SHOP MANUAL HONDA 50 SERIES MODELS C50,CSOM AND 550 HONDA 65 SERIES MODELS C65,C65MAND $65 FOREWORD This is your maintenance and serving guide for the Honda 50 series models C50, CSOM and $50, and the Honda 65 series models C65, C65M and $65. By lollow‘lhg the clearly described and illustrated instructions contain herein, the proper servic'lng can be realized with relative simplicity. Not only will it serve the servrcemen but this manual wlll be a valuable reterenee to the salesmen by prov'ldlng him wllh the general description at the motorcycle as well as the details ol the various systems. The serviclng referred to here ls to mean the dlognosls of any trouble spot and its repair to return it to the normal operatlng condition, and the periodic lnspection and preventative maintenance to always keep the motorcycle functioning in the peak condition. This manual is dlvided into eight mam groups and each group being further dlvlded into sections, The respective sections are organized into the construction, disassembly, lnspeclion, servlcmg and reassembly. By following the procedures outllned in th‘ls manual, proper and thorough servicing lS assured. In prepallng this publlcation, me theory and pr'lnclple at aperarron have been omitted so that more space could be allotted to the description at the construction and coring- urallon. Further, the emphasis is placed on pictorial representation by the use of phO'OA graphs and drawmg to clearly illustrate the respecllve components wrthout resorting to lengthy wardily descriptions, August l0, I966 it) mo HONDA MOTOR C0., LTD. HONDA mover ca no Foretgn Semee Depurtman' Servlce Dmrran FEATURES ................. A B SPECIAL TOOLS . ........................ l. Too‘s Necessary for Disassemb‘y and Reassemb‘y loe Engine. . Engine ................ Frame (C50, CSOM, C65, C65M) .. 6, Frame (550, $65) .................... TABLE OF CONTENTS 2. Toms Necessary 'or Disassemb‘y and Reossembly of me Frame ........... ENGINE 3.1 3.2 Engine ...................................................... 1. Engine Descripvion ........... 2, Power Tvansmission Sysvem 3. Engme Remove} and Ins'allotion a. Remova‘. .. b. \nsmHoh’on. 4. Lubncafion Sysvem. 5. on Pump Princip‘e . a. Discssembly ....................... b. Inspection .. c. Recssemb‘y Cylinder Head ............................................... 1. CyHnder Head Desugn u Disassemb‘y b, Inspecnon and Yepalr c. Reassemb‘y 2. Valve Seal Comac' Surface ..... . Inspedion oi Vo‘ve Conoccv Area... 4. Comshah. u. Inspecnon ..... s. CyHndet ....... o. Disassembly b. Inspeciion .............. c, Reussembly e. Piston ........ 7. Pis'on ng u, Disassemb‘y . . b. PisVon and Pmon ng mspecnon ....... c, Reassembly 8. Valve Operming Mechamsm . c. Dwsassemb‘y ...... b. \nspedion . c. Racssemb‘y 9 Com Chum Tensxonev ........................................ \Jmo mu 3.3 3.4 3.5 3,6 3.7 a. Disossembly . 1:. Inspection .. c. Reassembly Right Crankcase Cover ..................................... a. Disassembly . b. Roasscmbly 1. Clutch ......... a. Disassembly ............ b. Inspeciicn .... c. Reassembly 2. Cronkcuse ................................................ 3. Breaiher .................................. .. .............. Crankshaft a. Discssembly b. Inspecilon ...... c. Reussembly ............................................ Yransmission ,,,,,,,,, a, Disossembly b. inspection ...... c. Reassembly Kick Siarler .......... l. 2. a. Disussembly m. b. inspection ...... c. Reossembly . ..... Curbureior (C50, C5OM, C65, C65M) ............................ Air Syslem .............................................. Fuel System ............................................... a. Main system ....... b. Slow system . Flour Chamber Choke (Starring) ............................................ Function of me Respective Curnpuuerrls ........................ a. Main iei b. Air 19' c. Needle iei d. Jet needle ..... e, Thronle valve 6. Slow jet . Air screw . Adiusting the Carburetor ..... a High speed adiustmenr ................ b Adiusiing the intermediate speed. c. Adiusiing the slow speed ....... d Adiusimg ihe idle ........................................ 27 27 27 27 28 28 28 29 29 30 30 30 31 31 32 33 33 34 34 35 35 36 33 3b 37 33 33 38 39 39 39 40 40 4o 40 41 41 41 42 42 42 42 43 43 A. 3.8 Carburetor ($50, 565) l. Air Flow. 2. Fuel Flow (1. Main system ....... b. Slow system ...... 3. Floui Chamber 4. Choke (Starting sysleml 5. Afiusiing the Fuel Level.. 6. Carbureior Seiting Table FRAME 4.1 Handle . . l, Handle Construcn’on . c. Disossembly b. Inspeciion ..... c. Recssembly 2. Front Fork ..... a. Disassembly b. Inspection . . . c. Reassembly 4.2 From Cushion ................ 1. Front Cushion Construction 0. Disassembly . b. inspection .. c. Reassembly 4.3 Rear Cushion I. Rear Cushion Construction. u Discssembly b. Inspeciion .. c. Reossembly AA From Wheel 0 Disassembly ........ b. Inspecnon c Reassembly . 4.5 Rear Wheel ......... . l. Rear Wheel Construction 0, Disassembly b lnspeclion ....... c. Reassembly 4.6 Braking System . a. Disassembly b. Inspection c. Reossembly 47 Rear Fork Consiruciion ............ u. Disossembly b. Inspection .... c Reussemblv 7 Iv - ‘ _ v e 1 3 4.8 Drive Cliain .................... 62 \ 2. inspecling Procedure ........................................ 54 a. Disassembly 62 6. PERIODIC ADJUSTMENT ........................................... a5 a Inspeclion 52 6.1 Mainlenance Insaeerion 85 c. Reassembiy 53 A. Engine Aaiusrnenr ..... 85 4.9 Air Cleaner ........ 63 1 l. Measurrng Compression ...................... 55 l, Air Cleaner Consirueiion 64 2, Valve Tappei Adjusimeni 85 a Dlsussembiy 6‘ 3. Igniiron Tlming Aalusirneni ...... so b lnspecilon. ‘54 4. Coniucl Poinls 33 c, Reassernaly 6" 5. Spark Plug Adjusimenl . 88 410 Frame Body ------ 6“ . 6. Fuel Supply Syslem .......... 89 4.II Mumer. 65 i 7. Fuel Sirainer Cleaning 90 ELECTRICAL SYSTEM ______ 7.7 r 8. Oil Piller Screen Cleaning... 90 5" Surfing sys'em _____ 67 9. Air Cleaner Cleaning. 9] I. Trouble snooling and Repair ............................... 68 l 10. Clinch Adluslmenl ---------- 9| ll. Corbureior Cleaning and Ad|usimenir 92 5.2 Charging Syslem ........................... 59 l . .. Co __ 70 B. Lubricaiion 93 5‘3 flywheel A'C‘ Gama" ”"d 'gm'm" 70 l. Paris Noi Requiring Periodic Oil Change or Lubrreaiian.. . 93 1‘ A'C‘ Genmm' """"""""""" 2. Engine Oil Change ................................... 93 2, Table oi Speainoaiions and Performance ..... 7o 3‘ creasing IIIIIIIIIIIIII 94 3. Inspecilng Sparking Periarrnanee g g c. Drive Cnain 'Adius'mem 94 4, Trouble Diagnosing ihe Flywheel Generaior .................... D’ Broke Adius'mem IIIIIIIIII 95 5'4 5"“ “MM" ' 72 I. From Brake Adiusirnani 95 5’5 Ewe“ 73 2. Rear Brake Adluslmem 95 ‘ C°"5"“"‘°" 73 E. Mumer Cleaning 96 2. Paring ...................... 73 F Spoke Torqmngm 96 3. lnsirucilon on Use and Servicing .. 74 G. Baiiery ‘nspecfion IIIIIIIIII 96 4 semi“; D””"9 U” """"" 74 H. SeCuIin InspeCliOn oi Paris (C50. C50M. C65. C65Ml 97 5 Ewe“ CW9” P'ocm'e ‘ ' 75 ' l. Seeurriy Insaeeiion aI Paris I550. 565) ...... 98 6. Troubie Sllcoilng and Preveniaiive Mainlenance 75 6,2 Periodic Inspwio" and Servicing IIIIIIII 99 7 TIOuble Shooiing and Correciive Acl‘lon . 76 A. Daily Inspecmn 99 so Spark Plug ........................... 77 8’ Periodic Inspection m l. Spark Plug Conairion ............. 77 1 H60, Range or ,he 5pm mg __ 77 L 7. TROUBLE SHOOTING .............................................. 103 3. Spark Plug Reach 78 I. Main Engine Trouales. 103 4 Snnrk Plug Gap .............................. 78 I 2. Carbureior Trouble 105 5. Main Spark Plug Trouble and Correci'lve Aerron ..... 79 3. Engine Noise ,08 5.7 Turn signal Lamp 79 4. Sleering Sysiem ‘05 I. Insiallalion InslruCllon ..... . 79 5. Clulcll System..._ ‘09 2. Turn signal Trouble ana Correarrre AClion ................ so 6. Gear Change System. mg 5.3 Headligni .............................. ac ‘ 7. Suspensions ......... no I. l—leaaligni Trouble ana Correerire Aeiion.. 80 l 8- Brake Synem -- llo 5.9 Horn ............... so i 9- Dnve Chain IIo Bullery lnsrallaiion . 8| I a, SPECIFICATIONS s. PERFORMANCES . Ill 5.10 Selenium Rectifier . 82 Spele‘lCuIlons ............. 1]] Checking lhe Condilion oi lhe Selenium Reciifier 82 Engl'rle Periormance Curve... 115 5.Il Speedomeier 83 Dimensional Drawing ....... no I Speedomeier Trouble ana Corleclive Anion .................... s4 Wiring Diagram ................... . ................... I22 1. FEA TURES 7 1. FEATURES The engines insioiled on ihe Honda C50, CSOM, C65. C65M, 565 and $50 modeis are of a newiy design type incorporohng an O.H,C. and manufucrured wnh 1he mosr up-iordme faciirhes under rhe srricresr of quality connoi; a rugged periorrnrng engine or iow speed, qurei in operoriorr, compacny designed and highiy efiioem with rhe ‘ighmess of a mopei yei possessmg the periormonce and feel of a 90 cc economicoi motorcycle. The greurer ourpur rafio, rhe irghrweighr and ruggedness oi rhe new frame is for superior ihon onyih'mg in rhe pusr and us Improvemem in driving performance and comiorr is hard is excei. Lisied On me ioliowing pages are oniy (ew of rhe finer pomrs. A. ENGINE 1, OVERHEAD CAMSHAFT (O. H.C.] The odopiohon or We chain dviven CH C. aflord; uniform ourpur exiending horn the low in me high speed range wnhom efion. 2 1. FEATURES 2. SELF ADJUSTING CAM CHAIN TENSION An oil damp'mg sysqem Is employed To absorb me chem vIbrahon and whrch uIso provldes gurer operanon even m hIgh speed. Cam cham Iensmner Dam cbam Cam sham gmde Snmcket \ on damper slvamer \ 14mm seaImg washer 14mm seahnz buII . FEATURES 3 1m puma mm mmgg W, am We screen I. FRAME (C50, CSOM, C65, C65M) I. Dislinctive Design The advanced Styling is an orrgrnol Honda, unique, noI Iound rn unv motorcycles or seoorersrhe world over. 3e EASY TO HANDLE, OPERATE AND MAINTAIN :50, cs5, Incovpomles or. aulomahc cIuIch whrch OperuIes an comunchon wwh rhe change pedal m csoM. CbsM srrnpmy henehng 350, ses: The clutch Ievel uchon .s made exceedmgly hghr. 4, SCREEN AND CENTRIFUGAL OIL FILTERS The eng'me on is doubly nhered ro praehcguy eIimmuIe engine puns wear and greatly prolong The me of The engine. 5. CLUTCH SYSTEM C50, C65 The eenmhrgel muIIIpIe wet dwsc (mm .5 rneeroorgred rnro rhe gear change sysvem m pvowdc cswLow easy gear changing as weII as Io simpl‘IIy maimenancc 6. FRESSURIZED LUBRICATION An orl pump rs msIoIIed Io pvexxure IubHCaIe lhe orrmgry movmg componems Icrankshu" and veIoIed parISI co give Them added ourobrhry and Iongev Me 7. Full Complemem of Elemicol Equipmem CompIeIe and dIsvincl saIer zvems Such as The headlight rorlhghr Iurn svgnaI lamp and horn pvowde assuvunce co sole driving 4 Id FEATURES 2. EASY HANDLING The cayer IIcg shleldl lnrOlpOluIed rnla rne Iranl srral laaelnar WlIh Ihe deep welled lranl and rear lenders make u aassrale la Tlde In lnCIemcnf wealner and all bad raad aandrlrans 3. 4.5 LITER 19.5 U.S. PT: 7.? IMP, PT) FUEL TANK (C65, C65M) 3.0 LITER [6.3 U.S. PT: 53 IMP. PT) FUEL TANK [C50, C5OMI The Ialgc Iuvlk has made II aassrhle ra cxIelld lhe Tidlng dISIunce, lurrner, a reserve Iuel cock I5 rncarporared '0 use lhe rural I In I’ZI u 5 ar I8 Imp all for C55, CéSM, 550, and sas, and a 8 llr (l 7 u s p" l 4 Imp pII Ior C50 and C50M GREATER TRAVELING RANGE 065.C65M 4 5 2 (9 BUS p1] 9LMPD I)IIII| tank C50.C50M'3r0 1(63USle5.3LMPp.I)fuII tank 1. FEATURES 5 c. FRAME (550, 555) I , FRAME BODY The sIIessed Irame made ol pressed sheeI sleel rs used la muquIn unllarm quallly. All al Ihe equrpmenl are enclosed wrlhrn lrre Irame Imerlm ra grye ll a Clean exIevloV appearance. 4. EXCELLENT HANDLING AND RIDING COMFORT EDIII rhe lranl and rear wheels are equlppcd Wllh peTIecl Cushlons la sallen lhe sharks eyen lramlhe warsl {Duds m pmvlde SIUbIlng hundllr‘g and u (DmIDvIobIe rlde. The four wheel IS Specmlly equipped wllh a fworsvogc sprlng .n Ihc Cushrrm In IllntIlon an aalh rhe smooIIl and bad road (ondmons Io allard added comfon over a broader range 5. Greater Safety In (OmpofISOn to We emller CIOD lllodeI We 5ch of Ihe mm slgnol lump IS 35 hmes lalger, and Ihe IalIIigIl! and sloplrahr 3 Wm Iuvgev, comparable In an aqumoblIe Thls graally Increases lhe salely Iar rldrng al dusk by making me molorrycle dlsIlngulshuDle Iron a grealer dlslanee. The heodIlghI has also been made larger lo IIIUmIflO'e a wider ales for u greuIer dlsIunce, IuIIIleT, the wldIIT ol the slserlng handle has been Increased (30le lzrllnl Ior Improyrng slabllily and reduclng fallgue when vlding oyer bud roads nghI conflol swilthes are all IocnIed an lhe sleenng handle lo (aerlzlale lhelr use such as lor rldlng lnrougn lunnels. 6. INTAKE AND EXHAUST SYSTEM An expansron dumber ls phwldad I‘rchLcll me reIIquse Ibcr elemenl alr (Ieullcr and lhe LurbuTcIor lo IsquIc lIle I‘OIeL‘ rout-Cd by Ina, lrlmkc alr, 9‘” I II‘N wrllr llle properly deslgrred Invoke and exhausI syslem afiords u hlgh volumelvrr SRILIEHCV The use or lhe emcrcrlr muffler grcully reduces undue exhausl nolses, Z. BOTTOM LINK FRONT CUSHION The wear ra lhe respeclrye campanenls are lessened by Ihls desrgh The small. luncIlonlng al rhe dumpe enlng syslern arayrdes comIovIabIe rldrna on bad roads CI. SWING ARM REAR CUSHION The rear eushran cmpons a dual sIage spnng wnrch IuntIlonS equaIIy weIl lar aarh smgIe ar doubIe nders and allards comIovIoble r'ldlrlg ayer a wrde range aI raad condiIlons 4. COMPLETE NOISE SUPPRESSION SYSTEM (550, $65) The molorcsze ls equlpped mm a SlIencel lncovporoled lnlo lhe alr cIeaneT In uddmon To an udeqque capamly rnulller in Ihe exhausr syslern la rnarnlain Me nolse m a very low Ievel, l . 6 2‘ SPECIAL TOOLS 2. SPECIAL TOOLS TOOLS NECESSARY FOR DISASSEMBLY AND REASSEMBLY OF THE ENGINE 2. SPECIAL TOOLS Drlve sprockel holder Clutch cum spanner (C65) lc5ol _= Valve guide knock~euf lool Valve liner Valve guide inslulling Dool 16mm lock nut spanner Tappev adiusling box Clulch ouler spanner [$65) Tappel locking box Valve seal tuners it Culler holder =— Valve guide reamer Snap ring pliers Clutch assembly loo! fuc Lock mu spanner Flywheel holder Dynamo rover puller 2. TOOLS NECESSARY FOR DISASSEMBLY AND REASSEMBLY OF THE FRAME F Main swivch hook spanner fizm . 36mm hook spanner =QCl Hose damp pliers Bearing installing loal Spoke nlpple lightening fool SJ 3. ENGINE ENGINE 3‘1 ENGINE Finure 371. Engme assemw dwagvum u) 3. ENGINE 3.1 ENGINE 1] The mom «parars wnrcn nave e large efled or me perrarrnenee of me eng'rne are me desrgn oi rne (yhnder head, mmer'wo‘s, and me rnenpcamrrne me eranees. rnrmer, me engme should be ngnr m wergm smdy, grearer me power omen me benev. and a Vequwemem rar eesy hand‘ing In addnran me engrne r shou‘d makh me Home to pravrde e deen averdu appeeranae. The engrnes on me cso, csoM. C65, csw. sasend 550 have taken a“ of me above considcmnon rnro occoun) and had been desrened aner exrennve reseorth had been expanded v0 meel .nese candmans. we 0 H c svsrern whith eaards Ihemosmdvomageous valve iocuhon has been 'rnearperared ra prevrde rar e nrgn new emcrency compusnon chamber design The \rgm werghfi end‘es: chum endosed m We \efl swde of Me cngme is used «or me drreer dvivmg of me OHC , a dumpev :vpe eanr Chum vanswoncr prevenrs me snarn 1 L ENGINE DESCRIPTION 1 1 1 r ‘ vrorn wnrpprng ar v.branng, provrdrng e dureq engme M m :5 Y4 (ng operen'an er nrgn speed A compacv and a vuggcd may 25 engrne Much is easy re mermain end hcvmg e rngn No|e gumeraxsnnfa‘enunworgear teeth ‘ n 5 V I pcvformance has been deve‘oped :9" no: at 1m $235?” 3?; ‘ Funher, me cvankshuh 45 pm My thsmnd neevy ,, ,, 350 1 421 r mad and man speed, we Hunsmwsswon shah bcurmg , n r 555 .431 deSIgn, and me dvm cenqriiugew and screen Vihers gwe ( >mdmales gear mm on C50rCSDMr065r565M me engine duvobiluy and exqended scrwtt as wen as smhnnv er men speed figure a 3‘ Paws! nensnrssren dreerern r \n aannasq to me push rod engme, the new engme has {av ievver veCIprocalmg puns vo ehrnrnme me Souvce of engrne end mukc passrple e pvmvary driven gemi‘fimnsmwsslon mum Shuhamum wan geurrr counter shah gear ‘(mm'cv snen » dnve splocke) e chamflm me reer whee‘, praeressrvevv rn mnr Sequence. (Fig. 373) Fvgwe 3 4. KU'ruvm'] nnaer 9’ ENGINE REMOVAL INSTALLATION a. Removal m Loosen me 6mm mp runs v’mnr rne my dcuner cover and remove me my deuncv {£50, CSOM, C65, C65M> £21 Remove from rover rreure 3 2. Engme uxsemb‘y dreerern r2) (31 Remove rne memnr (Fig, 3 A) «A; Rernave svep bm \5] Remove 100‘ box wsr Remove 0“ prpes A end B \360 seer (he 3 5) Ficwe 3 5~ Removwg m4 pipes 12 3. 17‘r L8) L9) HO) Figure 34;. Removing ihe dHVe chain (Hi Engi (12) H3) H4} 7‘ ‘4‘” Figuve 3,1 Ehgme moummg hon [H (Zr (3) Drreurmr al rnirhor / \xx // Figure 3 v. imroimu dreuur d m \M M) ENGINE Remove me we 6mm hur msranmg rhe earbureror ohd separare me carbureror iram rhe cyimder head. «:50. CSOM. cos. CééM) Fov 550 and 555. separare rhe imer pipe and cyhndei head More When u is necessary ro remove rhe can hammer on Vhe C50, CSUM, C65 and C65Mr pinch rhe iuel plpe wirh a hose clip in prevem ieaks. ths is necessary srhce rhe WEI LULK 'i: insioHed on Vhe carbure'or Disconned We Clwth cable (550. 5651 Remove kick arm and gear change pedai Remove )he left crankcase Cover and the E‘eC'HCOI leads, Romeo the rear wheel in pos'mon ihe (horn rain: as shown in Fig. 3*6 and disconned rhe drive chain. When removmg me chum ioim, the Vask can be (ociliVaVed and the chain prevamed horn ceiling in the chain case by onochrng Wires #0 bom roimhg ends of rhe cham Disconnecr rhe high iehsroh ierminai hom ihe spuvk piua. Remove rhe high rehsron cord clip mscaiied op ihe iigm crankcase cover. Remove ihe brake pedal sprmg, siop lamp spving. Me two 8mm engine mount bolr nu): and {NH our ihe iwo ehgme supporr bolis, rhe engine (ah rheh be deiaehed irom rhe rrame (Fig. 3 7) b. Installation Perform rhe errgme msraiiairoh by reversmg ihe engine vemovc‘ procedure 'in secfion 314a The engme .hsraiiahan can be vacuumed by using Ihe (i) T hapdie strewdriver i0 iemporar‘riy sei rhe engme and Men msioumg rhe engine suppori bohs Fig. 373) The bvake pedai spring and rhe :iop spring swurh Is mourried maerher wrrh rha engine reor under boh When Connecvmg Me dvive chum. make sure mm ihe ioint dip is msroiled wrrh rhe opemhg opposue ia rhe drreerioh of ihe chem movemehi. (Fig. 347) Adrusi rhe chum rehsroh oher msraiiarior io 1~2zm (40~,50 in) 3.1 ENGINE l3 4. LUBRICATION SYSTEM The ori iram rhe crankcase oirer being drawrr imo rhe orl srraiher is drverred ior lubVirohori mro rhe loHowmg rwo roures. [H Righi rrankcoseapassageway m rhe rrghi crunke (use coverercamrrrugai hirer rm \ubircove rhe crunkshah and assocrared parrs. m Righr rrahicase iupper pari oi rhe ori pumpifl rhough ihe cyiinder stud bolr irighi iower side» armo ihe rocker arm side coveiAspIm/ed rram rhe lour ori hoies m rhe eamshahero \ubrkuie rhe respeciive sedions or rhe ryiihder head » imoihe ori rerurh hoie ar rhe iewer end or me exhausr vaive and rerurrs ra rhe crankcase The ori mar posses ihrough rhe camshair lubricate: rhe Cam chain and rerurhs ra rhe crahkrose, in ihis way. ihe iubrrcarioh oi rhe engine rs pere formed by rhe rwo ori more; are rhe 0i] spray m rhe :ronkcnsc (Fig. 3 10) 5. OIL PUMP PRINCIPLE in ihe pasi, gear rype orl pump uslng )wo gears were used, howevev, on Mass models a move efiic‘iem and compan rrochard ori pump is used. This pump consis): oi ah .hrer arrd ah purer rorar The pumpma acrioh is pvoduccd by rhe dinererees in who shope and number of the [cam between ihe mrrcr and rhe outer Imov: ( I 3711) a. Disassembly 1H Remove rhe duvch assempiy as described in Sachem 3 Ma m Remove :he rhree 6mm ooirs ard remove rhe Oil pump as a uhir, (no. 3712) Figure 3 m, Picsxwe \ubrica’ion diagram num inner inlnr i own mm rrgure a H. Orl pump riruory or oppronon ari Damn my mm _ r Dilnumnm . Q mum“. . -a mum. WWW . 