4- SllllP MANllM HONDA MOTOR CO., LTD. PREFACE This Shop Manual contains general data and inlormation, and procedures relative to motorcycle maintenance, mar-haul and repairs for the models covered by Honda 250 and Honda 300 equivalent to Model C72'C77. CB72-CB77, CS72-CS77. Theretore, information in this manual will be suitable instruction for servicemen and mechanics oi Honda to assist them to efficiently service and repair these machines. Now. in this case. mechanical arrangement means to repair a motorcycle when it is out of order and restore ii to the ordinary state as well as to prevent it from any trouble by periodically inspecting the motorcycle. The contains of this book are divided into five chapters. including main standards, disassemblv-assembly, con:truction.wiring diagram and trouble shooting. Each chapters are separated into sections. Disassembly-assembly Ithe 2nd :hapterl is divided into 2 sections-Engine and Frame. The section of Engine is described both mod-l C7277, CB72-77, but that of Frame is done only model CB72‘77. In regard to the Frame at model C7277, please rater '0 the previousiy published Shop Manual for Honda 125-150, An ettort has been made to produce a manual avoiding lundamentai principle and theory by explaining the actual mechanism. Special emphasis has been placed on illustrations and charts to make it easy for the service man to understand without reading every line, We hope this will be of some use to you. This manual will be revised without notice. January. 1960. HONDA MOTOR CC.. LTD. TECHNlCAl SECTION EXPORT DEPARTMENT No. 55, YoesuAcho. Chuo-ku, Tolyo, Japan MAINTENANCE C72-77. . , STANDARDS CB72'77 _ _ . 15 DISASSEMBLY&ASSEMBLY . . . 4I CONSTRUCTION . . . . . . . 89 ELECTRIC EQUIPMENT . . TROUBLE SHOOTING . MAINTENANCE $TANDARDS.C72-77 ‘0' muvn‘enance ooerancn Io’ HONDA 25030C Mammmrce Slurdurds, specufi~ (ahon and dimension ave hated heyecller ‘or reIerence EXPLANATION: Items 'o as i'lSDeUed_ selwceW‘se Maintenanc- sgandgrd Value Tms Hydimles -he WanJIcC'Urers smncurd 529 or lhe sIandc’c Slze cIrer newly osserblmg or admsmg, art: shows the size» Iimn uI :ampleled pan m 'I‘e per'mssiole limu of odmsvmenl Rlpuiring Limit Lnumble wear ‘imn cr' pans requving Correclo" or lepIaLe'VIemv Iur‘chcmwue. Rumurks UnmurLed numaers are rm um' and Inch um! shown underneath, and when accounrg; ‘: lhe er Inaicoved. UNIT IN CNAI'I: Um‘uvkea :IJv‘hers are vn‘m I,I‘II and m::h um! shuwr wder nee-h an: o'hers accord rg w the w! ‘wd‘mred MAINTENANCE STANDARDS (Model C72) m5 numcnm s‘andmdx u md only :bo." m am 7' Mode £72, In 'm; luv, dimeuhors wvho-J uml; mdlcol' Hm" :upw slepl and Mm ”dawn sup; and c'hlls morn; vo m. umn mdlcmd 'I. GENERAL PERFORMANCE um Svcnduvd Raumng [um anuvks Comnressmw avessure Fug} consu'uv‘bn “hum-v consamnl on 7 0 W 54 ‘h/ in 29 2604‘ 27 90 I7 95 miley‘ I lZOccleOOk-n ‘ 2001006 ov Ins \ we mamezomse |2C0€A20rrne Check with luck 35kmhl2! 7m IeJ hi Max ,9.“ 130mm 9m.“ m. pom. ., Im. . i"9 lorwovd are also I m 5560 I m ""' "“ ' was of m body 2. ENGINE A. Cyllnd-r, Cyllndnr Hnud It: m S‘nndurd Recon n9 Luv-l Rema'u thno‘ar Over Size oi cylmcgr Cylmdev mm mm S'fieefi Cn-nmessinn mno Cw-dm need gaske- sufiaco thnder Hand gash?! CHM” w m MM! dwa, Max au‘ 43'? vound Tape! Om “a Wdlh mgle Hu'ness Th rkness [wghmqss 5399\5400 54,! mryp 2|255~2|25? 2129 wnh n 0 am :1 05 mom I} 0001? WWW 0001 0 05 MCI. 0 00019 C 25 G 00984 ‘ l 0-- l S 2 5 mere 0 0398—v 0 059.”: 0 0757 45' S 3 D 3245 wr-h n ‘3 Oil 3 06 more 3 0023 OC’39AOD43 7| Whig 15'89‘mlh ‘ 3 cavegorv m 015 I0 mm mm! me The capacl'y 0' m. :meusuon cham- 5M, 16 ‘Mcc \n case of bmdmg B. m Shah (Pin-n, Conn-Mn. Ind) I "em I Standard Ropcming Iimi Runurks Mm Yap dummy $355-$160 53.5 kn nu progressive di- MOS-.2110 1‘06 mama 0! my |o~ Mm, din. 53.9 less w. can: or ma 2.122 Om cl round Olélad ‘ 040.005— “ 0.ooa= 0 Mon 5 cv|indur Min :Iocmnm 0 01 move 0.0039 Piston am Die. 15.0- 150006 i5.05 mor- 0.59~. 0.6907 0.5975 Pinon our mu Over 5.1- 0.25 3 cmgovy 0! 0.25 0.0098 Inflow cm sts Tow D—OOBd—DDB 0.0 003: 00 003 Top 2nd (my man.“ 2.0.25 2.3 I.“ 0.094~ 0.102 0.0905 wan. L7EO~ 1795 , I I less 00700-- 00700 0.0069 Termon 0,75_IDSIgIIopI 0.09 less Tungvmzal mum 0.7m Lockgnzndl I.¢53~23I5I0 1.3230 lass In case or bInd-ng 1.93-. 2.205 lb End gap 0 0-035 00 main 00069-00137 003m 100-2.“! urq a. mug Clearance ooI~004 0I m.- gume Moot-00015 00039 0:! ring Thzknes: 14-46 20 Iass 00944- 0.102: 00787 deh 2.70072 795 2/ In: ‘ c 1094-.0 \IDD 310629 Yension , 07. 0.9.5; 0.5 less Tangennal mmn nms‘ I 90450: * I025Ib End gap I n I- 0.3 00 mom In an. al bmung 0.00M .0 0103 I) 03m 00 ring a. my Clearance 001404 01 man: gvuove 0 0001-0 0015 0 0039 mm.» am 5:10 Ovav m 025 3 ca-egow of 0 0:95 0 250 00920 Pine» pm 00' cvu 149947. l50 H 95 I.“ W" "‘9 0 5903. a 5905 o 5505 Tam lenglh 45 5 .45 7 I my I 7992 09m smndavd kaaaaina [mm namam Pawn pin a pmon 'CIaamm O~DD|2 005 mom 0. cold, pm I! 0~ 00004 0.00190 soflly by iinws Cumming ma In, 05a 1501.: .1504: 15.05 mot- mau m 0591» 05m ‘ 05935 C00 ’00 run” and 4‘ Cleavance 001a. 0.049 0.05 mar: pls’un pin ‘ 0030040019 0003] Cam ~od mun m Swing ‘ 30 move Max, mnlflud: «a ‘ 0.1m axial dun-on cl lower and 04 car rod Axial cloarancc 007433 0.5 mm crank pm Dawn 0 012 0,01% Dmgaaal (Ieavance ‘ 0.000410” 0.05 were O,DOG’2»00006 000m 80 andmau end 0' Amourl ul amaual mm... 002 may 01 A. warm». DU 100" can we 0.00075 0.0030 [3.9300 0.0mm. wilhin 002 oval c: A. mm 0' 000075 00039 V 100mm 923ml Bovunwv chghl Om. a.a, 20.99- 2500 24,95 or less Uonxnin 0 933% 09642 0.9071 n L trunk shah Diu oi shah 30.52- 3000 306 er I.” '.713—12u 1204 Cvank man bearing ‘ Ax‘al clearance 0005 uvsr 01 ' Cam Mann; 0 00m 9 0.0039 ‘Raaaal clauruuce 0.0144016 am 005 i 0.000s 0.000a 0.00I9 CVonk shah Max swung 003 In: any 01 In can as suppomng cam-"am" 0,0011 0.0039 “mm Manny, m. i iwlng 0| ham Cum chum Overall lengvn 723 o\ m s aver m 500: 20 467 28 49 28.66 c. Cam‘l'iming and Valve Mochunkm hem S'arvduvd IRaaomg Lmv: Remus Ex I- valve 9.1m r‘ in: 707.70: ‘ am 705 0 2755 70 2759 ‘ 0 2775 Ex v6 Va Owen Iengvh 5805-7 as as as 2 or us ‘ a 490 .. 3.495 3 472 Ou' :.a oi s‘em 697 .590 6‘75 or \uss 0 7744.. 0 2740 0 m mam: 0| Need 10 050! 355 0 022227 0 0 use; 7! vulva Ove'all leng‘h 69157 39.3: 55.70: less 3511--35|8 3492 Our din 0‘ ram 697~59B 695 or es; 2.2744. 0 2m 0 273 Irom Slandnrd Rapunmg Limil Earmarks 1mm... of hand 10 0.5 01 I». 0.03936 0019 E1. In, vuln Width 1.0— 1.5 m 20 0.0391- 0.0517 0.707 E: mm Mn and Clnumnca 0.024104 cm 0.00 gu-do 0,0007— 0 cm 5 0.0031 In. vulvo mn- and Clqmanfl o,01~00:l am 0.07 avid. 0.00039- 0.0011 0.00275 Valve wing oin- Fm Ions». 43.32 42.3 a: loss 1.725 L665 Yunnan l\.6~12.4kg Av 345mm11351 cl 2A,2~ 25809 b-ndlnq I-nglln 25.57- 27.3 lb Al 775mm" 06) of 5135— 56.8 lb max. hit Vows spling mil-i Dnclino wivhln I 1.5 new. 0.03937 0059 Vain luring Mn" =m Inngm 34 66 334 In: I 364 1.314 Imion :I 9~ an; Al 31.5mm1124l oi 14.51155“; binding langm 0594.10 lb Al 24 Smmlo 96I at 3137441711: max. lill Duchnc wnhin I. 1.5 Male 0 0393 0 059 Cum mull Shnfl ma I9.9e~l999 19.95 In! 0.700» 0 737 0.785 Bend cl shufl mm 0,121 0.05 male 0 0003 000l9 migm nl cam 26.98 ~27 02 107 loss 1.0524 053 1.05l 1-1 I I l Cum ahalv can bear Clouturlco 0003—0 03 005 nor. inn of iowml 0 0001 :~0 0011 00031 Valvo 01an Ex. Opm-ng angle below Iowr 15— P (a can (u! 11mm 10.0431 el . dead polnl 25' [in lang'h: Closing angle i uhal upoev 15- Ncmuum“ ‘ dlad pain: 10- Valv- ennng In. Opening angle elem upper :9 P a can [ul 1 l'rrnlO 0431 al 1 dead poini 10‘ [ill lengrl») Closing any: ‘ char loww 15' Nomc‘eumnca l dead pain! 25' Cum spvockal 1 00mm din-velar 74,750 742 less I 2943 2.972 In case all havlng Rocker cm : 10 In svens 3 Wow acne vcuoio or- i a" slppur éaze 001's s-lpea mm. v ‘ Hem Svendcm \R. mung lum‘ Euv'uvkx ‘ P \ ‘ Ir mu 1307 1027 IS] were 25‘1705‘2 0&0 Rom. arm c'ankpm On! my " 965712.98; 129 has one-.0511 05073 ‘ ‘ o 16 7-061 A Clearance :0 vockm 29 0| «me am ‘ 000670024 00039 Ex In vulva adiusv Yawn clearance 0439-01] on. cl Cool some 0,003.5.» 9004: ”ended Cum chain Vensu‘y‘er Fr" Ir'glh 73 10 loss sp'v‘g 2 374 2755 ‘ 1mm 1607 ‘5 2kg vo m; 352345]: lb 2203 Cam mm rmmm Om am 59, we 55,5 I.“ wanna.“ mm cl -.—,n.. 233 » (.35 2203 1 umber D. Uppor Crank Cu. lien snunama Rnpo‘ring llrml Remarks we. mu dwm \' In ma. 34c . 34 02 342 ”are 1.333— I 339 l 345 In mu 0' one 17.C~120‘ 122 Mare , 0.4/24 473 0 an: Cam tlnmv‘ gm. ‘Oul dla 13%6743934 139 less ; rcllel pm 0 549 Va 550 21 W cm... nge vole! in (In ‘ IA.C~M{)I In more ‘ossnmssxa ‘ 3555: E. clukh - L. Crank Can Gov-r we." Smndm Roual' Pg lvml‘ Humavks Clwcr :erlsv 3 n dia 2:. 0.775021 1 24s [ 3 210. 2‘ 054 ‘ch w.” ‘ a value 953 u we \ c: 5267 c 530 0 an ‘ CIJJ‘Ju‘Id swmg MW 01 32 mm ‘ ’ 26,039 \ 02-378 ”Wham :rve smug ‘ Bo'twl d‘ur'nlcr ‘ J9” .3921 3 333 his; x 7-1 543:, * 5075 Clam =m~ or am Thane» 4 5 7 4; .‘ 4 m 2 1559 7r.- um a m 3":In ‘ wllhm (:2 us we 0 04178 L 1: :I 76 Irum Slandard Ropulnnq limn Rmulks Clutch 91m- S'ruin wulun 02 05 mom 0.0073 0.0196 We"! 0' been ‘ ’17-.133 13.0 11:: 05393»DVW3 OSHB Yum and cam of Romy ploy wz’hm 0.2 (15 mo!- chflch gunm- pic": 0 0078 0 03M Clum :pnug Flue lunglh 33.1 32.4 In: 1.3149 112755 Tumor! 153-115.7119 15 0 Ian A1 25mm 10.981 oi 1 19 mg 123 0751 binding langvh 33736-— JéflZJlb A1 23mm 10901 a! I (3.659": max lllr F. handlin- Iran: Slandard Repairing [mu Remarks Mlmor can Capaory 15( cu! oi In (rank and masmn Iubviming ml 0395 91:1 u.5 slur-dam Mam shah CM 11 u. 24 959~74 9B 24 9 less 09826 ~ 0983‘ {1 980 Main man and M2 CI-avanu 0.07\0074 01 move goo: 00039 Aml dilec'iur oi mam CIIaVcnca 014175 12 more shah 0 0039‘ ~~G (7295 010472 Tmr-ng dirsthnn 1:? Clearance 0,02% 0078 C4,] more Ma gear 000117011030 0003‘? 7am surface 01' gem Ans pluv 00897 3175 32 more mum ‘0 mm. 00073 Top gem bush 18; In am '83» 115.1218 161 Nola 07357-1709 0712 '4“, gear bush 20 5; In dm 7:) 5‘ 21) 57 20 s from 380m- 0507B 3311 Yon gen- bush 5 mm Clemente 304 7c as: 31 115's shall 300167 G 0032 C 0039 Dm. snrocke? Baum dlu 71 5 .71 .51 7o 5 ‘825 1.5,549- ,776 an law 25:4 72 515 '1 77 2 584 ,, 2 5H9 ’2 54 Roicvv play 1) 03» c :75 o 5 mum $911."; acrlq c 01v Pm—my amp" Ben-m dc: “353 ‘2): sprocker 5 32:: [Hum smi- a rep A“; plow 01 more gm beuv 719 00039 Imn SIundard Rope-7mg LImII Emarts 1 mm. play Whom 005 more . Comer man ! :n dia 24,3L2438 in man ; ( am) ‘ in. die 0959~0v9598 172 mar. l l7.084-— I7 I 34 0 677 0 672‘0674 Bush 0m aiu. I7091~|7Jl2 _ 0572~0673 In ma ququal “.45 man 0,567¢0,568 05655 Counret shalt A bum Clnuvunce 0028-004 0| more ooon~owls 00039 Counlo' shah a. C2 iclary play 0.5 mm- gear 00196 Low gear buah In dia. ‘ 17.2 men I 07674». 0,675 0677 low gear bush 5. Clearance oozvoosa 01 more 14mm bush 090078~00022 0.0039 Krck "one: lplndla Oul dig 1434144353 ”.25 loss I D564 -D.565 a 561 K ck mane! spindle 5 Clearance ovoeeom 0 I5 mo": oath bush ‘ 0,0023~D.0035 0005‘? met spindle pale R-pan erh step ! U 3 more | 0 ex 18 Km semen. eele Fvao Iengm IA sprmg 05511 anaIy chum Loosing 5~ 16 10 less 01968~03937 0787 G. Magnum, Contact l' a Irm I Slanaurd Rapunrmg tum Remarks Convnc- breaker Tension 0? » o A In ruse 0! am spring 0854 Mike 245 uni-39641 o «I— a 552 of bmomg langlh I N743” In (use oI Conlac‘ pom Gap 0.3-4“ I Dul ed 25 9mm II 019! I onua-m 0157 swarm: oi run VIII anvvnn II-mng Crark angle one: upper I dead pomI 5" span aameer. be» flown mmbav : 1100": 1: gIrn-IIg m uuvuncn urgle Span amen-‘9', em: IIrycr,r 'Iumbev I 33001;: ‘n col 0! of ucvcrce mgle ‘I eve-Idem "on Standard Rapalling um Romaru 5pm advantlr. mu; Clank angle 40’ 27' 743' advance mu Megnflo spuvk J mdll gap 8mm nn'e 7 Im chamfl-r 0.3149 0 7755 BV 1m Magneto chargmg Chuvg! amen! 20A— 30A ‘ 2A In: lam—7300mm chuvuc‘ar A. 3000: pm Dynamo menu A rotor Gun 05 08 man 00196 ‘ 00314 Ant-gun (In 'ad'ull H. Oil Pump ' Oll lllur .wem Slufidard Repairing 1mm Remarks 0 purrp drw- your Gummy scum: C7063 In: 0.! more 000039 0“ pump any. gm Bock Hash 0.01 éess 05 more Ming by DU‘king a. cenle! crank gear 0mm 0.01% ‘ ()1 pump packing Xhicknu: on In (aw ul bmding 0,0157 Ada-mum and mum-cl Clearance 0025405 01 more , wal‘ as on puma goal 0.00090A 0 0019 0.0039 L 00 pump gnu! ‘ Back lush 01054.2:0 05 more ‘ ‘ 00041 vows? 001% 5.0. and 5an (oval Clearance 0 DESK-0 04 c 15 more or an amp gem 3003504 0.0330 00059 Gem F" and your Ct-aranca nos-A0 :3 0| more 000194005; 00039 On lurer shulv and Ctaumrce cow-0043 01 more ml mm tom: 00004727000153 0003? 0.: [0].. Iain» Ou' m. 57 2 244 00 we: :har Ware 5 -IC 15 move 2 "94,7.3937 5905 I. Kltk v I. Crank Can Cover um. S'undurd Ropumng I rml Ron-mks (ck smugr low L Clearancu 0087 0205 05 nwa hula 0" (run: (use , n . . ‘ . (av av 0 J94] A», 017030 C C|96 wk skmer ipnng Tovque 476kr|>lg 4:) less In (use o< use 344 29:» lb } 289 32 J. Uni-r Crank Cu. and Chang. I'am Slandurd lemmas limil non-om Sh-h drurr Cu' dla 3395~3337 JG? less 1.336mu: :mur F urness C 03 lea: 0 06 more 31ml 0 002 a-ey‘w s e‘d plcPe n. (Imp-55 - r; C 0393 Sruu‘nav um nln'e A":I(hmg c rec‘lor pL‘ rckul: Be rsre‘m of the work erda-K m: cover Tghlmg Wm 1 9vag 55) a Spoils as man 13 ulna Cv rdcv 'Duu rap Tghlln; Triage 0.1mm; :51 2 51‘; (LII: C1 ‘der ”on: can 0w. 2:. less 2 mp; 611964 2O I. tank Shaft, Connecting led, "Men lmn Svanduvd Ropamg 1mm Remarks Clank shu'l ramp CranA ungll II Bl IGD Crank ml. u 3‘ 360 Sumner cemr crank Taah 16 shah Bottom din léQBS- 3628a 1.428547 1.42857 Gear, Cl er crank NO 99 vomh '1') mi. 59'9sz Carver crank w. gm Carve: :ranl shall. mused pan 2. mm mun wuvvlg pen a. rank shun, 300' 719 Mr. Cram arntv (amp 2 C'anl shah .ev gruuvu l mm 3713‘! pw‘ prays: part l um man was“ pun ancw drwo acr'xkel “makes: 51‘ crass law as». Out :11 Cu! d n. Rncim clawanca Cu! co a! an. m du In ma. Cu 6 a. Mm. swlng W dlh Thlunass Lerglh r ma Om du: No. 0' Manning co-n havlmn c: a 15 295 ~ 15 33 I) oC’Z~ 0.603 47 9 7 48.0 I 355-7 “89 35.003- 38.015 \ 496] ,_ 1 4966 0 DDtr 0 0] A ’25 '99] A~ 25 W9 1,3232- 1.0735 253~2502 0 93L 0 955 25,9C7A 25.921 I019» | ON 29,983~29W3 v'ucml ms 00: la): 1 002-1 40 .403 Q1577 0155 4c,“ 3137-0 lbI w pmmea w m nnu :mm 25 9117 7 ’25 92’ , (319., | 020 30 {‘22 ~ 30 015 7 B -|le .30 0047 30 009 ‘ 15 llfild ‘ I5 39117-3921 ’ Si°~ l 543 151 <0» u 594 a 7 less : em :a as not: i z 498 3.05 nor. 25 95 «255 1.021 !