~S||llP MANUAl HONDA : 0835M - 0340M fiizEF'KEié’ to.» This SERVICE MANUAL has been prepared as a “SERVICE GUIDANCE" for the mechanic resoonsible for the upkeep of the HONDA CBJSOF and cams, It is compiled into various functional groups and summarizes the procedures for disassembling, inspecting and rcassemblmg the components of the machine. Strict adherence to the instructions given herein will result in better, safer service work. All information, illustrations and specifications contained herein are based on the 1972 model CBSSOF. At the end of this manual, the modified informa- tion; and operation procedures of the model CB4OOF are given separately. HONDA reserves the right to make changes at any time without notice and obligation, Courtesy of Homh4Fun (WW‘VLhOMUn.Cm - \tww.hondafour.com). HONDA MOTOR CO.. LTD. SERVICE PUBLICATION OFFICE I. THE 8 RUlES FOR EFFECTIVE SERVICEWORK ,, ‘‘‘‘‘ II. INSPECTION AND ADJUSTMENT . Tappel . .... V . Breaker poInI gap and Ign Carbumor .V. ,, 1 2 J 4 cum-III. . s. Cm (hain . 5. Engmc oil , ......... 7 B 9 o I. Irronrbrake” .. ..... I Rear brake ...... , V ..... I Ail cle.IrIr.-! H DI'IVE chain , Irnnl Iorks . . V. Ill. ENGINE ........ . On vchude sen-mug . . lngine IEIIIOV-II and InsnllaxIIIII . Cylmder haw Camshafl- Clendcr - Pmon on pump - on filter . . Clult'h. . . . KIrk stirrer I .. . Gear shun mecl’u sm .. . Transmrsswn , anary shall .. , 10 Cam (Mm [manner 11 Crdnlrshan - Connurlmx rod. 12, Clankcace 1}. Carburetor IV. FRAME. . from wheel . from dusc bake” Rear wheel - Keir brake chcr-ng handlebar Sueung sleml . from :quI-ns-on Rear suspcnsion Frame body . . V. ElECTRICAl SYSTEM 1 Geneul descIIpIion 2. Igmnon system .. S, Chargmg swam. ,, 4. Slamng syslem ,,,,, 5 Elclcl .x~‘- inilruczcu by the [CMC‘ ilid'KJL‘ICILIL-“l'. Conn; l'uc [mung lig'n (rm: to he mm plug of the Na 1 or No. 4 ndur Sun the WSW“ . (I w: -s iclc speed in 1.2EJTer'n. liiurnale {ne hing: mark Wil'l I'IC l-m’np lignl and see i 1'“: walk "’ 1.4 is allg'r;d ' h :hn "watching mar», 1i Aligned. luusun Irv.- ' d mm:- ['19 'nraapcc' base pldlt: "P” 'cuon. m mor d. “Hung the plate lo we r 5m v.'||| .admnre ii-c igni- :Emv {mung and m : ic lei: retard [we lming. ' \h.2 eng'nu pec'J up w 2,‘ w. "xiichmg mark. I! :i'e mavk nee "mk‘ he gniciur‘. ti - mmnccl m: l u Ii;h: cor: I.v Iiic :pavk plug of 2 or he 3 :- nde'. 1.1.0 the cngme ant. mar» "l' " _ J i> ui gum-Li WI if 'm: g‘ignedv i-Juse'l {i‘e [\ r-zme (hp breaku baa-t plate : reu'uw P’igzre 5p cc u: to 2 Tflrun' F ’ 3 3 Hey: heme-2n 1“: mo . U-‘m Izuy um. gm .me» hm 9m. IhSPscTLON AM) ADJU ‘i. Ad-ptor A _ Adaptc' a 5. Vnnmm gang: muslin; ,t-ct, 3. CARBURETOR Carburetor should be serviced after the engmets warmed up. Checking idle engine speed 1 To set the engine to 1,200rprn, turn the throttle stop screw. Turning the screw clockwuse Ijin cirection "A"; thl increase the engine idle speed, and vice versa [m direction "B":. Chuking synchronintion 1. Remove the ion! screws from the intake manifolds of the carburczots. Install the attachment A {Tool No.07068-30007l and B (Tool 50.07068 30012) and Install the vacuum gauge-5 (Tuul hut 07064300011 Start the engvne and read each gauge. Specified vnlue: 16~24cmHg NOTE: All the gauges shnuld register the same value within the specification i.- Adiusting synchronization 1. Remove the luél tank ~'- In the machine. Connect a longer luel tube at the carburator to the tank. Turn the throttle stop screw to adjust the distance lHi- bum-curt the throttle lever and stay to 56mm (2.203 in.L Turning the srlew clackwxsc :in direction “A": \Vlll increase the distance (H), and Vice velsa lin direction "5"]. to 3 Start the engine and :6: all the value w:thir~. the speciliatmnt I! out at thv: spentiication, loosen the lug.- nut and turn the adwsttng screw to adjust. Turning the suuw an directmr "8" mil Increase e 't-sguurt prcssuru, and rite \‘8353 {In dxrcxtvon "A"}, NOTE: Upun adiustment, tighten the luck nut securely and snap the throttle grip the: or tour time\ In vetheck the synchro- niuhon l INSF‘ECTIOE AMI} ADI.,§TN[\‘ Adjusting Inst idle speed Tne 1d;u5:menx should be n‘adc durmg 1h: engne warm-up alter synchromzahon of the (aer-‘elor: mus been idJUSlCd 1. Place inc choke lmve' in the full open positon anu check the clearance 1.1’1 between he link plate awe adjust-mg screw. Specified clearance: o~o.3 mm (04,012 in‘] To adjust the clearance, loosen he luck nu and mm the adlusxmg sciew, Tuning me screw clo§k~ wwsc (m dlrtxlvun "A' wall decrease [he clearance and. vzgc \ a inn direcuon “3”). 1. Stan xhc U'Iglnc Slowly ope'ate the rhnixe lever up anr. down lo fmd the maxrxma ungme rpm. If within the specdicaLons o: 3,500~4,500 1pm, the (as! adlc spew .s sallsiacrory. I? not, ad,usl bi «man; of (he adluslzng SC'eW T ing the straw ClOL \vlsu wn d:rcu.-un "A”J wull Ir.(r use [Hr engme rp 3 and nice versa llm dlrL‘Lllul‘ "B Adjusling overlravel slopper ‘. Reluru the throttle snp m the closed pusluonl Loosen (he loLk llul and Man [he lurk pin [0 adlusl :he clearance (HI. Specular! clearance. 2.0~2.1mm (0.079—-0.0835n.) Adlusling lhmllle (able 1. Cneck the thronlc grxp for play. SpeClmd play. approx. lU‘ around the grip To adys: the play. loosen the loo: nuls and turn {he .Ad,us:m;3 nul Tur-uug ll‘P nul clonwxse [in autumn “A": wvll vm'casc the play, arm mce wise In“. c'I'CLKIoI' ' - imc ulmstmcr: .Uuwn (he cable lock m: and :.-r szc cable adjuster. Tuning the .mjusrev ‘nck- m durcznon “A , Wuli drumse the play, and 'm km darccnon "B”I. - thronlc g-xp n [he . wy: LJJ5€LI pnslunn. L‘ Iml pm Re :l‘e Imar doc< “.ol u n52 1: , L m gm: : Amusing mew Hg 24; . 1mm: my : Luck nul Lock 'qu djufllng nu: i Cable zduszer ,» \wn'lxm -‘.\D AUXLSIVE\I 4. CLUTCH 1 Align he rr mm: 713‘»; on :he curb .Wer win 1! m :P-e R. Cr Lau- v r anc lessen the iock mt. fur-u the Llutd' dd|u>lc (oufiterclockwuc unm n hammer: La and bank I: or' aboux 194mm. Tlghr-en he Ir 1m. Viz, 2718 I ‘vhld'mg Full. : CU|L|> “huh.” : Lou ,ur .‘ chk :ha [p n: me our icy-er for tree play. Specified play. 10~2IJ mm 10.4~-0.8in.) 3. To us: <1 the pay, loose the lm-k nu! and turning he low r adlnsirx (lm‘ .\‘|<:" fin diredlnn "A"; will mgm: ll‘r pay, and vre \ffirfial‘x‘. citertirm '8"). LR .r w x (mm Imrr :- r \Iix'1l-‘n'0illn‘a rlA', 4, Fun: ":-.-«n[ mn l’n- made by méill“ m the unper nu} le a: rhw rl..:c-| cab-a. When adiusring, loosen II ‘ ICLk mu 2. Upon ( [rem mu; may ['le: (lush ant-qua; pray-thy. vix‘ 1-20 1 Lock ru: Iu-wr‘ uhulcr ‘ MN, MW, 5. (AM (‘HAIN 1 Start the cngirc 2‘ Sc: :1”: crgirc Idu spew-.1 LJLXJIpI" Tonga-n [hr lock r4: inc xcnslonc' adluszmg out usmg bux “ranch crnlamsd ir mol «I. { Rel gher [ha EJ‘LSI '1: LIT-ll 31:1 :cLuru l'lc luLk 'Iul VUIE: Dn nnl pull or push th- lenuoner pm. Lm mm M issoliv adlumng npr. . 6. ENGINE 0H. Chucking oil Icvcl Lox ’flall‘ *' 5.1' par: t“: mad' m- ,ngme sze 011 mm. d he I’. ~ Chmging oil Won-n H'c cu r 30,: 'oosumn: ils anrw z’ankcase. Rerig‘ntm he cram [13,“ am! n-Imtull llr L. HIL‘r F113 wm 1 - ' inc-nu 3, Capauz: 3.3 ; -IJ.7 US qt. 3.1Imp‘ ql.) RtLUmIr'u'ldua 0 : SAE 1|] W40 [All u-Palher] SAE 20 W750 [Almvr 5‘” or 151‘; mnn‘uuuud cul than TA FRONT BRAKE Checking fluid level ' {L71 . Ch: 1h: 5le3 Luz; up 9' He nxa=rcr war. 0 9r»: xhc brmc rud In If :hw Ivarl uI-l SAP w mad? ”1» (up DOT 3 :T'lkx' hurl. \dwsllng (Alipcrs ‘ull .znr. ".l '1 .unl 1' Ji..=| '- ;,v..;: 'i Ll_III(¢L:b L' um. ,2 :u i.‘ 24'” {m . ‘.l|.~ ._,r_. q”; ”nu Jr‘d sup operating :'u.- ,; . pruccjum Ln! n: bub~iu an. um; 1:: -' , '_‘:: L:rrirp mu r: th— aslu rim Luv prupurlv ”Hrd duymg Hu- blu-xdmu I: 'rrnrwt in r nu 2-23 , Admilln; a MK. :72» x A: dourm L4)! ,~ Au rnhh'l . Sc: smug. “3.2 ll) c1. mu 0 rhnr m; Cazm gm . .~ m! xul ;. 1r. mm : 1mm r,x 2 am ml: .2 32 rm: ruxl l‘,}[» ,h v | at the Lp u: the nedal, Luv 1; :hv nu! d Owns;- EdJLSi mu ‘vws [m e adwsung r4: ‘sa :1 d .v:d [ILL : 9. AIR ('l. .ER 1 0:er l‘w scaz. ' al' (Icavxu- UJ'TI .3 remove X'h.‘ .ll' dumm- FIEI’I‘IC'IL l|§,!'\‘.|'1‘ La: the cur -u-: by :m-ud Al‘fl Apply a ULM m' (mm . mwlw ‘ hum-12* [.1 hr JI' LL'JIVL" 3 In—rk <.