00 0.. 'w W tun “WNW” Dilbumodngi" “(w \ vannl mm on pump alive shm Figure 3 i2. Disujsér‘vt‘y'iiig iho ori pump - 14 3, ENGINE 3.2 CYLINDER HEAD 15 . T . , | b_ ,nwmmn he LOmbUSVOn chamber .3 made semT sph-EHCCI “M“; ) , Tor Tncveosed Coohng aha hener combusnam emoency, l \ , . 0 (TT on pump owe! Tomr m housmg (leurcrr? _ _ h . A ”7.”; {Pi 343) and also TWCOTpOmhng u :qmsh area. (Fig. 3717b . ~ manna nuuzuh', \ 9' [Skuish are“ I m 0:5 75- Stovdurd vu‘ue o T ~o T5 To 0044) Goa mT mum aauaT \ Thus a an area prowded berween The much and , \ m ROW '0 mm “mum The c T Vder head To Tunher compress pan of The TueT , H . . S'cndcfd xaTae 002~007 To ooe~0025 m) V _ ‘5 _ ah memhe m The end oT the combushon woke VD .‘ ‘3‘ ROW "" “WWW “'9' 3’”) creme a :ahaaTehce whhm The mam We! rwxmve As «1 Turn S'Mdmd mm 0 '5 mm “1005‘“, ‘ es ‘ The swnng TueT rmxmnz Ts awenea Towuvd The SDark "”5 0 SCW‘Mb'e “m" "mm” " 0““ U 1 0°” '” pTug rhe name propagamh Ts aeceTeraned, uHowmg nomWVW ) The \enncv Than novmo‘ Tael ah (one am The slowev K *W ‘" c Reassembl ‘ Y aumma IaeT mmme V0 bum smooThTy Tunheh. TTT FM The mhey volov m The amer Tovor and damsmg me ,endmy W “Owns ml :HBJ M We” ”'90” "‘6 pump asicmblv '0 We “9*" Beams ,hc use 0, me 0 HC- have decreased FTguI: 3 T7 Lmrdw hcaa mmbusuah chamber “We 3 ‘3' 0‘ PM“ 9” “WW“ rrahhmse. hmaH The oh pump OKEMMV To me The Tchpvoca‘ opevahng load aT The vaTve mechamsm, hTah engme speed and good suaehny av thh oqum ‘2‘ lusrufl The (TL/Kb assembly and The TTgm Honk have been made possitfle. In addTfion, The m7 we cover Creuacd Combushon dummy has bean uchTeved due #0 unvesmcred \ocofion 0' "18 vaives and the [1051 Honwg 01 Vhe spavk amg aT The cemer o! The (Ombushon chamber A bener flow 0( The Loohng 0W over The Tap av Ihe cyhndev head Ts aRuIded and ”us V! rumunchon leh the a‘ummum head has Tncreusc The Looimg cfiTCAency To r} cowmderub‘e degvee Hgm LTankLusc (Fig. 344] Figure 3 I3. Squlsh urcuv a. Disassembly m Drum The an m Pcmovc The nywheeT and 5mm assembhes K3) Rcwwe The «Sum hex and cap hm: homing The chhder head rover and men mmove The havey \IH Romve The (Tonkshoh 50 mm The amen T5 0! Top dead tamer by aha nq The woodrufl key on The (hahxsharr and The O ‘ mark an The sprocke! 'm Tme wuh rhe (yhndev 0sz and men remove The Thme 5mm hex bohs (Fig. 3 19] an The ugh? and Ten eyhhdev head we cover can be Sepuvc'ed by removmg The amm hex bolt _ [H9 3 20) Figure 3 I9. Removmg (ah. spratke' lb) Vemove The cyhnder head 3.2 CYLINDER HEAD . \‘ R. cylinder . head sida I. CYLINDER HEAD DESIGN cover The Cyhndar head Ts conshaned oT ah aTammum uHoy (ushng 'TTKOVDOTOYTTTQ LOmbuSYTDn Lhambev mTeT eon, cthrsfi pan and :umPs The romshah, vaTves, vaTve Tockev arms The Camshoh Ts drwen m the hmmg sproekeq Vhrouqh (1 (how on The TTgh: vda ah The engine Figuve 3 20. Va Howvvg PM Lyhham head (over FTgure 3 Ta, Cyhndcr hcaa assumb‘y 76 3. f L , , , 1" Cylinder liea l 5 Fiqut: : 2i. Checking cylrnder head warpaae Figure 3—27. Repalrlhg warped cylinder head Cylinder head Com sprocket Cam chain Figure 3723. lnstalling tha cylinder head figure 3724. Torqulng seaucnce of cylinder haad b. ENGINE inspection and repair Th: Cylinder head is exposed to the high piexswa and temperature resulting [tom the combustion of the fuel mlxtwe; lulthel, when the head ts unevenly torqued, it may develop cracks or warpage and will be the cause of delecrlv: SEUllNg between the head and the cylinder and result in gas leak, air sucking and drop lrl complesslan. The warpage at the cylinder head daes net develop suddenly and it may be oveilooked, than» lore, caution should be excerslled dullng veassembly, since the uneven tarauing ol' the cylinder head Is a very common iault. To inspect lar warpage ol the cylinder head, apply a thin coal at bluing or red lead an a surlace plate arid walk the mating sullace ol the cylindel head an the surlace plate; the warpage can be datemllried by the translei of the blulng on to the cylinder head. (Fig. 3-2l) To correct the warpaae, lap the cylinder head on the suriaaa plate with a #200 sandpaper, rinally llnlsll by using a $400 sandpaper and then inspect again With the blulng. (rid. 3722) (ll Cylinder head combustion chamber [J lor C50, C50M, 550 l Standard value H m l’is’eexoos [liuoifos ] 9‘9 t7 to.552:o.002i l CapacltvlSpaVk l3 , 2cc [15:01“ ] plug .natalledl t.7994+.ol22cuin.l l0,374+0.007l l at Cylinder head gasket thickness. Standard valuewl.0~l.l to.039~o.o43 inl Serviceaale limltakeplace it under 0.3 (0,032 inl lat Cylinder head torque 9o~i20lacm ls,5~9oit/lasl Reassembly [ll Install :yl'liidei head together with cum splocket. (Fig. 3—23) (Caution) When installing lhe cylinder head, do not target la install tlle “O“ r'lrlas and dowel plus, 42) When tarautng the cylinder head, tighten the nuts in the diagonal sequence to prevent was sure leaks. Rater to Fig. 324 lar tarauing procedure, ( 3724) (at in the same pracedure as in the disassembly. position the waadruh keywuy in the (rankshult, and the "0" mark on lhe Cam splackat In line with the piston and install. (4] Assemble the light and lelt cylinder head side cover. 3.2 CYLINDER HEAD 2. VALVE SEAT CONTACT SURFACE Apply a thin coating al pluing or red lead evenly oil lhe entlle SUVluCE of the valve lace, hold the valve firmly agalnst the valve seat while rotatlng the valve. lnspact the valve seat tor a unilorm and a continuous width cl blulng. Standard valuaAl-‘l 3 10.040~0.051 inl Serviceclble llml" ~ The valve seat is lecut wltlt thiee types of cutter, 60”, 45°, and 30° cutters. The location and the wldth ol the valve seat (one tact area ls accomplished Willi the 60” and the 30° cutters while the 45° cutter is used lor the hang at the valve contact area. (Fig. 3—25, 3726] Finally, the valve lapping operation is pertained. Place a llbelfll amount of lapping Compound on the valve face and lap the valves, applying a slight pressure while rotating )0 the right and left, using a suction cup lapplllg tool. wash all the compound thoroughly and inspect the sealing With the aluing, 3. INSPECTION OF VALVE CONTACT AREA Assemble the valve into the cylinder head as shown in F'lg. 3.27 so that the valves are well sealed and fill the cylinder head combustion chamber With ail, inlect a blast ol air in from the inlet and exhaust ports and it any bubbles should appear, il 15 an indication that the valve seats are not completely sealed (Fig. 3727) [ll liilet and Exhaust Valve Guide. (Fla. 3728, 3729) Sta dard Va'ue Serviceable Outside l0 mm to 3% dia oo.oa5 lo 003th -0055 lo 002 int lnierler 0 mo 0 055 eiicc ht to.00?~0 002a in.l 7 5.5 mm in 2l7l R ‘ I lnstde dia 0Ul5 [Dooobml 9” “5 ‘ 0m 0025 40.0mm in.l 5 53 ”"- |0-l99 .n.i l2) Exhaust Valve, : J values avs for C50, C50M, 550 Standard value Servtceaale limit Replace il under 4.3.; l2.502 in.l [amt H.557 m.l Total a3.9 i1 453 in.l length 55.3 i2 573ml 5'5 m” ”2‘7”" Replace il under Stem dia 70.055 lD.00Teri.l . o mas @0022. in l 5 4 ""“ mini“) Head 0 7 (D 025 ii.l Replace it under thickness :0 l lo 004 ml 0.4 tools m.l t (00' a W Vilvellcztnnlfllllru ‘ 00/) uwlnltznin) a a, ,r a, a r «,5 \ 3 thirtneu a! 1 fi; vtlve hm) Cvlinderherap KT L E rarntusiirn E ctarnter Vllv: time la he will Figure 3725. Valve seat cantaci area seal cuHer figure 3 27. lnspectmg valve xeat eentact —n.0l5 70.0005 n 15¢ —o.025 (can _l_ new. 3—25. Valve guldc 18 3e Dial gauge Figure 372?. SurTace plaIe Meuxurmg veTve 576m arameTer TreTvr hm (TvTeT) Tm sun 1hr, (n as: was) Tree mm H ‘ * Th Tan ThT ' mere 1 so. OvTer vaTve spung vuhe m. TrrrerT \mA 2cm” T3721012T=0 —* Tree Tehm » 0 $54: .TTfl 7E; Figure 1731. Thher vaTve rphhg Picnic 3, 32. Cumrheh ENGINE (3T We! voTve [ ] vuTues are [0T C50, CSOM, 550 sTohdard VuTue ServreeehTe LTTTTTT RepTaee TT vhaer 64.5 A2 540 THY mm M T T7 580 Th.) TeeT TzeuoThT T5551 (“30an 55mml02¥7TnJ ' STeh. den 0 035 @qu Th T “if?" " “f0"; 4 M "0045 (QUOTE m\ ' ' Heud 0.5 ‘U OQU TIMJ Replace H undev MTCKTTBSS :0 T [U 004 TTTJ U Y (0.008 ”VJ (A) veTve sTerh To gvrde Cleovancer ThTeT STahaaTa vuTueflO 0Tu~o 030 To ooo4~o.omz ThT ServreeehTe TrrrTTTerTzepTeee .4 ever 0.06 To.ouzarhT T5T vaTve sTehT To gquc eTeorahee exhavsT sTehderd vaTue e0 030~o 050 (0 ooT2~o 0020 MT serviceahTe TThTTehepTeee TT over one (0 0032 W TeT Ouler vaTve Splmg TF . 3730) 5Tahderd VuTue Semteuble rhTT RepTaee Tl ehder 2a 2 TT .030 ih T ’259‘ U.U60mT 27.4 TT.naoThT "2‘ MW [28 T] TT TIumJ 5.4 + mu kg T 24 9 rTTrh TTT 9:066Ibs' 77 ‘ 055k “if?“ Yemen: TT under WW TIAOT-Tilgh oéagm‘ ”Hg/”J” WSW” T ' ' ‘"‘ Tune 0780 TrT.T RepTacc TT vhder ‘ vs 4 24 9 hTrTT THO”: 0,98ThT TéS‘Ofikg 197TTThT Tam: I.7éTb 0,780Th1 serrhg Tm: T ,T kg T9 1 rhrh iefg‘a'yflje' prsxsmc mots T Th,u,7aoTh ”on? 0980 w RepTaee TT ehder T7.3kg/l.7mm T T38.0Tb 00.57 Thr TTTT T T°30’ RepTuLe TT over 2“ RepTehe TT over Tree TeheTh 25 T (D 990 TTTT 73 9 (0 NO m m Inner vaTve Spvmg (Fig. 131) Smndnrd VnTue ServTceabTe LThTTT RepTaze TT uheer shrT 26:0T5k 22.7mm pfessgm T5 7 T 0.33 fie, OfigUm} flakifiaggrhh 50mg 8 2 - n 4 kg T7 5 hThT YapTace T' vhder Nantuafim 7.2hgTT75hrh ”“5““ 0 e90 Th.T Has ThTu e90 Th T TTTT 1‘30' wepTaee TT over 2" CAMSHAFT Th 0 Tour snake cyde eugHTe. The earrrshaTT makes one reveThTreh Tor everv Twn vevoluhons oT The (rank shah The power To arrve The earrrshaTT Ts Thmugh The eerh ehaTTT drTveTT by The (rankshuh spreeheT. The Tubncuvmg oTT Ts pvessweh'ed mm The rTghT 5Tde o4 The cumshuh and vs Toreed om oT The hoTes Th The (am To TubrreaTe The earh serTeees, rockev uTmS ehe The shppev: The Lomshuh I5 mede oT specieT eeeT sTsel erh The eehT ehd The beerrrrg aree be'rha precerohlv ground eTTer heuT TreoTrhehT. The corhshaTT Ts supponed eT eoTh ehds by The beaangs Th The evT.hder heed, a cam spvorke' Ts ThrTaTTeeT 0h The TeTT ehd aT The (umshuh erh erhm hoTTs ehd Ts erTveh eT ehe heTT CTuTTksho‘T speed Try The Trmrhe sproeheT pressr TTTTed To The umrkshu’T ehd, hv TTTeeTTs oT a TrghT wchhfiieerles eheTh (th. 3723, 343T 3r2 CYLINDER HEAD The Sfiundard TappeT dearcnce: meuwved cold are 005mm To 002 ThT Tor hoTh The ThTeT ehd exhevsT ThTs Te The eTearorree rheewrea wheh The rocket errh Ts ogaThsT The heeT oT The Lam Tobe Th order To ohTeTrT Thrs eethTToTT The eraheheTT rhusT he roTaTed so ThaT The “T“ TTrhTTg mark eh The TTvvvheeT T; Th TThe erh TTrhTTTg mark eh The TeTT crankcase raven oTheerse The rocks! oThT TTTev he ah The TTTTThg sTope (Fig. 3 34) The epehrhg and Clusmg oT The valve Ts deTere rhThed hv The pTS'On woke ahd Te TTrhed To The Crunkshuh reTeTToh Dur'TTTg The ThTeT Cyde, The ihTeT valve Ts opehed ehd dosed aT The ehd or The TrTTeT evele, Duvmg The exhuun Lere, The some Openlng ahd eToeThg seavehee Takes pTuce erh The exhousl vaTve The epeh ohgTe heTweeh The Openmg ehe CTOSTrTg T5 The Same as The peTeh TroveT, however, eThre TT T: The iome u: The Lrunkshuh ahgeTar roTeTroh, 4 rs expvesscd Th Terms er ehgvTor roTeTToh Wheh poThT "a“ Th The Fig. 3 34 passes heveha The Turks! errh, The verTTceT hreverrTeTTT eT The valve Tncrenses, ohd eT e eerTa~rT poTTTT where The cehT Tehe tomes To e peak The rhaverheTTT eT The vaTve STOW: dowrr ahd Lorhes To a heTT aT poThT The (cm The ToppeT dear/Wm: s edrreTed wherr The TOLker orrh Ts eT The exposed SBLITOn oT The heeT e4 The earn heTweeh poims “r ehd e" The heeT oT The corn eh The 550 ehe 555 dTrTere T'reh The oTher modeTs Th TheT TT Ts Compurcmvely Terger he .5 Ta deaease The thT Toee eh The shpper :wfcte ph The rockev arm a! The LG!“ on Figure 3733. Camxhuh conxhudTon ToTI passage) Base CTrCIe MaXTmum mt Cam MEN Figure 3 34. Cum cohTour Tap fiead mm TT I3 0 050M (:55 (ab 0: K )5“ Buflflm dead LPTT‘EV S 50 $65 TOD dead center (T D GT (a 0 0} 80mm dud Lenlev Fiqwe a 35. VeTve TTrTTThg dTogmm ENGINE 2O 3. 3 Cl when vs 0' N Figure 3*36. Cornshair heiahl u' l i 3 \ flé 28 “3 / 3? Cam spmckel Figure 3737. Com sprockel ieerh base eaniour Cylinder 5, figure seas. Cylinder crnchun ruidr ruler 7 a. c‘un zhln [ulna roller nln J , :7 uvl rinrr Figure 3739. cylinder clog: sechan The lnler valve opens ar 5° lrop dead cemer lor C50, CSOM, C65, (:5le berore lop dead cenier al ihs plsron rnauernenr and closes [1030” m" lor C50. CSOM, C65, C65M) alier borrorn dead cenier, perm‘lning an open duraiion oi 215° [200° ior C50, CsoM, cos, C65M). The exhousi volve opens ai 40° [25" lar C50, C50M, cps, cesM) before boner» dead cancer and Closes 5“ (5“ helore rop dead center lar C50, C50M, Cos, C65Ml ufley lop dead cenrer This alIoWs 225° [200“ ior C50, C50M, C65, C55M,l oi exhausr valve open durarion, Th'ls sequence is shown in Fig. 3 35 and is called rhe valve timing diagram lnspearion lll Camshalr (Fig. 3—36] V, Slandu Value Serviceable Linn 29 mm ll MO in.) :6: “d 70.050 io.0020inl R2?“ “ ‘fidféfim ;,,, 107:3ij " I .,,. Righl and dia. ” " Shall ' Revlace rl over runoui o 05 40.00720 nil Cam Replace .i under herghr f'O“ [0'2”0‘“ 4.9 [0 ‘90)";1 29W menial Le“ and Replace if oval +0 07' ‘0 OOOEMJ bearing dla 71'000 10.000 m.) 29 (7)6 HJAfilnl mm and bearing dia ” H [2) Cam sprockei root dlame'er Slanduld value «53 4110.015 {21041000} in! Selvlceable llmllflReplaze If under 530 (2.09 in) CYLINDER The cylinder ‘ls rnade al spatial casi iron The rnside cylinder wall is exposed lo high lernperaiure and pressure iogelher Wllh lhe wearlng aciron ol rhe reclprocoling pislon operollng oi high speed lo pro. duce a gram wearing ellecr. Added lo ihis. rhe dusi in rhe arr and rhe loreign ohreer and rhe rneiallrc dusl concerninaiing ihe oil will hasren ihe rale al wear, iherelore, udequole anenhon should he given lo rhe cleaning oi ihe uir filler and rhe oil change. A goskei is insralled belween lhe cylinder and lire cylllldel head lo niainlain a seal. (Fig. 3737, 3733) Disassembly lll Remove lhe cylinder head in accordance wirh seclion 32lo, l2) Remove lhe 6mm cylinder HS balls. 32 C YLIND l3! Remove ihe 6XM hex boll and draw aur ihe cum ahain guide roller, ihis WlH perrnir lhe cylinder '0 be separared iron rhe crankcase (Fin. 3739, 340) b. Inspeclion lll Cylinder bore, [ Jrs i‘or C50, csoM, 550 (Fig. :41, 342) Slandard valueaurnrn [39mm] ll 750ml [1.54m] +0 02 l0.00051nl +001 100004 in] Sewlceable limiHRepair by rehonihg ll over A“ (1.74 in} m Cylinder overSlze Slandard oversizeao 25 lo m ini l3) Cylinder barrel srandard valueaaus +0 «1.0000 in! 12.47inl 01 [0.004lnl c. Reassembly (ll When assemblying rhe cylinder, make sure lhai ihe cylindev gaskei and ihe rwo dowel p'lris are installed. <2) lnslall ihe cylindei. 6. PISTON The prsion is made iron. malerral corresponding 00 JIS ACBB alumlnum cosllng This malarial is Ilghl l and suirable for high speed, in addilion lo huh/mg good heal conducting properly la d‘lssipale rhe heal rapidly. Furthermore, we coefliciem ol heal expunslon ls srnall lhus minimizing lhe warpage or elevaied rem. peralure and permlnlrlg a small pislon lo cyllnder cleavance design. The Shape of Ilia pieron is an elliptical lapel. The head of the pl’slon. computed to ihe sk‘in, is exposed to higher lernperarure and Slnce me expansion ls grsarer, ll rs mpevingly smaller ioward ihe lop. The rapering ol ihe pisron also lend: lo lessen lhe piSlon slap when the Ihlollle is lighllv snapped wnhoul ihe engine being loaded. ER HEAD Corn charn guide roller 21 r ripure 3740. Removing cum chum gulde roller der gauge / Figure 3 Al. Measuring cylinder wild: draineier I Figure 3 42, Cyllnficv dme":lnr§ Piston Figure 3 A2 Mon ENGINE 22 3 t Pressure 1‘ P i i 5 Crankangle E = "s Q ’ e Figure 3c“. Cyi-nder oflset _:1 Secnnd cunnraaon ring on ring rigure a 45. Piston ting Oii return hoie inp ring on ring Sewna ring G D Sealing tunction Uii SUIIDME Figure 3 4e. vision ring seuiing and a.t scraping function The piston employs a three step taper. The piston pin boss area is rnade thicker thereby resulting in greater exs pansron at high temperature For this reusDn, the diac meter at the piston skirt IS made smatler in the direction at the piston pin so that at the high operating ternc aerature, the piston wiii expand into a true circular shape. The skirt is constantiy prouiaed With neXieiiity to assure that no deiotmation wiii tesuit even tram extended continuous driuing The piston pin is oflset Imm (rorn the piston center iine in the direction at the inlet Side. 30 that when the piston approaches the top dead center at the compression stroke, the Side toad hour the Cylinder moves trom the right SI e to the ieit. With a "O" onset, the point win move to aiign With the top dead center at the Compression stroke, (Fig 343) As shown in Fig. 3 44, the paint or maximum combustion pressure occurs otter the top dead center,. therelore, the purpose of the ofiset is to move the point toward the pornt of weaker pressure which is betore top dead center, and by so doing, escapes the poweriui pressure movement and makes it possibie to elimmate the piston siup PISTON RING The top and the second ring serves as o seoi tor the combustion chamber, the oii ring scrape: the excess oil iron. the cyiinder woii to control the cyimder wall iubrication. Further, they transmit the high temc peruture of the piston to the cyiirider wall where it .s ' ipated out through the cyiinder coohna rins For this reason, a special alioy at cast iron is used to provide strength, wear resistance, heat resistance, and good heat conducting properties and which is glven poikorizing treatment or terrox coating The tap ring especioiiy is piated on the outer surioce with hard chrome and tinrshed by wet honing. To prevent t'iutter, the thickness of the rings are made narrower and wtth the Width increased, inertia is rnade smaiier to increase the pressure against the cyhnder wan Further the top and the second rings are made at a siight taper where it contacts the cylinder wait so that the tirna required tor wear in is lessened (Era 3745, 3’47] 3,2 CYLINDER HEAD 23 a. Disassembly iii Remove the ciip and push out the piston pin. iCaution) Do not drop the dip into the case 1F b. Piston and Piston Ring Inspection ii) Remove the depostts irarn the top at the [custom tnside and tron the ring grooves without scratch irro or cousino damages to the piston use sandpaper to periorin this task. l2i Pteton i ‘ are ior C50 CSOM, 850 Do not Standa'd Vaiue 43.5nini ii 7iornt +0 Miami 7005 in (mm 35 6 ii 52i ini (to i‘ iuoooini \coos iD.002tnl 4/. m it 734 irt.i tU 70020 i0 00] rn.i 39 (1.540ini icu , 002 r‘DOOi ini dtu, De 4mm ii,734in.i +0 r 0,020 i0.00| inti 39 ii 540 in.) (+0 > to 00m >502 (0 0m .n.t Di*00 7 70070 (O 003 in) 70090 it) Down) ( 0075)“) 0030 in.i w euble L Piston crown dio. Maximum Repiace ri under 53.9 ii 7min) reu095 io 0037M D2*DO 0730 (0 oi int 70750 iooi ini / unai‘ iOOObinJ Di8 i0,UU7in) was 0 H38 in ones-«o 0074ini \0.I50~0 i70i l0.0059~0 00.57 in) Taper Eccentririiy iai Piston ring grcove ] are iar 550 Standard Vaiue Setviceubie Lirnit 3m rnrr. ii 552 rn.t i o Gloove Uri i0 004 in i bottom diu 34 5 "W \it363 in t iy+0 ‘i « *0 i / (0 00¢ inti Thickness '2 ‘0047 m‘ R i , +0070 i0 0005 in.t ”We " “V" riot) lnrfl +0005 [0 0002‘”) i'Z7 i0 50in.i ? 