} UU‘OI I I i ‘ 2995 less I IN E‘! r’uva 12.30] a C man: 0 '61 a 29 ?7 ‘25: | ’7‘} 359‘ hm I§EW NO al crass Iae‘~ 3 lRe'e'cnhu‘ volum Zinvavrnul vahml Isle-I ul m‘ Jul 2| T lhm Slundfld Rnullmg llvnll anurks Ovl Hm dwo won-v N0 of room 2‘ In do, 25 0~ 25.01 25.0 mom 0.93“ ~09” ION Munsurina honon dd. 45 15» 45 3‘5 45.05 I." 1 777- 1.705 1.773 Conn-chug 10d small ‘In dia, 15016—160“ [5.3 new 0nd 059|~ 0.592 0.594 Twin wllhoulDrO'Z 0 1 more 0N0? 0.0039 Connecmlg rue bug ena "new.“ 1797-7 18.03 175 1": 0.707— 0.709 0&5 m. du. 31005~31015 ‘ 3101 may. . 1.220« 1 22‘. 1,m Axial :lauvancn 007 >033 0.5 more 0 002- 0.012 0.0196 Diagonal :womnu 0-» 0.008 0 05 New 0 ~ 3.0003 0 001‘? Nee-1h roller Out. dun, Y 2502‘ 2.51 75 '95: . D,W55~ 0.0985 0.098 mg» '. 45— 13.5 C‘.5'I9« 0.5.31 Na and AB pcs Pislcn pm Our die, 14 994‘ 15.0 1495 lass 0 570» 0 590.5 0.585 Overall laugh ‘59-‘46] {RM-ve'mal vawnl 1.803% 1 S74 51 A: 51 1 2 [1le 2.051 Pwslon head Din 53 65 - 53,7 53 6 1955 2112x7114 2110 t 59 654 597 t 59 1: less ’2 348-» 2 350 ”2.346 Pinon ka D c 5398-3413 539 “,3, A! Ihn pm box; 2.: 2123 2,222 diagonal d‘rec'von isvvsv 1500 $579 ess 2.3a] , 'Z 562 1.28 Pmou Tupev Firs! uep cul- cwdurd 7 21.06 » 0.07 0—0 0023- O 0027 Ssrond 5m Mensu’e an we pm 07312-4 c buss ulngcnul D ‘ "(ld~ 2.205 mm." rn Eulpsa 2-"! .216 an! srmauva .Vlecsuva c1 5-1.. 0005' 11.304, ‘0 We: .npev no at 7mm Ike mul GI 31 '- 22 mm S'andurd hum; limr namam Palon nnfi room Groove won I sos~ l 52 l 55 mum map: a 959% o 8598 05051 Pmon v-nu g'ucvl 3mm mm L505~ 1 52 1.55 more Isnendl 3 9592 — o 0595 0.05: may. 1mg gtonve Groove man. 1505-. 252 795 mm 1cm ano— mn DJIM P soon rvng groan Cur dia 45! ‘43: 47.9 less ‘59:;~ I 397 I 335 ”53—534 .533. I.» 2 095— 2 102 2 090 stm a. :ylindu w «mm 0.05 new 0 002: Pm» om um Ow 5-1. 0 25 3 cmegorv 0" u 25 o 0093 lo 0095) ovarsln Fmon "Pg ITanl Widm 1.15- Us LA loss | 03574.05“ 0.0551 . I 45‘ L455 .1: lesg 005150575 t 0.055! Pmon «Mg rSezondl In cknou 2 4‘ 2.5 . 2.2 I.“ 0,0944 _ um 0.0866 ‘5 2.4— 23 a 2.4 less elm—one ocm mm" Hug {Tncl tension 3.52 0.52m 0.5m lass |367~ I m lbs I102 lbs 07‘ I 3kg . {1&9 5255 1545 .5 7 704le |373 wm End gap 015 —o 35 0 a mom Tungunllul lenslor' umsnum u-‘m “Mic; 5055 (ram 0 0073*. now 0 0255 mm "Hg mama: Widm I As~m95 l 43 ‘ess Wher' uv'nchmg ‘ o 0592-7 a 0535 a 0552 Thi355 2 Omom c 0393 M757 laud 'EJA loin; magmas v .3. 34 bl'bu 79 ”18“.; Cram can ccvc L h Fla'ress w ”-m 006 more ‘ o 0003 n 0023 cm me (my lsr‘ m, am 531» 58.040 Iran 0' a men 2.253 ‘ " 755 Crurl raw (over L x~ T‘gh'roxs 05mm om slandard IO'IMg.‘ 2cm cum case :over L H n dn 14.0. law; 14 1 More Iva» cl sw spndlnl 05m - 0,5515 0555 Cum- Law (mar _ 4 mmess o , :4 \‘Vnen magma)» mock '9, an: muv 'vuu'me‘ cunt 03's,! enhaog. she. :1 b9 mm «60‘ 'Ne F. Transmission v , l'em Slrmnnra :Rocalmvu mn‘ Rework: Hummus» 1“» row Scaad ‘ Commumesn 9m. ‘ Mam mu Cur do mask 249a no as; ‘ m 7&0 Mun ,-ml- mm M? gem Qeqmnce ‘ . "lave a 9:39 .uu— ="c" Ann mum—ca VZu'a'n 1 a 0037 , c 02:95 r 0472 28 1m Slendurd 11.9mm.) 11mu' 2.11am Mam the“ and w (TI-ovum or renew 0 0341 070 0.1mm our amazon 0m118~ 0.00307 0.0039 Minion now Back rush 0.089~0178 02111010 00035 _ 0.0070 00075 Top goo! In din :00 .15015 152mm 0.708--D709 0716 Top 9.4. In dm. 0.0 — 0.015 3.06111” llif‘ev rad par» 0 3144.315 0.317 Top gem (am) In die. 20 s <. 20.521 20.6mm D 3077. 0.0070 0,511 Top gw bush 0rd Cleaver!“ 0.081 Dimer. Inn of 205;) m ssior- shah 0.001110 00039 Drive swan-1 Barom am. 65 649 .. 65 776 64.7 less 2 504'. 2.509 2547 Drive smock“ Clearance 003 ~ 0076 0.25m)" 111mm di'scriml 001:1 10—. 0.00307 0.009134 Comm shun 1r, dla 2A 37~ 24.385 24.4mm Imr 516:: 0.9597 0.960 0.9506 Cows: mall Our 011). 24 9e-~ 24939 20.9 1m 0 982 7 0.951 0,900 0.51. ”mm 1n. m 14.375~ 14.393 15.2more a 505 ~ o 565 0 590 Cur : a, 24,911. 25013 0903‘ 1) 984 Coulis“ shun and Clcorancu ul Ioruw C 01 — 0090 0.2mm Cz gem drechnn 000039; 00030 011nm Low goo: C'oucvr ihlclneu 21 667k 21 714 :1 a 1m 1 0 553—. 0 354 ‘ 0 851) K ct 51mm spun“ and. Cleavunzu a 022 — 0 052 0 15mm bur. 1mm 1 0 000015 0 (WC-a c 0031? am c 141m. cm s 1: 1709» 17112 7051.” 'J 071-13073 0 0/1 ‘ In. 0111: 1141:1- 1442' l-lfaSrrc'e o 567 - o 568 0 572 v sxcm qeu' 'e‘o Fm 312 2'0 1 24 3:0 1 27 [up ‘30 < (1 flpmlJ‘e p08 spv ng Fuse mgr“ A ‘15 1655 11521 05:11 29 Slunauvd mm; m- Remark: "In K ck spmdla pale bum Om d1: 5 45 ‘0» cm 0 196 o 177 Ovelc lu-ufih l3 '25 Ian 0 51 1 u 492 Prunory c'am Z'afiuc'on 5 >10 20 my. 3 ow by mm swmg 3 "367 (I 393 0 7874 of ions rg E3164 5 ‘ a 25 M ieqd. vz :Ieces G. GIII' Chung- rm S'ur'dord Repamng ln‘l Rumor“ Gem .nh 'orl ~ :; n 34 0 34,025 342 more \ l 333‘ ' 1 34¢ Geu' «om mm. 00' a a. 339‘ 1055 I 33.5 J ' | 33.1 Burn and an 6v [u'u - Cleavcrcu 025 1': . 1 0.009% cm mange Fads In an: 17.3 more (3.68] H. Kldc, Crank Can Covor Yen S'ardcvd Regain"; [m ,; iemmks Krcl :‘nr-ov ans! Shah om de 14.34 “121353 14 25 la): 03cm . 3 565: 12361 Kuk mm, gum um: ‘ C ea'ar‘cu null), 3 '04 ‘03 vrcre («RM 3000674: 409‘031‘2 Cu...“ 1 H Fla-m; w mm 005 01 mars ‘ D cows ‘ u was; l I. Pump, Oil Filtor hm ‘Sruudam‘ Rmmn-q u'm' 99mm on mm 3.“... 0" am; am» mm m u. 'I'a'< qeav 3‘ w": .3qu mu :m made m Taam m1»- Ban: Beck mu: C Ec-uma ,n 05 - 430017 37 were 3 fill-59.3 3 003915 Adm :w yv'u‘k l, 30 II.» I Standard Repai'iing um. Remain Oil pump gear Bad ruh 0J06~02| 0 £ Mn!- 0 MAI7~ 0 0087 0 015 on pump your side Ciauvanc: 004-0089 0 I ma ‘uza and side (av-i 0.0015~0N35 0 0039 0:! puma gem and win Charmin. 0013-005 0 3 mm- .0005|i~0.00l‘7 000118 0 0 mar ”if! and all Clwrancu 0,012~G.048 0.1 more filler Ioior 000477~ 11.00188 0 0039 0» ram mm Our did 57 2 244 Oil fine: chain laosing ‘ 57— in is morn Moalam m. amph- 0.|96~ 0 3937 O 5905 Iude u: the :eme! J. A. C. Dynamo Slanlng Mar um Slandavc Rapaiving Limit Remu'k: Spark n-riamuuca on 3 Needi. gun a more 300 LpJv‘ 7 lass 3 Negdlg gap .gmuon 0 3H 0 27s Cho'gmg pet’ormcnce Chnrqlng cuirem 2 0,, '1 CA DUI-)lunuui: Stan or chmglng, at an dvncma 1700: p m . ai-er than ' nl 500 rpm 3mm finder and Ciuurum I o 5 o 5 mm 'o-cr 0.0196 003” Smrllng rim am oh: no gm) i 0 Ace m more an: dynamo 0.-»3.00236 00337 Crag straw 6x 24 Tigwirg 'orque e 5 'n-kg gunman Whar iighimg, screw 3 siélv—lb um mm. d he need ed Cline». 'ollev Sprlng Free lane-i 254'. 2; [an 0.954. 1220 DNA cm: vollw 5pm“, ['1 mo 43 inaiE :Capi O.|69 Om din. 53‘.“ D 25477.0 2066 01% Slu"i'ig mom»! 0‘ Oui dlu 37 ‘75—.37 2 371 255 < urh 0016’ iomai 24,34 4st I 460 Sln'flrg not)! Volicgn 12v l‘cisn :anY 0 4m Gui-slunculd Raving 30 sar umshr‘uu'd 3] Ilam S‘undcvd Repa nng me Mum Comm no u: 7‘ Max, qop 3.35 aJ-monaord 1 c mm \gmnm “mug Cram (mglr he‘n'e upaer 3' less dufld pun! 7. Mon: 5pm mlvqncer a PM Hoo a: m IS'I ov~3'andorc advanzea “9.ng Spark advantar 2 PM 3300 m rr 145‘ v o. '«srandard advanzcc m. an ‘ Syull odmnmr Cmm any: .20- 37- _ 43- ‘ mama «m. owarge ndvmcea angle I. “bur-nu um“ Standard Rlpulvmg 1m ‘Zen‘o-ks CueralVel rm rwm-I 3 Am . saw ’26 Mom m a ma . 2: us A' w! 3150 Av hlaen AB ' ‘ 0px 2 . ‘ 8p _, 4 AB 2 2,7,} 2 . : an 2 A5 3 3 7px 4 Needs a Ja' 5'8 1 1 Cuna' Wm ‘ g 3 w ‘ Mug den}- nus; 4.. .L‘cw . :2 mm” ‘ SIM . 3 :4 >3 3,1, 2|:VL‘LQ. _, 4515,}: 32 I. Contact Ircclxor lm Slunflm: Repuumg Li'mv Remm Carburenr Vaw saw 259 . 2,3; F a mule‘ \ 2; mm |a' 3:150 Power a r a z 90 3. FRAME BLOCK A. Handlo rem Repumug tr"! via-mks c vcumlerence : rechar rm 0' Wa-ne gnp Dlflermre m- m M?” only am Wr'ev 3| *rc'fle me C ucr .nru dufiuvoncc leng'h between 341-! and rrc' C arch evev F a, Blue IGW’ P‘n,‘ Ham Mn rc-mr tumor Thinnass 133 . 236 ‘257 31) U964 VI [8‘ lér 25 17984 U 2:25 u.‘ S‘cndcrd as-s’andavd on s'ann‘arc on! s'mmn'd ‘ oul- Huncu'd (13km; ‘ch Meas‘ra a” on chd bv lovev end I. From Cushlon l'err Slander-1 , m:- ‘ m Isemm i- M»: du-u'andzvd 51349 :1 . mum“.- \ on canth, ’1 H Um m 1,“ 3‘ m mg m», mum mg lav!» a [rm-nae a ue ’05:,» 33 mm Slandam haw Hg um: Remain Fvom (Aha-1 5p: ng ‘ Fm long"! 72! ,5 215 S ‘m Enhance mm: ”was mpl s 720 a 523 1 Overall .ngm 407.0 3950 lass 16 024 . 15 $90 Ava \uh a wv‘dmg 32 Nos ' {F rsv svegl Ava ’cb'e wmding 30 Raw“:- m... Nm ISIondury mp! “ He-gm ‘r case 374 1 Rofvorcc mm: of bma Id 774 Tnla.e m ccu ZLIm icitycme w w of lung 53 IA ‘bs Ovev: w‘rdnlg 52 aLv-srunduvd , an ‘ Din 0‘ :an as 3 waver-<9 mm; 0177 CC I on c a 250-415 ‘ C ;5& , | 00:! Fvon' [on our): Lump Band «mm :1 3 :5 move ' The send nf 0 pa 13¢}? C C059 , wr “0'9! made "15 n‘umn'g :u'l u m. :run now Im'. W. prs‘on Oul d a. 37 45 . :7 us 37 L 955 1474— ' 475 V A77 Fla" lolk mwe In dm 329$ “on; BMW 33‘ r-a-o 229m L299 13:3 Fro." fork pme :‘E'Or Souca bevwear You 0055 — 3 “39 I) 2 'IO’D mm was 0 002‘ - C 2042 [I 0375 Pay face flat cu! stn'na'd dagvee V Fm‘ ‘avu bavmv ::sc a 1n ‘ mm I J76»! 4??? l 45: C“ mu 412357 4' 2’5 Al 6 I a“ I :35 I (9:; I95: ;,._ r‘u-k bower pets n :u Iéu- 1 1 15 ml: per! :2? .3 590 , 05¢; a 5m 5an ion honvm rue:e n I: n em), 22‘ 52 202 TIMI) am pan :1, I 07 4527 um: 55.: haqu ba‘tvr' ‘ u '2” 413- 4' 2&2 4| 5 un- (use m cw rg :pcu‘ 1 6:25 1 5/5 34 I I'am Svunaard Ropuumg unn' Ren‘uus Seal hcusng and oil In. din MO- 46 039 ad‘slandam seal IBI' .1512 Imcv ng spec. oco . 03 0.0023 v '3 0| I Fork plpo guide Oman Im-gm 36 ou-srunuuvd I M7 In dlu 3.1 0-. 33 039 33l move I 299—. I 31).", 1.303 ' Om am 3 374“. 37 49: oul-slandurd I 475. 147: "am lovk upoeI Ove'a lengr I73 Is 7 I742 cubslurdcrd 6 B4?» 5858 From fork upw Om um 42 IUppcr pom I654 m)". lurk upwe! Om du- 34 47 346 on! “cram ICLWBI : man | 35¢. I 362 mmng gum Ir ma JR 2 » 33 4 qu-suardam ‘ I 307. new Hm! lovk unael cove! Overall leFth In) a 559 Fro-I fork under ccvy Cu' we 3 Chan' pan 2125 In due 335 I SIS 701k rm uuuer wvev In. m: 54 5 54 /' my «mama .nlaqu Dem 2 lf-5 4153 had no may cover Om m 55 Inluv‘rg new '/ lot In me 3514 33;: l 499 —' 507 C. Sh ring Stun. Front Fond-r Ile'n swam Mm mu,» er' Raw-all: 5m. and bomrv Lore 1 I ran: ‘ sImwg I-uuc you "In 1-, 5qung van. 70:) 1.)": race I'IIEV‘I‘Q an" ‘ .;_,I. I mn- I: M..- I’ \ nu .I.m Bud Hg >paia HIIIcrg '0I:.m M C‘ CO4 Ian 51-7-9 I555 .76 lb'I- h 47 D] I 5424“ I: )3 ‘77»; £3 , 3'30 36 2:. Mrs 1,49» WE : I I55. 35 Y ‘ "on ‘ S‘andcrd Rlpo rmg me Elmulhs S'eem‘g s'er! have": V 5mm angle ‘ 76‘ cul-srunuurc Measured bv “9- bridge Idoubls‘ m: lrevevul al mum ‘ 1 5m: sm-ng '09 :one vac. 7m dm 24m 2601:! ouv-s'andavd x 02‘: . 1.024 Fronl 'ondtr P out a a c 031 ; Mu‘ara! S”C 1 D. luol tank ‘ V u." L word Rapuvlm; 1n». Renews , my mum vcmm Ruserve I 9.71 54' I. Frame lady llc’n S‘anduld Rpumr ru Lvrm' (elrcr‘rs I‘m): p-pe can: ‘ am "9 spuca 4:151» 00575 on! svuncms ‘ m \ Icu me: 70002: \ Maud p ”8 :mp DEG , CDbl 0.4- s‘cudmd tuna.” (“:9 S'np‘ hm' Our dln 5'39 bll I I [\0 2mm cul-Juhuu’J Sfiea bu” :u"c~ M Rem l9pr$ ‘ ILleancavu 1 :m- mm mm mm- n do my we 1. q S;u2:e mm :ooca 36 I. Stand Ham Slandura' Rom- ~g mm err-cm Slop turn (one ' In cm! 12.2 v? 7 mm: ‘ a 480 0 49? Sup am mm; hon ‘ 3.. dla , ‘o 957- I6 934 lb 7 I”! ; \ c- 5677. 0,609 o 657 Ma 1: stand c‘po ' :kncss ; 2 3 “.090 Ma r! slung "fie nwa In um um . I4 027 14 3 more o-‘ amdwg par! c551 .0 552 0552 Mom sma seflmg bolt On! an: 13.9» H.955 I35 355 ’ c 547 , 0 54v 0 53‘ Man. stand semng Splrnu‘ Free \ergl‘l 56 63 Jcs‘: 3 355 3 2e ‘ [we 37 5kg 84mg Im In case 0‘ him ‘ 192.937 lbs wean m1. may sum» and loan "sign”! a» vow Bvuke pedc‘ I" die I7le7327 172mm 0 669~- 01:70 a ¢77 Clu‘xlw-(e 2:. q: uu'»5'andcvd (”an Ina G. Roar Fork, l-ur Fond-r Hem S'andmd Raw" '19 mm! Rum»: Rear 10A vim. n c a 262k 2!: Oil m2} ’024 Rcur M pivul mm Cu' rim 7» U4 A 26 (18 Ava! massed r 925, '02:, gum q mm "9 mm .0 me My do .. .- n 20 05, 2: aa 20 5 more o 73% c 790 o 307 Masses space uuw— 2 us penance o 3:37 , x cm Rea' my cvcl boll ‘ OJ 13925, ‘3958 ms les: : 542 3 549 0 542 \ Orwell engm 3m ‘ H 553 Dme mam ‘vpe CK we ‘ 'oc'w 94 low E m 9 , La ‘ uu' «mums .1354, us ' 37 Ivan- Smnaara Renal' n9 lIrrIl Remarks um brake sVoppB' w ‘ In dIo Inc ~10? 3.7 no! i o 397 ‘ 0 4m ’mnnass 9 1 aw-nandard 2‘354 ‘ vaull Mg" 355 Is 1571 H. loaf Culhion ham Simourd Ropuw mg Ii~uI Remus Row cumion Sl'ok 50 cal svandcvd 2362 on czcam'v 52 Ct. om s'undcvd 3: 6C spluc e oll Dec m Farmer: 607 57mm 5m: auI-slcrdnrd In 77.71477: IstO 5» «3 Rear :ushIon spvmg Free Iangre 210 20/ less 'n (as: a! 185mm 5 '267 5149 I» ndmg mm 1 [one :7 5kg 1 33“; less 7 283 876137le ‘ 72M lbs I. from whonl I16" Slawda‘d Rurlurks no» ux‘e 5mm: 0mm Ieng-r 4w 7 so I :olnI v - 197: ram blnka mm ‘ Thrcumn 'c 2! let; ‘ I s 293 r zI.I Nor! make shoe DUI an 1996 —230 Shave cm m: J 555- 7 5H how b'ake Immg Tn cknes'. I E'ahe am In m: I Emu, mm spv r‘g ‘ Free ‘eng‘ (on: In : he :i 2:75 vnn mm; lemqvhl rm ads {On a a 2 2m 3B ham Srmdavd Rspaivmg Lam Ramada mm ax». vaall Innglh 233 9 37a Bend 0'05 0 2 flute o‘ooow . 07007 mm wheel rm Swing l o ‘ 3 a mate a om 0 1:3 mm we Dimonsior 2 75~ IE | 4m: x 010% 0.708 A-r pressure I 7|“),ch : oul-slunduvd 24 m lam-- ham panes axlu 1.. a 0 151345013 ' 151 more os9o~40591 0594 J. low VIII lam Standard Rapamng [um Remarks Final dnvan Spvockal Enncm din, v51 ,3 150.5 :55 1 l 5575 5 936 Rear axle disianu ‘ Overall Ieng- 100‘ ‘oc 2 ou'~s‘andovd cn‘Iu' 3 937 . 3.9:. kw wheel uxle Ou did. 1990‘ 29 93 1951255 ‘ G/GS- 0.787 0 73;: ‘ Bane o 05 o 2 more ‘ Overall W». 