-.- Mr 2. 111 DRIVE CHAIN (‘Imrking drive chain lcnsion '1 Chad; [nu L’hl 'I l Jr by ii'u »d4_'pvu§:mb ll \‘L‘C‘I l‘w sprocxels er J{ m- swung Pm sag, Spuaii‘uu 5.1;; 20 mm 13 4 in.) 2, I: Must, n.- :l « rum-4 mn, luusmv zm- axle IL: 3rd LA :I c .. [mm (19 adiJskng mu m L'IHu-l \hrern. LpUn am :1an. allzw Ih‘ 1cm mm: m: we 'iih: an: ' '5 mth Hm sd'w: 'mirl'es m . . Tigf‘ '1 the “'1.- my and :m‘taJ l"L' Luck-x um 11. FRONT FORK , Changing lurk oil ' - hm: ma ant: er Jul” hr. a 'IL‘ lI-IL :3“er r:. trurl .mruwm ( trans“ :5 on 'H (. 1n; n :3‘bozm pcv Lylinder \urt: um .4..‘uz<.. n.: mil m ch d In will our imk “he" dl\d~~€lnbl€l§ Tlnque ”In 2-um ior'. boll «n [he \pun’xufimm ON-V EHICLE SERVICING P IU L‘! ieV'IKl‘ti wCYlivde' Fan an] 7 , (in-Am and unions oz‘fiflvump an a. mi , 7 ‘ barf—m. system’:¥1Em’u- and cumu 5mm; _ ‘l ENGINE REMOVAL AND I; ALLATION The pwllminary works fer the cngmv semm-a. are shown m the dxagmm below. Procecd m :hc mmmica nrdev shown. To unstail, nevese "we removal ordcr 5 v...” m 5mm ml. .l'! ‘Iavra’! :runhu l‘l T'uutfle cw: f Snark mg m. ,_ [mum-I um r. :w» zunkcI-I 'mm 0- Hull :9 hum sprint umer 2 UL EVGINE . CYLINDER HEAD. CAMSHAFT. CYLINDER AND PISTONS "; Bvum-r cover Brulhu lull: .3, nrnlhu :ovor packing (5? Cylinder head cover "3 Selling hon: Hour] 3 Cylinder hand {over packing Q Valve nuke: mus (eiihl) 1 Roam inn side apviny (night) G; Rocker am shall; (1mm @ me cham Ionslonnr holder @ Cm sprocket a) Camsmll 0 VJIve couen Imloenl 8' Valve spring xualner: mum fl! Outer vllv: wring: lam-n 33 lung: vulva :prlngs lolghll 5} Omar Jul: (elshll a Inn" mu (-Ilhr) q] valve slam sellslelshll & Inuke and uhwn v:- lve suldes How uchl 8 O-vlnss mm). 10x15 8 Cum duln guide a Inuk: Ind exhaus: “Ives (low ei.ppcr and C411 :‘um lrnmu-vzv iumu 5 33:0“: 'p h'n‘ pom! LU'I'CT. - umc ‘h: Lrar'kshafr .1! :I~ 4mm 'qu unnl .4: cam smorku! knuu bolts rnmm 51c bun Inner . I‘ (In: 5 MI nm' [0 remove anal-m mm U- ‘ 0" .p-\ yu, 3nd mmnv, .‘M‘u'm h5.15 ’ 5mm nJl -_ «work hn'h me mm pp-ukc: r-o-n m9 (.1Il‘\'|;lii and . we ran~ chum. - _ ".1 mu (a: man from m.- myu 5dr.- I": um Lhain will. wile m me like to punenl Hu- _ . - 'rnm mung m [he (unkrasl‘ rig-cum u|k~enr mum-qr _ amn: acre ‘ Remove the carburetors. ‘ 1S. Loosen the ryfinder head securing bolts in acriss- 1 L‘HJSS [)dHHn, startzng'n 9xlsrnal on:- .K shown 1n I‘ F g. 3 a. E 16, Take out :I‘r Lam (ham guide am: rcn'ow the 1 cylinder headl -u Remowl mum“ n' (, nu», Iwu mm; 5 bolzs 1} Use \‘alw: Iliicr (7003 No [$7051 5290‘“ [0 com- press me valve spring and remove 11: valve col- :cvs Then lemme {- min! and valve spring. 2: Ruplacvng value 5mm. Use Venn: guldc rcrr‘ovu: lTuol Nu 07046-32001) (0 remove fin: vnlv guide. Rsmove the cylinder. 16. Rc'nme :ne piston pin clips to pul' uul [he pnlnn V pm Ru'nm-e :I‘.» piston. NOYE: I. Pu! A “'1le clolh or the like undcv the piuun nol [0 [All the pin (lips in lhc Kunqusr. . him (are not In damage Ihc pismn when n-mnving the piston rings :4 3 ‘. . stoa pm cup “‘1‘” (Inlh Inspection Camshaft and cylinder head 'L L" ‘ 1h: kacv qnll- ‘ mue: ar'n shaft clearance. 3. C k the cylindu hem (arm‘naft bearmg smlace< our «mm-95 am: exccssu: wean n5. 3-12 Good Measure lhc he gh: of each um, Cnecx the camshaft Canter juurnal for defchtaor Measure he valve $ual wu . Coat the Valve seal wuh pruasm-t bluc thinly .mc uniform \r Hold the valve against lhe >ea: an: relate .t one urnt :' the prussian blLE shows a band ur' . tiorm t-It all he way around bctn seat and \' lwct lh: valve evnldct >5 proper Ir. (use the contacl Is improper, lap the \‘d . and recite“ If still celect‘. e, retace me valve seat. Non: when using ¢ i'dlve seal gunder, be mm to follow the in- struuium given by llte Iuol nuuul'aclmen 6. Muumru the uutsule diameter D! the VENE stern. 7V Cvrutk :lw vulvurlo-v-llvl: gmdu clearanre a. Measure me free lengt't or Me -:-.\|- - :p’lllg 0‘ Cth the cylinder head surface t'or l’ lnhfa ' nder and piston: 1 Manure the inside diameter 00' L‘dLh {yl ado: Measure [he lll):d(‘ durum-{Pr m cylinnpr witn J cylinder gauge at 1)": top, {unwr and nnltam, in parallel > 1 With, arm .I! “Eh! angles [VII :0, the (enter hm: of the cylinder 2 Measure :he nulstde dtametcr u.‘ t'tL- prawn at ‘ii skrrt, 3. Measuve the Hyde um elt-r nf l‘te piston pin hole. 4. Measure the outside duumctm cl the infirm pin. 5. Check the p:s:on ving-lu-ptston pvn 3“th- (Iéamnrp. r3 Cnfick the plsmn ring and gap. Inst-r: me cylincer skit: to Flake 'Tmasun. :01 (we gap .mug .1 thickness gauge Reammbl) Piston rings Y Lse the paiun m m the grill: tmk: .: a s ‘ lnsmll lhn: fines t: the pstu’t w:_l‘ :l‘crr w; "g upward ' m, \ \ t: (tux p 3 tlkOxU ‘ l5 M F1534} Valve :ca: U'J'IISCI Mg. 3 17 3 III. Fig.3.“ l Piston ring gap Piston mark tttnn Ilnfl compressors umn hum ENGINE 2‘ When a new ring is used, Chuck it for proper fit in the piston ring groove. 3‘ Position the rings so that their gaps ot’ the top, second and oil rings are staggered 120‘, each being apart from the direction at right angles to the piston pm. Pistons Install the piston Willi the arrow mark on the piston head toward the front lexhaust side) and “IN" mark toward the mar (intake side; of the engine. Cylinder 1. 2, Rotate the crankshalt so that all the four pistons wril fist: in a line and install the piston basess (Tool No, 07033-33301: to the pistons Set the base in the groove below the piston boss. Then install the piston compresstxs tiool No, 07032—33301; on the piston rings. Gradually lower the cylinder until all the piston rings enter the cylinder borest Remove the piston bases and piston compressors NOTE: Apply a (oat 01 engine oil In "It piston rings helm! installing Ihe piston! into the rvlinder. Check the Oil control orlftcc valve lor clogging before installation. Cylinder head 1. 1.: When installing a new valve guide, drive It in using \ralvc guide driver (Tool No. 07047-32901) and ream with rcamer (Tool No. 0700840002]. Apply a mat of engine oil to the threads ol the nut and tighten the nuts III a crvss-cross patiern. starting at the internal one as shown in Fig. 3-20. Torque specification : 200kg-cm (14.5fl-Ib5l Valve timing 1 Rotate the uanlzsl i: and align the mark “T" 1.4 on the spark adv shown in Fig. 3-11. er With the matching mark as 2‘ Install the cam chain to Ilwe cam sprocket so that the matching lines on [he sprocket will be ahgnec with the uppel surface of the cylmder need. Insull the cam sprocket lo the camshaft wu'w lwu knock bolts. Cylinder hud covet “L Apply a lvquid packing to the cyl'ndcr heac cover packing groom: lnslull the packing in place. Replace paukmg If damaged. 2. Tighter. the bolts securing the cylmdev head (over In the sequence as shown in Fig 3 24. Torque specification . 70~110kg~cm (S.1~B.0|bs-H) NOIE: The sum... dinmm o! cuh boll should be wilhin 20 kw... “slum. 17 c m ‘ptoditl malvvin; I'ncs Cylinder mm .Ipner sw‘au my“ mmmn; lcqufinrr of (ylmder head (over bails 8 m, [.xcnx: -. OIL PUMP AND OIL FILTERS :9 Prusurs lubricauor. ”Splash :ubrnauon ~Tln: oil pump is a double trachoid 5: promo Emm- m pump driven by the primary shaft. slip-:6? -Onc ml fuller uses a screen and the ”"3“"- _ " Rene: an. 5113!: another, paper element to prowdu ' ' 'WO-Slase “he'insv Canaan = consume —-{Fu=cn MMHFHMM |~~-“1 NIFLIIB KW hfliflfls! Mn: "Hazy Pnnary shat". ‘Tnunzssmn taunt." n at." an puny mrransussmn n31: snarl. | l(1111133333 -—-—-1 Eenet vulva Fig.) 2; :uor|<::.ng (“I “gm 5 on slume' : on puff-P i o. - e: g 0.: coon o-inuvm: on pipe {\LIN’: 19 Disassembly Oil pump ‘. Remuvt Ihe gmr charge :c look rcsl, 27 Ramon; llzu L, uanu‘nar {OVEL Dlscnnnect me u:| p'cswrc sw:~ Run-aw m; on nu-np, |e~ft-i‘..anc SICC w .r. Oil screen filter 1 Dunn l‘rm rrankLasc. Z. Ru'flovu hr- 0: pm 3. lit-mow :‘Iv: Lu! :r'u'fil’l I ‘ Oil iillcv 1. Lemon :h; o,| MIL" (clzlé’ halt In runuvu ll'u wl “1:91. Inspection Oil pump '1. Check :hc mllur folGr-(thlr‘fll) body- (finance. 2 Che-r1; the mnur row' a uuzcr rulu‘ clearance 5‘ Check :pr rel «4 Valve m dust unlry um,- (I)! warm: '3‘ mm. haul!!! . Oxl rcrccmerbul: g c- irg.15 .