5 i009? in t Oii ting Replane ii ovet ~0020 in, 0 “10008 J 25i immini c CPAE) \ ‘ Heat dissipation Figure 347. Piston ting heat tronster iunctron Figure 3748, Remowng piston t ”7 fi‘isuau. A i‘ "9 cLVi}it7n\ “warm ‘3 iDDDZl ‘ tattoos iflsmrunyflin t /_‘D\ an H Ni x ‘6 i ” nrin ti Figure 3 u Piston dimensions thwe 3 so. Piston Yiiig gtoDVC d.niensions 24 3. l 2 2701 [1.39111] ilhlnkneis. lav n... 0. Di 1: "7 in 025 591.0710 mg ,l . i acid ‘4, 7023‘» , 72701- (18201] compression llngs Hop and second) ENGINE 131 Pislon lo cvl.nae. Minimum c‘ecrance Sianaara value—r0010 10 0004 ...1 . Serviceuble limilflRepiaze i1 aver 0.1210 0047 in} 141 Piston pin bore +0005 0,5120+0.0003.n Slandard vulueaiamm+o‘ooz( +0 00010.) Serviceaale iiml'flkeplace 11 over 0.17 10.0047 inl 151 Oveislze pislon Standard—>015 (0.009? ml 15) Fusion ring. compression. [ ‘1 are lor C50, CsoM. 550 (F‘ . 3750. 3751) . Smudurd Value 7 1210.43 7' Wiarh 70,010 10.00041n.l (125 10.0010 in) Servlceuble L Replace il under (0.044 ml Repfia il unEer ' Figure 3752. Fislorl oil Vlrlg [ ] la. C50. CSUM. 551) mm a sa Mangurmn man rlng lenxion n.m~a.ou7 i 17 Figure 3754. Plslon pin (learunce F' re :1 51. Vision ,4 10.0791 ) '9" ”km“ 2+1) 01 10 04 inl L5 77 10.071...1 ' ' 7 l ‘— 2101 —‘ 11:0 Replcme .1 under +01] 1 (0.154.441 c.2519 1551531 [1 8' ' Ring ciosirlg 13 5~97 11.0 [0.10] (2215.1 iarce i 0.35~0.65kg l.77~i.43 ibl ‘ Replate 1i Wide! i (03441.52) 1 0.2 kg 144101 l 1.75~1,3e lbxl 2570010 01570.35 V —0 025 iian end l.0059~01aa.n.l Replace .1 over gap [0.1703] 0.5 «1.0107 .n.l 10.004~0.01113.n.1 " (71 side ciearance. compression . 0" ""g Slandard vaiueflo 01570 045 1o,0005~o.00177 .nl Servlceable limllARepiace if over (MI (00047 in) 181 Oil ringf ] are lorcso, C50M,S§0(Fig.3v52,3753) srandara v 1 e ‘ Servmeubie le7lL 2'5 [0099M Replace .1 under WE“ . :20: 1133131111 W + . Thickness 133130004 ....1 Elicia .1 Ul?§ig;gl i7 lumltuoooa l », 7 77 , , {215173219511 . 1:53;; " ““3397 or“ lii§~1fe5 113’ [0.20ng 10,54,151 Ring end Okloggffwum 1 Scale” .1 01030200..) gap [0.30] 10.12....1 1 , (91 Sum cieunze, 0.1 ring Slandavd vuiueao 0i0~0 045 ii] 0004~0 0017 inl Serviceable ilmilaRepluce .1 over 0.12 10.0051nl 1101 Oversize piston ring Slundald avenueao 25 10.01 mi 1111 Fislon 1 j are (or 550 (Fig. 3754) Smrldard Value Serviceable llmll ‘i'gmifb5'2,‘”" Realaee .l unde. 1d d1 lrl. . 001; e a +0005 10.0002 1n.i ”‘78 [0'5” ‘"’ ' 35.4 11395.“ +02 10 006....1 *0 170 lrv 1 ”9‘9” [30.7] (1.21 .r.) +0.2 10,003.“ 1121 on pin lo prslon cieorance Smndurd valueac 002~0,014 (0.00003~ 0.00055 1n] Sevviceable llmilirRepiace if over 0.05 (0.0020 in] 3.2 CYLINDER HEAD 25 leussembly 111 Assemble (he pislon [Caulionl Assemble (he pismri so lhai the arrow on lhe pislorl head is aomring loward lhe ironl. (Fig. 3.55) (2) irislcli me plslon ain locking Cilps. (Caution) a lnsloii lhe Cilp so lhal lhe opening l5 nol aligned wnh me clip groove (01 our, 1. Replace any Cilp lhal have losi ils lemon. 3. VALVE OPERATING MECHANISM a. b, Bolh lhe lrllev and sxhousl wives are incorporaled in We combusllon Chamber. The exhauxl valve is designed smaller (hurl the iniel valve lo cflord greener volumelric efllcienoy. The exhausl valve lS conslonily exposed lo exlremeiy high lemperulme, ihereiare, ii is made Di speclal high heel resisllng moleriai to vvnhsrand (he high remperalare a: well as Vile wear. The corn chain revolves al a very high speed Within lile com chain chamber which is iocoled In ihe ieil side oi vile cylinder, making l' necessary lo use a heal vesislurll as well as a wear resislunl rubber on me (am chain guide sprocket and (he com chain lenxlonev roller lo prevem chain noise. Further, in canrrasl lo rhe convenllonul push rod 1ype oi a mechanism. (his syslem has iess reciprocaling movemeni pans lo Cause mung noises ana inererare lhe opera. lion .5 much smaovher aha aaierer, making is very Sullnble (or my. speed, wuh me consequem increase in power oulpal (Fig. 3756, 3757) Disassembly 11 Remove me avl.nder head 1.. accordance wnl. SeCilOH 3.211: ml The rocker arm 15 disossembied from H15 cylinder head by pulllng om me rocker orn. shail‘. (Fig. 3—53) l3) Compress lile valve Spllrlg wllh (he vaive iiilev ana arre. removlng (he valve caller, (he valve spring and file retainer can be removed. (Fig. 3-59) lnspeciior. 111 Rocker arm slanaara Value servmeabl: 1...... 7 Slipper wn Replace il aver lace weer 0.3 17117012....17 Shah bore lam)“; $4053; ) Replace .1 over 1110 '" 101 10.398ir1J 0 170ml (21 RoCker arm shail Slanaara Value Serviaeaale Limil loan. (0.39: ml Qulxlde ale 70 013 10 00051") segue; 3‘;D“.”‘f’ 70 022 ‘ 1"' owme 0013 0,037 Replace .l aver <00005~00015rn1 01 lO.0041n.l 5 Arrow mark figure 3 55. Anew marlmg an 9137011 head 1.0m; , Sm, _ Special'fleai res.s1.r1g ( steel leel Exhausl valve 7 r SEH3 7 .7. We Heal IESlSilllg steel Inlet valve 7 Flame 3 so. Vuivs) Ranker ml 7‘9’711777Camshall Valve can. xnmnm Drive Ehllll Figura 3 57. valve opelclllrlg mechan-sm 26 3. ENGINE l3l Mi (5) Check lov proper lappel cleulclrlce leplh lnlel and exhausl should be 0.05mm [0.002%], too small a clearance Wlll cause lhe valves lo remain parllv open, causlng (ompvession leak and resull in hard smmrlg. Check lor propel valve nmlng Check lo see lhel lhe cam chain is not slrelched c. Reusnmbly lll Assemble in lhe some pvocedule as lhe dis. assembly wulh lhe use al lhe valve llller, Flgure 3 55. Remcvlng me valve locker mm 9 CAM CHAIN TENSIONER Figure 375?. Removmg valve ealler An all damper we of a cum chum dampev .s employed lo suppress lhe vibrallon oi lhe cam chaln, thereby, making il posslble lo canlrol lhe cam Chain lor high speed operanpn and also prevenllrlg cha'm nolse Before lhe engine slorls, lhe chaln lensioner spling compurlmenl is flooded willl lhe oil which enlers from llle oil damper simmer. Aller lhe engine scans, lhe ulr remaining above rhe slorllng all level In lhe lenxloner spring compare. menl, passes lrpm lhe hole A ln lhe guide lo hole B due to lhe reciprocaling molion ol lhe lensloner Sleng gmde and enters lhe crankcase, When the engine slurlstlle Oll level VlSeS above llle Oll hole B Dll llln per slunnr // Tallecllel Dushrnd // s lensanel Sunni r. e , ' llmrn Seallng Dun Flguve 37w, Cam (hum lensianer delull diagram 3.3 RIGHT CRANKCASE COVER 27 In adalnan so We an 'ln lhe lenslaner spr'lng eom. parlmem being elecled lrem hole A la E, lhe Oil is senl .mo lhe lenslen sprlng camparlmenr lrom hole a lo A. In )hls way lhe lensioner spring tomporlmem ls eonslemly and complelely needed wilh all, perlarm. ing rhe lvnenan ale damper. Therelare. ll .s neees, saly la check lhe mince al llle lensioner spring guide and lhe aperanan al lhe iensloner spling. {Fig.aeaol u. Disassembly ll) Remove lhe flywheel and slarler assembly m The damper componenl pans may be disassembled ev removmg Ihe Mmrn sealing boll b. Inspecfiion (ll Cum diam lenSloner spring. (Fig. 37“] Slanduld Value Servlceable [mill Replace El under m 73.5 mm l7. ll.l 0 45:0.04 kg/TZJ mm Replace ll under l0 9910.08 lb 0.8741" l 0.36 kg/122 mm lree lenglh 77.2 is 04m.) COMDYBS' slorl lorce 12) Cum chain lerlSlorler vollev diumeler Slandold valua~>353mm lo 39] in) Selvlceable llmlIaRepluce if under 34 5mm ll 359 in) :. Reassembly lll Assemble lhe cam chain renslener componenl pans. (Fig. 3762) Move) Check lhe operanon oi lhe innslonel aller re. assembly 3.3 RIGHT CRANKCASE COVER The new crankcase (over is made ol hear reslsl'lng alummum alloy An oil pump is 'lncorpormed lnlo lhe rignl honl lower secllon. The oil delivered under pvesswe lrom lhe oil pump enlers lhe rigln :vonkcase all well and is dlvelled lo Ihe cyllrlder head and lhe righl crankcase cover, (Fig. 3763) kllzllfllml a l i had 045: mm, lllqgwlllSlne) 222 (a lull)“ Figure Jessi. Cum chain lemony spring Tensioner pushrod ygnmwm Tenslaner pushrod head Tensions, wing A Y 14mm sealln'g washer ”W" sealing be” figure 3 52. Campancnl pulls ol cam chum lenx§onel chlsn mlvslmg ml l? rmllkcair mar Flame 3 .53. R Llanktuse Lovm ell puiiuge 28 3. ENGINE ‘ 3‘3 RIGHT CRANKCASE COVER 29 a. Disassembly a. Diwssembly , . A ' “— m Dra'rn me an from me crankcase ' m kernave Hgm cvankcuse cover ' m Remove We kick S'ov'er arm. a) Remove clureh omev cover (3) Remove rhe 8mm keckrng mA rren me clutch r3) Unkeck 'he 14mm leek washer, removefihe 14mm edrusnng ban. (C50, CSOM, C65, cesM only) Jock nvr and rhe :meh an be removed as u (4) Remove lhe rrghr crankcase covev compkere my (4) The work of drsassemekymg me duvrh un‘rr can b. Reussembly be srmehnea hv rhe use oi specrak lools (Fig. 3.66) m keassemere m rhe reverse ovdev av arsassemaly ‘ b k ‘ . (comm) ; . Inspection W a. Excersxze cau'ion nor to damage we rrghr trunk , m Chuch cenrer gmde. (Fig. 3767] ,, h AI %‘ outer 055‘ case cover gaske! or to mean u mrsahgnee 3'0"de WW Swimb‘e M be \nsqu me luck :r‘urter arm by ahgnmg me punch WM {0670M R ‘ ‘ “we a,“ gamma (mm W, :pace r aver marks on Ihe spmd‘e Gfid me 0"“ Inside dko +13 0017 (0 OOOQmJ , 70m? 40 0004M! '7" , ”1’71"” ‘ 71mm [0.827 m) i, CLUTCH Oumde dm , 005 lonuzrnv “PM“ " ""d‘” ._ 705 ' 0 fl 7009 mom , was vs 757 my . U! The muchan of Ihe cmmh rs '0 rempararrkv ars I, m WW '0 K \ engage rhe Nunemmmg or me romvy mofion be'ween ”Wm 7363291?“ harm n We, HUM“ me engme and me kransrnission duving me gear change 70" room W 20.4 ‘03} my and men aner lhe gear change, pemm a smoolh Repla0 (0 ea '73 0°4~oenfgflm m) - n n- In N » '0 WWW u m ‘ 5,3,, * Serwceoble |¢mk0~>lb.5 {0.65 .r.) ‘ 'Aror were ,D (mum. my Ckearance bevween )he cmch amer and drive ’ Jbelooou") ‘"‘““\“‘*“‘ plane or wnh me (Much aim, in Me a'rreoron V at romhon W sraneara velueao 3~u 5 (o.012~o.02 m] rm r um Figure 3*65A C‘uvth assemmv and a“ passage dvugmm Figure 3 655 ‘C50 CSOM C65 CfiéMY Fiqule 3'67. C‘u'ch Marc ml: wkdm 550 $55 30 Figure 3 7o. Figure 3771. .‘ Clutch ouier Bend up ml: or had washer R A L crankcase 3. ENGINE f" 0 £71 Chflch sarrna $55 ' Sianduvd che j are rar 550 aerurceama krrnn Free ‘engm 197 ‘0 755m,‘ Replu(c D4 under ' ' ‘83] [0,744 mi 18 2 (0.717 w.J 7 5:0.5kg,1? 3 mm 5 rm H65t111hr0 SU/Hn.) Rep‘uce A under hf“: 132:08k912r8mm askg warm ‘290‘I75\L;' HACKNEOAVW ‘0 504 m ‘ (8) CVurch SDHHQ [C50, CSOM, C65 CGSMI srorraara Vuhru Sermenb‘e Lrnrrr kearace rr under rree \engih‘ wa r0 772m my (017mm 5 as ka:o 3 kar Sp-mg 13 5 rnrn :arce [1251065le 0.532 rnr Ramace rr unaer 50kg"3 5 rlvom’osazrnr Reussembly m keassemare me man rn rne reuerse procedure of arsassemmu (Narer The \ozk washer mus' be \onkcd by bending me «ab arrer rranrerrrna wne nur, .i we nun does nor alrgn wrrn me me, rrgnren me nur runner ra aerrnrr \ockmg, (Fig, 377m CRANKCASE Tne Lmnkcuse, whrch rs on rrnegrak pen or me rransrnrssran. .s an arurnrnurn auou d.c Lusvwg mrnpasaa or rignr and heir naruos A brewhel (ompurlmem and a arearner passage rs .ncaraararaa rn rne uaaer sechon ol aam crankcase narres ra arssraare rne pressure cum up rrr rne crankcase lFig. 3771) BREATHER The .nrerrar 01 me crankcase rs canrrnuauu unaer vuvymg arassura am up by Me recrpracarrna prsron, rn oddmou, rne crankcase rs Wed wrm gases hom me blowrby or me prsron and rne gases pvudULcd au me near oi rne crankcase rar mrs reasan, rne accomaasrrion of me arr rs nasrenea, \n uddmon, mgemev wnh rlre rrse rn me crankcase rnrernar presc sure, we aass'rbnrry a! on \cak: cfl rne case pumng area 'rs rncreased The arearner rs aesrgnea ana rncarparared rn me case Io exhausr rne gases ro me oursrae and also ro rnarnrarn a Consmm pressure wrrnrn me crankcase 3.4 CRANKSHAFT 31 Crankcase gasket Tn L crankczse meR crankcase cover c over L crankcase R crankcase Figure 3772, creamer rancrranai draaranr 3 .4 CRANKSHAFT The cranksnan rs consrrucrea o! hrah srrenarh Curbcm mm and rogemer wwh rne tonnetfing rod, canuerrs me reciprocoling rnarran of me prsran Io rne roraru marron and, rn addmon, oerrarrns ure «mom or me nuwneer by absorbrng me nucruarrna raraue. 1ne aressurrzed an Irarn me aurnp passes Iranr me rrghr crankcase lhvough me rigm crankcase cover, rnra Vhe crankshan by me way of rhe cenrrriugal Mar. and rubricares me \arge ena oi rne cannecrrna rod and durcn cenrer guide (Fig. 3773) Figure 377:. Crankxhch a. Disassembly m Remove me clurch assembru as a unrr. r2r Draw ou) me gear shrn saznare. <31 Remaue rne kick srarrer sprrna. ‘41 Remove the flywhee\ and S‘a'or ossemb‘y <51 Drsassernme me cylinder head and cy‘indev, «er Rernaue me an pump and aher separar‘rng me rrgnr crankcase rhe cranksnah asscrnaluragerher 32 3. ENGINE 0m um r5 Em mic Emikyilr‘ Figure 3 7A, Mscguvihg (iunkshuh eiignmcni cmn w/xf/“fi “$5 rmim/i Kr-JJ C-riei Figure 3775. Menxulmg uxiul cieurunce 7524 ; 0025 ( u w * 000i ) A Figure 3 70. Tuning Smutke' ieein reei (uriIum +0041 ”“5 Him 0002 05m: 0mHm) a WFLipmulml we: ‘ n Gyiflml mm . | Mei! n iniiiinm . cum 0 g'lviiy Figure J 77. CD'mc‘EIing iod b. wiih ine pision can be lemaved as u unii from iiie ieii (mnkcuse Inspection [H supperi ine crunkshufi on v biocks ui boih bean mg: and measure iiie amouni oirunoui. (Fig, CHI) . i 7 ‘Sienderd Veiue‘ SaIVicenbla Limil Le“ bculinn 0. 015 7 '7 Tom! web e (0 000eini runeui Right bearing 00i5 we): xi'da (o 0000 in.) RapIure ,i over 0.05 i0.0020in.i Repiece ii over 0.05 (0.0020in.i (21 Tie clearance in ihe bearing is measured by fixing iue crankshuf! on ceniers end moving ine bearing in ihe exioi and veihcal direciien (Fig. 3775) Siendard Vaiue Servxteuble Limii Amui 0004 0.030 Pepiuce .i oval cieerence ‘ i0,0002~0.001ini 0i (0 004m1 ie r n $0,207 :5 mm 0025 REDIuce ii avai a)“ ‘ (0.0004~OOOI (ml 0.05 [0.002in.) \ When ihe cieerance in )he exiui direciion becomes excessive, ine cvonkshah wiii move irom Side is Slde when engine is running and produce undemiabie noises as well es Causing uneven wear is lhe cyhndei, eision end ine iiming gear Ii WiH eiso shorien ine Me of (he dukh II ine clearance is ioo smeii, iI Wi” Cause 0 decrease in (he power ouipui end snorien lhe Iiie oi ine cwnkshoh. (3) Crank pin L S'undaLd Value if 2:0’0Tzloig00g;ini Ri’place ii (me, 70002 (00001 ini (23°45 i090M.) We“ 0052~ 0007 ierenee (0.0020~0 0034 ‘in.! Sergeubie L Oulxida die (A) Leii crankshaii sprockei reoi diameier (Fig. 3.76) Siondcvd veiue~25.24:0.025 (0 99410000 Sevviceabie iimiiaizepiece ii under 25 i9 (0.9m .ni (5i Rigni cranksheii spline play Swndard uaiueao 0|o~o 040 (0 0004~0.0020 ini Seruiceebie imiiIARepIace ii eve! 0.00 (0 0032 ini WI Maximum crankshoh assembly runoui SIandurd valueeerunoui ui web euier suriuce 0.05 Tiiz (0.002 ini serviceabIe IimiiaReplace ii over 02 i0 003 ini l7) Connecnng rod smuH end i. 0. (Fig. 3777) +0043 +0. 016 ("5”:32‘33? ) Serviczable limiiARepiace 'iI over 13.] (0.52 ml Srundavd vaiue 213mm (8i Conneciing iod smaII end io pision pin clearance Standard vaiue~~0,016~0,043 (O 001~0.002 in) Sewicabis limnaRepluce ii ovei 0 03 (0.0032 "ril I9! Conneciing rod smali end deflec'ion. Swndovd voiueAI 5 KO 060 i'nI SerViCECIb‘E ‘imiVi'Rep‘ClCE i! ovei 30 {0 120 in] ii0i Conneciing rod ierge end Smiidmd Vaiue 0 mic 35 E" “by i0.DDA~0.UM in,i Hearing 0 0 012 c‘cuioiice i0~0 0005 ini (iii Conueeimg rod ahgnmem Smnduvd Vuiue PavaHeiism TwixV e, Reassembly (i) Check io make sure inei ine geskei and ine iwo dowel pins ere imieiied on ine ieii crankcase befom essemeiy .g iue neni cvonkcase in ii (Fig. 3 78} 3.5 TRANSMISSION ine ironsniissmn rereives ire reieiien wmen nes been irensiered ‘rorii ine crankshafi io me mom m0 and inrougni a series or gems, deSiied speed ur‘d inen irunsmns n ie ine sprotkei rnounied counier shah Thu C50 C50M( C65 and C65M have a 3 speed WUHSWHSS‘OIM wheieus, me $50 and 565 have a 4 speed (Fig. 3779, 3780) Iransmiision. 1 3,5 TRANSMISSION 33 ) Kick starter spindle Sewicoabla limii Repiuee ii over 0.6 in 024 ini Rapioce ii city 0 05 i0 002 in \ counoev Serviceubla Limii Shah Kepiace ii ovev 0 i0 i0 004 in.) RepIcce .i ovav i5 (0 00s ini dw'“ changes ii In ine riuure 377v. i ini‘smiision (orisIruL'ion uezaii rv a! some speed as main shaft .Aroioies cl same speed as counter shufl Figure 3 so. Geaving errengemeni (er C50. csuM Ces, cesM 34 3. —n m enema "Luau (“Mason 0 Figure 3 a]. Main xhaii dimension +0043 '7¢+0.oia +0.00i7. ( “"7" +0.00%”) Figun 3702. Main siiuii. mp gEar dimemien 00H: 000m ”"4034 (0mm , mm“) Figure 3781. Connie! mi: dimsmion 0.032~0.068 10.00]3~0.0027 In) Figure 3704. Cieuvnme eeiween couniei shah and Conniev shah mud gear a. ENGINE Disassembly iii Disassembie ihe righi crankcase in accordance Wi'h seciiori 3 i2i Disengugc me kick siarier spindie Inspecfion iii Primary driven geov backlash Sinndard vuiue . ~0,047~0.0v4 i0 00i9~0.003~7 in} Sewiceobie iirmlakepiace ii over 0.12 (0.0047 in} (2! Clearance beiween main shah and main shafi gem Slandaid voiue~>0022~0 051 [0 0009~o.0020 in! SerViCEubie iimiis >Repiace ii ovei 0.i (0.004 'in] i3) Main simii (Fig. 378‘, 3732) Siandavd Value I7 mm (0 (:70 mi 70.0w 00005 mi 70034 i000i3‘mi i Seiviceuble i Repiace ii 0mm Oulside dio V6.93 (0.6570 mJ End oiay 902:0 59 ‘ Repiace ii over i0.0020~0.0232 in.! ”j “”354 "7": 5“" ’° 0.030 0.0% Repiate ii ova: 9’“ i0 00i2~0 0037 'ivii 0.1 (0.0040 in.) cieumnce I7 mm (0.570 mi Top gear n Repiuce .i oval ide diu +0 0‘3 ‘0’00‘7‘ ” i7.i 10,6740inJ +0015 i0 000mm [4] Cieomnce beiween main shaft, iop gem and main shaii. Sianduid valueao 022~0 051 i0.0009~0 0020 mi Seiviceabie ‘imiiSaREp‘UCe ii ovei 01 10.0040 in) isi Counier 5mm outside dio (Fig. 3’83) Siandcid value . i7mm«0.0i6 . 700mm 70.034 ( 6690'” 70.0mm") Serviceubie ii erpiace ii under 16.93 i0 6653! 