250 I1 :m ‘ m. mat. film: 0.» din 199.8 . 20n- ; Show. oul dm 7 sea ,_ 7 an Rear bmke hmng Th (km; 5 2 51m 0 l97 a 0954 Rear w‘ee’ "r? 5mg no ‘ 2.3 we ‘ x cm c '13 was we Ar Wm”. \ 2.?ka:cm1 ‘ 31 254 lbcw 2mm on ‘ 3 09-7 ‘8 APR 0 115. c 7.33 a.” mu pa'e axle In um 709 Am: ml 07577 373:; 5791 Raw um: pare Iavqe In din I0‘ 7 u 2 we 0395‘ 243-2 uAl Bulk? 'cm In dlu ISO - 5643 L53 .1591. mm um 39 I. llofll'k [gill-Imam lhm Slandurd Repamnn mm Remarks Hood hghl 5qu Sm camp le km: Screnium recnfi-o Phon Fuse Balleiy S'op Mm Con nul on swhch Speed nmele: 7 a: Imme'ev E’sclu: cmmm Execln: cunt"! mum: cum. OJVnul vol mp... pow Pkcn Capccrly Eleorome canncw Cancun, Vov Spank grown cl ulocrulyve Max ampere Sucks Max. amper- Max. umpeva I'Iiulusiar Res: s'u n u ‘ Er'or MICK! r a N lag 400(1~ 602C 5000 >7 8300 5330 7 “XXX! 10300» IZCOD ssmw 2 67A 7 5w rum 4W 0 23‘ DC 30v Ac wv 9s~ Ios phun ISA o 71 o lug-am loAH nv l 260— ‘ 280 saMn mMn 4H3?!» :200 rpm V5 nhon iess Adins' by scvew oul~iinnduld m." IA m charglng. lD.bV I.“ LIB lass an has; 0 mm leg oul-smndald on slanaald ouvralandard omrslqndard cu smnnard :u-wundovd 4D DISASSEMBLY AND ASSEMBLY In vhvs chapler, mamly Disossembly operation was explained, and for assembly spnciul ancnvion was only called [01 where needed. as bolh oporuhon are 54mi|ar Fox I'Om If no| (lunfied its model, Proredum ‘or Disassembly operalion II means each model is common‘ Procedure (or Assembly oparnwon General and Common cauhon Tools 1., CONTEN‘I’S I. ENGINE (C72-77D A. Engine replacement .................................... r ...... 45 8 Cylinder .................................................... 5! C l, Cover .................................................. 56 D R, Cover ....................................................... 60 E Missian [Crank] ............................................... 62 5 Cylinder Head ................................................ 64 G. on Pump ......................... . ....................... 53 2. ENGINE (CB72- 77] A. Engine Replucmem 3‘ Cylinder ............ . ........................................... 76 C. Engine Minor Overhaul, Assembly ................................ 77 3. FRAME (C871 77) A‘ ReurForkA” ‘‘‘‘‘ 78 3. From Fork .................................................. Bl DISASSEMBLY AND ASSEMBLY I. ENGINE (C7277) A. Erwin. lopIunm-m (L nu.) Dimssambl Am“; Fromm-m v y Yool: 1. L New pme 'rgh'cr‘ no! ‘0 leak ox mm .w' haw 90: low. mum wlanc‘ 2. 1 ‘th3I plpl: mumsr Mag, mks» wvc—r): ‘7‘. manual Be :cuhom 4 ma 3 a, ‘ D W"- al 5: :‘on m l s'np hm se or Tmmg A} mm Wm mm, m pafilhon n' ma pu’ch man Y‘ghlcn Ag Iavquc 21mm lb‘a-sparmr Wan-(bl A. may CHI-‘30 Hnmg mg a, on: 551:! pecw hon Imemrc m '. 'ml :r.)m hvm‘n r mum 1n. mamw Fig A 45 P D Iwucmbly Assembiy was?" 5. L (mm, mm swam 6. F nu Lab A r .en‘ mbe 7V C;rhll'a"ev mm, m. ,g ~ apwe» a we. ; pr‘ T‘gHL-mug m“ .‘1‘9'11 r‘ I‘ Mu my ..m A.“ WW”. n m} 1mm :yvqmt- rmmg‘ b9 inc-w eliwm I's. Mm” 46 Procauhon Dmmmblv Assemhw Tux-1|; “a a avlvausVL‘pe mm mm." mm an N cm nu! hamlgus Ewe”; was H), z Mum We “we, Raier u: . 5 19 H R «on bur Azserrbe .v-r "mm m u: "a p “3.1.. m; mum: ZHJH" Pek—r'n, » sm- Hm :pjr‘ne' J7 Prozauliofl Yeah D‘Wbly Assembly I 3. a dust smeld 1 4. li cram can :ovor I54 Clurh wlve l6. Dme (*uIr ‘am Dv EC -p»¢~m can? 48 fish: In L Sui. TrHandla lowland anvlv I: 32 TvHandlu (or dove! (: 3| and Hm. Socks! wrench Fore drive: Fliers Disasmbly Assen‘bly Precamron Tools 17. CH0 7: oml mp 13, Engme w m Iv. plug m: A" VM- m» Relc. u: l mu.- 4? Disasumbly Assemhlv 20. Ca'bu'orrev ia'W'g my 11. Eflgllh- hanga' boll 22. [ugms zoV'mg mu chaunun Took 5v! ‘e've' ul 'nel cup mp 20w... Scanner J5. sockel warm 1m. «pa-mar ’4‘. soclev wvm-Lh 23. T-o palm u! m (M «mg, be mug an w: mg“ a gm“ fingfle 09'. w w "rm 'snnel 50 I. Cylinder . Pracmman Ullau-mbly Amhw Tools I ‘ Candw sar 9-1, socket! wrench 2. "(can :nvuv 3. Can cna-r lersmvur 4‘ Spam nq plug Tu Mgh'en wmg mm on 'ha head naval. mm mm as shown have and re- pen! 2 lo a lune: m ram-n ”cm” A‘y—wmno nu! IfQQWfiHyulluw nu! 1m. sucuv wvonch Pay unennun ‘o mu TN"? C‘ 93" , lbw. socks! w’encn Pug .cunl Manh 5| Pracuuvlou Dimmbh Ambly “on 6-55 m stoumg ‘op (on- man ban wrenah 5. Cam cm: n Tighmning mtg». In can (1' dlwmbly 2 v.9.“ usn lbl and mm or m. can chain‘ bc carer m no! N: aruu chp inc «2 cylmdm hood Fl iels Tle a wwa m m 5rd of cnmn vo prmm (ham from dvopp fly have 'he :yM‘dev, mung Memo» g» cm. fl' We 0an In IN- mmcm a: mom nor a the am Lu 52 Pvecumiun DIIMIV Amy Took Comamanon process Li: Celnclda "T" puncn mum on the dynamo ru'or wxvh fl-a annw mark on M. "an" 14% Spam: 3“; Cniucide uunrh nan: on me My?" poo»: union 0' mo cam wreck... com um: wilh the cemer Ime cl ma :vlmdm head, and xumb'ne snracka' uV crank shu'l by chain 6. Cylindu hood Beiorehqnd. valve radar arm, mm mm and vow: should he subasV semblau P‘uaViL hummer Puv ans/"ion to "0‘ m9 and gas“! 53 D isossemb'y Cymaer Cy‘mdm 54 Pre3: 0} Q o 3. Led washer Fig. 38 mg. 39 56 Forehead d'mer Flaw: ha'mne’ Aher rgmemng aer 1':th ‘Jrr w 'Ha 'uvuuu 0" luLk way" rr ll mm m an: «mode-1 nul «huwu Lu; ‘uLled M'er '.rn ('q ~c we I‘g'v’er‘rg dv‘ec‘rr' vumou \uu’. v'g - Praccullon Dims-mm Ammbly Yools 5. C‘uch pram-r. Tc "gt-mu out: semng glam be"; vgrver “Vern m.- ( magunuuy us show n ma plUu’e Check ea s'en:e or spvrg mu. snde' wrerch 6. cmch M's! .ch In unumblv‘ chock opr prace erulrnn of all mam gmce 7. 255'. w rwg Be carelul abow wppwu mun m‘g rar'mva’ 8. Chm,» Cen'ev 57 D isassambly Ammwy Precauuan Tool: 9. Clutch pln'e Puy Hummer lgr Urder 1n .Iisnssammy mi 557 Chnch inwar- ol fillmg )evrbl; dc ' gape,» div deu'ly to we ('aru s’la'v am: nu: m won "mm mm 35 :crem uaoul we l0, 5M. apl‘rflfi H. Slulv d'um s‘cpper s» N am "uppar w; 4:; 10".. Sade! wrer‘Lh 7 039‘ «."P'ch 58 Dlsussembly Asunblv In Pvecaunofl fools -qmam.-_ ycpoev Dc” ’3' ucfi stew-2r "m We" ‘3' Ihe cud a; La svcner 3pm am mud cc seen mourn the no a 59 D. I. Covor . Precaulion Dmmmbiv Anombiv Yeah 'I. Slumng never cable 10». spam» 2. Svaniug molov R L )rde (ow 3‘ Sin” ng halo! 4, Ne mul 5w HQ? 60 T hand‘e lolehued cum mm 10... 5mm wrench I. Cyllndnr Dummy Mummy Mamie" Cond uv 9-5 Sanka! word» 1‘ Head :nvev To ughren saflng nuts Fay anennm n) he on We head :ovev, (alovol nus follow may as xhown hero and re- pen! 2 V0 3 mus Io :gmen secueiy 14x Sockel wvov'ck @jgfi‘. :whl‘a nul k (LHyauw nm 1 Cam :ha'n "armors! Him socks! wraficn 4 5pm Pg plug mug mm- Mam 5| I. Mlulon (Crank) Diusmbly Upset um um mm; m may rrark 4 case selhug nm & be" Undev Unnl :use Vic ~ shall 62 Ammuly In l‘ghvo'w‘g w! and bah 10an I71er a; ,huwn m figure sVarIIn; vumpcrurv rgmenmg n-d men actual Ilgh'uvlmg PM: uuncm Took My. scum wmm 10H. Socke' w’ench MM sacke‘ ward- New; mm‘mav Procoulmn Diuuumbiy Ammhlv Too“ 5. Counm wu‘l To an boating Du ml do I sncuraly, Pmn‘ now-J pm'kmg 5- Iha (use No): ; \euse Vhe su’ luLa a! puchng m: lore palmmg DmH us: wrh a"uc"mg cleaning 0‘: or on Par-I wllhu.” :hok mg 3‘ ho'as 63 Precauhon Disassevnblv Amh'v Vool: I. C-(lmaer hum can 23‘. spanna‘ Com-m bvecke: 1’ Handle ‘ovahaed d'uci lg 71 a. EL cmndez huau sdu cover I Nana‘s mmneua C'wa' x; a: 1‘ Tuppn‘ cc 9 mm. mm. 5., Mg. m » r mum; 5n 2r .vrenz'v 64 o mummy humbly Pu- Ion rm! oi Era! of rhe mum. Con ng~groovas on we mm mm =an pm al Mo plan: we w v'ar o>| passage and wheat n' Sma hul‘ 53 mo 5pc cal arveumu '0 u} ‘52:”! :H' '41 6358"” Me Farehau: 3n ,er P 1m" h'vn'um 65 Dawmhly Ammbly 8. R can sha‘l Assembly process 0' l cam shah Af'er colnudu'g 5pm nu! me ya: lme u' me mun she“ :cm 0" 'P6 puwched «mi :5 me :an :prchcl awrg upwardl "*3" rse" 9. Cum shul- lack m R can snafi ‘0» In “mm, the ;on' an”! ‘ carc de me 3.1m .viere a oulh gr ‘9 me n1 flu.- :qu sprn nu! Lu‘u'vlsvé .5 ‘an flu w n- me my Vesncnwm] 5m me tarr J‘s? am than mm 66 P'Icau'von Koch Fcrefieud dr r-«ev Flaw: Mme, V asr c Hawmyf Ptlcamlon DlsaxuvIIblv Ammbly Tool: 11‘ Cam mom: comp PM In: puhci‘ed mark upwcud and (am She" vcck'r nu! to m. rugm sic. Valve sec: cunuv $7 0- Oil Pump Dlmmmbly Ammbly On pump mm Oil pump pack rg a 04 name: 0 \ mmp baa» F31 79 2‘ 0‘ amp Quill"; A ° Dowe pm A Fig. so 3, \mp 'w'g w rum» urn ng m , o , i . ° my. 51 68 Procau “on Yooln snap rmg 'amover Pvecuuhon Disambly Amny Tm“ ‘ Rafov in me anqme ' may awneu am: Sm cover assembly 1+“:an Vorahloc dnvev 13:31 5. on pumb side com dowe pm on pump gear A on pump 9w 3 Oil pump dwe gem 69 2. ENGINE (CI72-77) A Engan "plat-mu , Piecuunon D‘wu-mbw Assembly Tools 1. ‘. ma. Uum my ‘4‘. spa-rev 2 Fl, .; Vark 590mg law 10-. smile! wrenfl; 3. 0w :hcl’ge n assP'flbw me svep Tcka w Nbes A 5rd pedm my my 'c cv Hm a mug.” nob: 3m bar pnmac mark WW" w 0' We wrung: m», socks: wmm Hr». acan'xw 70 Pvacuu! Ian Drsassnmbly Assemb'v 170°" 4. 1 mam up. W W L mm“ mumar um. mam wrenrh Mn,- scrlel wvcnc” I4". scanner rl'V 5. Dust (a ver 6. Speadrlcd'm'nc'cv \nbs yrs, spanner 7| Pvecmmon D‘sasumbby Assam-31v Took . m' :leurar ow mcmng vru'or (Obie spanne' a. Audea13r cannaz‘» Iwg m» 'mmHE ‘Mru main m » sda‘ T Hmmlc chewuu dv we' \: 2‘ VV 5“; we mm rm” {7-5. mm weum IO. ‘R‘ sms‘ W at» ”an 'weu bar 513:: wxm 4, 72 Disambly Amny 11. R axhuusl p on law mu R, axhuus! mvfiluv ‘7. Dynamo cavev 11 R crank cuss covey Cluich wue Drws sprnckol mm It Dme :ram Pmcaunon tools 1ng sack-I wrench 14-». maker wrench In; scanner Relay la l sde T Handle loranead CID/av Ifizr TrHundle {mama m m ‘5 3| Fmaheaa dme: is'ev 'c Vhe r'orr or 73 Fig. 9a Dualwnblv Ammbly IS. A r daune' case: 16. ')H:7' e Mu 17 A rdvuv‘nv former or; who 19. qume M HQ 74 Alum Hunde Precaunon Fool: vala wve vs'fir In the van of Enamel Re: ULe‘vvenl lm Vlczs CE ne’eaz “my a: m Duosumbly Ammblv Pvecaunan fee! 19. Camcc' kw Eave‘ Cafl‘crl nvealev r mum» Voref'eca anva' I: 2: 20. Ewgu-e "angel mall 21. Enqwe sa‘wg 57", mag: www- w. :punnev Imm Mum‘s [ma fiend driver Me oul ‘V‘E 1mm- Av w and my dow— mtg" e u; Vane am "we Ic"er (1th MM, Sparret haw. Socke' m'e'dv 'M. 4mm 75 I. Cylindor p Olsen-«Italy Ambly mfg?" I. Carhugna’ '0‘. summer Z. C(lmdev heed ccvev Can m: w ve-mmer 76 his .0 Made C77, 7: Engmv Replact men! c. ln’n- mlnar ovum-0| and “muddy Discs-"DIV Ath “:3?“ I. R‘ L. Cyliudfl new Sid. cover YAHanaln forehead dnvar 1; 3| 77 3. FRAME (CI72-77) A. [our folk D Ilaulmbly 'l. Recr bvaa wre murc 2‘ Rear mm :vcpcuv CJVer Pm Axe m 4, K's-r wheel mle 78 Amblv Precmmon Tools 14w. sparns' P w; um, spa‘Mev Fhe»: Paw: hammer Pvacuunon Duosmblv Ammblv 190., 5. Dwe rh: n 6. Rear WM 7. Own L as? 2%. >p-3nmn :n,“ Sade wrenm 8‘ y ma’ :Msmor 17w. mm e/vm‘d' m“ acannv‘ 79 Dlumbly Am“, Pugs?” In agsonhly: pm me suowvd mde the rear cusron "we: be" hub ‘61 faze cum-am 9, wow 'nJW‘pr Racer-(we p'ewouslv Charge pedal mrnlnuncd new, 0! ‘quku peas Engve Remaceman- S'en :u‘ 10‘ ? 51.3: bn' Nanev h" germ wrench 1|. ‘ amp bar «may 17g. «,300‘ «.‘mch Ham: hammer 80 I. From fork Pucamion r D-wmbly Amt: y Tools I. Wand ghl 77Hc-dh‘ forehead m .er : 2‘ 2. 'WV Hg 3m. ou’ my Mum 19: cm: 1: u: v-m?‘ 3. Was ’icmcbs le'1\ nm 4‘ épaeco-w-ev can e :lwgr‘ Tacrsmm- rm;- 81 Pvacuunon Diwmmblv Ammbly Too“ 5. Blake \‘i‘VE 1 Aw, saunas! 6. ’rgnt b'alrt siscpe‘ m Flumr ram-lav :Dvshsud d' w SpeAnol‘wle‘ can: a» w Fhe's 82 Diwmmbly Asmbly s. Carver pm Bx ’23: Fvon! whee we Inf 9. From whnel uxiu ‘0. Hart Ion comp Frau louder H. Slmmr sw>IL|I ass v Pixavlmn Tool! F Ii." 23‘. soue' wvenc'l lbs. spa‘ner Plus'wc hum net lC-U, apanner H thC‘F lorfihec: d've' '32» 83 Duusumblv 11, Thrcnle W We 13. mew-z: wrvu Camp 14. cum wra co'Wp mm mm w» ron Ch‘ch W Va new be? rm; nu- Is. Sum :‘m an». areerng daxrpu' ‘czk sprng m :erg Hc‘e i rum.” dvsk 84 Assam-Hy Placamion Yooli Y Hanme comma d'wav lg 21 H5 5pcw"ev P'mva Phav) ,, , Dlsuxsombly Assembly ":3?" l6. Hex 1:005be r" mun-Am pcv ax- 5959mm name pme mum on punched comp. ma'k 74-9,, social wrenzh l7. 5 mpg dcmcev A kruh come l 1:“ Sunny Damper cc. Spurn 39' bulv 'M. mm wrench I8. Soudomaw' asa'y W. hen» Van bah mam; been sw- n... S‘an '1_l 7a,. 3pamle' 3:~,. up 85 Dummmey Assembly Fork my budget 11 . S‘eeenng hand vhraad :omc 5w ng m tar» ruca Fig, us 72. Stealing slam :ch Fig. 137 Hg. 13: 86 Procounon Tools Procounon mummy Ambly he“ 23‘ honvlenw Take Dul an arrow marked ball. 24. hour om ca-ug ’u me new 5ork nncer can: wlt- wclood mp us Vhe R s>ae E7 Fig. ‘41 CONSTRUCTION CONTENTS DIFFERNCE BETWEEN (372-77 & CB72-77 A. Engine , . ............ B. Frcma . . ........................ ENGINE A. Main Purl: oi Engin- ..................... B. Lubricating Sysi-m ...................... C. Centrifugal Oil Finer ..................... POWER TRANSMISSION A. Cluich and Primary Chain ................... B. Ttunsmission Symm ...................... C. Final Dvive Mechanism AUXILIARY PARTS A. Funnel Type Breather ..................... B. Kick Siamr Mochanitm : ................ C. Cam Chain Tensionar ................... CARBURETTOR FRAME . . . . . ...... SUSPENSION A. Front Wheel Suspension .................... B. Ram Wheel Snapansinn ................ STEERING SVSTEM A, Handla ...................... B. Sleeiing BRAKE iNSTAlLATiON WHEEL A, From Wheel ..................... B. Rear Wheel AUXIUARY EQUIPMENT A. Air Cleaner ............ B. Muffler ............. 93 93 95 97 110 110 111 113 118 120 121 123 124 128 129 131 A. CONSTRUCTION POINTS OF CONSTIUCTIONAI. DIFFERENCE IE'I'WEN HONDA 250, 300 MODEL C72, 77 AND C372, 77 Honda 250. 300 Super Sport Model C372, 77 has a newly designed chassis equipped with engine which partly reconstructed tram thou ol Model C72, 77 and aimed mainly to be used as spans car maintaining availability as racer interchanging some oi its parts. As this engine is high rotaiion, high power type and chassis is light weight, high rigidity type, the special construdional featurar comparing with Model C7277 could be cited as lollow. Enulna 1. Twin :urburetlor To raise horse power adopted Ywin carburettor system removing iunction of suction manifold. 