\ LMI ‘l m ca 2 mung»; 4.: Reauelubl) 1 Bu sun: :r ”we,” Orr 1:: ir as shmw _ Cull :lw u lyml m thr— r nCLL‘ Make r g 2 c w Mk” m CLUTCH ENG-N} ('rmu‘nc tuve'. a cmch Icw' Com pm.” 9‘ cum. mum; Irw' Couu pllt,10 1; L (mu-I. I-Hev w: the'. 10mm _ (mm Inn pIAle (‘IuKh Amer «.m cxuur. sphng‘ no“. Clutch lcvn' Ictlrn Mun): Snap nut. 25.“ ..J—3l ': Emma-11:1 rng ‘1 0m». assev-Iuly my 1-32 ~ rm-rr :peun as! m; , quc‘n thllcr cmch ccnm is: spying Stu! m- d. 'im 13 Clutch lucliun um: >.Y Cluuh Dldles nix} :L Clulcl- incunn dIEC) :su‘l a} Chuck pyumc plate c) Clumv ouler Thrwl wuher, 25mm- ‘Jl‘ Irm <3 Disassembly 1. Dram oil from the crankcase. 3. Remove the nghbhand sudc iuul rm: and kick Starkey pedaL 3. Remove tne R, (Jankom (over 4. Remove the (lukh pressuvu plate. 5 Remove the 2Sr n was rm); and remove the clutch asacvubiy. 6 Remove the 92mm mecml set 1mg from the clutch center. Disassemb;e the clutch plalu B, clutch dxsc spring and dISC Spring 5241. 7. Remove :Iuc glulch [ever and clutch adluster lever from the R. cram‘case (over. 21 Inspection 1. Measure the thickness 0! the fr.c:ivn disc, 2. Check the clutcn plate for distortion 3. Measure the free length of the clutch spring, 4. Chuck the Clutch center-:o-clutch plate 3 clearance (i), and If beyond specified hrmt. replace clutch plate 13. F134] 1. Clutch rerun a Clulcl: plale s Reusembly 1‘ Install the disc spring Sea: and c:u:ch dxsc spring in / ,-\ . proper checker: as shuwn. -3/—"—‘| man 1 3m: 501mg m: Cluln a." Wm" 2. Be sure to Install the 23mm thrust wnhur. 3. Allcrnalcly install the inchun ducs and clutch plates to the clutch outer. and finally install (he 8mm friction difir (sen,- 131, fig. 3—30). FILSJS If 25 mm Ihrml washer MEMO KICK STARTER EN; as \ Ku‘. mun n.” ; kc‘» arr. m m . Km ,zulcv 3:11": 5 Colia' a mu m-m Wm kn“ want! prouufly the ‘uw gnu 7, GEAR SHIFT MECHANISM E\CIVE 23 ( rcnp '\ Dnarhic‘c : , B a 0..“an mm mum; (,m rh 1;: :7th : Guy I >vll‘Jl‘t 1‘ Ruw- 3pm“; . (:qu mu :nm , Rum-u {nu th:1'.‘c quopcr 1le ”UV“! .‘m ww c'nmrr'nr' L wxhrn :lrrn "(E 5rd” -cl Dlll': 14:» Lu” cu. nu >lnrt um“ shat cw. R mm e»: um— mm Iur ,\ Shun um gunk- u': Disa’sumbly 'Cmup A 'l. Dmin il mu Remove m. , . ‘ Remmn the q 4, RIan-vt- l' o a. Runny. u Um» aloppu- 1rd neutral' ”’1: lth .he crnnkcasu. on I’Csl and <2c< 2w cl‘anga pedal. R. crankmsé n _- H c 52m s-nn :pz-uulu n‘ulu 1hr: pomvc :tuapu g |UDDQY JHI‘E. :m r: zrs 'r. neutral, V'w-uw ,hu- km «.mlcl y; Seconcm 571v: gm! V‘tclh-II I: Dill 3251mm 1 Lawn (olhr Mg.) {5 \ Muv man 5 In; H“ u Remove 'J‘c cowlacz breaker base and sparkaavancer. Rem e oll pump, Remove me secondary crivc gear ‘mm the prmury anal: hv removing tne 12mm bolt. anoue § 1. D‘s-"(En the cngvre Horn Iflr wrachuzu and follow the atop: 1 t 9 above. I'uII out the primary ihn': :0 the nghL Rama-m the 52PM! mlcrnzi circlip, and dxsaascmbic Mm 205 ball braving and 25mm rnllm. Iowan :I-c bulls suculmg the. upper and Iowa L‘rmlkwaus lo *cmovc the lower rmnkcasu Rer‘uw [he tran>mi>sicn main {hail and [he counter- -.h.ufl (II (in: wmc rmc. R; 'u\-|: the gear shin w: pus, am: pull out mp sh :1 'c'k gulco 5413!: ard guur :iuf: drum. Inspection ‘L Measun: the Width of MC gear )nltt rork finger 2 Measure the outstdc dvametar m the shut: ‘ork gusde . aft, 3. Mun-arc the msn’te malnulu- or true '51:: rent. 4. Check :he gear 5. it for]; ngdeJo-gea: mn’: dun groove clearance. Reasscmbly 1. Install the -,;~‘< shal'l um and gears .n my neutral positinnv 2‘ Install the guide set pidlc, d'lC bend the fund he lurk washer ugamxl the flat at the Bmm bul' 3. Instatl the gee! shvl' forks pronc’ly in :hear 'r‘spertu-e post‘tinnst They Are pwwdcd WI‘J" the mar R", ‘C and “L” fol IdL-ntxhgutxon. 4 Check the 3ch Nut: drum stopper. neutral sluppct arm and pustlzvc steppe! are in th<-" prupur rus— pndwu positions, and :Im check (hum for upcml‘onv In Move [he gear shift spindle to (hack each tclalcd part lnr smooth ODEFJUOIL a ~1 Refer to page: 2b~27 for the xnstallatinn nt‘ :hr- transnussujn. Fig. I 4: Guide in: pluo lusk winter arm: hol: Ruler la page 34 for the insuilatuun u.‘ [nu upucr and lower uankcasns. MEMO 26 m. ENGINE 5. TRANSMISSION n. 3.4-: flea! shxl'r lurk guide pin; ilwa). 6mm Needle bunny (xwol, 20mm lkvusl washer: llhrae}. 20mm Counlenhm low gear. 411 Counlualuh Inunh gen. :11 ‘9 Cucl-ps new. 1'. mm 0; Thin“ washms lfaurl a a; on ml i M: ball beam“; 1 9 mm bearing wt "-1; .» lim'r ncerfle beanng x bn'r sense 9,. ' 0|! mal -; m nah i: Coummhm mire my, :41 a) Counlclshifl (up guy, 2m «'5 Counlushall. 37! :3 hum; )el rings :mo'l, 52mm 53 Drn'c sprout. 171 a) Drive woke: fixing pme :1? all buying, 5205 H5 Main emf: [owlh gear. 271 «'9 Main :hafl thud gen. 241' g Ma-n )hal! lop per, 291 5g Mun ,hen mom: gen, m1 .5. on ml Diussemhly 1. Remove the main shaft and counlcrshalr from the upper crankcase. [See page 24) Inspection 1. Check the gears [or backlash. 2. Replace any gear If its lugs are excessively worn 0! damaged. Also check the gears for smoolh sliding on the shaft splxnes. 3‘ Check each sear-lo-ils mounling shah cleamnce. Russemhly Main Shall 1. Install the 5303 HS bali beanng wuh its groove iineo h‘l‘h the :3me bearing set ving in place 2 Inslafl the 20mm needle bearing with i:s pm hole :“ned w:rh the 6mm guide pin. 3 lnsxall (he Ul' seal wkh Ar; dowel izltec mm lhe :nn hole .n the upper crankcase llL ENGINE 27 Countershafl 1. Install the 20mm needle bearlng with its pin hole fitted wllh the 6mm guide pin in the upper crank— case. 2. Install the 5205 ball bearing with its ring groove fitted wllh 59mm bearing set ring installed in the upper crankcase. 3. Install the oil seal with ll! dowal fitted inn: the pin hole in the upper crankcase. Rotate the aankshak to check each gear for smooth moving. MEMO fl; NI ® mmm needlo burlnl G) 6mm guide pin ® 533 lull buvln; @ 50mm burl". "I rlnl (9 on ml 0 Mn hole 28 :II E\C|\E 3. HI. 1-52 x Inzrmu rump; gun-cw. ham: .; 1mm: dampers my.” :0 Spring; mam: :; um bunny} :mm, 6205 _ nm-cn Gprnekc! ‘rILb 0;» Nnadle hezrmg 4 Culla'. 15 - ZIB Clulch uulcr - IQ Slallar driven gear ‘ Prmu'v drive um. _, Rullcu llhrul, 10233.5 35 Primuy mm 1 Pumarv "Imcn :pmem 1.! Laos 5mm»: Diuxsemhly 1. Pull our the primary shah. (See page 24) 2. Remove the primary driven spmckel and inner driven gent Us. 1 :J : Frlv‘uurv drwon spvou a 5mm dmm gnu “3.55- Pm rv :1 ve‘ : Dru‘n W g,- Rumovc {he dnvcn sprocket hub from the primary driven sprocket. Remove the rubbec dampen. IIL [AG'M Inspection ‘|. Greek mu srartmg cut-J» and IIS related paras ro.‘ . we.“ “3" c' v other cam‘ge. Also cI'L-L' 'Iu: rul'lrfi for amoum ro ng. crack me surrey dmen gm: Hui-db: bn-Jnng for an‘,',rz'am.-.g-.=r ' p Reassembly 1. when me cluxcn outer body Pas been dusamcmblud. xignmn tmee‘énmw “a: screws :0 sec- c the drum: wrecker hub w quld‘ outer body, and stake escr- V'bw l‘cad m (we poslrion; as >huwr', u Al'lc: .LSwmblmg {he uppx mu crankcases mm: :hu primary snair mu) lhu .ch- lmn‘ nghl mac, and ‘nsmll the Cour. 1 3:. w 0203' sun bcarmg mm :| pnmary shark, and wcun: 'A 1h :hc 25 mm inIe. | circlip. Ln mu Uunktascs with iI-(ur'ng bolts. (See :32;- 34“ mrmayy _»i-au luck wasi—er wuh :he mJn ' Dong uuzwa'c, Fig. 1-53 a: .mmam‘rr x! In x . : um; lull huu l‘g ; 521m mm“ nn‘lup 30 10. CA)! CHAIN TENSIONER rig.) so firm» A On‘vchmlc ww‘u'xg Quip i4 Owwovk “and mlwcmy: C:m chm. :mmum halcu Te'u arm mmpm mm: Cam (hair .emmnu shpau Cam chnin guldl: ‘5 Cam (luin {em-mum um 1,7,. mm: n... Tenn-mm ”mm ‘pring y‘ rcmoner our” ._,m,; Dimsembly {Group A 1. Removu the cam chain guxdv; awd tenmumn alrppcr. n.5cu page: 12-14:- }. Mme :r-p lower wukme. ($99 pJgL's 13—24; 2. Remmn ‘hn [enguunur arm ans .t- :mr puin bar. tuna-6| ;_ Trnzmnw Arm -:- mm b." Inspection 1. Chvc‘x ‘ Lam cnain gnde and :cnsinner sixppc: ‘0! wean Reaswmbly 1 lvmall r‘. Hrs-1mm ppm bar wnb w;- mar< facing vaam L-\\'H. Ti‘ir‘ nn . (Erfi ‘ Fig‘ 3 u: ‘r. by ‘hn 1 dezwnc' no Jana: bar - Ln“ nn‘ k 31 r. 1-61 :, Cunneclmg 'udalfom) 2; Connecting rod hens (mm .3. Cunkshall belting) (ten: ; Oilseak,311u'z.»n s Cunkshall G Cnnnecm-r. vod bunny Imam"; g on teal, Ju.