16] Ciearunce beiween Couniersl’iuli and counieuiieii iow gear Sioridaid vaiue a0.032~0.060 i0.00i3~0.0027 irii Serviceabie iimiisakepieee ii over o.i (0 OOAOIni i7 Ciearance beiween counleishuh and couniershaii second geai Siondaid value >0.030~0.096 (0.00i2~0.0038 in] Seivlceabie “minifieplaze If over 0.1510005? in! i8! Cieaiance beiwcen counieishuii 0nd couniershaii )hird gear (Fig. 3 64) Siaridoid voluefio 032~0.063 l0 0013~0 0077 in! Seiviceuble I‘imxis vRepluce 'ii eve! OI (0.0040in) 1‘?) Shiii drum Siunduid Vuiue 31 mm [LSSBA in.i Ouixide am 70.02 i0.00079in.i 70 050 i0 0020 m i iamm lU.5HSin.i 70 0w (0 0006 m.) Sawiceuble in“. 7 Replace ii under 33.93 ii.335a in.) sheii die Remix: ii “ride! 4.034 i0 00i3in) 12.005 WSW!“ 6.] (0 2402 an} Repiucg I‘ over W‘m‘ :g-‘é‘g‘isfiom 63 i0 7450M} 3.6 KICK STARTER 35 HO) smii lork (Fig. 3785! Siurduid Vuiue Seivizecbla i 340+ “ ”25 7, i 77 e 7 C U00 34 mm ii 3355 mi Rams ( my +00m0 H ie 2 in ‘ ' i c an :gwggm i 34.0.5 (0.00m (‘ “a" . own i). he en? 49:70.04 'ieeuiece ii under Ihickness 10192?i0.0015m1 4 50 {U )8” in) I i i Upon compieiing ihe )ransrmssion ieussembly and V‘ 1 ihc .nsieiioiion oi me iigiii uild ieii ucnkcase. inspeci * F 7 ‘ io usswe iiici iiie iransmission opevoies pvoperiy, i V aw A irunsm‘ission which win heavy Wiil cause muliunciion or WI“ hem up Reussembly iii Perioim ihe opeiaiion in iiie revelse ordei oi disassembiy. iNoie) 0. Check is make sure we i35mm ihmsi washer is msiaiied on me caunievsha" and ihe Mmm ihrusi washei 'is insioiied on ihe main mm on C50. CsoM. C65 and CéSM. iFig. 3786) 3.6 KICK STARTER 49 :aoo <0i929:000|6in) Figure 3 as. smh ioik L mums: 14mm iiimsi washer Figure Jess. Thrusi Waxhzi C50 C50M, C65. C65M mi «iii in mm mm mm mm mm mi 009% It?!” , Ilium" ‘.' WWI/0,,” Figure 3 s7. Kick .ieiiei iuncimnei diagram 36 3. ‘ Kick slarter ratchet i W “w“ W" -‘hick starter ratchet spring Figure 318. Kick starter constructian rianre $99. Remoting tick starter Kick starter SEmdle a: Kick starter ratchet spring Kick starter pi 215'“ “WP 25mm circlip ick starter ratchet 25mm waxher Figure 3'90. Component part: at kick starter L. crankcase riaure Mi. installing kick starter spindle ENGINE As the kick starter iS depressed, the kick starter spindie rotates and the ratchet, due to it being held against the ratchet spindle in the direction or rotation, moves in the direction of the arrow by iollowing the spirai groove cut in the spindle and causes the kick starter pinion to mesh with the counter sholt tow gear, The main shaft belrlg engaged to the dutch center, transmits the kick starter torque to the engine crank. shalt and turns over the engine When the engine starts, the rotating speed oi the pinion exceeds the spindle speed. the ratchet due to the rotation of the pinion, rotates in the lelt hand direction in respect to the spindie and is made to disengage trom the pinion due to the action ol the set spring and the ieft hand screw. As the spindle returns to the ortginal positron by the action at the kick starter spring, the ratchet disengages lrom the pinion and returns to the position for the next kick cycle (Fig. 3789) Disossembly iii Remove the dutch Umi. l2t Remove liywheei aria stator assemaly lat Remove the primary driven gear. Mi Remove the gear shilt spindle. t5! laemoye the iémm circlip lram the kick starter spindle and disassemble the kick spring retainer and the kick starter spring (Fig. 349, list Separate the right ana lett crankcase haives and then lilt out the spindle lrom the leit crankcase, inspection lit inspect the ratchet puwi and the kick starter pinran teeth, it worn excessively, they should be replaced Reassembly l1) Assemble in the reverse order oi disassembiy ltletel Alter installing the kick starter spring, check lor proper kick return action trig. 3 91) 3.7 CAREURETOR 37 3.7 CARBURETOR (C50, C50M €65, C65M) The iunction oi the carburetor is to atorritxe the tuel and supply a luei mixture ol proper luel air ratia Further, in order to maintain a constant periormanze the tunctionlng components are made wear resistant The carburetor has the foiiowirlg features. (Fig. 3792) lit By using a piston type at a throttle vaive, a high power output, good acceleration and economy are obtained over a wide speed range [2t Starting in low temperature is t'aciiitated due to the use oi the choke vaive which incorporates i a relief valve. fat The use of the oval bore, affords good riding and acceieratiorl. arid the top speed is readliy obtainabie Figure 3 92, Carburetor irron cutaway carburetor] Design and Function Float... ..,Maintolns the tuei at a constant level, Hoat chamber c..Reservoir to store the fliei terrir pararily and permits it to he supplied Cabie aaiuster ..liegulates the ieriglh at the throttle cable, Mom iet .. ...tuieters the rate oi luel liow ‘ during maximum power output. Throttle valve ,..Reguiates the amount ot air tuei mixture entering the cylinder Air screw... ..Regulotes the amount at air Mixing with the tuei. m Chohe valve (l‘i irilel lst Needie let .7 N ‘4' m "Ms D eetiie iet holder r (3) litrntlle unite \ i g .g in lrleeii i illalh pure 9 Main iet 2' W“ icesacoes mm 0 551m 3 .5 Film millet i in Air lei Figure 3 93. Carburetor sectional program 3. E N G I N E (5mm artist (3 Bleed Me ® Codi lea / ‘ / / ’7‘ net path it crate laser / in cm lcvu lime , TH. Valve mt l”? filler Air suev itir til i sclew a ”W ‘\ astirveit \ 69 Silzltu eta-be iin Slaw let ZB aver lieu mm / 513 pawn , / @ilat name a3 flvzirllw tuna / // r / @l Pllnl rel e) let am i (M Fiofl TM @ itat Figure 3794. Caibuietuv :ioss sectional dlugmm l. AIR SYSTEM The carburetor used is a clown drait type which draws the air into the carburetor trani the tap, hence larth the names The air tram the air cleaner which enters irom the inlet opening (1), passes by the throttle valve ® and is drawn into the engine atter passing through the venturi. The power output is determined by the volume 0! air tlaw which is controlled by the mavenicnl at the throttle valve ® to vary the opening at the venturi (2). (Fig. 343) FUEL SYSTEM 3" as Main system The luel enters thiough the main iet @, and in The main 'let, it mixes with lhe all in the air bieed © atier having been metered by the air iet @. The tuet and air mixture passes through the opening between the needle let (a) and iet needle at) to be sprayed at the throttle valve (37, The spray mixes with the niain incoming air and becomes atainized beioie being taten into the engine (Fig. 347:) 3.7 CARBURETOR 39 b, Slow system The air which enters tram the inlet opening @ passes around the outside at the air screw in where it is metered no then enters the bleed hale ® at the slaw iet { on the other hand, the luel Train the float chamber in atter being metered by the pilot let 64‘» and metered again at the iet area @ at the slow rer a}, mixes with the air tram the bleed within the slow iei and is sprayed out at lhe battam oi the throttle valve ’ tram the pilot outlet 5) to mix with the main naw at air tram the car- buretor air inlet (t) and is then taken into the engine 3, FLOAT CHAMBER It is necessary for the carburetor to supply the proper Tuel mixture (or the respective throttle opening and engine speed, in order to do this, the fuel level must be maintained at a constant level It is the Tuncrian al the lloat chamber to pertarm this task. The DP type carburetor incorporates a filter in the float chamber to prevent entry at dust. The lual lram the tank flows through the groove 15; in the luel COLk, enters the strainer compartment ii’si where the dust and lareign matters in the luel are allowed to settle, passes through the filter ® and then enters the float chamber (21:). As the Tuel level in the float chamber rises. the float ® becomes bauyant and applies pressure against the valve spring @ to override it and then iorces the float valve against the valve seal (iii to stop the ilow at the iuel. When the tuel in the float chamber (29 is consumed, it causes a lowering ol the luel level and a con. sequent ioweiing oi the ilaat @, this causes the lloat valve Q; to unseat and permits the fuel to enter the neat chamber. This process is repeated ta maintain a constant iuel level in the tloat chamber, A spring ”1, is incorporated between the float and the top of the valve ilaatta prevent the ascillation ol the float valve and reduce wear to the valve seat @. Further, to prevent overflowing at the carburetor and causing the flooding at the cylinder due to tilting or the float valve Silikmg open, an overilow pipe is incorporated to drain oii any luel which exceeds the criticai Tuel level In addltloil a static air vent tube is locutedin the float chamber and is vented at the item cover ta maintain the air pressure in the neat chamber always constant with the outside atmosphere and w ' 'lot uflerted by ildlng speed or outside wind (Dndlllon. 4. CHOKE (STARTING) During cold weather starting, it may be necessary to initially use a rich luel mixture For this purpasa. a choke valve izpl is incorporated The cholre valve 26‘: is closed by raising the choke lever @, this restricts the air arid allows the luel sprayed tram the needle iet l, to enter the engine as a rich luel mixture, it SDIan \ yin vilire 2s lieliet vllve ® ihmttle mew s?) Needle pl (15) Pthl millet Figure 345. Carburetor (r051 sectional diagram 40 3. ENGINE However. depending upon ils usage, ii rnav resuli in engine sialling or flooding. To sounier ihis Silua~ lion, a reliel volve @ is rncorporaied in ihe choke valve @ in open or closes pi i: presei sucliori pres, sure, io produce a proper luel oir mixivre lor cold weerher sieriing. II is iherelore possible io close ihe choke valve compleielv during warm-up driving and Then llllly open ihe valve dlier warmalp, (Fig.3795) 5r FUNCTION OF THE RESPECTIVE COMPONENTS Main lei a. Main ier ii resirieis ihe illei flow during rvll ihroiile eon dihon liop speedl io provide e proper lnel mixivre. Nol oniv does ii luneiien ai iop speed bill also is efieciive io a eeridin degree oi inierrnediaie speed The larger ihe main iei size mumber, gredier will be ihe fuel now and providing is richer luei rriixlllre (Fig. 3796) Fiwre 37%. Main iei 1:. Air iel During lull lhrollle opening. ihe luel mixlllre :1! high engine speed will become rich and a! slow engine speed ihe mixlule becomes lean, To preveni such a condlliorl, air is bled irllo llie main lei. The lunclion of ihe air iel is lo resrricl ihe amount ol air As ihe air iel is made larger, the amounl of air is increased, resulli'ng in a lean filel mixiure, however. oi ihe lhrollle opening, o high engine speed will provide o leon rri‘ixmre wiih o smoller voridlion in luel consumpiion belween high and low engine speed (Fig. 3-97) Air Jet fivure 3797. Air iel c. Needle iel During lull or hell rhroirle opening, ihe lvel which had been meiered pv ihe mcliri iei is again rneiered pv ihe needle lei, The adivsimeni is perlormed in (onlunciion wrih ihe lei needle which is explain in ihe iollowirlg seelion. The needle hole is made excep. iionoliv uccumle. (Fig. 3793) Figure 3795. Needle lei d. 3.7 CARBURETOR Jel needle The ier needle in COfllunzllo" wiih ihe needle iei deserihed eorlier, reguloles ihe rvel mixlllre oi ihe l'llerrried‘ale ihroiile opening lprlricipully belween '4 lo )4 ihroiile openingl The long iopered iei needle is locnied Connolly wilhin ihe senier hole or ihe rhrorrle valve ond wiih ihe iopered end inseried inio ihe needle ioi The Vcrllcol movemeni olihe ihroiile vdive io whish ihe iei needle is aiioched eonirols ihe flow ol ihe ml in respocl lo ihe lhroille opening io oTTord o Correci loel rrilxlure roiio, There are live needle slip grooves lwhich ore codiilcd lrorn ihe iopl io regdlore ihe rishness or ihe loel mlxlllre. The luel mixlwe becomes richer as The Clip is moved progros sivelv Trom ihe No l groove io ihe No. 5 groove. (Fig. 349i Throffle valve The lul-Clion oi ihe lhroiile valve is re eonirol ihe omounl or air iohen inio ihe engine whish serves re nisreose ihe engine RPM and ihe power onrpui, end in addiiien, perlorms ihe imperiani liinelion ol Conlrolling ihe ruel air lllixlllre (Fig. :Hoo) The ihroiile valve is rulraway on ihe oir inlei Sldc Ev shanging ihe size ol ihe (ill owav ldesignoled by Lulnawuy No.) ihe pressure osinoiing ihe needle valve cow he olrered ro chonge ihe amoum oi luel now ond couses o ehonge lo ihe lvel rriixinre, The valve wiih is larger culrawuy number will produce a leaner luel mlxlure, However, ihe ronge oliis eHecr iiveness is moinlv or low speed lrom idling speed lo approximolely ,‘4 ihroille opening il has no ellecr beyond fr; lhroiile opening The ihrolile valve is normally operored ov ihe rhrolile eoole oiioched io ihe iop ol ihe (urburelors A lhroiile siop screw keeps ihe ihroiile volve in ihe idle posiiion, Turning ihe siop screw in will Cause ihe ihroiile volve ro rise, and backing oil on ihe siopserew will lower ihe ihroiile valve iCuul-onl The ihroiile volve guide groove serves as o iuricriori lor ihe lhrolile Cable and llie lhrollle volve dnd olso io niainloin ihe lhronle valve in The rolled releiive posiiion wiihin ihe corburelor, iherelore .r .i is reversed. ihe culeuway will he on ihe wrong side end will respli in rich Illei mlxlure as well as cousulg insvhieieni engine speed Slow iei The slow iei rcgUlules ihe lvel liow during idling ond small ihroiile opening end permiis ihe an id enier lhrough llie air bleed '0 mix wllh lhe fuel lor oiemiZdnnn. The < l><2 ix A 0 9mm "30354:".1 x a norm lomao an x1 550 #l 5 [i.2><0.3 o linini in 0354 in.l x7 0.6mm looms. lx2 .047 x0.0l2‘ l'/§~I/B #35 recess] lb’232 3 rrage 227mm lo.l023 ln.i [3.4 l0.l34 lHJ u u a .2 9 E z e PWI éFAl l 16mm40.630ln.l 1.0mm 10.0391“ 1x2 08mml003|5i i><2 0.7mml0 027olnl><2 :3 a Q 9 e E a a x ®Thrame valve \ 2.6 mm 10.I023‘lrlJ . [3.4 IUJSAI i l.0rrlrll 0.05% l A ®Pilnl millet ' 0.7mm [0.0276l 565 rWlerAflcr‘iaoi 0.5m?“ [0.0l97‘lrl l X2 0.6mm (0.023 'nJ X2 recexfl i VABOS 3 smaa l 338 0.7mm10 027Ain.l x2 0.6mm l0.03l5l PW] “Al 0 (CVFH 30 irea Ms ll.2><0.3] l0.ot7 ><00l2 inJ 'cr ‘2 9' s s ~c filso 0.5mm mm 9 i %~l /8 0.7mm [0.0276l 0.7mm (0.027!» ‘Oémm lo.0l97in.i x2 Orbmml00236lHTX1 CMM ioooeill 50MB I3é l3¢ $72 H50 oamxz 04¢“ U.4¢X2 04¢X2 DAIbXI 0.40m 30x25 1323943 slug: #10ih2x0is Wik lfl5 osoxz lozéxz 09é><2 ‘osoxz 12¢ 09 Relief valve 050 lflDU‘l 10 . iiooueiasl A i csoc I305 l3¢ . ADJUSTING THE FUEL LEVEL ll is I icull lo d'lreclly measure The (deal level, fie-He HID. Choke rhereiare, rhe iuel is delernvned by measuring lhe helghr (H) of lhe lloar. (Fig. :Hii, :Hizl oi n20 ll.2rl><0.i5l o l g ioooel i5 kiso 0.5nl x 2 0.4.6 x2 mo x2 0.4(5X‘2 0.4er 2 0.4M 2 JéX 2.8 l '4 ~ I /a 0.9a; X? 0.8!?! X? D.9r.‘)>< 2 km £35 65MB l 13th m l 0M5 x 2 x2 1 2.041.2q3xoi5l €65 lonoeilz 65H leSH) ilooo-lial no [1.2X0. s] 0.5mm lo.3isrn.l ooaxz .emn. io.3lsln.l><7 owxz 03px: io.0is7 .n.i lflJTflXOJ \0 in.l icon X0 (106 I w "a ‘3 E E m. 0 13¢ (U 572 In | 572 film 3.0 X§.Bmm 3;» x 25 recea iazaea :lage 1% ~ I/B :35 3 5p x 2 i.2nm lo 0473M i.2o 3 0.3mm [0.315 in» x 7 2 0.4¢><2 3 0.4¢>< 2 4 04¢ x2 5 0.4px2 5 04¢ X2 2 0 in olher words. lhe oavae should nor press lhe how more lhan inn, nor should mere be clear. ance graarer rhan Irrlm belween lhe gauge and lhe l'loal. Care should be excersized making ihe measuremem since rhe base oi rhe valve is spring loaded and (all be compressed inla rhe valve in which (use, rhe irue closing poinl oi rne valve aannor be aelernilned l e I.5 omxz Figur- :l~lll, Fuel level ndluslmam Aal Nam air bleed 5 1 «Memo CARBURETOR SETTING TABLE swing mark Throll‘a bore Vermil- pare Main lel An lei Necde .er ier heed e Cur-away lihrori e va vel Air Screw Slow lel s ow air bleed i 2 3 a Valve seal 6. WP: SuOlIDDUIDedS Bullies Noiel carburerar k \l H) mm «1.0394 in.) P:55 l 19.5mm 10768m.l Heiohl oi llaol 1.0 mm 10.0394 lrlJ P:5.5 19.5 mm [0.765lnl Heinhl al floor 50 :35 03¢ r 15 5 5.0 09d- P l§5 9:5.0 09” l7.5 #35 ‘0 9mm 00354 in» ‘7 5mm [0.669 lrrJ pier iel Pier ouliel ruel level laerual ivel nelanu Flgvro a—llz. Fuel level gauge 4. 1 . 4.1 HANDLE 4. FRAME 'I HANDLE HANDLE CONSTRUCTION sveering Handle The Weprwg hard‘c um w mode of messed sheev and WM 0 Lomwoua stacl who gnp welded (or rcm'crccmnfl vim hu-vdlc on rhc $50 and 565 ‘s o! summed Vpc We hohdlc Sch rubbm mm,” are ”mm m we mounfing 01 me sum-g mam m pvcvcm m- cngmc wbruhon ham bcmq tronsmmed m We ndcv‘s mm A :fieermg hn'vdh; bwuv :ow ‘5 ‘ Wu usfiuHed m prowde a p‘cas' g moron domgv. m m ‘n whim Hand‘n MM r? rt ”-me ‘ . Hanme we my, y W may \ mm my m m» a: may \ 5mm; anar Maumg MEL a. b. Hmw ‘ raw mm 55w CAS‘ Fxgure 4 2A Disassembly Erma/r. m» mm rwvcr me rmdhgwr ussambw and dwwnnned mg A 3) Moms, m \pcedomp'av cum and disnonnscfi Rumo» uH c‘cvmuj‘ \eud< me mm mm (ohm ‘4‘ Dmmeu me Luvlwmmv «1p um 912m We mum vmvc mom mm W removwg We wangoge We (0N9 end (Fig A 3) ‘3‘ Losscn m» w: mm m m; and vemove mu mm mgeWm mm m (uHes uvd C‘Cr'thu‘ \cclrit 0 mg 86 1mm vmmwc We upper hDMm, and men mmove Fm m m» \cmcn me Vow hex me hand‘r Inspeclion w: ‘15r‘rLVH‘PN‘V’V‘G :hnrh 1W1 mm [:1qu mus: mmkouc on how me and mm m by dnmnuc ma mner :umg pmper mm, g'euse bc‘me msmllunon mHo and cum opmunm m Lhmk ma 'hmnh‘, am pm My propev opemnon ‘7 Cnea w m s W mm“ m hnmflc mm 4m bend and vwm. 5‘ «mm m mum-,3 by w my firm 'n‘ ma \Hevs my pyoper operohcn hmumn a’vd me or muumq H mum A9 mm m-av Wm , in new mu 1!er mm» mm" mum / ngve A v Handh: rulmn' "mm :C50 (,5on HIM! mm mm A mm: mm, mm ‘ mm mm Many a sun my male am non "é‘ mm mm; wmer am- My :uhhev mm w my an“; cm we mm mm 425 Hand‘e vubbev mom ACbfi‘ CASM) A3 D. A, . stconwczv zcb‘c hum meme Vu‘vu' 50 4. :. Shaving head 3‘29”“ head 5“” "m z” N Slam nvl \ Fprhlapmmge ‘ 1 Folk “W S hllflil plalE steering l Flame had stem 1 nine ‘ 2. r l x We e,‘ \ from lolklwllom bndu , / °_ ripare 475‘ sreerrna slem secha-al dlugmm llelr C50 C65, llghl 565) b. Flaws ‘ a. Remavlng lroM larx #6 neel bulls c. Figure A 7. Sleel Dalls FRAME Reassembly lll Permslcll lhe wires, speedomeler and leads on rhe Specified lorcllor‘s and fix in place wrrh handle fixing balls and nuts l2i Rerlllsloll lhe lrorrl biuke table, speedomerer cable and lhrolrla cublc l3l Reeannecl all rnmlerlors lrann lhe eleerrrcal leads and icemslull rlre headhghl. lCaulian) When rnslallrng lhe Sleemlg handle, care shall be raken nm la prnrh cables and leads FRONT FORK The slceilng slam of lhese models lncorporule a ball as shown in Fig. 45 ll excels in sleeraalhly as well as m slabrlrly ior balh hrng and low speed. The sreenna slam ls welded la rhe lranl lark which l'x mode oi pressed slccl sheel, The slam lncorpovcles a (one lace and ‘ls lnslalled on lhe home head pipe. ll serves a vllal iunclion since il ls lhe rolallhg shall al which lhe head pipe is lhe axis (Fig. Aesl rsassembly HI Remove me Sleailng handle in accordance wllh semlon 4 la. i2l Remove lhe haadlrghl ruse, lal Remove lhe lronl wheel in uLcOrdaliLe wilh section 4 An all Remove lhe fork 70p blidgc by unscrewing rhe sreenna head slam run and rhe rwa 8mm balls. (5l Unserevv rhe sleenna head lop rhreael by usmg a hook spanner and slldc rhe lranr lurk our lhe barram [Fig Anal (Caulian) When removing rhe lranr lorr cure shall be laken nar m drop and lose rha :e srael balls (Fig. 477) lnspecrian ll! lnsnpcl ml: :6 sleel balls {or rmrks and Wan (Zl lnspecl rhe sleerina slem rer bend and rvvisr. <3i lrrspecl lhe sleerlrrg bollom and lap cone races and boil vuies Vol sualthc: wear and sneak. Reassembly (ll Wash rhe (17m: rares, aall lures and rhe sleel balls and pack wrlh new grease Use retom mended irber grease lcavrranl care shall he -axerr nor ra overlovque lhe sreerma srem rrvr so as re (case heavy sleering. 