2. Reciprocating change Change control system suitable for high speed running and racing. 3. Kick at forward step Cons-daring relation wnh irama, direction oi step oi kick arm was set lorward. 4. 130 degree (I-Tylfl) crank angle To a» stability at ingii speed reducing vibration left and right crank arm angle was set as 180 degrees Fran" 1. Frame and rear fork of steel tubing To attain light weight and raise ri airy main constructional member is constructed by high carbon steel pipes. 2. Telescaplc type fork To raise Siab'I-tv at high speed running on rough road maintaining rigidl'y, tele- SCOpIC rype lark was adopted an the front wheel suspension. 3. Rear cushion of three step adiustment Rear cushion is adiustab'o according ro load and road condition A, 18 inch type To enlarge bank angle and to help pleasant Feeling on rough road. equipped with lroril wheel 27518, and rear wheel 370045. 93 5. Spud Tuckenmcr , Spotdom-hr and Tachomr wow so! in the same can. 6. Sup and handlo July In new or inmdlunoe To make easy ndlng posture sui'ahle lo: gonuul, high spud or rec. riding, MEMO 94 A. thin pm: I! onflno Cylinder and Cylinder Head are lhe mos! impononi pans of engine and its construc- tion, moi-rial and its machining (are oi precision afilci origin. plriormunco. This ivpn oi engine cdopied most suitable OH V. Npa valve arrongomeni in (main afiiciem combunion chamber ivom. On In. oiher hand Hm cum she“ is sci in me cylinder head and Iho vulva: an actuated by iocker arm (O‘H‘CJ, accordingly re. ciprocaiing parts are reduced very much comparing wiih other types. f‘ Cam she" Cam mm nv wheel Ca’n spiockal Valve rocker um. Vane Fvslon Connecting roc Cum :V‘qln Crankshaft 5;; Emma bieuksl mung halu 5‘ GA «in Breaker Wm Palms sic-aw I: m (cv‘aci pom g. Cumsc' m"- Fig. 2 L 95 Tho cam shaft is driven by chain through the timing gear rsductioned 152. As rha cylinder head Ix made ol light alloy, not only it is light but cooling elficloncy ,5 ex- cellent as heal conductivity Is good, and shape of combustion chamber is ideal semi- sptierlcol one lo 9 emciont combustion of mixture and also la attain larger com- pression ratio As the cylinder -5 machined w-rh trig» rate at precision Cooling efi‘i. clency and lubrlcation are favorable. accordingly wearing efiect Is Very small, Single row W»type needle bearing :5 used at the blg and of the connecting rat: to get ample loading capacity at the bearing. On the other hand single row ball bearings are used on ‘lto cra'lkshall, where W— type middle parts at 2 stations single row the needle bearing are used to get larger loading capacity. As crankshali has on lrnportanl lunctlon to convert reciprocating matinn to rotation. inertia tome due to reciprocating motion of piston and conneciing rod should be reduced by putting balance weight to gel smooth revolution, The crankshaft can rotnle smooth running as it is balanced by dynamic balance on the balancing ma chine alter complela machining. To reduce Vibration at high speed revolution ona ll: get stability at high: Speed iun- ning the rlghl and left crank arm angle of Modal C672 C5774 :ranlsnali vs set 160 degree. (For Model C72, C77 type angle ‘5 360 degreel Hg. 272, Type] i-miilisimn P mi, 1 20m: aeumg Car'nectlng roa R rrankshall ‘ 62155 I \ourrnl hall aear'ug ‘\ Ca-n man SCYOL‘KO' l rom‘wn on pcilIH: iI-we gear Fig. 271 Kim-ell simmer. 96 I. Lubrisaflng system Construction and operation For Hundu 250, 300 oll is supplied under pressure by gear pump and wet-sump sys- tem is applied. The oil pump is attached under crankcase by 6 baits, The oil pump is xhown in Fig. 2.5 and Ill is driving gear and (2) driven gear. Power is nansmitted by driving gear (3| meshing with crankshaft gear. As for operation ol gear pump. rha driving gear lll relates to the arrow direciron and the driven gear (2) rotures counierwise, then degree of vacuum increases on the right side sucking oil From this side to teed the Ielt side Therefore each part of the pump should be carefully inspecred to avoid engine burn- ing or oiher troubles due to muI-lubricarion. Such troubles alter occur due to oil leakage lhrough inudsquole gap between gear teeth and pump main body, or be- tween gear face and pump body or pump side cover causing drop of degree ol vacuum. Lubricating ail sumpad in the crankcase is sucked by oil pamp to pass through ihe Fig. 274, .ubttating (m. an:— 97 1 -———1 i Mvssion shun j | Cylmdev read ] \ up”: mm !| I ! . . r MEssion gear I r Lockcr arm man | | C’erkshah [ . l comm m bag m Connecting rm: m‘ and u..- 6‘ sum: .- ~~~~~~~~~~~~~ —« ‘ormd luhnccnng 1m: ..__. Splash Lbuza'r‘g we (:7 Drive your «3 CH pump bcdy (3‘. Ci pump qeu' ‘dviv ng genru’in 15:. on cur-1p sde :ovcr a on m gen'.drmn:r~nnrwz. ‘ P S. J \. Fig. 2.5. 98 undar crankcasa and L. crankcase cover than the pipe line in splined Io 2-ways, one to lha oil filter. Oil cleaned in the oil film is flodod lo tho crankcase where "to line is spliflad again to 2«wayl, cm is guided to the crankshait through the center baaring and lubvicoie the big and of cannecling rod and also the small and by splashing, and another 'ina is guided up to the cylindav head along the cylinder stud bolts from tho uppef crank can to lubficul. cam shall and locker arm sepamie|y in the Iron! and rear rocket am In ”Ia head Yhon drop in the crankcase through the space around 'he cam chain. On tho olhar hand, one line spliflad in the L. crankcasa covu is guided inlo the transmission mains‘naft through tho oil guide metal which is fixed on the L crankcase cent by spring, and then drop in the crankcase lubricating mission gear through oil hole bored in the shaft. Calm-lingo! oil filter Oil filtor is localad an the lront side of l. crankcase cover and oil is cleaned and sap- ara'od by centrilual lovca driven by tha driva sprocket ol the crankshaft and chain. m 0!: mm rotor (4) on mm shall ® hater cap 3; Film shalt flapper pin (3) 52mm (“clip Hg‘ 2 .e. 3. POWER TRANSMISSION Power transmission is defined such mechanism as rotation at crankshatl is transmitted to rear wheel. The first step of transmission from crankshaft to clutch is done by chain. This clutch is wet multiple plate type‘ so there is no heat generated by friction and also no noise perfectly. As this transmission is such type ol advance 4-step and constant meshing, there is no goat sound while in gear changing, and consequently made it possible to widen rear wheel driving power of powevful engine. Further power is transmitted to the rear wheel sprocket by chain drive from the mission, and through rear wheel damper oi rubber made to the rear wheel sprocket and the rear wheel torque is transmitted between the final driven flange. So that torque is transmitted very smoothly without chain knock getting smooth running. Especially as clutch is locatcd on the mission shaft, made it possible to minimize de» flectlon of crankshaft and also to stabilize clutch function reducing clutch inertia. A. cluklt and prlttsary :tsalll Clutch (ll Function and kinds Function of clutch is to cut or engage power transmission in case of changing gear or starting location between the engine and the transmission mechanism. Therefore fineness of cutting and smoothness oi engaging and disengaging are important lecture. There are several kinds of clutch system as cone clutch, centrilugal clutch, mulli- ole plate clutch and single clutch, and we call wet type when merged in oil and dry system when oil is not used inside. [2) Construction and function For Honda 250. 300 we adopted type oi wet multiple plate :iuich. As shown in Fig, 3—1 (disassembled figure) and Fig. 3-? (cross sectional figural, there is clutch outer complete when crankcase cover is taken out, in the clutch outer complete. clutch sprig (lol in set by 4 of 6x24 hexagonal bolts pressing clutch pressure plate [9) and sandwitchlng clutch inciion disc MI by clutch plate (7|. Inside of the clutch plate teeth are cut which mesh with that oi outer part oi clulch center [8). and the clutch center is connected wnh the transmission main- shait by saline and rotates With l7}. |8i ano {9| as a whole With the transmission moinshaft. 100 m a, clunkcuu com (Q L cmnkcoae cover packing ® 0;: film cover ® 57x3 04mg (3 Clinch oulev comp, @ Chflch hinlar dis: (D Cluizh nlav. (9 Chuck. canlei On me OHIO! hand, with ihe groove cur along the Lunar perimeter of clutch cuiar‘ the clutch iricvion dis: is connecied lhrough flange mafing wilh said groove, and Fig. 3 -1. ® Clulch pwessure plur- ® Clurcn spying ® Cluicn mm ioif" pie:- 0 Oil guide moral pm {13 Oil guide metal @- Oil gum moml Spring 8 25x drain 3 L lag smiled lower bulv C-vmmmbled pxcruru oi «lunch the flunsmission mainshah can rotate freeiy. Therefore n case of disengaging cinch. (9| [6] [7| |6| (7| [6] l7) i6} l7) (8] and Isi are messed by much springs, rovohng power of crank is nonsmmed to the mission as a wi'ole by friction, 101 ® 6x19 washer a; 142.57 oil ml ® Ax?! Ha ha" a 6x74 crass ma screw 3} 5on mm mu screw (3 was cross ma mow (i9 6x35 cum hm Screw .11. a (la cross rem: screw lnsida oi the clutch oulor, the primary driven sprocket I: fixed by rivatting and as primary chain is sat on this sprocket. power is transmitted to the transmission main shaft through the primary chain tram the crank I Handlc the clutch l-wr, the clutch liiw throad turns right by clutch win, and m lift-r throad is push-d out insida by tho screw insida oi clutch adiustor fixed on the R. crankcase and push outside this clutch Iiitar pinto Illl through dutch llttu rod. A: the clutch pranun Mali [9) is pushld on sida by the clutch Ilitar loin! piaca. clutch spring ilOi is camprossod to true l6) [7) at aach 4 pincnsi Thornton ro< tation of (5] l6) l6] l6) (6! i: not transmitted to (8]. Nat- : Numb-r of clutch do" and clutch lriaiun disc ll 'OW shed such 5w lor Mod-i C77 and 5 shod) aaflt 'or Mod-i C77, C372, 77‘ j. cum- plul: 3; 0mm. alum at Civic“ au‘sr buss - Clinch sonny (Q, L c-unkccu com @ Ciuvc .tie. :od ism bolt 3 cum ham :5: 1;; cm: my Clwcn (enter ' Puncry unven sprcrket 3'; cure: it... mead Chum mm- mm oiece ,3, sun we! 1'; (:er ad[.sVer 75mm rim 5: .12- Missluh she-i 33 R LrotIkLme :ovm Fig. 3-2. Cross seven 3‘7 clu‘n ’uv Modei CF? 102 ’l .2 6%? | ? an (-64 ‘\ 0 (1) Child! (rrctlon disc @ l :ronkcan cover {$ bxl‘? washer ® ox24 Hex. bolt ® Clutch spring (6) Clutch Illrer iUtM pie:- (J) Oil mid. Mata! (i) Clutch msiura plate {Q Clutch cantar at Clurcn plate :13 Primary drwau sproclm '13 6mm rivet 3 Clutch mil-r a Minion shaft {s Clutch lilm rad {a Cluicn mm 3 Clutch lilw tinned 3 Clutch odwstor 1'9 2. :Ianllcasa cover "9, 3-3, C’Oss~saclian at clutch (01 Model C77, C672 77 Trumminlon synom Function and kinds Following clutch, tunctron of transmission is is Convey power transmission, and con‘ van torque by means 01 meshing gears of different number of teeth. As shown In Fig, 34 ll drivlng gem is smaller than derfln gear, No, cl rotation at the driverl side will be smaller transmitting large lorquet Hove ii is called reduction ratio shawing tha ratio at (such gear numbers, There are two sysiems of gear meshing tor transmission at auto-bicycle Le. selac'ive sliding system and constant meshing. 103 REdU‘IlO" veno = \\ Turque ratio = )m ml) out." your am. your lNo at teeth 3} {No 0' loath A) Fig. 34‘ Relation bemoan reductlon mm and torque mno By selective sliding swam, shilt gear is slided by gear shift lork to get adequate reduction rat-o by changing gear to be meshed‘ and by constant meshing system each gear can be rotated freely always each gear in mashing state, and can be changed reduction ratio by actuating optional gear by means of special clutch. Fig. 3-5. Cross-sectional :qu'o ct tta'tstmssvon gear 2. Construction and function The 'tanstmsslon system of Honda 250-300 is CO'IS'unl ntesh and advance 4 stage rotary type I' ha 35 to Fig, 3.9, neurraL first, seccno‘ third and to stage are shown, Function of rransmissron as snown m Fig, 35 and Fig 3-10 :5 as lollows, that is power is transmitted from crankshaft to primary drive chain, clutch cutter. clutch cantor and transmlssion, — d— (J __J _ _ — —“l L L) ~_~ Fig. 3-6. In. first _ () ' d— 34 E H u\_a I: Fig. 3—7. Tha second Explaintng in order. from the crank rotation is transmtlted lo the clutch, and the trans— mtssian shaft is rotated to turn the low gear VI The low gear turns slidtng over the luck-starter spindle ll?) As the counter shaft 2 gear i9] which .5 connected wtth the 105 spline on Ohe counlet shaft complete can move freely axially, move khis lo the lefl side by gear shift fovk ’0 mafia with low gem lFig. 3-6) than the low your combines wioh m. counm shafl a: one body to transmit powa 10 m. rep gear ”2). Here the axial manner" of mainshafv gear Is reslric’ed by the your coner (‘4) and lhe Se! rmg (15] bu. no! rmictad rolulionofly. (Similariy counler shaft 1] gum IHI, _ __w J J Fig. 3 s. The ma Fig. 3-9. The low». :rosl 106 a} i4...» bush {2) Kick spmdll mini bush ® Clinch liirv rod campin- @ iuxm "o“ ring r3 Trunmllion mic-moi: ® Comm: shah 1201'» (3 low you camping Mmmn 2.9.” 9 Coumr shaft 2-1pm @ Mam mm 39-11 ® Coumor lhu" 19m 0 Top W zone!