Introduc n [his scNiCc mnnuai descrlhes the serwce prccedures fur me CERSODFZ Tins Mcuei suecmc Manuei induces every service pros cedura rhar Is of a specific nature (0 ins penrsuisr wadei Basis service procedures that are common ro onrer Hanna Marcrcyeie/Morur Scnnlei’AW: .rre caveled in the Common Service Manual This Mcaei suecmc Service Manuei sncuiu be used icgerncr wrm rne Cemmnn Serwce Manual In urder m pmvide (:an uierc serv ca iniorrnemn on a“ aspects this murorcycie CODE AREA (TYPE) 7 fl CODE AREA NW!) A CM Canada AC Fciiaw mo Mnmmnance eneuuie (Section 3i recom- rnendnnnns rn ensure mar me yenicie .s in peak opeval- mg mnmnnn and me einissvun ieyeis ave wninn rne sundanh sei by rne u.s Enyrronmcnrni Prorucrinn Agency and rnu Caniornia Air Resources Board Fedormmg me nrsr scheduled mammnancn is very rmponunr ir neips compensate rcr rne inmai wear mat uceurs during rne breakrin period Sucnun 1 and 3 appiy in me wheie mmmcvcie,iac1lon 2 iilusrrares pmceduves fur rerncyaI/rns-iallaricn oi camponems mar may he required ro ueriarm servica and describes pans or the nrcrcrcycie, grouped according incnxmns Find rne secuan yuu want on mis page, inen turn the ram; uI contains on ma rusr page or me saclinn Most secnune describe me servrce procedures inruugh sysrern riiusrrarrcns Refer ro rne nexi page for details on new to use «his rnenuai. If you nun'r know me suurce ur rne rruuuiu. gu m was [ion 20 Vraumesnoorrng, All inlunna an, xllusvations, divecllan! and snumlicafiuns includad in this publlranun are based on the Iawsl producl inrunnnrian “enable a or. rim of apnloval lav priming. HONDA MOTOR CO , LTD reserves ‘he Hg?“ in "like chlflgil at any rirne wimnm incurring any smug-rum Maxever. Na pm oi mu publication may be reproduced wilnom wiltlen pelmis on This manual Is wriuwn for pulsuns whu nave acquired basic knowledau 0f mainiunance nn HONDA molovr cyclea, mow! scomers or ATVs. HONDA MOTOR co ,u'n SERVICE Puaucnion OFFICE Contents General Information .I Flame/Body Panelerxhaus‘ System a Mainlenance a Lubricalion System ll Cooling System 1 EueiSysrern .3 Engine Removal/insraiiarion n Cy nder Head .3 CIulch/Geavshifll. kage ¥ El craniQase/cVirnSreTsmn V m Engine and Drive Train [ , J Crankshah/Transmissiun From wheel/Suspensicn/Sreenng Ia u '5 E Rear Wheel/Suspension IE! U , , , 7 77 WSW n1 n9 System/Altamaml _ Ignulon System Ila E i a, ,7 c E Lights/Mmevs/Switches IE! Troublasnnon'ng Date er issue June 1993 c HONDA MOTOR co. LTD Important Safety Notice India-us - mow mummy of may. mismnl luurv 0: mm w illnmctioul m nnl [allowed CAU‘IDN India": I puliibiiw 0' twlnmlm Hm! ' umcllons In no! lnllnma. NOTE lees helplnl iMovmallt‘m Deullea descnmmns or standard workshop procedures may puntlples ma sen/ice opeulian: ale not lncluaed n >5 imunnanl \0 new (hm ms manual mmam. mine wamlngs and cautlnns mm: same spnclhc sen/me memods which could :aun PERSONAL INJURV m sell/ins personnel m could damage a vehlcle m vandal W unsale Pleaxe undersund mal those warning: could nul :nver all cancelvable ways m whlch sen/me, wnmm or nm vecommenaed by Handu‘ .mgm be dune m af 0.: posslh‘y halall‘uu: cuniuquences of Each cancalvable way, no: cnum Hunua lnvesume all such ways Anvnnu uslng serwce mataduves or louls, whelhsv av nol vacommanded by Honda, musrsallsfv mmse/f maraughlythax name. persnnal sulew not vzhlcle may Wlll be leapamu-a by me sen/ICE melhods or louls salmeu Symbols The symbols used lhroughoul lhis manual Show specific sswiee pmcadulei ll supulemenlary .nlunnsllon ls reuulled peualnr mg to mess symbols, n would be explalned specmcally m me lexl wllhom me use at me symbols @ Realm: ma game) with new onelsl hefule assembly. Use SDeDfl‘ mol Use dmlunal mdl. Use me same procedure you use (a order perm Torque specmcunon w New) ll .0 kgrm, 7,2 hrlbl 6 P s. Use lecummndcd englne all, unless atherwlae specllledv Use malyudenum ml suluuon lm-nure of engme ml and mulyudenum grease m s rallo ol 1 1) New Use mulllrpurnose glean lLimlum based mukl-puvpos: grease NLGI #2 or equlvalznll Uso molybdenum disulv e gmase (comalnlng male than 3% molybdenum dlsuHIde, NLGI #2 m eaulvalent) Example; Mulvkole‘” 5er plus manuluelured by Dow Comlngv U.$.A. Mum-purpose MsZ manufaclured by Mlisubishl Oll Javan Use molybdenum dlsulhfle nasce lconlslmng muve men was mnlybdenum disulllde, NUS! #2 or equwalenl) Example. Molvkme' G-n Pssle mamllaclmetl by Duw Coming, U s A Hunda Molv 60 IU s A only) RuLul ASP manulzcmled by noeul lelled U K Rucol vusle manulanured by Sumlcc Luuncsm, Japan M Use slllcone glease Ml Apply a leckmg agent Use a muddle suenuu. locking agenl unless olherwlse specified. k 9 Apply seelenl a Use brake fluid DOT 4. Use the recommended brake fluid, unless otherwlse soeclfled 1 Use lurk cu Suspension FIUld How to Use This Manual Fin a The lnlmmanon Vnu Need Thy; manual .5 dlvlded 4M0 saouons whlch cove! each oi the menu cumnnnems ol lha mumrcvcle To qulckly lulu lha secllon you an, lmmslaa .n, [he hm pagn ol each simian l; marked wnh a black laa lhal Ilnes up wnh one ol lha lhumh lnaax labs below. “is oaga. Tha llrsl page cl aach secllon hsls lhe uble ol conlenls wnhln lhe sucllanu Raao (he servica lnfovmzuun and vuubloihcmlng velmo la lhe mllon b81016 yuu oegln wovklng. An lnaax ol lhe mlim hook ls pvcvloed the lm chaom Io dllocllv locale (he .nlolmauan you new. Underslanding The lnsnuclions - The removal and lnslallanon ol pans are lay lha meal om lllusnaml by lame and clear lllusuauana that should pmvld: the reader wilh vlsual m .n undersiandmg the mainly pnlnl For selwclng The svnem illustv-Ilnns at: augmemed by cllluuls whose numbevs ol laneu lndloau (h: ardu ln whlcmha pans should a; removed or lmlallao The sequence ol sleas leplesanlea numellczllv ale d4uevemlaled horn [he ones replesenled alphabellcaflv l0 nouly the lead" lhal lhev mu§| padorm lhese nevi sepmiwly Fol exzmnle, ll ma 518D: PHD! and up m camshan removal 2'2 aellonnao wlm me anglna lnsxalleo, aul ma subsequem mos like cyllnael hoaa removal raaulr- anglne ramuval, ma aallouxa m grouped ln numollcal ano alphabellcal oroels The lllustlalions may coma-n symbols ID maloala necessary seruloe procedures and pram ns lhal need 10 be laken Rmr lo IN "6’“ page to: ma meanmg or non Symbol mark Also In [he lllusuauon IS a chan man lins lnlonnauon such as me oroa lhe part, and some exva holes \hal may he needed, Slap by slap lnsnuchons are Dmvldad Io sunolemanl ma lllusuahons when aolallaa cxnlanzltlen ol (he nroceoum Is nocos saw 01 llluiuztiuns aloha would no! auuloa San/ice wouaduves laquilud oalola or anal me Dlucedule des ad on ma nanlaulal angel 0! lnaaaoxionladiuelmanl am :edules vaeullau lollowlno lhe mualllllnn ol nulls, an oaacnhaa undsl the (me Reauislle Samoa slanoam wolkshuu procedures and knowledge covered ‘7‘ [he Common Samoa Manual are abblav'lale whlch (he pan ls vemoveollnslallea, lhe name a! (his manual, Deulled oesolimlon Svmbols Svsl’em .llusnauon a. 0‘. mm” “a “mm- / / (ma—mam...“ mummmmmmm woman...“ mum / Pan ham. Numhzl ol Ema nulvs or placeuuuns nuns ralalea lo we semce procedure 2. Frame/ Body Panels/Exhaust System Service Information 2-1 Front Cow! Disasumny/Assembly 2-6 \ Troubleshooting 2-1 Rom Fender B Rsmoval/lnslallafion 2-7 I Side Cover Removal/Installation Z-Z Tail Cowl Hemoval/Ins‘allalion 2-7 Seat Removal/Installation 2.2 Rear Fender A Removal/Installmion 2-6 l Sido Fairing RamuvaI/Installatinn 2-3 Exhaust System Removal/Installation 2-10 1 ant Cowl Hamuvnl/Instullalion 2% Fuel Tank Ramoval/lustallan'un 2-11 Service Information m— Gasolme is extremely flummmnbla and nxplo: va under canain cnnd ns Serious bums may rusult if the when: system is nol allowed to cool balms eompununts are lomovad p: son/iced. Work In a well ventrlatea area Smoklng or ulluwlng flames orsperks m me workma area or where gasallrle ls slured can cause a We 0' explosmn Thls secuen covers rempual and lnsrallanon ol the lranre pony panels, fuel tank and exhausl system Frame body panel tnslellaripn ‘5 m the reverse order pl rernpuel, unless noted etherwrse wrren remeurng the cover, be earelul net \0 damage any tab or groove pl 3 cover. Always replace the Exhausl plpa gaskets when lamnvlng the exhaust pipe from the engme When rnstallrng the exhaust prpe. Install all the fasteners loosely. Always llgmen me exhaust clamps first, then ughren lhe moun‘lng lasteners ll you ngMen the rneurmng fasteners lrrst, the exhaust mpe may not sent properly A‘ways "1502“ the exhaust system for leaks arter Installatlon Troubleshooting Excessive Exhaus‘ Noise Broken exhaust system Exhaust gas leak Paar Peno'mance Delnrmed exhaust system Exhausl gee leak Cologgee mufflar 2-1 Frame/Body Panels/Exhaust System Side Cover Removal/Installation Unluck me QUICK re‘ease fasteners by ahgnmg the \ang slot wlth the punch mark. Remave the swde Cover by re‘easvng the bosses on the Cnvev from the grammes CAUTION as carelul mu m break the me side cover and mu cowl when lemoving me Slfln cover. InslaH ms side cover signing its bosses wnh ms grommets and engage me (abs mm me slots, and pms wnh the holes securely as shown Lucklhe clip by zlignmglhe "A" markwlth the punch mark. Do me same on lhe mher side Seat Removal/Installation Remove the side covers Remove the seat by remuumg the bollsand shdmg me seas back. InsvaH me seat m we reverse order of removal, men msmll the srde covers. H) QUICK RELEASE FASTENEH l2} UNLOCKED (3) LOCKED (2) 808555 (I) QUICK SCREWS (HALIGN l3) BOLTS Side Fairing Removal/ Installation Frame/Body Panels/Exhausl Syslem CABLEiHOLDERS \\,__ Requisite Service Slds cover removal/lnslallallon (page 272) Preoedure O’rv Remarks Removal order lnsrallnuon is in the reverse order of remuval. lll Malntenance cover 2 (2) Tapplng screw 2 (3) ‘ Headlighl lower cover 1 Release me elewshorn melrnnl cawi stay. Be careful none break off me claws lal Helammg plug 2 (5) Hex boll (lung: 2 {5] He): hall (shun) 10 m Left Slde falnng 1 NOTE ~ Separnre the lefi Slde fairing from llne ngln one by disanr gaglng the hacks on (he bclum of me lalrlngs. - When anembling the slde laulngs, allgn me bass on me len slde (airing with me hole ln the right one. - Lee: and right slde falrlngs can he removed wlthom (emavlng me me falrlng Inner covers (sl mgm :lde lzlrlng 1 Replace me spedometer cable from the cable holder on the Inner caver. [SD Self-mDDIng sclew 6 llol Side falrlng Inner cover lngm/lefl) l 'l Frame/Body Panels/Exhaus! System Front Cowl Removal/Installation V ARROW MARKS IDENTIFICATION MARK (4) «D [2| (5) 2—4 Requisite Service Side iarnng removaVinsta‘a‘iun (page 273) Frame/ Body Panels/ Exhaust Syslem Pmcedura Cl’ty Remarks Removal Order 11} Rear mew mirror Inner cover 1/1 (2) Bolt 4 (3) Hear vmw mrrror mum/lam 1/! (4) Seal rubber p‘ale 2 (5) Sear rubber 2 (6) Wm screen I (7) Seal rubber 2 (a) From rum slgna‘ connector (3P mlm) 2 [9) Headlrgm sucker 1 (IO) Hex bolt 2 (II) Front cowl 1 lnsmllation Older u n From cowl I Alrgn the bosses on the headlight case wrrh the grommers. (‘0’ Hex bolt 2 l9) Headligh‘ socket I (8) From mm sugna‘ connect!!! (3P min” 2 (7) Sean rubber 2 (6) Wind screen 1 (5) Seat rubber z \nsral \he righr seal ruhbar wrm the mark ”MTAVR’WacIng m. ‘ \nsmll lhe Iefl sear rubber with me mark 'MT4VL' faclng in lnsrall the right plate wnh the marked side m and math arrow ‘ mark pumung forward and up. {at r Sear rubber plate 2 Irma“ (he left plate wmh the marked side um and Each arrow mark pomtlng lmrward and up (3) Rear View mirror [right/15m 1/1 (2) ‘ Hon 4 (1) ‘ Rear VIEW mirror Inner cover 1/1 Frame/Body Panels/ Exhaus‘ System Front Cowl Disassemny/Assefl'ubly (6) (3) 13’ Requlsne Service Front cowl removal/Installation (page 274) r M r 1 Dismembly Order ‘ Assembly is in the reverse order of dtsassemblv. m Turn signal wwe 2 RE‘eaae the wires from the clamps. ARM assembhng m "an! cowl, route and clamp the wires as shown 12) Screw/washer 4/4 43) Cenlev flout cow! 1 w rscrew/washer 4/4 (5» rheadlight assembly 1 (a) Rightlmnl 00M 1 17) rscmw 1 ‘ 18) right mm signal ‘I ‘ 49) Leh front cowl 1 no: screw 1 H I) 4st mm Signal 1 ‘ Rear Fender B Removal/Installation Remove lhe screws and (he dnve chum cover, Release the brake hose from [he c‘amps on me rear fanr der B Remove me screws and remuve the rear fendnr E Insrau we removed pans m me reverse order of removal NOTE -Afler Clamping the brake hose wrm rear cramp on me mar finder Br make sure the clamp opening is less than 7mm (0 28in). Tail Cowl Removal/Installation Remove rhe sear mags 2-2. Remove Ihe bolts and me ‘arl cowl lnstal‘ the m cow‘ In we reverse order of remover Frama/ Body Panels/Exhaus‘ System (1) CLAMPS ‘ \ RV _ \ d \\ 15) DRNE CHAIN $‘Q covzn « 14) BRAKE HOSE 7mmIoJBmJ r” (1) REAR FENDER E 12) SCREW pn/T) CLAMP LESS THAN {‘1} BOLTS Y‘L/ ”(limb (2) BOSS 13) TAIL // COWL M) GROMMET 2-7 Frame/Body Panels] Exhaust Systam Rear Fender A Removal/lnstalltion. FIame/Bodv Panels/Exhaus1 System Requisim Service Sea! removavmsmuanon (page 2721 , Ta1l caw1 mmovaI/instanauon (page 2.7) Procedure 00/ Ramsrks Removal om: Installanon Is in the reverse ovdev cf removal (H BUR 3 (21 Left rear footpeg stay 1 (31 Turn s1gnal wue connecmr 2 (41 License mam 1|gmw1re cannecwr 1 (51 Bolt 3 (61 Rear fender B 1 (71 *screw 4 191 mange collar 4 (91 7523! rubbar 4 1101 «eavmm s1gnal (nght/lefl] 1/1 111) 'flange coHar 4 112) 7mm slgnal base (right/lam 1/1 113! 'balx 2 (141 *clamn 1 (15) 'flange canar 2 (161 -l1cense plate 119m 1 1171 rnut 1 (IE) refiecmr 1 Frame/Body Panels/Exhaust Symem Exhaust System Removal/Installation (5) (5) (an (91 EXHAUST FIFE \‘ _ L , I 1(7’ 1 , , - RETAINING PLATE - 1 I) 1 111821121151 J 1 PM E (10) 20110414) Do nal service the exhausl system while ix is hm. Requisite Service 51119 falrmg removamns‘auauon lpage 2731 Procedure g O'ty Ramavks Remwal Ordev ‘ ‘ lnsla1|a|1on IS in me revevse order of removal (1) Mufflevhand bok 2 Only loosen 121 Muffler mountmg ban 1 13} Henge collar 1 14) Washer ‘ 1 (5) Muffler 1 (51 Mufllsr gaske1 ‘ 1 17) Exhaust we mounlmg ban 1 (81 Washer 1 (91 Hangs Mar 1 NOTE ‘ -1ns«a11 the flange couar mm me flange 5mg facing the 1 frame (101 Exhaust we 101m nuts 6 NOTE -T1gman (he .mm nuts 1n mp ovder as shuwn m) Exhausiplpe I 1111 Exhaust pvpe qaskel 4 2-10 Frame/Body Panels/Exhaust System Fuel Tank Removal/Installation (1| e is extremely flammable and is explosiva undai cenain canditlons, Requisite Service ~ Seal removal/”\slallannn (page 272) Procedure D'lv Remarks Removal 0'68! \nstallztlan ls In the revwsp nvrlm rll Vemnvzl (l) Fuel tank mounllng bolt (Swim) (2) Fuel tank mounting bolt l8mm) (3) Flange collar (A) Ml tum: (5) Alma fuel valve vacuum tube la) Fuel tank drain was 17} ‘ Fuel tank vcnl [utle 18) Fuel tank Below dlsconnecting, (urn We fuel valve OFF. lgggghl); 2—11 3. Maintenance Service Inlormation 3-1 Service Access Guide 3~2 Mainlenanne Schedule 3-4 Air Cleaner 3-5 L¥ Spark Plug Valve Clearance Carburelor Synchronintinn Side Stand 3-5 3-5 3-9 3-10 Service Information Refer in Common Service Manual Ior service pracedures an ilems not included in mis manual Reler [O the spemficanons [Secllon 1) far mainlenance service dala Malmenance Service Access Guide The foliowlng shows the locallons of the parts (hat must be removed for We malnlenance Items llsled below Refer Lu the (Summon Sen/lee Manual for (rams not Included ln (hlS manuai ~ Refer in semen 2 (Frame/Body Panels ’Exhausx System] for the parts mar must be removed for sarvlce For example.AlH CLEANERiComamlnallon Cloqqmg repiacelnem].Par(s Filai (ank The pans must be remnved fol service Alr Cieane' (Cenrammarron, ciogglng, replacement page 375) - Fuel Izmk Reserve Tank Cap (Coolam mung) ‘ - Hrgm sldE cover Throttle Grrp (Operanon, free play) Masrer Cyimder Brake Pedal (Air in system) (Level check, fluid leulacemem) Brake Reservolr (Level check, fluid replaeenrem) ' Righl sufle COVE! Brake Lever [Alr In sysrem) Headilghl (Alml Radlalol Filler Cap (Coolam replacementl - From cowl Brake Hese (Leakage, Brake deterioration, damagel Calrper (Pad weerl Brake Caliper (Pad wear) Tlre (Wear, damage, pressure] Trre (Wear, damage, pressurel OII Fllrer (Replacement) wnw - Right side Wheel (Damage mnuut. (Damage, runcm, eorreeronl falnng curmsienl Pulse Secondary Arr injacuon Syerem iCall'nrnla type) (Alr leaks, delelluranon, damagel - ngm srde falllng Brake Hose (Leakage, derenorauon, demagel Ignition Pulae Generarer Fiatnr Cover Car.) (Valve cieararlca page 37m Brake Light Switch (Unemionl - nghl slde falrlng Ull Flller Cap/Level Gauge (Level check, repiacement) 3-2 Synchronization Adjusflng Screw (szhuretor Synchronization page 379) . - Fuel Kank Carburewr Choke [opeiaxiani Clutch Lever (Free may) Slesring Head Eaarings (Damage) Valve Cleavance \page 3-5) Suspension (Loose, weai, damage! Radlamr Hose (Leakage deterioralion, damagei -Side éa ngs Spark Plug Mean damage, mlaraiion) Maimenanca Covers Engine on Drain Bult (on mulauamem) ~ Lpfl slde «airing 7!, J Ma imam-1 nce Thruule Slop Screw (Idle speed) ' Left SIdE cover SusDensiDn (Loose, wear. damaga} - Rear veneer E Drive Chaln (Free niav, iubncaiiom replacement) Evaporative Emission Caniste! (California type only) ‘ (Deformation, Hose Connection) w fairings Side SIand [Opsraxiunb 3-3 Maintenance Maintenance Schedule Perform the PREeRIDE INSPECTION In 012 Owner'; Manual at each scheduled maIntnanee nenod. I: Inspect and Clean, Adlusl, LubrIcare, or Replace If necessary n: Replace, C: Clean, L Lubncate, A Adlust The fnlIowrng Items requrre some mechanical knewIedge CertaIn Items IpartIcqurIy (hose marked at and a H may require mare lechnlcal infarmaIIun and special mule. Consuk your aulhonzed Honda deaIav. F'wuemv odometer neadIn re 1 \ “we 7 g (No ) Rafer to - x 1,000 mI o 5 4 a 12 16 20 2A page Item \ fipoo km 1 a ll I8 24 30 as . Fuel LIne l I I Nata 5 . Thrume Operation | I I More 5 - Carburetor Choke I I I Note 5 g Air cleanet INore zI n R 35 3 Spark Plug 7’ I R I a I R 3,5 3 . Valve Clearance I I 375 '5‘ Engine on R R a a Nate 6 I; i’Engme oil FllteI R n n R New 5 S . Calburemr Syncnranraatron I I I 379 m . Carburetor ItlIe Speed I I I I I I I Nate 6 2 Radlamr Cuolanl (Nos 3) I I n Nate 5 “‘ . Cooling Syslem I I I Note 5 A Secondary Air Supply System (Note 4) I I I More 5 ‘ _ Exiting“ Emlssron Control (New 4| l I 7 I "mg 5 ’7 Drive cnain Eyary eon mr II 000 km) I, L More a I g I BIaIte Fluld 1 (Note 3) I I n I I n Note L g ‘ Brake Pad Wear I I I I I I I Note 5 E Brake System , I I I I More 5 ’5' - Brake Lrgnt 5wrtcn I I I More 5 g . HeadlighI Alm , I I I More 5 5 I cluten System I I I I I I Npto 5 5 Slde Stand I I I 3710 g - Sllsuensmn I I I More 5 g - Nuts, Bolts, Fasteners I I I I More 5 g anaale/Trraa I I I I Note 5 - ‘I Steennp Head BearIngs I I I I More 5 - Should be aaryrcod by an authorized Honda dealer, unIeas the owner has the proper tools and serviae data and Is mecnamcallv quallflsd. - . ln tna Interest of the safety, we recommend mesa IlEms be aeryrcaa only by an athorlzcd Honda dealer Notes I. At nrgnar odometer readings, repeat at the Ireaueney interval establrshed here 2. Service more Irequently when rrdIng m unusually wet or dusty areas. 3 Replace eyerv 2 years, or at lndlcaled odometer Interval, wnIcnwar comes first Replacement requires moenanIcal sInIl 4. California type only, 5. never to Common Sen/Ice Manual. 5. Use the apepriication In section one and rarer to me Common Servlce Manual 3-4 Air Cleaner Her-nave lhe luel Iank (page 2-l ll. Remove me seven screws, alr cleaner hauslng cover and air cleaner elemenl Discard rhe arr cleaner elemenl m accordance wltl’l Ihe malnlenance schedule. Alsu, replace ma element any rims ll is excssslvely dlny ur damaged lnmll rhe removed pans m Ihe reverse order 01 removal, lnslzll the fuel tank lpage 2711). Spark Plug - Du not much the exhaust system wlula I ‘fil NOTE For detalled lnsrruchons, refer to section 2 of vhel Common Sen/Ice Manual. The No 1 spark plug can be «mean from me nghr Slde, and the No. 2, No. 3 and Na. 4 spark plugs can be 59 d from the lefl side Remove the maintenica has by rurning the quick screws cauntercluckwrse. A spark plug wrench ls mcluded m lha tunl kn Dlsconnect the spark plug caps and clean away dln from around lhe spark plug bases. Remov: lhe sgark plugs uslng rhs wrench m the toolkit. lnstall the Spark plug in the reverse urder of remaval Ylahten ihe spark plug 1/2 turn with the Spark plug wrench m compass rhs sealing washer ll the old plug is reughxened, tighten rt 1 /8 1/4 lurntu campressrhsseallng washsr. lnsrall [he malmanacs llds and secure them by lurnlng me muck screws clockwise Valve Clearance Inspection NDTE r Adjust me valve clearanca whlle the englne IS cold (below SET/'95" F). Remove rhe alr cleaner housmg bass lpage 673]. Remove the radralor mourllinw bolrs and release my grommet on the raalatormp from the boss on (he hams. ane the radlator forward and secure It (0 (hr: fork tube: wnh uleces ar slrlng as shown M aimenance 12) SCREW (HAIR CLEANER \i‘ ? l3] AIR CLEANER HouslNG COVER ll) MAINTENANCE LID (z) QUICK SCREWS Ma imenance Remove the ignman pulse generator 1mm ouver can. Hemuve me cylinder head Duvet (page my Alran the T mark (notch markl wllh Ihe index mark on ma rgnruan pulse generamr rotor cover by turnlng me crank snan clockwrse Make sure that the (mung marks rm" und“EX"] on (he camshan gears are allgned wrm the cylmdav naad upper surface and facing opposite each other as shown If the rrmrng marks PIN” and ”EX”) on rhe camshafl gem: face each other, rum the unnkshaft clockwise onefull rum (360‘ l and realign the T mark Inolch mark) wrm ma index mark on the rgrrirron pulse generator rotnr cave! Insert a feeler gauge De‘ween the cum lobe and valve llfter at Ihe Nn.