‘- Cluck iov oil iuks ind/u! hlwina 9mm blfma the machine man on me mad. , . 1. . .a....i,A_,u 32.“) Do no. fem“ ma mmar plug Elia-pix. m. an! lunar Mum 32.] HEN 1M 90 live “op mom-n Im .m...’.__ 1 -‘IL E' , I C 38 9mm?" sprocket mm Thfl'ianlr lrm Sa'ocku! roller ”vat boll Spnng mmkq- H. La. ummn an..." m: mmm 7 filling a 7mm pm rad .q Admitmg mm m Adjusting bait 11 flubberpuxh md :51? 12 Rally, , 73 Ralierpr'n , u ‘mam guide wrath: 15 0;! pump erE 76 Bolt. 17 mm , 75 Sal/mg mm» _' 19 mm: ( 20 on‘ng A 2: Nu! , :5 2 men; m- clulch yum rod ung mm m hoie s. ‘2' 35.5 Im thlcluln'b mrllinu mm and upindlu mum by IM . now am 3544 Ber-w us me dutch comma muchmim 37.! CarquHy III ma burlel mu m. pislon 7mg: 3833 Food the chain and crock" mm m- n—u :- it iulid no». the sums -.- a. .1‘ 1 v" r'v'rfir Fa. 1.1. awn-nu m..- mm 1 mm mums. cm: a awn Ina! my 1: Dim mu :0 smw 2 cm" .m- u Sprung 21 Sclvw .7 am» com 9 Guam pm my 15 my 22 Scmw 4 cm" w amen mm plan 15 pin—I 2: Screw ‘ 5 Cami/led ”UPI pluy/ 1’ Dumb lilm Dining 17 01/ ml 24 Scrrw L dvnmclz ptm :5 am. 25 MI! | 5 much 1m: 72 mm. ndiunmgscrew 19 am: 26 Dom! I 7 Spying K ‘, w - “a; .n-‘ ._ ~ - i I 41 g , I Fig 1.5, Clulch l 1 Clutch mm 6 Clutch pmmr: plan 11 Spring calm 15 Lack wadm 2 EIurL-hcuvernrexsme plate 7 Plain clutch plat: 12 Primary min gear ’7 CIm/ip 3 Gmkel E Spnng 13 Clutch am! war 18 Scmw 4 Chum Minn! bunny 9 D-mpmspnng 14 Lock nu! 19 Ballboau'ng 5 Clutch fricliun plan? In Cin‘lip 15 Lock wallet 1 . .7 J 'W—‘IV'TF < f—‘iw‘r _ :Iu Torminguwm 101 mi cylindn and mm, Nan m uI-in In" on 0: bonom rigm—mna uia. :11 Ali, on um. n-rlu 41.3 man. «u ruckov enu- um. n... unno- 13.! um - nu ’1“le rial-cling um um w D—___‘- .344.- . .- flfln~wu~ 17 night cnnkcul 617k" Ll’l cmktm Llft ”In!” Gall" oil nun nonun- Fig LI. Cnnkulo Ind oil pump 5 0” pump Dov" M 01'! film 9 all“! 15 Sun! In [W MIN '5 M 1: DUI!" my 1; swing mm, 12 Urinary dd” '8 Dow! WI! '9 lull MAB» 6"! when" {wt 2 all Sol-cm lurk and: 2 on sumo: M paid: pin ch'a 2 a]! Sol-cm 4mm ruin" nan um n Fil LI“. raw in”! MM '0‘ M 51mm 4 of! Sdecrwpin plate Nu'lwc non lever 87""! 6m mang- mince Gallo! 5""! 1.1 (in! I"! mm an"! 14 61v luau mum .qupin 15 Noam! mun-n cont-cu v5 Mum-I 1mm 17 Nam-l nan-h min. 01m I! Olin: 19 Pivnr butt :1 flunbvrpluy 22 on“ 23 son 24 Seven 25 5am .m- m In film’lh ’17 Layman Layshahbormm Jsr Mnlmhafrucmd 1n ‘ uymohlflmd 3r so." . 3T 7 Wm"!!! (NIH NT 3 “will“ (ll/rd 261' B Minsk"? mp 247 w uymm mp ZJY l . 23:, . 1 v Fin-1 mm imam ‘ 12 w 131‘ 1: Final drivl wrecks! 12 a: 1:7 13 swam "mam, pm. 14 Racing mm 15 Holt 2 all ,r- 16 mam wait" I] Salim mum la" la elm/In 19 aim-cl 20 Bur/baring 2 on u-up- '— ""F:4" l Pinion NT \ 9i 5 W». nulnor s Sui», nah-u 7 Kick mm: mum 2 MM wing I‘FQIM 8 Kick mm mm 9 Thruxl n-h. 12 an”. 2 0” r. ._W .WT... Fll L13. Crinlu'ufl Ind Dismn 1 Oinklhlk anon-My 5 Cum pin 70 Leif hand flywheel 7‘ Wnodruffkty nan-din 5 Gum" pm elm/in n Lek mm l/waeJ 15 Dry end mller 2 own/uh minny 2 a" v2 0mm 22 oil ”mm 7 man-axing rm! 1: Wu rimma urocket 16 Main bI/(bun'ng 3 Piston rini m s not/w mm" 4 Pinon 5 mm hand fly Meet . “A.” ._r_.....«;“___ .4- . V. 4,--,_A ., ._ .,_. A A .. v ( ~ 3 ‘4 ~ I - , ./ Ohm 1/Eng'ml. :1de and won-ox _ . 49 to Fun ui-yn-iu- unw- Svmmam c..- lunacy Erwin. mu not turn m‘r munch slip crack mu ldiuu clmch. Enlinc lurm over m M» not mu swim mm bur vim “mm x Luk o! my Hifl' oil wnumvtion Excmiv- mammal noi- 47 Fun mam-57mm aiml- inn-mom No soak n plug No ml naming mam Too much MI withing own. » Collmtbnllurp inwvm or pain: dnv lgnlllon Ind/or lull I'vfl-II huh Incumct "M alumna-I Burnt vim mowing cylindor mu m: Imam ignition fimlng Imam ignmnn limlnu Fink ill M Wm |neorrm m mama- Eumt VINO! Blowing cvl|ndtv hind gum any worn mum: bunt males pimm on lulu m mam/g. unll cyllnawhnrrfl m Madofvlbwtmo/x pinan Worn vllv- gum- Fnilun M lubdmlon mum Wmng van cum-u. Warn 9/ 'ndlt band (plum II”) Warn big ma baring (mun Wm crank-um owing (rumbln) m. am pm. um check, and: M mum. emu mu mum, Chuck mun urn-kn, ouch mum- u many. and». would um um. Chuck Ind nut. Check comm-lion. um, mum :yhndov hand Ind Imlnl. Leak walla bl vlllbit. LI" cylintv MM and when gum. muck flmmq mark: in! mm uf suing. Sn m Wk Mil lvlnm. chuck and mm Imul Oink comanulon. SCI m‘ Ext-ruin. Dimn Ind cyllnfir w. Mk wflh list 00 tnllr-ncm. Iamny mm o! Ink Ind mw F?! m ring and piston um when, Manama. u 00mm. * 51w Infil- find do um um “mi VII" located. Ro-ndiun. Ruben um “I all pillnn. Fit nlw Carlin-II may. Fi\ mammal wring. Rom-Iv Difficulty m mwing gnu man. jump. out so," Kicknvur am: not rm"! when engine Wm on: of mid Enqmgwua inm-u ml m-chim don nm mpmd Difficulty In mmmg gun. Caren-mos nrky ma mlchlnl mom town. «In Mun amen €qu wimarlwn Over-ling Icllon um Gill Him" no! imxld 00ml“! GI! .Imol hm bin! Worn m on «a. of pinion: Involved swam ml ulna mm Broken wmi-uI-ad IIwm min. Clutch flip Gulch drag amt- mm won; Ind/or clutc- hou nu Unwh may mm on crunhhlh mum DIEM. "Ivld or "wed comm din Chuck mm pin! mpg- lullv Mm III-nu drum. Run-w m fem. Rm worn ninlom. Rm vino. w-nriworwion cow-my. chock alum! dimmum (or puma M Dunn)“. I" in! ally I! MM“ In", Check dq‘nh o! lining. in "I. I”!!! (II elm we». "when N uwlcum nmiu IIIEhId. Check elm adluflmant m me much in. flu]. and: lot burn on Gulch plm to!“ or Immiom in mm. musing do“. om: wim fin. chuck “yum: a! ruining nun nun ll Ioou. m ncw no MI! and mlgmn. Chock cmli Ind up"! if menu-y. Wk- Iurl cum- ll lubrieuwd and fill no 'IIID mm. _ “ALA- A Wyn. A 02mm- Full mum-M lubrimion - par-l amyipxion Forml tmk - mmoval ind Nolan-"mt Patrol no «mm lid I‘M-amen! Carburmw - mull duuimlm Clrwmtor- maul Ind runlm-nl Cub-1m dismanlling and runaway I'M-lunar Miuslrmnu . .. umm‘au— Thnmla cub! und twin unn- r-manl Ind win-mom 3 Air filtur cleaning .. .l . 9 Ethn mm. nilaning 10 En ine luhvication mural mimion ll lilurs- maul, cluninn rid molt-“Int ‘2 Tvochoid uii pump - mmwal xnminnion and mum- 1: let diagnosis - lull wnem .l. m 14 Sfi‘ificlliwli Faun-«equally Lubvlcltion lyltlm “1W .l. Cur-um Main In Film in 1 all-d balm Tl: petrol from m penal mnk l: gmky lad via a m: having In inugnl lilllr to "I "on crumb" 001M Kllhln amurlmr. Thl urhunnar ll of Ihl flxlfl chokl val with l cylindliul mum!- Ilidl. A mull choll Imr il find for mid tuning. Alr kllllmd In a pan-r :Iemsm loam-d unfimaath m. seat. z Mal m » Rlnnvll ma whom-m I II it unllkliv ill-1 (hl pflml tank will nlld m bl remand umm on my infrlqulnt scenic-m hoe-u:- ix don nm mum luau to I!!! will: unit. ”on I'll patml unk cln in rlmwl! the dull all has Iv it «tuchld. 2 Sunken and remmle the lm 5 mm balls at lhl I If umfidl nl lhl III! Ind llh lhl In! all. In a rauvwlvd dimnon. 3 Turn off the Mel and remove {ha pelml Dips lrom lifloer Ill. up, or me emanation Pull buck me rubber mu cllp anhe rm av m wk and IN: ma unk rm m n mwlrd almuoni TM llnk il Immd I! “\l lmnx hv two Iubllf buff“! which Imam in till (ram, 4 To mphm, uvlr: me alsnv- pmcmum. J Fluol up - lenle and llpllllmlm —______,_ 1.0Iimle54lmp g1) 0.7 Mm (113 Imp pin‘ul Klihin Seikl Sfinr 70 35 1 Eden llll plural tau all bl nmlWld "u unk M! In bl Wimd. 2 Thl "ltlr bowl it thrladld to ‘he moi up body-nu cl! b llmomd bv uing - IO m ring ar an. mum Tm pllrol tlnk do“ run PIV- m I: d‘limd In din (M fllw, nruvibd “I Mal up il cloud. 3 Lift out If». 11m rubber who wllhlr and m. "luv pull. Thll wlll reml lhl emu! m "In rlflinl "u up. A unmet»: mublv Ruling “I!!! is l-md bll’wlln lhe bodv of the nu ma mu pawl rank. 4 Hemovo my two alumna womlmm m- plme nut rmins m- up new. ll mo um and lprlng My zn «mm, ma mp lover will bl rlllludl TM Nb!!! fii-Id wmur film Infill!" (M [ED may Ind IN (In llvlf hould bl named, inn-mu of Mum. n app-m damped. 5 Dining namnbly, the Ion iide DI the gland WIN! mould bl liflhllv Wld with vllllinl, In lid thl Imoolhnlu of "I. up wmllion. Do Ila! twilight." my uf 1M oommnlnfl durim runwamhlv. otherwim "In '5 risk 0! winner“ dun” 10 1M wumnk rul‘blr m-hm, 4 can-mm. , am": “up” "I curmrltmr Work) in l widowndvflt pluiliun Ind il ol thl lixld choke tvwi Mixmm wmml i! obtained by a conventional fixed main iet wilh a cylindrical mam: dial and 13- mm m- Mm gun am: mung mm Nu: me my rII-mmq wm N hkunwwmn Lmr mum; m ‘uu‘ nl Smiling with" Fll 2‘1. mm link and up 6 sum. 72 mm" 7 Mm: mm 13 Ruth“ w, U “in: m N MIDI an 5 mm, 15 hunlua ml to Ann! unk 16 Emblem 11 Save" 17 saw - 4A“ ; A; A ‘ ¥ KTHMMWV Auu- G-kn n: Nndll uh- may “Imam Nun» Md no! manly canal-r. Fm! a wow Gummy Ian mun Hon mm name my and pilot 1cm u—mblin mph" Mm um ma 10"”! Nubb" ubi- um Mud! all I" MIDI DID. Clip IEAbinI-r 68mm ISM-Min ”0'70 I 7 MI I“ 35 '5 Float Him! pin “. Lm our rh- up lam, Nola ma rum gland 6.1 W "Illa-1 bowl, Nola "I llu 6.2 Ramovl M "cal ‘ chun- ZIFuu syn-n Ind Iulwieuion 55 « ldiullbll height n—dn, For in ll mom. opmlmu a. pawl i. . fod through a find palm n1 ha (M air and um m. mia'mn s (an-mulled by - "pend mm m h-l level l. gunman-u by . and nu ma upon-d man' um am my. Amt-whom the ion and mu. mm u by nmvul M m. "an bowl ‘nnim I. renlnod by \wirl cllu lo m: mania. ul m Mr. An avmflow m I. "mo in ma non bowl to no: lhuqinu ham bum llo m "on nucl- :1th 0mm 5 Warm - mum-l ml rcpt-mum I Turn o" my wtm| Ila Ind 61-36th "I "all! 2 IJnmrIw m cubmemr lap ma urmllyfiar-w ma Illumi- I Ind needle 3 1! "In lo W! In"! lb. hlfi Mfloldlmwm'll . unll (Mn jun mo prbummr. TM Inln mmneflim ml _ int-ff! wilh lvlv :rv'cinfl DI‘ minimum to "I WWII" and myth": an u left ma Undo me (we 8 mm film It [fl Wimflr III-d Ind Dim irllu nniluu-l .ml pull "- nion-«unreal al lM "Abba! no. on "I "IN Iidal 4 Y0 "plow mom 0.