“ (a Drive media 151’ ® Goav collar (8 33mm set ring ® Dr'm mock-v fixing plat. I‘mm bush C Primary my. chum mazes“) ® Kick shade! spindle a Kick swan. pawl CD Kick spinal. spring a Kick spindlo push pin Q) Boll bearing 6305 HS @ Ball bearing 6206 H5 is Ruller 5x625 m on mi 30m @ oil uel 1475/ a on ual we re ® Hal boil 6x12 Similarly for rho second, protrusion of mainshuli 3 gear ”0) combine with that ol muinshufr 2 gear (a) by udualing another shili fork, and power is lrunsmined by r0< luring mainshufl 2 gear (Bl canneaed by proirusion with mainshcil 3 gauv (l0) mount- ed on the spline of mainsholl Ironsmiiling Io counlev gear l3l and by spline from counior sholi ic iha iop gear. As for ibe Ihird, protrusion of counter shah ’2 gear i9i combine With that of counter sign 3 gm liil Io wcnsmil power to me iop gear ”2) through counter shuf! léi And For ihe lap, mainshali 3 gear liOI combine wiih Yhe protrusion of lhe lop gear and roiaiior oi muinshafr is Iransmmed siruighily io ”13 drive sprockel io drive iha drive chain. As for lha nauircil, each prairusion is no! combined so power is no! lronsfer Io ihe top gear Other pans oi ihe kick sinner system are kick sumdle pawl I20) and kick spindle pawl spring l2“ This pawl mains with ihn ins:de grow: 04 rhe low gear Io raiole law gear. When rioi kicked, lhe head parl of ihis pawl is pushed by grounded pan inside crankcase, and pawl :5 pulleo m to lree “15 year, 107 43 Manual swim?! assembly if) Gear shitt furl '3) Our 5m" lurk gum- pm (ii thv shift lurk rotter ’\ Goa mitt drum (5;: Shin drum mpw 5)de cornnlete 42) SM“ alum srol‘w 6mm: ;_,- sum drum snapper swung ~19) 5m“ drum smug plate 3} Gear shilt rpmdlo carnal-to 07 Sum grim cm :ompIate qz 5hr" arm spring “3 Stir" arm spring pin 9 Gear shll' return spring a} stall return spring pin {a sum lork rod :13 Gun chatty. pedal 03, Change peoal rubber a] Stonper amt suiting ball at Kick star's! stopper ball (9 SM. amt splxng washar Q Shift lork pin lock wash! (3 12254 sv on goal a} 6x21 Hlx halt {3 Axis Hex bol' @ 5x12 Hex. balv 22 6112 Plus «raw 3 sxtz Cotter pin Fig. 3 ll. Besides, Mare is equipped in swirch to indicate noulral state. which put lighl an a indicator lamp when th- rotary swilch Combtnbd on the shill drum is in neutral state. The shift mechanism to actuate the above mutioned counter shall 2 gear and the mainsltall 3 gear l5 explained as lollows ln Fig, 3-1] when the gear change pedal (17! is pushed down, the gear shill spindle IID) IS turned, and consequently the Gear shift arm III] will turn lhe drum L’tl being pushad by lhe protrusion on the lell and at this gear shitt d'um. A5 Ihare are shill lovli gutde pin |3| and guide pin roller IA) which fitted on lhe gear shift fork I2! in the groove on the center purl ol the shill drum. rotation ol drum actus aras gear shift lork to move along the lorm at the groove from side in side to side and he shift gear is actuated Here gear shill return spring I14l is titled to ra'nrn lhe change pedal '0 original position and prepare nexl action and shift drum steppe! (6| is guide (7| for it, 108 C. llncl UV. mull-Inn Tho dvin mchanism from crank to H1. roar who-l is called final drive machanismv Thu main pan: or. as xhawn in figure, primary reduction limermodlale roduclionl, clutch, mission, final drive lpwpellor mail, final reducflonl wheel and rypav Q E .399 “\(‘D (D Clulth 3, Owe sprockm :37 Transmmar snc‘l Q Prlrmiv chain Q) Dnve cam 3 Crankshaly (Q Final dmm spvodusl Fig. 34 2‘ l09 5. AUXILIARY PARTS A. funnol typo broom" Breather thumb-r oi lunnel rypa is locared on the rear upper side of the upper crank. cace. Inside the chamber breather bodv is supported by a spring and back pressure in guided along ch. diracrmn as shown in 1h: figure saparating oil to ubtsrda 0‘ crank. case. Has a chuck valve is find to avoid outside vapour '0 be suckad. I ’1) BNGW‘m body (5:; Brlulher vn've hndv 1; Emma: mm" vu we 35‘; area-w mm. snrlng inleY mum ’9 (Sewer pr “5: Bum-w «awe ‘piam vraw' Fig. +1. I. Kick scarier muhcnllm Krck sp ncre pawl k): Mndel C72. 77 mules with the inszde groove o-' ow gear by puw‘ spring >0 relate row gear Wner '10! m klcx. 'he read 0! pawl ls pressed dGWn by kick Spmdlfi metal bush so lhm law gear ano'ns lree sicre‘ H0 (D Kici Slater spindl- ® Low gout :ompim ® Kick spindle panel Fat Model C372, 77 considering relation with the chassis, advance step tuck system was applied. A piece 0‘ gear was set inside the R. crankcase cover to reverse d2. reciion ol rotation and can start engine ttottstninirtg rotational power to the kick spindle pawl (Figs 3~3l (Q R‘ crankcase (mot camp (3) Kick starter gear @ Kink arm (D Kick ttanar pinion \5J Km slanev spring Ks; Clutch Iilter lhtead comp Fig. 44‘ Cmnkcusa cave! C Cam chain Mmloncr Inside cam chain chamber located at center part of cylinder Cum chain lDK219—941) is set to ~ransmit rotational motion oi crank to cam shatt, and cam Chain tension is applied to make high speed motion of cum chain correctly and smoorlyhv Hate the cam chain tension works to suopress waving of chavn by pressing cant chain In Fig. 4-4, 6mm bolt Fitted on 'he lensioner push but be loosen, the roller w:|l be pushed out by a spr ng to give a adequate ~enstcn on the chant. According to slockness o? chatn adiustntent can be done by Vhls set screw To make sure tightness ol chain, it is ‘nvot‘ablo to adjust putting the crankshail at the bottom dead center 11] (D Em chain 'ension‘r ® Cam chain Eonsian-v :pnng Q) Yuuimm holds (9 6mm hon (51 Cum chain veusionu push bur C6) Cam row-a hmxlanor arm m H. VJ) Cm scvuckel ‘5‘ Cum than (3 R. can y'al’ nuwhccw :5; Curr (1":1 « gmde mHer g“, er aw mumw E) Cerle‘ :mms'uir Fig, 4-5. 112 uuu lfl'fOl The carburettor is a device for supplying fuel and air into the engine. Yhe performance oi the carburettor will depend upon such factors as most suitable mixture proportion oi atomized fuel under all Conditions oi speed and load of the engine. Therefore |t must has precision for each pan and high resistance lor wear to assure the reliable performance for a long period, and so it is requlred inspection and mninlenuncev The revised parts of Model C72 from Model C7] are as Follow. [1) Elimination of manilold. l2) Fitting lvue down draft type. [3) Addition of power let. Comparing Model C372, 77 with Model C72. 77 2-corburettnr system was adopted to increase horse power by eliminating branch to suction post. Concerning the power iet mentioned above, when MM is set, the best condition is at woo rep.m., and at 8000 rpm mixture becomes lean, bu when MJB is set as 8000 rpm. the best and at 4000 r.p.m. becomes rich, Therefore to get favorable condition between 4000 r.p.rn. and 3000 r.p.m., MJA was selected to apply the oower iel lrom 6000 rpm. to meet high rotation developing per- folmance at medium and high power. (D Power rel @ Blllld plug 1;?) Fewer air in Fig 5.1. Power iet system 113 Construction lll l3) l4) Air from the air cleaner passes through the suction port (it, lower side at the throttle valve lat, moln bore l8l and inta_Ecytind_ers. This air stream pfoducee a partial vacuum in the area around the power nozzle l24l. by which tuel in the float chamber l2) flaws through power iet fuel pipe mt, power iet l’ZZ) to the power nozzle (24). At this area, fuel is mixed with air introduced through the power air iet til I. Then they are mixed with air flowing trorn the suction port, vaporized and drawn into the cylinder (Fig. 5.2L Main fuel system Air tram the air cleaner passes through the suction port lit, lower side at the throttle valve lél main bore (8) and into the cylinders. This air stream produces a partial vacuum in the area around the needle let Ml, by which fuel in the float chamber [2) tlows through the main iet llO) Into the needle iet holder l3], As this area, fuel is mixed with air (bleed airt introduced through the air iet l5t and the holes (9! provided around the needle iet holder [3]. Then luel and air travel the gap between the needle iet l4) and the iet needle l7l, and dlscharge to the lower side ot the throttle valve, Then they are mixed with air flowing tram the suction port, vaporized and drawn into the cylinder lFig. 5-2l, Slow geed tuel system lpilot systeml Air from the suction port lll passes through the outside llZl of the air screw (H) which regulates the rate of air flow. Then air passes through the bleed holes (14) of the slow speed iet (13) to the slow speed iet list where introduced into tuel stream trotn the oritice list provided with the bottom at the slow speed iet ll3lr The rich mixture produced at this area discharges to the lower side at the throttle valve and is mixed with air flowing trom the suction port it) and drawn into the cylinder, The minor mixture adiustrnent is made by means of the air screw lllli Turn the air screw to the right to enrich the mixture and to the left to lean the mixture. The matter mixture adiustment is made by replacing the slow speed iet (13L Replace the iet with one carrying bigger munber to enrich the mixture and with one carrying smaller number to lean the mixture lFig. 5-2]. Float chamber The carburettor must supply the correct mixtures which suit to the throttle opening and the engine running speed. In this connection, the fuel level must be held constant. The float system is a device to maintain this constant height. The oper- ation at the lloal system IS given in the following. Fuel from the tank enters the float chamber (2| through the passage (I61, the valve seat (17! and valve (18] As tuel enters the float chamber, ‘he ”Gut 1191 will raise and move the valve I181 upper- wcrd by means at the float amt l20l When the valve touches the valve seat, t'low oi fuel will be restr'ciac, As the. level drops, the float lowers‘ opening the valve to allow fuel to errer the flaw Chamber Thus, any change in the tuel level l'lA causes a corrospondmg movement 0' Vhe float. opening 01 caosing rhe valve Io malnluin We luel level conslam. Thurs is a spring msmlledl againso vxbrunon, bntwaen lhe needle vulva and ”5 body at ‘he locaiion where Ihe valve commas :he floor arm (20L IFig 5.2I (51 Choke syslam In: choke vabve I21) must be ‘n a closed posmon wr'h the choke lever moved uD- wards, and ‘n a open position wnh lhe choke levsv movad downward, as shown in Hg 52 .11) 115 (6t l7l Miumm at High speed lint mixture odiustment Fuel mixture between lull and hell open thratle positions is controlled by the main jet, To determine whether the main jet is correct, slightly close the choke valve with the engine running a full throttle. i. It the engine speed increases, the tuel mixture is too lean. 2. It the engine speed decreases. the main iet is correct or too big Replace the main let as necessay in such cases. Moderate speed fuel mixture adiurttnent Fuel mixture between hell and one eighth throttle positions is controlled by the b udiustable iet neede and cut away at throttle valve. i. It the with! ll black smoking. the mixture is too rich. lower the let needle to the next Iowa! position. 2. It the engine mlstires or hesitates when accelerated or driven at moderate speed, the mixture is too leans Raise the iet needle to the next upper petition. The throttle valve cut away carrying larger number bring the mixture leaner while one carrying sumller number bring mixture the richer. Since the change on the cut away afiects the engine performance below one eighth throttle posi- tion, the replacement of the throttle valve should be done carefully. c Low speed tuel Mixture adiuslmenl Fuel mixture between one eighth and idle throttle positions is controlled by the air screw and throttle cut cwavc l, Adiusttnent must be done by the air screw mostly, Turn the air screw “i ' to enrich the mixture and "out" to lean the mixture. 2. It the correct adiustment cannot be obtained by the turttlng ol uir screw. replace the throttle valve Fuel level adjustment :Xs shown in Fig 5-3, luel level is determined by the height H measured from the bottom of main bore) which varies among each diFletenl engines However. since the fuel level cannot be measured easily. it is recommended to determine by he-gtit h, at the float. Flad adiustment ol Place the carburettor upside down. 116 0 ® Flam © Paris of cwbuteflot body (j) End a! float valve (63 Furl stmdard level © rtoai arm :3 Main ba- bottom Im- ® End oi float Fig. 5-1 MIUSUFIMBM a1 fuel fiandard love] bl When tho float is support-d with fingers, find tin position whore the float arm is about to touch the top 0! the "on! valve or the position having clsutunte of 0.] mm, [0.04 in] At this position height diihronca between the end of float and the carburettor body should equal to h and ii it is more or loss than this amount, ndiust the c height, raising or bending "in floor am carefully‘ h of Pw 22 26.5 mm (1.043 ml h oi Pw 26 22.5 mm IOBES in I Now: At lha lip ol iha float vulva lhate is 'nselled a spring which (mm umd. whatl push-d. M ii provsni to show the actual position when "I. vulva is ‘o be :loscd, it is necessary in be cautious to see the sumac: point between 'nn float am and ’ioat wivs 117 6.!” Want of {rum- body The trut- supporting engine contacts with ground through the front and rear wheels and is the skeleton of whole chassis. Further it has important feature affecting its form and design. The main lunatic» of items is to maintain chassis strength, suppating engine, rider, and load on the carrier, and has to enduu :hock due lo roughness of road through tyre and shock abso'bar. On the other hand it requires rigidity from viewpoim: of control ability, and lurther requires lightweight to attain better running performance. The frame body of Honda 250.300 Mod-l C72, 77 is. mode of steel of stress skin construction and adopted such cross sectional form as refit-gamer having round corner. The type of form has high draught to bending moment and torsion. Therefore this would be most favorable form at construction for motor cycle from having high rigidity from manufacturing viewpoints, Especially welding is done by new type of seam welder to attain reliable connection and also uniform product: having beautiful outlook. On the other hand tor the frame of Model (287277.05 main strength members,hi9h carbon steel tubing: we adopted to attain lighl Might and to increase rigidity. (D Guxoiim tank ® Cartier © Spurn ml :3 Rear londd stay (9 Rent lander @ Shock absorber "‘ Rem lork (5) Fig. 6-1. Pram hodv ‘0! Made (72‘ 77 113 (D Mam pipe ® Con swing plur- @ Iubu hold-r (3 la sub-who ® Emmy suppon may @ Sub-rubs cross-member (a I: subruba holaav (Q, R l rec: cushion nppcv NGCXMS Hg‘ 6-2. , sub-iube holder l R boflom plat. R step home! pwace Mums: swing pipe Omar mp. Enemy head plpe a3 Fm m. holder ©®®©©© Frame body lot G71 77 119 a anl down lube [c deeu who as Engma hunguv plan; 3 l sub-lube ax Mom much bunker Q l hcman nlure a} Coma: pipe bum? a» 1 5999 holder pm. 7. SUSHNSION A. Iran win-l suspension Th. ivont foil of Model 02, 77 Is Made oi pressed steal and for Model C372. 