4,2 FRONT CUSHION 51 4.2 FRONT CUSHION Roll Stake all Mound rrarr: damper all seal , 5"h loch am 2 7 Wm luck Ml FHM cvsllmll uuper :allal Flam damper elld plate mm which ouler calla! llahl Hamel llllle' collar Ballalll melal complele fin?» v Flank cushlnrr lnml washer Fralrl (HSNDH lad Enlllplele lell cushran snrrnv Frull! ushlw lalrl unbei a rrpnl cushion slnrner mhbel Finn! Cushlnll samlg game Franl cvshlplr lmrli ldfihel A lell Bus/Mall loch Ml Film damper radrgmlle I. Figure A s From sushran cvoss sacllarr dlug(um FRONT CUSHION CONSTRUCTION The frorl wheel axle and axle ral assembles lhe casr aluminum hub (OnSlsllllg al lwo sers al 6202 radial ball bearings and an .nrearal arale drum lo rhe lranl brake panel whlzh Conlulns lhe broke shoes and speedomerer gear The lranl (when, in earrrrasl la lhe previous lype hov'lrlg an llppel melal, is inslalled wrrh a nvl and lock pm lo Improve lhe (Ushloflmg eHecl In addlllon, lhe upper boll which had been raraued lrom rhe lronl (ark side is elrmmared ra aflard a elean appearance Disassembly ll) Remove lhe honl wheel in accordance wrlh secs lian 4.40 l?) Remove lhe 6mm lock pm and 7mm lock NM and lhen lhe lronl cushion ,oinr washer and rhe low! rubber A (an barh be removed Next by removmg rhe lronl arm plvarbalr, and Smrl'lXA’Z, hex ball lhe lranr when and lhe lranl suspullslon arm may be removed roaelher lrom lhe lronl larlr Front cushion assembly A "A ‘ \ \ l \ FlflQIHfiH-h lal Remove lhe 8mm hex nnl and lhen by pulling our rhe 8mm hex boll, rhe lranr arm rebound 6mm lock pin sloppel may be removed lram rhe lranr larx. From cushion 7mm lock nu! loin! washer i Ml By Vemovlilg rhe arn-n hex na: and rhe lranr j cushion lower bolli rhe lrarrr cushlou and rhe {l é lrarrr sasaerrsran arnr may be separaled. lcaarianl a When separarina rhe lranl suspension arm lram rhe lranl rashian, cave should be lakcn ra prevenrrhe ironl cushion lavver dasr seal cap, dusl seal and (intense collar lranr droppmg Figure a 9‘ rranr cushion sraked area Franr arm plval dnsl seal a, Remove rhe plvar dasr seal by anlacxing rhe slahna and remove lhe dusl seal and prvar collar, (Fig. 4-10) 5) The iranr cushion dlsussembly can be perlarmed by remavma rhe lranr Cushion lock nar and hen removing rhe rranr cushion spring Dust seal cup (Cautian) The iranr damper aarram lllclcl shaald has Le disassembled as rr reaarres speaal reels and rhe componenr pens are nar sold individually Front arm figure 4 l0. sraxma lh'a prvar dasr seal cap 52 4. FRAME Q/Locknui b. lnspearion sropper rubber /’ iii inspeci ior ori leaks irom rhe damper as ir wrii have an adverse eiieer an rhe dampening churn acieiisiiCs as well as proaueina undesrreaale ‘ B Mom metal Spring guide complere horse. / rzi From cushion spring 1 4 i2) ‘ . srandara Value servireu .e l. Spring Sprrng sear suhg/Im M “m“ ii i n lb/AJ? rn.i f) Adiusi oi repluee rr fl\ loo kqu r mm Load i’, under 90 ha/ 92 irrim Outer collar 1 ‘77” ‘b 3 ‘53 ‘"' (T98 ler 35 in.l Replace ri under Frelnih l3U7mml5V4 ii Figure 4 li. Componenr parrs ai iianr cushion " e 9 . " no mm JO 72in) Tili Replace ii ever A" ,m, FrmiILthmiiSniinzthalacterisllt ‘31 SFVDZ' idork ‘uision‘édromezeém .. .ran or vuue r mine 00006 ) , r... with usnusan err ism rsirmrsrrr. 70 043 (0 “0° 70 ow 5‘5““ ”M‘W‘ 44! From iork boriam easa drameier '5’ Slandard value riamrnio 027 (0 me iooori H) .3 0 0 .rresrir isl Damping soaaerrv oi ironi sushran damper jlfi 30~35kg’0.5m':ec. l66~77lb,’i968 in see) 153 3 ill , 20 D H I 'ui ihl, , ,. , mm” c. Reussemb a rri m “7*“ V ‘““‘""‘”“‘""‘Willinrlrrrziri The reassembly shall be periorined in rhe reverse order oi rhe disassembly figure 4 l2. Choraereiisria oi lranr sushian spring more, a Wash all comparenr aorrs oi rhe suspension arm and lubricuie vvrrh grease applv oil on rhe ausr seal p Arrer reassembly, apply grease rnrauah rhe grease hrrrng 4.3 REAR CUSHION r us. ihrrid rail wheill Rnr damper rniiir MK . hear anuu nu rurur liar rushun srrrrx wilt: heir rusripn inriir Rut rah nn upgs‘i usher hrrhrnr nor cusm’i rum nririsr riuihrr; :nllii liar rushrnr ilvzi mew 2w riihrr heir rush on nusrr unhrnr ruiir’r ,r . / heir wshiunmwermxhlfll / r Ru: Luxmn mien m inn ruin. srmi / ’" W“ 1:53;"? rmn rianr drrruer Valve RM 0va WI / heir pushriin Hid irire Rui when oil srsi nur urnw riiiriin in: Figure 4 ISA. Rec! cushion cross XeCIionul araorom rsas 550, C55 4.3 REAR CUSHION 53 4.3 REAR CUSHION Feral-slim irrrrn ris. weir dinner in rule in uDDli rarer rusirii irn (r? a... air. AN" rinse risrrrrl REJ’ urnrer in Mr zusrizi s.. ru: war war ranrr irriier wins ii... nirirr urn. .n; pin anus. rrsiui wrvr sisiri srriii Fmi purrin- am insrsi hiriii rum» reu era. are luLi!‘ ulsniiri 'anwi sp'iril sol Rlai' umriw slirrrr rm. Figure 4433. Rear cushion sross xecllonul diagram lcso. C50MI REAR CUSHION CONSTRUCTION The rear eushion conneais rhe lrame wirh rhe rear fork and absaras ihe shock irorn rhe rear wheel. The coil spring having an ununriorrn pireh is housed wrrhin rhe meiai lower case and rhe upper case which re made oi high sirenarh hizex plasrie, absorbs rhe load oi rhe heovv eargo carried on rhe luggage rack. The hydraulic damper dampens rhe reacring exierisiori iorce. The rear cushion conrains l7ee oi #60 while spindle oil. (Fig. 443A, Has, A 14) Rear cushion Snake cos, cow—ram [zasainl 550, sosaaaa i2.497ini C50, CéoMaéi .5 l2 4651M Disassembly ill Remove ihe rear eushion assenaiv by loosening ihe upper and lower Cap nurs. (Fig. 445) iii Disassemble ihe rear cushion eamponenr puns lnspeciion ill Damping eapaerrv oi rear cushran damper 25 kg/O 5m/sec. l55 kg/l9.68 rn/secl izi Real Cushion spring 446) srandard Value servrerflsle limir Rapluce il undei 200 min [7‘5“ in.) Freelengih 209.5 mm (9.260an ”W 'Tsi§{;75.r”s”s-r Tm" ffségé313s?§.n 7 in... 3 Effigggm, £5.42? 36.127333. l234ib/5.512rn,l Reassemblv Alley reassembly. operaie ihe rear cushion by hand lo assure ihai Were is no binding beiween Ihe spring and The (use. —-‘ Oil Ilow Extension Retracl'inii Figure HA. Rear cushion arl damper operanair Rear cushion honour rmolnl complete Rear cus!uon upper case ' Rear cushion stopper rubber /— Rear cushion spring guide Rear cushion upper lock mu 0 rpm washer Rear cushion upper ineral figure As is. Componenr para ai rear cushion Rear cushion Ipring Rear cushion baIIom case heir :ushmn :rrrnr shrrasrerrsrrr 'csocsw E3l|XBhluY 299Kmllzsflrn} Niluiar ‘3 n. 50 rain... as niranirmr we. rm rxsnir Figure 446. Charasierisirc oi rear cushion 54 A. FRAME mm mum w Fvw' rm um am am tip am. mu 5an M Damn; 21:57 nu 3m mm mm mm mu mm mm mm Dam m: mu Summary in! an' «had in: Figure 447. Fvom whee‘ crux: mum. magnum 'eur brake sho Brake xhoe spring Figura Lila. Ramnvlna ham bmka xhao panel Speedomefer gear Figul: 4 IV. Remoymg speedomever gear Front brake 4.4 FRONT WHEEL The new wheel ux‘e and the ux‘e um assembhe me we ummmm uHoy hub wuh me cast bmke dvum and Mo 53022 buH bearmg with Ihe from bloke panel cons'mmg of brake shoes and a Speedomeler gear, When He brake is appned, me reueuon Emmi mined #0 me ham fork by me brake pmr Stoppev A labyrinth y; incorpomled m me brake panel and me wheel hub #0 prevem me eNry of waver and mm info the hub inlerw'or. Tire size 22571774”? ‘3 used Disassembly m Mace an adequave svond under the engine to rowse the from wheel ‘2! Remove fihe (rom brake cable and me speedo mever tame (3} Remove )he axle rm and puH ouHhe iromwhee‘ ax‘e. fihen Vhe hon? wheel and Vhe from brake pone‘ can be removed as a my. [4} The brake shoe \s fixed In place whh me brake shoe spring, merelore spread vhe brake shoes upon and remove «mm me pane‘, (Fig. 4'18] 44. FRONT WHEEL [51 Remove lhe mm broke cum and me speedome'er gear now we (ran! brake panel. (Fig. 4.19) us) Remove me we and vube from me H'm usmg a We lever um pUH em me We ham me me. b, lnspecfion m \nspecfi We mm m mum and eccenmmy, «=qu 4720) 7 7S!ondgrd Vow: image Limn77 Face Repmv yv beyond “four 7 07'7 ‘0 0728"" 7 71.0 7 [0342an _ Repmv u beyond Rummy 05 \lOQOmJ 1.0 lUDADmJ [2} Check hon! axle diamever and for bend ‘ Smn7derd Vume Selwfeub‘e Emu mm meow Dmme'er in 005 [.0002 m in 050 (.0D’20 m) 7 7 Bend ()2 <0 008 N “9°” °' mm“ “ Over 0.5 ‘0 U2 0m) \ raw Check brake drum made dmmetev [Fig 4721) Standard yumealmmmioz (4.33:008m1 Serweume hmiHRepwace ‘1 oval 110mm a 33in} w Check broke shoe toumde dwumeien Standard yaruea109emm+0 +0 , 7 0 3 (“who HE M) Regan hmuaReplace ‘1 over 105.5mm (4,1531m c. Reussembly (1) RemsmH 'he we Hop 50 that i! I: posmoned over We spoke maples. 1Fig. 4722) (21 RefmlaH me We and who. (Novel 0 Alver reassembly 0! me me an lhe me wnh cn'r ro (mom 1/3 at me spezvfied pressuve and rap me me 0” around Wm. a son «med hummer m ehmma'e any iube mm or pmmng. (Fig. 4 23| 55 Flfivre 4 20. Mummy; whee, mum” Vernier calipefi new: A 22 PlcsOic hummer Fronf wheel fire figure A 23 mmmng we Can m, m "e: M unuvm mu 0 hammel FRAME 56 4. b. The valve slen muxl be polnled loward lhe exle, Improperly sealed valve stem may cause alr leak. (Fig. 4.24] ) 9’" [3! Wash lhe old grease llanl lhe wheel hub and lhe beurlng, and pack wilh new grease. Also l‘lll lhe hub wllh grease and inslall lhe alslenee collar, lallawed by lnslallallon al lhe 62m ball bear'lrlgs. (Fig. 4725) m Aller lnslalllng lhe bearings, reassemble lhe ham wheel and lhe brake shae in lhe reverse oldel or dlsussembly. lnslall lhe brake cable and adlusl lhe broke lever play. lReIeHo lhe Perlodic lnspeeheh and lhe sedl'on on adluslmenl) Pluslic hummer Beufing driving laol l5 Tire Air Pressure Normal condlllon From l.(>~15l(g/crrl2 122 8~25V6 Ib/lnzl Figure 4 25. lnslalllna 62M R ball beullng by drlvlrlg Rear 2.o~2.2xg/en2 l25,4~3l 2 lb/inzl 4.5 REAR WHEEL l‘lzal w'leelhl , ml w mllburln ems all ual Elm sllne K 777m: ml sunn nulln 53m R mllcanhz , fem wheel damnrl hm wheel emu :nvEl , ,, Fmal amen Hallie m wheel lee 4.5 REAR WHEEL 57 4.5 REAR WHEEL REAR WHEEL CONSTRUCTION slnllar lo lhe from wheel, lhe rear wheel conslsl al a eeel olumlnum alloy rear wheel hub incorporallng bull beurlngs, and a brake panel. A llr: 3116 2.254774% ls med wllh lhe rlm made ol rolled sleel sheel. A speClollv deslgned lread pallern l: used an lhe real llre lo. beller naenon and lo prevenlsl‘der :llpelng. h uddlllon, lhe lea. wheel hue and lhe final drlven flange have been made lnlo an lnlegrul eomponenl lah [lglll'less Disassembly lll Remavc lhe malller The mul‘llcr need nor be removed (or 550 and $65, lZl Remove lhe dllve chain (use lower hall and dlsr Ln'lrltfll lhe chuln, l3l Remove lhe brake adlusllng nul andseparale lhe brake rod hum lhe rear brake arm. l4l Sepurule lllc rear brake lorque llnlx lran Ihe brake panel, ‘bl Remove lhe rear wheel axle by Vemovlrlg lhe axle rlul and lhen lhe rear wheel may be removed. (Fla, 4 27l lbl lhe broke shoe and me rear wheel ls dlSr assembled m lhe some manner as lhe from wheel. Inspecllon lll Tllc nln rwoul ana encenlrl'clly lschecked "l lhe some mullcr as lhe lronl wheel and lo lhe same wandcrd lQl Check me rear axle dlumeler for wear and bend (Flg, 4 23] am Vullle Reaalr Llnnl Axlr l'957 ll 9&4 Dumrlm l4/D7~ 4720 ml Rupolv ar replace ll Benn l] 7 l lV‘\ ”0“ over 05 lo 020m] léll llln Nuke drum D and llle brake shoe OD 'ls cheLked lr llle same manner as me from wheel ana lo ll‘c some slundard. l4l Cllcrk llle brake llnlng for wear (Fig. 472‘?) \lolldurd value l3,5 l0.l378m] Scrvlreoble llmllikeplflte l'l under L5 100590! l5l Check spokes lor looseness, rellghlen ll necessary (Nalel The eeaxe should be rellghlened la lhe same leng‘oll as me olher spoke; Figure 47 27. Rsmovlng rear wheel Flgure 4725. Measurmg bend ln rear axle Brake shoe Figure 4 29. Mean/hug elaxe llnlng Wash and clean the 630] buli bearing. Check the bearing for wear and (or roughness by rotating the bearing. Replace any detective bearing. Check the brake shoe spring ior lossoltension‘ check rhe oilseal iar any damaged or deiormed iips, and check the 40.5 mm ”0" ring iar damages and loss ai rensian. Replace any deieeiive parts, inflate the tire and check for air leakss Check the rrre casing rar imbedded nails, wire: and other ioreign apiecrs. Use a spreader ra assisl in lhe inspection. (Fig, 4730) Damaged or deformed rear wheei dampers should be replaced Figural Hm, lnspecnng lnternui surlace of lire lNoie) ill loose spolres may cause wheel runoui. urn balanced sreering and rim deiarmarian. i2l lnilare tire ro rhe proper pressure. l3l Airer the tire has been washed wirh water, periorm the braking iests (Al Checlr rhe anchor pin ior bend, A bend anchor pin may cause uneven wear on rhe brake shoe and decrease the braking eiTiciency Reassembly ill install rhe tire nap so rhar it is posirianed over rhe spoke nipples. l2i insmii rhe tire and rube in lhe same manner as rhe ironl wheel. i3l Reassemale the rear wheel in the heme and irx in place wiih the axle and the axle nur, l4! Reinsrall the rear brake raraue linku [Si Reinsrall the rear brake rod and aarusr rhe play with rhe adrusring nui (Fig. 4731) sranaard piayfi2~3cm l0.787~l lal rni la) Reinstall rhe muiiler. l7i lnilare rhe rire to rhe specified air pressure Normal candiiron From i.6~i.8kg/cm2 122,5~‘25s6Ib/inzi Pear 2.o~2u2xg/cm' l2a 4~3i alb/inli figure A 1| Aerusnne the urele adusier nur Tire Designation i225 l7/4PR! m Tire Size Tl“? We The tire size is designared on the rire. The desig. “547 4” narion 2,2547 indrcaies char the overall rire width rs 225 Inches and the tire inside diamerer lrim diumeteri is 17 inches, i Ply Rating [PR] 4?? i dicates ihe tire strength, Formerly the tire strength had been expressed by number ai piys inumaer ai cords], however, since new and manger cord marerials, such as nylan, have been deveioped, the tire or APR strength is made ai lesser number ai ply material, therefore, PR [Fly Rating) is used as a unii ior mealuring the tire srrengrh regardless or ihe nurnaer oi plys. (Fig. 4732) Figure A 37 inc rrcss secnon diagram 4.6 BRAKING SYSTEM 59 4.6 BRAKING SYSTEM izelrabrliiy as well as durabiiiiy at The braking system is an essentlui requirement iar saie rrding. The braking Wye WE system which is aclopled is an aurward expanding rype \ having ilOmm (4340 in) diameter The wheel huh is \ Anchor um Brake§hne \ made at ilght weighr alloy casting which excels in hear dissipating characierrsric and rhe broke lining coniacr suriaee is a casr iran ring. ln aperahan, ihe action oi the brake lever or rhe (out pedal iorces the cum to be rotated, and this in turn forces the brake shoes, with the anchor pin as rhe plvoi, To move auiword and come in contact with the brake drum, Thus ihe iming on the brake shoes is forced againsr lhe brake drum, and the iricrion between the brake drum and brake Shoes Stops the rotating wheel. With the iever released, ihe brake shoes rerurn ra their original posmon by means ai iwo springs which hold the shoes inward. (Fig. 4733) Brake arm Brake rod Figure 4 33. aralmg aztlon 550- 565 Slew bar Stun switch swing Brake renal iiesr brake rod 501ng Main sierra sprrng hank ' Mrm sland spring Figure 4734. Dlxuxsambiy diagram ol sland srep bar brake pedal 60 4. FRAME a. Dirueeemblv {H {2! mar (A) (H (2! Main nand/ 6, Figure A735. Rempyng brexe pedo‘ and mm) m é (5r 05> Vernier caliper m (a) \ . . Brake pwo' pipe ‘9, new Figure A 3.5. Moaswmg brake prvbv prpe rhamever m it Remove nhe exhausfi prpe and me mumer Remove rhe brake rod lrom rhe broke arm by ‘oosem'ng me brake ud‘usnng nur, rhen remove we broke pedav spring and We mam nend sprmg were a sunab‘e smnd undev me engine and rempve me rear brake pwm prpe by removmg rhe 8mm hex, hm nxmg rhe relv bvuke p‘rver pipe, and me 3mm eener pm- and by pumng oul vhe rem brake pr'ybr prpe, rhe smud and brake pedal can be removed hem rhe rrpme as u urn (Fig. 4735) Remove )he yep bar hbm me (rankcose by re movmg :he 8mm hex bohs. b. Inspecvicn Inspecr the brake pedal iprmg, mam smwd spring and vhe rear brake rod spring For 1053 m renew and rovrosr‘on u loss or vens'ror or rerrbeen rs excessive, vhe Spvh‘g should be ermLed lnspecv me brake pwo! prpe and broke pela‘ «or \ooseness H stesmve‘v loose, Me pan should be ude'ed #0 converm wnh vhe nendurd ov remaced. trig. A46, Check me rear bvoke prvpr pme ouvsrae rhemever 16.8 mm ~002 0,662 +00008 m ‘ 7010 ( 700040 ) Check rhe brake peduv pr'vbr \nswde drnrnerer 155mm +0027 (0662 900010601) No \ 770 , Check vhe svond pr‘vbv ho‘e msrde drnmerer 16.9mm +02 (0665 90005 m 1 ,0 0 r Check vhe main smud sprrng hee rengrn S'undovd vc‘ue ~30 mm (3.150 m: Serviceable |imif~>Repbce .1 over 38mm ‘3 465m‘ Check the cone! pm [01 dumagc Chuck fihe brake shoes ror damage: Adwsv rhe brake pedo‘ phay m 7~3Lm I0.787~HB! m‘ Check vhe mom svprd, bvukc mm'c‘ bra (mp her (or duformwfics and vepmr u: nermery or repleee vvhh new pnrb c. Reussembly mean we ppm: and Iubr'nere me sham wnh grease beipre reassemb‘y RemsluH rhe rear brake prvor prpe mm rhe broke peda‘ and vems'oH the 3mm rm rhe heme and fix rhe smnd 'm ph‘xc wnh me reer bloke, pryer pipe, {Novel Lock vhe veur brbxe prvor prpe m p‘mc wnh 5mm hex nur and mnrm a rmer pr or rhe \efflhond end RcmsmH We smp bpr or vhe rvc‘V’use .00 «bur 8mm hex bows (Fig. 447) 4.7 REAR FORK 43) Reinsvall me bmke pedal swing and morn svand spring. (Fig. 47331 (A) Reinsmfl vhe mquer [5] Reinflall lhe bvuke rod on lhe rear brake arm [Nan] Aher connerr‘mg me real bvoke, udlusl vhe broke peda‘ play m 2~3ern {0 787~Llfll m1 [Fir]. 4739) 4.7 REAR FORK The rear rerx r; by u Swmg erm rype which prvors on rhe rem iork pryer beh. The rear and of rhe (01k is suppbrred by vhe heme rhrbugh me reer eusmpns. P Disassembly 1” Remove fihe real whee‘ m accordance wflh secfion 451b, (2} Remove the dee chum uppev he”, lower ha" and final driva flange in accordance wnh sechon 4 5e. r31 Remove me warm nu? hxmg vhe repr rushron er rhe \owel end. (M Remove )he rear (ark pivot bolt by loosening Ihe rear rbrx prver nul, vhen vhe rem «orx can he ramnvpd (mm the home, (F79. 