‘l cvllnder. Measure and record the valve clearance Vllve CIeanmc-s : IN 0.110.19 mm [0.0050007 in} E .lS-D.25 mm (D 007vOV0IO in) Turn the cvankshafl clockwlse 1/2 tum HSO'I and make sure the index Iine on (he ignllion pulse geneatar romr rs facing up as shown / flu)” IGNITION PULSE GENERATOR ‘ ROTOR COVER CAP I3] TIMING MARKS (2) IMNDEX (1)TMARK HI INDEX LINE 3-6 Insen a feeler gauge between the cam lobe and WM! lifter var me No. 2 cylinder Measure and vscord me v2‘ve clearance Tum (he crankshaft clockwlse W2 mm (180‘) and make sure 1 mark (nmch mark) on the ignmnn pulse generator rator ahgns with the Index mark on me ignirmn pulse generator cave: lnsen a feeler gauge belween ms cam Mae and va‘ve liner hr the Na. 4 cylinder. Measure and record We valve cleavance Tum (he clankshafi clockwise U? Mm (180’! and make sure the Index line on (he igniuon pu‘se genennor rotor .s (mug up as ahuwnr Maintenance (HTMARK (2) \NDEX MARK Maintenance Insert a feeler gauge between the cam lobe and valve llflel fnrthe No. 3 cylinder Measuie and record me valve cleaiance Shim Selection If the claarancs Is not cormcl REMOVE ma camshahs (page 6-2) Remove the valve llhei and shims (page Hi NOTE Do not alluw shims Io fall into ms mankcasa Til! shim(5) may occasionally stick in me valve lifter Mark me DosKions of all valv: llhers and shims to ensure comm reassembly n is Easy to rzmuve Ihe valve llfterwith a valve lapping tnol or magnei. Remave [he shims with iwaezers m a magnei, Clean the valve Iil’lev Wth compressed ail Measure the shim thickness with a mlcrumelzr and iecord it NOTE - Sixlyrflve different shims ave available in ihlckness mien/ails of o 025 mm Th: thinnes‘ is 1.200 mm and the Ihickesl IS 7 2.800 mm. To confirm your shim choice, you may use ma followmg iarmuia : .7 (b—cH—d m shim thickness acumad valve clearanca c snot; ad valvl clearance d . old 3 im llilcknass Example: record :1 valve clearance : 0.06 mm ala shim thickness: 1.375 mm specified valve clearance : 0.16 mm 0.064116] +I,875 mm ‘775 a NOTE lflile requimd micknzss DflhE new shim is more man 2,800 mm, the vatve seal is probablv heavily carboned Reface the max, recheck vulva clearance and reselect the shim. [1) VALVE LIFTER (USHIM l82 185 Lazsmm ‘LBDmm 1.85mm 1 875mm l— 3-8 Check me Ignmon pulse ganeramr rotor cover cap Orrlng fur damage or detenaralion. Ramses it with a new one if necessary Anew molybdenum drsurnue grease to the lgnmcn pulse generator cover can threads and rignren n. Tnmus.13N-ml1 akg-m. IZh-lh] Install rne followlrlg : 'CYlindel head cover (Dane 5-2) an cleaner houslng (page H) «adialor (page srsl Carburetor Synchronization NOTE [ ~ Refer to seenan 2 or the Common Servlce Manual rm carburelor synchronlzalion procedure ' Synchronize the Carburetors with me engine at nor- mal operating lemperature and the tranem-sslun in nsulral - No. 2 carburamr is tne base carburemr Remove the fuel rank [page 2-1 H Dbconnect the luel valve vacuum tube trurn me No. l earburerbr uacuurn punt. Remove tne rubbercap lrum me Nu z carburetorvacuum loml CAUTION Hemwu the rubber cap by pinching the and er the cap. Du nm plnen me up body or it will be damagad. nemeue rne vacuum plugs lrom the No.3 and No.4 Carburetor. Screw the adaptors m the No.3 and No 4 carburetor vacuum bolas. Connect ths vacuum tubes tome carburetor. (I) FUEL VALVE VACUUM TUBE Maintenance (2) RUBBER CAP " m ADAPTORS 3-9 Maimenance Synchronlle the calburelors by [tuning me adjustmg screws Side Stand Check the side stand lgnltlon cut-om :yslem: 75.19pm me motorcycle upvigm and we the slds sland —Starl me englne mm the lransmlssion in neulral, men shlfl me transmlssmn mm 965! will. the smell lever pulled m. ‘Muve the side svand flnwn fully rTne engine should stov as the side sland is lowered If there Is a problem wlth the system, check the slde stand swuch (Secflon all. Check the side stand switch mounnng balls for looseness \ lllADJuSTlNGscnzl/vs’" 3—10 4. Lubrlcation System Service Information 471 Oil Pump Removal/Installation 4,4 Troubleshooting 4‘1 Oil Pump Disassembly/Assembly 4-5 Lubfication System Diagram 4-2 Oil Cooler nominal/Installation 4~6 Oil Pan Removal/Installation 4-3 Oil Ocular Disassemhly/Assemblv 4-7 Service Information If the engine must he mulling fo do some work, make sure the area is wellrvemiluoed. Never nln the engine in en enclosed am. The exneusr contains poisonous carbon monoxido gas thatcan cause loss of consciousness Ind may lead to death. Used engine oi may cause skin pander if mpamadly la“ in contact with the skin tor prolonged periods Although , this is unlikely unless you linndle used all on a dolly blsls, ii ls still advlssole m tnmugnly wash your hands with soap and water as soon as possible after handling used oil. KEEP ouT OF REACH or CHILDREN. The service procedures ln this section ean be performed with the engine in the frame. wnen removing and Installlng the oil pump, use care no! lo allow dust oi dlfl to enter me engine li 5er portion of the oil pump is worn beyond [he specified service lrrnirs, replace we oil pump as an assembly. After the oil pump has been installed, check that there are no oil leaks and that oil pressure is conecl. Always luhrlcale the oil pump components with clean engine oil when assembling the oil pump. Troubleshooting OII Level Low Low Oil Pressure Oil consummlori Pressure relief valve Muck open External oil Leak - Clogged oil filter Worn pisron mg of lnconecl piston ring insialleilon - Oil pump worn or damaged Worn valve guide or seal - lnternel oil leaks oil pump Woln or damaged - Incorrect oll balng used oil leaks in (he cunllng system - Oil level too low Low Dr No Oil Pressure High Oil Pressure Clogged pil orifice - Pressure relief valve stuck closed and oil filter plugged clogged oil passage - Plugged an inter, gallery, or metering orifice lneorrser oil peing used - lneprreer oil being used No oil Pressure oil level mo low oil pump drive chain or drive sprocket broken oil pump damaged (pump srierri internal ml leaks Lubiicalion Syslam Lubrication System Diagram (2) EXHAUS'I CAMSHAFT m INTAKE CAMSHAFT» (5’ OIL PRESSURE 5 WITCH (15) PISTON \ WCAM CHA‘N (14D gggNECTING TENSIONER (131CRANKSHAH/ (5] OIL UWFKZE (12) MAINSHAFT / [5) COUNTERSHAFT (I!) OIL COOLER (7) OIL PUMP (l0) 01L FILTER 1B) PRESSURE 43) cu STRAINER SCREEN RELIEF VALVE 4-2 Oil Pan Removal/Installation Lubrication System an (3.5, 27l\£>g‘$\ g ‘l Roquisite Service Exhaust plpe removal/Inslallallon (page 2-10) lsl OIISKrall'leV (7) Dilslralnel gaskel Prueeduve O'Iy Remavks ‘ Removal Older Installation ls in me reverse cider of removal. Ill oll pan hall 14 Tlgmen me bolls ln a gradual, Erlsscross panem (1) OH pan 1 Clean the Ilquld sealant realdue off the milling surfaces. (3) Gaskel I [Al Pressure rallef valve I (5) O-llng l l 1 Install {he oil slrainer gaskfil ln me lower crankcase wlxh us flange slds lacmg oll suamer. Lubrication System Oil Pump Removal/Installation “OUT" MARK NOTE ‘ , Use care no! to allow dust or dlrl to enter the shame Aha nsmllzltlon‘ check that there are no all leaks and that all pressure ls correcl Requisita Service - clmch lemoval (page 94w . Clutch lnslallalmn {page 342) ‘ oncedure o’w Remarks \— —r . Removal Order lnslallatlcn ls m the reverse nrriav n' {Emuval l ‘ lll Url pump dnven spruckel bolt I 12) Oilnllmp drive” spruckel/oll pump am chain l/l Install me all plmp driven sprocket mm me "our walk lacing ouL up on pump drlva sprocket (4) OII pump awe sprockm collar l5) lull pump mounilng bok _mAA ls) all Dump assembly Lu bricaliun System Oil Pump Disassembly/Assembly (a) ‘ (I) NOIE W i w any pumon ofme on pump Is bevund me spa fied sen/res hmus, replace the owl pump as an assammy Eelnre assembhng. clean aH the pans Ibraughly wrm dean engme on never to secuon 4 of «he Common Sen/ICE Manum lo! rnspecmm Informanon J Hequis'ne Service . cu Dump removalr’mslaflatlonlpagc 4,4, Procedure 0 [y Remarks Diussamhly Order Assembly 1: In the reverse ovder oi arsassemhlv m 0.1 Dump Hover mm 1 121 Dowe! pm 1 (a) onpump Cover ‘ 1 l4) Thrust washer 1 (5y Dnva pm 1 InstaH the drwe pm into the ho‘e in the pump shah and ‘alrgrr me pm with the groove m the Inner romr. (5’ ON Dump shah r m Irmer romr I ‘ (aw Omar mm 1 Insml \he outer mm! with the punch mark lacing me on pump cover. (9) DIIpump body 4-5 Lubrication System Oil Cooler Removal/Installation Requisite Service - Side famng removm/msmlannn (page 2~3p - Coolant draimng/mnng (page 54) ~ Engrne oil dmmng/fmmg Procedure O'Iv \ Remavks Romoul cram Insrauauon Is m ma reverse order of removal. (1) Dram bolt/Sealing washer 1/1 12) Want hose 1 (3) onrrnerelemem r (4) on conlev mounting hair 4 15} on cooler assembly \ 16] 04mg \ 171 Jmnl manor 2 {B} 04mg 4 Oil Cooler Disassembly/Assembly Lu bricorion System Requisim Service on cooler lemoval/Inslallauan [page 46) ll 0| Sealing waolmr r oncedure O‘ty Remarks Dianuembly Order Assembly ls In «re reverse order of dlsassembly. lll Ull cooler case Doll 1 l2) Oll couler case 1 (3| 04mg 1 NOTE - Once (he on coolar case Drrlng ls lemoved, always recllaca n won a new one and losroll ir securely inm the groove m the oil cooler case. lal BalI/Waohel 4/4 (5) Oll cooler I (6) ‘ 04mg 2 (7) ‘Jcln! collar 2 (9) l Oil cooler base 1 lsl Speclzl boll 1 Do not remove me special bolt unless necsssary 1 4-7 5. Cooling System Service lnlormalion 5~1 Radiator Ramoval/lnflallatiun 5-5 Troubleshooting 5-1 Radiator Disassemny/Assambly 5-6 System Flow Pattern 52 Water Pump Disassemny/Assembly 5-7 Coolant Draining 5-3 Reserve Tank Removal/Installation 5-8 Thermostat Removal/Installation 54 Service Information I ngine is cool botnie slowly removing the rldialnr up. Removing the cap while the engine is hat and the coolant is under pvsssmo may cause mioue lellding. Rudiamv coolant tit toxic. Keep it away from ayes, mmnh eltin and clothes .lt any coailnl m in your .yee, 'Inla thorn with water and consult a donor immadiataly -|l any coolant al wad, induce vomiting. carol. and eonault a physician immediately. a" any coolant get it your skin or elmliea. use tliiougltly witn plenty oi water. KEEP our OF REACH OF CHILDREN Add coniam al tne reserve tank no no! Vernal/e ttta radlzwr cap except to refill or diam tne system. All cooling aystem servlce can he done with the engine in me name Fat ran molar switch and moms eeneor inspections, reterto section 25 oftht Common Servlce Manual Fl)! lite switch and sensor IOEEKlansl see page I872 of this manual Troubleshooting Engine Temperature Too High Cnnlum Leaks Faulty temperature gauge oi tnarnio sensor Faulty oil pump mechanlcal seai Thermostat slunk closed . Detanoratett o rlng Faiilty radiator cap » Faulty radiator cap InsufllClenl coolant - Damaged cyilnder gasket Passages bincked in radletor, hoses or water Jackal - Loose hose mllnecllun Llr clamp Air in system - Damaged or deteriorated hoses Fauitv cooilng fan motor Faulty fan motor swnch Faulty water pump Engine Yomnaralura Too Low Faulty temperature gauge or theme sensor Thermostat stuck Oven Faulty fan motor Swllch 5-1 Cooling Syscem System Flow Pattern (2) RESERVE TANK {3) SIPHON TUBE Q / m RESERVE TANK / “ BHEATHER TUBE , (4) m ERMOSTAT [3) OIL COOLER (8) COOLING FAN t5) WAYER / PUMP (7} RADIATOR / 2 15) FAN MOTOR SWlTCH 5-2 Coolant Draining - Wail unlll the ungln! IS cunl befma :amicmg ms cooling syskem. Rem-wing iii- name: can while in. englnl I! no: and me oooiam is under plessure may sannns scalding NOTE l' For coolant replacement, refev lo sermon 5 of the Gammon Service Manual Remove me let: sldC mmng (page 2731' Remove the water pump dram bolt and sealing washar Rzmnve (he [adlalol cap and drain "is coolant Place a suitable tray under the slvhon (ube 1mm of the resewe lank and disconnect me Siphon lube (mm me rer serve tank Drain me coolant (ram [he reserve unk. lnstall me water uump drain bullwllh a new sealing washev‘ and connect the siphon lube in me vesevve tank, Cooling System 12) SEALING WASHER /' / l!) DRAIN BOLT 12) SEALING W WASHER‘! / / (ll DRAW / Cooling System Thermostat Removal/Installation (3) Face xhe hoVe up 12) Requisite Service Coolant dlalnlng {page 5’3) Coo‘anl refiH (sechon 5 17f (he Cummcn Sen/Ice Manuah Rig?“ mawmenanbe cover VBmaval/lns‘zllauon (page 24!) x r ‘ ‘ Procedure ‘ aw Remavks ‘ Remwal urder Inmuamn \s .n «he rsvevse order of remava‘ \ 11) Wmer hose I ‘ (2) Thermostat housing covey hon 3 (3» Thermostat hausing cove! 1 (4) 0mg 1 <5) Thermostat 1 NOTE Install the marmosm war. Ihe motovcycle on m side siand ' Install the [harmuslal with Its hole fiacing up and m u ‘ nvoperly m we housmg Cooiing System Radiator Removal/Installation (a) Requisiie Service - Side iairing removal/instaliation (page 23) - Conlam draining (page 573i - Air cleaner housmg removal/installation (page 5.3) - Coolam refiii (seclinn 5 of the Common Service Manuai) h Procedure O'lv Ramarks Removal Order insraiiarian is in we reverse Older of removal (i) Radiamr hose 42) Radiator smhun mbe Mai Fan moiorconnacmr w Radiaioi mourning bolt (5; ‘ Horn slay .._w_r_m CAUTION ~ During removal and insmllation. be carer-ii nm in ‘ damage the rndmor finsr When inslalling. aiign ma uiommet an the mp of the radii“)! wlth the has: on Ihe fame. is) Ramaioi ammblv i 5-5 Cooling System Radiator Disassembly/Assembly Requisite Semce - Ramalor remuvallmslaHauon [page My 1 Procedure my Remarks ‘ Disassembly Order Assemb‘y is m the reverse order of drsassemblv. m Radvzlm gnu I Remove the radialor gnu by re‘easlng the (our hangs on me radmlur (rum H»: :‘or m the gun (2) Fan momr swrtch cunneclor 1 13) Fan rumor moummg mm 1 (4) Fan motor moummg nun/\ermma‘ 2/1 (5) Fan molar assembry 1 (6] Cooling (an 1 When rnsraumg, ahgn the lan gvouva wim [he momr 1 shafl 17) clamp 2 Release the Van mnmr wire “it Fan motor 1 (9’ Fan momr shroud 1 H 01‘ Fan motor swnch \ CAUTION l mm Orrlng Dn not nvarlighlen Ihe [an mum! switch, ur the radiator may bu damaged 5-6 Water Pump Disassemny/Assembly Cooling Systom quuisixs Service - s-oe famng remova\/Ins(allallon (page 273: Cnu‘am arawng (page 5-3) ~ Coolant rafin [Secnon 5 ot ma Common Sen/Ice Manna” Procedure r any f 7 Remarks Diaassemblv Order m Water hose ((0 cylinder head) v (2) Walw hose Ito radmlor) V [3) WEKSF puma mountmg EUR 2 m ‘wMer pump assemmy 1 \53 Water Muse (‘0 owl cooler) 1 1o) O-vmg 1 m Waxev Dump cave! bolt 2 (a) Water pump covey 1 (SI ‘ 04mg I Assembly Is m the vevarse urder a! drsassembly NOTE ‘ 1r vau plan (a msasssmmy ms water pump, loosen the water puma cover nous beVore Ionsemng ms mountmg bDIYS, When ms‘fillmg, augn me comm of ma watar pump sha' ft Wm. xhe end or me on pump snan 5—7 Cooling System Reserve Tank Removal/Installation {4) 12) Requier‘re Service Coulant eremmg (page 5,3) ~ men We cover removal/insta‘latmn mags 2—2) . Shock absorber removal/irrsval‘atmn marge 134) - Cau‘ant refill [sechnn 5 01 me Common Servree Manual) Procedure O‘ty Remarks Removal Order InslaHanon is m the reverse order or removal {1) Syphon tube w (2) Reserve tank breather tube t (3» Rafirve tank muummg mu 1 (6) Rear master cylinder reservoir 1 (5r Reserve tank 1 NOTE Re‘ease me hook on (he reeerve tank from the oval hole In the frame by plvotmg me tank rsarward 5-8 Service Inlonnation 6-1 Troubleshooting 52 Air Cleaner Housing Removal/Installation 6-3 Carburetor Removal/Installation 6-4 Carbureror Separalion 6-6 Carburetor Disassemhly/Assembly 6-8 Carbulemv Combination 5-10 Service Information 6. Fuel System Pulse Secondary Air Injection (PAIR) Control Valve Ramoval/lnslallatian (Calilornia Type Only) Evaporative Emission (EVAP) Canislev, 6713 Removal/Inslallation (California Type Only) 6-12 Pilot Screw Adjustment High Alrirude Adjusrmenr (u.s.A, Only) 6-14 6-15 GIsnl e is alwsmsly llammuhls and is orxplasiva under certain condiviclns. KEEP OUT OF REACH OF CHILDREN Banding or Iwisllng me mmml cables will impuiv :moo (asukino in lnss 0' vehicle :unlrol. "I operation and could cause the cables to stick or bind, Work in a well venulered area. Smoklng or allowing flames in me work or where gasoline is sioreo can cause a fire or explosion. CAUTION Be sure to remove in. diaphragm: more cioening air and luel noeseees with compresses aivi Tne aiapnregrns migm be damaged Refer to section 2 (Dr fuel rank removal and insiallariori. Wlieri disassembling me luel system compnnems, now the locations al the Osrlngs Replace lhem wl‘h new one: on reassembly. Beforedlsassembllng (he Carburelovl place an eppiovea luel corireinei Undel me calbureml drain bolt, loosen the bolt and dralrl me carburetor Anei ramovlng ins carbmetor, wrap rhe inra ke pen or me engine Willi a shop (owel or cover N with a vent any ioreign mereriel fmrn dropping mm me engine NOTE Fr Illhevehicleistoboswredformoremanonemonm,drainlnelloexbowls Fuel Ien in mefloztbowlsmaycausenlogged l piece oi in De to pro» leis resulting in hard slanlng or poor drivaabilltv 6—1 Fuel Systsm Toroubleshooting Engin. Won't sum - Too much fuel getting to the engine rAir cleaner alernent clogged -Fllmded carburetors Intake alr leak , Fuel eantamrnatad/oetonorateo Sluw alreuit of stamng enncnment circull clogged ~ No luel to carburetor: -Fuel stratnar cloggnd .Funl tune clcgged -Float valve stuck rFloat level mlsadlustod -Fual tank oreatnar tube clogged Emlsslfln control system malfunction (Callfornla type only) *EVAP DAV control valve faulty 'Evanorfllve emisston ourae control valve laulry -Lunse, d cnnrlL-Icled at deterloraten noses of the emisslon control system Lean Mimi. - Fuel lets clogged Float valve laultv Float level too low Fuel Ilne restricted Carburetor air vem nole (or tube) cloggsd lmake air leak anotrle valve faulw Vacuum plston launv - EVAF CAV control valve faulty lCallfornra type onlyl Rich Mixture - Stamna ennchmentvatve ln 0N posmun e Float valve faulty - Float level too nlgn - Arr lets eloggao n cleaner element comamlnalad Flooded carburetors u Stalls. Hum 1o sun. Ruugh Idling Fuel llne restnated lgnrnon maliuncuon ‘ Fuel mixture 100 lean/lich Fuel comamlnatad’detarlolatad lntalte an leak ldle speed miaaajusted Float laval misadjustsd - Fuel tank breathev tube clogged Pilot screw misadiuated Slow want or stamng ennanrnent clrcult clogged Alma a When Engine Braking le Usao - Lean mtxture In slow clrcuil Emlssmn control system malfunelon (Californla type onlyl rPulsa secondary alr lnjectlon system faulty -Loose, alsoonnecteu ur de|arioramd hoses of the emlssmn control system Backlivinn 0r Mislirina Dining Acnuleration - lgnttton system laulty . Fuel mlxlure Ina lean Pour PMovm-nca (Drivanbllltyl And Pam Full Economy , Fuel system clogged Ignillon malfunctlon Emlsslon control system malfunctlon lCaliVomia type onlyl ePulse secondarv all INJECIlUn system faullv >Lnose, dlsconnected or detartarated hoses of the emlsslon control system 6-2 Fuel Sys‘em Air Cleaner Housing Removal/Installation (I) 12] CYLINDER HEAD COVER BREATHER TUBE Requisile Service Fuel tank remuvzl/lnslallanun (page 2-! ll l Procedure El’tv ‘ Remarks Removal ()1er ‘ lnslallamn K in the reverse order of removal ll) Alf cleaner hDuslnu cover l2) Alr cleaner element (31 M cleaner base 1 ‘ 4 ‘ base cleaner base w-m the hook on me frame Balm remowng me an cleanev base, dlsconnecl (h: l cvllnder head cover hrearher lube fmm the HIV cleaner ‘ - When mslallmg, allgn me boss on me from end aflhe alr Fuel System Catburetor Removal/ Installation M Walk In a well venulaled area Smaklng or alluwmg flames or sparks m We work area where gasollne Is swred can cause a fire or exploslon NOTE ‘ - Home each lube carreclly remrrrru uaue 1720 Requisita Service - Gaschne ls exwmely flammable and ls explosive under cemairr condiunns. Fuel System J fl AK GIBSHEV houslng remuvaI/lnslallalion [page 5-3} Procedure D'ly Remarks Removal Older Installanml i5 In the raverse order of removal H] Throme Slop screw ‘ 12) Cdrburelol msulamr hand screw 4 Only 1mm m Choke cable 1 MD Thluxlle cable 2 l5] Carburetor assembly 1 NOTE Aflev removlng the Carbuvzmr assembly, do nor place rr up side down or me sir lnlake mlghl be deformed 6-5 Fuel Svslam Erbpretor Separation l5) Na. 4 7 CARBURETQR % (30! No 3 CAREURETDR [17] / 4 19%; Q9 24’ ""2 / CARBUHETQR X Wu ‘ {2m iCARBURETOR e {16) (3) ® (11) 6 (15) (IN l9) 6-6 Requisite Service Carburetor removal (page 674) Fuel System Procedure OW Remarks (l) (2) (3) (A) (5) (5) [7) (E) (a) (10) (11) (12) (I3) (I4); (15) ((6) (17) (la) (19) Separate Illa/No4 curb. lroru No1./N012 carlr Carau re1or breather tube Carburetor fuel tuba Cavbumlcr Insulator Screws Arr chamber Al r intz kE o-rlng Stamng ennchmem value arm screw Plasllc collar P)asllc washer Starting erlrlchmenl valve arm Thrust sprung Snrlng seat Carburetor cormactmg bolt/nut (5mm) Carburetor connecllng bull/nu! (6mm) N02 carb. synchronlzation sprlng Alr (oint plpe (swan/04mg Duwel pm (5mm bum Collared dowel pm [5mm bolt) #um 01 uauunnN>§_ NOTE -~ Loosen each nut gradually and alternately (20) (21 (22) (23) (24) (25) (26) Saaarate llla1. carb. {rum No.2 cavb Nol carb synchronlzatiun sprlng Thrust spvlng Arr joim DlDe (rubber) Au rant plDe (SawavMD-rlng Fue) (elm plpe (3-way),‘oerlng Dowel pin (5mm bolt) Dowel pln (6mm bolt) a_NN (27) (28) (29) (30) (31) (32) (33) (34) Separate No3, calb. tram No. A euro. NuA carb synchronlzallun sprung Thrust smirlq All .olrrt plpe (rubber) All vent DlDe (3rWBV)/Orling Fuel julrll plpe (S'WH‘H/O-rlng Stamng ennebment valve cable homer Duwe) pin (5mm ball) Dowe( pm (6mm ban) Ni’uua 6-7 ruel system Carburetor Disassembly/AssemElL (\9) “01 o-nngs g 6-8 NOTE F uel System Vacuum chambers, floar chambers and lets can be armed wlthnul sepamring lhe carburetors. - Knep Ihe carbuvemr pans sepalale from 012 other carbureml's so vuu can install the pans to (he ovlglrlal positions Requisita Service Carburetor sepamtlon (page 643) Carburemr cumblnatlon (page 6710) Frucedu re O'ty Remarks Disassembly Order Vacuum chambar disassembly (I) Vacuum chnmuar cover :crew: l2) Vacuum chamber cover m Dlaphragm sprlng 14) Dlaphragm/Vacuum pismrl -.._u (5) Jel needle hnldav le) Drnng (7) Jet "551113 holder spring (8) Jelneedle l9l Washer Assembly ls In Ihe reverse order of dlaussembly When rnsralling, be careluu not re bend the spnng. When installlng, align rhe tab of ma diaphragm with rhe cur on! m the camurercr body. Float chamber disassamhlv ll0l Float chamber cover screws llll Fluarchamber llzl Orrmg llal Floatpln (Ml Fluar (15 Floatvalve us) Malnjal 417) Needlererholcer llal Slowlet llsl Pilox screw (20) Spring lzll Washer (22) 04an ___A___r-__a_.