77 rclucopk lurk was adopled lo increase rigidily and lo anoin bane! running siabimy an iough road. 1‘6 lhe cushion. ihe link systam made it possible to reduce whoei base voila-on and in origin belle! ieeling on riding and boner :onvrollabiliw. As shown I" the Figure oi shock ubsotbar," consists of the main spring and double cylindrical oil dam. Th. spring Nukes up compress-on loud and my dampu Ink“ up vacoiling force. Fot Model C72. 77, Inf! and iighl from cushions are combined by the suspension mm as on body. but (at Modol C372, 77 more is no suspension am. In the oil damper of Model G72, 77 "mo contains whit. spindle oil Hike, and maximum stroke is 50mm [EH96 in»). a) horn cushion honor" mini cow (5) From damov collav (a) Fwnv cushion spring horn dump-r inn-r pip. @ Fran.- dumps! Dll sad a) Fwnr damper piston {1; how damper rod G) Fvom cushion abound S‘anpe' spllng Fin. 7-]. Ouss-sonion of iron! cushion (a: Mod-t C72. 77 < (D From :uxMon (2*. Hwy: (3), Suspunslon am 3; Sycporlmg hinge r; Wheel am l20 (D Fork dra'n cack packing © Fork lap bride: Gil From fort all real retainer ® you. damper Wm. a] From lorl boll a) Ring, 40.5)(10 ® Fork p'pe slope-r rlng (m Franl lovt washer a From lork pipe guid- (9 334610, Oll seal ® "0' ring, 900.4 0 Fork place knadl pill (3 From lork seal Musing a} Front lock cm packlng a) Fram fort prslon a; from rm uppl'r cover 0 From cushmn some Q Fro-u fort bollom (as. ® Front (ark rib ® Folk bonom bridge a From fork drain cock boll © Frcnl lak upper cover a} From lork pip. comp Fig. 7-3. Cress-semen al Iran! cushion ol Modal C872, 77 [cc filo-I nip-lulu- The rear wheel is pivot lype conslruclion equipped wilh also shock absorber. The principle of conmucfion ol the shock absorber is alike ma! cl the from Wheel excepting such poim as side pressure don't acl on the sliding pan and construction of orifice an ill: absorber is diflerenr. Special nllenlion was paid on lire suspension syslern on lhe pivot ride a: performance oi shock absorber, manulacvuring around lhe pivot and rigidity of rear fork afiecl on feeling of riding greally, A: lhe rear fork of Model €572, 77, main slrengfll members were made all high carbon steel tubing lo andn lighl weigh and to raise rigidily. (0 Rear cushion rnelal cum! (4) Rear rebound Hopper serrng rz. Rear cushlun spllr‘g (3 Rear damper Oil seal (1' Rear camper mar p. e {El Qear earrlser rod Figs 7-4. Oors-eeclmn of mar (lunch of Model C72 l2l @ l 6-- (D In! cushion rubhov bushing @ Root {2) Ram cushion spring seal @ Rear Q) Roar cufllicn Iropw @ her (9 he: dumpor mu ® Rom @ km W rod guide fir Roar © Rue: cushion abound sroppgr 33 her mm a} in. coma dawn! dumpr cushion cushinn c ”Mon dcrwev 491 valve cuss comp undur icim upper mini unplr cus- {prlng 'od I| .~® \‘® “(D Q, a". down 03 um dam a) an. darl'vli a hat cushion 113 am damper as aw cushion (:3 Ram damp-r Fig. 7-5V CIuss-socvion of rear :ushun 0! Model (372. 77 oi| 59m vulva smppsi p-uon bow (on plskm nu: 591mg canine inner-pipe In the cylinder of the real cushion ihere coniuins 60$ spindle oil 37cc for Model C- 72, 77 and 47¢: [01 Modal C372, 77. When ihe raur whnl gov shock rear cushion spying is compressed to absorb ii and rebounding force is recrrlciad by the oil damper is give adequuiu cushioning. if who amoum a! oil conmined in lhe damper is nut suiiubie, efieciwe stroke at cushion bacon: to short or leaks oil or somehms becoma migin oi shock sound. The rear cushion of Model 0372, 77 is dasignad io enable "use steps ul adiusirnenv according in road condition MIMO and running swig. l22 8. 3mm SYS‘IIM A. Snoring Mail. Special ananiion wu: paid in dfiligning the shoring handle as ihix afloat: fouling of riding and my control. Especially lo! Mot! C72. ii was olmnd lo iako riding posiun cow '5 conespond quick manipulation of control, which would be def-mind by 9h. lawn of the handlo, saddle and mp. Momma on control pans. adiumm aquipmems are unachsd according to ouch riders' choice. These (ammo: could bu mid to synbolizo Honda's kindness. (i) 1 Iron! winkm lens 1?; R‘ flwing handle layer a; l weaving handle ever (i) Thranla wire Q) Hum human ® Winkl’ mun (:3 Heel: Ilghv smell a} R gnp vuobu :‘5‘ l gun nmhnv up Ti-mme lever a?» R, iron! wmkar lens Fig. Ell Hamil: ml Modu‘ C72 7.‘ The handle complain 01 Model C372. 77 is made of one piece: ol steal ivbing alloched lo the fork mp bridge bv mans ol ihe handle pipe holderl 'lhe fork iop bridge is fixed on the hon! cushion by 2 iron! lork bolis‘ Each Wire is exposed in assembly to make it easy Io veplace lha handle. l23 , (paedo‘mchnmmv ass’v Slrm rig handle coma Handlo pm hula: ~ Simmg 40...». knoh qu. 8.2. Hurdle assembiy cl Model C371 7.7 I. Snoring Construction of steering of Model C72, 77, as shown in lhe Figure, is such having ball bsanng and staring damper of trlclion plate system to meet requiremnt from controL lcbihty and stability at low and high speed running‘ c Made (377‘ 77 Fig. 8-1 Crass scclcn m' 5...an hem I24 For Model C372. 77, Me veering stem which has cane lathe Inside supported on Ihe from cuthion by means of 8x32 hexagonal ball is the malional axis :enloflng frame head pipe and is Important pm for tearing. On the steering m, steering damper is attached and can be adiuled according to road condition. running stove and load— Ina madman. II the knob of steering damper be turned to the righl, veering damper spring not i: raised upward to clamp steering damper frialan disc by means of smerlng damper plate A and E. consequemly handle steering become heavy, On the contrary, if the knob be turned In the left, nearing damper spring nut is Icwered to make gap between plates A and B to become easy steering. (Fig. 34! /® . \ 4 ® Sin-1mg dapper knob romp. a) bump. loci. 391mg m boll 5 ® 5mm; dam Am :pnng @ 6 ® sun-n9 head mm mu (5) PM vop budge © Steering ion thread 1 (5 5mm hm... cone race _~v ® Slaermg head dun seol ' 0 ® Sxaellng dampen lrlnlan dis: 0 Siaering damper plale B n , (n Snoring damper wine 1 I a Com pm, 2.0xl5 1 ® Steering mp cone mu 0 5m: ball. 1/4- (9 SIear-ng rep boll race (a S'eernng head pip. fl Slaw-w mm 3} Sharing honom bnll race a; 5m] ball, m- @" a) Slum-9 damper pm. A /. { ,v- x x ‘ a Sic-mg dance: lock nu! @' ® ® L'; @ svumg damper sprung nul fig 5-4. Gnu union cl mm"; a! Model c372, 77 125 9. IMKI INSTALLM'ION A: mliubilily and durabiliiv cl brain. inuallafion are indispensable condilion [or ii, manu- facturing brake was paid spacial attention, Roar whul braking is done by expanding m- braka lining installed in in. brake drum which is educated by link motion in mm lha brains torn by pushing vight fool. Hora special ohmic" was paid Io emil friction hem ganualod io 90! beau durabiliiy. Fat 0h. lroni braka. by vial" hand operation wire "animils larca is work and bvuke mechanism is alilm will: the roar installation. ‘13 final» Cum .5- male lining (a) Bralm dwm Fig, 9.1. :1: arm shoe we». :a (z) Bram shot am. pm Bvuka d'u'n N'er 5m. Svake shoe ou' :nu ‘ Evaka can 126 1 Standard harr Renewing lm‘ 2mm D F! covu unu~ ng F‘mncsl wwhin 0 03 0 361001: Out. of «poor :vonk ! QCOY 0002 case Cn'u than gnu! mum Cm dd 57.5 SM 355. Ag #9 ans trunk of 2A? 228 nbber should not venom In an. I40»14£‘!8 'Almu USSI~0$518 0555 Cam :Harn guide vol‘av Oul am 13 966 - V3984 13.9 ‘ess an) n 549“ C 31.1} c 547 on m» gauge n c 294 3: 2 s as; (2 mg 22 «m Ulla—0,122 0110 T anEss 2 o o :2 Im D 075 a 019 um aonk case Harm wwqr 0113 0 Uémove alum rg m. a! com 00m 0002 . ,. L"as' unm am: 5 Ulnefi w vh r 0 I33 0 némuve I59” suflcce at 001:: 0 0023 uppev- undevl Urdev Lvenk (use :eam Slip am 3| [(-1 or w r» n on.» n 1mm wrinm R‘ r- 0 03’? I] 0036 E. CluKIHCrunk Ca“ Covor L/H hun- S'andurd Rennnnq l‘m' Remans Clu'c“ mum drsc Thu-Hes: 3.9 39 1’; ms One EE‘ ‘5 e mp” Ulldr-OHE' 095: n :‘a ‘2 4.409 wuhm : 2 0 4mm C 3075 a 3'5 C .:'C” :‘um I» Times; i 7” ' c ‘95: Use 5 sue-s I: 075 : c.1120 :Izmes; WM.» c 2 3 4mm 0 . Ia Liulb c...‘ cul 135 :3 31.1 I, u‘e-ve' mm Cit-mauve of ‘OVu'V wn- n 03 Clnmmmz :0 .m drum u‘ we dm ct pale n réfl'e : n: Claqumra :l r. .vllhm Cr mlssI‘Jl 1-ch ; veLlo'v may) 27 1°. CONSTIUCI’ION 0! want A. Inn who“ Fwnr wind body made of aluminum casting of whole width hub containing ba|| boar- ings and brain. drum inside is fund with braka panel and spa-demon! unit by wheel axis and nuts, To cmmhlo the (mm wheel to the chouil. m on ma low.- and of from (ark slide pipe by the oxlo fining. Roacvicn occund during braking can be caught by Me Ioli side boorlnn through ma snapper of who broke penal. Fig. 101. Cross sechar av' lror‘l mm 128 I. leer wheel The rear wheel al Modal C72. 77 is consisted oi wheel bearing, rear wheel hub ol alummium equtpped with the brake drum, the linai drive flange sewing chain case par- tially and brake panel. On the lelt side. the brake panel is equipped through the distance collar. and between the wheel hub and the final drive flange there is lined rear wheel damper. On the right side of the wheel hub containing ball bearing, the (horn case iS equipped through the final drive flange fitted with the rear wheel damper and the final driven sprocket, and is tighten on the rear axle passing through the left side oi the rear lock through the distance collar on the leli side. The rear wheel damper absorbs not only abrupt: variation 0! rotation during broking and driving lorce oi the tear wheel hub, but also is uselul to protect transmission mechanism. The rear wheel oi Model C372, 77 is consisted of ball beating l6304), the rear wheel hub oi aluminium casting equipped with the brake drum and the brake panel. On the left side there equipped the rear brake panel of twm cum type through the panel side collar and on the right side of the wheel hub. and the final driven sprocket are fixed by the sprocket setting bolt, and Fixed an the rear lork bv the rear axis through the rear side collar. Fig. 10-2. Yo draw oul lhe reai whee‘ "om 'w '70“ Made CE72 77l 129 (9 Row Meal dumpa (3; Final dv .. rang. a) final am 5mm. Fig. 10-3. Cvosssec'lou oi roar hub 130 'I‘l. AUXIIJARY EQUIPMENT A. Air sin-nor The air cleaner elemonl made of filter paper is stored a! "M center pan of Ihe body ufilizlng a pain! a! exceilance ‘hai vhe flame is made of Steel sheet 1: .5 (1|de #0 gm bower War efiecv by expanding surlace area and also Io prevenr ruin waver lo enter, For Model C872, .77, as 2 carburenors are equ5pped, air cleaners are fixed on bolt: srdes each‘ Li? Aw :qunm comscnng who: {21 Ar deans! alemenl 11-]. All cleaner 01 Model (72‘ 77 , F , [11: Au clearer :nmerlmg ma: 2. A" Llauua' Bum.» ; R mr decrw (,ppnr‘ may no! box comple‘a Q L av‘ dunner sUpDD'I gm, C272 ’7 131 I. Manor Construction oi “haw muffin. Exhavst pip. conducts exhaust gas from cylindu head in muMeI. Curvature of this pipe ufisci: no". power Wolopod axhuuxv so: conducted through exhausi pipe is dumps! inside of muffler by checking passag- and hath-r discipuve sound oi the dimmer pip. in go? filmcing eflea. r® I V' —._J (D Mum pip. Fig. 11-3. ammo" of Mum-v a Mods! C72. 77 ® Mulflov ® Difiuw pip. Fla. ”-4‘ Gnu-"Chou DI Mn“! 0! Mil C572, 77 132 ELECTRIC EQUIPMENT 1. Ignition lylum (Ignilian coil. Mogncio. Conlud break", Spark plug) 2. Eleclric power generate" (Rotor type AlC. Genorulcr. D.C. Dynamo) 3. Rulifiur (Snlonium rnc’lfinrl 4. Buflnry 5. Loading (Illumination lighl. Wink-r. Harm Slarler) Electric system is imponanr pan for the motorcycle alike nervous system for humanklnd. Even a pamcl damage or engme igmlion. I‘gm or night or hom lunclion w-Il afied quire oflen ils smoalh running, We adhere on JlS slandurd lrom viewpomt oi manulacsmg and "OFF: lrnnsponmion motorcycle law and secumy standard lav laws and standard: 133 CONTENTS l. SYSTEM A. anlvlon Circun ................. , '37 3_ Contact Bfaaker ................................................ ”o Condenser ...................................................... 143 D. Spark Plug 5" Plug Conmcflou ............................................... I45 Wiring Diagram ................................................ 150 2. CHARGING SYSTEM .mp0!” AC» Gonma'or ................................................ 152 Cal-nium Ream" ............................................. 154 Bonery Cell Sperm .................................................... 152 Maintenance 01 Sluning Motor ---------------------------------- 166 Sinner Magnelic Swiich ----- - 169 3. SAFE GUARD PARTS ................................................ 171 I. SYSTEM OF ELECTRIC EQUIPMENT As ignition system, igniiion coil and convucv breaker are used, For elecvric generator, Rotor-type A.C. Generator is usod, charging baflerv through se|emum rectifier and dis: charging according r0 sci/oral loading (D Hood Iighl Ham Main swiith Wilt humus gmnon coil Romany» AC. gansraior @®®®€~9® nu. 1-1. A. Ignfllon drum 1 . ignition sylhm ® Reluv ® Scion-um remix (9‘; Emmy o) Slap swilch .13; Yuil or non light In gasoline eflglne, a9 the favorable Iime of the uppermos' posirion of compression shah mix'ure gas should be burned and exploded by any means oi ignilion. For bolh Model C and Model CB‘ high rension baiiery igniiion sysiem is adopted (Fig, 1-2), an amino" con 43') Condanm Coniacr breaker q; Spark 0an Fig. 1-2. ignihan svsrem I37 2. Ignition Coil Ignition coil is 0.. some (instruction with that for Modal C72 For Mod-l C372, 77-1 typo. thorn equipped with one coil each corresponding to 2 cylindlr! right and (sit, as the crankshait unglo IS IBO dogma. Bul lot Model C372, 77ween 700 card 900 gr. and 1a prgvem wear of The com follower gveusa shook! be applied or o.