4740) b. Inrpeaien m Damaged or wom drrve chem case gaskev shou‘d be rep1oced. m Check me rear «ark prvor rubber bushmg [Fig. 474]) Slandurd value x C65, CééM 0D 23 mm +0.05 010020 m1 C50, CSOM \03055! +0.03 (00017 mi 550 O D 25 mm +005 [0 0020 W [0 9542) +0.03 (0 0012 m! 565 LD 121mm +02 (0 0079 m! r‘O 476M 70 {0 m} CONSTRUCTION 67 .. J No. a Trhandle screwdriver flgura 4 sex Insranmg 5mm :pnng figure 4 39, Play m We brake: pedal x4 figure A 40. Remevmg rem frrk Rear fork pivol rubber bushing ,r ,« Rear fork Vernier epnper figure 4741. Measuvmg pryor rue» 62 A. FRAME Check ihe pivei rubber bushing ior damage or aging and aim ior lameness in me iovk. Replace deieciwe bushings. i3i Check ihe recv iorR ier VWisi and deiermuiien, If )w'isi 'is over 1mm [0.040 in] 0( me poi, is deiechve, veplurc wiih a new pun (“9.442) Magnenc v block '\ Height gauge , 5/ It; \ Surface v block \ ' c. Reassembly Ru" “Wk Pivo? W" “9‘” we“ “ ' ‘ ‘ U) Renssembie vhe veer iork in We revcrsc cider o! Vhe disassembiy, (Note) a Care should be taken when insiuliing ihe Chum case gasket. (Fig. A743» b Check the pivot lor ‘Ooseness c, Check me axie nui [or iighiness. d. Check L and R Chain Verision udwsiei, they shOuid boih be sei in me Same aiignmem mails. lmploper cdiuslmeiii WiH aheei rhe sieevabrhiy figure H2. Measuring mm in rear 1m Figure 4743. insiong Chum case putxing 4.8 DRIVE CHAIN Engine ouipuv 15 iransmined From me engine ihrough ihe ciuich and lhe Nunsmission where rerque is (on. veried ie ihe churn dnve. The Chain used is 0 0032043 iype high sirengih Chain la wnhsmnd high speed perrormunce and high ouvpuv h is made end. iesx by using oniy one ioim clip and is housed wiihin ihe “ham cases is preveni dust irem emering pvevenli'ng the rapid weal oi ihe sprockei a. Disassembly m Remove ihe change pedai [2) Remove ihe ieir ciankcase cover an Remove me (how Fuse iower heii 0:) Rome ihe rem wheei 50 mo! ihe drive chain ioin is posnioned at me speufied \ocahon shown in Fig. A.“ and ihen discanneci ihe drive chain by removing vhe ioim chp (Fig. 444) b, Inspection D/rlve chain H) inspeci ihe dHVe Chain [or weui and damages, "'5" \ Figure 4744. Dncennecnng chain 4.8 DRIVE CHAIN 4.9 AIR CLEANER 63 c. Reassembly [H Rm‘nsmH and rmrcri the diive chain [Novel To iaciiiiave ihe ciip insioliahon, periorm Hm operairon m rhe iinai driven sproekei m Reinsmii ihe iower chain case huii i3) Reinsioii rho Ieh mnkeme cover W Reineieii ihe change peaei (cuuiion) Whenever ihe drive chum has been removed 0.’ adjusled, ihe ioeaiion oi ihe ohgnmeni punch motk on ihe udluflcr in chpcc) m We marking on me rear iork must be lhe some on boih Sides The diam sieckness shnuid be odiusied m l~’Z cm. (0.040~0,080 in) (Fig. 445’ Drive chain (pecifidion H] Chan (Oiisirudi'on: 9a iinkg, inchiding me win! iZi Breaking wengih 1,600 kg i3,520 \bi Min, iai ioierenre on iengih 97 \inks i23i,9 < 0.25/40314 i 0.0095 rn 0 Figuv: 4 45 Cr-ern Gurusier muik i4) Sprockev C50, CSOM. 3? rcerh C65, CéSM, 4i ieeih 550 42 Veelh ass 43 iecin 4.9 AIR CLEANER An :iuaher eiemem Rir Limer me An Lieanci Lover Air rieahu siemrni Rir Flt-aim :uver / Rn ciezhei eiemeht Ennnedmg\\ \uhe me: um A nn Ligar‘ii mini me Figure 4 4.5, An new minueh ui dam 1 64 4‘ FRAME 4.10 FRAME BODY 4 ll EXHAUST PIPE AND MUFFLER 65 a. Air cleaner Construction The lunelion el rhe o'lr (leaner ls lo clean by Front wmker nllenng, all all enrerlng me englne rnrougn rne , carbureior and prevem rne plslon and cylinder lrom wear caused by dusl and gril, Acem'e l‘lbev nlrer is Headlight used lbr l‘llier elernenl and rne surrees area made Wlnker relay Horn large be possible no pvovlde an emeienl alr ‘lrlmke. \ B t The alr cleaner is nnpenled ar lhe cerller pl lhe Rear wmker \ a tery lronr cover lav models C50, C50M, ces and crew Selerllum recllfler and or me genie! oi me home on llie rlgnl hand slde Tallllglll lor models 550 and $65 All air enterlng lhe OH ~ cleaner lS filiered. passes lhrough "Te welded all . cleaner pipe wrlhln lhe lrurne and ofler passlng through All 6‘00“" mnnecimg lube [C50, csuM, llie air cleaner rubber Connecllng lube, enlers llie (265' CHM] (arburaior, The lovge slxe lube used in lhe C50, C50M, C65, C65M, ls lo provlde good olr flow and to heal ihe ulr as well as lo min'lmize nolse produced by all flow (Fig. 447] b. Disassembly lll The ear elebner of models C50, CSOM, cs5 and CéSM Carl be remoyed by Ioosenlng me Cap nm bl me lob pl rhe olr Cleaner cover. (Fig. 448) Fuse Figure 4 50 Frame body bnrl elccillml eumpmcnl inslollblipn dibgrbrn mere 4 48 Removmg err cleaner lcso, C50M, ces, l2l The arr cleaner on models 550 and 565 can be 4.11 MUFFLER AND EXHAUST PIPE removed by rernoylng Ihe air cleaner ebyer on me ngnynmd we mg, l 49) The munler and lhe exhausl pipe nuye bcen madc inlo on inlegral nnll by weldlng lo greaily lmprove c4 |nspecfion ihe srlenelng eflzcl bl lne muFller ln uddllron ll also lll Air elepner (use whlch ls delormed should be “"95 '° ”eve“ "‘c 'Ep'memem °f ”‘2 mm” m n dinerenr rybe whlch may resuli .n lowermg rne oerlormanCe oi rne engme reblbeed as ir wrll resirl'cl rne air flow. 5. Reassembly (ll Reassemble Me air cleaner in ma leverse order of dlsussembly. Figure A A9, Rennmng air cleaner lsso, 555) 4.10 FRAME BODY The llume body cl C50, CEOM, C65 and C65M, diflev lrom models 550 and $65 in mm l! corlxlsis of sleel plps and pressed sleel sheels, assembled by weldlng. Tne sectlonal eonlour cnanges in places lo support loud and lo prevent slress cancenlrulron, and l5 made slrpng and lighl in weignl, The head plpe ads as me center of ihe from wheel plym urld me angle iorrned by me head plpe and rlie lrarne berlorrns on irnborronr luncrion as a basls lov the (axial. (Fig. 4*50) Figure A 5l. MuHIer (loss secribn and gas 'low dlugram [C50 C50M C55 CbSMl 66 4. F R A M E 1 5.7 STARTING SYSTEM 67 5. ELECTRICAL SYSTEM The Type eT eieeTrieei equipmehT used on meror. eyeies and Their merhed ei 'insmHahon WTH, depending , upon "is Type pi Wirmg sysTem, vary whh The eieeTri. ‘ cal requiremems, The ighmph sysrem used on The C50, ces are T'gm'iion coil and comaci bveuker with The eieeTrieiTy generoTed by e speezai Ac. genermor To preduee The sierTihe 'Tgnih'onu Funher, Togerher mm The use of The seiehTum reeTiner and bcmery, chmg‘ing, lronsmiss‘ion eT power Te The various eermeeTed Ieeds lhorn,w1nker. heuTreI lamp). disehergihg ere periermed. The csoM, C65M are equipped erh an eieeTrieai sTdrT‘rng moTor To TucTIiTcTe The xTarTrng iuncTion. Tn The (oHow'irTg sections We eledricul equipment are divided TCeuheh duvmg assempin T True The sierTihg, TgnHIOnr generehhg sysTems and described separately. Figure 4752. Muhier crux; search and gas flow diagram i350, 565) e Do rroT TorgeT Te There" The .orhT eener and pipe gesker when ieihzhg The mumer 5.1 STARTING SYSTEM C50M, CésM When The mum serch is Turned on and The slmlcv bunch depressed The elemre currehT news Through The ceiT T'n The magneli'c swiieh, energizing The eprl end causmg The plunger care To be dvown irr To dose The mom coniacT. This permns over 100A oi currehT To TTew Tram The eeTTery drreeT To The sTerTer To produce The necessary Torque Te Turri ever The ehg-he Tor sTerTrhg The sTdrTer armaTure speed i; Tcduccd by The p‘onetuvy geer eheTosed erhih The eTerTev The chum rurTher reduces The speed and "unmm: The powev ro drive The Uunkfihcfl. Trr This way, The Mom" Tore e is made (0 mm The erorrksheh. Te preverT The sTorTer Trem bemg moTorrzed dr'Ter The ehgrre sier , an overvui'nmg (lmch is TheerpnreTed We The AC gerrereror ipTer Smfler Specifieeiiens ii) Opevuhng vohage e v m ReTed equuT L5 Kw , T3) Redueheh rune 5 45 “9‘" 54' 5'°”"‘5‘ '“°'°' [4T DrreeTron oi rmeTrorr LHroTehonivrewing )he sprockefi Smer magnetic swllcn 15) WeighT 1 7 kg (3 74 IbT Starter Characteris cs AT The K Spmkemfih wiThpuT Toad wiTh load 7‘ sreihhg g T— Venege 5w 4 5v ‘ 3,3v g E 7 = I e. Cuvrenl 28A max. auA 220A max 3 {:7 e is; RPM zuompm mmv 450mm max Mam switch 5 J Terque 0 mm mm 0 bkgdvi mm a Figuve s 2. Siariihg eireun diagram 5. ELECTRICAL SYSTEM isr ] E r a‘"rr’rr so 4: a in u. lEu iu 1m errant i. Mi figure 57:. Periormance chart Pulish this area Rework n Recliner cell(cop|zer) Mica tiller Nurmal cnhdltlon When new ecessary figure 54. Dressing lhe commutator Armatur: starting nwtar $|aller MEIflEItE SWIILh Starlet tutorisyiistr in min i, is Fnle Field :iril 1‘ lllsrrretirrnr Battery mi Plunger Figure 5 5. Starter wiring I. Use at the starter ill it the engine states not start, do not operate the starter ior longer than 10 seconds at each \ attempt, and allow the starter to rest tor the same length or time aelore making another attempt. (2) Do not use the starter with the headlamp turned on. l3t it the overrunning clutch is detective and tht starter is motorized alter the engine starts, re. pair it immediately to prevent starter damage TROUBLE SHOOTING AND REPAIR 0 Engine does not turn over when the starter switch button is depressed. I The click at the starter relay lS nnot herd when the starter switch button is depressed Probable cause Poor contact at the batte:y terminal due to looseness or corrosion. Corr rectlve octlo Inspect the terminal and ll loose, tighten and apply a coat or grease, it corroded, remove the pottery, pour hot water on the terminal to disconnect and then clean beiore reconnecting the lead wire, and then apply a oat al grease to prevent corrosion; Check the ea terminal particularly. l2} Probable cause: Battery electrolyte level low. Cheek the electrolyte level and it below the lower level mark, odd distilled water to the upper level. l3t Check the electrolyte tar proper specinc gravity 14) When the starter switch button is making poor contact, disassemble the switch and clean it the trouble is not due to the causes above, take it to a specialist. In most cases. the cause is due to worn brushes or dirty commutator A brush worn to less than 1/3 should be replaced wlth a genuine part When dirty commutator is the cause, polish wlth a fine sandpaper and clean the carbon lrorn the mica insulator as shown in Fig. 5.4 (Fig. 574) 0 Starter magnetk switch rails to operate 1 First, check to assure that the switch Is on and then pertorm the inspection by the lailowrng pro cedure to Connect one lead of the starter magnetic switch to the 6») terminal at the battery and the other lead to the ground and it an energizing clict sound is not heard: ll The plunger coll ls detective dueo t a broken Wire. therefore. replace the coil. Howeyer, it an energizing click is heard in the starter relay, the deIecl Is a poor contact in the starter swrtch button or the contact plate Within the magnetic switch, therelore, disassemble the pclrt and clean the contact areas (Fig. sesl 5.2 CHARGING SYSTEM 69 5 .2 CHARGING SYSTEM A.C. Generator The charging characteristics or the AC. generator used in the C50, C65, 550 and 565 when under a specified toad are shown in the diagrams at the right However, when additional loads are connected to the system such as, tog lamps, and other accessories, there wrll be an increase in current draw by that amount and therefore, the charge Cul’llt speed at the generator will be at a higher speed and the charging amperage will be lower (Fig. 5—at The charging pertormance tor the A.C. generator on the C50M, C65M models Under normal load is shown in the chart at the right. (Fig. 577, 579) Specification ill Direction oI rotation LH 300~II,000 rpm (2) Charge cutein speed day 1,500 rpm max. night 2,000 rpm day/night 4,000 rpm 2A t3] Charging amperage +I,5 ”43.5 night headlight 25X2+ l.5+ignrtian earl (4t Load l5l Wire color code Common lead : Brown dayenight system , Yellow night system. White neutral , Lt green/red point Blue Flywheel Stator assembly Figure sea. A.C generator é . l i" le 5‘: , .\ l 5 E 3needle spark gapin ‘ ll :2 7 l 7 1 5 gnarirriary fl i'*, 7 l #g‘currentw thtJ—zlmlwtioms, Sibllflwmflfififiwlomc‘ mREVOIfltlflVI (r a mi Figure 577. ignition (Bil :pulk rhamtterlstlc C50M, Cow ,7 ath fi- [Erinlnal voltage a Battery voltage iv] nay ctr rgi r Bur‘znt hizlitehtrghg rrrrrrnt was 1,000 mm 4.030 wt amt Miriam mt itnm l rim Aheuolutlltrlll it hit Figure sea Ar g-norotor per'utmunce lC50M, cowl Paint opening , . angielaoe-Uay load, lgrl sailhatlrry lthgniliun lining >lllghl hart in call naileryiaiin ‘7" standard 185w Test temperature , , ' nnrrrlzt // Battery Wllage‘y‘ Lalnn ralta e Chargingtuiienl t t] at» Revalullan 'W‘l Hours 5 9. A.c. generator ignition :oll pertarmense 7O 5. ELECTRICAL SYSTEM 5.4 FLYWHEEL A.C. GENERATOR AND IGNITION COIL I. A.C GENERATOR (for CSOM, C65M) lll Dlvecllon of rolallon mam nand rorallonwnerr viewed lrom me m, slolllng posmon m Chavgmg aerlormance selemvm reenrrer lllalf7wave reelrneananl av llAH ballevy usedr l3) nglll operallng load lgrl'llion cml+l5W+2W+l.5W cnarama speed. above 2400 rpm cnargmg rale ul 4000 rpm, 2 figs A rel Day operallng load Igrnllon Coll Chorgmg speed, aaave l500 rpm Charglng rare a! 4000 rpm, 2 35A 2. TABLE OF SPECIFICATIONS AND PERFORMANCE Dllecl‘lon of rolal‘lon soarkma performances lassemaled coll) Ll'gllll'ng perlormanee Charglng perlormanre Day opelalion Nranl operallon Eveakel Governor Condenser :apaclly 5.55 Leh hand rolalion vlewed from lolor end 297007] l l7l 2?7007l l27l Over 6mm wllll 3 needle spark gap al 500 rpm over 8mm wllll 3 needle spark gap or 3000 rpm Wllh 15W+2W+l 5w load canneerea Over say ol 2500 rpm Below 9v ul aooorpn cnararna culem speed under 2000 rpm (ballery vollage perm Charglllg vale m 8,000 rpm, 22:0.5A (ballery vallaae 8V mrnl Cholglng cmrln upecd undcr 2000 rpm lballery vollaae 6.5 7w Charglng rale 3,000 rpm, 04:0“ lbullevy volrage 7v mln) Contact plessure 750il009, pOlnl gap 03510.05 mm (0.020i0.0020ln.) Advance l5“:l.5” Advancer opeml'lng speed 25001l50 rpm 7l 200 0 r Advaneer lermindl'mg speed 4000 7 pm 030 mfilo‘flr') lgnirlan earl polnl who“ earrem 35A max al 5000 rpm INSPECTING SPARKING PERFORMANCE On We C50 C65, 550, 5&5 Iho flywheel AC generalar and an exlernally movmed ranlnan earl ls Used An A.C ‘lgnlllon syslem 'ls employed and. lnere lore, when perlorml'rlg Il'le lgmllon coll lesl. Vlle speCll‘led llywheel A.C generalor mus! be used Howevev. a :lmple method ol deIermlng Vlle serviceablil‘y 15 made by the lollowlng Ihlee melhods, lll The masl slmale memod Is lo remove llre spark plug and perlorm lhe sldrlzng procedure Wllh me spark plug grounded lo llre enalne. When a slrona spark of blulsh wmle color ‘ls produced, ll l5 an lndlcallon ol sallslaclory lgnllion coll and llywlreel A.C generalar. (Hg. 5710) ll no spark lS produced, l' is on 'lnd'lcarl'on ol delecliye primary coll ol elrnar me ignl'lon cell or flywheel A C generalor. lil Anolher melhod IS lo measure We reslslonce of file lgnlll'on corl and lhe flywheel AC generalm pvimary coll. (Fig. 571]) lgnlllon coil veslslonce l267007l l l7297007ll372l l anary (fill: Reslslance belween prlmary black leads and case should be approxlmalely 4.59 2, Secondary earlr Resislance aelween man lene sron lead and glound should be appraklmalely 9.59. When lha leslslance measurement across me flywheel A.C generdlor prlmary coll rs opproximalely Lafl lower marl Vlle above value, llle Cause may be a shell or groundlng: an mnnale veslslance would indicale an open dlrcu‘ll (Caulion) Resislanl measuremenl ol lhe prlmoly coll musl be made wilh the breakel polnls opened and Illa condenser lead wire dlscovmeded as cl leaky eondenser wlll glve an improper lndlcallon 5.5 BATTERY 7, w ’ Spark plug figure 5 l0. Tesllng spark plug nrma Flaw: 5 ll, Tes'lng rgnll-un call Seoyice Iesier FlywheeI A.c, generator Figure 5 12. Meuxwlng leslxlunce 72 5. ELECTRICAL SYSTEM 5,4 SPARK ADVANCER 5.5 EATTERY 73 4, TROUBLE DIAGNOSING THE FLVWHEEL GENERATOR 3 \ svmpran 3 Larallon Fropahle cause Correcllve acrlan l 3’ i ruu‘f“ :7 A s 7‘ Dlrlv ar lanled plug Clean or replace ‘ ‘ par pug Too wide a gap Adlusl or replace ‘ ‘ B B k Dlrly or lsurnl pomls Repair or replace l , de - ’e" 9’ Puncrured condense! ‘ Replace ‘ C T'lmmg Tnn ln' advanced Adlusl 1 Slarl‘lng , + ‘ Prla Ty wrndlng opened Replace J , Secondary wlndlng opened, shamed herween Replace ‘ D. Coll , . layers. delecnve .nsulallen ‘ y 7 , ‘ P'lnehole in high lenslon card ‘ Replace , 1“:qu , E R'l 77' Loss 0! l' 7' Re lace a or ‘ ‘ magne lsm 7 ,, ‘ R pl rlpure scuu Spark advance perlarmance charr .ca arge a rallng en ace a Ins ecnn ihe S ark Ad _ . vance F. Lama ‘ Poor canlacl Reparr -p g p ' G W. POO, “memo” pgpur, lll The check ol lhe spark advanccr operallan may Low intensily ' ”m9 ‘ Poor conlacr ln llghnng swlrch Replace be perlormed on lhe englne wllh a llming llghl of lamps H. Lamp coll firled across lhe layers Replace When (“65le a 'emoved unll, spread lhe 7 a l l . L Row L of magnum Remote c an erwelghs aparl wrh lhe fingers and lr lhe i _ , ,,,, , ,, e Welghl: lelurm la The normal pasllion smogmlp l. gallery ‘ Drscharged Rechulge or when released, lhe advancer ls aperallng salls l replace lacronly (Fig. 545) , Poor lermrnal coycl , Repalr l2) Check ‘or broken sprlng Lump no. l< Lump aurnl filamenl Replace . , Broken wire Repalr Ill ' ’ L W"”‘9 ‘ Poor conlacl m llghrlng swrlch Replace M. Charamgcall‘ Open call wmdmg Replace , F I 5*)5. lrl lrl r v r B "e N selenium l Runcrured condenser Replace “W 5”" g “m k “d “m d‘s‘zmges recllher Broken ere, poar connecllan ‘ Repair l 5-5 BATTERY 0 ering Loss of magnelrsm l Replace P Ralar Open call Wmdlnp \ Replace ‘ 1. CONSTRUCTION Th h ll r ' lmpmim‘ ”and": e a ery sores lhe eleclrlcrry produced by lhe generalor lar use as a source ol power lor rhe ll) Hard swung safely llerlls such as lhe lunl slgrlal lamps. Al preseml, Flrsl conducl lhe spark pelformurlce lesl m secrlon A H) and check lo see lhar the condlllan al lhe spark all ballery used lar small lype vehlcles are ol a lead plug is sallslaclory, perfovm lhe slarlmg operalron and ll a good spark is produced an lhe plug gap, .r .ndlcales . _. slorage lype mclased la a plasrlc case The rhar lhe 'lgrl'lhon call, magner and breaker are all ln sallslaclary condlllon The laull can he assumed lo heln cansnucllon and The name ol rhe componenl parls lhe rlnnng When no spark is produced, check lhe hreake. .pnnran coll and flywheel A.C generalor are shavvn rn rlg 5 l7 (Fig. 546, 5 l7) l2) Whenever lhere is any malluncnon al lhe lamps ar lhe ballery sysrem, nrsl check for poor wlrlng connecllan ar groundlng. Nexl, slam lhe englne and measure lhe vallaae al lhe oulpul lermmals, ll lhe eulpul valraae are normal check The hollery and lhe thllng sysrem lar lrouhle. figure 5 lb. aallew 5.4 SPARK ADVANCER s ark advancer 2* RAT'NG P The CsoM, casM use lhe hollery as a source of x , WWW power and produces lhe hlgh vollage spark across The Type MBC l~6 W W plug gap wilh lhe lgnlllan call and canlacl breaker. v 7 However, a good srrang spark ls ol llllle value unless ““99 5V lhe sparklng ls rlmed lo lhe engme's requlremenr. Capacity 