- wow [I'm-e no! 'mw to mm (In :vlht Mlfink! Mimi Fin. _6 cum-um" . WWII Ina n-nmflv l filmva 3'). "on chm l-IIIHV W Briim all “I Ipfing clip n me but of m- :nhunmr mixlng cmmhr. A mmuc lubtlr “I!!! ml! me ioinl how the float chlmhlr Ind 1h! “mumm- mi u chlmm. .2 Homo»! IN Mn. pin on which “\I "on lhmlv 9ND“. T'- "on an "in I'- wkhdv'lun Ind "- flan "DIGI- lifitfl mm In latin 3 The used- II (1.1 bl dim If!" BIO I" hold! Mm remand. bv WIND: in I fiwnw'd dimfion. I Do not u. w‘n w my all-1 mm m ohm lo cut I flockld i. quuI HI huh an Hilly bloom lnllvld Dr million", which will! mbully 8".“ m. Now 0! ml. Ta :10!" mo in: blow than out wlm aw nlv q. loo- pump. 5 To romuvI 2M I‘M. pllfl m. cud. niwl‘ down "I “HI lld "null- n lmm III. lm. VIII m MI- Into IN um- whlch . in mm wlll pm on lmnlnlw ulna cl|p out. luvlnnxho mal- m- 8 Fun»: dimlnllillg n nol rue-1M arm" rcuulndl Tu III-"INC, rill-r- ". m M". afllr Ewing lh' nndh lor I'M-I'M Ind lb‘ (hi «mm- tllfi Ind carburunor body m not badly worn. _—_ 1 Mme: — Mulm’ ———_—_ I All flunmm mould l:- undo-um !“ who I m untmll Mimi-mun. 2 Yo udlun me mm mmlng, n my "fault mp lam n am [hi umlnc mnul - fun lickowr IDIId. : Sal-w ln or am my all m umll vh- nng'm mn- unruly. mum-n mmlng or "win Run-u my «will. and by ulr newly-g me mronl- mp nu mam m. u: m, ll nun-w Do no! miv. n a Iomrlg whnn m- m."- llclu out too slowly. nth-Mk0 0-: l: villl um [I may mu wll-n mu mruttle in chzd. during noun-l "ll-11m. 4 As n mush who mu nlv w lhuuld b- Damion-i lmu on Io on. um I quad-v cumulu- wrnl out Iron “in lully elm-d mum. Sucwlnn m. lir m in mam m mimn richer and via vlrl. 5 Tl- mm 0! durum: in. uflmy. in M mm In, sizu ol nndl n ma tin ol humming in n wrduumlnod by m. m-nuhmrur and Mid by come: for m modal In which may m “a. Check xv- Spocflimbm m maul. n-uln -"°"""'°°'“'°'“"“""" mien an be v1”, u. mvlng m "pl-aim my name cllo Undov norm-l cilbupmncu. m. n-dln Ihould ha Mill-d in .-..-. . . ‘Dh’u Ii. .. -' “ "1“? Hu—v V x?» .1 rmou mm -- .lf Chums: 2/Fusl syn-m and Inbriat‘lon 57 mo menu or mini mum mun-alum nu mp. Dropplm mu .- nudll will wank-fl thl film" and via Vina. s The low mmlng m mmmll Mn. Inna up no wax. inmaly 1/5 lh lhmflll nfl IN ”I. of firm flk‘ mm .. ham 1/” to V- "Ionb. mull"! "- "Hakim Ilk- M. MD ‘0 ll mnnlg, mu m- Imln m nln nanlmll no fun! *4 "a lull mu. m- m m MIN Winn-l: nun n a min mount of owl-o. 9 Mamm'lv-demflmm l T?- «will: an“ an an mnn—d n "- :zbumm ma by «'- lolloww uh- woe-am attain-d lu smiom 5.2 "a” at ms“, - on», v . ; 2 Ta mum m. mu n m. h-ldIt-r ml involvu pvu-llv . alum-mine lhl mullqm lunch somml. Hnmmn lm‘m 5 mm Unlh-d car-m Much allow m mm. m a- pm. Thu min Fl. 1‘ ml Fl". WM win an in nmcvnd by mung l! in . clockwi- dincfion (u L 35'": mm: mm m Ind 0! m moms-r) ma mum n a". 3 ,,,,.,,',.,w, J Unhuuk "I. “W "Dbl. lrom I” Ill“ Ind I"! am ll. 0m ‘ an] In“)! ubll nap. Rumvl m- an. mm m. than no Dull haul lmm m mat-um, . 4 To m-mbw. mm- x!- mm- man-vim loroguim to am- my [Monk Ilkhv and mm win "mun "- Mo 5 mm mm mlvl -' av I “nil-7M“ l m n ulm l: nomad and-mum w- an nu whieh h. m h nmvld to win Ian. SUI Satin 1.! 0' IN! Gain. 2 Yo dun mg iv llnn, nmovl m cloud-bl: olemern and up ‘n li'Mv a: mum noun-and dun. Slaw my Mum m mm. with comma Il' nr bum IN umlm wlm - ligm bnnh. mm um flan-M l; mud- lmm pip". Il i! u tom or dun-pa, m anal-amt. :l on or my will mne- m- michm M m- filler slam! And my «pm on alum-nor, final-u my mum slew-Ian: 4 II in avian" no "pl-cc IM lml n In- lluu Il- n commend 5,000 mllu F. m ln-thul- .1 mm an my may conditloru, the anal Il'u ol - lulu-v «mum in mad at nuke-mm an mound prism-nu. I'm-Vin um I nod-my for mu woumlon to run rich. 5 On no mum mould IN machm- :- um without a: fin Ibmlm In plum lum- lhi‘ will rm- un mum emu an unmuon. 7.1 TM :lrhur'nov Idllumrll lam In Ethl 9mm . canal. Amati" "In "hum lyl‘Im on I louv-mnk- do“ no! 'wln men frlqlnnl IlInllon u "at a! I make, it is mun-In: law-bl: 10 law: In. cumulu- Int-m llom tim- lo llmu ln mum to mum I build-n0 ol urban dun run nu:- Mk plum". if In OMIM iI n-rlnu "I ”IV "VIII 3 "DUI! ix non-w, It It law-bl. to chick "I. "hum lym um Irlqu'lllv. "I. Olly IINII ol the IIIIIUI! Fl! will nu- I mm mold bulldupol ind... ‘ Th. um- mm mm II m Bully bylolbwino (ll- ama-dull in 9|“ 1. Slain (.2. Z T'- cvllm [0-6 "In. johl "lb UM I now-rim m to I'll! II lillghl -I. ll lh'l Wt It lou 01 mm. .l' «m mud Io luau-u on m Miran. 3 A 6 m mil thnum'ndollV-dmmimml W M"! u-nm In pmlflon, It [hit ml! hwhfnrmn, til M". lull all h valid Ella DI IN Illmur body, lw alumni. ‘ TO!" MI- Io rim loan-who“ lndworkvdim-wim mil, ll mun—y. M It." in - hm bulldap nl urban or ollv mm, ll my bl man-y to u- a New lump 1:: bum on time 10,3. Rot-now 1M lum- boll mu WWI. 5 Do not run the mm. MIMI IN him. tub. in posiuon. -. .'-. ...J6. - . , .l - 58 .. Chm-r 2/Full lymm Ind Initiation Ahhoo’l It! dunnd mint no" mlv um "I lllllllon 0' "I! w. lfil M oflm wlll bl I mark-1 drop I" pm ‘m I I fill" 07 film In emullnn. There It Illa ”1k of w-wtbn I! I VIII“ 0! m. um full. 5 Winn run-mums, n-h am the bolt rllllnhfi rho lllmm Mlh “MW i “Maud Md 'UIY Il'lhold‘ v n hun- Iuhhnlon- nun-.1 mung. TN 0" from the cum“. '0le 1m difllm mum II mum In Fig 2.4. m all puny |I cf “’l whole! which ends“ of In inn-r Ind ounr rum. Th- pumplv' «Ion |I_. om D] 17!. diflm h "I! ill:- lnd In." 0' "I m bum-n dc inn-r me mm mm m. who. a mu nr—Anhd bun-nu on an Iubriutiun. '- - mum-a, dual»: m «pm-mm bu mm mould rum mm if my ammian nub!!! ‘- mun-on ha mud or m. min. In. "blown up" u. a new pinch or Ink-n ring. undonrese circumuneu n I. don an "Inn. Two mun Ira mend, - wlrl um- ..md-umr nu;womtnkomhmmhtm rim-nunduummu mm in ampur I. Eamon v3. 2 Thpua'llm hlpunlklmnma-nkc—Indmbu nah-nod wnh mot. m mm man u no no». huh-null: W W . a m ammwal mm [up-n of m. cluwh nut-v Ind m- M annulus I: obuin-d by mml of m ciulth bum pllh "-1 b will by four 5 nun countmunk mam-ad mm Glunlm Innomu In. 7-!!an of mu mum-d ”dim.“ around th- Ihvd chant. in (In an!" of 2M cinch. I To rumble. rm mu nbnw plop-ma. Ia Yrichol bl m «mm, min-lion ml mum-n.- ! m an pump is drhnn by - mdm rwm m and"?! cum and II mun-and by I alv- nun won thy mam. TM pump mm- 00 In imw mm mm: rotor which n m-mrlcnllv low-d. TM pawl-w mien b mama-d by (he uni-um In m up. no mum-I of m m MM" my mo remit mm In mm to go wrong with m pump, bum it can bed-fund!" m Invo- of foreign punldn, p-xiwlwy I! "I wan ml. n dun-pd m the maln- nu "Nova up" on hobo - pInon a wok-- u ring. 2 TM on pump I: locum! bunk-d an chm mu ‘1 mutual" mm 6 mm cub-bud Irml. lb «maul in mm In any/b. I Soak-I TI. .1 Aacn- up my pump man is oh! d by unmlng m any-r aha. mud by mm 5 mm arc-mud scrum. 4 chm m m: robot! m not chiwId or busty wand Ind an m. cum mm I: a good u: .n «no my bowing (0.006 " mmm ablrmL If in doubt, mm It. wholl pump mm. 5 Run-mun m pump, lining - nu plum an Will to mm down m-meva-t- mnry. Rum-II imp mo mum by moving an mu meow", nmsnbenng In In 1 now gum and mkhg um mu m av». mg a! "w pump mm mlo the do: ol the aria chm More fight-Mug i! down uun‘v- 13.3 TIM oil pump return ,1. ...-.. ‘4 chum 2/le symn and Initiation 14 Inna-mi:- bol M W Gnu m ' Win lud summation mung mm m high 5...».- non nut rm m mmme Elli": am am gunning for . man mil. v . Gan-r1} lock 0! Dar'nmlancc Engim hckfim on own—um Air mm tumor“ a;ohd. m at oilv Fm lacking 1mm curb-17mm. Flo-t nicklng Mv worn «murmur cue-«mo.- incwmflv Idlunld mm. mp mm In mo 1... Camrmor coo loo- M .- in dunk “whom or WHEN ‘ . ‘ . . ‘ , 3' ' . .‘ Biotin! if hall in ““an DM Gr M10! In will!" wuk nimru: non nud- muk In In Luk Mm.» «manor .er cyllm hon! Wuk mix-mm Aiv Ink In “nu-t mum Chuck and w mucky mm. (thick at unim Ind ”mu. Flon nude ma mu- cunning. Ru! la. Tu». and dun :- men-y. Minn m. 1mm not» made Mulls alum. muck mm Hoot coo-«Iv Imago-- m (midi. cup». Rm. lid CI." ”"0. m "TM-Id.