‘m Refer la page ‘76 for number of lurning cm, Starting en chment valve dlSIssembly (23 Valve nu: l l24l Spnng 1 125} Stamng enrichman! valve 1 Jet Needle Holder Removal/’Installaliun Remove me vacuurn pislau Screw a proper 4 mm lhraad screw m the Jet needle holder as shown and pull our me let needle hulcer Wlth a plle's Nol E Be careful nor damage me mapmagm, Do not remove the let needle holder by pushing m are let needle lnsrall melel needle holder in me Iaversa orderof removall NOTE Push me let needle huldsr .n unul me O-nng on ma halder sears ccmplerery ln me groove ln lhe vacuum plsmn (I) NEEDLE JET HOLDER (2] 4mm SCREW 6—9 1151 (IQD mu 410) (a) $2 (241 (9) :17) W 1 (2’ CARBURETOR (a q, No.2 % CAREURETOR I (27) § (7) us. \ \ \\ \ \\ a (25’ 9 'UP‘I' mark (W) | (22’ ‘16) ‘20» (21: O—rings: g! 6-10 Fuel Sys‘nm Carburetor rnatullalicn (page 6—4) Proceoure my Remarks Assemble No.1 curb. with No.2 curb. No.2 carburetor is the base carburetor ll) Dowel pin lo mm bom l (2) Dowel Bin (5 mm boltl l l3) Fuel Joint pipe larwaylxornng l/2 l4l All vent pipe (Rnwayl/O-ring 1’2 (5| Airlornt pipe lrubberl l lsl Thrust spnng I m Nol. cam. synchrunlzallon spring 1 Assamhle No 3 call). with Nora carb. (B) Dowel pin is rnrn boltl l (9) Dowal plrl (5 mm bolt} l llm Starling enrichment valve cable noloer l (I 1) Fuel jolnl pipe (J-wayUOnring 1,2 (l2) Air vanr pipe (vaayl/O-nng 1,2 (13) Airloim pipe lruhherl l (Idl Thrust Sunny 1 (I 5) Na 4 carb. synchronization spring 1 Assemblo NuJ No.2 carb. with No.3 Nar45arbt llsl Collared dowel pin ls rnrn bolt) l “7) Dowel pin (5 mm bolt) i (la) Airloint aloe la-wavl/o-nng 1/2 (19) No 2 carb.synchronlulion spring 1 (20) Carburetor connecting bolt/nut l5 mrnl 1/27 NOTE lzll Carburetor connecting boll/nut (5 mm) 1/ZA Tighten each nut gradually ano alternawlyr lzzl spring seat 1 (23) Thrusl spring l (M Starting enrichmant valve arrn I l25l Plastic washer 2 ‘ (26) Plastic collar 2 ‘ lzn Starling enrichment valvo arm screw 2 lze) o-rino 4 NOTE Align the lung or the O-llng With the cut out In the carburelor. [29L Alr intake 4 NOTE Align the cut out In the end of the an lnlake vvnh the groove rn the carburetor (30) Air chamber 1 (3|) Screws 16 ml Carburelor insulalul 4 Align the rneulalor groove wrth the carburetor lug with (he ”HP/l ' mark facing carburetor my Carburetor fuel tube l ml Carbnmor breethertubc 2 6—11 Fuel System Pulse Secondary Air Injection (PAIR) Control Valve Removal/Installation (California Type Only) (Zl Requisile Serwce Procedure Removal Order ll) PAIR Control valve control tube (2) PAIR cantml valve air Inlake lmse (3l Screw/Sunny washer (4| Air lnlel prpe lclnt nm (5) Gasket lsl Air lnlnt pipe (7) PAlR control valve - Side lalrlng removal/rnsraumron lpage 2,3l Ml Remarks lnstallanon l: m the reverse order 0! removal 6-12 Fuel System Evaporative Emission (EVAP) Canister Removal/Installation (California Type Only) fienuisute Service - SIdE fairing iemovai/insiauaiien ipage 2731 Prucadure O’tv [ Remarks Removal Order llnslailalion is in the reverse order oi rcmovai. AH Airverinube (#2) i Instail me [ubES according m the Vscum Hose Rnulhlng i7i EVAP canisiei (6 EVA? CAV oonlroi valve 1 Label on the air cleaner housing Cover iube i3} EVAP canls‘ev ‘0 fuel tank tube i: H Mi Boli 45) Flange coilar '6) EVAP canisler ‘ ‘Mma 6-13 Fuel Svslern Pilot Screw Adjustment Idla Drop Procedure it the eng a must be running to do some work. make Sula ma 3733 is W." Vmfilumd. Nova! "In rh. angina in an enelesed Man. The exhuun contains pnisonous carbon monoxide gas that my cause less at sense dusnese and lead in death. NOTE Make sure the carburetor synchmnlzaunn rs wrt sec n befare t screw edrustrnent (see page 1-6). The print screwsare rectory orerset and ne adrnstrnenr _ ls necessary unless the print screws are replaced. 7 Use a tachometer wrth granuations of so rpm (r; PILOT scnaw change. [2D PILOT SCREW WRENCH Remove the marnrerrance lrd (page zeal, m Pilot screw wrench 4573mm and eelilernie tyne: 07KMA-MN50100 m l o7MMA-Mvamon Canada type: 0790374730001 r Turn sash pllol screw cleekwrse unril rrseere lrghrly. lhan back fl out lo the specificauon qlven. THIS IS an mmal sening prlor to the linel pilot screw edrustrnent CAUTION - Damage tolha pllMEchw seatwill occur inns plIDI screw is lighllnad against the seat. initial Opening: Asrstates lype:271/8 turns out : Califnmln Iype: 273/4 Inns 0m : Canada tyne 2 mm: am to Warm up the engine to opsratrng temperature Stop and an rldlng ler 10 minutes is sufliererrr. . Atmch a Kachnmeml accnldlng to its manufactulel’s lnsuucllons. .Adiusnherdle soeedtothesnecifrcd rmelmlhe thranle stop scraw. w a Idle Speed: 45‘5‘8‘2‘5 and Canada type: 1.2oo:100rprn . California rype 1,4001ICIO rpm u- Tum allpilm screws1/2 turn countereloekwrselrorn the rnitial semng 6 If the engine speed increases by 50 rpm 0r mere, turn all pllnt screws out by successive 1/2 turrr Increments untll engine speed does not increase Adrust the idle Speed With the throttle step screw. Turn the Ne. 3 calburelor crlot screw in untrl the engine speed arms 50 rpm 9 Then turn the Ne 3 carburetor prlct screw counterr clockwise 1/2 rum from me posrtron umamed rn slep e 10 Amusl (he rdle speed Wlm the throttle Stop screw. ll Perform steps a, 9 and re fer the No l 2 and A carburetor nilet screws. 6-14 mu High Altitude Adjustment (U.S.A. Only) When the vehicle l5 [u be operated continuously above 2,000 m (6. 500 test), the carbursmr musl be readjusted as lollows “.7 improve driveanility and decrease exhaust emlsslans. Wavm up the englne to operating temperature, Stop and go riding for lo minutes is summent. Tum each pilot screw to ma ngh Altitude Setting speci- lrad below. ngll Altitude Setting. 1/2 (um in El Pilut screw wrench o7KMA-MN90100 or 07MMA-MVSD1OA Adjust the idle speed ID 12001100 rum (Calllomia. 1,4001VUO rpm) With the throttle stop screw NOTE » This adlustmeht must be made at high altitude to ensure proper hlgh altitude operation Attach a Vehlcle Emission Control lnforniauori Update Label Unla the frame under the Iafi SldE cover as shown NOTE - Do not attach the label to any part that can be easily removed hum the vehicle - Sustained nperation 3| an alliluda lower than1 1.500 m ls,aoo test) with the carburatnr ad- justed for high altitude may cause the engine In idle mugth and stall in traffic. It may also cause angina damage due In ovslhcanng. When the vehicle is to be operated continuously below I,500m (5,000metlr turn each pilot sclew lo the Low Altitude Seltlng specitiil helow Ltvw Altitude safllng 1/: turn out Adjust the idle speed to 1,200:100 rpm (Calrmrma: L400? too rpm) wrrh ma throttle stap screw Be sure [a make these adiusrments at law altitude. Remove the Vehicle Emission Control update label that is attached m the frame under the lelt side cover after udlustlng for the low altitude ll) PILOT SCREW (2) PILOT 5::ha WRENCH VEHICLE EMlsslalt commt INFORMATION upnArE 'HONIJA mama co. Lm 1'le vENIctEssm HAS BEEN Anluernro MFR ovz no» I'RDL nummmcz WHEN orEhA'lEn A1 melt AIJI'IUDE. ALTITUDE PERFORMANCE AmusmENT INs'mucTIoNs AEll AVAILABLE AT VOUR Auntunlm: HONDA DEALER 6-15 7. Engine Removal/ Installation ‘ Sewiaelniormmion 7—1 Engine Removal/Installation 772 ‘ Service Information A final Jack or mher suppon vs requlerzd to suppen and maneuver the engme. Engine dvy weigm 60 7kg(133 Elm California Iype: 51 5k91135 5 lb) CAUTION - Du no! jack up the mnlomycle using the oil film m ail cuuler. j Pans req ng engme vemovm my servicing — Cmnkedse cyhnder pmnn (Seaman 10} I , Crankshah, transmisslun mm mcludmg the shm drum and shift forks) (SPrtIon m The lanawmg components can be szrvuzed with me engme .n (he name. , Wam pump (Semen 5) — Carburetor [Seaman a) — Camshafl 150mm En , Cyhndcr head (Semiun aw — Clutch (Section 9> , Gear shlfl hukagc tseeuon 9} — 5m drum and shill «ms (Semen 9) v om pump \Secnen Lu - Ahernamr {Secuon 15] , Ignition Du‘se generamr (Semun 15y Engine Removal/Installation Engine Removal/Installation 66516 5, 47] (23) 7-2 Engine Removal/Installation CAUTION 7 4 i Dc not jack up “is mumrcycie using the all filter or the ml cooler. l NOTE - A iiccr lack or other adiustable support is required to suppon and maneuver the engine. The jack heignr must be continually adjusted to relieve s‘vass For ease of bolt removal ' Turn the ignimn swilcl’i OFF and disconnect the battery ground cable Side fmnng removal (page 273] - Exhaus‘ system removal/insiallatiun (page 240] Procedure u‘ty Remarks Removal om insraiiatron is in the reverse crder nf vemoval. 11) Alternator connecwv 13p) 1 l2! ‘ lgnilion pulse genevator cunnecmr [2F mlnl) l 1 13) 3F mini connector (ml pressure swrrcn ere/ 1 neutral ewien wrre/therrrro sensor Wire) 14) Spark ulug cap 4 l5] Cvllnder head DOVE! hrealher [uba I ‘6] Clutch cable holder I 171 Starter motor ground wire 1 ml Sianev momv wire 1 191 Drive sprocket 1 neier ro page 741 iur removal and rnetaiiation HO) Gaarshih pedal llnk 1 Install the Ilnk with ma punch marks on [he Ilnk and gear shih spindle. 111) Water hose 2 Disconnecl the water hoses at the engine side. 1121 Fiomcnginc hanger bolt 2 H3 Cuiiar (long/sham 1/1 instan the iong one to the ieft hangev arm and the shun one to the 119m. 114 Englne hanger piste bah HOmml (l5) coiiar 1151 Engine hanger piate bolt 13mm 1171 Engine hangev plate (191 Rear |L7w¢r engine hcngcr bolt [191 Rear upper engme hanger nut (201 Rear upper engine hanger bolt (21) Engine hanger athtrshng hnl‘ lack nut 122) Engine hanger adjusnng bull 12:1) Engine assembly Refer to page 74 fov lnSXallalan NOTE : ~When ulscrng the engine assembly on the (Icon be careful to set the engine dawn genlly an me flour to ‘ prevent bending or breaking the suppon fine on the i cii Dan, Engine Removal/Installation Drive Sprocket Removal/Installation Remove the feiiewing -dnve sprocket cover bolts -clamD —dnve spieeket cover —arive chzlrl guide -drive spmckat boll —wesher —drive spvocket install the removed parts in the reverse erder oi removal. Yurqu . urive sprocket bolt:55N-m(5.5kg-m, 50mm Engine Hanger Adjusting Bah/Luck Nut Installation install the engine hanger misting bolt so that its edge does not protmde from the framc’s inner surface InsIaH the rear upper engine hanger heit through the frame, engine, colier and the adjusting bait Push the rear upper engine hanger bolt so mat you can tlghten the adjusting boll with a hexagonal wrenchi TnmueilEN~m(1.5ku-m,11ft-lb) Tighten the lock nut while holding the adjusllng hoit wrih a hexagonal wrench Tovgu3265N-m (6.5kg-m, 47ftlb) Push the rear upper engine hanger bolt iuliy and tighten the rim. 12) DRIVE SPROCKET COVER \ [3) DRIVE CHAIN GUIDE m BOLTS (A) DRWE SPRUCKET 45) WASHER m CLAMP (6) BOLT (1) NUT (2} HEAR UPPER ENGINE HANGER BOLT (3) COLLAR i4) ADJUSTING BOLT i5) LOCK NUT 7-4 8;9y|inderiHead Sewice Information 8-1 Cy dar Head Removal/Insiallation 9-7 Troubleshooting 8-1 Cylinder Head Disassembly/Asssmbly B-B Camshaft Removal/Installation 8-2 Service Information This secuen eevers service procedures for the cylinder head, valves, camshafl and cylinaer. Cyllnder need removal/ lnsiallatlun can lee perlernred wlth tne englne ln tne framev - wnen dlsassembllng, mark and store the disassembled pans to ensure they are reinstalled in their original locations Clean all disassemblad pans with clean solvent and dry them by blowing lhem off with compressed air before inspection. Poul elean englne oll lnlo me all packets In the Cvllnder head durlng assembly to lubricate the camshaft lobes. Troubleshooting I - Euglne top end problems usually arrest englne performance. These can be dlagnnsed by a Complesslnn m leaks down test, or by tracing nolses to the iuprend wllh a soundlng rod or stethoscope Compression Too Low, Hard Starting or P007 Perlormanrse At Low Speea - Valves >Incorrect valve adlustment —Bumed or nenr valves ~lneerreet valve umlng *Dloken valve spring *Weak valve Sprlilg - ovllnder head *Leaklng or damaged head gasket ‘Warped er cracked cyllnder head *Laose spark plug Cumpressrnn Too High - Excessive carbon bulldrup ln cylinder head or on top el piston Excessive Smoke - Wom valve stern or valve gulde A Damaged stem seal Excessive Nuise - lneerrect valve zdlustmenl - Sllcklng valve or broken valve spvlng - Damaged m warn eamsnalt - Loose, warn er damaged cam enarn - Wunl ur damaged Lam cllaln rensrener - Wom earn sprocket teem Rough Idle ~ Low cylmtler compress-run ~ Intake arr leak 8-1 Cylinder Head Camshaft Hemoval/ Installation melon 0, H 1 ‘1. A Requisila Service Sxde lamng remwaA/msmuanon (page 273) Cylinder Head Swmg (he ramamr forward (page 3-5) m [2} ‘3; (4) \6\ [71 \‘BA (9» no) (11) (12) (13) 1141 ”‘5‘ Procedure Remom 0mm cwnder head cover meamer \ube Cylindev head saver hon Washer Cylinder head cover Cyllndev head cave! gasket Cam chum cover Cam sham (ensmner boll Cam chaln tensions! Gasket Cam sprcckel bun Cam Sprocket Camshaft ho‘der bo‘t Camshaft holder Exhausx (EX) camshah \ntake (AND camshall on 40,074 _“~.. 20 Rematk: \nstaHatmn \s m we levelse ordev of removal msvah (he washers with 1he"|JP” mark facing up NOTE Before Installing, make sure that me cyllhdel head cover gaaka w: commuely seated on the cylinder head cover, sspsc‘any around the spark ping holes NOTE Appw Three Bond 152‘ or oqulvz‘em to the minder hear) cover and Iflsla‘l me fiaskeI amo me cavev Refer to page are fov ms‘allauun NOTE mm." the gasket wnh the sli! hung out NOTE Be mam nm «a drop the bohs mm the crankcase. Anev vemovmg me bows, clean the luckmg agent DH [he bolt threads and me ball ho‘as m the cam sprocket: NOTE Aher removing the cum Lhaln Irom me sprockels, suspend the cam chain Wm. a place of wire CAUTION - From me oulsme to me mslda, Iooson me win in a crisscross Daflem in several maps or camshah hnlde: rmgm break. My ID name 874 «m "manna" Cylinder Head Camshaft Installation Remave (he lgniucn pulse ganeramv rotor cwer cap, Align, m T mark (notch mark) with the index mark an m: Ignmon pulse generaxm rmuv cover by lumlng [ha mank- shah clockwise Apply molybdenum dlsulhde Dll la 50/50 mlxture 0V engme oil and molybdenum dlsulllde grease) n: ma camr shah [ournals of lhe Lylldel head and camshah holders. Inslall me camshafls anm me cylinder head wim the cam lobes luv the Na. 1 cylmder facing up as shown, NDTE . Install each camsnah to the canec! side Each camshaft has an ide ullcanon mark: "IN” IS lor the Intake slde and ”EX IS for me Exhaust side ll] lGNlTlON PULSE GENERATlJH COVER CAP H) T MARK (Z) lNDEX MARK l1) INTAKE CAMSHAFT (2| IDENTlFlCA' TION MAFIKS [3) EXHAUST CAMSHAFT InsIaH KhE camshaft holders onto the Camshafts. ‘natdll the buyer bah: mm the OulEl bull hates and the sherter ones true [he innev, and ttghtert the camshaft NONE! bans tn the numerica‘ ovdel casted on (he camshr ah holders CAUTION - Du nul tighten the camshuh homer bolls at this time. tightening the camshaft holder bolts on only one-side might cause a camshafl holder to husk. Make sure that the T mark (notch mark) aligns with the meet mark on the Ignmon pulse generator reter eever, \ns'aH the cam ehatn aver the cam sprockets Install the cam sprockets ontn the camshaft flange wtth the (Immg malks on the cam sprockets ahgmrtg wtth the cvttnder head upDEl survace famng opuosne each other NOTE \rtstall each cam spmcket to the carrecl camshaft Each Lam sprocket he an tdenuiiwuvn mark, "IN ts for ma intake side and ‘EX" ts forthe exhaust stde Before tlghtenlng the teens, clean the teektrtg agent off the Dell [News and the bolt hates in lhe cam sprockets ADDW e \ocktng agent to the threads of the cam sprecket belts and ughtert the two bolts \oosely. Turn the erankehaft eleekwtee 1/2 tum Ham and tightr en the other two hens m the speclflsd torque. TereuezzoM-m(z.0kg-m, lMl-Ib) Tum the crankshaft clockwIse l/2 (um Ham and (Ightr en the other two hens m the specified torque Instalt the cam eham cover and secure tt wtth lhs bolls cylinder Head (I) CAMSHAFI’ HOLDERS (2} BOLT H) T MARK (Z) \NDEX MA (3) TIM‘NG MARKS means Cm (1 ) CAM CHAIN COVER 12] BOLTS 8-5 Cylinder Head Submargeme camchain iensione- in cisan engineoil Fin me 0am chaln tensmner wmi Engine on by pumping n unul air bubbles stun Burning out Install a new gaskei am the cam chain lensiuner in the direction shown, Ii ii is insialled inconeclly, there will be me much all pressure against me (ensionel. CAUTION insian the cam Chaln iensioner and newsealmg washers. and ugmen the bolts giaduaiiy in a criss cross uamem Torque: 10 NM (1.0 kgrm, 7 RM}! Avier insiaiiing me new chain lensmner, make sum the iiming marks on me cam sprocke‘s align With me cylinder head upper surface whiie facing opposlle each oiher. Inslzil the cylinder head saver [page 5'3) [1) CAM CHAN IL TENSIDNER (2| CLEAN ENGINE D I11This side against crankcase. VD i2) This S|de agalnsl cam chain (enslohel (2) CAM CHAIN TENSIONER (J) GASKET 8-6 Cylinder Head Removal/Installation If . mg (5) (B) \ Cylinder Head (2) c 48(4.E. 35) Requisim Service Exhaust system ramovai/Insrailznon(page 2'10) Camshaft ramovaI/mmuanon (page 872) Procedure my Remarks Removal Older Insuliauon Is in the reverse order or vamavai (1) Cylinder head ban l6mm) 2 {2) Cylinder head bolt (Emmi/Sealing washer 10/10 Frurn the outside to \he Inside, Iougen the bulls in a ‘ nrisscmss pattern in several steps. [3, ‘ Cvllnder head assembly 1 Suspend the cam chaln with a piece at wire in prevent the chain irom falling into the crankcase. (4i Gasm 1 151 Dowel pm 2 (5) Cap rm! 1 m SPaling washel 1 (3) Cam chaln tansionar slider i 8-7 Cylinder Head Cylinder Head Disassemny/Assembly 8 l2 ll 2 9) ‘ 4/2) l (‘H\ ‘ l3)__, 2 lpage a 9) CYLlNDER HEAD SIDE 18] (I2) [5/501] (page 147’ NOTE - Stove me lalva component: m the same order they were lrlsIalled so they rar. he: remelallea ln [her or ongmal bmmrls - Refer la secllon 9 ol me Common Servlce Manual (or valve gulde lnspecian/repldLemsm Heqmsne Service - Cvllnder head removal/mslallallon (nage 877) Procedure my Remarks Hemuval omer lnsxallauon ls m we reverse order oi removal (ll Valve Ilher 16 NOTE ~ Remove me valve llhers uslng a hand lappmg lool no no! damage we cyllnder headrvalvn llnel slldlng surlaeee l2) Valve 5mm l5 (3) Valve euuer 32 Reier (0 page are lor removal/melallallon l4) Hemmer l5 (5) Dulel valve Sprlng 16 >lnsta|l me valve spnngs mm the narrow men end leemg ls; lrmer valve sprmg l6 eowrr l7) lnlake valve ‘ 8 u s A only procedule. new a marker mark me valve gulde wml a lme 3! me eerrecl helghl a: speellred belaw *chlll me Quldes 'drlve m we valve gulde as Shawn m me llne *check the premium helgm wmr callpers lo veniy they are wlmln specmcallon (B) Exhausl valve a 1m 5mm seal l l5 llOl lrmer sprmg seal l5 (Ml Ouwl snrlng seal l5 llzl Valve gulde l5 Valve Cutters Removal/Installation Rsmnve we waive liflers and shims NOTE Do noi alluw shims (0 fall mm the crankcase The snrmis: may nccasionaHv sink in {he valve lifter Mark inc posmorrs of an verve llhers and Shlms to ensure correct reassembly Ii is easy to remov: the valve liner wllh a vaive upping ioul nr magnel - Remove Ihe shims with tweezers or a magnei. Install the ‘appet hole pvmectm mm ‘he valve Ilflel sildlng surface Twp“ hnle pmwclo: 07HMG~MR70002 An aquwarsnr mnr can easiiy he made from a piastrc 35mm film comarner by using me measurements shown belawi mmm ‘1 7 , J Irma“ the valve sprrng compressnr unto the valve and mmuress (he waive spnng. CAUTION Do nm empress ms vxlve springs more than necessarv lo remove me vulva centers or they might be laiigueds Remove (or msiam (he valvE consrs Valve spring Dumpressar anechmem onssrmzom anvo swing complnssm 077510010000 Cylindar Head 11) TAPPFT HOLE PROTECTOR 11) VALVE SPRWG COMPRESSOR [2) ATTACHMENT 9. Clutch/Gearshift Linkage Sarvma Information 9-1 Gearshift Linkage Removal/Installation 9-8 Troubleshooting 971 Shift Drum/Shift Forks Removal/ Right crankcase Cover Hemoval/ Installaxlon 9'10 Installation 92 Cluwh Installation 9-12 Clulch Removal 9-4 Service Information - Thls Seclion Covers removal and inslallaliun of We rlghl crankcase Cover, clulch, gearshlft linkage, shift drum and shift forks These services can lie perrarmee with the engine in me rrame. Troubleshooting Clutch Lever Too Hard To Pull In Hard To Shih Damaged, klnked or dll’W clutch cable 4 Misadiusled clumh cable ~ Damaged clutch liner mechanism - lmpmper oil Viscosity I Faulw clmch lifler bearing - Bani gearshift spindle - Clurcii liner rod ingrallea inpruperly - Benl shin forks Bent shift fork shah clinch WIII Nm Dlsengage Or Vehicle - Benl fork claw Cmaps wmi Clulch Disanqaged - Damaged slim drum mm grooves Too much clutch lever iree play i Warpad clutch plare Jumps out or Gear Loose clutch lock nut ~ Damaged Hopper arm on level we nign, Improper oil \IlSDDSlIy ~ Stopper arm spring range or all additive ueed ~ Damaged shlfier cam Damaged cluch liner mechamsm - Damaged or benl shift fork ~ cluicn liltzr rod iiieiallea impruuerly ~ Harri shin larli snarl - Worn gear engagement dogs or slors clirrcli Slips Clulch liner sllppmg wiim i lulCh dKSES Weak clmch spnngs Nn (‘llln‘h lever free play Addlrlve in engine oil Clinch Operalion Feels Rough i Rougn outer drum slols 9-1 Clutch/Gearshift Linkage Right Crankcase Cover Removal/Installation Requisite Service Side falling removal/vns‘tallallun (page 273) Clchh/Genrshifl Linkage Engme ml dramlng (dram non Iocauon: 3-3, drairung pvocedure section 2 uf (ha Common Se 9 Manuan Procedure Remarks ‘ Remuval Old" (1) C'uluh cable holder (2] F'Ighl crankcase Cove! bolx (a) Flight crankcase mm M) Gasksl 15) on rmer cap/DID stick 16) (17an m Dowel pln (an Clutch Imer mace 191 Clutch Ilher arm (10) Washer UH Return sprvng 112” on seal _‘_4__N_._._.Am_‘ Insxauaunn IS In the reverse order of remuval, Loosen me bans m a crisscross pattern m sevaml steps. 