| r'eli Rammed chuvucienslics for polm are as lollow H H‘gh unn-wcurng nvonorw, 21 High ham conducmiey. 3| High melving pmnl. 4| H‘gh um‘r-oxydanon 5| Have a moderave hardness , valr‘g hula ol coma: bvvu(u 0» (an Eva-air um Pam- ‘ Tan-um Sprung v Paw meg straw ‘ Base 0' (salad pcml Fig, H? Can'acl breaker assembly Ii" '1 ccm's my Mods? £812, 771 Vype gm ‘ 9mm 4m Made C72 77 hr 5372‘ ’77‘ mm Fig, 1-10. Camcm maker a! Maaer CM: 77 ‘ wca 141 Genually (oi aulomohv. use, 4~5 mm (0 is7~0.196 in.) tungsten is applied. Sparking is ganuutod by magnem cam coniuchng and bteoking cl limmg of crankshaft and cam shaft by the contact bracket. Fig. l-IL Con'nc' Emu:- oi Moddi C72, 77. and Model C572. 77‘“ type One cam is profiled at the end oi the point shaft :onnected with the spark advance inside oi Ihe cylinder head for Model C872. 77'! type, and 2 sets of contact break» ars 01. n! r'lalively at 90 degree on the base. and designed to operate at correct hmmg of L and R cylinders. 2 COIIS, 2 points, 1 mount cam for Model C872, 77.| type. .jJ One mom cam Fig. 1.12. Poirv shun (arr promo iModzl c272. 77¢ woe, For Model C72, 77 and Model C572, 77. 2 cams are profiled on the porn she“ and 1 (Quinn branker ts Filed on lhe base. Here Slmullmleous ignl'iOfl system is adorned as nxpimned in Ihu pctogmph abnut lhe ignitinr co:| Model can, 77.1: fypev l cmi. I pom, 2 cams and Simuhuneous spark I42 (D Cam Flu. 1.1:. Form cum profit (Mad-l can 77 and Mad-t cm mt lyoat Note: lurlaca at pent botanic: rugh with working rirrro Ilupni Emocruw "I." occur: unuurdinury woar rt ottacl-wd otl ar arm. or rh. paint surface. runhu il mama atl or grease on m. point surface bu tall n|otia tor a long llm, il solrdirru and lurms insulating surface ro afim igmlion be impasstbla. 50 special precaution is needed to parent attaching nu It the surtace of point becomes rough or disty, use a line tile or sandpaper to polish and adiust, and it case is more worm, take out the contact breaker base and the breaker base and the breaker arm, polish bath contact surfaces with all stories ln this case special attention is needed to avoid one side waar. Thts one side wearing aflects very bad Influence tor a new part or repaired part. Therelore centering and parallel adiustment of bath contact point is essential require- ment. Also it there is found too much play wtthin axle hole at the breaker arm it is needed to replace with new one. On the other hand, terminals at contact breaker and insulating parts of wire have to maintain ample insulating standard, so that special precaution is required to keep clean ovoidlng vapour] ail, dirt to be attached. In case at adiuslmant o! the surlace of point wipe its surface wilh clean cloth stained with lrichrene to avoid grease. OII or dirt to be attached, C. Condom-r Function of condenser is to avoid harmlul spark between points. and it taken its voiume value too large spark performance becomes worse Therefore generally rt Is seleaied adequate value between DJ and 035 microlarad, On the other hand it .5 required such lealure to resist hzgh voltage as high voltage 143 al several hundred volt acls on the condenser at the point opening instance. 50 it is pvuscri ad in the JIS standard that it should resist more than one minute undei xuch condition as A.C. 700V [50 or 60 “6) maintaining insulation of more than 5M0 alter heating 30 minute: at 80'C (Fig. 1-14, 1-15], Fig. l-l‘. Canaansr (Model C572, 77~| type) Fig. 1-15' Cameos” lMadcl C77, 77 and Modal C871 77“ typel Simple lest tar condenser is done like the following, After checking insulaling value by mega, disconnec! bolh poles of condense! ltom mega wh le mega IS running, then short bath poms by wire At 'his instance, if spark occurs large enough, Ii is decided the volume value is good standard Bv use 01' the sawice ’aster it can be testau pre. cisely volume value and insulaling aer‘ormance D. Spark plug Spark plug clays the most important pan Wit-tin ignition system ol engine, and it takes charge oi stoning engine, race wing high voltage generated by ignlfIUI Col oi magneto I44 to make combustion of mixture gas by high voltage spark occured spark gap within plug in the combustion chamber. Conditions needed to embody for spark plug There we live subiects to be solved to lultil its function perfectly, which will be explained as follows. lAI Current Electric current flows through the shortest way, and always tries to spark out at spark gap. At manual temperature electric Insulating character of inxuta. tion is high, but at high temperature this character decreases. Therefore it is needed high insulation material which it hard to decrease its character even at high temperature (Bi Explalion pressure inside the cylinder, 35—45 atmospheric pressure due to explosion always seeks path to escape. ll air tightness at plug is inadequate, combustion gas at high temperature will penetrate inside it to loose its function due to overheating. (Cl Combustion head Temperature of combustion cl mixture gas will reach up to 2000'C. It is needed to dissipate this heat sooner to develop engine performance preventing over heating oi plug, spelling in advance or burning electrode. IDl Carbon in case of incomplete combustion it get dirty on the insulating part, engine will tail its smooth running due to high voltage leaks partially and poor sparking (El lead compound Lethyl lead is (antained in gasoline to :ontrol explosion. and lead oxidized compound is made due to combustions ll it is deposited on the plug, this compound becomes a medium havmg conductivity at high temperature and high voltage current will escape as explained before I. Conlwualan of plug Here is shown the plug used generally tor automobile (Fig, 1.16L a? Electrode As material at electrode is is required to be hard to wear, low snarling voltage. high tleat conduc-iviiy, high resistant to oxidation, h»gn canauclwily and easy to manulacture, At present Nickel alley or heat res stant alloy is used (Fig LI7) l45 b) (D Adm». ® Wir- pathos @ Plan pochng G) C-mml pole Q Saw width (9 [01qu pub ® Tum|nu| um (I) lnsu|ulor Iwm canwmlonl ® Powdlr mad 0 Spnm pun cinnamon 0 Main body 0 Sasha 0 5PM can (D Icon win (3 Com»! Wu. (9 Spoml nick-l filmy Flg‘ 1.17. Cansmmlon of .mm. Imulaoor As insulator. npocial high alumina subsfiancu is used mainly. This malarial has a very excollonr character comparing with mm 0‘ lumad foreign product. This w perb character can be anribuhd to high canleni of alumina and o pu'oct ma- terial «(in-Iv process and can maintain high parfommnce due to burning pfocass in high temperature lunuel oven (Fig. 1-18), (“1, 59¢ch high alurmnu wbsmnc- (2) Co-mgunon no urmn' bluxh owl Fig. Ha. Insulator Mb cl Concerning plug Insulator linsulator of special high alumina substancel Characteristic of insulator and spark plug e i E 3 3 -§- -§ i ci- 3 = a g-‘E g3 come 9'”; Insulation resistance .g'5 3% 5 "g -9 -75 sitians fig Ma 3 5 a 5 g. on 0‘ 3 E :9 E?» 53 S if *= E g3 8= i < u g g I < (E AIO sao . . k/ctn 20'C~ . 5‘ = 5’ g/cc 200'CSOD‘C400C500CIg/EJ1WtCal/cm750c Pan PbO ll,8007.8x .026— a 90.2 7.1 3.51 an m 300 80 "m "H 0.029 mm 0.07 m Main benefits al this insulator are as lollowing: [Al IE IC) As insulating character is excellent, it is not trouble oi misl‘tre due to decreas. ing oi insulating character at high speed loading condition with preventing efiect ol (lush over by the head corrugation Due to high heat conductivity, heat conducted to plug can be discipated quickly preventing over heat. Due to high resisting character to heat shock, there is no trouble oi damage on the insulator by sudden raise and drop al heat no gas leakage due to strong construction. Ta iein the central electrode with insulator, and insulatOr with main metal body. special powder is used. This way of filling powder is prevailed method in the aircraft plug manulacturing and comparing usual cement adhesion, Air tightness is perfect lar long range use accordingly central electrode can dis- cipate heat evenly and distribute heat evenly Amount oi wear of electrode is indistrtct. larger size of diameter of electrode is adapted to can heat discipation and to 99' least wear and speciat alloy having heat resistant character was selected corresponding to such Circum- stances oi high compression and high rotation. Very strict testing is done be- tore using as even a minute crack in the material might be the cause nl extra- ardlnary wear. d) Heat value of plug al Favorable condition for plug function Ignition part of plug is up to be dirty by carbon generated by combustton gas M7 b C during engine revolution or by oil penetrated into the combustion chamber. This deposit is electric conducitble itull, and makes short circuit at high voltage electricity. Accordingly weaken spark to decrease engine power misfiring and in worst case will stop engine revalutlon. To prevent such phenomenon surface of insulator should be treated enough to cut on carbon deposited, and this is called " sell cleaning temperature " [about 450‘C~600‘C according to engine stat-l. On the other hand, it burned sparking part at plug at higher temper. ature, sparing part will become aver heated point which invites harmlulknock- ing to burn mixture gas belar- hand than sparking the plug. which alled a. creasing at engine power. Therelare it is requested that temaerature at whole body at spark plug should be maintained less than that of premature sparking (less than BOO'C according to engine state). As a result it can be said ‘Ipoth tng pan of plug is no good if too cooled also It too hot "i Escaping of heat Heat received from combustion gas escapes as shown in the figure and sparking part maintains a certain temperature balancing heat quantity escaping and receiving. Necessity at different types of plug having each difi. erent heat value.—Dlfierence ol heat quantity received by each plug. Heat quantity at plug received from engine depend on kinds of engine (air cooled or “0- 1-W- water cooled, 2 cycle or 4 cycle), design lcompres- W°V °‘ “CW“ "“7 ston ratio, shape of combustian chamber, plug position) and running slate (speed, loading. difierenl fuel, flat ground or climbing slope) greatly. Thereer it is necessary to lurnish difierent types of plug to function satisfac- torily under each difierent operating conditions This rate of escaping at heat is called " heat value al plug", and it is determined by its construction, term, dimension and material. It is called “cold type" (lot high temperature usel which dircipates heal easily and is hard to be over heated, and on the con- trary such types as hard to dixipave heat and easy to be heated 15 called “ hot type" (low temperature use]. In Fig, 1-20, difierence between types functionally are shown. 148 +Hl ‘A‘llliH 1 ® low romp-mim- .1:- . [hm Mal ® Medium lenpgrwuv' m Imudlum WI (3) High V'mpolulwl m Icald type) n.‘ 1-20. M .m plug w Mm (ondiyion I! ® 5? W (2) 5mm»- runnmg © lgmlian loo cunv A : low paws! :- ® v m Fig. 1-2]. Hal vype plug “or low vemoamwr- usm H9 3.1.1 um: 3.: 393 a: ESQ, .Qfimitfi 1. 3111. 31 S1.- Eusu us: ENQEQEVELQJ. 8a» 3...». 5 .1... N55... is 3. E. 8% $1.“). «1111?».8 1.11.. .123 . 311: .31 @1ka E1: 589 mi: gag Bum. 32.153 , I 3117.8111370 1:11 ,® .1151: (81 23$? Ssamsé . 1 “1wa 111351.156 1 Eu.» k@ :5“..(\ 113%.:11‘ 3... 1% .5 5.5 «.1311 .311 .1 in. :5 1;“ s2€§s<§¥q§ 1A1 3». .51“ 1.2.3 «5311 . E b a aw ..L., $8. 3 _ Q .6 AR 213$)»: SQ um: @ A 1. n u D 2% .n I; _ 1.11 $1.52... ,3 Suwanee“ 154.11 31 a m 1‘13 .IQU 3% 33 \ $3.1 31.52»? QO\ E11115 11.51% 3.328: 31.1113... ..5d .55. Sam, watt: gab loot. can «can <98: 3 £555: 025.! 150 as: a. .W 5|; .« :2... 2i .3... - a}: Iii}: 5.5.5 3m . , t I. :3 Egagadnfiflgsgflgis 151 2. CHARGING SVSTIM A. Rotor-type LC. Generator The principle at generation at elaclricity by Rolot-lvpe AC, Generator is same as that at the flywheel magnets. Magnetic flux in the iron core at coil turn its direction as mucti times as number of magnetic pole let each a turn at the magnetic iron, For each a turn of the magnetic iron, as magnetic flux in the iron core changes WI"! magnetic pole ,"L'E'PEL 2 cycles (3 cycles per one turn for 6 poles generator), so there generates A.C, voltage in the generating coil due to this variation of magnetic flux The more magnetic iorce of magnetic iron, and the earlier rate at change of magnetic flux in the care lthe more quick the rolallon oi magnetic iron, and the more number ofmagneticpolesl and also the more numbet oi winding oi coil, the large AVC volt- age is generated lFig. 27!, 273). All these conditions couldnt be satisfied from viewpoint of manuiacturing, and among magnetic force of magnetic iron, number of magnetic poles and number oi winding oi coll there ts such inter relation as to increase one sacrificmg other, Due to defects of Rotor-type AVC, Generator (Flvwneel, generating coil of Generator), which wotlis with wrong voltage variation and not equipped With a voltage regulator. there occur too much raise or drop of voltage ii take the loading at random not using regular |oad~ mg. But recently these defects have been overcome by magnets manulacturers' eflort. On the other hand lor magnetic weakemng of magnetic iron preventive measures have been taken in the course ol design (Fig 2-2l A point of excellence of Rotor-type AC. Genurutoi due in it Simple and strong con- struction is almost no trouble and lack of wear parts. Specml teature at using Rator type AC. Generator combined with ignition coil is to make it possible emergency Fig. 24, Rotot‘vne AC Gererulot 152 nuninq which Is impossible in be lallowad by Rolex-typo A.C. Guam. Fraquanliy than occurs parloct discharging comicalv lvom capacity ban-w mounlod on mow cyclt. dun 10 in: small capacity, rot rho bamry igniiicn synlun. ii is Impossible to sport unless replacing balmy or re- chardlng, but let Ilia Rotor-typo A‘Ci Gen-(clot aynm ii is still pmsibla to spark by kicking "an of!!! Mac! disallowing oi bunny duo to it: (calm- cl snap and high induction volt“. of Rotor-typo AC Gan-mar and!» light load when annual-d voll< age he conduded lo ignition coil In DC. of AC. as i9 is lhrougn selenium rodificri menial-u iv onoblan mug-no; manna by switching of adequate circuii connection. —————® ® I (3 Carl A :Gonavmov Q Fix-d can (on car- und colll ® thlow luwal us.) Q) Rm lmogmli: Ivonl . ® ww- Iauy and nigh" @ Crankshafi @ Brawn (cammcn uni Figi 2-2. Conwmion oi RMU-Iype Fig‘ 24. Circuii diagram ol A,C. Gen-ram Rota-kw. AC Gan-aim I l 7 A J l J I I [M 7m 1m ‘0” (I; Bahsry vollcgn E» A Vail 2; Charging culranl z. B 'A-‘Ilp Fig. 24 (al. Chavac'onsncs oi Rmar-iyp. kc. Ganualofl lauyliwel 153 A B n n c 1 '5 v a II I l I 5 1 I a D W M I“! A... M. I“! 