2AH llo hour rarel For lhls purpose, a spark advancer ls lncarporaled lo Normal (horgmg rale 02A lmrndcpiale aulomahcally regulale rhe lgnlllon liming. The spark . , ' Smmav advance characlarlslic ls shown in Fig 5.14. :{Lfi'rgfyfe'm‘w °' I'Zéojlggfwaafl claenn (Fla. 5713, 5 IA) lwhen fully chargedl a l+ dellaeplslr Pedormunce and Specification \ Spark Advance! , ll) Drrecr‘lon ol ralallon Leh hand I m Mechamaally allowaale maxlmum RPM: figure 5 13. snark aavancer lsooo RPM . . Frpure 547. Canslrucnen or canary 5. ELECTRICAL SYSTEM Specrttc grawty 20'0‘ Relation between specific gratity and eiectrical capacrty oi battery "'0” i0 70 at all so an 70 an to too Electrical capacity %i Residual capacrty i%i figur- sets. Specinc gravity and residuai capacity chart Maximum Minimum Vent pipe rigirre 549. Electrolyte ievai indlcatar Wire har ness 3. INSTRUCTION 0N USE AND SERVICING ii) High Charging Rate Output Tap The dynamo on this motorcycle is prowded with a high charging rote output tap Connectors are installed on the lead: at both the normal and high charge rate taps to simpiiry making the change When riding constantly at cl speed at 20 to zstm/h ii2,5~i5m/hi use the high charge rate tap to maintain the battery in proper charge at Check specific gravrty Belore using the battery, check the capacity and it the specific gravity or the eiectroiyte is beiow 1,220 at 20”C IéaaFl (less than 75% capacity). the battery should be recharged (Caution) The relation between the battery capactty and the specific gravity (residual capacityt is shown in Fig 5,15. When the speciiic gravity is Light at 20°C tb8°ri iiess than 50% capacityi the residual capacity is small and it continued to be used in such a condition, it Will eventually lead to trouble as well as shortening the battery lite therelore, the battery should be recharged as soon as possible (Fig. 548) I3) Inspecting the electrolyte ieyei. As showni rig 5.i9, it the electrolyte level lalls below the LOWER LEVEL, remove the filler cap with a screw driver or an appropriate tool and ii" the battery to the UPPER LEVEL with distilled water or filtered water, Do not fill beyond the UPPER LEVEL. (Fig. 5719) with treauent use at the turn signal lamps and stop light (3) Mating many short trips at when considerable amount ot riding is done in relatively heavy rraFlic requiring trequent stop and 90 I4) When motorcycle is ridden only at frequently intervals. lNotel (ll Battery electrolyte tends to evaporate readily when the mo-orcycie tS ridden tar an extended neriod at high speed such as during a tour, there. lore, a more lrequent check ot the electrolyte should be made, l2t When constant replenishing ol the battery elec. troiyle is required, it is an indication ot aver. charging. thereiote, the battery charging lead should be reconnected to the lead for the normal charging rate Procedure for changing rates Remove the tram cover and locate the tandem outer cord connector located between the wire harness and the dynamo leads The wires to the connectors are colored green and pink. For normal charging rate. the green card at the wire harness is connected to the green lead irorn the dynamo For high charging rate, the green cord is Connected to the pink lead, The connection shouid be made to the high charging ratetertninal to extend the life of the battery, under the taiiawing conditions iii When cciisiderabic night riding is anticipated. tzt riding at slow speed, 20 to 25km/h ii2 5~ l5m/hl 4 5.5 BATTERY . SERVICING DURING USE (It Retiain irorn using the turn stgnai iamps beyond necessity, 75 Continuous use of the turn signal lamps Will discharge a fully charged battery within 40 minutes {it Vent pipe Wheneverthe vent pipe is removed during recharging, it must be reconnected when the battery is instaiied. care shauid be excersized not to restrict the Openlng (Fig. 5.19) 5. BATTERY CHARGING PROCEDURE The instructions Ior normal and rapid charging are at taitaws. i Normal charge Rapld charge Connection @ Q Chm, Same as iett 6 atlttrt ® ‘ Connect the charger® to the batterym rr (I e /r 7) When charging two or more batteries at a lime, periarm the charging in series, Charging current rate 0.2A oceinA Checking tor (i) Specific gravity, madman tii Specific gravity: moo—L280 M charge [20“C dam maintained constant maintained (20"c: awn ‘ i2t Voltage: Battetyattains and motritain I2) Voltage: When iarge volume I a vditage over 7.5\/ when at gas is emitted tram the bate i charged at 0.2A tery tin about 2—3 hours tar The battery is fully charged when the tuiiy discharged batteryi, reduce above condition is obtained, During the charging rate to 0.2A tinai phase at charging iarge volume at Battery is tully charged when a gas wiii be emitted, voltage oi 7.5V is maintained Charging duration By this method a Iully discharged battery By this method, a tuliy discharged will be tuiiy charged in approximately battery will be Iuily charged i243 hours. appraxi atety set hours. Remarks Ill When the charging is urgent, quich charging method may be used, hroWeverTT the recommended charging current rate shouid be under 2A. ‘ at it the charger is equipped With a timer, the speCiIied method should be ioiiawed. (ill The rapid charge method above relers to battery charging with a standard i charger. ct. TROUBLE SHOOTING AND PREVENTATIVE MAINTENANCE The battery is being recharged aii the whiic the engine is running Further, while running. the load such as the use at the turn signai lamps horn are placed on the battery (discharged). as the result, the battery is being discharged at the same time it is being re. charged. in the long run, the discharge and the recharge is in balance. The system has been designed in this manner Under certain condition when the balance is upset, then trouble deyeiops. To obtain maximum lite trom the battery, it is necessary to locate this trouble and take the apprae ptiate action early. The trouble to the battery are mainly external such as cracked case. broken te'minal, disconnected lead wire, The battery condition, trouble, corrective Oction are shown in the loitowmg table Figure 5 20. Sultation 76 5. ELECTRICAL SYSTEM 7. TROUBLE SHOOTING AND CORRECTIVE ACTION Trouble A. sirlralian The eleclrode plates are covered wllh while layer or in spars lFlg 54m. 3. Sell discharge aallery discharges in addlc non lo lhar caused by lhe connecled load c. Discharge rale large Specific gravuy, gradually lowers and around i.l, lhe rurn Slgnal lamp and horn no longer luncnan D. High charging role The eleclrolyle level drops rapidly bur lhe charge is always mainlained al 100% and lhe condirion appears salislaclory. A condilion which is overlooked lsoe, cinc giavily over new E. specinc aravily drags Eleclrolyle evaporales .0ri Probable cause Charglng role is loo small or else ‘ excesswely large, The Specrlic gravily or lhe mlxlure ol lhe cleclrolyle is improper. Ballery lerr in a discharged condl ‘ lion lor a long period, ilell wilh l lhe swilch lurned onl Exposed lo excessive vlblaliori due lo improper inslellalion. During cold season when molor. cycle is loll slorsd, lhe Wiring should be dlscorlrlecied ‘ Dlrly con acl areas and case Conlamnaled elecrolylc or elec. lrolyle excessiyely concenlraled The ruse and lhe erlng is sullsc laciory; lhe loads such as lurn signal lamp and horn does nol lunclion. l in lhis condilion lhe molorcycle Wlll operare bur wilh prolong use, ooih lhe (43 and S plales Wlll reacl Wllh lhe suliuric acid and lorrn lead sulhde deposils. lsullalionl making ll rmpossrple lo recharge. The deposil Will heavlly accumulale al lhe bollorn and will cause inlerc nal snarling, causing damage lo lhe l pallery. snarled lnsullicienl charging Disnlled waler overcfiiled Conlamlnaled eleclrolyre Correct acllon When slored in a discharged condi. lian, lhe pallery should be recharge ed once a monlh even when lhe molorcycle is nol.used, Check lhe eleclralyle periodically and always mainlain lhe proper level. 1043mm (0.400»0.518ln.l above lhe planes. in a lighlly discharged condilion, lhe bollery may be reslored by overcharging or NH. Depending upon lhe condilion, per. lorming recharging and discharging several limes may be sufiicienl. Always mainlain lhe exlerior clean, Handle lhe replenishing l'luid wilh care When lhe specific gravily lalls pelow moo l20°C : 68°F), lhe pal. lery should be recharged lrnmec diolely. When lhe ballery lraauenlly be comes discharged while operaling or normal speed. check lhe gener. asor lar proper oulpul. ll lhe pallery discharges under normal charge oulpul, ll is an lridlr canon oi overloading, remove some ol lhe excess load Check lo assure proper charging rale. When overcharge condrnon akisl wllh lhe proper char vale, place an appropria:e resislor .n lhe charg. ing circuil Periarrn specinc gravily measurec rnenl. ll lhe addinon ol drslilled waler causes a drop lrl specinc graylly, add sulluric ucld and adlusl lo proper specific grayily 5.6 SPARK PLUG 77 5.6 SPARK PLUG Spark plug performs one or lhe mosl lmpOllcnl lunclions in lhe englne Igriillon syslem, The high volrage produced by lhe magnelo Dr lhe ignilion coil is received by lhe spark plug and causes lhe high lension spark lo lump across lrom lhe cenler elecrrode of lhe spark plug lo lhe side eleclrode wilhlrl lhe cngine combusrlon (hulllber. The spark igniles lhe compressed luel mlxlure in lhe combusliou chamber and produces an explosion which operales lhe engine. Even under various adverse candilions, durubillly and reliabilily is required (Fig. 5 2i) SPARK PLUG The operalion or lhe engine can be delermmed by lhe condilion or lhe plug. The liring area ollhe insulalor colored while, gray or lighl gray lndlcales good condilion and is perlorming solisl‘aclurily N HEAT RANGE OF THE SPARK PLUG The firing area oi lhe Spark plug lnsulolor l3 exposed lo carbon and all while lhe engine is operalc ing. and lo preyenr ils bulldcup, plugs are designed lo burn on any deposils by lhe heal ol combusllon. spark plugs which are loo cold will nor lsurn ofl lhe carbon and oil deposirs and will cause shorling ol lhe high lension vollage resulring in lhe engine lo nuserue. ln lhe opposile case. lhe power oulpul will be drasrlcally reduzeds ln order lo prevenl lhe above lrouoles. lhe surloce oi lhe insululor hring area musl be mainlained u) uppraximolely 500—370°C (932—16003) range This lernaera'ure is referred lo as lhe sellrclecnlng lemperalure. The lemperalure or lhe spark plug Will vary lo a considerable degree wilh lhe lype engine and de. sign, riding condilion, and iuel. lrl order lor lhe plugs lo luncllon properly under lhe diflerenl condilions, il ' ncccssary lor lhe plugs lo properly dissipale lemperalure of lhe plug caused by lhe heal or compuslion The rule ol heal dissipalion ol lhe spark plug is lhe heal range or lhe spark plug, A spark plug which readily dissipales lhe heal and which is difiicull lo overheol is referred lo 05 a "Cold Type". A spark plug which retains lhe haul and which will burn readily lS relerred la as a "Hot Type". On engine operc aling al high lemperalure, a spark plug which is drhicull lo overhear alher words, lhe cold lype spark plug is used and lor engine operallng al low lemperalure a hal lype spark plug is used. (Fig. 57221 543) riaure 5 2l. Spark plug Terlluhali 7 Illsulaluri ’currugaled) Reach Side electrode" Figure 5 22. Cnhsrrllrllnn nr spark plug A Hol type c an ”old wealher c . 5n use a e ins standard use .Js ccsli Ram"! use Cold tyne Culd (We ’_ high lemperalurc use‘ Hi)! (we ‘luw lcmperclure usei rigvre scza. Heal range el spark plug 78 5. fifiun 5—24. Spark pIug reach g skandard reach Reach loo Tang Reach Ina shalt Figure 5 25. Spark pIug eIch'odc Figure 5 2a. SaaT, plug Figure 5—17. Ovulhea‘ed pTue ELECTRICAL SYSTEM The carresT spark pIugs Tar The dTTlerenT modes are shown Tn in; 5723 SPARK PLUG REACH The reach al The spark pIug reTers Ta Ienglh oi The Threaded seehen DTherenT modeT meToreyeTes haye (y‘mder head deslgned WIIIT dTherenT depTh aT spark pIug hale ThereTare, The spark plug WTTh The proper reaeh shoqu be used, IFig. 5724, 57st The: IoIIchng UVKCIITSIGC'DTV condTVTons wTII occur TT oTuas o4 Tmaroper reaeh are used Tl PcadT Too long u carbon WTTT be depesTTed an The exposed Thread and cause damage: To The ThTeads Tn The spark pIug hale durlng pIug remouaT b The plug TTp WTII become ouerheaied, causTng pre TngTen 2 Pcoch Too sharT a Carbon WTTT be deposiled on The Threads aT The boTrom oi The {flag hole and when The spark pIug or The proper rech Ts TnsTalTed, The plug hole ThTeads wTII be damaged. b. Due To The (oley TeTT by The shorT reach exe hausT gas WTII u'<. l Meler shall does her lurn figure 5 A4 Cunslrucnas al lhl: seau rnnnr Speedomeler Square red ‘klvl iclul Figure 515. llllpmlirig 5;; 4/- 2 Meler shall lurns lreely bu! lhe indicolor needle lails lo operale n1» 3 Meler shall lurns heavy and lhe indicaror nol relurn lo “a" [Novel When lesllng lhe speed rndicalian, lhe speedomeler lesler rnusl be used, The indicaling lolerance should ae wilhin lhe values shown below However. 1400 rpm al lhe drive shall should indicale an krn/h (37.28 rnphi Sluilduvd lndlcollon 20 40 60 50 luv/ll lmphl (12.43» (24.86! [37.2w M9 7ll +25 +30 35 45 70 engine allains operai a lernperaiure | Check lor lhe proper aperaiion al lhe valves an Make sure lhal lhe cornpression gauge is firmly ruled in lhe spark plug hole d, The slandord specified cylinder compression pressure is lzkg/crnl ll72 lar'rn-l (Flg. 672) e in case lhe compression pressure ex(eeds qu/rm‘ l200 lb,"lrl 2l, ll is an indicalion al heavy carbon deposil accurnulalion on lhe cylinder head or lhe pislon The deposils should be removed by disac ssernblying lhe cylinder head lrarn lhe cylinder l. When lhe compression pressure regislors less lhan 9kg/cm” (I25 lp/in -’l, ll is an indicairan ol pressure leak, Firsl, check lhe lappel odluslmenl and see i' lhe condilion can be correcled, disassernole lhe Tolerance e o ,0 r 70 ‘ _ wry, mph, ~ L55 H 86 +2” ”yen engrne and mspecl lhe cond n of lhe valves, lhe ( o )(w >(eo 1 in head gaskel and pislon rrnas TAPPET ADJUSTMENT I rraure e 2. S'urrduld cenprcssian pl::sui~. Aligning to the i trmrng nark Thickness gauge: 0.05 Adlua'ing topper clca'cncc lacking the adiustrcg nut Aligning to the 6. MAINTENANCE INSPECTION The tappet clearance will have a great deal at ehect on the valve timing. ii the clearance is too small, It may prevent the valve lrom tully closing and result in pressure leak at the valve, On the other hand, an excessive tappet clearance will produce tappet noise and result in noisy engine operation. The tappet clearance will have a varying degree at ehect on the engine power output engine operation at slow speed and engine notse. 1, Valve clearance a Remove the lelt crankcase cover and align the timing mark T” on the flywheel with the align ment mark on the crankcase. (Fig. 673) b. Remove the toppet adillsting cap on the cylinder head and check the clearance between the adiustlng screw and the valve ( .9. 6—4) H the valve is actuated by the rocker arm and rs in the open positlon, rotate the tiywheel one complete turn to set the piston at top dead center ot’ the compression stroke, and then perlorm the check. 2. Adiustment Loosen the adiusting screw locking nut and make the adiusiment with the adlusting screw to obtain the standard clearance OI 005 mm (0002 in} lot both the inlet and exhaust valves, Turn screw clockWIse lot closer clearance Turn screw counter clockwise for wider clearance. The tappet clearance adlustment for the C50, CSOM, C65, C65M. 550, 565 are identical (Note) ill The adtustnteni must be made with a cold engine and the clearance measured with a thickness gauge. When locking the adlustlrig screw, hold the screw to prevent its turning. (Fig. 675) l2 3. Inspection a Check to make sure that the tappct clearance lswnhln standard tolerance Too Small a clears ance will cause the valve to stay open with a consequent pressure leakage and resulting in hard slorting or no starting at all h Check lor improper valve timing, c Check lor stretch in the cam chain d Check lor any slippage otthe timing sprocket IGNITION TIMING ADJUSTMENT An improper ignition liming regardless oi the accuracy ol the valve timrng or the proper compression pre ssure, will not realize a satistactory engine periormnnce ignition timing out ol aaiustment will seriously ahecl engine power output as well asthe luel consumption 6.1 PERIODICAL ADJUSTMENT 87 . Alignment of the "F" timing mark a. Remove the lelt crankcase cover and align the ”r" marking on the flywheel to the timing mark on the crankcase in this position. check to make sure that the spark is produced across the spark plug points ( r . one) Pertorrn this test by removing and placing the spark plug on top al the cylinder head 2. Adiuslment Make the adiklxtntent by loosening the contact areaker lock screw. it When the ignition timing is retarded, move the contact breaker toward the right 0 When the ignition timing is advanced, move the contact areaker toward the IeIt. 3. Breaker point gap, 0.3 to 0.4mm10.0l270.0l6inl max. improper ignition timing will result in combustion to take place at lhe incorrect point ol compression, making it impossible to obtain smooth crankshait rotation, lhe throttle grip witl reauire greater opening, consequently, the fuel consumption is increased Result: oi retarded ignition timing lit Drop power output. at Drastic increase in lilel consumption, l3l Engine overheats with cl possibility ol piston siezure. Results ol advanced ignition timing: lil Produces knocking and drop in power output In severe cases, damage to piston, connecting rod, crankshalt may result, therelore perrodic inspection should be pellormcd lzl Upon completion of the point gap and ignition timing odtustment, check lor proper operation oi the spark odvancer with o timing light (Fig. 678! [Use Ol Service Testcrl Checking the operation ol the Sparl: advancer wrth o tachometer lit Connect the battery power, place the selector switch to "liming" l2! lnseit the plug end with the red and white parallel stripes oi the timi a light into the receptacle marked “Timing‘. (3i Screw the hexagonal connector. included with the timing light, on the top oi the spark plug and alter installing the ruaher cap, attach the high tension cord or the timing ght to the connector with the alligator cli . l4) Position the switch on the tachometer to "connect“, insert the plug lrom the tachometer into the rack on the tester marked “Jack“ The cone rpm is read oft the green zone at ihe meter dial lFig. a 9i Figure o a, Screwdriver adillsllng paint figure A. 7. Adiustrng thc lgnrtlDr trmng Figure a 9. Servrcc tester Point file 6. MAINTENANCE INSPECTION Normal Wurll conlacl pollil X Side contacting /‘\ Dery contact points figure és'll. Breaker palnr conrachng condrrlan Spark plug figure 5 l2. Spark plug cleaner %: 0.6 ~0.7mm (0.024~ 0.028 in) Meusullng spark gap V"!