9-3 CIutch/Gearshih Linkage Clutch Removal (‘9) (18) (page 9-7) Hill Requisim Service . Right crankcnase ouver removal [page 9-2) Clutdl/ Gearshilt Linkage Procedure my Remarks m Ciuich nicer plale bolx 11) Clutch Ilher plate l3) Clutch lihev rod m Stupperring I5) Radial ball bearing (1600!) IS) amen spvlng l7) Clutch cemer lock nut l8) Cone washer la) Clem cemer [IOl Judder spllng llli‘ Spiing seat [I2] Clutch disc lluger LB.) (I3) Clutch disc lsmeller I,D ) (I4) Clutch plate ll5l Clutch presiure plain, {16H ThrusK washer ll7ll Clutch mmar guide ll6l‘ Clutch ulnar (lei? Needle bearlng j AAAAAmm__--_______i_.a Refer to page 9 6 for removal. -fieier to page 9.5 for removal Refer ‘0 page 5.7 for voplacamenl Cl utch/G earshift Linkage clutch Center Lock Nul Removal Unslake the clulch cams! lock nut Set the clutch center hnlder m the pressure plate and IDUSEIy lnstall (he runs 07JMBVMN50300 or 07HGaromoooA [U s A only) Clmch center holder Remuve the tool and ugmsn me nuts, Ihen reauach the clutch cenler holder omo the bosses at [he pressure plate Use all least two clutch lihar plats Dolls 10 secure the tool onto the pressure plate. Remove the clutch center lack um Luck nut wrench, 17X27mm 071150020300 0' Extensvon bar J 071150020500 Equivalent commercially available in U.S A Clutch Outer Removal lnsen the 5mm pm me me holes m We primary driven gears m align the gear teeth. Full Ihe clutch outer guide our by plnchlng the ribs on (he clulch outer guide, Ahgn (ha plopctlnns or the crankcase mm between the teeth of me pnmary drrven gears and remove the clutch outer fmm the mamshah, H) CLUTCH CENTER HOLDER [2) EXTENSION EAR ll) CLUTCH OUTER p|N GUIDE (2) 5/mm H! PROJECTIONS CImoh/Geavshil‘t Linkage Clutch Outer Needle Bearing Replacement (1) DRIVER Press me neewe healing out of ma mutch outer Dnvav o1749-oowooo ‘ Aflxmmsm, 32 X35mm 07746701" DIOO ‘ Pilol. 30mm 0774643040700 N . Press a new neeme [223an me me clmch uuxerso manna (1 , DRIVER ‘2, AnACHMENT edges of me needle beaung and clumh outer ave (lush Dvlvu 077490010000 A chmem, 32X35mm 0774570010100 Pi L 30mm 07745-0040700 CIumh/Gaalshift Linkage Gearshift Linkage Removal/InstaIIation N UT E - Make sure lire gearshlh linkage can be operated properly afrer assembly Requisi'a Service Clinch lemnval (page 974) Clutch/Gealshih Linkage - Clutch .nerallanon (page 9-12) Procedure my Remarks Ramaval Order Inslallation ls In the rsvarsa order I)! removal (ll Gearshift pedal pinch [lull 1 12) Gearenrh pedal link 1 when installing, allgn the punch marks on me gearshlfl pedal link and me gearshift spindle. [3) Gaulshlfl spindle assembly 1 when installing, align 111a gear arm splndle remm spnng pin between me return spring ends (Al Thrust washer 1 l5) Snap ring 1 Install the snap ring Wuh me chamleled slds ficmg We return spring. 161 Remm spring 1 l7l Smunev arrn ball 1 (8) Stoppel arm 1 (9) Washer 1 no) Stopper arrn spring 1 1H) Shlfler cam Center DD)! 1 when laosemng, be caleful no! [u break the bfllr becausa a locking agam i5 applied re rne bolt threads. (12] Shifter cam 1 When Inslzllmg, align the hole in the cam with the dowel pin (13) Down pln l Clutch/Gearshift Linkage Shift Drum/Shift Forks Removal/ Installation SH‘Fr FORK SHAFT RequisiKe Service > Gearshlfl lmkage removal/Instalmmn (page 5’8) - OII pan remova‘ wage 473) 12) (3} (4) (5) (6) (7| smn lurk shah Right shm fork Centev shm rm Left smh lork smn drum bearing Shifi drum Procedure G‘xv Remarks Remnval Older Installanon .3 In the reverse order of removal (1) Shift drum bearing set p‘alu ~ng 2 , InstaH [he 5m dams thh me "ouT" mark facing ouL ~ Instau the set plate near the shifl fork shah so 1( held: ma shaft in mace as shown. afev to page 941 my msmlsnon 9-10 sum Fork Inmal Imion [uh shifl fork has an Identlflcsuon mark; "R" a fur the mm mm fnrk. "L“ isfar ma left smfl fork and "c" IS la: the center shlh fork. Apply molybdemun dIsuIfide on Ia 50/50 mInuIe cf engine ml and mulvbdenum msumae grease} to the WM, c5 and CG gear shift Imx grooves. Install the shift forks nllgnmg me shih drum vms mm me shm drum grooves with the Identification marks Iacmg 1h: IIth we of the shame AppIy clean engme oil to the 5M! Iurk shah and InsKaIl H mmth the am forks clutch/Guarshilt Linkage (I) IDENTIFICATION MARKS (1) LEFf SHIFT (2D CENTER SHIFT FORK FORK/ l3I RIGHT SHIFT FORK 9-11 Clutch/Gearshift Linkage Clutch Installation CLUTCH OUTER (5) Ahgn the punch marks 3355.5, 61) (page 944} 9-12 Raquisite Service ngln crankcase cover Installation (page 972} Clutch/ Gearshift Linkage Procedure U’ty Remarks (1) Needle Dearlng 1 Refer 10 page 976 for leplacement 12] Clulch cute! 1:» Refer to page 5714 for lnuallauon. l3) Clutch outer gulda l 14) Thlusl washer (5) Clutch pressum plaie NOTE - Align ms punm marks on me cluxcn camel and clutch pressure mate (a) Clulch plate 8 l7) Clulch discismall LD ) 8 (El Cluxcn alscllarge I.D l 1 19) Spring seal 1 no) Judder spring 1 (l1) Clulch camel ‘ H 2’ Cone washer 1 NOTE ' Install the cone washer wlih (he "OUT SIDE" mark lacmg out, (l3) Clumh came: luck nu! l Refer m page 9441c: lnslaHalion (l4) Clutch spring A (ls) Radlal ball bearing (léoon l (l 6) Smnper ring 1 (l 7) Clulch llner red I Reler to page 9-1510rlnslallatlon llal cluich llfter plate 1 [19] Clutch Ilfter plaie ball 4 9-13 mulch/Gearshift Linkage Clutch Omar |nstallatmn lnslall me clutch oulev unto the mainsnah by al‘gning me prolccuon: 0! ‘he crankcase bcmcen the teeth oi (he pnmary driven gears Install me clutch outer gmdc mm ma vlbhed Side facing (Jul. lnslall the clmcn ouxer, aligning the clulch cuter holes with (he an pump drive spmckal boms by (Dialing ma all pump dnven someket wmlc holdmg me clinch outer and pushing m on w lvgmly. Afler Installing the clutch ouler guide, vemove the 5mm pin from me pnmary dnven gears Clutch Gamer Lock Nut Installation 5m (he clumh Center holder to me prsssura plam and loosclv mslall five runs. Clutch Elmer hnldar 07JMBcMN50300 0' 07HGB-001000A [U.S A. only) Remove lhe [Dal and (ightan ma nuts. than vsanach me clutch center holder onto Khr: bosses of lhe pressure plate. Use at lean (we clulch Ilfier plals bolvs to secure ma mal nnm the pressure plate. Tlghmn \he Clutch cenler luck nu( while holding me pvessure pllle with a clutch center hnlder. Lock nut wrench, ‘l7X27mm 0771643020300 i m Extensinn bar O77Ifl-DDZOSDO 7 equivalent cammerclnflv avillabl. in U SCA, anqu::85N-m(8. 5kgcm, sm-Ihl Stake the luck nul as shown Ml PROJECTIONS (2) CLUTCH OUTER (H CLUTCH OUYER (2) 5mm FIN GUIDE fi—i-ry m EXTENSlON EAR Ill LOCK NUT WRENCH [3! STAK 9-14 Clutch Lifter Hod Installation Assemme [ha clulch lmer rod, slopper Hng and ulmch lihel pme, and Install the assembry m \he cImch pressure plale Same me Mm plate by nghremng me bolts m :nsscmss panem m seven-1‘ sxeps NOTE If me clutch hfter rod comes om whue tighlemng the clumh \Ifler plats hams, push the rod at? the way In to prevent me rod from 1) ng excentric, Clutch/Gearshift Linkage (3) PUSH IN ,, , 1 (4) CLUTCH LIFTER ROD 9—15 10. Crankcase/ Cylinder/ Pistog Serv ce Informaiion 10-1 Piston/Connecting Rod Remuval/ Tmubleshuoting 104 Installation 10.4 Crankcass Separation 10-2 Crankcase Assembly 1076 Service Information The crankcase must be seoarateo to reoarr me pistDn or connecting rod. Remove tno iouowrng ports before sepamllng tne crankcase. —Enginu tseotron 7| —Watev Dump iseonon 6) ~Cy|mdei head (secuon a) -Clulch and gearsnrn tinkage (socrron 9) —nvwneol rsection 15b — \gnmon poise generate: rotor cover (secuun 15) *SIaner motor and slaner crutch [sectlon 17> Take care not to damage. (he cylrnorsr waHs and pistnns Store tna piston components m tne same order tnoy were iemoved so they can be rstnsratieo rn Iheu oilgmal locations. Bafnra assembling the crankcase halves, apply sealant on me mating smaces, wipe off excess sealant thorougrriy. Mark and store the connecting md hearings to be sure or their correct locations. If the connecting rod bsanngs arel impmperry inslalled they win block the ori holes, causing rnsumoient iobnoonnn and evontooi engine seizure Troubleshooting Rough Idle - Low cytnoer Compresslon Low Compression - Worn, stuck or broken piston rings . Worn or damaged Cylinder and Distun Compression Too High ‘ Excessnc carbon bul‘drup on pisluu top or combusnon chamber Excessive Smoke - Worn thnder Dlsmn or prston "095 r improper rnstaiiatron oi pismn rings - Scared 0' scra‘chcd prston or cylindev won Abnormai Noise (Plsmn) - Worn prston pin or piston pin hole ‘ an connecting led bearings Bent Lumiecflng md Worn L'ankshafl main bsonngs 10-1 Crankcasa/Cylirlder/Fistiou Crankcase Separation 11) 10-2 Crankcase/Cylinder/Piston NOTE Refer to page 1071 for me parts the: is necessary 10 be removed for crankcase sepzrzmcn ] Procedure my Remarks m Upper carankcase hon 16 m) "'7 (2| Sealing washer 3 (at Lower crankcase bolt(6 mlrl 14 (47 Lawor crankcase ham 1 0mm] \ (5| Lower crankcase bolt“! mud/healing washcr IO/V O From ‘he outside to msme, loosen the ban; In a cnsscmss pattern In several steps, Clean the quurd seslanl resrdue off Ihe crankcase mztmg (6) Lower crankcase surfaces (7) Unarmcatshom 2 (Bl Orlormceuong) ‘ (91 07er 1 (IO) Duwelpm 4 10-3 Crunkcusa/Cylindev/Pistun Piston/Connecting Rod Removal/ Installation 10-4 NOTE Crankaaso/ Cylinder/ Piston IOCSKanS Requisne Service ' Crankcase separallon [page 10le - When disassembllng, mark and slurs (he disassembled parts lo ansum mal may ars reinstalled m thelr original Dslarmrne the replacement bearing color cada morning m the connecting rod bearing selecrion table lpage 1l-5)V - At lnatallatian, apply molybdenum ml to (he connecimg rod bearing surfaca. Crankcase assembly ipage 1076) mn Procedure my Remalks Removal Older lnstallatlon ‘5 m the reverse may or removal (1) Connecting mil bearlng can nm 8 NOTE Before linmening. applv englne all lo (he «heads and sealing surface or the hm. Tignien U1: inns gradually and alternately. l2l Connecnng lod boarlng cap 4 wnen lnsfalllng me heaving cap, '32 careful not no Ins‘all |t opposite iis urigmal pusnian, i3) Connsmng md/plston assembly 4 CAUTVON - Do not try to remove the cannecung 706/ l assembly from the boqu at am cylinder; me assembly will he lockafl sn that me nil in; expands ln ‘he gap betweun mu cylinder liner and me uppm crankcase. lnsiall the connecting vod/plsmn assembly with me all nole in the cannectlrlg rod lacing ihe Intake slde. l4) Connecnng rod usanng 3 When Installlng, allgn the all holes in me beanng and the cannecnng rod, and the hearing (abs wnn me groflves ”1 (he connecting rod and bearing cap isl pismn pin cIlp s is) Pislon pm 4 l7) Pl5(0n assembly 4 Install the plsmn an the connecllrlg rod wnh me '1N"mark on (he pismn head faclng the all nols side [intake sme l. is) Top my 4 lnslall (he Fusion nngs wnh me mark ("T"ol“fi")faclrlg up 19) Second nng 4 lnsiall ms pisran rlngs wnn me malk1”T”or"RN")faclng up (ml Snacer 4 (II) on my a 10—5 Crankcase/ Cylinder/ Pi ston Crankcase Assembly 17) a '91: 240.4, m Aflev'al: 1612.6, I9) <9)!» 61211.29) E (8) 40(4 0, 29) / 0 /-\\ LOWER CRNKCASE S‘DEA fi\ \ 10-6 Crankoase/Cyl inder/Pistan NOTE A Helcr «Triage IDVI for me pans (mil ‘5 nscessary to be lnslallcu anar crankcase assambly Relar 10 page 1073 for crankcase bolt locaricri Procedure O'ty Remarks (I) Uppar crankcase 1 CAUTION Du nm apply aealam nmund the oil paaaaga area and msln baarlnq journal area. Halal in ma usuariun an page 1079 fol applying an. (2) Dowel pm 4 (a) Drrlng l w oilorllicellarrgl 1 [5) Dilurllicelsnnnl 2 CAUTION lnaall (ho oil orilioa wrm llra smaller dimmer aide r lacing m lowar crankcaaa. is, Lowsrcrankczse 1 ll) Lower cwnkcase hams mrl)/ssallng washer 10/10 From (he InSldc to outside, Ngh‘en (he bolts ln 5 cvlsscmxs uauern in several sleps 13) Lamar crankcaw hnlfllflnm) 1 [9) Lower crankcase bDNB rim) I4 (l 0) Sealing washer 3 Install the sealing Washer In me halt lndlcaled by (ha "A" mark. Rclar to page 1078, H1) Upper crankcase bolus will 7 10-7 Crankcase/Cyl inder/Fi stun Liquid Sealant Application Apply alight but mruugn coming of sealanl [0 ma. crankcase mallng surhcs except to (he maln besnng luumal bolt (8mm lower crankcase bolt )areas and the oil passage areas as snnwn Crankcase Eoli anatiovl From me insids ru oursrds, llghlerl (he kzwarcrankcase balls 15 nnlcrrsscross pansrn rn several steps Torque : Clankcasa bolt (8mm): 24 N - m [2.4kg-m, I'lfkrlb) Install ms rsmamrng crankcase bulls and ssalrng washers as shnwn. NOTE lnsrall me catad by me washevs to me Doll holes in arks Tighten all me crankcase balls in gradual, mlsscmss pallam, beglnnlng wrxn me largav dlzmelsr bolls frrsr as shown Torque: s nn bolt : 12 NAm [1.2kgAm, 9fi-lbl 10 mm huh . 4.0 N~m (4.0 kg-rn, 29 fl-Ih) WV To 75sz m G'mEDLT f}; V_/ 10-8 11 . Crankshaft/Transmission Service Information 11 -1 Transm siun Remuval/Installalion 11 -6 Tvoubleshooting 11*I Mainshafl Disassembly/Assemblv 11*8 Crankshaft Hemoval/lnsiallation 11 *2 Countershafl Disassembly/Assembly 11-10 Crankshaft Bearing Replacement 11-4 Service Information The crankcase must be separated in repair the lranamlsslon or arankanah. During crankshuit removal and mmllarion, do noi damage lhe crankshafi main journal bearings All bearing Insens are seiecl fitted and are .deaned by colm code seleel replacemenl baanngs from the code tabias. After lnsralllng new bearlngs, recheck rnern wwn plasrigauge to verify clearance Apply moiybdenum disuliide oil lo the man ,ournala 2nd crankpins during assembly Troubleshooting Cranksnan Noisy Worn crankanan mam Journal beanngs \Num (:unnecllng md bearlngs ~ elem connecnng mil I Ham To snin Improper ciuich adluslmenr Incorrecl englne oil vlscositv lrnproner clinch naerannn Rem shih forks Bent anm foik snail Bent shift folk ciaw Damaged slim drum cam glam/cs Bani snlh spindle Transmission Jumps Oul or Slms Worn gear engagemenr (1095 or aims Ham 5an fork anan Damaged allln drum alooocr drm Damaged or ham 5an fork Broken slnfi hnkage return sprlng Damaged snln mum cam gvouvee 11-1 Crankshaft/Transmission Crankshaft Removal/Installation m (Pagawal 11-2 Crankshah/Tvansmission Whlla ursassemnlrng, mark and slurs Ihe disassembled pans to ensure that they are reinslallsd in rnelr orlginal lacalions. Delevmlne the replacamsm beannq color 12on according Io rlrs msln journal bzaring selection xable (page 11-4). At lnslallatian, apply molybdenum all to (he maln jaurnal heaving surface. Heauisite Service - crankcase separation (page lo—Zl Crankcass assembly (page wasp Procedure Q'ty Remarks Removal Order (ll Cam chem 1 (2) Timing sprackel l [:1] Connecnng rod hearlng cap nut 8 14) Connecllrlg rod bearlng cap 4 (5) Crankshaft 1 {(3) Slaner clulch needle beallng 1 Refer to page I 1*5 (or removal, m Clankshah mam jaumal bearlng lo lrstllla‘iun Oldll (7) Crankshah maln ioumal bearing 10 (6) Slaner clutch needle beanng 1 Refer to page 1175 lor msxallauan. [5) Crankshaft 1 Before lnstalllng «he crankshaft, posmun all the pistons 31 Top Dead Cemer (TDCRO prevent me crankshah malrl laurr nals from belng damaged Wlm me connecllng roa bolls l4) Connecling rod bearlng can 4 When rnstalllng the beanng cap, be careful nok to mslall It opposne Its orlgmal positlon. (3p Connectlng rod beanng cap ml! 8 NOTE Before lignrsrnng, apply englne oil to rhe rnreads and seallng surfacs 0' the nut Tlghlsn me nuts gradually and allernately (2) Turnan sprockel 1 Install the cam sprnckel allgnlng me extra Wlda teem of the crankshafl and sprockel (1) Cam chaln l 11-3 Crankshaft/Tm nsmission Crankshaft Bearing Replacement ‘ nu rifeooem-rans Main Journal Bearing Selection Recurd xhr. crankcase | D code letters summed an the left slde 0' (he UDDer cvankcase Letlers I a m c )on (he uppev crankcase are the codes Ier the mam .aurnaI s Irom the Ian side Heeuru me corresponding mam IournaI on code numbers (”MAIN JOURNAL o D can; NUMBERS Irom me crank weIgm NOTE Numbers (1 012m" the crank walghl are Ihe codes in! me main 1011mm 0 D S (mm the lefi Cress reference the case and Juurnal nudes m determma me replacement beanng cnIur code \ A B C \ Crankcase \ I n code 360007 36,0087 36,0167 \ 36.009 mm36.0|6 m 36.02%. MmJWma‘ \ II 6173* II 41757 II 41507 77777 . 7 0 D 00“ 14I7e In) I4Iaom) I 413mm I 32 992733 000 mm D I: a I MAIN JOURNAL BEARINGS 11198941992 my (Punk) IVeIIuw) IGraen) ‘ l 2 32 934 32.992 0 B A (21 COLOR CODE (1.293671 2959 In! IVeIIuw) IGreenI (Brawn) ' Brown 1 492-1496 nm ll).058770 0539 in) Green 1.4887 .492 mn (0.0586410557 in) 'Vallow11.484r1.4EE mm (0.0584 0.0586 in) Pi k 3 1.46071AB4 mm (035810.0584 in) comp c°""°°""9 R°d 3“""9 se'e‘m‘m (”CONNECTING RODI D cons NUMBER Record me eonneeung rod I n rnde numbers en me rods NOTE - Numbers (I Dr 2 )0n me cannecung rods are the codes . / for (he connacnng rad | D 11-4 CrankshaIt/Yransmission Record the crankpln 0 D code lonels from the Clank (1) CRANKP‘N 0.0 (2) CONECTING HUD welghl. CODE LETI'EHS BEARING NOTE (3) COLOR CODE Lenels (A or Bl on lhe crank welgm are the codes for the crankpln 0 D s fmm (he left side Cross reference (h: crankpin and rod codes m determine [he leclacemen! heaving color code. Connecling rod ‘ 2 l D code 35 000' 36 003* 36 003 mm 35 me an WWW“ UAW} ii M767 0 D 5”“ lmalnl ialmlnl A132 992733 000 nn 1 r: a 41 29394 2991 In) Wellawl leveen) V , mWElGHT CODE 9 32 saaraz 992 in B A lALPl—lAaETlCAL com (1 298571.2589In) harem) (Brown) A :Bmwn .1.454 L438 Ilm (0.0588'0.0550 in) 5 Gwen .1V490-1.494 m (110557700538 in] c Velluw . 1 48671 490 mm (0.053570 0587 In) E Connecting Rod Selection The weigm code smmped on me eunnecnng rod is an zlphzr eexical code Be sure in use me connecting lads having me same weighl code In an enqme CAUTION If a connecting rad having (he i cram waigm code is In he used, be sure that llia diflalanca in weigln (code) is nald wilhin a single waigm rank. 12)MA\N JOURNAL (HNEEDLE BEARiNGS Slanar Clulch Needle Bearing Replacement BEARING Remove the needle bearing will a commercially available universal bearing puller. CAUTlDN - To pmlaal Iha crankshah main mural lmm the bum» ing puller claws, cover the mainshah journal pmpei- Iy , warn maln Inumal bearings ale usable as welcome. Drive a new needle bearing unto the crankshaft (I lCRAN KCASE ASSEMBLV L) COLLAR Crankcue assembly collar O7964-M300200 l 11—5 ClankshIfi/Tvansmissiun Transmission Removal/ Installation ‘ ALIGN \ 3 ‘3 / 11-6 Requisite Service Crankcase separammoage 1072) Clankshah/Transmission crankcase bssemhlyWuge IO 6) Procedure Q'lv Remarks Removal Ordel (I) Coumsrshaft beanng set mate bolt 2 12p Countershaft besnng set mate 1 13) Mamshafl/Coumsrshah assembly ‘ ‘ u (4) Countershaft end Nate 1 15) Duwel um I {5) Coumevshzfl beanng Steam" 1 lnslallaliovl Older (a) Countershah bearing flower 1 (5) Dowel pin 1 IA! Countershaft and mate 1 (3) Mainshah/Coumershafl assembly VI NOTE ‘ Aug" the hole in the coumershah needle beanng case war. (he pin m me upper crankcase. ' Alwgn the groove in me connlsrshah. baanng with me st— opper, and pin on the hearing wnn me groove m the crankcase. (2) Cuuntershah bearmg set p‘ate V Insml‘ the bearing set date wnh thE"UUT S‘DE"msrk facing cu! m Cuumershaft beanng set male ha" 2 When mslalling, apply a locking agent In the "Heads u! me buns 11-7 Crankshafl/Transmission Mainghaft Disassembly/Assembly 1 ALIGN l ’ 'GEAR SLIDWG SURFACE :SHIFTER GEAR GROOVE 11—8 N GTE Crankshaft/Transmission Apply molybdenum oil to the shwflev gear gmuves. App‘y oil to all sllding surfaces of the mamshafl, Counlevshafl and bushings Install the thrust washer that contacts wlth the rotatmg gear wuh the chamfered side fncmg the retetmg geart - \nslall the snap mug with the chamfsred :ide lacing the thrust land srde. Install the sphna buimng, ahgmng the an holes m the nushrng and the mainshafl Requisite Service Transmwssron remevanatanatrentpage H76) Procedure o'ty Remarks Drsassemmy Order 1" 57‘3“ em) case (2) Washer (31 M2 gear NET) ‘4] Lnrk wash“ 15) Spline washer (61 M6 gear 1231) (7) M6 sohne bushmg (a) Spline washer (9) tSnap (mg HOMMH/Md gEarH7/19T] m) Snan rmg (12) 5pm.: washer 113) M5 gear (on) mar M5 bushing 115p Thrust washer [ISD Malnshafi /'M1 gear HAT] In) Malnshaft baarmg (6305] Assembly rs m the reverse order oi erasesemmy. When Installing, ahgn the Claws cf the Lock washerwrth the cumms m the spline washer NOTE InstaH ma M3/M4 gear ahgnlng what on ho‘e m we M3/M4 Qeav and (he mamshaft Relet la page 11712 for replacement. 