~ 45 ‘ a embly Remove H'c cylmdu: head, cylmdev and pismns. (See page: 12714) Pull out the AC gcncwlor rolor usung luror mm- over. (“foal Na. 07011-333)“ Sepanxe the Iowa crankcase now me upper UH:- See pages 23-24) Izmove m: cam chain lcnsuoncr ar". [See page 3|)? Move the camshaft, 32 h . 3-66 x, I’Iaalvga ,r Fig. .1 st- Ctiuckln; brawn: seat mm: dlnnlctc.’ m. E.\CIN'E Inspection 1. Check the crankshaft center ,ournal fur runout. 2. Check the crankshaft-tmcrankshalt bearing clearance as roilows: 1,‘ Place a plCLC or' plungaugc on the bearing as shown, ard install the cranksnat‘: nn rt. Assemble :hc upper and lower crankcases by torqurng [hC securmg bolts to the specification. Remove the upper crankcase and measure the Clearance by the plastigaugev If beyond specified limit, replace crankshaft bparmg wrth a new one 3‘ Select the crantshal: bearings m a selective set as iollow' Remove the trankshat: bearings and tighten the uppcr and luwcr crankcase-s to the specified tor- que. Check the inside diameter of each bearing seat as showi 1 Measure the nursiue diameter of the crankshaft :ournals. Select out bearings on the bass ui the readings taken In the steps 'Il and '1'; above. The bearings may be rdun z'icd by a daub of cola! punt an the side or tire mark {alphabet} stamped on the rear side. 3 tiuJ 68 x (tumult: omnal amide dui'lil‘lN Unit mm :inJ ‘ Crank-shalt A? >“ -_ V —‘- ‘7 r H ‘ Kuunml O 0 1113-32 no 31 95 5'. 99 “37—11 93 (Irankcase n 25944.2595I 2135934 25941 it 25864 2590: beam I n .t _ ,__, _ _ _,,, ,3515%_-1‘5-3‘7“;§. D \yellrnvl g'r‘cn‘ a iblowni 35233235393; C Isrccnt t1 fibrownv A ”thick: :fi‘zggg'ggg‘g, a .browrr: A .blackl AA miter r ‘l A Measure the 'nslde diameter of the ccrxricctrng rod 7 , small end. 3. Check the side clearance at the mnncctmg roa big Na , end. ‘ 7 ' 6. Chch the mnnectmg rod bug ultdttu-L'anksl‘ldt‘l j _ ;x A ’ ' lists—99 g (mum ptl' outside fir-THC! iuurnal (Is-arena as follows, 7: Remove the :urrncczmg rod bearing (an am: place a piece ur' a piastrgauge on the hearing surface. Furquc the nearing rap bolts to spenltcatmni Rerot, 'he' cap and measure the cearance by the pas > uge, 1! beyond me spec led fimit. '6- place hearing With a new one 7. Select the connecting rod beatings ir. a seleclwe set as follows: 1} Measure the oulsulc diameter ofthe crankshaft pm. 21 Check to make sure the code number {1, 2 and 3'; stamped on the connecting rcd big end side |§ properly malchud as shown. 3) After following :he steps 1) and 2) above, select out the hearings referring to Ihe idenrificaiion table below. l a fin 3—70 r Code My. ., ,_ UnIL mm tin} “turf?"“hmvi” 0 D 31.99-12.00 3193-31 99 3197-31 93 Connecting rod ”*7 WSW-1 2596) :1. 259042594] 1145867125901 cadfiVwV , ,.V i 1 r (red. D (yellowl (: (gleam 2 L) iyellow] C igrecnl B {brown} 3 C lgrcenl n lhruwn'l A mum — NOTE: The beuings must be inslalled with Ihe lang lacing toward [he lmnl (exhausl sidc). 8 Select the connecting rods When replacing connecting rod Wllh a new one, proceed matching (he code mark (alphabet) stamped on the connecting rod big and side as shown. NOTE: The wrishl u! Ihe connecting rod does no! inrlul‘le Ihe weigh! 04 line beatings luaumbly 1. Apply a coat of lquId packing m the maxing sun’accs of the uankcascs and mszall the beams; after the packzns becomes dry. 1 Apply a coat of molybdenun (lvsullmu (orsoound 0: engine oil to thc bcanng wrr'aLus. EXHAUST -’ SIDE n5 J 71 41- Buying 34 12. CRANKCASE Hg J 7! x Uputv ualvk .i urmrl ums : lower mnmg» a 0mm pm -, Dowel pi'u {max 10 .. 1.: Pumvy chain gmdc: Hwn) Disauscmly I. Separate (he upper Jnd lower Cranky-15c: from each when (See pages 2314] Inspection 1. Cneck the crarkcasc oil passage for Lloggmg. .. Chpck rl-e prin‘ary chain gnudos for wear. Reassembly 1 :nsldl' [hc pr ~\ ’y d‘ iacine the cans" 3 Amp , a unnorm coal 0- liqulc packmg m Ihe uank< C5152 maing SLIYIJCES 3. Make sup all n'mwl pins 3:»: pmpe'ly "mailed m 'hmr ‘ I" nguu mth Its recessed rank Uf‘: L: nu ma cranlxase m the Z '6 zrnJrzrc * . pcflllu'l. Ill. ENGINE 35 13. CARBURETOR fig, L77 a 10;: m 5 Sinw m ; Ln'. um m A g let "(my 5n 3 Lm 3:: r o Carburetor Component Fans The‘ carbureny componen: parts are available m a set as shown in Fig‘ 3—77, It Is :ccomnacncrc' iha: Its 1e>peclive pans be replaccu‘ as a at! :u as In maintzrn a sansiactcry pcn’oxmancc oi tl'l.‘ mrhureznr. Disassembly 1 Remove the :1rbxclor .mumh \- ~r-:,rr m: "ugh-1:3: {See page 11: Stay plan: and (.nbuvelor body 2. Remove ('1: throttle 'emln gazing rrom :ha Z-nk icwy. mm chambzr 3:: A u mu m Adiusl halder 521 A ‘2 Screw m s l Cubu'elm assembly .3 Suv pm: :2: Float mu m rig.3 73 a; 7mm. 'eIer :p'x’h‘, 36 Iii. 3 u! I”; «as I m JI'Iv Trr;::'c 3. Remove the dust pizza B by Ioumnmg h¢x . 111125. er ‘ocsefi :Fe cap nus. ,m the adlusler holders. karm. l‘ZIusun IhL \. ghl 6mm ml screws and remove flu: )u carburetors imm the my pljte. Throlllc valves and jet needles Ransom-a :hr: rsxbuwmr :op. u ylllul- luv: lugs 01' [he Enck wamcrs lo remove- aha “ 11m ard Gmh‘ hnlu. out We .nk arm Iron: the :hroulu slut: in ..I'cc:ion A wxh a struwdrlvcr. J -.:n snew; and remove the valve byturqing the plate '1, lutAulI Linc piazc her no :hmnle Val'. XE: iCV nucclc from He: 'hrolilc va§ve. Adiuster hnhlers ‘ Karnve :i‘e carbu the neg” 1 K‘r‘rugw M Kcn‘ovu :ln: adi‘nl Ti-en rcn'u'u: :le Hg.) 3; 5.: um; :chw Heal, nuiu IN and slow jet 1. Remove #3 f EhE’ZbPr. 2. Ra-nm'e :lm [EM spring, “main jet .u‘d :lcw _c:‘ 5, n. m 1m- ‘70.“ arr'! pq m yum H5.) m3 : Inn ar'n w ~ m :r 4. Rumm‘u inc mp plaza ant: r mn I’la“ uu-r- sun. Inspection L Blow Tl‘r r. .1er alow jvl= ‘iz-m lu' mg 3, Adiumng mt My. Mmr' m >0 rm lhc (Ion w. M 5 igH r ' m ch». 'k m: ml I up of If . .uc: luv-I (MORE-1451b:- 38 fig. J 99 [Emu-9| “mm 1:3: ‘mrl 14:: .' fuclmlrr A De} h“ I ‘32 ' -u-rl ILlJ': Hm tum Reusemhly l, Pm me am 3 er: mews caged-er wuh spring wane” on El‘c valve plate, ard pre=s the plate down rr' :l'u l.‘1ru.lc valve by alrgnmg the protrusion of he van-e plate wilh the slurfil the throttle valve. Then tum ma plan: 90‘ rowan: the link .xrm Md: and :Igntan wnl‘ We 3:“: we»: Ir'slall the :hruule valvr lo the carburetor body by alrgrmg :l‘u Larbummr protrusion wr'l~ the chrome valve SluL Check lu make mm lhc culawny pan or the- VlerlTlv win- .5 lacing 'lw L‘Ioke valve side. 5. Insull 116 fuel tubes and incl lo m m xhu Larburemr. J lnElill . r: muzu each carburclur tube .15 :l'own in Fig, 3J1: -., .V.-:|w- {no :l-ruule lawn: Jur, ( rnrraus rhé .1d]||\l- w. am: (had me tl‘rljl'lc varVP-h‘r-lhrn'llx: bu... Laura; 1: "’ mu 0' rpc Jlll)!‘ (0~I.IJ mm D ~. INK-LL ad|u :r cud.” q; <, IN rm: 161w. Disassemhly 'l, anm'x" th nmhlcl a1 Lucia slcc. L" Rc'uow he 'cur b'akc rod and v brow \lUupL‘r arr-x 5‘ Lumen I'm arm: was :djusrirg hm .mnl Imk nut on cm.“ szdc. Remove the mum pm and Irma-cw the MIA: Hut. 4. Remow- rl‘e rinvo, rl‘ m frum the iina Li? cu wrurkm Them Lake off the rear wheel {age :ur wulh 1qu char adjuster stoappr and rear wwccl axle. 3. Rem enema. circlic and fame final dr. L The Inrk -. b»: (Punched. Now. 1, \\‘hrn yepluung xhr :innl damn upruLLL-l, len..|.LJ-' wg 'J'u was .L' U".- n'o-Ex lop bridge. Tlxm~ pull 1.:th um trrn :mk J>5cr"b7y, Inuzm [he staring 5mm “HI ”'1 [an n: [12' s:.--n. and ru-~:m-c Kim Mk mp bnugc. \Ulk: late (uc nul [0 :me [hr ilccl lullx Iuppcv: lvpn and Inner: IH pm» Infipeclion w [Jr my H In: suc'mg huh . n IX." nghe‘f my! m :Lp (an! us.» new lult mum at ‘ mun-1g bnncm cum.- tau: \luurl'lg nu: 4..” m4 \ mu m wafl'cv ‘1 , Remove ms: on the rent fork pipe. it any, ‘A'lll‘ iznc emery cloth. 5. Lnoser‘. the 8mm socket bait at the bottom or the fork bottom case using hollow wrench [Tani .\n. 07085-32301), The front em pipe complete With the dampe. can be removed from :he bottom case as slam»... in Fig 4—30 :- Fig. a 49 ,i ‘riullow a.n:h Remove the front fork bolt on :np or the rork pipe to remove the from cush:on spring and spring seat. l-A—l 3. To remove he oui seal, take 061' the bottom use »..- W1.