“ crumb-r. ' Ramon flan chunk" lld mun. Duck 0 ring Ind who. If Minn mimn. and: "W pin. ". __._ V‘""‘ m Com-m i . Gen-mi uncrimion I Good-Mu - funcrlofl 6 Ail-mm: - mlnu 2 condemn! - iomion Ind lupin-noun 7 I'Iition coil - lunctloo, lamina ma mum-m :i sunk plug 1m: ng m: mung m a» a WM~ alumni Ind imiu‘m timing 4 lel diqnn‘il pinion svmm 9 eofnm bnllur- mu, nnwnlm n1 rqaimmm a ' MM- ‘5-' mannl m Hill-M Fl20 " , M ‘pm NGK cans mm in mm mm 12.1 mm 6-: .. 0.024 , 0.028 In (0.6 - 0,7 mm) Cond-I- . . . .. 0.3 ul 1 was Comma-imp . .. 0.012.o.0iainio,3- 0.4 mm) I Guilt-l moth" flu hnlllun mum anion»: - spark plummt bulk-r. mm, iwIltion coil um mom-tor m Im-r oi which upon: in mm Bump-nan oi in mm. Thu Mummy and": ui Iwo win an inland [Ion Mum mum-d on . iim tutor pin i aim with «in con- don-v and (he mum hula). 11-. Mr ll unwound-o In I Miicli aunt in mark. to occur 0:10: in. point: 0! lb- plug. I Alumna - huh. Tin uncut iron- cin nit-«mar u-d can only Do chum with will-d m snub-mm. II in uniiiuiv mu m- Ivonn- om-lndn will M0 neu- m xhiu «unknown. In con-unmet. «mmmmkwismumwu MIG By I Monu- mnl or HI “(0de "won. I I'Iifinnaol - Fm. loution lid "flaunt-II I Thu iunction 0i In lwlklon mil II w m up my BMW! Volt-go "am "it Ilwrmlor to I'm uqulud by m ark plug to ithI me “(mil Iir miquII, In. lwoximly Id hr. 2 The coil la n uni-d milk that tar-Iv "wins Illtnlion. Ii is Ilium at "in bottom ol In. mid Iltlon of [he T-lrlmn, on (M lift-find und- llfi. ll ll MB in 90'ka by “no I m mound, don-d mu. Mlinh II” In. I! O'lhifll MIMI. a. . . #Lw-k._.4_n,-fi .. 5V mun h- um when "flack-g "in. mm to armament-n with :0- him. elk-null igniliwn you“. mly m. 3 ll 0.. call Mumhm, m 11an II ovmlcll. RIM“. I unborn-m Mil him in h- obi-incl. I . com Nuke- - Adi-mm." Ind Immon Ilmiiw I Him ”in lift-hand anjna inmliun cam and mm: the "le to III. poinl Min Ii- contain brill-n In u xhair will")!!! 090nm. TM noun-l will! up It 0.012 0.018 ". N dim-i! is Wuhd dmkm fl. 4 "In WM lock m m m mu cor-m bv-ka buck pin. unfll Ihn cor-ac: clear- In" in claim i-mw drivor mm m puma-d la m an lick pluh). Tlghlnn In. locker-w M rl-chlt‘l (ll dummi Ram‘s: il now—w. "In "(lick 2 Th. ignition timing would be mum: in Run com-:1 bulk-f 3”. Hawaii! Ihl Ignition [lining II with! critical Ind lhoiild bl vurfllod. Hiram. lh! Ichwd Moll“ covr lid rum: in mm In an nomai dilution inniiciockwiui unlil m. "F" nlrk on "n mm! "In! up with "I. liming mark on ”I mm mnkun film. In IMI pollilon lhl wnilcl lav-luv poim: amid [ion In mmflnu m upon. Tin canning point a! her-clad with I 0.0l5 " halo! will or Illumivuly win I mumm-r or bum nnd II,“ connect-d bum-en um- 10‘ ('10 Wk wire "cm (In Alumni", which will h." In bl unconnected lmm m- iumuui rh- mp con-um. Adi-I tho 90ml! n In chili" 1M comet rimlng l... Min thl lull" 91in it Just rllumd 0' "l! lifln wet out. M" the land W 3nd "Ike I null on [ht Hymnal "Ill pm or ”lb” til it!) till! "I main! huh-r win" up I)" II fill lo (M! Vllnl when mining It I lam MI. Chum-r ally-him 1mm .9" O 5 Own!“ “It. A Hamiltmimmdnfllmt I m cam-:1 hrs-m po-m an loam on "- nmnrnlm of mo ll-Imvm. Roulin- Idwlm-m an t- urrid out bv ullldnfi m. up. in nu mtm. ham. 5: mum: 1: "who mm m- mm hu co I: wanna (nu aunt: I Season EL 2 Ya mm». m- cont-cl bunk-v wlnn unrlo mu 4 "Imam- n-a mm m: m: up an point: ”may, Dim-mm (hl win. uklng puflcuh' not: at me out. cl Ill new". a u nu conun hunk" point! to not too my ohm! div mm“- mm tum- by nmavnc m drum and mm m mm spur-Iv «I: m nuns. (Ii-n u- pahm with Min-0M no", nlmg sure mu they still m up Ion-Viv I Remflzinmnmpr-ommaunalmh onu- pim mandi- oi m polnu Duck "- mahkn kn lubrielllon ms mm mm « noun-um .vm nut m whnwan. 5 Hanna mm mm: nnd mu In an m and" of ab manning call and Mu mm"?! of "- him llenM,“ but. I 7 conun- ‘ mum-um..." I I Tr. nondm- I: hand on mm mm am- ma 5: mm m m on: w a dual! manna ”no 2 Ta our-in luau nmuvl m- ica-ma .nnln- new no rowr noumn-a in cum I 50:!an no, 9.2 um 43. '3 E i a E 3 3 § § 5 I M m ending mu vo-flh' m .1 *— I ‘71: Hand: SSSOZEKI II “m Nth l NGK 06,18”er 57mg. 7 Chick "I. ’9 {my six monlhly or 300 mih Irvin “Ila!- m is [ho Iuofl'r, (a nu! [M w. bond 1h! nth" WW hi"; it do" In flu and In.“ Ind flick "III I 0.024 - 0.033 " (0,6 v 0.7 m) mm IMF un h! hm. NW0! w the enmvd nlocwa, nfllurwil m- inwlllnr Mil enchanting [bl [Mun W M dawn Imdu' but 3 Thu cond van 01 “II Olvk DWI nmwhmm nu mud n - VIN-bk widl m and»: owning condition; 9. momunyhg slur-ms l AIM! WW I "C will pics 0' 1h! canon 'lfi la in no. mm 0' anal-Ivan no mmlmn II ecu-d. 5 mm awnlgmn .- u-n phll mom!- mm In mk av llflnolnu IN 0|de in "I Mad (WIFwIIUV In I “in lllov I‘d)‘ In I" cm! 0' mil Yawning "- Iii—d cm h I'M by mum a! u Hullcoil val mruu inmL Mich can b- flma by your low doubt. 5 ”UK! law an ping 'II-Allllnfi an is a wodlllmdlmfrom Elk]. Thll EU com-ins I WON)! "III ullmiflmi rldlc lid T.V. Innnmna‘ -'- g . 5.2rmwnmoneonnminmmonbvmmmm nun u Touunmfimu-unmmamm lochcrlwm. a . 7.1 T'- :Mdenlr ll MIG by l llfllll W law 62 Chum Bllmldon mm" ! rum aqua- aunt: mm!- m... c... nun-a, Eng‘ will not sran Novirkn plun TN Mom-mm plug "1"” cmwv DU ~ mm" mum. mum pemu m 0mm. ma :luflng. no mum: mm m mm cum mm" min" u: Mun "yam :1 Cluck Ignmon mum and nqnipon coil. mm hm rum "mic v Trv "vim-u pluq Check fl mom. mow-v Ch ancy oliwitinn mung Law qul I inmate: or immune“! balm a! ma non mii. r ‘> W '1 3‘ . , ‘ I. cum, mm (mm elu- 0»:qu pm,” mm mm ", M :mv lllrmndilw m. paup- . min, inc w;- bun". ' n. 1!. M an «ammu— mm mama my camera mm. pan-min (ml-Iron 51mm burn! my du- n7 pamloln hum-nun Indicamw dull to My mum 910:!de many hour ”In! or chronic mummy pN-Ipnlflan lpinkingl smut-n black mm um: mm denoti- Md up ' PM in lewd mndirion wim mm by mn'ch rm- nm (m4: burn! indttnfny too “I" 9mm: brown dlpasim a: wrong but um nu . mum-m: Fa. :le 5m pm. unma- nonmag- L J 'l U . . h A ‘—-.—— t. .7 . a .A'n‘m finull delflplion Fm!" forh- vemuvd hum m I" From lukg- mnov-I al Hummus. onlv anI run lop alum-mung, cumin, From lorkl ruin-mm 5mm; and buriw- cum smnpma rock Frlnl mv- «In Smiling mu m: mk- a n nun—nix" R-rlnvtfluon uniu- new Min-um. o . . - luhl.‘ now- iwommmmmmlm "Whom mthh-ndum.mfmeum '- cl tho i n. thunk uni-m Ineorpaning mu m- y!” and hyflmlh Gunning. “- v-r mm Ind“ III: m an. rlll m Ind DI 6mm. 17'. fill" mm: '0 “Id Ind mm M mmfllfl. 2"!“ «an» m Inn ". 1mm 0mm luv-d uxminnnon Foomm- "yum-nan ma nnwuucm W nmmnl Ind roman-mun ‘ Sat-dunner um. » cumin-lion mm mm: m 592mm drivl pmx - lac-flan um nun mini ‘ Dulllux mm Pea-Is ma drwe- alum! mg and My" ,. Gleam-rm rd '1 ' Fnlmw . ‘ . .. . u. .. 19 IO Yo mahhkmlflmmmlmmmh mmmvokllndm'llhhl f 3 Mbm-hnfldfl-mwmfl mummmummhmmw. Ilium-37.9“". 4 mm hmup-Wmmu-‘v—uy I II II "my unlikow I'Ill ”I. honlfoflu win mod to h run-rad "am It:- Cram - I mix, min! I'- marina h—d bring iv. "unit or IM kill II M hlnml. W envy m mi: mm maul" lI-mloo M. In tho Mn l-wlul eonmtlom in m mum u mu: mum 0- W0! am. edi- unduly-v alibi "am "It Mm!“ unto! (~ M 7 Salon 3 '0' douih a! mum. au- mum-I). Fin-Hy rum "- Indium Ml Wumnwing'mmamwh :- mmmwmmlm "-1me huh DUO “Iv-why IN lurid ml in rlflifll II- but. HUI 3m ill fill-V Mind undm“ iron "I “I l Block autumnmnmimwhnholm Cum. Mnnlwmvn-d vilfinulvl'np'nmd mmnuLka-mum.mmmwmm mummmlmmwb. 5 mm m In. talk InIII by lunch" III m'm flunhmv mom o'm'ovk luv. 5 Hum m. from Maura by Hula-wine in In 6 mm bum 7 Rmnmlwommu-nunumcmmlm uncut-mun. 3 km bum mo Ion moon: munmmnmw mu um don-d um. Lm all m up «an who. 9 Human- m. mulng V-d uiumr lIuI with a "mold, - I Siflv flu nut- pn- a” IN hum lorl: Ml. mm wring ma plan n Mlhh m- what, To um thl vim, mun m. mp mug mun- lrom m- um: and pull on m- vlnn, naming m Built 0! IN mmmu Ind m mkudu a! m- »finn due. by In a! m. and my man. 2 filmm- ”I cucllp In Ihl "on 10th luv-ad all out an mi mun. Mud- w-u use trio] with Maul nil-Mm huh. 3 1’» mm napkin» ham-n mnhdvdlnnmbmm 30min": wh- m u: um.mlnmmmhdb a". 4 Email «a bum lot on. and ma lax who «:1 malno- fimuw if um. All: dull "- mien of IN all ‘. panicullnv rum h em I: awn-pa by :m. m uh. talk! bfluckldkwull .1 www.m-u pit I m- 5 Hun-nut mo '0ka In m. r". m to m- am making m um "mum-m iI chm nun Iwy oihfl. Rm me 6min ham and mm um: um: \f- lorh mm 1». MA mun-1 Quality of ATF, I. now 8. 5 mom-m I I: sum-mam Ion: mun-mum hlva but" m. who!- ooru uni! nu la n. Mirna mo mun-u will Iln -‘ hm! to I. 'IIHIIMMI n fi-‘lhfl In In. lalbwhq S-nbm 2 slid. m. 10" lo]: ”M, WM“ WM! dim oil, I": .. M,m 1h Dllcnnnacl fl: elacuical :onmclurx 13 mun m. brlkl c-blu 1mm t1- lug lib Mflld’lw (h. who! mind: 1.5 Dvam m. rurk logs 16 Rims the mum-Id boll: 2.10 s-zm an honor" yolk finch bola x) LucmlmmvmgmnhMI-m 4.1a Th! honor“ lwing with! #22: Hill on! the man 5h Rlfill lhl fork III M"! awning ail Ind 5,2h SIM. mom imo [M yokn Chm" lanim Ind forks . Si 5.71: Ulliig [he Iron! whed adm- - I pull-throw m- bumzm lorl wk. rm inmnliig ". ”In: «a. unam- Mml mdlli M ”I Quit mhup‘mhthlopyokn. N ll'hilly i Ilmm In why in in“ Nb him "I ‘09 "in u- the ham W “do lil pill 1m DY "IMHO K Inn mama oi m iark by. 3 MRI "in Mo (on MRI Ind mm! Ind III-mm- "- Nil 0' m- lurk! In lhl Willi. orfii ‘0 [M “I” In Suction 7 of lhi Ch“. WWI Ila "hum hm!" VMIMWIB Md I'M h“ Idiuflll Gonna lock nut, If lullabki not-u nu imiu - coupll oi lim- w my. mm». In My nun-=1 podium, "W Va“ I“. TM boil hu'l'm until maul! m noiimd Infl "II "om hm‘nm or alclu. N “alum w— Oi W "mom. m. cup-Indian!