7" I”! m m (D Em voivoga Es A1Volv (5 Charging currenv z- 3 :Amp Hg. 2-4 (H. Charon-Iain c‘ Emotive. AC7 Gonovalov [during night) Solonlum mom..- Thc wllnium rxiifior is used for reciifying tho D.C. currem from ihs KC currenli al- ways combined wuih Rolor-rypo AC Generator or AC. generating coil. There are sevoral kinda of consiruciion. moieriai and [arm ior this rectifier, two the principl. is some oli|izing iis spocmi character of easy flow currenl Io one diradion and demo '0 when Typas oi rectifier generally used are sslanium reciifier, copper oxide rgciifian and germanium reciifiavv Reciiiying unit to reciiiy by ihe selenium rac- iifm is shown is Fig. 2.5 (a), and is (amnesiied by recliiying plates combined with 1:, § © ® iAi Nacriiymg plain g) Insu‘uiing Warrbrone (2‘; Eieunr pu-e " Seltniun A Pnsiiiva airecnor a Q.) Busa plan: mist pln‘ed sisal 3r alumnurm is: A Sign oi rec‘ifiar cr rociiiyng pm (3. Diraciiun oi timer! ”Q) Fig. 2-5 (a). I54 end plates and spacers of required number in series or parallel and further according to rectllying :ystem it is set in comb-like arrangement on difierenl rectilying circuit lyle. Rectifylng plat- ls thown in Fig. (A). where an the base yeel sheet or aluminium plate of nickel plated circular or rectangular from, relinea selenium mixed with an adequate amount al impurity is sputtered in vacuum and further ready lusable alloy of Cd, BI or Sn is pared on its surface to make electric pole alter perfect tieat treatment to make it active metal selenium, Than It becomes possible to get such phenomenon as current is easy to flow to posi. tive direction and almost shut to llow to another direction ll put current to the reverse direction to that shown by arrow. This is called rectilying action of selenium rectify- ing plate, This characteristics caused by unsymmetric conductivity due to the lover of barrier on the contacting surface between pole and metal selenium ol semi-conductivity. A: moisture is very harmful eflect on the selenium rectilying plate, unit-moisture pro. cessing is done by maisture resimant point to prevent corrosion. The selenium reclilying unit which is common tor Model C72, 77 and Model CB72, 77 is connecting in bridge and number of selenium rectilylng plate becomes much and the ignition corl works lor both cycles of positiva and negative loading, Durability of the selenium rectifier depends on temperature largely, and it is prohibited to raise more than 30‘C. So is requested not to llow aver current for a long time. (D All wave «lBl>lAl is the orer to select corresponding ta voltage. Gd Q) Sol-mum rectifiev ass‘y all“ tutninnl b Blown l-rtntnal l: :Vull d : Yellow terminal Fig. 2.5 (c). Imrks: Spucml prlcaulion is necessary in using set-mum rectifier not to ll)" engine undlt suct- condniou as nu loading state "0' instance unlondtng state 01' ball-w during daytime 07 laklng out stare yellow oi luul. as high wattage generated by generalmg can! under no load or light load condition acts to the mam direction. "ti: lsués to puncture trouble and will damage the solonwm rcctittov it continued a long line. On me at»... hand. mm occurs eyeing change in the serenlurn Vecltflef lor n ‘cltg tettn m rnctouslng .ntomel rulfloflcl in the rectifier plate to decrease oulpuf voltage and to 'ncnos. tnmpowlum. Ytte largest cans. of aging charm. is temperature mile and an moi. than IO'C in -he recttl’ter "NS change occun ffipldly‘ thetelam ll is tequtred to select cool pasttion ~o equip -t That. is such Ionmncv as to incveuse current to ravaru direction il seientutn ['Clifl'r has not been used for n Inng time In such case. belote usl'lg tune voltage slowly dLring one hour from lower voltage laboul null of slundurdl to restore its lundlan c. Iuflm'y All the battery lot automotive use are lead storage battery and its construction I: as shown in thl figure that is anode plate group and cathode plate proup (one plate more than anode group} are put logelher in tum inserting sepatalol between anode and cathode plates, and these combined plates are stored in the cell lebontte or stitol model dpmd with oleclrolvsls solution. One unit as shown in the figure ts called on 156 unit cell and generates about 2.] Volt lin case al perfect charge, this will be up to 25 Volt during changingl. For Model C72, 77, 6V ls used and for Model C872, 77, 12V is used, connecting each cell at each 3 piece or 6 piece by connecting rod in series. a : terminal b-pote c : dilute sulluric acid a ; anode plate . l 9 h ,lerminal : cell » leaorator , cathode nlate \_ f Hg. 2-6. Storage ballery The pole plate is made of lead antimony lattice painted with powder of lead oxide in paste state and dried Far anodic plate. hard lead oxide in dark brown color is tilled up and for cathode plate gray porous sponge like lead is titled, There contains expanding substance to prevent contracting solidification while in use as for separator thin cypress sheet (recently rubber sheet with fine holes or sythetic plates are usedl is used and glass that is inserted between anodic plate and separator to prevent oxidation at separator and dropping substance of anodic action. There occurs discharge when connected load between both terminal: at battery, and gradually substance at both pale plate changes to lead sulphate,accordingly, specific gravity oi dilute sulphuric acid will decrease to drop terminal voltage. This rate of decrease of specific graVlfy is proportional to amount at discharge approximately as shown in Fig, (al, 50 it will be determined amount of discharge or remaining amount by checking varlation at specific gravity it known the initial specific gravity leg at complete charge L260 and eg. at complete discharge HO]. Specific grayity ar dilute sulphuric acid varies with change of temperature If also depend on the kind of bat- tery but generally about 1.260 is selected with {Ont/effing standard temperature 20'C. It out current on the discharged battery in the direction reversal to discharging, leod sulphate generated on both plates restore their original state, i.e, become lead oxide 157 and sponge lead again. and specific gravity at dilute sulphuric acid increase gradual- ly and increase terminal voltage as charging progress. 0 ® ,,,. o la] Discharge characteristics :4 wg under constant current I ‘- Q . .- .- i. 0 "' <9 “I ,___r_ (1‘, Voltage :_ G! ‘ ® Specili: qruvnv \ (1) Discharge limit voltage l '" \ (43 Hour: at discharging current Q the 3) End at discharging . (S) Complete charge | l L Q "7 Total mum. 1- I- “a: I- L1; Atrium" at charge Fig. 2.7. Buttery dl Volume and rate al discharge Irate ol churgingl Volume ol battery is defined as amount of volume dischargeable down to dis- charge end voltage terminals regulated by JlS from complete charged battery discharging under constant current lmean value 1.575V per each unit celll. Yo ex- press its value Ampere hour IAhl ldischarging current times discharging hoursl is used. Volume of battery depends on temperature at discharging current and specific gruvi~ ty, As conditions of volumes tea regulated by JlS tor use at battery for motor cycle, specific gravity at electrolysis solution should be 1.260 iODOS (converted to 20'Cl, current 10 hours rate, and temperature of solution 25 :Z'C. Concerning rate at discharge, given here the battery completely charged, discharge dawn to the and discharge voltage with X ampere within 1’ hours, volume of this battery is expressed by XT ampere-hours (Ahl, and X ampere is called the current ol rate of discharge of 1' hours, Therefore battery at 10 hours rate volume ll Ah means such capacity as to dis. charge to hours down to the and discharge volt and current at 10 hours rate at discharge is ”A. Similarly tor charging current, it Is expressed 10 hours rate of charging. To express amount of charging or discharging current, duration of time in hours down to the end discharging valt is used. bl Initial charging Battery can be stored alter assembly for a fairy long time, if not electrolysis so» 158 lutian be poured in and seal tightly a pouring orifice. lherelore when battery not charged yet is to be used initial charging is necessary. This is done after pouring electrolysis solution charging with regular initial charging current for about 70 hrs. continuously to attain both pole plates a perlect charging state lor the lint time. It is required the initial charging should be done perleciiy, otherwise this battery will not display its volume 100% lor lulure use and its life be shorten seriously. Preemtlan neceuary before Itartlng for use: inspection should be done before use of battery finished initial charging as follow: ('ll inspect ii there is something unusual or not. as damage. happens sometimes during transportation. Especially due to damage on the case there happens leakage of solution. (2] Peep inside through pouring port alter halting cap. or check the level cl so- lution to be on regular height. ll its level is lower, check damage if any on the case. It no damage, supplement dilute sulphuric acid ol some specific gravity with other cell. (3 ll lime elapsed mare than two weeks after the initial charging, it is necessary to supplement charge to supply amount of sell discharged electricity while let alone. During this supplement charging, it is desirable to check level oi so- lution to adiust regular height and lurther measure and keep record of voltage, specific gravity and temperature for each cell for luture reference. r.‘ \ Fig. 2.3. SLppama"! charging or Bulterv Precautions while in use: ll) inspect batterv periodically, once a week for automotive use At least twice a month or alter each LOUD—2.000 km [62D~l.660 milEl running. 159 l2) [3) Special attention should be paid on the level of solutiOn and it short supply distilled water or drinking water Inc content of metal as ferrous] It the case at battery is transparanr there is shown levet of solution, but generally the height of solution should be adiusted about if} mm (0 51 insl over the separator It the pole plate be exposed in the air due to drop at level. there occurs ox- idation on the plate making white sulphuric lead which decrease volume at battery. and efiect the performance of exposed plate to be serious cause at inner shorting. So many troubles are experienced due to this cause, theretore it wauldni be exaggeration ta say that is ihe most part of causes to shorten it lite. Keep always in charged state, it used tor a long time in insufficient charged state trouble called sulphation Will be accelerated and at last it invites such difficulty as to make it hard Io restore original substance by usual charging. Such pale plate warps easy to shorts On the other hand, il used with thin solution due to over discharging separator gets damage Therelore It is re- quested to supplement change before the discharge limit. (Fig. 2-8~2~10| Flg. 2.9. Sign a' Iewl m’ m‘iilicn, ”mm "mm i w. an“. “nuitliakh autumn m... .... Fig, 240‘ P'GCCIUlIU‘I 'ar use I60 For the hungry, MEN-12 Npe (Valiage l2V. volume 10 hours rate 'lOAhl is applied Duration of battery is expressed by hours from the complete charging state In the complete discharged note using electricity for each separate load- ing whill in imionery not-r Thor-lore if the loading overlapped durefion will bu short-n so much. This relation could bo presumod lrom lhe following table Kinds ol landing on bum Standard Mm ”Mime" 0mm" 0' boil-v at current lawoximutei Hun iigm 35r35w lo—SM 2 m c." mom 0,4IW 10-5% um on dhlr put! Magnum manor switch ‘ 3,5A lined on other par! Nevins» lame 3w 0.2M 40 hrs wm. lamp new“ is no hu rail hghl 4w 0 35A so in Step ligN sw 0 IA _ 59.49"..." lamp 3w , am 40 m igmm Stop 7 l M Lam nunnmg 0.5 —1 2A — Hon loo» _ 1 5A a m u 'n case ol norm classed and switch an For instances, ii the head Iighi 35W is on, consumption is 3A only and duro- lion will be about 2hrs. but il the toil lamp (0.35M and ignition l3.5Al were used simullaneously total consumption will be 6.56A, From Ihe figure above shown duration becomes 35~40 minutes. While in running, charging is done corresponding to engine revolution, so that difierence between charging and discharging current will be havecharging or discharging Charging curronr>discharging Currant dcharge battery Charging curreni