- -r Lover and remove :hc circlipr \I Inspection 1 Measure the “88 length of the iront cushion spring. 2. Check lhu front lurk pipe and bottom use ior looscncss or any other damage. 3. Check the oil seal lnr scratches or any other darn- age, 4. Chuck Iho [rout iork pipe sliding put [or damdgc. Reassembly 1. Install the irnnr iork [1pr complete With the damper unil mm the fovk button case. NOI'E: Apply locking sezlanl In "no flmm soda-I bollt Hg. 44) i‘ iurk bottom use i: hum :an [not 2‘ Apply a coat of ATP (automatic transmission fluid} to around and inside the oil seal below installing ll to the front lork pipe. Press-lit (iiu sml usmg writ scal driver iTonl Nor 07054 43301: NOTE: 1. Be surr lo inslall the circlip in plan. 2. Replace lhc oil xQ-Il will: .1 new one at reassembly 3. Fill r—Jrfii iron! lurk botmn‘. case with [.3ch tin-Lily ATF of 125 (c (4.2015). NDIE: when changing uni] .ndd lusu H.601” 3 inn zed u'nr' 32 w. T. REAR SUSPENSION FRAME Hg. t-Sd 41: 04“. chain use [two] 1f Rn: wwemmn l'wol Upocr lam! uwo) Spllnx seal scappu flour) '1 9mmlmkn4l11wo) , Rur cuxHon stop- pe. rubhel (Mo) .3 Ru! cushion upper case “on in) Ken cumon spying mm» 3 5pm; under scax Itwni {9 kn! cusl’uon uppnr nul llwa) {11. Hex boll 70x12 Ilwol @ Rn! amp” uwn) 53, Rear folk 5; [car (ark pwox bush :Iwol Rear fork {Infidell up :Ion RI?" lurk ccnxu roll" Ran lurk ph‘ol bun 1'0 Ru: bulm steppe! mu 3;, M “3! 'Kea' bumpu 3mm bnir ‘Rnal (mm: Juper m: I fig. 4 3: Diunssemlfly Rear suspension 1. Remove :hc rear bumper by loosening the 8mm bolts and luu (UShOn uppcl nuts. 2. Remove Il‘u ruuv suspension by removing 10mm boizs‘ 3. Compress [he reu wspurmon using )u'vxce moi lTool No. 07035 32901] and remove I'm.- spnng SEA! stoppers to It'uovr? the rear cushion :prinq. Rear fork J Refl'lOVe the r23! 'Io'WéFI. J. Lumen the self lock nu: 2:) pm“ aux tin: rear fork pwm hm! Them", rcmow the rear 'ovk from 'J‘e (fame l'-'. [RAME 33 Inspection L Measure the free length of rear cushion spring, 2. Check the rear cushion damper [or deiormanon or 0:1 leakage 3. Chuck the rear cushlon stopper rubber for damage. 4. Measure the rear lurk center collar-to—bus'nlng clear- ance. Check the rear fork swzng arm for bend. VA Upper cur - in: z shxon 59m: par ‘n'n: ock nu! . rapper ”our ‘5‘ Run dampcr um! Rammhly 1. Apply a coal or grease to [he rear mrk center collar balm installing it to lhe rear fork. 2. Install the rear fork. lnsen me rear inr< pivol bull from lluu lull side. 3. A550”\hl<: the vuar :uwcvmon. 1) Corv‘prcss the rear suspensmn with me sen-Ice xool {Tool Ixo. 07035—32901) and pull up the upper ininl m Install me «pnng scat slappers m pidce. 23' Apply locking sealant lo upper |olnl bclore ug'nl- clung, 4. Install [he re." >u>pcn>on :0 Eli: rremc. fig. J 53 B. FRAME BODY fig. 159 Pm»?! me. , lc‘mm ; [.qu'v:l a: ing hand! ar. mlur 1;. Rcr"uvc (Fe 1') acsrren :hn mu» I cm] 1:; 5p .Ip-n. Looacl' I: b and 9.3"“. I'm bclrs wmcl: )L‘CIJYL‘ my lancar. '5 or the rear luff} :Igr‘dls .1 (Km-u hm bu 3‘ mum mu 'm I: ;' Rumu': \ :I‘Ie . rimlrtu case am: I U ry bux. cwmuuor and Unmnnrc: rl‘ wrung at 1 wuplur Ru—‘cvr I‘m Hlkul' rycrir'm'. wgu “Agni! c mm -| Loosen ll'v [‘m c art 8. Dm'um u," anc smrmr bnt< :ccurc [he 2r r0. harm-9. ‘3. Ram». the mum and side ennui '10. R “flow I' up 1rd ha n bul' ra _'-3 (mm the m5 hum e Ming bal ram removi- ,m \'u u}'L\-l-U-333'l {.5 un ‘ hi «4;: vn “.1vi:7- Inspection 1. Chum the wcla Ir tl‘e my] MIN (3;: 1‘. Ch (A tho nan r. m c‘oggvng. darn-'11.» mnly :L-r bard. \ 3, 0‘9er m9 fieu—mg Nu: plsu r'ur ‘Vladllg‘ dcfummixun. 4. Check w'ru urns-fix, Counler 1nd pmpur rrnneadm m .mv nth).— dun NFC I")! 4 '3‘ 'L :lvn-nc- suen 5. Check me Ouny u" U-u t'uu (' the “mung :USTerI [u Capacitors Measure :he c.‘.pats the angle gap . t , 3. Point gap: 0 mm {0.012in.) “:45 21 (tuna-n}; m: ad‘uslin: arm to adiuxt m» !f adiuitme“ I} ruqui'ed‘ rm it: y bend the lower “"5”"- ’="-‘ pom: bracktt to abtar. :lu- correct point gap 4. Adiusling arm A‘u credit-g nature zap and paint gapl bend the adiu .in r': up "r down [0 obta-n the correa voltage reading; 5.: me aciustng ar-n \.p :n :‘l( arc li‘c cl‘ are or an“ orient-me the (hr: 1-; '&?~ 4. STARTING SYSTEM The starzing motor IS located on the upper crankcase. l: is of a drip- and dust-proof type. The torque developed by the mater is transmxned through reduction gears, driven gear, and overrunnzng clutch to the primary shat; V. ELECTRICAL 51 um; mom! 51mm; molar thafr gem i Nailing mulo' veducuan go.- ’l‘ '6 fi\ k) xA (ax '4 - =n= , 9 I r n: “\5) r~ _._. h I: ® d!) i. "5.5-2.1 “j Slaibng 11020! ’A‘; Pole: :7. Sunny wean- ; Bvushu , um um : Plan“! '2. Armin": a Magnellc swimh :3 Mam swizc‘l Starting mnlor Specifications and characteristcs Ramd output vollaga' 12 V Razed ouxpul 046kW Ramd operating (ime 3052c, icoutinuouat ‘ 0,140.“: \c-IwJ mm. In: mi: N # '_ V ' i ' ~= ‘\.ufl:g« v: ‘x E ' - ‘ Ampemge rm 3:. no :33 .. C' 26 ‘ 1.. mm ‘ am spew «pm Sla'lmg Mule! redncnon ;e.:- SIa-z n1 mmcv 8v ’ 5' ~h 5:Hr;: .. MM. 66 C: I-v-uLHLV ~1 Carmn h'uslVES \ ; arm Lngn .LTRICAI lnspccliun 1. C viking carbon brushes C cck the brushes and spnngs to: condmon Bru- sl'rs \vlt h arc vNCL‘Mxvcly worn and nat ) ting pmpe'ly on LUIIH‘LAIBIOF and weakened brush spun: may muse ‘u: xla ‘ing motor inope’alve, ch‘aca the hwy: 0.’ :prlr' -: out m We spenr’m trons bdow. Eur-dard \alne Ke'pawr h-nx Crimp hrux‘ lawn" “~13 5 30.221 ‘ r-u- ‘ 21]. 4. ~n. :1. max. Itsmh vp'lng honor- a s~u. o L 15;. I] 1-13‘ Clc.~.:m.g, wmmuzuwr a “g. 5 16 (he-J. m; IcI [15,: 27 alum; . I'm! m. . ”I lu‘ Ljnlnl Ch [rm no I‘m sun'qcu - Inc: uldwr surface in! rurrdxnun. Pohsh h .1 fine emery [lul‘n u dirty, and ugnl‘; w pr; L clean hr‘l'qrz: .‘bhELmbl‘f. Check ng riaxc ccil for (anllillxl'l' Check For m ushr (UnnIKCL‘d n) :I -- iuuid gull a J starun' '1om' cablc‘ H mm may. : inniraluu: :lmx 2h: field LUII inn an open Li'CLIiK. ’ may m-M'L-cn “L" s nu Lun Is an (.Iwciir ar—éture (ml for conkinuu Inc arn'arch coll vmn .3 Sth’K-CIFCUrC wrll 'esul'. n‘ a r’arlurc or [ha surfing more: to Opélnl‘: properly Cneck ior mnzmu. _,- haw. '1 [hr LUIH'IUXMO.’ 54:. 73:0 and rn'c ll ll-u-re n any (unnuunv, e sramr cm: x: grnunm-ti Starting magnetic switch The surfing mcIr-r chm-s a large «wuum cv' approx 100.-\ v. wen cram-mg the mug-re, This ‘5 why a big:- Lapaclw elux‘lwmagner.“ W'1ich m elPrniLuEIy 'cmme ‘ontrolled by 1 sepamle svmzch «lshr‘er :w km: :5 used‘ lnspl‘lliun I. (Ihorkmg pummry 1: Mon: 'Axh'WIIILJIL Th- ruI n 'I mr wnunuuy 'm cnnillzmly, d (mumm- ,, (lick- arm» l'u: lwr» h s of 1m: CDII. .1 It» ‘ mugv-uvc 4w”. '1 \-|[‘ uncomp nil duo :v a LU"- :m‘nurk cf chrénr 're'mt wrl‘ nc‘r Hm :mru‘ Ld)L VCSlstif‘CC. Check mr x mmir primary m by town. mm :m’l ~ I: K incirat‘nn [flax l'l': wid’illlg [TERRPLC Myth ,5 :"n:-- he lwu kn a V5 nu rum (an pr r4113" «all 'm: a" sun: .5 I'muu y Jppillng n 13\-‘ betl‘ m use. :hp rnnlucl [Imnlx‘ m m hurnl ' I: I'm“ war}! I. m [u u:m_-.nuc' ‘5 m [ha 1;“: balm; .vuh :I-o ll l‘: an 6') 9 a. @ ‘ )(U?) @‘ :53, $43 Comm ,wm; wr-hi': 2‘! mm». ; Ccrurr Fm... )‘ukc (ml ”in,“ cm cannula r )phhg 68 V. Fil, 5-31 315mm: 5min 3? Relation btlween specific gravity and rnsrdual charge at Residual charge “3.5.x: cg. Sediment _ Plates ‘5‘ Battery cue ti ELECTRICAL Batter! Specifications Type 12 N 12 A-4 A l Voltage 12 v l Capacity 12 AH ' j Measuring specrlic gravity of electrolyte. Using a hydrometer, measure the specific gravity of the electrolyte in each cell. When the reading taken is below 1.200 at 20°C or 65°F, recharge the battery. When reading the hydrometer, hold the gauge barrel vertic- ally as shown. Inspection 1. re Check each battery cell for correct electrolyte level semi-monthiy or monthly. If the level is low, add distilled water up to the upper level. When the electrolyte deaeases rapidly, check the charging system. Periodically check each cell for correct specific gravity. After adding distilled water, charge the battery by operating the engine, and then check the specific gravity. Check the battery terminals for corrosion. Check for separated battery paste and for sullatlon. T‘nese detects arc the symptoms ol a run-down battery. Periodical inspection is always necessary, espccu’tlly the battery is kept ll‘l storage [or an extended period of time. Charging battery 1. It is advrsable that the battery be charged as slowly as pots-ble smcc quick charging IS the surc way of shortening the battery start-ice In'e. Where the bat: teiy has to be charged qu| L0 may In [‘10 cr» gigfi, :f‘r: HMKC’I l5 ll'. :ccd cmmuan, Ii (‘1ch anv :Vonum... In :[I’ief h la a: vault. .vt‘xm is no cnnrmuny or If :nere rflrru :: shown sci-7w, me “’0' H" Km: PJHfli‘I'T l , , 7' \ Km ll Fran! slop switch Pu: me taster prnoes on he :e’minlls or rum Hop swm—h (arcs lb an, we . Opera. . he. banks 1qu . rmn my manw. The up lug-n shmgd m an with :hr 3 5 nm‘ 41 5~1fl mm (0.2~0.4 In.) .