11—9 Crankshafl/Transmission Countershaft Disassembly/Assembly may nn‘z‘” H4) ‘ \ ' .SHIFTER GEAR e ‘ \ 7“ JL\ GROOVE / , r ‘F‘ ‘ GEAR SLIDING ‘ I \ GL/ 45/ \13)’ ”'Luzfi/ ”ml/5 418),}19) SURFACE Crankshaft/Transmission NOTE Apply molybdenum m1 :0 me smfiev gear gram/es Appry er: re a11 slldmg surfaces e1 [he mamshaVL countarshafl anar nushmgs Install mo mm washer mar cantacls wrm me mlatmg gear wrm me chamfeved 51dc facrng me mlaung gear ‘ Install the snap ring wnh me chamfered side facmg me rhrusx load sldc L ' lnsIaH ‘he spline bushing allg "9 (he 01' ho‘es m the bushmg and We mumershaft Raquisire Service Transm1ssion remnua|,rrrsranauun (page 1175; Prucedure O'tv Remarks sassembly muer Assembly 15 m me Vex/arse order of drsassemmy 1x) Neeme bearing case 12) Name beavlng (3r ‘ Tums: washer 141 c1gnar14m 15) Thum wnahef 161 c5 gear12AT) NOTE mslall me (:5 gear, augmng ermer all male m the Cb gear and the coumevshah 171 Snap W19 1 (E) Sullne washel r [9) r4 gear 1251) 1 1101 c4 gear splrne bushmg 11 11 Lock waxher 1 When msranrng, a1rgn me crews 01 me look washer mm m cumms 1n the sphne washer (12. Spline washer 113 CE gsdr 12711 1141 :3 gear husmng 115) Sphne washer (I6) SnaD ring 1171 cs gear 1st) NOTE mate“ the c3 gearv ahgnmg ermer ml hnls' 1n me :3 gear and (he coumershafl NOTE , Insran me c5 gear, ahgmng e1ther on hula .n we C6 gear ‘ and me counlevshaft. 115) Snap rrng 1131 Some washer 1201 c2 gear13311 1211 (:2 gear bushrng 1221 Caumarshaf! [73‘ Countershafl ul‘ 5931 11-11 Crankshaft/Transmission Mainshah Bearing Replacement Remove the mamShaft hearing by pressing the mamshafl as shown mm" a new radia‘ bau bearing omo me malnshaft usmg a press as mom :5 vmn Dnvar, 40mm LU. 07745 0030100 Attachment, 25mm |.D. 0774613030200 (1) MAINSHAFT (‘H DR‘VER l2) ATTACH MENT (3} BEARING (4) MNNSHAFF 11-12 12. Front Wheel/Suspension/ Steering Service Inlormation 12 1 Fork anoval/lnstallalinn 1278 Troubleshooting 1271 Fork Disassembly (’917'93) 12 10 Right Handlebar Remuval/lnstallariun 1272 Fork Disassembly (After '53) 12712 Lefl Handlebar Removal/Installallon 1273 Fork Assembly (’91~’93) 12 14 Front Wheel Remaval/lnstallaliun 1274 Fork Assembly (After '93] 12716 Front Wheel Disassembly/Assembly 12 6 Sleering Stem Removal/Insrallation 12 18 Service Information ~ A oonlzrriinalsd brake dlsc orpad reduces stopping power, Discard cuntamlnatad pads and clean a conisminaled disc wnh a high quulny brake dogle agem. Raise rho front wheel on the ground by suspending rhe rrerne wlrh a shng. Refer In Search 14 For brake system information Rerer (U seouon 16 or the Common Senate Manuai iur me rernurai/nrsrununon Us? only was marked ‘ TUBELESS'and lubeless vah/Glj on rims marked‘TUEELESS TIRE AFFUCABLE" Troubleshooting Hard Sleermg Whool Turns Hard I qum sleermg head bearings - Fauhv whaei bearing Damaged sleerlrlg head bearlngs - Blake drag - insumnemm pressure - Bentfmntaxle Slecrlng head bearing aorusxrnem nut (no light Soh Suspension Sleels Tu ens Sid. 0r Does Nor Track Srraighl Weak :ng spring Unevemv adjusted right and wen shock absorbers - insufficicm fluid In fork Bern rork e Low fluid level 171 fork Hem axle wheel inslaHed .neorreotiy - Lowure pressure Faun sleerlng head bearings Hem frame Hard Suspension Worn lrom wheel bearings - Incorrect fluid welght Worn swingarm owor bearlrlg - Hem «ork tubes craggeo lork riurd passage Flour Wheel Woboiing - High lire pressure Burl! Hm Worn honr wheel bearings From Suspension Noise room we Insufficient fluld m fork Unoeiaheed we and wheei » Loose fork losreners 12-1 From Wheeli’Suspension/Sleering Right Handlebar Removal /lnsla||ation Conwminnms in (he system may cause a reduminn ur loss of braking ability. CAUTION Suiilgd brake fluid will damage paimed‘ pias‘ic or vuhber pans. Hequisits Service Air cleaner huusing removal/insialia‘ion (page 673i Thronie grip free play adjustmentifiefei iu secliou 2 oi the Commun Service Manual.) Procedure my Remarks Removal Oran insiaiianon ls in me reverse order of removal (1) Front brakelighi switch conneclar 2 izi Master Cylinder holder i Aiigri me holdei mating surface with the nunch mark an me handlebar and Inslall ihe holdei wiih iris “U P 'mark upwaid {3) Master cylinder assembly 1 (4i Righi handlebai switch housing screw 2 Tighten the from screw fIVSK (hen the rear cine (5| Righi handlebar switch housing 1 Align the lang of the housing with me hole in the handlebar is) Thronle cable endiczrbureior SidE) i 17] Throttle cable mil 1 (a) Throttle cable endithrouie pipe sidei 2 Dun‘i hand me cables loo much. (9) Handlebar weigm i Align its buss wirri ihp inner margin [10) Thmuie pipe 1 [i i) Throttle grip 1 Apply Honda Band A ur ari equivalent to we Inslde surface of the grip iizi smpuer ring 1 (13} Handlebar pinch boil i Tighlen me pinch hnli while pushing me handlebariorwardi (14) Right handlebar 1 Align [he handlebar boss Wirir me (up bridge sloi 12-2 Left Handlebar Removal/Installation Fran! Wheel/Suspension/Stoering 15] (3) H1) 27 (2 7,101 (We ’3’ a (12) 19) (7) eD Procedure O'ty Remarka Removal Order lnstallalmn ls in 1he reverse order of removal, 11) Clulch swllch counselor 2 12) Clmcn lever holder 1 Allgn rhe nelder mallng surrace mm the punch mark on the handlebar and lace lhe holder with me ”U P'mark upward, Trgmen me upper boll lrrsl men the lawcr ball 13) Clulcrr lever assembly 1 l4) Lev handlebar swilcl'l housing screw 2 Tighren me from screw lrrsr lhen me rear one (5) Lek handlebar swllch housmg 1 Align lne bo5s onne houslng win. ma hale rnrhe handlabav ls) Choke cable 1 (71 Handlebar welgrn l Align rrs boss wlm me lnner weignr la) Handle gm) 1 Apply Honda Send A er an squlvalenl to the melee surface or me gm) (9) Choke lever 'I ll 0) snapper ring 1 (1 ll Nandlebal prncn bolr 1 Tlgmen rhe plnch Doll while pushmg me handledarfurwzrd (121‘ Left handlebar l Align lhe handlebar boss wlrh rha mp bndge elm. 12-3 Form wheel/Suspension/Steering Front Wheel Removal/Installation ‘ , ‘ Frum Wheel/Suspension/Stearinq ' A contaminated brake disc 0! Did laducos stopping power. Discnld contaminated and: and clean a contaminated disc wilh a hluh quality brake daglaasing agent CAUTION ‘ Do nut suspend zlur mire cirpu (mm m. brake huge. Do rm Iwist (he brako hon. NOTE ‘ Do not apply the brake leverafler the front wheel is removed, l be at least 0 7 mm long ml. Auply mm mat clean grease to me from axla bafnle lnslallatiun Check ma :lezmnce between the brake dlsc and callpar bracket on each side afler installsnon. The clearance should Requisite Service False me from wheel off me ground by suspendlng me frame wins a sling 19) fight Slde collar oncedure \ O‘ty Remarks Removal Olden ‘ Installnllan .s in ms rel/else order of removal m Calmer brackel belr r 2 [1) L511 b'akE callpel assembly 1 (a) Speedometer cable screw 1 14) Speedomeler eaele ‘ l lSl From axle bolr l (Bl Flam axle Dinch ball 4 (7D Flam axle ‘ lal ‘ From wheel assembly 1 NOTE When lnstalhng or remowng, slmeme ngm Drake callpev on so ‘hat file wheel llm clears When lnsialling, allgn me stunner an the SDeedumeler gear box wmr (he lab on ma lell lork sllder. 12-5 Front Wheel/Suspension/Steering Front Wheel Disassembly/Assembly Slamped s f (Neumlal) 12—6 From Wheel/Suspension/ Steering ‘ A contaminates make dist: av pad reduces stopping powere Discard contaminated pads and clean a contaminated ) disc with a high quality brake degveasing agent, NOTE - Replace the wheel bearings III pairs. - Do not add more than 60 grams of balance Weight: la the wheel balance weight Requislte Service ‘anl wheel removal/)nsmllauon (page ‘24!) Procedure u‘ty Remarks Disnssemhlv omer Assembly ls in the levers: order uf dlsussembly (I) sneedlsrneter gear hex 1 When installing, engage the tabs on the speedometer gear with the langs at the relainev. (2) Speedometer gear 1 (3) Washer 2 (4) Dust seal 2 [5) Speedometer gear retainer 1 16) Brake dISC bolt 12 (7) Brake alsc 2 NOTE ~ Instail each brake disc lo lts origlnal )Dcatlon. Install each brake disc with the slamned slde facing out and the direcllon armw pomting ln the direction of rota- Ill)". (E) Shim ' 12 (9) Left wheel bear)ng(6004) H0) D)slallce coHar (I l) Rugm wheel bearing {5004) 12-7 Front thal/Suspension/Steering Fork Removal/Installation Fork lube i 12—8 From Wheel/Suspension/Steermg NOTE no no! depress me brake lever when we callpers are removedfor ll will be dlrriculr to rein me dlsc berween me brake pads ll you plan (0 dlsassemble me forks legs, loosen the top budge bolts hrsl lhen me fork cap bolts but do not remove them at [his mnev Suspend me righr and leh handlebars Draperly 50 that the uaLllss and wrres are nut benl liglnly Requisite Service From wheel removal lpage I274) Procedure Cl'w Remarks Rumaval Ordel l m Stoppavvlng ‘ lzl Handlebar pinch boll l (3) nght/Leh handlebar assembly (4) From brake callper assembly (5) Socket bolt (5) Front fender (7) Too blldgc plnch bolt (8) Bunnm budge pinch boll lsl Fork leg assembly lnsrallolion order (9) FDrk leg assembly NNMHNNZMN Be carelul not In damage the brake nine. Be sure to hnld the fork leg while loosenlng the bulls. N lnsrall rbe folk leg assembly aligning lhe gmove m the fork lube wnh the upper survace of the folk mp budge. (3) Bottom budge plnch boll l7l Top brldge pinch ball (6) Fran! fender (5| Suckex bolr (Al From brake callper assembly (3) nghl/Leh handlebar assembly lzl ‘ Handlebar plnch hall (ll l Srobber llng ~m\ Align the handlebal boss wlth the top brldge slot Tlghlcn (he plnch bull whlle pushlng the handlebarlorward. 12—9 Front WheeI/Suspensiun/Steering Fork Disassembly (’91v’93) ADJUSTER/‘/ Turn a a luster L‘UumercMckwise fully 15) (13) 110} W (7) (m HA) m 12-10 From Wheel/Suspension/Steering W l NOTE e folk tuba cap ls under sprlng messule. Use care when removing it and wear eye and lace museum. Tempolarllv inslall lhe lurk spring, spring Sean spacer and lurk lube cap to loosen the socket bolt. ‘ Requisile Service Folk lemoval/lnstalletlunlpags l2 , g} Procedu re Remarks Fork can owing Spacer Sprlng seal Fork SDrinQ Dust seal S‘oppev rlng Fork suckel bolt Sealing Washel Fork mbe oll lock place Fork plsmn Ferk Dlsmn ring Rebound spring on seal Back up nng Sllder bushing Fork tube bushing Fork slider Belare removing the fork cap, tum lhe preload admslav cuunlerelsckwse fully to lessen spying pressule. Alter removing me >pllllg, pour um any lemainlng fork oll j wnen removing, be carelul nm damage the 107k lube sllfilng surlacs NOTE Do not remove the fork plsmn rlrlg unless u ls necessary K0 Yeplace ll. NOTE - Do nm remove the fork plslon rlng unless it ls necessary to replace ll. 12-11 Front Wheel/Suspensinn/$teering Fork Disassembly (After '93) “® a (15) (10} (7) 12-12 From Wheel/Suspension/S!esrlng nu fork up is unuer snrinn musura use care whan mmnving it Ind wear .y. and he. mama-(ion, J NOYE - Tempulanly insmn the fork wring, spung seat and lurk cap to loosen the sockn bolt, Roquisile Serviu Fork removal/inslaflalion [page 12431 Pvccaduve cm Remarks Dis-mmhly Order 111 Fork cap 1 Balme Iemuvmg me lmk can umr me uremao amusmr cuumerclockwlse («my m loosen spring pressuve. ‘ (21 Swing seal 1 131 Spring 1mm man: 1 14) ank spnng 1 Poul nut the funk mud mar vemov'mg me fork spnng. 15) Bus! sea1 1 13) Steppe! ling 1 CAUTION: - Do mu scratch the {um um slldlng surface 171 Fork socket balt 1 151 Searing washer 1 131 Fork prsron 1 HDD DII luck were 1 1111 Fork {ube 1 1121 on seal 1 * ‘Remove From the fork tube (131 Back up ring 17 (14) suder bushing 1— (151 Fnrk tube bushing 1— Do nor mmnve1t,ur1lgss n15 necessary to replace-1 wrm a new one, 116) Fork slider 1 12-13 Front WheeI/Suspension/Steeriug Fork A§sembly (’91-'93) Adwsl spnng Dveloadv (10> «a El (9399‘ “‘7) J Tlgmer Cons Down ‘ 12—14 From Wheel/Suspension/Steeving NOTE [he (on bndge wnch bo‘t Amr assemblmg me fork \egs, rnscaH eack fork leg um um steermg stem hrsz, [hen torque the lurk tube can and Ingran xke back no rmg with (he charmered surface We Vaclng down. 1 L - Coal a new (m 583‘ wllh ‘he recommended fuvk onland ”15(anan sea‘ mark facing up Requisike Service A Furk mstallaunn {page 1278) Procedure ‘ my \ Remarks 11) ‘ Fork sfider (7r Fork (uba bushmg (3) ‘ Sllder bushing w Back up 1mg 15) Ollseal (61 Rebound sprung 11) Park msmn nng (a) Fork piston {9) onlock piece (101 Fork tube 11 H sxopper rmg (sz Dus‘seab (m Seallng washer um Fork wake! holt 115’ Fork snnng (IE) Sprmg seat (17) Space! (‘8) 0 ving nap Fork mbe cap Replace with a new one \f it was Vemoved from (he fuk tube. NOTE lnstaH (he oil seal wrm the marked 5m facing out. ~ Wrau the fork lubelop end wuh vmyl up: to prevemlhe ml Seal lip from causing damage. Dnve ma 0H seal mm the fork shaer with (he Fork Seal Dnvcr (079477KA50100) and Anachmem (O7947-KFDCI 100) mm“ the on seal seats completely When mulling, be caretul nol to damagc the fork mbe shdmg Surface NOTE Aner ugmenmg, commess «ark tube «ally and pour the speclf‘ed amount OI furk flu‘d [page 1-1 11mm the fork mbe NOTE ere n“ off the spring Ihomughly usmg a clean Inn: has Cloth or high flash uoim so‘vem and compressed air and ”man wan ma ugmlv Wound coH lacing down NOTE Before Installing, make suve me preload amumr .5 mp ned :mmwrdockw‘se muy. Afiar Insta‘ling, adwsk fovk sprmg preluad 12-15 Front Wheel’Suspension/Steering Fork Assembly (After '93) % g i HZD‘QM g/ez: 12.3, 17) ) l9! 12-16 1151, (17> @ /18) 823 (2 3,17) @r/"' $9 U “gm wtnage H7) (M (16) -MHM (2) NOTE Frum Wheel/Suspension’Staen'ng After assembllng the lurk legs, lnstall mam inro rlre sreering srem Mnfien torque \he lork cap and me loo blidae pmch bolt. Requisita Service - Fork rnstallabon [page lzrsl Install the back up ring with the chambered surface slde facing down. - Coat a new oil seal wlth the vecammended fork oil and lnstall wrrlr seal mark mung up If Procedure my Remarks Aoaorrroly Order lll Fork slroer 1 (2) Fork lube ousmnq 1 - Install mm on the lork lube. (3) Fork tube 1 - Dllve me on seal usrno speclal tools. l4l Sllder bushlng 1 - Use me folk seal arwor 1079477an0130) and anach- 151 Backup ring 1 rrrerrr (079477KF00‘DO) lcr on seal losrauarion. 16) on seal 1 (7) Sroooor rlng 1 lax ‘ Dusl seal 1 (9! ‘ Oll lock place 1 HOD Folk plslun 1 ll ll Sealing Washer 1 HZ) Fork socket bck 1 vApply a looklng agent In rho threads. - If me lork socket bolt Iums (ugetllev with the fork prsrorr, rempororrly insmll the lork spring, spvlng seat, seal slopper and lork cap, and tigman the socke! bull, 113: Folk sorrrro l Insrall (he lork Spnng wlrlr (‘lgmlv wound coll lacing down. l14l Sprrng 1mm plate 1 H 5) Fork cap 1 lrrsrall rr omn we adjuslev. ll 6) Spring seal 1 ll 7l Fork cup 1 CAUTION: ~ Ba careiul nal Ia cmsslhlead the lurk cup. - chew In ma lurk cln hm do not llgmen vol. 12-17 From whee”Suspension/Steering Steering Stem Removal/Installation ”7H@|page 1249) 025a 545) mg ‘4 (5) tuage1rl7| (13D ‘Szui1page1'1n (14h (1m\ (11) NOTE . Reprace each Dearlng and beefing race as a set. ~ Do no‘ reuse the lock washer Req 9 Service - Fnrk remnval/mstaHatlon (page I278} , Ignmen swmth vemovahnstallatwon 1pege 18*8] Procedure cm Remarks ‘ Removal Order Insreuerron .5 m we reverse order of removal m Steering srem nut cap (2) sreerirrg stem um 13) Fork mp priage (4) Lack nm (5) Lock washer (6) Steering adwumem mu Eelere removing bend Stra‘ghl me tabs 01 me lock washer Rerer 1p page 1219 for .nsreuenpn. ‘ How the steenng stem We remuvlng me adluslmem rm! (7) Desr seal (8) ‘ UppEr mer race (9) Ball beanng (10> Brake nese clamp my Sreermg stem my Ban peerrrrg {13) aner irrrrerrace H4) Duslseal 115) Upper mner race [1 5} Lower ouler race 12-18 Bearing Adjustment Nut Removal/Installation Band m: labs of me luck washel stralgm and then remove the lock nm and lack washer. Remove me Sleenng adlustmem rm! 0791641710100 0771511920501) or oquivalom commarcialy available m U.S.A. Stealing slem sackel Extenslon bar Apply clean cnglnc ml 10 lhe steering adlustmem nut threads and hymen the adludtment run to m: speclfled towns. 07916-3710100 07715-01720500 nr squwalam commercially availabla in U.S.A. Stee nu stem Sockel Extension ha! anque 25 N1m(Z.Ekgrm, 18 ft’lb) Turn me sleenng stem luck to lack a least lwe llmes, (hen religmen ms steerlng ammmem nut to the specified torque, Front Wheel/Suspension/Steering H) LOCK NUT , (31 LUCK WASHER (H STEERING STEM SOCKET (2) EXTENSION 13)ADJUSTMENT NUT 1|) STEERING STEM (Z) EXTENSIONV SOCKET (SlADJUSTMENT NUT 12-19 Front Wheel/Suspensian/Steering Bend the opposite tabs of a new luck washev down and men Inslall u nnm rhe sleermg amustmenl nut wrung ahgnlng the tabs wllh me grouves m m adjustment nut Finger Ughlen me look nut. How \he adlustmem nut and funhel llghten [he \ock nut wlmm 1/4 mm (90D enough m angn m gmom Wm. me luck waihev \zbs. Bend me luck washer tabs up no the lock nut gluoves. (H LOCK NUT 13) LOCK WASHER 12-20 13. Rear Wheel/Suspension Service Informaxion Troubleshooring Rear Wheel Removal 'Inslallation 1371 13'1 1372 Rear Wheel Disassembly’Assembly 13-3 Shack Absorber Removal/ Installation ('91 —'93) Shock Absorber Removal, Installation (Aher '93) 13-4 13-5 Shock Absorber Disassemhlyr' 13-6 Assembly (’91 - l Suspension Linkage Remnval 13*8 lnsmlla Suspension Linkage Disassembly, 13*9 Assembly Swingarm Hamnval/Installation 13-12 Swingarm Disassemblv/Assemhly 13~14 Service Information Reler to the sacrum 14 for brake svsmm minrmauan, Tubeless um rcmaval, rcpmrand rcmourmng procedures are covered In the secoon 16 ohhu Common Sewerce Manual Troubleshooting Rear Wheel wahmmg - Bern Hm Worn rear wheel bearlngs Faulw (Ire Unbalanced ME and wheel Low we pressure Faulw swlngarm pwol beanng(s) Whenl Tums Hard Faulry wheel bearinglsl Eraka drag (Sr-mun IA) Born rear axle Sun Suspension - Weak shock absumer surrrrg Inrn'recl suipensmn adjusrment m leakage rrom damper unrr Luw we plessms Ham Susuensmn Damaged shock absorber moum bushmg Damaged shock absorber Iowar 10an bearmg Incorrect suspensmn adjustment Bent damper rod Damaged swmgarm pwor bearing Hrgh we pressure Suspeuaion Maia: Shock absorber blndlng Loose fasteners 13-1 Rear Wheel/Suspension Rear Wheel Removal/ Installation ' A Dunlamina‘ed bvake disc or pad reduces smpm‘ng unwel. Discard cnntaminaled pads and clean a cumflminnled disc wilh a high quenry brake CAUTION | - Do nal susgund the hvake ca per hum the brake hnse, Do not Mlst the brake hose. NOTE - Put the motorcycle on Its center stand - Do not depress the brake pedal when the caliper ls removed, or ll wlll be drfhcuh to rem the dlsc between the brake pads. Adjust the drive chalrl slack alter InsKalllng the wheel, , F'mcedure Q'lv Remarks Hemnvel Order lnstalletran Is m the reverse older of removal. (1) Hear caliper bracket bolt 1 (2) Hear brake calrper assembly 1 Release the brake hose frtlm the clamp on the rear lender B and prvot the brake caliper upward, (3) Lock nut/Drwe chain adrustrrrg nut 2/2 Loesen them all the way and push the wheel forward all the wav [4] Rear axle nut l (5] Washer 1 (6] Rear axle shell 1 l7] Drrve chain l 18] Rear wheel assembly 1 (9) Drlve Ehaln adlustev l lnstall the drrve cham adjusters Wlth the graduated srde i lacing out. 13—2 Rear Wheel/Suspension Rear Wheel Disassemny/Assembly H2» emu, all 13) ffiu Hm (2) e A conmmlnl‘ad brlka disc a! pad reduces mppil; new": Disclld contaminated pld! Ind clean . maminmd disc wirlr e high quality err-k. degmaing agent. NOTE Replace the wheel beatings in pairs Do hat add more lhan so grams of balance wergms to the wheel. Requisite Service Real wheel ramuval/inslallallun [Dage ITS-2] Procedure Q'ty Remarks Disassumbly Older n lire reverse order of disassemely. l1) Len side cellar l2) nght side cellar l3l Dusl seal ml Driven flange assembly lsl Driven flange collar lap -Drlven rlange bearing lEZ/ZZI l7) .nriven spreeker nut is) Dllven sprocket lsl rDriven flange ll m Daring (I ll Real whael damper ll 2) Brake disc ball “3i Blake dlsc rl4i len wheel heanng lezmuul [‘5] Distance collar (I5\ Rrgmwneei bailing lszoAuui Install the driven sprocket wirn the stampad Side lacing out. Insmll the brake disc with the stamped side lacing out, ____§m--d>~A_N__ 13—3 Heal Wheel/Suspension Shock Absorber Removal/ Installation ('91-'93) (H c 45l4.5, 33l 6 4501.5, 33) Posmonl N UTE frame - suppm (he motorcycle securely in an uprlght posman If you ulan to disassemble the shock absmber, adjust n to pnsitlon 1 (f0: llgl’llcsl loads) before lemovlng it from me Raquisite Service Slde wver removal/Installation lpage 2 2) Rear fendev a rambvalnnsxanauan (page 277. Pmcedure my Remarks Ramovnl Ordnv (1) Shock absorbev mounting bolt [upperl (2) Shock absurbev mourning bun (Iuwer) (3) Shock absulhar assambly Installation Is ln the reverse nrderof removal Inflall the ball from me ugh! side Install the bolt ham (he left side lnslall the shock absorber assembly wilh the rebound dampr mg adjuslsr facing ma right Side 13-4 Rear Wheel/Suspension Shock Absorber Removal/Installation (After '93) (Sup : auction 19 01 :ha Common Service Manual; Dvllllnn Winl : page 1-11) NOTE Put the motorcycle on in oentevsmnd. Raquisitc Service - sme cave! remwamnsunzuon (page 2-2\ - Rear feudal E removal/Installation (page Z~7) damping aajbm. mmg me ugh! side. mood-m 1 6’" Remark: Remav-l om: lnsmllauon ‘5 m me reverse ovdev 0f removals m fissawoir nose band 2 m fiesawou holder I m near Drake mane: cyllnder reservmv mnum \ bolt my shock abanrbev mouming bah/nut (upped m \nsmu me hall from the Ian