“ mutant-aloud. Thym- (nht putt fit Ind M in h- tlfna DIR M with“. 7 Ball way In “D. Em” ne- mlm 2‘ ans inch bdl hqillw, which mu“ ht "vim i‘ "I mflwllfl Wilma a! dhahmld. Ya hula "on final bill! III with" durlng ”II VI- «mm al lhl Vorlu, pack IM hirinll WIHI VIII. 3 Th- inm u mmflcd Inc M I: n- lr-mc by 'OIWHI I rml 04 KM Pm 'i’hd unfit "0'65”.va mean! why. Do not uW-dfi-fl "- ”liq hind hill-9:. om-wh m. lindlw with 0' "It MM». WI" I- would. II I ”MI lo W-flfilm .Ii zmlul laud o'm ion: en fin mum Mud ban'iu. m mount. III hmdtbn upon: to In"! with rel-fiv- "I. A; I plan, only m diva pun-m mould bu "can in m "- hum who! turning u: Gilli! it nah i“ am mini-l, mu il ll Ill-d el- 0' "- wound. M I'll mmwmmmn»uu;m MIG b in: Cm“: mow-mind (hi lorkl. In IV. {on Ind I9! dhtfion. 7 mammalian ‘— ‘ A [.0110] he! lock i "he!“ (I: :3. low! 'ork you by mo you-Mud mum The loam. ol th- lock "my: with - hm drlllld h I vlllv 5mm 10 on living ’2‘ column I: mu an "Dentin uu be Ml uncut-ind with "w W an lull llfi lock. If "I lock ml'nnfliovn, i1 mun h Wd, 0" 6 ~-—-Iivv wk r—nxr. . l—flllll lor mnlng In 'I'IIY. wlll Rd! N MIMI. Z All" I filth!!! M m In "th ml”. 6! '- mum in I“! in. 0mm lav lion in ”In at dim-1h- lh! viinhv 0' ml ”in! many win“ M an M mm by waning. IWnlmr-Mk-mil‘lmw-U T'- rIlr limb" units can b. alfllnllv dllfllmlud DIM nun-n [O m. mihgi. Umum m um lyl 01 IN unk hum I!» damp: rua, um uni-um; m- locknui. wn-n m- pun mi— mi" IN mi Mk. ml, wflldl II vim-had In Bunion M n Iflil ah. A 1mm 9111”"!va ll’l fluid m0 I'll Mm XI Wham“. lo I'll fl fill N VIM-d orbr I) iHvu‘ 2 TI- oomfldon at m- mun ulna 3nd "- r-nm lab" Md (I cum N’Jbfly. if “I m [Uh MIDI If. m I: in who I! com-1 um In W m-ch In I'- ind m “ll-fl W rim. . 1 “SE—.— a 1—“ ‘ —--——r *V—v. “ 1“ ‘ . H. 43. mm ram 7 niyn Iran! for): 9 Sup rm, 15 magma»: 21 5.11», may In; comm 10 Hnan Ilm/r my, buck-v 2 Mr 2 Splinp 1 v Burma :7 Lm Might z: Cimlip .1 SuncIlon ’2 Sunny rap col/or brlcker' 24 w: 4 my" hand mm 13 Sunny Damn! min 10 Nudiighr brick-r 25 My 5 Saingmr 14 an {mnrfod : an 28 Font mm: 5 011.104! Iagcumptm 19 M nutter 27 on», 7 2mm. rmg 15 ultimatum: m “Munch: l Dompu plum an: usher ) ,, mw.¢‘am.4.d#_ “all“ ovm~o.loe r... u. Fort com-um an...“ 1.1 The mm mm mining ma naming bud lack .‘ ‘ 9.4 Rum»: bulb- [I HOG-luv rm, A ‘7 70 1." N I . L l Fil‘ 4‘1 MM m and um map-n 1 Mom 7 mm: 15 Fran! numblrplln 24 Nut 2 m 2 Him: a mm 15 smw Zofl' 25 with" 2m 3 any: ssmaingmuam 17Smn'nghudmlt 25mm“, a mum, and my com ~ 15 mm: 5 a" 2m to 4mm”; m v5 Bolt 5 all 27 am», My 5 Jam yolk Md H Lack 20 an" 2 all 2 of! .mm :2 Mm mudyulrd 2! Sci!” 2 of! 2a Mummy 6 snoring had (up 1: ram mutiny-rd 22 Scnw 4 all 42 0/! cone :4 anlnumbn plan 23 NM 4 of! “.4 7.13 .5;- m u. Fv-u my 71 1 Sullnyplu' mun/"I m any :wrion 19 gm. 2 Plum! 9 amm- can, Ian! x mm . 1 Frmv- 10 5mm :14: mm HIM-l Ina/m 21 Doll l FW 11 mm» rm (and 2: Mn 5 Km- '2 Inn-pm: Lam rm my». 2:! Mn 6 km box I: 5mm Doll 24 and». um: I Mum" lock 74 Rog-"Iranian numou you: rm mm 29 swing m a Hilly-I lock pm- boll J .. .b . ‘5‘." A ‘ .—__1 :, -J I7,“ Slack-n lh' tout! nul 17.6. Roman "- lmnnd bush and 1 Chapel: ‘lF'lll! Indium: 73 l2 Helm ~ Enmimliofl ind 1mm I6 Dulllm - Rimminl l YM loam bar I: InElId In (bl mmm M "u cllnkm ol me "lain. unit by four 3 mm hill: Ind WIIM'L "II bl ll nulls-bl. Ind |I Iikllv In bums llnl ll (l1! mlchlm Edmund. 2 To lmiflllan tho h! llrn vlnovl h lrnm [M ll-cll'm Ind death In. footran rulian. II mull-1| bl hint nrlimt in. via, ulm I How law In wl’mm Iubl i M bud ll IWI. Nev-r mumpl I1 minim" "II bl whllll it in nil! Ilium m In. gran , nth-mi- urioux m m Illa umku- caning m r-Ah. ' 13 mm ‘ filmvll 0nd Nil-am! I Thu “mm Is 0' mo lug-mic way Ind llw includes m ruling "was (0mm). II is illumlmud mu cam-in- m0 nun! imimr IIMU. 2 1n nva the Mn durum-fl mg worms: drlvl HUI I71 unrvmlng ill knurl‘fl null Full 00‘ m. Iwo bulhl lid hold": Ind rlmovl (M 1m 5 mm .mrlna nub noting “I am 0' ll!- ruhr wail-u "c. Th- ”an!" hm CI! now he Mud a" "I buckm. 3 If IN uwmr nlllurlfliulllm clock (M wlbox and GM ubl' H Ill H mm! (M Wm ll“ will MW (0 h mum-dam mind by ll lamina! wilt and-ml. I To “plow mm mm, about awe-dun. II mm” b nfllld "ll llmmnfl k rial Imlly mulrld an n mhlnl of quhou I00 m cap-city in 2!- U. K. if an. i; iimu‘ n mun b" m good waking out. 14 Mme-HI- Email-Hun l II '5 Wu”: In “ad! I'll mu! drill. Ebb lrom unnum herd-r [unluckwll mm Immlv hawk-(Id I‘d Mull-r ll!- ounv Wurlng il comma Dr dam“ ll lny point along hl "M. A itrkv or iuwlfi "damn-r mun-m can ohm h- amimud 10. aunt-nu, 2 To gun n- ufle. «DIM-w the innl m. m. naming an old in". clun with . puml mm "a ma lI-nlll m- ubI-lor mm mm or um: um. J Riv-Io mu uibl- wim My. muting new mm, mm are not In yi- lM last Iix MM It FM palm WI (ll abl- W-ll RM m hfl. ll lhll prlcalulon ll not ohm-d, gr— will work Into (hi momma hold Ind Imblll- {M rum-mm 4 n ma nan-dunner all! th- odomm non working, i 31 9mm Ihll Ibo Mm “HI M llokm. lamb" will Ihow leIl ll- innl au- hl Ilukn: Fl 10.".an WV plan- an n- VI“ and ruin-ma in m- om emnrlng ‘ur ruling. Nwl lit I new inmv chlI Ilene lf the ou-r wing it dlnlud or calms-d a: any polar long In run. I5 Mun-m fill who)! - Locatlan ind elulnlnnhn 1 Th- mwfllfl win): hnluhldlolhlmhphll Dl I’ll! "on! bill. mflv Ind ll fill!“ Inhrrllly from tho hub. T’- fiflmx Vllly in! Iron”. unhfl k il no: luhlelhd nut-rm in Mulch an mu am- my become am or me! an orive "Idlnllm lieu. 2 Thu sum“ 35 rstnimd ln panlnn by the fmm whnl whdll, which [Is-s Ihmum Ill evolve, when Ihl own. In Wlflldrlwn, GI. who: will pull in. of "I: brim nlflll The dfive ring llll mpg“ Vllll‘ u: Iml'lnq lull) will M 'oulll inih Ill: D! an in ll: mm]: 9' 0: lronl brim nlerom Mich h con "oily by withdrlwn lnmbn will manual-1hr m m wobcflng com an m. up In. My. m bmlml or am F07 move] 0' "I. ha»! which refer to Slcllon 1. nlrlyrlph mu Vim dlmmmlno ma manometer am “bl. and «mm but. an. iron m. mm p1... Thaflullsnn ll hold bvmamhomflmrll-flm (in. ll" ham almond ll WI DI lift-fl all in I I'M auction. 11.10 11.. W lmv mu nun-lug :llclip l7 ”II-Main - w“... M" It! rm 1 The ml (km fallen! m min ll! wwbn. Tl- pcdlx dflvl m In. Mt-l by using ll: WWI €1me III“ and wank. u l countllfillll. Lime an 90 wrung Ind only urinal: lubvlmion at nu mun and 9.an mm In mmlllv "nub-m 2 To rlmcm m fi—nfly «me ama- «upward-hm by lllclflflhl Ill. (hr. 3 "III Mum-lid mum m o" Ind 0'. an ”I allk I!" lie! “I. 3 W IV“ ”in [ulna Ihk OM IIW lhl chill Io flop. 17m- Inna name ml! mnuhhlyilonlvfll pod-Im- hing ma. 4 em 9.. 5 mm run an ". cnnk ml cont pln and hi! lh. ml! Wllh I hid. hm ham-110"“ Ill pin. film Ill nu! Ind oh and pull [ht wdll Ind link 0" IN Ml. natilg the or“ at "w VIM! lld II Int. 5 Th. M an n wlhd cm by wlllm lh. rmm ”Cl. u- v ._-_~.'_ 7‘ mmAurq~ Ovalnwlrd Rel! mm mm; can swing Len patron locum on prlltpdflofl foam" nu n‘lliun lmmm Fig. 45. wag... Inn M arming-1rd rubber 7 mil-or: lam/m rubber 8 Swmymg arm a Smflging urn m Summing um mm: 1 r Snalmy up 12 Im caution Ware 1.? Tyrv aun'on ulna 14 Swmymy arm mrm half 15 7mg: arm bo/I 16 Soil/acidity nut 17 Bar: ’8 50/! 1.? Nut 20 Msher 21 Washer 22 warm 23 5pm pin 14 SDIrIDm 25 Lock pin 26 PIIIIon rooms: All 2; omispm 28 Wmm-r M,__ als- oar-“4.... ‘1! 75 F5. 41. n... mien 5 mm: 147;]: 7 Tap calm a smut-- m m m mmmm mum” mnuu .9 MIME! "on 2 ”la! mailman unit 3 krinn 4 Tonya”: 5 Tapcavl 1 Spacing cum $44-$79 ‘1'- _ ‘__¥4_.._.__.. .7 78 1 Fifi ‘1. MI lid a!“ ”WV ' all-"'1'", ’U L.“ Crlllk um 79 Dun EM! 27 five“! 2 Mm .IIIDPII 1' all/IV 20 fining ”I!" 2, SEN?! .7 Wm EM," Illa. ’2 LI" IllndWll 2' MI Ml'fbulh 29 Mn ‘ "I'M! cnnk um 13 MOI ”I." 22 filling “M m M! 5 Locking [MI 1‘ amrpin 2-7 MM! ”801'! 3’ SDI?” “5'09! 5 MIMI ’5 30”", 2‘ MIMI 32 5911'!" m 7 mm pill 76 Spfinyplln 25 0'79“? 33 Cilclin 8 ”in! hump“ ’7 WM, 25 ED" 3‘ CUE/[p 9 PM 19 A”? ml L J ». ._..—m~ r¢fivww. emu tin-mind tom 77 “In not- III of“ uf If. M 183ml“!!!- 5 Chuck ml mitbn 0' l?- ilh was hand I" “- nmnginn um um um mum i . 1 The pau- can a. mum lmm me amk I'm u noullld. by umnvdng mm uling m. numr "In mould-a B M \Mcl-lnlldhh’iuhiturhn’iaflln mun-r5 Simon 9. Click III mndkloll M m m ruhlu EH1! “DUI mum-WM n ma "may mm. s The am." will on m- ulnx outrun um I: mum by B civdip. mind II it [M W dOI‘ Winn mum Ibis, m I!" am D! IN mum lid-r rid Wing. In T?