-.\ mmiur v c on: - l p no Um Ivy-3' Non: Nun: Ilul the level pl.“ is 2--3mm u)nw»-u..‘m..- .n (he lever uml. Rear stop switch Pul tl‘c 12M” n mm Ig'yul: with mum The» up.“ «op :gr: ~, , nun hmu- pm‘lal IS ‘ -pro=§ec‘ 20 mm (0.31m) uvvd .n xm 1|“. at me :mzal. .Mjlhhug m: : rm , W. .-'\r:j,.‘\‘i by 4mm :, Horn Ci‘L-Lk in” Urdu" or d‘czk :u ”\d connuucd m m y L‘u’gcd 1: V but: -. n ma rurr‘ LON: '~ ' Jr PC rc'r nuns: V [.[C‘RICM t)“ lug. : 1'. run: mu m um Fig ;—3n . 2m 2m; mm 7" V. ELECYRICM ties.“ c; Turn tisrul control Swllcl‘l @ Light blue cold 3; Guy cor-.1 3; Oran“: cord lg: suck mm is, Blown. white card 3‘. time cord '5 WhIN’ V o l V C1 J Front and Rear Suspens ~chc 3. lent meFmg. l Replace. 4. low lronl tire pressure. 1 Add II: to the specified pressure of u kglcm’ ! [25 psi). wheel Ie 1. loose main; Item mounting bolt. 2. Worn (rant and rear wheel bearings. 3. Front at rear wheel runour or distorted. ‘ letomue. . Replace harm. Rena" or replace. } > w i l > - lmulfiunl brake Hula. ~Alr in the brake :ystem. -Worn brake pad. - Warn piston. - Worn or distorted brake dim. - Brake lever out 0! idluflmenl. 7. Rear brake. - Worn brake llmnI. - Worn brake shoe or poor COMIC“. ~ Worn Duke cam. - Wet brake from water or oIL - Worn bake the". - Brake pedal out ol adjuument. Ketorque. L Keplete. Sol: eupeuleu; 1. ton of spring teminn. Replace. Exceulve Iced. Eu! Inuflective from lack Jumper. Repair. eleven!” . lnefle 1060mm ' 3 01.1 In. ' . I Overall mam I nonm- 1 Jan... I Oveull heiIht I 1.0!) mm dZQIn. Wheel hue ' 1,355mm 51 3 In. Seal height 5 Mann 30 1 In. Fool m mum ' mom... i 11. -. Ctound clnranco 155 mm ' a 1 In. Dry wli|llt ‘ ‘IN I; 37] lbs. Fun l 1’19: Semi-double uldk ' F. susunslon. naval , Telescopic lurk. Tum 11-k6mm Kiln.) R. summation, ("vol I 5min] um, Travel 91.0mm [JJinJ T F. tin uzo, unwr- Lm-‘ll (4"). Mr prenur: LORI/«1F (fl piil E It. «Ire Aim. prawn ' 153-10 (4"). Mr 91mm: Lowe-n: m pail 1' F. nuke. linlnx nu Dlsc brake. Lining "up! nus mun“ [44.911.an IL bake, Iii-In; uel lnlemll almndlng shoe», lining swap: um 150 cm“ (23 m. In.) fuel upuily 12 Ill. 1 2 U54“. 2.6 Imp.|ll. fuel mam clplclly '7“ “ 2m. 11 5 mm o 4 lump. 5 Cam: Angle 63‘40' . ‘ Trill Innnh “ 35mm _ ‘ 3.3m. nan: (ark o' capacily_> 125:: (m Ml if a") 4.1015. .. l mu (all 0 «Lay lam man um drllnlng) 3.0m. Eng-Lu Type | An cool“, 4-5"qu one Inflne Cylindu arrangement 1 VquI [our parallnl _ lore and “loin: ' 47.0x500mm 1.350x1.969in. —Di pal-1:11;th ‘7 7—: 147cc nun-In. 1 Cnmprluion ulio I 9.3:1 VIIve lain Cha|n drivln avu hlid ulnslull ‘ on «puny Luhllcauon synom pun-no > Cylinder hudTompcm-on ' um. I. 7 my. J.1lmp.ql. loved and we! sump 12 ky’cm' [1m 7 mi) Open: In 5' [heme lop dud centu) - lnukc val»! > - ‘ - Closei AI 35' (aim bouom dud comer) Opens W A! 35' (how: bottom dud (omen Exhaust «In W -~ . ~ —- Closes In 5' (alter lop dead unmx Valrc upon damn“ xcle xpeed- “vi! 0 05 mm 1. 200er 86 VI. snvnce DATA { mu 5 mm Bull-h Ouhnur Type Pinon valve V Selling milk 864: ’ Maln m , 375 ‘ Slow in i 315 [7k scuw Openln‘ 'L _ ’(At'l- Flual Might . 21 mm 0327”, min train Clulch [ Wel.‘mulll-ph" type Tunmlssinn 7 H9006, :onslam muh 1’ Plinury uducllon ' 1423 Gear rnliu I 2.733 ‘ em rule 1: ‘I 7 ' use 1 Gear rallo In ’ 1‘16 l Gur mlo VI ‘1 : ¥ 1.10 Our Illio V 0.” Final Ieduclinn A 7.115 _ ’Gur mm plllcrll > H 7 l." loo! open!“ ulurn svllem Blutrk-l l lgnlllon Inlay and Ignition coll Slafllnl cynem Stming mom and ml: mun Alumna: NC general! 0 156 kWI5.W)rpm lulny “gully IIV—‘l! A)! Spuk Flu; NCK Dem Nb ms Hudlim ‘, low/n15». dam 12%;;me numopngm F Inn/sup uv-znch (SA! mun M), 1151) I Tum :qul liglll 12V—12m [SAE TRADI NO. 1073) Snider-mu llghl i Tachomcm lulu I 11V-1cp “ISA! um: no. 12 V-ICD ‘5‘: TKAD‘ NO‘ Neuml indlcnor lulu ' 11V-2tp (SAE TRADE NO, Turn si|lul Indium um 129.2» (SA! nun: NO. my. bum indlular um I V 1zv—zq; (SA! TRADE no. §§§§§ SUPPLEMENT T0 CB 400 F BMW-BY GAS CIRCULATOR I‘\ fig. 14 ,1, Brenner lube a: on dlain lab! ‘3. Au (lunm olemn: v; mum: me 3. meme. element I‘hc blow—by gas lrom (he mndc o! the cylinder head lhrough breather lube amen [he breaxher box, the oil IS separated by the breathe: element and the gas is the" led :o the :m cleaner. The gas enters the an deanel and as fxltcred zuguhcr wuh Ihc fresh air by [he aiv cleanev clumcm and IS (hen again led to the combustion chamber: through the carburclms Therefore, [he blow-by gas is reduced by recombusnon of the unburned gas, fig. 1 2 mum be. OII dvain lube it claim! can: we: elemeni |\uldcr mm element e'e'em‘ heldnr .- (leaner meme“ ‘ ' ,M n44 “3.24 ‘1 Bulk: panel , Relemncr mark ; (enter mm deem n were : l. CLUTCH 1‘ Check the clutch lever for free play at its tip, 'Standard play: 10~20mm lo.to.Bin.l t Screw the clutch cable adiuster located at the clutch lever, all the way into (Al the clutch lever bracket 3. Turn the clutch cable adjuster located at the clutch housing, tn the direction (A) to loosen the clutch able 4. Remove the clutch cover. Loosen the clutch litter adjusting screw lock nut (see Figs Zn”) turn the clutch adjusting screw in the clockwise direction N until a slight resistance is felt From this posi- tion, turn the adjusting screw in the Cuuntcrclockwise dtIECIIOfl [B] 1:4~1,‘2 turn. Tighten the lock nut. . Turn the clutch cable adiuster located at the clutch housing side of engine, tn the (Al direction so that there is approximately 354" of free play at the end of the clutch lever. than tighten lock nut. 6 The remaining clutch lever free play ts ubtairtcd by the clutch cable adjuster at the clutch levcr. ,- After the adjustment has been made check to see that the clutch Is not slipping and that the clutch IS properly disungagtng. After the engine starts, pull in the clutch lever and shrit Into gear, and make sure that the engine does not stall, and the motorcycle does not creept Gradually release the clutch lever and open the throttle, the motorcycle should start smoothly and gradually accelerate. u u. 2. REAR BRAKE Blake shoes '1. Check the aistance between the arrow adjacent to the brake arm and reference mark on the brake on the brake panel of lull application of the brake. ii the arrow aligns With the reference mark on full apphcatmn ul the brake. replace the brake shoes and check the brake drum for wear. u 3, WHEEL Tire tread wear Tire should be replaced when center tread depth is worn to lite: lullowmg l-—uts. Center tread depth: Front —— 1.5mm (0.06-in.) Rear 7 2.0mm {QM-int) lg SPARK PLUG Remove the spark plus up iron". the spark plug, bnscrew the plug, uszng a spark plug wrench. and remove the spark plug 1mm the cylmdcr new. Check the spark piug for deposits, elemrodc crosron and damaged gasket. A spark plug with burned clecxcdu. bristered insulator or damaged gasket shoulc be replaced wrtn a new one. Fouled spark plug can be cleaned in spark plug cleaner or wrth a mu: brush Usmg a feels! gauge .uliust the gap to true spew “(anon Specified plup gap: DJ-lLBmm (0.028—0.032—in.] To adnrst. bend the side electrode only Clean the plug >cdt In the cylmdcr head, Screw the plug 'ntu tnc thread hole m two steps: hm. linger-trght. and tncn use a spark plup wrench to trghren I‘ll: plug an addmonal 1‘2 to 35-1 turn or wml tne sealing gasket ‘5 compressed. FUEL FILTER Place tho fuel roc‘x lever III [ln- "OFF" prwtion; dlstunncct Iht~ fuel tube: Tdkc (Jul (‘1;- I'uel :ank. lumen tlu- luel cork imng nut .nnl then remove fin: luul cod and lucl l'vltcv l'rorr' the fun] tank Chwk rho gruket to see ..