side ‘5) Shack absorber mounting huh/nut flower) m mslau me boll (mm the la“ SIdE, <5) Shack absorbat assembly 1 'lnstall ma shock absorber assbmbw wrlh ma rsbouna - A1 installamn, align me veservoir hose end wuh the cut o" of the frame‘ 13-5 Rear Wheel/Suspension Shock Absorber Disassembly/Assembly (’91-’93) 44) ,23 (pagelam Wm} - Thu shook number contain: niImgen undo! high Prcislne. Da nm allow fin! a! ham near the shock nbsolhur, Balms disposal of shock nbsamnl. raluse lhe n mgon. (Slap: section 19 ohm: cummurr San/Ito Manual: Dr ing perm: paga1~11) Requisite Service Shack absorber yemoval/msmllafiml (page 13-4) oncedure Q'w Remarks Disnssembly Order Assembw s in (he ravevse order of disassemb‘y (I) Lower mount cullav I (2y Dust seal 1 ‘ (3) Needle hearing 1 ‘ Refer to page ‘377 for rep‘acemam. (4) Stepper Mg 1 ‘ Rafe! to page I377 for removal and rnsrauauon (5) Upper spnng seat 1 ‘ (6) Spring I (7» aner Surlng seal 1 (a) Spnng mer‘oad adplsmr 1 (st Dusr seal ‘ (1 or \rmer spnng seal 1 n 1) Spring guide 1 Install (he spnng guide allgmng me cutout m the gulde with the lab on or- spring guide flapper (I2) Damper um assembly 1 ; 13-6 Stopper Ring Removal/Insmllatiun Remove the stopper rlng by compressing ma shock lbsorber with a hydraulic pres. 0 roll driver Imchment O7965-KEEDZOO or 07984-371 0000 Cnmnress mp. shock absorber until the groove in me damper unlr came; out Enough to lnsrall the stopper rlng. CAUTION - DD rm commas: me splim mnra than neeeeeery In install ma stopper ring or the spring fatiguev Illslall Ihe Stopper ring In me groove In me damper unl! securely NOTE Eefore rslsaslrlg the hydraulic press, make sure Ihak the lower jalnl aligns between me (abs pn me Snmlq guide swppel. LowerJaint Nasdla Searing Replacement Remove the em seals from the lower luinl. Hold are lower lulm mm the sunaple mol. Press me needle hearlrlg out of the lower jorm. Pill dlivav 07GMDVKTBOIOD or Drivur 07 748-001 0000 Film, 22 mm 077450041000 Pack a new needle bearlng mth molybdenum disulflde grease Press (he bearing into me lower joint untll the baanng surlace IS flush Wllh the lulm surface as shown 1 0774970010000 Attachment, 24x26 mm 0774543010700 Film. 17 mm 077460040400 Rear Wheel/Suspension (1‘ OIL SEAL DRIVER AWACHMENT (2] STOPPER RING (1) TABS (l) DRIVER b / \ \ / W (4) NEEDLE (2":le BEAMS R ear Wham/Suspension Suspension Linkage Removal/Installation NOTE Requisite Service . Rearfender a removar/msenauon (page 277} Suppon me moromycre securery in an upright pusmon. Procedure O'tv Remarks [1) (2| (3| (4] Removal 0mm Shock hnk ball [shock arm svde) Shock absorber mounlmg bah (lower) Shock link boll (frame side) Shock link/Shock arm msullauan Is m me reverse order of removal mm” the shock Imk and shock arm wrth the mark ~ FMV 9” faclng me la" ssde 13-8 Hour Wheel/Suspension Suspension Linkage Disassemny/Assembly l (5} rfil 4514.51.33) (7) (page 13-10) 15] l3! % m / N‘r/ ll) (4) @lpage1340) l NOTE , Assemble me shock llnk and shock arm wun me arrow mark "~FMV9" polnring lorwardv J Hequisite Service - Shack linkage removal'msrallerlonlpege 1378) Procedure my Remarks annval omr Installaliclrl is in me reverse order of removal. m Shock arm boll (Z) Shock link plvcx collar {3} Bus: seal [M Snack Ilnk plvol needle hearlng (sl Shack sml plvol collar (5) Dun seal (7» Shock arm pivot needle bearing Reler ma page 1340 fol replacemem Anensm_ Refer to page 1371!) for replacemenl 1 3-9 Real Wheel/Suspension Suspension Linkage Pivot Needle Bearing m NEEDLE BEARING Raplacemem EMOVER Shock Ann \ Press the needle bearing an! cf the shock arm Fin drlver O7GMDvKYBO100 or Driver 079493710001 PilmV 22mm 07746-004100!) / Press a new needle Dealing into me shack arm so ml (he 7” DRIVER (2) NEEDLE BEARINGS needle bearing ouler surface is 6.5 mm {0.26 in) lower (row the cute! edge onhe shock aim pivot bearing cawly fl 5 5mm10 266"] (Si AWACH- § 0mm 0774943010000 MENT , , L 7 An-chmam, 24x26 mm 0774547010700 :1 i i , Film, 17 mm 077460040400 ‘ :17 NOTE ~ Press me needle healing in wnn me stamped side , 1 racing om i4ll=lL0T Shock Link Press the needle bearing 0m 0! me shock link. 7 in MN DRIVER Fin drivel 07GMD~KTSO1OD or Drivel 0794973710001 Film, 22 mm 077460041000 xii? /,« / meg/K 12l NEEDIE BEARING Press a new needle bearing Into the shock link to 50 mm m NEEDLE BEARING the needle nearing outei surface is 5 7 mm i022 iril lower (1) DRIVER from me outer edge oi me shock link pil/ul bearing cavity. 255" (z 722:) a mm Driver 077490010000 (31 #3cher i.— Amchmant, 24x26 mm 077460010700 Pilot 17 mm U77‘6-00‘0400 NOTE Press me needle hearing wmi me stamped side facing out. / 12) PiLOT 13-10 Rear Wheel/Suspension MEMO 13-11 Rear Wheel/Suspension Swingarm Removal/ Installation {3| (4) (3) 13-12 Rear Wheel/Suspension CAUTIO N Do noi suspend ”Ia bvaka caliper (mm the brake ha“. Do nol twin the brake hose. ‘ NOTE hiSuppon me momrcycie securely in an upnght Dosmun. ' DU i101 deoress me brake nedal when we caliper is removed, or i! wiil be dlfl‘icuh (O refit the disc between the brake hose. Hoquisile Service Real wheel remnvai/mstalianon (page 1372) ~ Rear fender a removal/mamiinion (page 2-7) Procedure [My Remarks Ramovm Drfler m Shack arm ban 1 (2) Shock nbaorbsr mourning ball flower) 1 13) Swingarm pivm cap 2 (4) s ' garm plvmboll 1 (5) Swrngarm assembly 1 Inmllmmrr Ordsr i 15! Swingarm assemhly i 1 Before Inslalllng, pass the drive chain over the :wmgarm (4) Swingavm pivot ban 1 (3) Swingzrm pivm cap 2 (2) Shock absorber mourning bolt (lower) 1 (1) Shock arm hall 1 13-13 Roar Wheel/Suspension Swingarm Disassembly/Assembly 13‘ w (page 1.17) Rear Wheal/Suspnnsion Requisita Service - Swingarm Vemoval’inatulmmn (page 1342’ Procedure \ o [y Remarks Disassamhly cm.- 11) Right pivo‘ collar (2) Dust sea|122><35><7l (3» Snap ring 14) High: plvol oeannngom 15) Distance nmlal (5) Drlve cham shdav m Len pwm couar [8) Dun seall22X3‘ X5) (9) Left plvm heaving Refer m page 1346 for removal. ‘—_4—~“_ Refs! (0 Daga 134 G for removal Ammbly om. 151 Laftpivolbeanng «a: Dusrseal(22><3l><5) (7) sztplvolcahal (e) Drivechainslider (5D Distancecnllar my mum Divot bearing(5202) 43) Snap nng [2} Dustsaal122><35x7j m RIgh‘pivmcollar Refer to page 13—1 6 for installation. Angn me slam the chain shderwlthme tab anme swmgarm Refer to page 1346 ‘lor inmnamn. Inslall the snap ring vmh lhe chamfeved we facing m. A-AN__._‘H_‘ 13—15 Rear Wheel/Suspension Swingarm Pivot Bearing Replacement Remove me snap rmgv Remove me "gm pm: beanngs {radial ban bearings! fram (he swmgarm. E rnDL Boating rumour sar 0793646210000 -Eearlng romovav held, 15mm 07935-K010200 Jammie! handle 079357KC10100 -Ramovar sliding wiighl O7741-00I0201 nr Bearing remover, 15mm 07936-Kc10500 Remover weigm 079363710200 Press new radlal ball bearings in“: me right swingarnl pivot one at a tune. Driver 0774970010000 Attachment, 31x35 mm 07746-001010!) Pllm. '5 mm mus-0040300 NDTE mm the beanng (he stam ed Install (he mp nng with (ha chamlered side racing in Pros: the needle bearing out of the In“ swingann nivol. dle bearing ramovor 07GMD-KT7OZOD Driver shah 07945-MJ00100 m Bushing remaver Maximum—”(xxx Driver 0794973710001 Press a new needle baanng wirh the stamped side facmg our :1: m Dnv-r 077490010000 Amchmaml ZBXZD mm U7546-1370l00 Film, 22 mm 07746-0041000 NOTE - The bearing surface should be flush with the pivm in- srde surface as shown. 11) SNAP RING E) EAA'cs a N43” SET / (2) BALL BEARINGS (an NEEDLE EEAR‘NG (1 ) DRIVER H) DRIVE SHAFT : (1) ”we“ [2) BALL BEARINGS (3) ATIACH- MENT (2) NEEDLE BEARING REMOVER (3) NEEDLE (2) ATI'ACH- BEARING MENT \ 14) P‘LOT 13-16 14. Brake System Service lnlormalion 144 From Brakn Caliper Disassembly/Assambly 111-6 Troubleshooting 14—1 Eur Masmr Cylinder Rumlwal/ Installation 14-8 Raul Blake Fad Replacemlmt 14-2 Roll Master Cylinder Disassembly/ From Mum Cylinder RBmoval/Instlllntim 14.3 “mm"! ”-10 Fm"! Mum (Mindsr Disasseirtly/Assomhly 14—4 Rear Brake Caliper Removali’lnslnllalion 14.11 ‘ From Bruka Calipar Removal/lrlshllufinn 1+5 Roar Brake Caliper Disassembly/Assnmhly 14—12 Service Information A Duntuminlmd brakl diac or pad rcduooa stoppi Ibilily. Mlxinn inmmpalihlu bull. fluids will impair braking efficiency. Fnuign malarial: can clog (ho sysfllm. can: u mduminn or complete Ian of braking ability. Alwlyt "instill in. brlkl pads in mail original positions (I) mvant lass of braking efficiency. 4 Troubleshooting Brake lever Sch Or Spongy Brake Gmh or Full To One Side ~ Air bubbles in (he hydraulic system - Disc or wheel mlsallgned . Leaklng nydrauilc svsiem A Conlaminatsd braka pad/disc - Conlammated brake Dad/disc - Clogged/restricted brak; hose/inimis) - Worn caliper piston seal - Warped/delomled brake disc - Worn masier cylinder pislnn seal - Caliper nol siidirig pmpsfly A Worn brake pad/disc Comamlnaled cailpel Brake Dun Caliper no! sliding properly - Cunraminated brake uad/dlsc Low fluid level r DISC A)! Wheel misailgnad r Ciugged fluid passage - Worn brake pad/disc i Warped/demrmed brake disc - Warped/deform"! make disc Sticking/worn caliper plslun ‘ CailuBl not ailding properly Sllcklng/wom maslar cylinder pismn Comaminated masier cylinder aarir Drake iever Brlkn LIVI! Hard » flogged/restricted brake System Sticking/worn caliper plston Caliper not sliding Druperlv Clogged/restricted fiiiia passage Worn caiipev plstnn saai Sticking/warn masier cyilndnr piston Ban! brake lever 14—1 Brake System Rear Brake Pad Replacement NOTE mg L JIL ALlEN (6) BRAKE HOSE Less than 7mm(U 28 m) Do not col areas. on ma braku disc or snapping war will be Induced. . Dimrd connmlnmd Ind! and clean a cnnuminma dlu: wilh a high quality brake dogmainn agam, Check «n. hunks symm by applylng ch. brake um pan voplacamnnl. - anra‘s the brake uedsl to sent me callper pislcn against me pads after pad replacement. - The brake pad leplacemem can be serviced without dlscmlnectlng the hydvaullc syslem. Always veplace the brake pads In mails m assule evan dlsc prassum Procedule Q'KV Ramnrks Removal Drdev Installmiou is in (he leverse order of umoyal, (ll Pad pln plug l Alter rumuvinq m. pad pin plug, loosen ihe pad pm, {2) Rear caliper bracket ball 1 . Afmv lemoving the null, release lhe brake hose from Ihe clamp on the real tanner a and plvol me year make callus! assembly upwald. - Clamplhe blakehosesalhmtheclampopening lsleuthan 7mm (0.25 ml (31 ml pm 1 (4) Blake pad 2 Pasmcn the pad onto the pad mulner m we calmer as shown. (5) Brake pad shlm 2 (6) Brake and Insulator 2 (7) Blake pad sonny I 14—2 Brake System Front Master Cylinder Removal/Installation 7 17) fl {3} 16) g ‘ 12(12,9) Check Ihe brake symnr by Ipplying mo brlki aha! nir lrlaarlina. CAUTION , Avoid spilling fluid an paimd. planic. or rubb-l pm. plus a rag oval mesa pans whenuvel Illa system is scrvlced. when lemovlng me brake hme bolt, novel ‘he end 01 ‘he brake halt to pmvem contamination, Dc not inflow forelnn nut-vial In 8"!!! [Ila synam. NOTE F Use only DOT 4 brake fluid flonl a sealed comalner ‘ - ll you plan lo dlsassemble ills maslnr cylindar, remove the brake level Procedure | my l Remarks Removal Ordar ‘ lnslallallon ls ln the reverse order 01 removal, ‘ (I) Brakeligm switch connector 2 (2] Brake level plvol nut 1 (3] Brake lever pivot boll 1 (4) Brake lever 1 (5) Brake hose bolt 1 (Sl sealing washel 2 (7) Brake mner cyllnder haldev l Alrgn the holder mating surface wrm 1h punch mark an we handlebar and faceme holderwith Ihe‘ F“ mark laclng up (Bl me master cylinder assembly 1 14-3 Brake System Front Master Cylinder Disassembly/Assembly [5) lei 7:3] [page l.l7l NOTE Avoid spilling fluid on piimad, plastic, ur mum pans servicad. Do not allow ma lips 0! ma cups :0 mm imidn mu and be certain the snlp ring is lirmly mm: in m. gmovo Check kho brake system by applying m hr-kl am. .iy bleeding. CAUTION pin. a up over 01653 pans wnanuvu ma sysmn i. The master cylinder nlsmn, cups and snnng must be ins‘allzd as a sex. Placedure \ O'Iy Remarks Disassemblv emu Assembly IS in the reverse order ofdislssembly m Essen/DI! cover l (2) Diaphragm plile 1 m Dlaphmgm 1 {4) From brakelighl swixch \ (5) Rubber boot 1 (6) Snap ring 1 CAUTION a. main me snap ring is lullv seatw In ma groov- Install the naming wi‘h “I. chamievads I (Icing ml mama: piston. (7) Smpper plate l8l Master pisKon assembly lei Spring Install the spring with me Iapeled side lacinp me maslp plslon, 14-4 Brake System Front Brake Caliper Removal/ Installation (2) 6 27(17, 20) (Gl 03513 5‘ 25) mg m Newman) l4)018(1,8,13l Do nor gut grease an an brake disc or slapping pow-l wIll ha rnducad. - Discnrd camarrrirrared aada and slain a comaminusd disc win a high quality brake dngveasing agam. . Check me araka ayaram by applying we make anar aaa raplacemam, NOTE Operate the brake lever to seal the calipsf pistons agamsl me pads anal lhe pad raplacemenl. Brake Dad replacement can be done when dlsconnecfing [he hydraullr: sysrem Always reulacs me brake Dad: in palrs m assure even disc pressuve. If you plan (a remove In: from brake caliper, loosen the brake he“ bok belore removing the Vrnnl brake caliper 1mm the fork slider. Procedure 0 ry Remark: Removal Urdu lnsrallallorr ls m the rsvelse order of removal Pad mplacamem ll) Fad pin plug 2 Aher removmg the pad pin plugs. loossn me pad pms. lzl Calrper blacker ball 2 m From brake caliper assembly 1 l4; pad pin 2 Insert rhe plns whlle pusmng me pads agalnsl me pad spnng [5) Brake pad 2 Peslrranrhe pad amarha padratalnerlnthecallperasshown. Fronl blakn caliper rarrraval lsy Brake naee Doll 1 l7) Sealmg washer 2 14-5 Brake Sys‘em Front Brake Caliper Disassemny/Assembly \ 96‘06'43) 14-6 Brake System CAUT'ON Avaid willlng fluid on pinned. plastic, or main. plfll Flees . mg av" Ihlu puns win-ll . o.- lymru is Amie-ii. quuisito Service - From make caliper removal/inmllauon (page 14-5) Proced we G'tv Remarks Disassamblv 0MB! iii Caliper mackei (2| Pad Spnng l3) Evackst pm boll ham (4) Cahper pin bolt boot l5l Brackel Din boli (a) Caliper pin mm (7) Callpel mile" 18) Bust szal (9| Piston seal NNN_-A-A; : CAUTION 5° amml noi lo dam-lg: :ho piston II when removing an souls. Assambly Older (Ell Piston seal {8) Dusl seal i7) Calipei plSIon (6i Calipsi pin ball (5) Brackei pm bolt (4) Calipei Din bal‘ bum ial Brackei pm halt mm (2) Pad sprlng ill Calipsi blacks! insiaii mam mm the opening toward the pads. >Apply a locking agent lo the Weeds and mmue ii. Apply Silicone glass: in the Slldlng sur'nce of (he pin Install the bum into the bracket graove securely d--d-4-~ L 14-7 Brake System Rear Master Cylinder Removal/Instalfiation (7} 14-8 Bra kn System Check me brake sysllm by applying ma braka altar air bleeding. CAUTION . Avuid spilling fluid on painted, plastic. or rubbar Dan-s. Place a rag av" these pans whanevar Ihe :ymm is saw-cw When removing the brake hnsa bck, cover the and of the brake hose to pravenl contamination Do ml allow lnraign mm .l to Enter the synam. NOTE i7~ liaise unly DOT 4 brake fluid from a sealed canIainer. Requisito Service ngm side cover removal/installation (page 2-2) Brakelighl switch adlustmem (Refer la sscuon 2 M m2 Cammnn Service Manual l Pmcad u r: Remarks (1) 12) (3) (4) (Si [Si (7) (8) 19) [mi (“l {12) [13) (‘4) (15) Us) (l7) [‘8] (Mil namaval om. Blake hose bDit Sealing washer Brake hose Step holder bak Blake llghl swnch Blakellgm Switch Swing Brake pedal retuln spnng Snap ring Washer Brake padal Dust seal Canal pm Join! Din Reservulr mounting bolt Snap ring Reservml assembly 0-1an Real masts! cylinder moummg bolt Rear maslel cvllndel assembly AN—N- _N_-A4_a_~..4 lnmliaiien is ln the reverse crdsr of removal Before removlng, loosen ms mastercyllnder mounllng nulls Loosen lhe brake llghl switch adjuster fully and disconnect lhe spring from the switch install my snap nng Wlth the chamfered sma laclng the brake Pedal, lnslall the anal: ring wltll me chamlered slde facing in 14-9 Brake System Rear Master Cylinder Qisassembly/Assembly (ll 9 y 530-ng1 Check me inks system by applyiné in. make aha! .i} binding. CAUTION “ - Avoid spilling fluid on paintad, plninc, or rubber pans Plan! I rig over mesa pans whenever the system is ‘ sewlcad. Do not al ow ma lips ui in. cups Io um. inaids um and be curtain me snap ring is firmly mm in ma grunve. NOTE The nus‘ar cylinder piston, cups and spring must be inflalled as a set. Requisile Servic- Rear masler cylmder vemuvaI/lnsmllaiion (page 1441i Procedule my Remarks Diaussombly om. Assembly IS in me reverse ordur oi dlsassembly. (ll Luck pin 1 (21 Lock mfl l (3) Push md mini 1 l4) Huber bum l (5) Snap ring 1 CAUTION a. certain a» .nnp ring is hilly seated in ms groove. Install the snap ring wiih mo Gham'md side facing ma muster pin-ml (6) Push rod 1 (7) Master pislml assembly 1 l8) SDrIng 1 Install the spring with me tapered side iacmg me masler pistunv 14—10 Brake System Rear Brake Caliper Hemoval/ Installation Do nol got quit. on the brake disc or stopping power will be reflucad. scald cumummu‘ed pads and clean a uonmminuud dial: mm a high quality mk. dugroaalng agent. Cluck lho brlko :yn-m by appryrng ma mk- arm pad mplausmanl. NOTE Brake pad replacemem can be done wrthom drsconnecllng rhe hydraulrc system, Always replace the brake pads m pairs [0 assure even disc pressure Raquime Service Roar brake pad removal/'rnsrallarmn (page 14-2) [ Procedu rs O'w Remarks Removal Order lnstallalron Is in the reverse order of removal (H Erake hose bolt [2} Sealing washer [3) Rear brake caliper assembly (4) Pad rerainer (5) Rubber boar Assn- InstaH the boot rnto the brackel groove securely, 14-11 Brake System Rear Brake Calipgrr Disassembly/Assembly F (El 0 a (0 a, 4.3) {4) c 2812.5, 20) 12! CAU‘HDN [l , Avoid smiling fluid on painme, planic, or rubbar p-ne. Piece e mg nvar inese pem whnnmr thn ayalnm is serviced. Requisila Service near brake callper removal/Installatlofl (page I44 I) Procedure my Remerke Dinnuambly Ordur Assembly IS in the merge older of disassembly lll Pad spling l l2l Plvct collar 1 lsl Pwul boot 1 [M Caliper pm bol‘ 1 Apply e lacking agam m the threads and Xomue il. Apply eilimne grease to me slldlng surfice of the pin. 15] Calipal plston 1 Install the plslon with me opening (award in. pads. (6| Dust seal 1 CAUTION (7) Plsmn ml 17 Be eenful rm 1o demege me pimn sliding wrhna when mmoving the seals. 14—12 15. Charging System/Alternator ,7 Service Information 15-1 Charging System Inspection 15-6 System Location 15-2 Regulator/Rectifier 15-7 Circuit Diagram 15-2 Alternator Removal/Installation 15-8 Troubleshnming 15.3 Flywheel Removal/Installation 15-9 Buttery Removal/Installation 15-4 Charging Coil Inspection 15.11 Service Information a Yhe battery given on explosive gassns ; k-op sparks, names, amt cigarettes sway. Provldn ao-ouau ventilation when charging or using the battery in In enclosed space. The hafllry contains sullurirzacid (alacflnlyxal. Contactwlth 5k In or ayes "my cause SDVI'! huml. Wsar wulficliva clothing and n has shield, elf electrolyte outs on your sltin, flush with water. -If electrolyte pets in your eyes, iiush with water tor at least 15 in nuns and cell a physician immediately. Ellctmlyifi is polsonous. ll Iwallwwad, dunk lary- qusnlifils 0' Will! an milk and lnllnw with milk 0! magnesia or vegetable oil and cal a physician. , KEEP out or REACH or CHILDREN. Always turn off the ignition SWitcrl belare disconnecting any electrical component CAUTION Some eleeoi ai components may In ournagatl ii tarminnls or cnnnactors are connected or disconnccled while the ignition switch is on and current is present. Far extended storage, remove the battery, give tt a lull charge“ and store it in a cool, dry place, Fur battery remaining in a stored molarcycie, discurtrtecr the negative battery cable lrorrl the battery terminal NorE the maintenance trec liaitery must be raolaceo when it reaches the end of its service lilc. ‘ L. CAUTION the battery caps shoultl not be removed. Attempting to remove the sealing cape train tho cells may dlmagl the battery. cattery can be damaged it overcharged or undarcheroeo, or it leh to discharge tor long periods. these same conoitions contribute to Shortenlllg the “life span" or the battery. Even under normal use the performance or battery deteriorates after 2.3 years settery voltage may recover artor battery charging, but under heavy load, battery voltage will drop qulckly and eventually the out For this reason, the charging system is 011th suspected to be the problem, Battery overcharge oitan results ticm ulcblems in the battery itself It one of the battery cells shnrted and battery voltage does not increase, the regulatori’ ractitiar supplies excess voltage to the battery under these conditions, the electrolyte level goes down quickly Betore troubleshooting the charging system, check lor proper use and maintenance ol the battery. Check it the battery is frequently under heavy load, such as hzvlrlg the headlight and taillight ON for long periods of time without riitirig the motorcycle The battery will self-discharge when the motorcycle is not in use For this reason, charge the battery every two weeks to prevent sulratioil from forming Filling a now betterywtth electrolyte vviIl produce some voltage, but in urdar to achieve its maximum performance, always (barge the battery Alsu, the battery llfe is lengthened when It ls lrllllalrcharged. When checking the rharging system, always follow the steps in the troubleshooting flow chart [page IS-al For battery lesling’chalglng, rater to section 22 oi the Commnn Service Manual For charging system iocatlon, see page 152. 