- lruwm km E hon-d h [ho lit-hm Oflilnn our com mm. m- m r- nrmvld n n I. yummy lo nrb it down. TM «lei-um i! llld In film: by u civcliu ll "- I” 0nd 0' III! burning rod. II To vol—mm. mum me am pu-ocoduro rm feigning w am ”In nifil lmt mourn-Mun Ind 'I't [In Iu'Infi fink with my $0.11 Ind in (M dittctim of lrml. Not: "I! "HI 'FI nu atomic" luv chain film-m. ‘2 Fun lw‘ hm lid Iovlu sympmm Gum - 1. MIDI-W I AI-r "moving I" IAN-=0 fllu flkh l r. or m lil- ll whmmiv ln d." I... m Wilden 0' w pollinar “I wlll W I good man ‘0 "I Mi BI!- 01 "I ml". "my Madrid My. “hand mmflmu‘u only lahwwM-tum 2 N poulbh, "I. Inchin- Muld bl wlnd w- Imndllmv mnmmuidh‘hm.ntmllllmwmln lfl-V‘M thl roll." md claim mmmmmm ruld rib cl war. W “hum-main“ lnhflnlthlmml chin. I'M-I hmmlllv,- mmnfid In m. Humm "cm mbn. I mmmam-IWWHHWMM mumnmmummmmwm Vim luv diholl U with. nan-w Mina is unmly slumivn to road sum-m imp-I'M: immm Mdlini roll: I! low mi Mumim was to wind"; mvrlng II imnmin Fork anion Id" Fomjudaurvmn Iran! bull: u can“ Ml." nun out a! Ilimen! ka and/m nu mwum un'n; dlnolnl snoring hood buying: ovlrtifln a! mud ‘ Worn waging m» moon-Ion noun... 1 ; Fork legs have mimd In volu- w Worn bugs: in lovk mhlv . Snoring Ml! harinfi too ilcls Flint Him I fill" of mam m Chick oi| lewd In lovkx. Ram sump-Ion unin‘ Slick." buying mamm. u M: [mm-on- mm, dmmfll .1le ma bearings. ' Chick In! «1 nm run-w pivot bah Ind bum-n. Smken angina-ammumm «un- _ mummkwmn.mhrhmm , , _ mm hula" msm-mu Strip dork: Ind mph:- bum find-m w uh up pity. chuck hm. um winning out. n hm. sud-us- rig-'7 is may. ~w~ Chapter 5 Wheels, brakes and tyres Comma General amiipiinii From Milel «minimum and mum an 2 Frank ml“ mlmb‘v leninluon r-navnloii Ind mummy 3 Wheel liming: exuninaiion anareplmimni 4 RE]! misel - ax-minaiimi, reunited and I‘mo‘lllion iiiiiciiiaiiig I'llY bu l’ 5 Front md rear bruka- adusimenz cum any: membiv- exlulnu-oil mumwuioii Hui Maul mack. 'mcwl, zxummlllun Ind Wiemem Final dnvl crimii . Examlnman and mi'pstmem , Tm; , main/iii aid real-«men: Fault iii-grim“ ‘ whee", mm: and lyre: —owm4oi Spociiimiam ’ Two. ani i 2.50 x i7 menus Rn! 150 n 17 inchvs Brim no mm liimiial sxpariding Ty" pin-ins Fiom 26 psi ' Rear ., 28 psi Eli-iii gin " v. x ‘A inch" Spunk-t xlzu G max . 1: mm wind ' 42mm ' Increase to 32 psi when canvma paternal I Gun-VII Minion emu ml: in. M H " dimni ml c-mi mu ai 2 so union, - (ibbld Im at ilie lion: and - block and wre iii iii- marl sml mini linl’ m usd iii mniiimm mm can aluminium Illav mm, m liuti comahing n no iiiiii intunal nxpundiiig hula. TM who-Ix m nai lumen-mus bun-us: {he in: wrml {nwmrltnfl mini cum an»: rung-mini m an as - transninion mck nbmrhar. Z Finn! wml - Enmmnion Ind Month". I Flux m machim on it: aim mud n ma: the ham Magi is mind all 0| [he wound. 50h Ihl meal and chuck lor Hm nlignmm. Sm." iiiowluriiiei can bu commid by lidlioiiing the wok“ in me lfloctld Iron, llihouqh I mix-in amount 0' “wine. is saw his ii overmnncxion ism b: avoimd. Any “It: in "is M“; um would be "idem in me sum! mm. Thw- Irt "‘0" difficulk to ilrrnva find in men Elli 1h! whul wlll Had to II Elwin on a nwv rim. Ana” "um [M men on nabilitvi [here is qrufli iisli cl itmage (a the IVrI mm and walls N [ha mchi i run with nddumfid ML 2 emu ici bank!" or laol wok-s. Tapping m mm ii the hesi wide [0 iu-nmn. A loan spake will produc- a qii u diflnrem Hamid Md ixould m fimnmd bV luminu (h. nbpl ii an an lockM: aimiion. Nwlvs lrcmk for whom by spinning iii. mm min. 3 From ink- anmfly - Examination, "mum-i n1 rer lumNV i The iioiii mike assembly camplete win We plan can he mummwri imm mo front winei hub aim the whirl spindle has boon pull-a out Ind me mel named from m. lurks. Reiei lo Chaom 4 Sachem 2.3 mm 24. 2 Examine me cannimii oi me nuke Ii "93‘ If they am wearing iliiii or unevenly (he bake shoes Should be renewed, 3 To iemove me make shun lrom me link: nllll null mm ”on whrh‘l liiiliig liiem nomad: iii in: iuim oi - v'. Winn they an den: oi me brake plate, liie min Willis an In 5.? film flue brlkc llfiulr-v nul 5.1:: Firmwu m- wun :I‘n .. .a»: «glam A ‘.. . C so Chum Winds. bnku Ind Iym' ' manna Ind mu mon lip-ma. Not- um (h. m diiw F. HIV I'll do: of (III [will plu- Iflfhfi illil numb". bemlwmmmmmwnpmumlmm [M lull. 4 Men walking "w Ink. mm and: um 1h- trim ODIIIhI can It with; "'0th Ind not landing In III plum. 11- am an I: mam lov 9mm In new 'ng m pinch ban on an au- ownhu lm Ila wlmlng 1M tum-fur fir: width] In poi‘bn on m ditto Old mm «human 5 Glck mu m lflmv mm- M uh huh drum. an Much"- ”I M m‘ Th. India “fluid It 1mm I'd fr" ”Um scor- MIrkl or hrhmtbni. omb- rIdum hulk" “Ham II Infill“. Hmvl III (as: a! If“ Ihlng Hm “mum-n. awn» mlmmnmtruof gr.- or 01L 0 To umbi- KM fink. in. on «n will um, "I (ll Imam “in, Ind Iom Illa Ila” nun, hofllv' [born In I ’V’ lvm'finl. If lh'y II [low M WM! I’D bvlk'aw'thfl am and pivot my an “any u when minnow min mini-"1. Do no! u- nmiw (Dru, om ['- Mfr-V b M norm-molly. 7 High In "em W In thl rm India Sn. Chg)” 4 Mb". Do nut [own In lou- (l- III-kl Dill- In tho fork II?!" mmwm-mmxpmm. ¢ Whnl sum: - Emmi-nun inst-mum I Asa-nomad h-dn’hpimmth-mhplm hu bun mow-a 1mm Ihulmtm. Tllnhlnnllluiin horn o1 flu bring on rh- bnc drum lit, to mm! m from locating m In anmlng p-m. Thll n! mom bu ova-noun! an. an Inflnmumm 2 HIM-d “I”. cl mo Hmmlw, “nth-"tin ml hub. U. I flouflI dim-r min In divine. m buinp mm m. huh working an» m. 0' mmn man «a lint baring .m-vgu from m hub m: hollnw dim mlli M W film an ht “wt 3 Rmuvl nu m. onI— from m Mmdb-ngIvIng mam-Hmlmi‘mol.ondcmmlo¢mor was of rennin. when my m tum-m N we is my doubt um: Mr eondtbn (col-e- mm. a Man mulling an baa-Inga. "m pork m hub wllh nlw y... mun—mmwmmmmwim puma mm m um: noun- mm um, um lmlng m: dlma coll-r mu mm mm. Fil n- minimum oll Ink In mm a! mo having on m nuke mm I ". N s u—m- Ellmimbfl, mumfmumn nub-In] I Bclorl mounting a: r-movn "I roar who-I muck lov rim mum-m. dump a: m mu Ind loo- uv brokm you: by vollowiv- m m ralfllng In «in 0mm won-L So- Socunn 2 of Mb m. 2 To "mew rm my ml. plm ". whim on in mun and I) "I! m M I: mild cl-I o" "I swam Humow m. wring link 1mm nu n- ch-in, much the Ink- idiul’ling mum amm- “thhommmivigimofme Ill huh. J Rumm- mu win clip 7mm m- brm ma oi m- w- Urn nnd dluch m 5 mm mu. R-vmvu t um pin 1mm m. rw salt-flu and mum m- nul. t wnha-uw (M M olndu Ind mum on m. Lm m. mud out, living and.» m m nflaw "I but. pm. In ml om mu dun-9.. s Thu user brllu manly an n. rm and dimmtud by “win an un- n-mod u that manna for nu hunt brlkl. h ”lion 3 al Ihll M, a m r-I Mu! hearings, at an un" iwmll man, an a as». li the mu. m ml doufll am drm “.616! thdmnr Munl having: an he and w Imvl mm, "on many: mo ' \ .4 5,31: fimu— m um p‘m 5.4!) Not. the war . m- _._.. _ .-—‘ .52“... 7 VM—«ih Fig 6.1. From .mud Ind bull- ii I} GIN! Spring m Adillm'ng m 15 Wheel miMe Calm/31m E u an" arm I: mums 2m 13 Jan opemn'ng um 74 am. mum wring s: 26 811! bud/lg 27 Ml bull": 2! Soon :5 a" $34!? QVMH‘UM‘ i=3 2 off 15 am: mung I'm 3 81 ._ ‘w‘ T «muncmam‘ Final mm chain chain mm Right chain :dl'umr Len chain adjuster Rm warm Final awe rump" Ca . 4/ plate Rut met mom/e Sam: m 521-: m us but: ya sum 19 Rim :7 Ball 11 mm 20 1mm m- 25 NM I: paringapam 21 film we 29 mm, 13 am: 22 Hake no; so am»; who: n 7w. 2.7 Brake mum wing a: sun yin 75 Santa 24 Rnr when! spinal! :12 Ordip Is Rm mm plate mane/fated nul 33 Ball owing 17 Rm bub! um 25 Who! 34 swam», Ia Rut Mn lever 26 Dr! ml Chm 5mm“, Ink-I an! tym 1mm Ind VII MIDI h-rlnfll'l not “lurch-Irish, TM two Nvlnfl m .901!“ by u hollow am.“ coll. which an bl "mm mm on ”hi MI hm Buy-cm. 7 Rupmll ml hub Ind Mil. WM: 1-. MB" "M I 3 Frunl Ill I. “C - Adam-m 1 TM mum a! In. plw h mm brlh lmbflu should be 2-: an Man an. bah him to flu. Thu-mum a! in: play il mud n mn‘molu hr I'm in the mm "mm“ brak- Ind u m. loot pod-I in nu m. cl m n. huh. Minnow-«I I. mun-d by main: my winning run clog. m m: owning am. in ucn cl!" 2 cr-ck mu m mks null u" can-my Mm Ir- Imv Ind paid an mks-d. sluwim Iclion c-n umuly In new to - broken mum swing on me huh moss or n mummy 1.: th- upernlnn mm (a bind m In bull. 7 Chill dvin I-IIIHV - Minion Ind VIIUVIfiwI I Th0 wlh drill I-mfly h :0“!in in the Mbllnd sid- M "In v.1 wflll huh. I! «mail» I l! 01 "1th bufler: hound E a nu win-I mu » mum-a, cumin-lion qty-yum 1 Th: 1"“!!de hrmmobmnm-mmereu Wk“. Th! Brie-fill I: oulhud In Soclhn 6.2-5.8 of mi 0.9". 2 To r-novu m. yum 9mm mu hub rum me dmlip 1M pull m. muck-1 on! o! m an drlvn rubhrl Nona mu the picnic an on"! In ulw mumd w|lh no main "man-d I: I mi! m‘amn m. uprocku. 3 Chum tho mndlflon of 1M orockcl (path. If may ll boom. mlwnd ov hldlv warn. m. urockn mould he reamed. Nou- mn it in bud mien lo unlw only on. mam on In ovum Th. liml drin nprnckuu mold aIw-v: be nnovud nu Do nut Own flu minus rm Ind mm vim. 9 final all dlh - Enminltlon Ind “Inn-m I PIIOMV. \ht Minn if "I chin NIII W In b! “hand. m m in war. m: in mud!