- n I} not damnsen. Replan- with .1 new on, r: louml [u be damaged too badly beyond me W‘MI' thc fuel llllcv m pun-cu: and dry wrth Lorn- prcsscd .m Any flighlcst damage can not be tolnr- am: here Also ruplanc the HM with a new one If round to be (logged. Imrnll the firm: filter [a the rml cork vnlh [hp xllll Du not lursvl (0 mm]! tvu- gasket mm (In: groove olJllu llxulg nut Install the fuel cock tu :Iru lucl rank wnh t'nc txxrng nut. Install Inn luel rank in paca on the lrame: connect lubm and :t‘CtIH.‘ wnl‘ me- rlrps. lrll 1'10 tank wrtér fuul \ 1 the fuel rmk lever in the "UN" pozlilul‘ 61ch for any Iwkage past the :ubc rows or Lorlncctwns 'mg INsvrcrzo .-\ so ADJUSTMENT 5, Spuk plug (as! a 5rd: electrode (mkct Hg. 2 s (a 4—l el cud level '5‘ fuel lubr __ lurl (otk :3me m “5.24 r rm Luck 1 (mm : lung m: e rut mm '3‘: —\\D \DlL'ST\l[\T 6. AIR CLEANER 1 Rmc ll‘e seat and remuvc the tool ccmpart‘nerz Ingmher \wtl‘ the wt cleaner cave: 2 {:11 out the a.r cleane- element rcla'mn; gltp. Remove the a r cleaner clement, 3' Clean Iht‘ a-r Llca‘u‘r clcmc-n by tappmg t llg'llly tn Icowr‘ dusi. T'nc 'emaimng dust can hr: brushed iron the outer element surfnce u! blow-r - ay hv applyirg ccmpreszec Mr from :he iflildn or the €|E"1€1nl l: Rmmmg (‘13 All (‘elncl E errant 4. Remove 1‘1: clement. Holders and brL-dlhcr element § Was‘t the breather elemertl m clean solve Squeuw out eKcess solvent out: then dry the element Xhorognly WARNING, - Gasoline 0: low [Lulu pninl mlvcnls are highly flunmablr and mus! nul b: med m tlun lhe breather nlemcnl. ‘ .Do not use ma, man or organic wlvcnl «a. washing ‘ ”gay” the helmet clement. Fig.2 9 5 Whitney vzmrn' -.- [emcm mm- 0 Squeeze to open lower end of 1th drain rnhe, and remnvt- any ml or waltr whlch may have accumuldlcd‘ To rmrhldll 1hr: arr cleaner. reverse the removal procedures. rig.2 w l mm no: 7. FRONT SUSPENSION Cherking '1 Wm th.» tron: brake applied. check {hr JCIICH of ”it shuts :‘nsorbcrs, This can he done by munczng [he sI-urk :hsorbers Ln arm down 3 mm: “r-gg by l: H mm cnsrk rm 'éak», twist er b Is mm ’E—plaC-J, u an ' ww- u' damagad he _‘ Chen : . tmnl :L'k'; 2m: wandlabar mmnrvtg bolts rm Jag-r Changing front fork oil L Rum t‘w dun [)1ugsn-va21ac uol' Me h. mil-=1: r 21:5 ‘DJ'ILL‘ Lp and c: “No 10 md v1 dug 1m: :P‘u: :‘é‘nmurg A chhch‘ the main p‘u urdcr the Pu5v :10.de raléé ? A .I a . ' ¥u1l rm mm pm ed 3 Run-ow l‘u' ml r r pug; 3m: nwr me 8m M'ounl at AT? ‘,p€'l“'hllh"li L:\..x|xi‘,' .mlumnw IYJnS- msss‘ou mud) mu rm: huh-3 Cnparily: 1457150tc (4.8»43025.) rd .mluunl OI fluid will he rennin-d In fill one I'm}. whenever dxuncmbled. Spn- NI .mmum 160 165(r 5.63.802»! 4 Repaw! 'uEe' 1);.159 am'l mn'nm the stand wdcv 1hr c~m_.u, S. REAR SUSPENSION Inspccliun I Kuw' l'w w. ' " 2hr rc.-.r v.,. r 1’ {wk bunn 7rd use, 'cpwdtL‘ i Clrnk 1th ~| u: .mll mm W: m; wurn n umr («ma-9y apxnsun "uur‘:ir’_:~ mr Ir. son Rear 'Olk Bushing Luhviralinn Twnv IS a Ihbl can” pm '1' '- mr m x... ngn‘ I: ‘\ wmuuw: {1-2.1 : ‘- nuty ui .- -.-r maul» .u \IQI m .v ‘ 1-1» paws: .1 u' v» I":_m”~ In \CXI vxmivpu‘CIm- . .. 92 INsptc-rzou .4 ND ADJUSTMENT 9. SIDE STAND ‘L Check the entire stand assembly I'srde stand bar, bracket and rubner block) for installation, deforma- tion or otherwrse excessive damage. Check the spring for freedom from pamage or other defects. ta t, Side stand 12 Rubber alnck pivot bolt 3, Check the side stand tar proper return operation: a. With the side stand Jpplred, raise the stand on‘ the ground by using the main stand. b Attach a spring scale to the lower end of the stand and measure the force with which the stand is returned to its original posrlron. c. Ihc stand condition is correct II the measure- ment falls \vrthin 2-3ltg (5.! 6.6lhs.) It the stand requrres force exceeding the above lnmt, tins might be dur: to neglected lubrzcatlon. ox-urtrghtuned siec stand pivot bolt, \vurn slind bar or bracket, or otherwise excessrve tension. Repair as necessary. 4. Check the rubber block fur deterioration or wear When the rubber block wear is exressive so that it IS worn down to the wear line, replace it With a new one. h“, 1.17 q sac: um: by g Sprtng «are Rubber block replacement 1 Remove the 6mm bolt,- separate the rubber block from the bracket at the sldl: stand. Alter making aure the Collar is installed. put a new rubber block in place in the bracket with the arrow mark out. NOTE: Us! rubber Mod having the mark "OVER 2.50““. ONLY" 3 Secure the rubber block With the 6mm bolt. nu, Ho 3 Wear 1m 1.; tit; ‘ L PISTON RINGS Assembly . 1. To install tlu: ml ring, first place the spacer and than the rails in position The spacer and tail gaps must be staggered 20-30mm l0.8—1.2-in.). 2. Install the second and top rings in this order in the piston with their markings facing upward, NOTE: .. on nnl mix the lop and second rings. b. After inflallin‘ all ting; in the piston, hand-route than: and (heck to be state they move smoothly without any sign oi binding. 3. The rtng gaps must be staggered 120 deg. and must not be in the direction of the piston pin bossor at right angle to (ht: punt NOTE: 0n the gap ol lhc three-pies; type oil tin; teler lo that at the sonar. til, 3.1 ‘ Top 1mg 5- Spam . second "n; -'; Piston ring mukinx t3: Rail 2. CLUTCH Hg. 3-? (y Clutch cover .11 Lodz nut q) Clutch Illlcr lzvct ’5) CIuKh lent iprlnig ' Oil sul Igltl nanltcaso covet Clutzh cam plate Ball retainer Clutch Iiller Clutch Idlustmg Stlew Clutch lint-r plate ,ctutch spring Lock nut luck washer lock washer Clutth cent»: Dtst swing tut Elutch disc will“! Clutth nine 3 sumt set ting Clutch luction disc Collar Clutch plilo tstxi Clutch Itiztiou disc 45ml Clultlt pressure plat: Clutch outer thusl washer [i HHS 'h‘, Eudbfl'd-l'fi'fi‘fii'fi'in'Ifig'IE'Q “(@5993 5 Cluxéh-lyllcr : mk mum pchl Iem 3 mm cunkam a Sun"; fun” '5' led; flul g cmw auxualcr h. h“. :4 m Ihnlm lm. Inn wash-:1 3V luck wnhrr fig. 3 3 ;‘ LlulU' u-uu ’2 5|me rarcml m ..n7_ 7 1 FISJ I. 1 Sup 5' cmvmr‘r x; Disassembly '1. Quinn :ne engine :i-roughlv 1') :cmavmg the drain piug. 1 Remove (He rear branu amuazing nun 3 Rc—ove me ugh! ‘00: fat and kisk starter pedal. A Remove :he clutch cover f-am :x-e rxght crankcase CDVEY. 2. TJrn the clutch admzcrs lo loosen the clutcn cabler 6. DISLDnneCl’ the dumb cable from (he clutch lifterr lever. Remove [hr ugh! crankcase (MEL 8‘ Screw ol'f the clutch adjusting, sumblv gr «LII anerbs,‘ wur- the punfl‘ lfl lever “mud up - rh that rm .‘ Adm: the guars'mr penal p0 lever (5 m canine-i w :31 the ngrifi-H km“ or he murdle Tm: «Idlublmcl‘t IS made by Au [hi- after Inowmng 'he lmk nus. Ash» Jlil-Al'f-C’IL nghren rhs Ion mu r-vrnly I. CARBlle—Z‘I‘OR 1:qu :HMV if"? ,_ burzmg numlm 0,4 Mm;- in :7; v 7 Slow M' ' m "mile wum; _ .3”. g'ncve Au straw uprmvx Hoar hug“! Vbiugu. i‘ Rdmuttr ;‘ To open fund thread) .. lu dun 5‘ Lock nu I. FRONT SUSPENSION m 4-: Rig‘nx (rant “wk :hsmhw ; Imk bnu mm ,nuLk :bmbu mm; .' Rzuuunda ._ =. lrrm: :an [brie l'vu'Zul'I can: 037:“ g on .ack pmrn : (.J‘l mil 3WD [5‘ sen-Lu mu p. mm. “I: hmdcx Disassembly 1 Removr- the Iron! wheel 2. Re‘nu «- he (.IJIpL” usscmb‘y from [he lei: from tork 3. \-\"11h [ht hor‘z bcll icoscned, £0059 :he bniKs at the [ark inn hridgo and sxeering swm, whlrh sour:- :qu Pun: iork. Pm the (mm lmL (award lhu button" 4 Dunn liIL‘ I'mnl wapv'wawn u.L j Rumuw ‘Ju: nu: on [M from :mk pI'JL', vi any with fine emery cloth. 6 Remove ms- «or ‘t holy and separars [19 :ron: fork pipe and on? k pmfl? am Ina hon-VT rase‘ Us: “Altnn Head W-cm I “Tool Ma D791? 323MB to rum-3w: m: smkc: bah. Protcu {he {now absorber wth mg when hold-1g It or a yum. RP'me me Ira p‘pu, run 593: pxpe and re curd >p'mg l (k nnlr an mp cf the“ [rum :m" r: mack ghmrhi‘l :pn'vg mum 3. Rernw rm- bultcm Case mu»- PH,- éml flop and rcmcve :lw I) sun 70‘, F hutm-n idN.