15-1 charging Sysmm/Ahomamr System Location (2| REGULATOH/ RECTIFIER (1] MAIN FUSE (30A) (3) BATTERY (4) ALTERNATOR Circuit Diagram EB e (21 MALN FUSE 30 A w 13) ram-rm VVVGR/ (Z) HEGULATOR/ RECTIFIER 14) ALTERNATOR 15—2 Charging System/Al‘ema‘or Troubleshooting Battery overcharging - Farm regulator reclifiel Banery undamhmging Measure the bauery Cunem \eakage (Leak (€51) mowed {page ‘5761 r Contact ‘ shafted w‘re harness - Faulty rgnmon svmch Check the reguramrrrecrrrrsr um! mspeclon (wage 15-7) Incorrect Correct . rauuy regumur recnhor ’inspm me unargrng vmlaga (page ‘5 s» 7 Comm >[crreck the batmry us 9 a Honda Battery Tesxsr \ Incauecx Carrenl ND‘ “News - E‘ecmc sysrem ovedoading - Fau‘ty battery Wreck [he voltages of (he regulamv/ractifler batvery charging hne and wound llnelpdgeIfirW 7 Abmma" '4‘ 0”" “W“ ‘“ ““9 ”mes" A Poorly connecred connectors Normal Check me uharglng cowl at 3712 ma! {page 1541’ i Abnormal 4‘ Check (he alternator {chargmg can) resrsranca at me regulamr/recrrrrer connemov (page 15-7) 4 Normal ~ Pourw connected alternarcr conneclcv - Faurw alrernamr Abnormni Normal 'Ehcck rhc rcgu‘atorr rec rer unn mspectlon Ab av, *. me: “page rsq) if norm Fanny regulatov rec 4 fii’ Norma‘ L l J» Faulw battery 15-3 Charging Syalam/Almrnator Batteryflamoval/lnstallation (1) HOD 15-4 Requisim Service Side covu removaVinstallarian (page 272) Charging System/Alumni” Seat remover/Installaunn (page 272) Procedure u'w Remarks U} (2) (3) (4) (5) (6} Removal om: Flange bah/Socket ball Emery case cevu 5mm negatw: (7) cable Banery posuive 1+) cable Tool cam lid Bane"! -A---S Instaflaflon is m an reverse order or removal. (7) 1B) (9) Starter relay swwch Rubber cover Connector (IO) Rear manor cylmder reservcnr [1 H Eok (12) Battery case —~—uu wnan inmlling ma rubber Dover, align the holes m the cover with the noon on ma banerv cw 15-5 charging System/Alternamr Charging System Inspection Leak Test Turn omne leniiion switch and discanneei ine ground (—1 cable lrem rne binary Connect lha ammem 1H probe to (he ground cable and the mummy (—1 probe ro rne emery (,1 terminal, Willi the ignition swimh off, measure [he leakage current. NOTE . When maasurlng current using a resrer, ser a high range, and man hnng the range down to an appropriaia level Curramrlew largarrnsn rne range seleered may blow oul the luse in ine taster. wrrile measuring curreni, dn nenurn ilie ignition on. A sudden surge ol current may blow om rne fuse in lhe tamer sue a eurranr leakage : 1 2 mA max If currenr leakage exceeds the specified value, a snarled cllcult IS likely. Locale me siren by disconnecting canneulions one by one and measure rhe current. cnargirig Vollaga lnspeeririn NOTE aerure perfomllrlg rnis rasi, be sure am rne butlery IS luily charged whose volrage berweeri irs terminals ls greererrnan 12.8 v Stan the engine and warm it up to operaung lornperarure, men rum iha ignirien switch on Conneu a mulmesler between (he binary terminals Dlglml multitoslev 0741I~0020000 Disconnect the slaner relay switch connector and remove the main (use 130 A) Reconnect the connector onto me [slay switch. Connect the ammeiar as shown. CAUTION ~ Be careful none rlrorr :ny mar prob-s. - Ami-nigh rho Curr-m could be moasumd when the nrnrnarer is ennnecrod hertw ri ilie bunny posiriva rerrriinnl Ind me posnivo cahl , a lumen sums or eurrem in tho armor mum could dim-g. ur- ammerar. Always rum rne ign on off wlran conducrine rlre test. Diseann-e rig m. mmaur 0: wires when eurrerrr iI flowlng may dnmuua are nmmner. Stan rne engine and increase me engine speed gradually. Rngulmed voltage : 13.0r15r5V/5 DOOmin"[rpm) Charging cumlm . 1A MAX/5,000 ‘erml L l2) GROUND CABLE E {2) AMMETER riflr * 0/1 jgfi‘lm CONNEcwn ' l4l STARTER new SWITCH 7 15-6 Regulator/ Rectifier Wire Harness Inspection Ramuve lhe righr side cover (page 272) Dlsconnect the regulamr/rectlflur connecror and meesure rhe loilcwing between recrmer conneeror rerminels or rhe wrre hamefi side [7 nem Termlnals \ Battery hedrwmlo H) and chaluing line gmund l Specificalian Banery vollage should regisler. Ground Ime Green and ground Conllnultv exrst charging System/Alternator (1) REGULATOR/RECTIFIER Chara g I 00 0 call llne "my” 3"“ “mm {20 C/BE’F) Uni! lnspecfion D.sconnccr (he regulelor/recurrer connecrer and remove the bolls and regularor/reorhrer. lnspem the ragulawr/vecufler unrl by meesurlng rhe resisr rance between rhe lermrnels N OTE You'll ger false readlngs rr you much rhe probes wirh your flngev, Use the specified mulomorer. Uslng other aqulpmem may rrm allow you re obtaln the cerrccr values This rs duerorhe cheracrerrshe er semrcunducrors, whlch have different resistance value dependmg on rhe applreo voltage soecmc Mulrirnorcr: 70741170010000 (KDWA Dlglml typa) 0730870020001 [SANWA Analogue typo) -TH-5H (KOWA Analogue twe) . Select lhe fnllnwlng range ‘ SANWA resrer: >< kn KOWA (aster. x100n When uslng rhe mva mulrirnerer, remember mer ell readlngs should he mulrrplrsa oy IOO - An old battery stored m the mulumerer could cause lnaccuvate readlngs. Check the benery lf rhe mukls msler regrsrers meorrecrly Replace lhe regulator/rectlfier umr il the resrsrance value bewveen rho rermnals is abnormal. lnscall the regularsr/recrrfrer ln lhe revese order of removal 11b REGULATOR/ RECTIFIER - 13) GROUND W BOLTS TERMINAL (H VELLOW (2) RED/WHITE (3) GREEN ’4 Unilzm \ ’ Red/ Veucw Vellow Yellow Green 7 \\ Whne l 2 a Rea/whne \\ co an no on \. vellowl 0.540 \\ 307500 307500 10—200 Yellawl 0.5-10 30-500 \ \ 30 500 107200 Yellcw3 0.540 30500 30500 \\ IO-ZDO Green 1720 0.540 0 5-lo 0.540 \\_ Charging System/Alternator Alternator Removal/ Installation Raquisim Service . Fuel Iank removal/inslellariun lpago 271 l) ‘ Rugm slde lainng removal/mmlmion (page 273) If Procedure Q'ty Hemalks Ramnvul Order Installation is in the reverse order of removal (1) Almrnnor connecmv 1 (2) Left crankcase cover ban Hung/shun) 9/1 (3) Left crankcase cover 1 l4) Gasket I (5) Dowel pin 1 Is) 5mm wlre hulder l 17] Smur bolt 4 la) smor l thninslalling, applymlanrzothegrommerenomsrnllme grommet securely inln rhe groove in rho lafl crankcase car/err l 15—8 Charging Sysmm/Alternemr Flywheel Removal/Installation (3) (page 1540) c 16 ll 5, 11) (3| -(paua 1417) Ht 6 I05(|O.5, 76} FL: rm (page I5-10) Requisita Service Allernaror cover removal/lnsrallallon (cage 157El Procedure O'ty anarks Removal Omar lnslallatlon ls m the reverse older ul removal. lll Flvwhsel bolt 1 Refer tn page 15710 far removal and mmllauon (21 Washer 1 (3] Flywheel 1 Eefam Installmg, wlpe any all arr (he mallng surfaces of the crankshafl and flywheel, (4} ‘ Woodmff Key 1 (5] Staner idle gear shall 1 (el sraner idle gear 1 l7) Slaner driven gear 1 fiemuva and msrall me sraner driven gear rurning rr counterclockwlie. ls) Slaner clutch mm 6 Imam (0 page 1510 fur removal and msmllauon. (9) Slaner clutch 1 15-9 Charging System/Allematnl Flywheel Bolt Removal/Installation Loosen the flywheel bot! while holding the flywheel Wilh a flywheel halder. Flywheel holder 07925-ME90000 or equivalem eemmercielly available in U .S. A. Tighten rhe llywheel bolt while holding rhe flywheel wirh e llvwrieel haldel. Torque: 105 N m (10.5 kg-m, 75 ft-lh) Starter Clutch Bolt Removal/Installation Remove the starter clulch bolls while huldlng the flywheel wiIh e flywheel heieer. Flywheel holder Turx bit (T30) 077250040000 i‘ er 07703-001 0200 # equivalent commsflally available Remove the erarrer clulch. After removing the slaner clulch bulls, clean the locking agenl residue off the surler clulch DDIIS. Apply a locking agent tn the (hreads of the starter clutch halls, and ligmen mem lame specified larqlle while holding the flywheel with a flywhaol holder Torque: 16 N , m (1.6 kn-m,12 be] Inslell the starter driven gear to xhe flywheel while (wrung me Slaner driven gear :nuntelclnckwise. 11] FLYWHEEL HOLDER l2) FLYWHEEL HOLDER ‘ lllTORX BIT [2) FLYWHEEL HOLDER 15—10 charging Syslsm/Allsmahov Charging Conl Inspection ”’ amygg: 3” NOTE I Is not necessary to remove t a a mmamr mm 1 a engma for lhls Inspection Remove the seat (page 2-2) Dlscwnnact Ihe anemamr 39 connecmr and measure the resmance betwean lhe connecwr mrmina‘s (Wow and Vauuw) Sundzml : 0.1-1.0 n120‘C/68‘Fl Check for continult‘l between me venuw wne terminal and grou nd There should be no continuity 15-11 16. Ignition System Sorvice Infommion 16-1 Ignition Coil lnspsction 16-7 System Location 16-2 lgnilion Coil Removal/installation 16-8 Circuit Diagram 16-2 lg on Pulse Generator 15-9 Troubleshooting 16-3 Ignition Timing 16-9 lg on System Inspscliun 16-5 Ignition Pulse Generator Rotor Cover Remuvai/ Installation 16-10 Service Information When checking the ignition system, afwavs iollow the steps in the troubleshooting flow chart lsee page 1673). Penorni a spark test at each cyllrlder before (mublesbaullng A loose connection is often the cause ofthe ignition problems, Check all connections heiore rroupleshooting. Make sure banery is adequame charged Using the starter mororwllh : weak battery results in a slower engine cranklng speed as well as a weak spark at the plugs. This ignition system includes an ignition cutoff side stand swiIch. The system should operate whenever- -the side siand is retracted .ihe transmission is in neutral both oonditrons upoye ems! For side stand swneh system instriiniions see page 164 “more" of the troubleshooting The transisionzett ignition system uses an electrically controlled ignition timing system No adustrnent can be made tothe igiiiiion rim rig A rough gnosis can be made by identifying the cylinder whose spark timing is incorrect. Uss spark plugs oi the correct heat range. Uslng spark plugs With an incorrect heat range can damage the engine. For the ignition swueh, engine step switch, neuual switch and side stand swrteh inspection, check for continuity on the continuity chart of the Wiring Diagram, section 15. Disconnect each connector hehinu the instruments tpage 1720; and check it. 16—1 Ignition System System Location (zI ENGINE STOP SWITCH (4r IGNITION CONTROL MUDULE IICMI I1) IGNITION SWITCH (3) IGNITION colLs I‘IZISIDE STAND I5I BA'ITEFIY SWITCH INDICATOR In) FHSE IIOI SPARK PLUGS (7I SIDE STAND SWITCH I9I IGNITION PULSE IsI NEUTRAL GENERATOR SWITC“ Clrcmt Dlagram [GI MAIN (II IGNITION II II FUSE FUSE 30 A SWITCH I0 A “2) gI/IIJIIETELAND B (BAWHJD-R/Bl BI/Br INDICATOR [2) ENGINE «é down STDF I5) BATTERY SWITCH “"figss Y/Bl ‘ G I7) SIDE {BI/W{0~Bl “ STAND To Tachometer G/W m SWITCH : I ? we ——BI/W V/Bu W/V V am 17; (SI IGNITION PULSE L H GENERATOR I3) IGNITION W IAI IGNITION 9/ m NEUTRAL CU'LS CONTROL (5) MODULE (ICM) SWITCH (ID) SPARK PLUGS a. 16-2 Ignition System Troubleshooting No spark at all plugs (Fauky input system) ‘ If tnara is no spalk at all plugs, the proolam could be at the input oi the lgnmon syslem [lgnluon pulse gonorator, powa er llluul circuit of the rgnition control module (lCMl, neutral swltch, side stand awrtch or ignition control module [ICM)]. CheLk for loose or poorly connected lgnmon 7 la~ ac control module connecmr. Abnormal Poorly connecled Conn mr Nurmal 4% C" k f6! louse DI url I i I n Coll E” . "0 V “'9"me '9" ‘ ° AbnormalA~ Poorly Connecled colillaclul ZP mm! counselors Normal ‘ Check .6 battery voltage ls measurad between oower input line lalack/wmtel and ground llns [Green] 3‘ [he ICM connecmr wilh (he lgnlllon No voltage- Faulty ignltlan or englrle stop switch swltch on and the angina stop swltch at RUN ‘ upon mrourt In wile harnass ludge16-6l - Loose ol poor oontaor of related Circuit oona honors Bauery vokage msasured Wasurs the lgnition pulse generator veslstanoe C + i 7 h l a, the [CM connector (page 1675’ Ahnulmal ock the rgnloon puse generator (page 16 l Noimal Abnolmal - Faulrv ignrtlon pulse generator Normal Open circuit between the lCM and ignltlon pulse generator . Loose or poor Contact of the ignition pulse ge~ neralor connector (2? mlnl/Red) Check the neutral switch for continulty d| the ‘ lCM comma, (P392 16,6, iAonorrnalA Chock the neutral switch. Normal Abnormal , Faulty neuual switch Normal ODE" Cll'Cull between [he ICM and neutral switch LOOGD Of poor Contact of ma neutral switch connectors 7 d ch cons" . Cm“ ”‘9 “de 5“" “m" 3‘ me _—Aonmrnal——l Check the side stand swltch (page 18-11). l neotor (page 1676) 7 Ff) [— GODd Normal Abnormal Faulty side stand swrtoh Faulty ICM ‘ Open clrouil batween (he lCM and Side slam swilch Loose or pool cantaci of the side stand switch connector lSPmlnl/Gresnl 16-3 Ignition System No spark at either lg on gioun lf mere lS no spark at eliher group me pruplem Is suspaered in ma primary coll elua ei the Ignltlon syslem (ignition cell or rgmuon canirul module and ignmorr coll elreunl Swltch me ignilipn coil primary rermirrai connecr nan between the faulty pair and good oalr. Trv spark lest agarn "Nu Spark" condition shlfts m omer pair Measure reeisiance of the ignluen primary coil; ignition control mndule Connector (page 15—6]. Goad l Faulty igniuen eamrel maaule Remove the iauliv pali ignmon call and check me fignjsi': gnition coll resistance (page 16 7), remains wilh laulzv pair Abnprmal r Faulty lgnluon coll Faulty spark plug wrre Om oi ~ Poor or lease contaci pi ignition coil 2p mlru standard connecmrs value Ooen circuli between me lgniiiun coniml mods ula and rgmirun Call No spark at one plug (Trouble in secondary coil aide) Faulty spark plug is mosl likelv, Replace suspected bad spark plug with known 7 good spark plug an eonuuai spark test No’ spark Put me spark plug wire an and measure res-l lance ai ignnion secondary coll (page 1577) om of standald value 74* Remove me spark plug vvne, and measure the laslsianea of ihe ignition secondary coll luage l7) Four comam of spark plug wrre Faulty spark plug wire 7 Spark Onglnal spark plug no peed i 7 ,% Normal 4—i Cnnducl spark tesl Dr! gimd ignmon coll Spark Out oi I slamlaru‘e- iauliy lgmiian null value 16—4 Ign ion System Engina mm, but me sidu and SW h dons um tunminn NOTE The side stand much should luncn'on as iouows : \ > When (he lransmission is shihsa mm a gear from nemra‘ with the me mm down, ths ignmon shuts off and me \ engme wm :top. ‘ mm the Iransmlssiun in ncuuav, the neunal :wltch lme (a) at me igniuon cnnuul modulc Is connected (0 ground vla me side stand switch, When the side stand ‘5 up, Ihe svde stand switch lme m of me \gniuon control module passes to ground via the sin de sxand swnch 1m: \gninon conucl module monitors was (a) and 1m. and prowdes spark unly when one or hom‘ of muse 5 connected m gvuund via me nemrm watch or me side stand szIch. ‘ Check the side and indwcemv for functlnn l—Nolmmir ~ - Open circuwt in Green/Whhe wvre Abnormal Chuck the side stand switch (pagc 1941p }>*NovmaF—~- Loose or pool cannected of mated Eonnsmors open circuit In Green/Whne wile A Bum! Indicator bulb Abnarmal 1 - Faulty we stand swutch 16-5 Ignition System Ignition System Inspection Circuit Inspection NOTE - Follow the slaps In the lroubleshooung flow Chan f0! servtcing Remove the right side cover [page 2-2». Disconnect the ignition controi module connector and can nducl these “-3515 m the connectoi. II) IGNITIdN CONTROL ’\ 2 XX i Z w _ \ ‘ \ i® \ ' ,, MDDULE \ fl / i x x v \\' \ \\‘ \Q" Item Terminals Specmcallnn *I Power source input line mack/white 1+) and ground ‘4 ignition unis: generator CDII Yaliow and While/Yeliow 460753011 (20 (2/68 F)’ Ignilion pnmarv coil Buie No. 174: mack/White and Veiiaw/ 2 573 In {ZOVC/SB'FJ Neutrai snitch line Lignt green and ground Continuity in neutiai No continuiw in any ocot except neuiioi side stand swnch line Green/White and gruund Cotinuity With the SidE stand retracted No Conllnmty with Ihe Side smnd down Ground line Green Continuity Battery vintage shouid register Witti tnc ignition swuch 0N and the any a slap swncn al RUN. 16-6 Ignition Coil Inspection Remove m5 fulIawIng‘ rmaimenance lldlpage 27:) —air cleaner rampage 6731 Measure each primary coil Issistznca at terminals. Sllndurd : 2.5-3.1 (1 [20‘ (2/68” F) Diuonnocl ‘he SDHVK plug CEDSII'OM the DIUQS and measure the secondary cuII resvskance betweentha spark plug caps. Sand-rd : 21715kn (zo‘c/ss'F) II we veslsiance I; out of range, remove the spzlk plug ca- p. from the spark plug we and measure the mslsiancc as shown Sundnld : 11-15kn IZO'CI’SB‘FI Ignition System 16-7 Ignition System Ignition Coil Removal/ Installation Raquisite Service Mainmnanco hd removal/Installation (pagr 273) Air cieancr housing removal/\nslailatlan (page 573’ Praceduve u'ry Remarks anovnl OM97 InstaHaKiun rs in tho reverse order of removal. u) Spark plug cap 4 me :yiindar numbers ave pnnted uu each mgh [ensmn cord. InstaH Bach spark plug cap on the Curran! cyiinder 12) Igmrion coil connecmr 4 (3} lgnmon curl mounung bolt 4 (4} Ignmon soul 2 16-8 Ignition Pulse Generator Inspection NOTE - n I: nor necessary io remuve irie igiiiiiun uuise gen- arsmr from iris anglne in make this Inspectlon fiemuve (he Iuel (ank (uage 271 11. Disconneer the ignir‘ion pulse generalov 2P mini mnnecr. or (red) and mEESuB [he resisiiiiice bemeen wniie/Veiim «allow {elminzls Slandard : 460-5800 (20' C/58° F) ReIer to page ieei o for pulse lgnlflon generaiai replace— mem Igni on Timing Warm up the engine. Sioprne engine and connect a riming Iighl in me spark plug WIFE NOTE ’ - Read Ihe manuiamrer's InsIrulmons Iar me nrning Iigrii hefeve Dperaling Remove the Iolinwing enigni SidE lenng Ipage Z~3I rignmon pulse generator mmr cover can Sian rrie engine and let it we de-suile and Canada type: The iiniing is corrcci ihhe F mark Irimch mark) aiigns with me index mark on me ignition pulse genevator rotov Coven Increase me engine speed by rurating ihe xnrnme stop screw and make sure irie F mark beglns in move counter clockwise at apmoximz‘ely 1 ‘600 rpm Califolnia iype: The hmlng is cancci If me P markipiiricn niarls) allgnswlth ma index mark an ihe ignition puISe generamr rotor cover increase the engine speed by roiaiiiig [he inionie stop screw and make sure iiie F mark beglns to move coumemiockwise ai approximately 1,500 rpm. Ignition System (I) IGNITION PULSE GENERATOR CONNECTOR ASVSTATE AND CANADA ‘ CALIFORNIA II] INDEX MARK \ 14] F MARK {1) iNDEX MARK \ I3) PUNCH MARKS 16—9 Ignition System Ignition Pulse Generator Rotor Cover Removal/"Installation Requisim Service Fuel tank removal/insrallaiianlpaga 2-r i) , Leh crankcase cover removal,’inslalla‘inn(page ism (This is necassary rl you plan to remove lire puiae genemrar rarer.) Precedure Q'ry ‘ Remarks fiomavnl Omar ‘ lnsrallanon rs m me reverse order or removal (1) igni on puise generator connector 1 (2) ignmon Dulse generatlx rotor cover ball 8 NOTE Apply sealant to msmreads of me halts iadicaxed hv “ a " marks (3) ignition puise generator rotor Dover ‘ i [4) Dowel pin 2 (5) Gaskax ’i is) Boll 2 i (7) ignirion pulse generawr When inslalilng, aupiy sealanl ro me grammar and lnraii me grommet securely into me groove in the lgnlilon pulse generator rotor coverr (at ignimn pulse gansralor mmr bull r NOTE r - Remove me lenerankease caverlpage 15771 and loosen the boitwhiie holding me llvwheel with a flywheel Wrench 1 (Na.07925»MEsooo0l. ‘ . Be carafui rim m damage lhe rotor reem during removal and insraliauon, i9) Washer 1 Ho) lgnmon pulse generalor romr 1 16-10 17. Electric Starter Service lniormation 1 7-1 Troubleshooting 1 7-3 System Location 172 Starter Motor Removal/Installation 17-5 Circuit Diagram 17-2 Starter Mulof Disassembly/Asssmbly 17-6 Service Information Always turn tho ignition Iwilnll OFF baton: servicing dis starter motor. The mmor could suddenly “an. causing an Du! injury. A weak battery may be unable to turn tne starter motor culcklv enough, or supply adequata ignition aurrant. H the current is kautfluwrng thrautnh the starter motorto turn it while the angina is not cranking over, the starter motor may be damaged Fortno following aonrponant rnapaatrona, rarorta thatollpwing pages; tantra pans lucatiurls, see page I 7‘2 pitnis manual (System Lucaiiorii. Clutch switch diode Section 24 at the Cnmmmi Service Manual sunar motor Section 24 or the Common Servlce Manual Stanar reiay swricn Section 24 or the Oumrrinn Service Manual (“A“ circuit type) Clurcn switch Section 25 or Ihe Common Service Manual Manual swllcll 7 7 geclion 25 ul mu Corlimorl Sari/mil; Manual Check for continuity on the commulty man of tho Wiring Diagram, section I9. '9""‘°" sw'm‘ Disconnect the switch oonnooror at the back or the instruments and check it. Slde grand swrtch Segpage {379 17-1 Ellctric Stanor system Location I2) STARTER I31 gwlggn U) IGNITION SWITCH SWITCH (5) MAIN FUSEIGOAJ I4) STARTER LERAY SWITCH (I 3) NEUTRAL (6) BA'ITEHV INDICATOR (12) SIDE STAND SWITCH INDIOATOR (11IFUSE IDA [10] CLUTCH SWITCH (91 STARTER 8 NE [7)SIDE STAND DIODE Mama I )5”me SWITCH Clrcun DIagram II) IGNITION {M STARTER SWITCH RELAV 9 '5’ “VERY SWITCH R/El R _L IBI STARTER (m FUSE f [5) MAIN MOTOR ‘OA (IIIEUSE FUSE VIR 10A 30 A , , BI/BI 510/ G/R D—Y/R IIaI HIEDJIEZTER I215TARTER IIoICLumH (3, CLUTCH SWITCH SW'TCH SWITCH Lg/RwG/R B/Ra/M (SI NEUTRAL (l2) SIDE STAND » SWITCH Lg r:I/IW SWITCH g) T down up INDI ’ CATDR WEI - «I [7) SIDE V ‘C STAND ")3 SWITCH G 17-2 Troubleshooting SmrIer moth? will not turn - Check for blown our main ur sub fuses belore :erviclng. . Maka sure rrre balmy is lully charged and in good corraman, Check lar loose or paorly connected banary tern minals, and opened ar shamed banery cable Normal Check for loose or poorly connected stirrer relay swilch [arminals and 4P canneclor. Nolmal Check lorloosa 0r Donrly connecled starlermnmr r cable, and opanoa cabI-c Normal wnh the rgnmon swrlch “ON‘, push lhe sraner swirch and check for a 'elick' sound from lhe Clicks Elastic Sta rial 7 Abnomul fl» Poorly connecred banary terminals - Open or shun cimul! in banary cable # Abnormal 4" Foamy connbc‘efl ‘emlnals of 4P conneclor * Abnormal 4.. Poorly :unnecied moral cable - Upon circuir rrr molar clhle Cnnnecl (ha srarrer mmur lerminal nu me be!