“ by llidilln [M In! win-I Mknld In 1h. Ina a! (h. n. Vork. uinfl ”I. am udiunm mam The var wl-l Hindi t}. ‘D M r. . awn 5Mhnls, bvaku and tvvu 94 mm ». «lulu lol rough allgllrml ol ma wl'l ' mill", so rrm it (cuchulm wrinl rirm. ll wllul Illmmlfllll eon-er, tho nllnk will touch bath lid“ ol 1h. wiml rlm ol both whhli, II illuIvlhd ill lhl lmanvmvlng din m 4 Al“! I print! of running, the chi! wlll ruwlll lubrlmloul Lack 0! oil will m2!“ m1 cl mm chllvl Ind mckfll Ind Ind In MIN Infill-hm Thu chill! llmd m Ill-Incl“ model will again mor- mum: alumina boa-l- ‘n I: mor- upon-d m uplieilion of Inglnl all mm In all all wal m u Ill:- (my lubtlnt, M ll l; plltrhl' Io run». "I chlifl Ind immu- il in n Moll-n hbh‘lchh I! "L'mltlvll". Ill" R M it!" Clo-nod I griffin hm. Thi: lltlll Km 0' lubium Elf-v.5 hill-t 9-1th a! Ill chill I‘lllls and mlkrl Ind is In: likely in hnxhrown of! whn m allln I! In motion. 5 Tc chuck Milli. If. chln maul"; uni-mull. W [I in u might Iim llld corral-u ll I: that 1" DIN ix Anchor on! Ind and I'll! pull Ml m- on end to by mm: mm th- dil‘uncv mm mu uni-curl: roll-n, l! ileum bu mum: in wnjumhn with n- ma menu. Nol- lllal this lack mid hi and. Mar me shinny-hurl warm but wolf-luv lubrlum k lpplbd, mull- m Iubric-lu will uk. up arm or the piny, 6 wrwrl "dicing the chain, make lm the lprlr-g link is 00"ch seated, mm m. cloud 0nd lnclng rh. dirmiorl ol rnvel 1’ 10 'ryrn - Rama! ma lupin-m - I At mm: tin! or olhar the flood will "in lo rumor/9 and no.” the lvlll. llllwr II [he mull M l pumum al bicauu A mum: i: remind to WI" war. To m mum, lyr- cllmp'llg Inn-rm . 'o'mldifl. mu yn n - law uilrlnlo rule: In chum-d and in. helium bur-d, 0- whole our-lion ll lurmloln’v “mull. 2 To roman I'll IV" "om ollmv W'III. "VI “Itch '1‘.le lrurrl mo nlchlnn by Iollowlng mo pronoun dapurlding on Math! m. Iron! cl "II III! inf-cl ll lmlolvpd. Ddlm ll. IV" by Vlmvlny the will. lmun Ind mu ll l: mlly dlfllnd. push "- annulm- urn-«whom mm.“ rlmonhmh sidulu lhll Ill! bod Ont-r1 w c-nm will (ll III. I . Emu! the lockingcaauldpum "II “In thvl lulu IMMO in". 3 lnm l Ky" lmr ch. in tho VI“. I‘d IIVI' [ham ml the (yr. um nu mum. cl mo Mint rlml V-ry Hula lam Should b- nun-um il min-nu ix nllcoulll-rnd ll 1: pmbdalv rim to lhe lam mm nu tyr- bud! hm not mum: rho wall of ma I up [he Ind ally in m- other dimlion. ll KM dlain extends - wllaal rim all me way ml'l‘rrd 4 One: me um has been gag-lam m mm ri , ll ir my in wk around me wlleal ri so that m. m: incompllnlv In: on an. dd Al mi: sugel lrl liner lube all he "movie. 5 We a from the ulllur ride or m. written- mo omnip- 0' I'll rm owe me until]! ul m. when rlm mar ll lurmm nay. Continue m walk araund m rim unlil Ihu lvr- ls‘lru carnal-my l-nmfile lilll a ll - nu um‘l‘m ni'ouuta-d mo mmval of m Iva. W . irlllm m m. and I mar- ii in. humof'vm-r m an Ill: purl: ma leak. Marl: pmiliorl aria lulu ill. I be Dry mural: Ind clan m m mad the tummr- wllh . nmnlvmknd mgr When ma surface in! «ind. loalv rm rub nlullon and illow all: lo dry Mum rlmovlngm baking lro'rrl m. palch and lodving no mm m m urn-a. 7 ll is hm n: u! ; pllcll a! me ull-wlcmiing womwl’llm will loan a very wmmr r-plir. Null.- rm ll III] In men-v ro renew: a proteclivl aiming lrom ilie mp mu o1 m patch, amr il has -llfl kl Willa". lnrlor mm mm. lmm lyrlmnic rubbu my mama a meal tvpt cl palm Ind adhusivl if a sarixlncmlv mad IS in a. whim i-E Mar: fulfilling m- lvl'l, duck (bi inxido In min mm lbw null um call-ed din manure it nor around. Cluck mo rm ouhldl ol Ihl wll, mlfieuhrly Ih. "'06 n, no MI I". nulllirlg i: trapped “In! rmy eul- - lurlhlr puncmrl. 9 If the inner tube he: bun 9.!de on I mm“ 0' m amnion: or W m" I! I lot? or Irv. halt, It I) Wflfllm dlamlrd il Ind lll I uphwmml. Side-ll Minion m-y qua-n uucidem, panicularly il iluccurn wilmmlramwhul. . ‘0 To 'Eplacz (he lyre. lnllm the Inn-l tub- mfllciumwwr il to Hume a dlculu m bu! only )lll. Thin pull! II ll! Ivrl ll mm it uncland wmnlamlyl Lly l O VII on [ht lMInI 3K in my: and man [In valve lllmunh the rim up! Ind I'll link in m: wheel rim. Alum Illa loc gulp an ill. lim hwlhmdt, sullicicnl In hold ill valve up! n in wrflcl location. 1‘ Sitting I! m. poi!" lunm In)!" [M Vulvl with (M "I! bind DVD! the Dds! 0' lb! Mill lim until ll locum in "II can! well. Confinuc to mrk Imund "ls lle in l I lashion nut“ "in Wilde of on! ilk M “I Im 51 on m. rim. ll m bl necuary m u- a m- l-v-r during an final maps. 12 Make my I?!" 51 nu pull an IN ‘Y'. Vlllll Ind I’ll commencing wan rlie ml: lurrlim lmm the rain. on mom-r (I ‘ as Fig. 54. w:- nmum n. 5.45 m. lining A Define mm” lufw L-m.‘ I up" IPv5! rn clam ”(DI/MI” m Pyle valve D lull"! mner lube and msen in (yr! I) Me Mr: lever! to WWA' [)ch my! me ldge a! [1'7" E Luv tyre on rim and [um valve (Waugh ho/r m Iml C Men firs! bud n dear uf nrn, remave ryr! a: thaw". F Work IiIsI bold 0v" ””1. army level ’0! ”All sea/an \ j T 06 crow Elwin-II, III-alas and was ' a m IlmlI-r achniqcu rw facand bud. Fin/1h at m: min politic” H MD "In Ind tube up into flfl' mu flflln] final "cl/oil, to mid lava/Hg and of mo two m flaw o' "- I|mI Flnim wim mu .- elo- m m- m. Owing lh' VIVI W into (hl V” will "I locking W loudnl III rlm. This wlll lawn "I. im- Iubl is not “pp“ whln the Inn “no“ 0! ll“ Illa ll. ldpd aw 1M rim with I mu lava. I: M that In. mm ruin it nut would u my mm. H.- lnflll ml km. uh, Ind dick flu( an IV" 5: lilting wmcflv round the who! I'lllL Thwl "bald b. a "I'm lib moulbd ”and (h. mil 5' I'll m on hath flat. M mid bl Iquidllhnt drum lhl M-l rim It III polfluI If 0.. wt. 3! my manly build on thl rlm, W buncilw lhl WI Min "I W" I: n m. ”command urn-In. II II promu- am on. of (M but Illnal wlbd fill M (I. an". de ll Ala-v: nIII mo Ivm n "I mun-mind Dru-4m Ind hm manor unr-hfllm. ‘nu mcl urn-nun: uh u- m 11 rum—uh- MI, tum-m Ivm 26 pa [mm Ind 28 [III run u n pillinn pungr i. cu mm In: rm my mum. only '0 32 mi. 15 Tvr- nun-um II aim by dm'mg I'. 51¢ wIII. pub ullr‘v In ml Vldrlhv of the [lads wilh I Iihu'll calling cl lunch chllkv Wmmp “quid an III) bl and lo Dodlfllct, bu! ”‘5! N! me dild‘llnlfi nl winflml innlr luff-cl! M lli who! rim to ml. IE valr rial-9' X'Il lull “lb and IV" without [In rim upl In pom-om u mt- pamuoo II Malcolm! m: I ma :hmw vim-"ammo“. aim Minna-1mm“: mum" won 9! mum 17 NM! lit. WI‘B "m haldmnfldlrlldmlidewlfllboln from m. legal "was, mac n l wry grout risk a! I blowout, which n" hm prion! mil-law on lnv lwflwhnl Mill. m 9N- film-N RING-hr! oscillltl ll low MIC hum MOM Buck" m an in Mac! um, mou ally Cluck rim mm: by wlnmnfi MI Tm no! Icnigm on rim Mit- llkl pow Ind mderm Baku binding warlv Brlkll m Mun upuau ponllv Elllphcd‘br l drum Erik- Dull-o“ Sum Ends a! bun mm: nm dun-fared Bake can blnmnn in howl»! wm mu m- Inn-n, leil Kmninian Warn Dr badly udjuned Imam Hooked a: budlv worn Imam Corr-u by mnmlomng Ipckn n: Mung Mod mbuin o_n m rim. mock ma urgnmem. Warm hlakl mums pmvido hm mdencei Rtlfiun brlkll. . mum-rm“. anmy Ik‘m in ma lwinlin nmnfion mm). Fill Ina gull Rana. H mm man, no! mama. Adlun 0' reduce II nlcsslrv. Replme as I pair. Chapmér 6 Electrical equ'pment Cour-m Gm"! damnation Alum-wt shaking man I'm Ill-Mm md "Ilium-m lum- dluingunmm ‘ .. Fun- location and film! . 99mm MM 4 pm my!” ... Quantum null-v - Ion-um Ind Holman Ulnium ”CHM - l-thn ... ..y ”Iva-m - maul ma rlvlonrmm mam » Iduuln' nun My" 4.. Sta M U I” ‘ ”ml!“ 1 Wu FI-Mnu indium- - rial-arm": a! bulb: Finn-v unn- location Ind «vim-u ‘1. I: Mum-I Indicator cad "6mm bulb: "pl-cum.“ u. M Horn loo-non and min-mm Stop "V" swim- location Ind damn! Nam-i Inc‘s-1w mum. location we ~91qu Hmaubu mun-v maul .. Ipluon murmur-q mm Wm».- lava-ma nun-union hm dig-um - any.“ win-um... loam-lam mun—nun": £2ng 3 w fin! mm .. .. um— numn. indium Nluirl indie-lot ‘ . , . “but"! hflb ... m ... u. m I WHOM ; Yr- Mond- 33ml! h mm mm - Iumoll mun my. mid mm. m- uupuy n! which in puma-d in: by the mun-«son g! a. mm and «11“».me min of IN hm: horn, ma nun-In. Indium: In”. Tu- W I: ch-vpd by on dun-nor, m an nlmlmn Imam 1 M-Mlufllwlwn The output hum m Hanna: and an no Mid only um- maul-a tut autumn n u uMIk-lv m m mug- cum-mm: will le new: xo IMI IqulmeuL In manna, if an m'orm-In o! «M- pmnnw ‘n um. i! would he WWIMWMmdmfim. + : Imam-n1 1 I". tbs-rup- luv-I cl Ih- Inn-n MIG n- mnuiud VIII. “2“ W nu «we: and lawn mum an (In an by napping 1M cum W with dimmed wmr, I! mm’ql his ocean-d, i! thank! a. mood up Mu- mlmuc Icid a! nu aim-m spocmc guvilv. II, whan lully chug-d. m- mmc cavity at um um In m- , [1 nm wimln IN my us .123 mm: «20°C. I: with mm m o! flu some was": guilty. 2 Inham-mmmu‘hmmxnmm would I:- v-‘Jmpa om Oil whammy-mam:- nomlon. "1m MIINHIJWDMII‘IIWM‘ "I plum It‘ll Winkl- "In Wu] il‘ hm .WM Amlm—nol|lwm¢mm.flm although m "mud valua- M um mm", a: 5 volt .m- n-dim m- uh-mu mu m wmximnly a vulu 0" load. ‘ '. ‘5 ch”! GIEInctrlcal asylum-m 5 Hu-Wirllndvlflam ‘. I A 15 m lu-_ in - plaice.