‘ Inspection 1 Chad lln: My: length of “It: hum shock absorber spung, . Chuck {he seal p.pe rm m. - or the p.smn rmg. Cl'cgk the barren, ms: am: .Cfn pupa Inr wmr, crack or an-,- mho' dufcu ~1, Check Inc ml ‘6.“ I'm wear or rum: Assembly I (Isnm all pub In sou'wni m 2 Apply a UJJU'lg, L- AT! Lulu 10 (“c crn'»: sun nl a r on: assc:~l)ly. =..~ un {lull}.- .« Irazml ‘ ll’ Immn. w ml ml “1.11 m Il'u- honor-w case. Dru: 1|: hc ml seal Lmn.’ ‘Fnrk >udl Drlvm ' lTug:l Nu. 979~7—333Cl‘.l‘fll. lmml _ ol scal slot) ._ ui lJollom can! (mu-r. Imml mu vcbound spring .uu; gm: pipo .n: from: inrk pipe. J Amer maullv mm |).[_IL‘ {u unicl bolz, NOTL Apply linuid acnlull (0 [he lhrnds oi \hu mum hall. 5 Full uh 'r'mt l-yl \-.-:|~ M1 162‘“ 38:..s in All ‘Umm‘: un»' ll 9 msml Klw nun , . rm In lurk n) pl: .3 :rxK m m VJ! ~ p lm Ill - ml loLk pler' mw-t : c 'urt I: bone-n raw .xnu 5CL.:n: wn. :he an ,m- div )0 [rm r'v .pgvl “wan, g 0} ml :m: 5. on v.4.)l 5:5. 44 ‘u. . r' xlur 'Irg “3.: r, ,| on m1 ‘va :un ‘Jm‘u 2. REAR SUSPEN SION Fig, I s 1 Rear :huck absurbar memhxy Imnt rubbu Unner ,mnt Spnng “a: :IOv Spun: um):- slut Lock nut :mm-r... Slap mobs! ,_ Rear )huck mmw 5pm; .. Spring lower seax Spun; Idlmlcl " Rea: dance, Dm- rum (no ' Rea: e '( pwol bull - Dual seal (-10 Rear t'ovk plval bushing ‘10 Rear imk renurr (ollav fr. Sllanhns nul (14mm in [car lurk {a Run hmkc map arm a) (inane llliiru: 3. FRAME BODY Fuel Cock ‘1. Place the fuel cock lever In ll": "0”" position; dxsconnccllhu he! tubes. Take out the I'ucl tank. .. loosen the fuel cock fixing nut and then remove ihe luel cock and fuel lillcr from the fuel tank. 3. Dlsatsemblp the2 fuel cock Lossun off the screws and remove the plaze, washer, lever, sprung, O-nng and valve rrom the fuel'cock body. 4. Check the valve laces or the fuel cock for sgurc: o( any other damage. Replace with a new cock ds>ulnb|y, :l necessary. Check [he gasket to see If II I: nol damaged. Replace wuh a new one. il’ found to be damaged too badly beyond use 6 Wash the luel lilte! in solvent and dry mm mm- pvussud axr. Any :lxghleul damage can not be tolerated here, Also replace the filter Will: a new um: :i iuund to be clogged. Install the luu! (Illa! [0 the fuel cock w.:h the {hang nut. Do not forge: :9 install the gasket mm the groove of the nxmg mu. 3 Install thP luPl rock to the el tank wuh {he iuxmg nul '3. ln>la|l the fuel :ank place on lhc irame. connect tubes and setue - n the clips. 10 F.” the tank '- u fuel with the lad (:th lL'xur H“: "O\' pos ton. chuck for any eaklge‘ past l r ml)? loans at connuzmne run mx lever Funl (Mk flung nu! J. \1 no Muffler Removal 1 [omen frame hvn bolts :hal :ccure Hm: I. Lassen on exgh! 37'“? mi; and 'c'no" :f‘c muffler mblv, 0mm: pus:- :umls dnu mm collars. 3. ECOSOV‘ 1hr 'nul‘f‘cr band bolts and mmm'u liH: lwu exhaust mm and scaling gum-n mm um mm" __.7-P¢" unumbly ln‘perlinn l, Chwl IP'c cxhausl p:pc gaske‘ls lu- uurndgr. 2. (In-(k 1h.- mur‘lc' scaling gau-‘z. |':_ur “r".uu \ ri;.4 u 1 mm. uncnlfly Installation :11 In: mhafi: DPS—>2 l'nr' ugh (Fe sealing H |">: . «L»: :mv'Li .mpur p. w - ‘1 2hr ,n» m m» mh , 100 3 v. ELECTRICAL-SYSTEM 3 I. CHARGING SYSTEM (:3) 11) Ly ligJ-l ; u: aonmzm ) Pumlhtn 'uuulalm { [no . mom drodr Iouiher . 3. L m1 _ l Batu-IV ' STARTING SYSTEM r, win ,wan '7 I [an N hg. :72 'Irlr «PM ~\\.~:.-. 1m L‘luh‘h iwilrh .L t", mm: mm J r cu in :E» . i.? .ty v .miy '/.‘l':‘x l r: LIUKLI x; Starting switch Flux ‘.~snr>- hH‘ r“! “a, cm I Punt: [um Silicon diodt‘ ('m‘u : ‘w‘l' nu :I‘H‘IH r. .H'! :m' '|r ,n'ln II "nhuvmw' UV tl’L Volt: IJU mcuucr will dun m 1m h h ul u)? .. m .. 4, {a high -.fiH4'.;-' gcnvmrd m Hm ,4, Ilw diudv my. 1 , , ; -,Iw- 4mm,- Mu I shiltll LK-y w {.IFF m: .x‘ \w'. 'vinx‘ Hum". Kin-n. .u ‘5» v II.KL I ‘ mmwmg v ,I -v .7 'Rk \L 95 : "Mp :mr cnve' 3h; smtch G apcgmcc balmy '~. on m earn pawl 2cm»; ‘vr‘vlu‘e: ;( ‘ m a. I E'( up w. hhu “ma um» l 3”,“. Wm Tm :wn‘ mmal «mu-r \ ‘ Lu! JKLE‘ [tukwflv ‘ - ‘ w “(a Horn switch I) HIV“. V the u "r -a| n: In» I’m-'- mum mm In rhc Lu‘llmdur (nu-r. Chm-k 1h:- grt'; | ' Corn D'csst ru-uuuy rm: ' err me :mnr‘n x; m.- Enzine Mop switch 103 L V1. SERVICE DATA 1 SPECIAL 10018 No. tool No. | Destriplion ' ‘ moo—37m 1 cams ma: tool so! 1 ‘ (”NZ-m .-' Pin spanner Mann!) A 2 J onus-mom .‘ Box wrench (12mm) 3 , emu-com hppel Idluflin‘ wreath : 4 : 2901—3210101 'l V. Front wheel heal-n; maiw mend: ’_‘_ s 079me . Rear wheel bearing rel-Inc! wrench _- e I- m-xzf’ 7 Snap ring Fen-7 ¥ _ ‘— _7 0791;651:0507 __] locl; nut wrench 16mm] ’fr 1 a -,_ omr—amqm 7 Allen head wrench (6mm) '— ; 9 '1— man-mouse?“ w _ lolo’ljpullcl _- _ _j 10 } 079424290100 1 v.I»¢ guide «rim W: _____ 0 7942-3290200 —L Valve guide couples“): > .— 4 0795-3314110) L —-- —A Beating duvet anathema! mm) — F—u' ' 1' _ Rsfi— 1 _. _ I31fi.v:&.lfiéfiofi.i_‘—'_ "—7 _ M; W {Reaga— __" _. Tuba—acme . Eu};— _. U U V " _ 7 T'fim—ysfim—l" " — ‘ Y T a;;ma.rf‘—*"— ___f_. _ T7— 17— oTx'meTm _ Ball Ian—mm — ‘ll— 1— 07—955‘1503 ‘- — r—Vfiislou ring toting-$071 q— I—-— 7— 7rd— ? 19:Hi— 0mil—Zflo—_l :- Valve swing Comfll€550;—: - 10 07956-331101) ‘, Piston base ' — '5 _ T_ 375—933;: _, _ Shad “79.535117“? ‘ W— _‘ — —" — ‘2; j— INS—+201)!!! Y r — VII—ve.gv;Teanu-v (Inukel A A— _» — 13 7— ’ Neda-.1}; ' 7 _ _ A Val—Vt guidt reamu (Exhlvul —_P — 24"?- Tagzmlam — — — _- Flat; mu mth ‘— “i- -fi...“ N —k 1—‘— Elm "' - Dnve Jul“ hoiéu -_ ' ’1 r—A z: _.. 01797—293300 _ Special will» ’-_‘- —_— — '— I —o7uoTJL_ --—‘#"'_‘ in”, " - 'fl .: =7: ‘: @7532: 7: : EQIEE. } _ i: : if : 71 L28 079091230510 , Carbuteror wnchronuation wreath sel .- 1“ Vl. smwc: DATA 2. MAINTENANCE SCEDULE INITIAL REGULAR SEIVICE PERIOD Thu maintenance schedule is based upon average rldtng SEEKIY‘IJC; $5122: Ilig‘lielxmgfiwn‘tzgmgi conditions. Machines subiecled to severe usa, or ridden _ ‘ 3 . 6 12 in unusually 'dusty ateas, .requive mwe frequent sen/Icing mama “so?" : '1";me miles miles ‘ miles 1 miles Engine OlI—Change O ' O i ‘ oil mm Element—Replace O . v ‘3 Oil Fllter Screen—Clean ‘ 0 Spark Plug—Clean and adjust gap or teplau if necessary ‘ O :Eiontan Points and Ignition ‘llmjng-Clean, check. and . O adjust at replace if necelsary ‘Vttlvc Tappel Clearance—Check. and adlust K necessary. — O C‘ ‘Cam Chain Tension—Adiust O ' O 1" Paper AilrFiIlel Element and breather Element—Clean. _C;,;" mole "mum“, if] ‘_ 0 Papa Mr rllter [lament—Replace Mm“! I" dIfllY area; 0 'Cart-auretot—Chedt, and adjust If necessary. C) — Throttle Opuation—I‘Eizgzfit aunz’eatljust free play. . 0 ‘Fuel It'ltct Screen—Ele'an I C H 7_‘ Fuel Lines—check . C T(Iflrulclt—Chedt titan-ration, and adiutt if necemr—y. O I- ——l ——’3 ‘ —— Drive Chaim—ctiéé'fiubaicaie, and adjust it nevccssary. "o ‘ Io A _ 7 Brake Fluid Level—Check and add nuid it necessary. ' V o ; 7 ‘_ H O I , ”Brake ShaeHPadr-Inspect, and replace it worn. . - '3 Brake Control Linkagew-Check Iinltagunnd adjust lree r - . I “-5 play if necessuyt | _ ‘ 'We' “m “iiiizzm—im‘; wt . .i n s . . | ‘ o . ig spa es a e: s. «as ary ‘lttes-—Ifispect and check airwessure. 0 Al O r I — Frunl roittbit—ouin and rellll: ' ' .. o ' 0 from and Rear Suspension—Check upstation. I 7 wt A 4 Rear Folk Bushing-Greaseicheck lot excessive looseneu, ‘y A__ .TStL-uing Head Bearings—Adlust, ‘ '- _ 7 :3 “Side Stand—Check installation, operation, delormation, ~ 7" 7 a_ mug: and weart ‘ " ‘ -—Brl\llcry—Ch€13 lomosl Clulch phi: mlm warm“ cu new). flux. n2 loomsl Clulch span; tree length _ :13 4123031 29.75 1712; Elmch G“! nth V 1 0.955 Gnu nllo VI “to . ‘ linul rod-Clio: 2.15 i Cur 1h": pmun loll look ommod unm- sysnm Blank-I Ilnlllon [may and Igniuon toll v sumac sync-n Sunln‘ motor “14 ud: mum Alum-lo! —I_'— .11.: Iona-lot mulcwrsmrpm Iuluy «mm L IZV-IZAN Spark vluu NGK DOES!" ND ms 1 “High! low/HR}! helm IIV-MWMW TauMopIIIN Tlll/Scop “V4532“ Ni TRADE N0. 1157i Tum sign-l um I ‘ZV-H 5’ (SM ‘IRAD! N0. Hymn] i Spcodomom film I 12V-ch ISA! TIADI N0. 37) Yullomllu light J» 12v—2co ISA: TRADE N0. w) Lug-ml Indian: nun I Izv-ch m1 1w “0' m 1 Turn and indlulov um I 12v-2cp 6A! rum: no. 57: tum: bum Indium um I uv-ch an new: no. m Poilllon um I '2V—3cv (SA! mu): no. 1157)