- sla ner relay swrrch. No Click Drscannacr 5mm relay swrrclr connector, ana chuck the relay coil ground wire lines as below for currnnrriry r Gram/Red rcrmrnal-clrrrclr swrrch dioden‘ narml swircrr irnc lwiur lransmissmn rnrc neutral and clutch lever released.) . Green/Red terminalrclmch swltuhrslda arand swrrcrr lrn. (In any gear except neurral, ana with (he clulch Iavar pulled in and rha side stand .er N Conrinurry Cunnacl the starter relay swi‘ch connecxor Wllh me lgnllinn Switch ON am the sianer switch sranar swimh connector (between Yellow/fled l+1 and ground H) Voltage Appeared tery posinve (arm al drracrly [Because a large amount of current flaws, do nor use thin wires) l Staner molar Swnar dues not tum marar rum: Faulty stanar ITIDKOI - Lease or dlsconnecmd slanar rrrmur cable FaulIy m mr relay switch 7 Na Cnnlinulw *- Faulty nemwl switch Faulty clinch Swllch diode Faully cluloh swlmh Faully slde sland switch a Loose ar poor contact or connacrar , Open crrcull In wire harness puahed, measure the slancr relay yollage at the i No Voilaga a. Faulry rgnrrron swrlch rarrlry starter swnch Blown our rnarn or sub msas Laasa or poor normal or connector - Open circuit In wlre harness swrtcn connmor , l , check the starter relay swllch aperauon )7 Narmal 4—. Loose ur pour contact of rho: slaner relay l ‘ , Abnormal 7»- Faulty :tamzr relay :wrlch 17-3 Electric sxaner The Starla! motor turns when Ihe llansnlisslnrl is In neutral, hm does not turn with the lransmisslon in any other position With the side slam: up and the clutch level pulled in Check tha-t the side sland- indicator operates Ab normal a. Faulty “as mm switch Drouelly wlth the lgrmon swumh 0N. . Burnt bulb ' ‘ Open circuil in wire harness Normal Check me clutch switch aneraliun. Abnovmal 4" Faulty :lumh switch Normal Check the side stand swilch [page 18-9l Abnormal 4" Faulty side sland switch \—__—__.. Open Clrcuil ill wlle harness Loose or poor comact of connector sum: mamrmrn: slowly - Low specllil; gravlty In battery (or dead buttery) PODIIY cunnectad battery lemlirlal cable Poorly connected mner motel cable Faulty slartar motor Poollv can netted bansrv ground cable sun-v motel tum, but angina does not mm - Starter motor is running backwards rCase assembled Imaronerlv .Tarminals connected improperly Faulty staner clutch Damaged or faulty starter pinion Damaged reducnon gears Staner ralav switch “dick: but engine does run tum aver , Clankshah um; um Ium dug to engine problems » Excessive reduclion gear friction 17-4 Electric SIanar Starter Motor Removal/ Installation - Tum m. ignmon swimh orr befure removing 11.3 staner mom or c: Requisite Service Fuel tank ramoval’installaxmn (page 271 1; Procedure u'ly Remarks Rumovnl Order Installation 1s nu ma raw-use order or remuvav m Slanermumroable 1 171 Startermumrmauming ban 2 (3| Gruundcablz I (4) damp 1 151 51artsr mmm 1 (a) Ornug 1 17-5 Electric Sinner Starter Motor Disassembly/Assembly H1) (5) 17—6 Requisile Service Sllner mvmrlemovalr'inslallation [page V775} Electric Starter Procedure Remarks DiI-Ilamhly omr Bull Rear cover (ll (Zl (3| (0 Orllng Shim lSl “5| l7) (El (9) 1‘0) ll ll [l2l {IS} (14) (‘5) (IS) (17) qul cwer O-ring Lock washer Dust seal Insulmcd washer Shun Armalure Terminal nu! Washer Insulated washer (largo) Insu Lined washer lsmlll D-nng Blush holder assembly llBl (la) (20) l2” rmlmlnul boll support-l «exmlnal boll molar brush rbrush sprlno -4~44A_|A_.__._ l— b--- Assembly ism ms vavene order of dlsluembly. Install file rear cover with the MI: 0' the blush holder plus belween me labs on me ills-r12 or the rear covsr. Record and store the shims m (he same order they were removed so Ihey can be reinstalled m me anginal posillons lnslall lhe brush hnldev assembly with lls lab aligning with the groove m the motor case Install the supooter WI”! its rah faclng lhe brush holder side 17-7 18. Lights/ Meters/ Switches Service Information 181 Combination Meter Disassemblv/Assembly1876 l System Location 18-2 Yacnomalar Inspection 18-8 Headlighl Bulb Heplacemenl 16-3 Coolant Temperalure Gauge Inspection 18>8 Combination Meter Bulb Replacement 184 Ignition Swimh Removal/Installation 18-8 Combination Mme! Removal Insmllalion 1E-5 Side Sland Swimh 18-9 Service Infmmation A hnlog-n headlight hulh bacumes vary lml while the headligm is our and remains hm lora while ahei it is turned OFF, Ba sure m In it cool down helm servicing. Use on electric healing element and healad water/coolant minure ior the thermo senaov inepociion. Keep all flammable maiovials away horn the elecme nsaong olomenr. Weav prolec'fiue clmhmg, gloves and eye protection Note ihe following when replacing the halogen headlight hulo rWear clean gloves while replacing the polo Do not pul ringerpnnts on the noaoiigni bulb, as they may create hot spots on the bulb and cause it io breaks 7|! you much the bulb with you! hare hands, clean it with a cloth molsrsneu wrtn alcohol ro prevent its early failure. rBe sure to insiiill the dust cover after replacing the bulb. Check [he battery condition before poriorrning any inspection that requires proper ballerv voltage A eantinoiiy test can be made with ihe switches installed on the vehicle 18-1 Lights/Mozers/Swimhes System Location (2) FRONT BRAKE LIGHT SWITCH (1] TURN SIGNAL RELAY (3) IGNITION SWITCH (4] CLU1CH SWITCH I5) OIL PRESSURE SWITCH (10) ENGINE CDDLANT TEMERATUFIE IECT) SENSOR (6) SIDE STAND SWITCH (8) FAN MOTOR SWITCH (7) NEUTRAL SWITCH 18—2 Lights/ M atals/ Switches Headlight Bulb Replacement - Halogen Madllghl bulb becomes very hm while the headlight i: ON, and remains but In! a WhlIB anar it is turned (”R an sum lo Iel ii cool down Elder: servicing. CAUTION Wur clean glove: wlli mpllcing ma uuiu, Do nm pm "me! prints an ill. iumiiiom bulb, as my may email hm spots on ‘hl bulb and cause II in weak. ii you much ma bulb with your bare hands. clsln it will'l I clam mitflnafl with nlcohol m ploy-m ii: Iarly f roi 5. turn to Inflall lh. dusl Dover IMP ”placing ma bulb. Ramova the lapping mews and mlease me claws of ihe cowl luwar cover from the from cowl atuvi Remove me from cowl iowev raver Disconnect the headligm bulb sockei and remuve the rubber cover. Release me bulb mralnar and lemme the headlight bulb. lnsmll a new bulhand iha removed pans in the reverse order :if removal. (I) COWL LOWER (3) TAPPING SCREWS (I) BULB {2) RufiBER 13) RETAiNER SOCKET COVER (4) BULB (Z) BULB (1} RHAINEH 18-3 Lights/ M stars/Swiwhas Combination Meter Bulb Replacement fl onceduna o ty Remarks Homoval om: lnstallatlon is in [he revarse order al removal. l1) Speedometer cable I nlscunneu me cable at me speedometer gear box, 12) Menu mountmg bolt 3 (a) Collar (shonl 2 m ma Comblnztlon meter and pull Dverthe rubber cover 50 (hat you can remove the bulb socket. l4! Collar {longl l (5) Bulb socket/Bulb ll/ll 18-4 Li nhtsl M «65/ Switches Combination Meter Removal/Installation Raquishs Sarvica - Wind scmun vcmoval ’installauon (page 1741 Procedure my Remarks Remml 0rd" Inslailation Is the veverse may of vemova‘. m Meter muuming bolt a [27 Collar (short) 2 [at May mung] 1 (47 Speedometer cams I Disconnem (he SDBedumelel cable a! ‘he speedomemr gear box slda, if necesury disconnect the Cable from (ha meter If" daifichmg the meter lmm (ha ilnm cowl Siay. (5) Rear View mirror mner cover 2 16) SP mini conviction 1 17) 5F miru connaclm I (8) Meter assembly 1 18-5 Lights/Mateu/Switchea Combination Meter Disassembly/Assembly (1) 18-6 Lighu/Muers/Switches fiaquisita Service - Cnmbinafion melar mmuvaI/installation 1989: 1575) y, Procedure u‘ry Remarks :10!!!th Order » Assembly 15 in iris rovawe order or dlsaseamhly. H) w e clamp I (2) Bulb socket 11 inerall eaen bulb suckei refernng (o ilie wire color code smniped on ma rnerer case (a) Wire talmlnal 5 14) Reset knob 1 (5) Meier caverscmw s (6) Couleni iemperaiure gauge 1 NOTE - Before assembllng me mater me and rneier cover, lampumrilv secure me caulannemeraluregaugswlth (he wire iemminel scnws. ~ wrieri securing the eeelanr temperature gauge With the wire lavmlnlls, Klghflan the terminal screws with inerneier racing uu. (7i Meier lens 1 (a) Indlcamrlans (Neuiminurn Slgnal) 1 l9) indicator lens (High beam/011 remperaiure/ 1 Turn signal] (10> Screw 3 (11) fiubhel naval velalner 1 (12) Rubber cover 1 Align ma rour neles in me rubbel covarwiiri tha pins on ilre metercovsr. 113i Screw 2 H4) Tachometer 1 (15) Screw 2 (16) Speedometer 1 18-7 Lights/Meters/Switches Tachometer Inspection Remove the right :Ide cuver (page 2-2) and disconnect tne spark unit connector Check for continuity between the Yellow/Green wrre terminals 61 me 9? mlnl connector and spark unll connector. Continuity exisrs et all limes If there is no commulty, replace the main wire harness It all checks are OK, replace the tachometer. Coolant Temperature Gauge Inspection Remove the fuel tank image 2’! li Disconnect the wlre from the englne Coolanttumpzrflture (EDT) sensw and short ll 10 Dodv ground. Turn the ignition swrteh ON momentarily The coulanl temperature gauge needle should mnve all me way to "H7 CAUTION Do not leave the manna eanem wile grounded for runnerthana raw semnds errnetempemure gauge will tea dumagud Replace the Iempevalum gauge with a new one if necessary. Ignition Switch Removal/Installation Remove the wlnd screen {page 241) Dismnnscl the 3? mini connector Dehlnd the cemetnation mater. neleese the ivnillorl swrten wlre train the clamps Remove the bone and rgnrtren switch. Torx rm (nor 0770341010100 or Equivaient commercially available Apply a iockmg agent to the bolt threads and install the rgnltien swrtcn In the reverse order or removal Torque : 25 N - m (2.5 kg~m, 18 (HI!) ll) 9? MlNl CONNECrOR ,_\ G (1i ENGINE CODLANT TEMPERATURE lECTi SENSOR (2] Win: (2i COULANT TEMPERA- TU RE GAUGE l3) 3? CONNECTOR lzl BOLTSCm 18-8 Side Stand Switch lnspectiun Romave the final tank [page 2711). Discunnec! the side sland SWI‘Ch 3? mm! connector Chuck for commmty between each ‘snnlnals as beiuw There should be continuity between the u—0 positions on me chart below Greemwniu Venow/alack Green Sidssmnd ‘ 0 down I 'smemna o “P Removal/Installation Remov: the fuel (fink lungs 2-11) Disconnacttheside slandswitch 3Pmim Eonnecmr (Green! and remnve the bolt and side stand switch IHSBH the swde stand swvtch aligning the pm on the switch mm me me In the side stand sscure the SK}: srand switch wxm the bolt, Torquaz10 N - m [LOkg-m, 7 mm Insxan Ihe removed pans in (he reverse order of mmoval Lights/Meters/Switches (1)3!” MINI CONNECTOR [GREEN] 7 H) BOLT 18—9 19. Wiring Diagram 55 . m = E .33: I Him ham 66 : .31 19-1 20. Troubleshooting l Engine Doss Mm Sum or is Hard to Stan 20~1 Poor Performance at High Speeds 20-4 ‘ Engine Lacks Power 20-2 Poor Handllng 20-4 Poor Performance at Law And Idle Speeds 20-3 Engine Does Not Stan or is Hard to Start l. Check fuul "ow ta carburetor iNot Reaching Carburamr 1-. ND fuel In rank . Sucking rloai valve Rear; ine Carburamr 4 Clogged flout valve Clogged luel tank veni tube M Perform a spark has! I Weak or No Spark *7. Go ‘3 page l673. Good spark La . Remove and inspect spark plug 777 , eWer Plug in Fuelrall mixture too rich Carburexur flooded Spark lump - Carburetor choka excessively closed Cylindar flooded Air cleaner dirty Faulty EVAP purge comrol valvl: (California iype onlvl e Tesl cylinder compression , , , Low Compression 4» valve clearance mo small Valve stuck open Compression normal - an cylinder and piston rings Damaged cylinder need gasket i Seized valve improper valve timing Improper valve and sear comer UI sun by lollewrng normal procedure g Engine em: but :mns Choke excesswely closer: Carbureror piloi screw extesslvely closed Engine does nor rire - Ail leaking oasr iiiieke pipe ‘ improper ignmon nming lr-zulrv ignirion conrrol module or lgnlliDn pulse generator) Fuel cumaminated m sien wirn choke applied 20-1 Troubleshooting Engine Lacks Power 1 Raise wheels off ground and spin by handiwheel does nol spin wneel spins lreelv 2. Check (ire pmssure 7,7 Piessu re Normal l 3' Cneck clurcn opeiauon Narmnl 4v Accelerate lightly freely iPmssule Low —. Clutch Slips * iEnglne speed does nol a increase Engine speed mcreaees l 5 Checqunl‘iantimmg e lncoriecl ,—. Correcl 6 Check velve clearance ) lncprrecl ,7 Correcl 7 Tesl cylindarcnmprassian 7 Too Low Normal 8. Check carburetor fnr clogging 7 i Clogged 7 Not flagged 9, Remove the spark plug Not Fauled or Discolawd 10, Remove all level gauge and check all level Cprreci 1 ll Rempve me cylinder head covar and inspnm ipr lubncarlon/weer Valve Hem lubricated properly Valve lrain nor lubricated prpperlv #Foulad oi D’scolmed .— 70” Level lrlcmrect 4’ - Braka dragging Worn or damped wheel bearings Drive chain too right Axle nut excessively lignr Punctumd llre Faulty rlre valve Faully cluren liner sverem Wcrn clinch disc/piare Warped clulch disc/plate Weak clviclr spring Slanirlg enrichmenl valve ppen Clogged alr cleaner Renrlcled fuel flow Clogged mvmer Clogged luel tank venl tube Faulrv lgnmon cpnlrpl module Faulty lgnlrlan pulse generator improper valve adjuflmenl Wom valve seat valve amok open an cylinder and plslon rings leaklng head gasker improper valve wrung Seized valve improper valve and seat cpnlael Carburemr nol serviced frequemlv enough Plugs nol serviced frequemlv enough Use of plug will. improper near range oil level ‘00 hlgh Oil l-vel [00 low Coniaminatad nil Clugned oil passage Clogged all control onflica Conrnrnlnaled oil Fev ltv oil nump 20-2 12. Checkl englne overheats N u! Overheated 13 Accelerara ar run ar nign sperm Poor Performance at Low and Idle Speeds N u . Check ignkion (Iming and valve clearance Correct Check camurelor pllm screw adjustment Correcl l Check ll plpa .s leakmg pasr lmake Nor Leaklng Perlarm a spark lest Overhsamd Engine Knocks Incorrect Incorrect Leaklng 7 , Weak U! lnlelmlnenl Spark Troubleshoofing Coolant level law Fan rumor rrm wurklng (faulty in motor swllchl Thermosrar stuck cloud Excesslve caman bulldrup an [he prsmn head or combusuan chamber Use or lmpmpsr quallly ruel Clurch slipping Fuel-air mmure ma lean - Worn piston and cylinder Fuel-air mlxmre ma lean Usa or lrnpropar qualrty ruel Excessive carban build-up on me pismn head ar cumbu n chamber lgnlnan ummg roe advanaea (raulty Ignmon control module or rgnmon pulse generarurl lmDropev valve clearance Impmpcl lgnmon umlng lFuulry lgnlllon control module or lgmrlnn pulse generalor) r Fuelrair mlxlule mu lean ' Fuelrair mlxlure too rich Deterlaratad imake plpe 04mg Loasa carburexar Damaged lnrake pipe Faullv, carbon 0! We! fouled spark plug Gum 93961573 20-3 Troubleshooting Poor Performance at High Speeds 1. Check lgnman lmllng and valve clearance Carrecf 2. Dlsccrlnact fuel lube at carburelor Fuel flows freely 3. Remove the camurelor and check for clogged lells) Nm clogged 4. Check valve timing 7 Correcl 5. Check valve sprlng Poor Handling I. If sfeerlng ls heavy 7 2 If elmer wheel IS wobbllng i 3' H We vehicle pulls In one slde , , rilncurreu 7‘. Fuel flow restrlctad y - Clogged 7 _. rlnwvrecx 7 A riDamaged 7 a — Check me nressuve lmploper valve clearance Faulfy ignitlon comml module Feulfy igmllon uulsa gnllaralnr Lack of fuel In tank Clogged ml llns Clogged fuel tank vent tune Clogged fuel valve Clogged fuel slremer Clogged jets Cam sprockef not lnslelled pruperly Faulry valve sprlng Bearlng zdluslmem nu! ma ngm Damaged sleerlng head beerlng Benf sfeerlng stem Excesslve wheel bearlng play Eerlt nm Improperly mulled wheel nun orwheel Damaged swlngaml Divot hearlng Benl axle Fram brake callper dragglng one We Fran and rear wheels nut aligned Bent fork plpelsl Bent swlngaml nlsmrreo lreme 20—4 Index Alr cleaner Hauslng Removal lnsrallalrorr. .. . 6-3 lgnioen Tlmlng . l6 9 Arr Cleaner 3.5 Leh Handlebar Remm/al lnsrallerlen, . 12-3 Alrerneror Remaval'lnmallahon, .. , .. .. V 15 e Lubrreerren 5. Seal Pulnts H a Battery Removal lnsrellerrerr , . 15-4 Leerrearron Syslem Diagram 4-2 Cable a Harness Reunng V .. V . Ir20 Mainshufl Dlsessemblv Assembly. .. 11,9 Camshalr Rsmuvalr lnsrellarlon. ,,.. ,.. . 9-2 Marnrerranee Schedule 34 Cavbulctor Comb-nannn 6-10 Muuel lrlennllcauon 1'3 Carovrerer Drsassembly Assemolv 6 a all Cooler Dreassembly Aeeombly 4-7 Carburerer Removal lnslenarren... ... ... e 4 Oil Cooler Removal lnsrallerrorr a-e Camurew' Separarlon 54; oil Pan Removal’lnstallahou A-s Cavbwetor Synchromzaoon 39 oil Pump Dlsassembly, Assembly 4-5 Chargmg Call Inspecmn - ‘5‘“ Oil Pump Remuval/Installalion V 4.4 Charelng Svmm Inapecmn ‘56 Fllol chew Adjustment. . . 5-14 Cllcun Dlasram Chalgmg Svsmm Alternamr ‘51 Rislea Cermeelirrg Rod Remove Inslallarrun, 1044 Oren” Draoram Elaclrlc Srerrer, . .. .,. l7-2 Pulse gamma", A}, New“ "we, Comm. Clrcu“ Dlawm IMHO" 5W6!" ‘51 Valve Removalrlnsrallatlnn (Calnomre Type Clurerl Insrallarron, ... . .. . 942 Only, V . 5.12 C'UIC" WWGVI‘ 9" Radlamr Dlsassembly Assembly, . 5 e CumblnaUO" MSW 5““? “SWEEP-mm 15" Radiator Remavzll lrrsrallauon . 5-5 Cnmblnamn Meier Dlsassemb‘v Assembly “3'6 Rear Brake Callper Dreassemolv Assembly-- l4-12 Cumbmam” ME‘E' Remova' '"5‘a"a‘i°" ”'5 Rear Brake Callper Remavzl lnsrallarlorr l4-11 Coolant Bra-"m9 5 3 Rear Brake Pad Replacemem . .. 14 2 Conlam Temoererure Gauge lnsoeerlon 15-8 Rm Fm“, A Removal ,nsmllam“ _ 2,8 Cwmmha“ D'Sassemb'v ‘ “‘0 Rear Fender R Removal lrrsrallauon. 2 7 Crank-m Assemh‘v ‘0 6 Rear Masrer Cylinder Dlsassemhlyr Ammtllv l4- lo Crankcase 589mm" ‘0'? Rear Masrer Cylmeer Removal, lrrsrallarrorr. . l4 s granksnafr Rearmg Reolacemenl 114 Rear Wheel D’msembwmflmmv 13-3 Llankshah Remaval Insxallaxlon , . . . H [1.2 Real Wheel/Removul/Installallcn H . . V ‘372 Cylrrreer Heae Drsassemelv Assembly . 3,3 new“, Rmme, 1577 Cvllnder Head Removal Installallnn , . 8 7 Reserve Tank Removal Installafiun 5’3 EWSS'D” COWU' SVS‘W‘S ”-5 A 0m” "25 nghl Crankcase Cover Remuvalr Installallon 9-2 Emmslcn Control Inormanon Label: {U S A 0WD 1728 Right Handlebar Removal’ Installetl'on 1272 Englne Remeval lnsmllerrorl . ... .. 7-2 Seat Removal ,nsrzrramn 2,2 Evepomrrve Emission (EVARl Camsrer SW,“ Access eviee... 3-2 Removal lrrsrallarror. lealirerma Type onlvl . . 5-13 gyms .nrormmn Mk3 Syswm . lA-l Exhausl Sysrem Removal lnslallellun. . 240 Charglng sverem Allerneler 154 Flywheel Removal lnsrallarion Elmch ’Gearsnlh Linkage a-l Fork Assembly ('9I =33) - coolme Svslem 5 1 Folk Assembly (After '93l-- - - crankcase cvlmou Plsmn 104 Park Dlsasemblv (El-'93)" -- Crankshafl/Transmlsslon ll 1 Folk ureaseemely Wm 93) cvineer Head, 54 Fork Removal lnslallannn , Elecrrre Slarrer l7-l l-rerrr Brake Celrper Drsassemely Assembly 14 e Engmg Remaval Dnslalla‘lon 7-l Frunl Brake ealrper Removal lnsrallauorr. . V l4-5 FrimalBodv Panels Exhaust Syslem. 2-1 From Cowl Dlsassembly Assemhlv" V . 2 6 From Wheell'Suspenslunr sleenng lZ-l anl Cowl Removal lrrsrallarron 2 A Fuel Sysrem .. ... 6-1 From Master Cylmder Dlsassemoly Assembly M A lgnmon Sysrem. le-l Flam Masrer Cylmeer Removal lnsrallarlon l4 3 ngms Melers Swltches. la-l me wheel Dlsassemhly/Assemblv .. V. 116 Lverleerren Syslem, A-l From wrreel Removal,rlnstallatlon . 12,4 Mamlenance . 31 Fuel Yank Removal'lrrsrallaclon , . , 2-H Rear Wheel Susuenslon a-l Gearsmlr Lmkage Removal lrrerallarrem 9-3 smn Drum 5an Forks Removal Installallon 540 General Safety .. ,. . ,.. l l smAbeorber Quantity/may ('91 Ball 136 Heaollgnr Bulb Hoplzcoment 18-3 shock Abeumer Removal ’lnsulauon [91 93). la 4 ngn Alumna “Wm,“ (U 5 A OHM , 545 srrock Absorber Removal lrerallalim Wear 93) l3-5 lama" Cm, mum,” ”3,5 slee Cover Removal lrrsmllauon . . . 2-2 lgmmn Purse Genera"), Rm, Cove, sme Falling Removal lrrsrallarlen 2-3 Removal lnslallarlon . . . .. la-lo 5m S‘and _- -- 3 *0 Ignmun Pvlse Generaror. .. 16-9 SWEET“ 5mm" ‘879 lgnlhan Coll Removal Installauon . .. l6 s ”3' V “9 _ 3'5 lgmnon Swirch Removal Insrallarlorr le-a Summa‘m“ "4 , srerrer Mnlor Dreassembly, Assembly V. 17-6 Ignluon Syslsm luspecuon. V . ... 15 5 21 -1 I ndex Starter Mowr Removal ' Installatlun .. 175 Steering Stem Removal lnslallalion lzila Suspension Llnkage Dlsassembly Assembly Ia-s $u;penslarl Linkage Remuval Installallon I378 Swingavm Disassembly Assembly 13.14 Swingarm Remuval Inslallalion 13-12 System Flow Panem 5 2 Svslem analiun Cha'glng Svslem Almmamr 15- 2 System Locallon Electric sung. , I7 2 System Locamm lgnmon Symm .. I6 2 System Lucatlun Lign Mauls/Switches 1a~z Tachome‘ai Inspeclian. . lsra Tall Cowl Removal/lumiiauon 271 Tharmustarl Removal InstalIauun .. 5-4 Tools .. H7 Tomue Values" 144 Transmissuon RemnvaI,’ Installation I I 76 Troubleshooting Brake Sysiem . lA-l Charglng Syslem/AIlernumr ,. .. 15 a Clutch,'Gearshlfl Linkage .. 94 Coollrlg svsum . s-l Clankcasar’Cylinder’Pismn 10.1 Crankshukr’Transmlssmn . 1I-I Cvmdar Hand . 8" Eleclrlc Sum. 17’! Englna Does Nm Slsn or is Head (0 SIBYI . .. . . Z :ngme Lacks Power . . 2 Frame Hndv PaneIS/ Exhaust System. From Wheel Suspension, Sleerlng l Fuel Svswm . lgnltlcln Sysmm , . . l Lubricstlnn System . Poo: HandIlng Pool Pavlolmance .i ngli Speeds. Pom Perfuvmanca at Low And Idle Speeds . . . Rear Wheel Suspenslnn Viable Clearancn Water Pump Disassemhly Assembly- wlilng Diagram 21-2 (ml