— rigure a ll spark plug A" figure e—u. Cheeknrg spark pug ./ sesame up 4. CONTACT POINTS InspeCT rhe suriaces oi rhe canracr poinrs, ii rhey are ournr or plrred, dress rhe sulIcce wirh an oilslone or a painl dressing hie sa rhar lhe cenrer oi rhe palnls are making corneal. (Fig, 640, deli) Airer rhe painrs have been dressed, wash in gasoline or rrlchloroerhylene ro remoye all rrace oi oil. Insumcienl breaker pain: gap @ The spark Tends lo linger, lhal ls lhe lnTeilupTion oI rhe primary cichIT is nol compleied CH The palms, lherelore, rhe secondary high vochlge bude-up is reduced lb) The closed durarion oi rhe polnrs is longer, producing heal and resulling in damage, (0 In conlunclion wirh (3 above. rhe poinrs will be lore in opening wirh a consequenr delay in ihe ignilion liming This will cause a drcp in power oulpul Excessive breaker poinT gap @ ihe aurarion rhar rhe poinrs are closed is roo sharrro allow ior surlicianr currenr now in rhe primary circuir wirh a corrseauenr low yolrage auildup in rhe seCondury or rhe high rension VOITage Circuit This Cond'lTion will cause poor engine srarrina, spark missing or high speed and a consequenr loss oi power g; Engine ovcreheuTs readily, The ignirlon liming is grearly advanced 5" SPARK PLUG ADJUSTMENT A dllTy or damaged spark plugs, or plug elecrrade which are erroded will nor producr a good srrong spark, rhererore, rhe spark plugs should he lnspezTed periodically and cleaning and adiusrmenrs made, Spark plugs wirh saory, wer elechodes, or eiecrroaes covered wllh deposirs will permir rhe high rensian yolrage ra bypns< rhe gap wrrhour sparking i. Cleaning a ihe use al rhe spark plug cleaner is rhe lecoms mended rnerhod oi cleaning rhe plugs, haweyer n snrrslnrrpry cleaning can be parlormed by using a needle or a slifi wire ro remoye rhe deposirs and rhen wash in gasoline iollowed by dlylng wirh a rag (Fig. 6 12) p Adlusl rhe spark gap alrer cleaning SeT rhe gap re o.e~o 7mm l0.024~0028 ml by bending rhe elecilode on rhe ground side (Fig. aria) spark Plug inspecripn a Check rhe spark rnrensiry produced beTween rhe gap al lhe ground and rhe cenrer elecrrodes (Fig. 644) Blue spark,.. ,. ,Gaod candirion Red spovk .POOV CondiTiOn T 6. 61 PERIODICAL ADJUSTMENT 89 Cause due To: l low supply yolrage 2. Deiecriye lgnilion coil 3 Delecriye spark plug 4. No sparking may also be due ro compression (CauTion) [IT Do noT remove The deposils by binning i2l When insralling rhe spark plugs, clean rhe searing area rree oi oil or ioreign marrer and insTull hnger righr belore rorauing wirh a plug wrench. I3] The spark plugs can he lesred airer aoruslmenr wllh The plug TesTer. Wiill The hlgh lension volrage mainralnea conslanr, yary rhe resr chamber pres sure and inspecr rhe condirion ol rhe spark FUEL SUPPLY SYSTEM Reslriclion in rhe iuel supply sysrem WlH preyenr suiilaenr Iuel flowlo rhe caraurerar and cause engine ra spurrer during accelcloTion or rhe engine may srall ar high speed a Check ior suilieienr supply ai iuel m rhe rank b DisconnscT rhe iuel Teed Tube irorn rhe caroureror and check rhe iuel liow wrrh rhe iuel cock in rhe ON or rhe RES posirian (Fig. 645) c. II The fuel flow is INSUHTCTGHI, remove The Tuel milk irom rhe body and clean lnrernally. When rhe new is srill inadequare, remoye rhe ruel cock. disassemble and (Teen ICuuTion) (Ll The insuiiiclenr iuel flow may be caused ay rhe plugged yenr hale in rhe I‘chr cap as well as The resTlTCHon 'lrl The Iue‘ Il'ne (Fig. 6716, 6717) i2r The iuel cock is swnched ro les ireseryel iram rhe ON posirion when rhe iuel rank becomes empry The reselve iuel sapplv COnTalns approximarely 08 gum: 5p ior rhe C50. cow, C65. C65M and approx'lmuTer i z m us pr MWW) lor lhe $50 and sos, suflicienr lo rrayel opploxlmoTer 50km lal mil and 60 km I37 rnll respecliyely. a luel srrainer cleaning The accumulariarr ol aim and warer in rhe iuel cock srralner cup WlII cause a resrricrion in iuel llow resulrlng rn drop in engine speed and mol. iuncrlon ol rhe CarbUleTol. Clean rhe cock. srrainer and rhe irlrer Screen an periodic inleryal R Figure (r15. iuel cock Icvel ngure o la rue -ank tap crass secrlon ices, Cosh/ii Figure 5 l7. iuel rank zap crass SCEIan ($50, 565) 9O 6. MAINTENANCE INSPECTION Packing Pbk Screen Fuel sTruiner cup Figure 6 IB Cleulllllg luel sTrarner 7. FUEL STRAINER CLEANING The Tarergn subsmnces conlained in The Tuel passes Through The Tuel line horn The Toel Tank and enTers The sTrainer cup. The lorergn suosTances and waTer, rT noT arresTed will enTer The cylinder and causes engine Toilure l. cleaning a. SeT The Tuel cock lever To The STOP posiTron. b. Remove The :Trainer (up. c Clean inslde The sTTulnev cup and fllTer screen. (Fig. 6 VIE] Screen TlTTTTlc valve Flaai en T 51 l W Sin 5 sir I I ll" Fuel cask , T I ) ‘ ,/ ll‘vr _ \ r RES rlr r w: "l Screen new T n sun in me! To calblllelm TnTl llnw n [WEN IMlIlnr Lel MW in m DflKlIlbll near. 549. Figure 6 20, Clcanlng orl lilTer screen 0 il filIer screen Fuel now Through The luel cock 3. OIL FILTER SCREEN CLEANING The engine oil is Tilrered Through a svsTern oi dodale lllTers heiare bc'lrrg supplied To The various parTs ol The engine. When The lmpuTiTles have dccurnulaied in The aners To prevenT iTs proper TuncTion, The orl supply To Ihe various parTs ore smrved and evenTuulIy resulT in seizure and damage To The engine IT is Thcrclorc 'lmporlanT ThoT The filIers be cleaned periodicallv. I. Cleaning (I) Remove The k'le pedal. No! 550 and 565, remove ~Tle Oll plpel 6.1 PERIODICAL ADJUSTMENT 97 l2} Remove The righT cranicase cover, pull cm The oil screen and wash in gasoline. (Fig. 6.20) (CeuTion) lll lnSTall The oil IlTeT screen wTTh The narrow Tupeved slde Toward The insl'de and The Iln on The filTer scleen Toward The bnTTom 94 AIR CLEANER CLEANING Ari air cleaner clogged wiTh dusT resTricTsThe Tree passage oT inleT air and resulT in power lassar drop in aeceleranon, Therelore, To assure proper aerlorm. ance, periodic cleaning oT The air claaner should be perlarrned. i. Removal lcso. csoM, ces, com d. Loosen The cop nuT on Top aT The TranT cover and remove The air cleaner cover, Then loosen nnT on The inside and deTach The arr cleaner, h. For rnodels 550 and 565, remove The air cleaner cover on The (enTer righT side, loosen The screw and remove The air cleaner. (Fig 6 2i) 2. Cleaning c Top The cleaner lrgthv I0 remove The dusr and Then hlow dry compressed air Tran. The inside or use d brush [Fi . 642) (Cannon) ill The air cleaner is made oT paper and TTTorn or damaged, replace wiTh a new elemenT l2) Oil or waTer an The cleaner elarnenT will render iT ineiTecTive and will cause dusT To enTer The engine cylinder, resulTing in in, creased cylinder wear IO. CLUTCH ADJUSTMENT ($50, $65) The TuncTion oI The cluTch is To Transrnrr or dlsr engage The roTarv power produced by The engine To The Transmission, lT The gear is engaged wiThouT The CluTCh being compleTer d'lsenguged. The vaniele will sTarT nroving wiTh a lo“ or The engine will sTall ouT, On The oTher hand, .T The cluTch is slipping, The speed M The nTaTorcycle will log in relaTion To The engrne speed i. Lever play (550, 5.55) There should be I To l 5cm I04~06 ln) oT Tree play in The CluTCTT lever before The cluTCh STarTs To disengage IFig. 643) Figuve o 2l. Removing on cleaner cover (550. Sun STifi brush Air cleaner element Figure e 22. Clcunlng air cleaner olcrnonl l~l.5crn (o.4~oi6 T' Figure 9 23. CluIUl lever Tree psav Figure 5 24. AdlesTlng The cllTTcTT I550, 565T 92 6. MAINTENANCE INSPECTION Figure 6725. Adiuslrng lhe clulcn lcso, C50M, C65 Céle figure 6 2b, Adiuslrng inc carburn Ce!» (:5le Mar: 2 - r mill “0‘ rew Figure 6727, Adlusllng rne (ovbulcror lSfiO, SéSI 2. Adiusrrrrerrr loosen lire lock nul and rum lhe adiusring screw C50, CSOM, C65, C65M Turn la lire rignr lo increase ibe lever lree pIcly iurn ra rlne lell la decrease lne lever lree play. 550, 565 Turn ra lhc lell lo increase lne lever lree play iurn lo lhe rigni la decrease ine lever iree play (I) For model C50, CsoM, C65 ulld C65M LheLk iar slippage al llre clulcln and rlre disengaging act'lon l2) For odiusling rile clurcll on model 550, $65 remove We cIuchi COVSIi Ioosen me Iack‘lng ml! and OdIUSI wllh We Snew (Fig. 6.24) The udiuslmenl CI The cIulch may quo be perlorrned al lne adiusler on llre clurch cable, On C50, CSOM, C65 and C65M modeIi the adiuslmenl can be made wilhoul removing The clulcn cover ( .645) 3. Inspection ($50, 565) ll) Check by kick slarling and see il rlre engine readily siarls. l2) Sign me engine, grasp lne alulcn lever and check lo see il rlre malorcycle srarrs rnoving or rlne engine slalls when lne gear is snilled into low. l3i The molorcycle should slarl moving smoolhly as lire ciuicln lever is released gradually while increaslng lhe engine rpm. CARBURETOR CLEANING AND ADJUSTMENT A drrry carburerar ar carburelar our al adlusle mam will cause poor engine perlorrnanae As an example, a carburelor sol lo a loan Illel oir rrrixlure le cause Ihe engine IO Overheal WhIIe a IICI‘ mixmre will cause engine la run sluggish An averliawing al iuei lrorn lire aarbureior is a possible fire hazard. inerelare, periodic cleaning and adiuslrnenr snauld be perlorrned l. Clea ' g a Disassemble lne carburerar and wash lne pans in gasoline In “low mil vl'lo nn77Il=< wim rampressed air and alrer cleaning and reassembly, rrrale lhe adiusle meme 2" idle adiusirnerrr Tne idle odwslmenl rs perlarrned wirn baln lne lhronIe sIop screw and The oil screw by The lollawing procedure (Fig. aeze, e27] lai Sel lhe inralrle slap screw in lire specified idling speed llOOO~1200 rprni lbi Neel, adiusl rlne air screw by lurnrng slowly Ill bolh direcl'lon ID Oblain the highesv engine speed Turning lne screw in will produce a rich luel mixlwe. iurnrng rne screw our will produce a lean luei MIXIUYe 6.1 PERIODICAL ADJUSTMENT 93 lcl Reduce rne engine speed wlricn has gane up In (2) ID The specified RPM by regquIing The Theme Sfop strew l‘d Al illis rnrollle slop suew seln g, reclneclr rne carburelar adiuslmenr by manipulalrng rne air screw, le AIler Ihe idling odiuslmenl has been complelcd cneclr line carburelor by snooping [he inronlc and also check me lhrollle response The air screw should be IA 90 % lurn ol lbe specified 050 SW“ Wll' Place a" WWW“ (2) When ihe drop in elecirolyie level is uanssive, loading on ihe rim as well as on ihe remaining spokes, check ihe discharge role oi ihe oaiiery F o 44 V _ Figure e 40. Cleaning diliuser nine 'heicIorc, rhe spokes should be .nspecled ireovenily «a, Excersize care noi la ainrh lhe ballery cable "W 9 5' 9 ° ' and reroraued when ihey became loose. when making ihe baiiery insinlluliorl \ ‘« ‘< Raise lire wheel oh ihe ground ana check each gl Also, make sure lhal lhe venl rube isnnr pinched 0, spoke lor iighiness any spoke which are noiiceably (5) When ihc iemaeraiure drops, ihe capaciry ol ihe - . loose should be iaiaued in the some value as ihe bullerv Will lDWB'S U'ld Cause hard Slflrllng ln 5”“ "'Pp' such a case, slore rhe molarcycle in a warm place remummg Spokes 50 mm the spokes are all oI uniIoml r ' h 3° (“mg we“ ioraue Use lhe spake nipple iool and iorauing H. SECURITY INSPECTION OF PARTS (C50, CSOM, £65, C65M) »“ wrench [Fi . oeAil Fm Figure a Al. Relornulrlg woke: G. BATTERY INSPECTION loss in ballery eleerroiyle occurs ailer long use and should be replenished periodically. When ihe eleclrolyle level drops l0 ihe aoini where ihe plales l are exposed ii will resuli in rapid discharge lo ihe lmlleiy ihe hanery, should always be mainiairad cl‘ lhe proper eleclrolyie level l Eleciolyie Level a Remova rhe barrery box, discorlllecl lhe barrery cable irom ihe ballery, uniasrea lhe baiiery band and remove lhe balrery (Fig. 4.42) Figure a 45. ioraumg palnis on lei: side ihe slandard bairery used is me MBC l e “r ”Mule "Mullullm W's 4, Flori rushnn lower holi. lMIg by Vuusu Bulleiv Col ‘ Sleelll‘q Slam "W ‘3‘ XVA’) lilw l‘lll“ a) iranl arm pivol balis. a i rear axle nuis figure a 42, ha'leiy . 98 6. MAINIENANCE INSPECTION 6.2 PERIODICAL INSPECTION AND SERVICING 99 rigm (Ho Iorf‘wing points On “an: aide mm o 48, To'quing pDiv‘Is on ngni Side ® From and year wheeI spokes ,i Engino mourmng hens and nus. a) Rear Iovk inOV boh nuis. m Engine mow'ing oolis and nuis (7 Rear cushion insiaiioiion MS ‘12‘ Ram bvckc p‘wm pipe and dip L87 From bvake vovquo imk lodflng rim. [1; speedomeren :ubie gembox assemny nuts. (9* Rear broke plvol boii nu: Speedometer cobie geavbox msemb‘v M (:3 Rear brake Iovque link iaicin rip and nm m: Fran) and year wheoi spoke, Q7 Rear bioke Imque \ink larch ciip and nm FION and ram brake adiusv mm 6.2 PERIODIC INSPECTION AND SERVICING I. SECURIIY INspEc'noN or PARTS (550, 565) II is of uimosr imporianceiopoiiorm ponozinoi Inspeclian and servicing so moi nonbios cur‘ be prevemed and We mofiomyde muimom n- mo mg or oponoiing condiiion. The i oeciion n closii‘icd imo iwo Vypes, nomoiy, mo piernding inipenion poi Iormed by Vhe ride! daily and me oonodicoi inspeciionoi r which Is poniomed ov a regular scheduie eirhur by me ride! or me sermo shop A. DAILY INSPECTION The IuIlowing News or inngUIOn should be pm "we H" "W W H MW M W “dc (50' Iormed as a mower of noon. (Fig. 5.50, 5.51) “W 0’5 WW ’) Check Ior excessiv: Iooieivcs oi >wuy UI me hand‘ei Check Ior proper Ivee play oi me Irom broke iever, 2~3cm i0.7a~i,i2 ini is iiormoI :31 Check Iov propev Ilee play or me rearbruke pedal, 2~3cm io73~i i2 ini is nonnoi. Check am IeIcuse opemiion Check Ior \ooseness and on leaks in We Iron! and tear cushions. Check the Iuncvion or We headlamp, iaiiiamp, svoplamp. Fugur: o 47 imminn ooinis on ion sidc {1) Check Vhe horn Ior Sound 3 Check a eranon M me turn mdlCOIDV g p , Fig“ 6 so. 00‘. ivupm‘i n vim“; on mm mm.» icsn d“, Steenng stem rim and hundIc 'WSIGHGIIO‘Y um: I From Cushion uppcv bnhs ® Correc! level and (ondman oI the enginc mi Céor/i "9’5 (27 From and mm uxio m»: r. Fioni cushion lowei boiis ‘O-BHIIiiunigUl .Bi From cum pIVOI be“: ‘5‘ Peer cushion insiaHouon rims 100 6. MAINTENANCE INSPECTION 6.2 PERIODICAL INSPECTION AND SERVICING IO] 50‘, Check for unusqu exhousl gas colol. , I. PERIODIC INSPECTION a} Check luel level. C50 C50Ml 3 0 lll l6 3 us. pl . 5,3 lmp pil (:55 565M, 4.5m (95 U_5_p,.7 5m, p” Period): inspeciion and servicing should be perlormed ln accordance wiih lhe Iullowing roole 550: 55m ills 0,5 pl:9.7\mp pH 555. 6-5‘" ”3-7 UvS-PHH-“MP P” D“'°"‘j‘f"‘ 300 moo 2,000 3,000 4,000 5,000 0000 7000 0000 9000 loooo ’1?» hem me air pressure» “Ems ‘°‘ (180) (020} limo) (Lace) (2,100) (3,100) (3,720) (4,340) {4:900} (5:530) 05000) 340%; (171,303 Normal. ..l,7k cmfl 04.2 lb inil , Fol loaded conjiflon cl (or h<91r919 1 13171311111311.» 1 1319213123 .91 11147331193191 1 13123214913191 11:13:93 1111 Manquclurer V9959 99119ry V9999 Bauery V9939 B9119ry 111999 aunery 19919 a911ery c999199919n r9119 BB 95 1 6.8 13.8 5.5 Twe 9911919191 ”20 ”016034140751 ”Z (£151,131)? 2 r . . . . 1 Compr99919r1 :17;g/1;711@'°°°m" 11319115713111 13:31:711 112;§I:7z111@m°0wm 13;§I:7‘2@100019m M99919919r9r 141199111 3999111919 39199 99 1911 Emflfih‘sgfgt‘usw 59.19 99 1911 59199 as 1911 91999119 . 9 ' ‘ ‘ 1 ' 1 '"- ’ . 1000 1 m 7 Q1; rpm 1 @1oour9m1 @1000rp 1 @1000 p911 @1000 1pm Ty99 510111119 110,01 5111 15M 1] M911. 9111991 1 4.8 PS/Iaouo 1pm 1 4 8P5/100001pm 5.5P.S/vouo rpm 9 22 P1s/Ioono rpm 5.2 P.5/10250 rpm .97 7. 7 k / ' ' M91 191919 0.37 1911;146:2011 rpm 0371949132011 1pm 1 we 1919/7001) rpm 9.435199/5500 r919 0.38 1949/7000 rpm M""““.'"'" 9. 111119999 De" 1 1171119999 D9991 ' 12.711. . . . . m . 199199199111 > /5 00"”) 1 12-71'1b/3700'W 1 1332" ‘Vwompmh ‘34] ".15/85002 ’ 1’75" “LOW 117111! Type r991m9r 5919911911 59119 99 1911 591911.119 591119 99 1911 59919 99» 1911 11911 91 ML 199: 2509/?5-11/13200 rpm zsog/Psm/Emmpm‘ 2509/P.5.11/7ooorpm 2509/[511/75301919 Z5Dg/F.5~h/BOODIpm ' 151.1 X371Wx2m‘ .. 9 19199919919191 51.19 1191.999 K99y9 59119 as 1911 591119 99 1911 1 . ‘ 13551 1327 x313w><3311 4321 X348wX366h , D’"°""°" ’“'“ 45‘ "7 “55"“9” 45' I X37‘WX’9‘1‘ 117.s><14.9x1131 1170x13,7x13.c1 117.o><13.7><11.11 19199999991999" 1 114.01 :ysvem W 1 1519 139.9191 1 Pr‘1mavy 199991199 7 T9191 919111 1319 139.9191 1 21.219 1251191 [71-2 119.6191] 17.919 139.11191 1319 139.9191 "19.1109 (3991 G99. <399r Geav Gear 119191191199 999 1 011 11999 9911191 1 1 1 1 1 "1511011 . 991199 119m 1101101111 5999 91 91 5999 9: 91 39199 as 1911 5911.9 99 1911 31712 1722 31300 31301, 31300 . 1<2 umber I av 1.5w same as Ieh Same as \er Same a: lo" same a: Is“ 065, (265M 532 mm 124.? 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I, if I I e 7 7 7 _, , I L L153 _, 7 ‘L W e n J i A E g. ‘ W I 7*, 777", 7 I 300 2 ,\ I I“ it Fuel I I consnmfmn ,, i 7 if I 7 If I ZColgrr’FSHr} I I I I . i r 7 B D IDXIO' 4 5 s Engine sneedf r pm‘ Running Performance (C 65 M] Engine speed (r.p.m) 20 40 60 80 Driving speed( km/Hr) Driving : 30 force( k9) Total gear reduction Law I 35‘ 00 2nd 218. 95 Top 2 12. 40 Effective fire radius 0.274 m (107 m) 178 Shah nurpulI PISI 8. SPECIFICATION & PERFORMANCES Engine Performance (5 so) ,fir __, ,i If 1 ‘ ,7 I77 I 7 ‘ 777 I PS I I I I I I IV - viii, , 7 I I I I , ITI , Ji, 0 4 7,77. quIIafl torque I , Ing mI U2 wu 300 FUel IIXIO‘ Engine speednr p 7|) I 0 consumption gI/P SM n zoo 7 s 9 In II) W Engine speedI r 9 «II Running Performance (5 50) Law on 7 3rd iTap so 110 g E 30 g” 5 Totai gear reductrun 20 Low 35,48 2nd 20.37 3rd 15.37 Top 12.34 Effective tire radius 0.274 m(107 87m 20 40 60 an Inn Drivrng speedr’ km/HrI Shall uuipul’ RSI Engine speecK mm) 8. ENGINE PERFORMANCE CURVE Engine Performance (5 65) 300 Fuel , consumnmn [gr/P 5 .Hr) zou t, I 5 5 7 3 9 In II x IU‘ EngIne speed(r.p.m) Running Performance (5 65) 2nd I am ITop I Low '3 0 50 IO 20 , ,7 ASDDrIvmg 2"“ I force( kg) 7 ' 7 " Total gear reduction 3rd ,AZO ;.odw: 323 T n 7 0” ~~ 3n ‘ H) To" : / Effective hre radius 0.274m(107ariu) o 30 40 50 so 70 so 90 I00 Driving speedIKM/Hr) 119 DIMENSIONAL DRAWING I20 8. SPECIFICATION & PERFORMANCES ijwm , J UW'ZI) ~7(U!Z'§Z )W01797 NAME HONDA MODEL: C50, C65 I I 4 DIMENSIONAL DRAWING NAME : HONDA MODEL A $65 8. DIMENSIONAL DIAGRAM I21 I9 we vz W wow aI 123 . WIRING DIAGRAM 8‘ A5300 .EOnUv E<¢mv 320.. 5.2528 o, 222,. z, :9 E . . 2 K 2: 0390 . : a so 63 :3 . =9 2a 35. ,3 in 3.2 is; a; m 55: new Em 9.5 is; Anew .Onmv §0<3 $2.5; _ 3w _ 9.: .2203an E22 : €23 35:. GER hm m: ZHIMx 25. 3:32 3m 25. .12; :5; x Honda 50-65 Series Models C50, C50M, C65, C65M, 550 and $65 SHOP MANUAL Pub/ished by HONDA MOYOR CO., LTD‘ Foreign Service Depanmem SERVICE DWISION 442v 1 Nnkuvo Vummo Mud“ SunumwKen Japan Angus. I970 Copyrigh! reserved HONDA MOTOR CO., LTD. @ ‘70 s. ®-B 1.000 620401 PRINTED IN JAPAN