- Ix loundan Il- palm skin a» Ink-n tun win. Tm urn-dim Mum mm a um i! fin is widul: of 3 non circuit. oflnmi- man: urioux am wlll be cauaed‘ Replace an blown in. u mo eulun pmlflo nmmnllv, m Know “‘0 Vull :kulli pmnhn. ' B Sumlum Miflu - (int-I 6|“:an l The function uf mu mtimr in In cam-r! nlmnuing cumm dim curmh ll Him He mmnl m "aw In an! dllclhll hul not In the rmrle. In In: Hana $5025 I Idamum It‘ll" I’ll-d, a . 1 whmdfM-lflmmflflflbflm 1 Themiflorislocmdhdmintmlm,nwlhbmv.h ‘ 1 Th- Wit cln , mama-flying diur- bulb. 2 Fur mung |n nu noun-l dincflm mnnocl m. podlivc M ‘ lid: offal buncrvwmwmnlpdofm minorvla-bulb and mu mm. 1-) via- an who no Ind. m bulb should light up n ma mm" Mumummg properly. 3 For mum In mu mm: amnion noun-cl mu n'nufivu um: of m. bunny m m Maw Ind and m pmlfiw um 00 m New In (M rod load. "I: “It lulu. Th .Itlrm IN light lhuuid . no a: Iigm up. If I mulllmlur x: nun-H um norm-I wrrlnl um- cit-mm: ~36!an In men llammwld ngimr and in m- ews-in din-man a mung a! 5mm than 1500 ohms Md "in". TM! mien-I mu KM 'lolmlum mlifilr iI In podcondfion. _ chuck-d m ant-ulna lt- am In «5. In .iu with non bum mu . l'qhv .JJ 3 Mmp~ mum-MW! ifinm merin- hum m MIb/mnovhgmcra-M-d m Inn-M ll (be honou- ol ". vlnl. Tho "mam unilun film 0.90“” palladlorwad. 1 TM. Whlb Mlhhu socket In [he Ml Ind Um il Dom “Nikon". 3 "Using an new, an- m- bulb inmd. mm In Me lm I mar-mow. , - 4 WM" "pl-ting um um. and 1M madman o! n. whiny luv 'rlylng or dimly. Hnwir or "now ll not-Cry. Planar-Me h~ (VII mum ovdvv to "mow-l. TN NI) 0mm! llwlvs bl rlphnd with DWI-h. cl Ifil unmet rllhl LI. 5 vol! 5125 WIN. “v «v-- .. ‘4.._‘_‘ _, 31 The clmvolm lml in (he I-nzrv should I. mlmI-inld hemm- the mm; m \\\\\ Chan" MEI-chic.- .quipmzm SJ film IN um hum KM cut bV "MW «in claim :1ch I0 Mud-mu . Mluiflflu Islam hold" 1 Th. hum hula! ii din-id by flack-«ho IN hull," mourning mm ma mnng ir law: at ham-rd 10 m- Doullon mum: 2 To man on human In mu mould bu pine-don Ind wound a! loan 75 '0'! Univ from I wil h ill «and Widen u. off In mm mm mm m. rm and. (All: a nllicn pus-m :1 am In mam-fly cum). 0-! main b-n IN mic-x cl "II edit" 0' IM b-m Hun IN wound Ind v»- film! lrom I”. round (0 I'll cm!" of m h-dlflll lhou|fl h [M 1mm Thi: null lnm mm Mon "II in mm?! II mind "I II") M! not giv- a dummy '"ul. 1: 510pr nil I-np- mun-mm! but t 1 m ml up Ith m I [win nun-m bulb rind n am "If". 2 To win mu, union n. In! D, ummlu. nu. ma Mlinlng'cmn tuna mm- 3 Pm: m. bulb lumen. mm m m Im Ind rum“. I! ma mm nap-m mu m a. mvklng, chock tor n bmkm Hum-u Nova whm ruplacmg, m. mm wlll only m an. wly. 1m pinI m Mint, 10 mm.“ m- un limp ma non lamp th‘nn Inning inadvenlnlly «march-mu. i2 naming Hummer» Mum-moo bull- ‘ The- n mm: mm owls will bull: "my I. munlld on milk) Khmufl' which the wins pal. To 1”!“ l bulb "mow m: plume lam by \mmm‘ng Ihn two «“60an lei-m. hush :he lulu mum Ind mm In Inn II'L n u lmwlflnl no always use 3 Emma" "Id mlb omerwisn IN "Ming me will DI mum, 1:! 5mm umlv Lnuhan md nun-mu I The "w arm n loan-a :19- to m hmuyl hang‘ng nmcalvy mmmm 0mm - any. mu mm. a to my 1mm, ll i! rutbd momma, m must-14mm Iibunon, ma iuca-uu Iron! mo and-mm 2 N m. val-v mfluncuonn l "DWI "III! M Dbl-hid. {Amy "mung mu mo 1-qu an" no: la wm mu whklv bum, "II fludhfl' wen u! Vlull‘V whim). u f ‘ ._ ' 12.1nnmown9m:muuh mm»! I'm out Ill Th. ”Id-f «III! II WN- lrom undlmvllh mofim n v Thu n-mnl lndumr mulch I: mounm on "1 ”mm annn II mu! lulu“ Mun-damn! bulb! - Rid-am I Thu hllbt In mu m‘" M I: Damn“ llmuq Ind fill‘ MI llud. Thlv III huh! in "I find by M "1th mourn-fibula."- ‘5 Hum - Loflflml lid Wm! _—__.—__,— I no ham B I'm-Id show the Hon! mumd, lunchud In m bunom vain by In sum hen-gun]! tutu, 2 To "MW, dllonlmlfl the two horn llldl I! IN cannon)“ and unnnw In. two Haunting ham. 3 To ”In“ I." ham volume. «am [he Izmw an thn back of 1M .hom may but um "me man hall a (mu in mm air-chm! ar mu dbl-mum Inifl may by dade Tum lnr nlximum volulm. Nah: I! I!!! ho"! dues nm work, check '0' nominally a! m- ngm 1m w". bum ll! mm and me mm» bum-m an me MI-Mnd mans-r IwiE'L 1a sm "an men - Locubun Ind nan-mun I Thln ha pun [witch owma by ma Ink: ml. 15. a To Idiull mo hum valumo mm m- mm on mu back n! my hum body hymn-o! 19. 2 m bum-m Mitch n mm In .. non by a lock ling (arrowod) 2 u m. lmnn iI not nun-u ms nu an m- may of m llupllgm mun mama In mum: in m. uwvopim amnion, Tum m. body 0! m. Inilch in m lmiclockwin dimnnn n ma law ix Ian m owning and cl’ockwi- 'n ma uflv whim holding In: man, no ovum "u mm“ adiunmau. 3 A: a why an “gm mama upmu mu «- Ink. mm M hen thorn-d by ~ moh- n mun-4 illfiulov mun » men ma uflmnnm 1 Thu n moumrd an m Ind at me ya. mam: mm and‘ 09mm" on neuull pnm Wu. 2 TD pm Ice-u, ulna-w me mm mm mm rlulnmu m In" crankcase my cum and mum: me my. Unmm me' mimn mounting umwu and nrmm hum Ihs wwshilx drum. 3 u n i: no! fumhning onrrucfly (am: checking me nauiral bun: Is nm at mum—mu, h ' ’18 find-ht! "aw - Rum"! ‘ I Yo vumovln ducmmsu me tuna-v m pm-m a smmmcmt , . ¢ . I m—umwmhwlmmm he “Impala-m. 1 Vmflm will how Ivy "hark-y“! ' C fi’mumflumhmmm II emu coming an giving "hum clmh. Anal. wu- i. ”mummwbmn s ofmmmhmmnhmlwmnhmh- whammy-anon human-m 2 4mm I: locus on on him. Iii-II! Q4 raw-"mum mm fizlu ad! Man I- . K thp—tmmueh-m-nfimm , ‘J WOW-615'. mmmwlmmmh-M ,umm.mutanmhhwhovmm m Mu‘m #mhm-Mflmavlfflm mflpnmm‘tn—nm—np. . ‘ 4 M‘flhnm owl-"hm ' . t 5 Run: unplur-umflh * Wmmmumnm : ' .4 . » ‘1 ' . p . m u ‘ ~ Gu- . . _> - ' - . n I ' _ 47 , '. v . - ' one“ an ‘ I ' Muck wiring in: I'm W for - .' F- H" . or” '- mmqmnwwyfiwnm ‘Iuliuuu. .5 , ) . . , ~ . afi‘ ‘ m moo-mm Rumm- mm Hum-w any: wk 3"" H . Mam W I: W"! cum! m I . ' "' 5 . In!!! L‘ uwfim» v: '_ Mwwnymnngm‘m _mm mm um um ml momma IUER mm mm mm “ KUTML mm m" m ' mum arms": ' M'. mama sewn gm um: I!!!“ 9WD! ‘ I M 2 q“ ’Enn in .‘dII Wawe Wx‘fim Ind examinluo - \ MOI-INK” brake. Hembw: cumin-k3" swim, . II-Ipiv . - . if: f ... j '1':in cyan-M cum-"inn; ,‘axammon NL- --‘vx 5:! me Balm 10m: bun Fnom I'm-el- -le no "my 1:de skin's-2's M icublg wml‘ed disc - “one: man I‘D'mm mum-I 'emnding. 4% - ' ' n ‘ - . \ 9‘ model anly ISSRZB— PE quyll *7 Eximin‘e m. cond ion oy the dis: my’uriy arm-y 5,0!!! I“. whicM-r “mu. II Imp} dawn Ia wound in “WV, fit MI! 3 n . pal! It I! mm mm i‘a cn'ecm min of the un- The fivekspeedefmdel ‘ burl-lg um ’ihe imaoliqmwoi m oflgmi $5025 . . M! m- "mourned, “I mm diam": bring in we nI - f [iv-Wil'm m: amou‘ uranium, m ss'soaqs ’wmqfi mum-g m mmm’n drum ken, m . ,mxén m 3 mm mm 3&1 digs». "fwd “no“ I_ ufi'ul bean in pm 0 plinjm' 1".” In Item I“. I2 In mid Ierwih mi m. over cm with the earlier four- speed version cumin: cubic, WW hr brohu "a, ugm Imam on d-mqua oum cow-n... nll cit-m iii-will mic-n M. All min: "NW minlmlnel mu would b- uni-d .oux' awarding in "II mdum dunflbed In m min. in in. am cnapm oi this m-WII A“- imwwe pertarmmu, nlhell n we exunn cl I slight Inert-d the my ul Iml champion. meu at was: moduli m w-mld mum modlivh. M~ , am in nu wim mo H igi ?miwll Io inducing an lemma! mun-ms to Man WIIEIIIOA‘ m: 5 . me puma slide N. In. nia' knot cut amok-uh mm. It ill. ‘ whiz-my 1am In :3»- wid- ow. petition um mm - my lvaE wN .nNomwm {:02 «8‘2..— ,- Chupfir 7: Supphmam owning th- 5vlpud mode“ ' 1 intern mm m: mu m- amen... vumlnninn Ind mmblv _,_‘._._._—___—.—H_ I Al hough rm 5mm mmell lvn srmrlar m rrian rum-ct: m ull' WE model described m “‘2 preceding Chaplin's, Mm should uwm be mane lo nus Chaim Hm in View at . 36m mfcllawuuvrld nmctdure when mrllln caWEflu m l;- vernal-d u'lo replaced. Wham no Norm-non ll given .r. rm; Chm-r, .r mly be assumed me prune-1m u ldunrical lo ya: in“ Var me We made: )n earllar Chapuu. 2 Roullne mmleuance umcemnl clown lollom lrre sclbeduhs llrudy dewribcd in the (Marlin 3mm 9! mi: Mann-l. In: only "cannon occurs m the one of m SSSOZB-ZE one built mod-l4 whet: \he brake r-qurres a dallererlx form at “rm-on. filler m m ficuhne Marmnam Secxion 0' (his Chapmr. 2 Englmymr: «mining-rd mumbling err- gum-ox l Alrnougn me mud moi-aura number: m Secuom 18am 30 or engage. a curl r. Employ-d, Ih! seamen conurm two ma Dlnrom. Ruhr H: m. momnmymg lme llluslmlion showing me mmod nl mmnly or m.- wm gear ohms a train lurkl: "mar-l hum lum- r Follow me proéuaure flesznhed m accum- 1n Channel 4 m ma cu ul model; lulu: mm a mnamimfl rrl mel drum arm on disc br-kr mud-Is lhfl madnm-urdrwu gummy. sen-Illa sellwnurmu unar. lined on are right-hum 'en‘mrv me wheel mm The drill. cum: can :- dimmued usmn m: drum bnlkl mumoa. ,2 o.- uix brake mémlr. mere rule «may mdimonnlcl m- 'bl'ke cumin; able from the uhpil and I! rh- Iwo fin- Ihal mm the 1:“ hand mudguard my n tumult-d, this wlll lree (he Qwermounrlng arm make mil)" ll the law" boll lr men Mlhduwn, me callpsr um! cln be lfllifl may the lorksas n mmplau unil. e sp—alrum- drill. moi; loam-l Ind ulminnion I The meeomrmr drive gearbox I: hum on ma "gm-hind dud uf me 1mm «4 hub in we can u! m: ms: bay models arm arms In in II nifl u! “re Ironl Inks phl- mmMY lll me case a! drum from an“ "rough In eilher can, rm pmwx . ’ rarely elm trouble ’wllees I! .s nel momma maul-"v A minced man-em an»: gamer wlll prove um lo mm and lrun mum- can, pm ol In. 61in rrnchunnm mw mar. . 2 On disc brake nrmul; me dommr ume gelrbox cm be 'pulled all me and ol w from mm mm my: me lroru whsul has Inc" luv-Md horn m: forks, On drum brake Inudel! the “Homily flrlve tummy can bl WIlhdruwn ham lnilde 1M "um blah! plate ”It! mmml cl lhu Ironl wheel lmm m9 lurks, In bum cast, on" mun k2 liken u: chtck "la! the drive Engagemml dogs ahgn wuh m dogs on me hub, duling reassembly Chock Iha conmnun cl both an ol days m enwre may bar! "In bwly lawn or brutal and .lm Ihe candmon M the arm plmons. 5 Front who-I dlu; lulko u-mth: mm'nmon, diam-"fling, rem-flan Ind run-mm I Dig: brake mmeh rm: me braku mmuv operated by cable. Wre- cable act-run - qulck (mud worn wrmm me brake calmer membly and u r; "us rrm urns: me pad: egerrm me dun: whzn me brake l! ”altar ’ 2 Em'pfi m a red lrrre lnscrlblfl lmurld n. perrumry, which denomr‘ha llmrl or Mar u l. "molly gamma lo 2: ma led lure 5.2 Brake pads have |nwnbld ”M to uww will llmlx 1‘ ’1 J ‘1 y—M.._ e -M E 'v A' a 7' .. v riv-———v—-—v-—~_v~-—r~—vv *V’V'wv' -—* Fi'. 7.‘ w pub- ud it‘ll-I1 —nbly Mlimluh >127 5 L-ysnnn 2nd pm puma - a LnyM-h 4m gm plnflm - 11 mun-n pmmn 75 Kmmm mum wing 20 cucup - 5 a” Lmnan , W - ‘ 12 Kicmm mm: spring 15 rhmn mum ‘ 21 Clmlip ~ 5 of! Lana-Ir m p"! pill/M A 6 Hamil-ah 3M and an int 5 winch-him yurplnmn I3 Kleknan mm 1} ‘r/uuu wan" 2: Di! m1 pmmn I20. 227'! 247 14 Kicknan spring mnpr g _€plm2 ww- la” 23 Clrvllp Main-nah 2nd pm pmmn - 7 Lanna/I am pea pinion - 10 urban 5:» gm plnlnn - Md... Tnmu mum 24 an" 12mm - 2 at! [71' 257' f 11 _~ ' '1 > .., ’ J u' 3.3..“ A. V .,, Hg. 1.2. Disc Ml!- ulilnr wmhly . 1 calm, 5m: upper 5 cw- adiun-r mm m wxamévrpu m ' 14 1?th mum wring :5 Pwm pm ’D’Irng , 2 m 2: Nu! 7: mm: s Cal/par all!!! mm 11 mm: mm wide :5 Adjusm mm: 19 cum pad '0' ”n3 22 Spring wu/ler ‘ 2 0.0;)”pr pm I Uulck-scmw :1:ny 12 Adjusts! :cnw ' [8 all!” cowr Wk" 20 Pint [1m low" ”mun (my 23 Out" cover halt , 3 Disc gum 8 am; pad V; 13 Cabli mar/on block 17 Gran-mgr ma .1 a” 4 4 cums.» My 9 Fimzpad a“ < . ~ , . 4 I I 3‘ / is 9 ,7 V . . “1,; n. . -..',_-‘—- FY ,.. 0 CM!!!" 7: Suppl-mun! mating (ha Squad modais on each and wmlsr applymg we lrom nuke whln m: unlmhlv lr urn lrr sllll D" m: "Inch-nu mm are lrunr whuvl in nlacc. : |1 [he pads are worn me «your wheel must be rammed In Illa-v ween, m: m pads removal as Inflows. Remnv! thn mes boll: wmcll hnld me cclluel cover HY place and duuéh “from". Full me rubbel hoax nu "1|: can!» wrullerlmn Inmn me Incknul. Saw the calmer screw 3‘. lav lrl u; phihlc, m urn able lengrrl gamed wdl laclllmc almngeclmgmc'cablc (mm m muck screw opcrnlr-lg arm. Pull lllc‘qurck mew mummy lrorrl posillofl, hallowed by lhe l’llufl plawouide which liu urlderrlcnh. ~ I Screw one 0' Ike 6 mm calmv mvel’ 56m Irlm am 0' [he rum-am hahu m m aura! me pan and pull mu pad lrom pmmom The lunar and h Inc-lad n rm race“ m we caliper unll by a pin Mllcll prermau vhmufih In lha Hum-hand glue ol m callper using. By pvlsxmu rm hand 0! [he lncallng pun wllh ) ruruble mm the pbd can he pulhnd Irum posilmn, 5 ll elmcr 9.: ll W" dawn to m. red ‘wear llmll‘ hue bollr unis musl be renewed. s eelure replacing me new pm: lnm thP caliper (ml: makn cereal“ lhal ll ll mwlurelv clun. nghlly com me hacklng glam 0' (he lured Iflntl pad WH" sultan! 91933 Mutwle fov Ulla with brake asscmbl‘rel, Realm rm- mm. pad In me wiper unlr mm the front wheel mo rm lurks and Ilghler Ihe wheel mmle 7 Place a new 'o' my an m oulel pad and cm“ W aura! clrcumlcrenu oi me pad mm xlllcorl- grease. Revues [he and m ell. callmr “an maklnu ml: llral [he punch mark alum velr at m. pad .llgn: mlh lhr punch mark on the calipfl bow, neeonnm m brake mm cable with me orcke mummy Inn And elm'l rIplna Ihl Ihlun plate gulucl Pull me cdllluer ruener 1mm positlcrl an m culck screw mmbly and uniclzw mu ldiuilev, which He; nnd'mlzlh urml ‘1 came: up again“ In «no Screw m are adj-um rcrew abcul v. oi one tum re mu m Icnw can rom- lmly. filphce ll-rr rmcllcl and chuck mm me quick scruw mommy functions properly, 3 Fr! lh: qulck gar-w mnlbly inle the caliper uml and ”pl” rm calm ma gum which .5 mm by rrlrec bolu. Screw xho' calm calm-r om llrrril my suck all me cable has been "moved. on an all-moo... m. Idiuner. Now loosen xrlr Idlunal 3 lurlhtr urns ma rlglmrl rllc zoiumr lulu-m. Pull me runner own Mo 9011th am we cable dimer, 9 No mamfiuh wiusmnl as mum is Mons/say as me brake wlll mlm imll mmm-ficiflv mu noel—mu. erl». can he donu by operating me llendl-la-r 11w! final 10 limes when [he gell- caillslmcnl erI has been acmplislrcd. Cluck mac me from Mae! will tam lmly and am nor may ml lrle dry: pm 5 From Imu- urn: umovll, unrulrr-tian uni mph-alum l Mm "undue lewlee l'hc lmrll make alga Wm we“ dwn m a pain when il cannal llmcrlcn nlllclanllv. Tlre llrickrml cl all. {lit can ha mil-mid It vilraks paint: around lls :lrcumferenca with the use 9? - mlcrorrlcrer, I! me also marsbclow 0.0157 in. .- (A mm) ll would u mplscad. Check me dim lor warpagc by nlnning m whul in me (mks, warpage at more man 0.0079 in. (2,0 mm) rue-sumo at In: lnnu mdlu; of the disc wrll reduce rlr. Enkwllcy or me brn e end will cause iumcrzng and menu."- P” MI. 2 Tu. am: ir "lumen an m- Mleel hub by com null; ml nuls lid (an bl rammed IREV 1h! 0mm wheel has been launched lrcm rue lrorlr (mks, The locknuls 3r! secured in pan by common uh murm which ml.“ be knocked down helm ml- nuu In lammld. 1 Whnl bluinws' cumirmion and repI-urm-m ; I To glln scans to [he lmm wheel hearings on dire brake models, il in Hm ncmm m rEmovl rm spudumem drfivl gearbox, which will pull all, me gearbox leulmr and mo mam-r ml. TM mains: ma merge mmvrcd by "mum , _ n»: ' . - 5'4 7‘ “1A., -' Q mmim u m‘whhéfiuw ’ "12'1".“ “xwiW‘m m ‘ , mi ’3’. 0 WM": ' um lull- sum mm mm . 4,7. 4 . ‘ m slw k" - 1 sum mu um '- . ”In!!! Ill-All: M m ~ ‘2‘ ‘ .‘ mm mm mu :1 "I | SW um ‘ 6mm mmpu, I'M sum Sill I « ’ um Izcmzn ‘ W123 5" 5"“ Imm um LRLIE “Ill mun W! -_. w- » Iot- ‘- ‘ k'.‘ mmfl A. ml!" ( ‘ r- m . I ‘ IE It .. 9:0, 3 1, : 1 ' ' * w H ,, . 1‘ 0:9 1 UH'IOI In. 0-312 on + ’ J. . - ¥ , Fig. 7.4. mm. any... - susozx u: (UK mod-I) ' _ C A 9 ' ' g. .y ‘ ' " . . A . . ¢ ‘ .x . . ‘ M .:.$3 1 . a ”h n ‘ MOSHE 0.!” mm mans hl71815 (“375 0.203126 @21875 film 323 em 0.” m 0.01 0.254 0.02 0” M3 0.7“ 1 0M $.01. 3383 Siflflfiafifrgj‘ . . mi 4512 nu m m- m su’ ”Kan-drum- as r-filnr so 1 much Im- -l7 III-Mind mun unins- ‘ Ban 9 snu- - 18,”, 9:1, as, 9; ‘0 55 ‘ -s1 amu- 1.0, u. 21;? B 15 C .., Ignlian lynnn - 81 which brim-n6 NM - fl , ”mm-5V dwefiin- as Fin-swam I: Thoma-.73 Fum- may-17 FrlIIl From Fro!“ Fuu . .H cum-'9. 12.95 * Glut m1“;- '0.” ”[3 WWW-W umlm- 81,39 Hum -m ‘ rub-my ‘9,“ g . wmm- 410MB!) ‘1" ' ‘ i- 9; , ‘2 75% Models covered by “IIS flannel \" ~ Honda SSSOZE 49cc 4 smelmodcl. May 1973 lo Sevlember 1975 F‘ \ Homla SSBOZK 2E. 49cc 5 speed model. October 1975 lo December 1975 , . Hunt}: SSSOZB-QE. 49cc 5-speed model mm from disc brakt January l976 In July 1977 nullllvulhlmn mus.” would“ yum-Shun bv anuM mmm w lulu-mm. mm n. «M. my“. n< pfidmm mu annuv not” Wolnlenar'ze mu m4 w gm nee' mu .4“ m: 'mI' hull) .an .«zw I..anr"uvl r“ , “w. ' In. on slop-by-Ilop Illusgrnled Instruction: covul Ins dumnnrlrng. rnspoctrnn. room and ralmmq M m- angina, clulch Ind fieavhox, cooling xv: m (whom lrmd). luol and lubucauon syn-ms, ignmon and amount swam. frame and lorks who-As. nukes mo tyres, and mo eleclriul system. Routine Mormon-"co, complete specilicallnns and dollllnd Mull dlnonoms umcoduros us also Included. Only mm“ complmly “up and. rlbhlld [he molorcvclo on whlch auh manual is based "IVY-1') my m) only“, mu m» mm:— :er unfhav! 'anl‘ry me a All:l4'lv"\«‘l.e\ uvwr u w 41m ”5.” Whoa-nu you lusl WIN! :9 clung: your oil molar.- ymmugs. co'rrv out a ‘ log and ovorhaul or rnbmld your gearbox. Ina Havnos manunl wrll shah you how ond un hnlp xavv suusnnlial amaunu on semcmg and lanai! Mu; .m lo,".|led 'muq m .- any language / lam, (.r’r ~5er lm snow amp” mllnwtlrp hy sr vlw'h'mls 'vrrl 9/ ‘Iuv'llfld _[ U. will ‘7», A Hlvnos manual can holy Von slremh your mororcvclmg budget th Imlo on lunhur In ath ways loo. Ragulm moumenonca and semcmg will mun lhal your motorcycln Is solar lo no: whilsl gmng you mo 01 more prucrous mpg. Whu': more. I motorcycla lhu Ismail look-d nhu will ‘7 hold lu pm:- honor and In" u lot longer. , “ ISBN 0 85696 181 l HAYNES MANUALS EXPLAIN BEST GO BY THE BOOK