‘IIoNIJA C8250 & 08400 N Super Dreams 2490c ~ 395cc. 1978 to 1984 OWNERS WORKSHOP MANUAL onda CBZSON 08400 N uper Dreams wners orkshop anual by Martyn Meek Wllh an addlfional Chamev on the 1951 {0 1934 models by Penelope A Cox Models covavad CBZSON 249cc Imvoduced Febvuavy 1978 C8250 NDB 249cc lmvoduced Fenruary ‘98! C5400 N 385cc lmvofluced May 1978 C8400 NB 395cc lmvoduced February 198‘ C8250 NA 249cc Imvoducen Noyembev V979 C8250 NBC 2439:: lnuoduced V982 C8400 NA 395cc Inuonucen November V979 c5400 NC 395cc Inlvoduceo 1982 CBZSONE 249cc Imroduced ‘clnuarv Ham ISBN 0 85696 893 5 c Haynes Publvshmg (5101191990 An ugh“ merwd No pm 01 mu book my I:- vwwducoa or mum-ma In my 1mm 0! by my mum, elmnomc 01 mochlmcnl, mcludmg phoxocopvmg, mordmg in by luv mmrmumn noug- or mnem xymm, wllhmn Denmman m mung Ham ma copyr.gm holder Pvmled m England «540 2P9, MT: Haynes Publishing Group Sualkford Nr Veayn Somersei BA22 7.1.1 England Haynes Publicahons, Inc 861 Lawvence Dnve Newhuvy Park Cahlomra 91320 USA Acknowledgements Our lhlnh III due lo Hand. (UK) Limilcd lor povmiuion I0 nwoduca [Mil llnI dllwingl Ind lav mwlylnfi [he eolouv lllnmluncv a! the CE‘OO NC lululld on me from cover, Plul Brannon, 0' Plul Bllnlon Molovcvcltl le. Veovil. luwliou the Hondl C8250 N Ind various lechnlcll inlotmllion and in l a meal [Inn 01 "II mlnull. I'll" lel Ill/l Mulder-bl. lflllllrlu wllh [he ellip— down Ind rlhllldlflg Ind Mud Ill. lnwnlalll mom hr About this manual overmmhq a» luck 91 mm tool. Tony Sllldl'l'lln Irrlllncd we look m. pnmopnpns lnu Icwmplnv nu ma Mlnlul Bedlam ldlmd nu ma. Flnlllv, we would Illa lllu to "uni (M Avon Rubber Company. who Illndly lunpllod ml“ Ibo“! Ml llnlnn; NGK Souk Plug: (UK) Ltd who fumlwd ldVIDI lbuul Iolrking plug mndkionl. Ind Rancid lelled who tuwlltd dill"! cl unlice- mnl ell-Int m purpole 0! [ml m-nu-I I: re pmanl ln- own-r wlIll . canola and pmpnlc pump which wlll I bl. nlm Io uckl- any our-non lmm puic voutlnc m-Immnu m a mule: owl‘hlul. ll h bun u-umod the! any wort will be undenlken wlmcul m. Iuwrv of a m oulwld workshop and I renal of manulmum': wvlcu (Doll Tn ml: nd, In. mlcth lulu-d in ma mlnuIl m- mlppod an : mm In on: own workshop, by p m commiling a marl-nit, I phalwrlptur pm! the aulhor. The rnulllng unclear-pm: ”queue. deplcu "um- moy look nllcl. the Mud: lhnwn bclnp man at I”. anther and "I. mechanic. The ma at mcl-Ilud ma unenliVI. uwlcn lools wu upland unllu lhulr an M: boulder-d m be cuenllnl dun m ml: at Dru-lug- or Injury. mm i. ulullly tom- way 0' Impmvlllng a melhod of umaving Iubbom comma-ml provldod mu u Iullihll down of can u urcind. The author Iuml hll malorwcln mechl cs mm - number of yum. lead wllh ['1' pam- uilfimlliu ma uplng Ilmilnv Incllllhl Io thou tneouulund hy mom own-rs. ll iI hoped the! ml: panic-l upnrloneo can bc puma on Human In. paou pl mll mlnull. _ Where poulblo - Mll-und .umpl. oi lb. mlch' cholen law I worunop Dialect, n Ihll nlgnlignu any nus which miqnl be p-nlcululv pmnl m gluing win to problemx. In ml- my, my man dnflculllu m encounler-d Ind mama below the ml I: wvlmn, m: m. tuchniqual um: lo cal wim mun can be hamper-led In lhe relnvonl Socllon Armed with . wetting knowledge 0' “I. mlchlni, [M luer undcn-k milder-bl- Immml of "naval In on!!! ml! Il'll mulmum lmounllofdlll an be Included ll! [he monull. E-m Chlnllr il dividld inlo numborld Malone. Wilhin mm Section: m numpma par-gum. Cmu «mone- mmughoul In Inull null. rllghl'ovwerd end logiclll when thlIncI II mum See Secllofl GJO' ll mum Secl‘on 6. nlrlqufll 10 In (M um. Chlmu N lmlh" Chime! WI" lnlIrIdOd, the III-rem: would "Id, '0! lxlmnlo Chip!" 2, Settle" 6 l0'. All Ill nucleation! ll. clnllonod wllh O union/pmgnpn numpu lo wniun may refer mu m vulevlnl to m. Chan"! luxl pal-mm. ngnl (uwelly lln- illunnlionll nppm in a logical bul numnul onm. wllnln - nlvln Chlpllr, Fig. 1.1 l mlpn v u w m- fim flaure ln Chlplol l. Lflt—hlnd Ind vld'Il-hlnd descripllons nl Ill. mlchlnu Ind mi: compononu um lo the left and ngnl at - given an Mun "I. ride! it mud nonnlllv. Molovcvcll mlnul-clurau conlinually mm china 5 lo mcifiullonl Ind recommend on nd men. when nolifladv t" incorporated into on! mlnulli u m- lvllesl opponunlly. Whlllt every CI" ll Ilkln la Inlum "II! [he inlormllion in [his [ll-null lI mic! no lllbililv can DI lcunlld by lhl lulhor or publilhln In! In“, damlp m inlurv oluud by Inv Ilmrl in a. omiuion: mm m information pm. Contents Page Acknowledgements 2 About this manual 2 Introduction to the Honda C8250 N and (28400 N Super Dream models 5 Model dimensions and weight 5 Safety first! 6 Ordering spare parts 7 Routine maintenance 8 Quick glance maintenance adjustments and capacities 13 Recommended lubricants 13 Working conditions and tools 14 Chapter 1 Engine, clutch and gearbox 15 Chapter 2 Fuel system and lubrication 63 Chapter 3 Ignition system 76 Chapter 4 Frame and forks 79 Chapter 5 Wheels, brakes and tyres 89 Chapter 6 Electrical system 105 Chapter 7 The 1931 to 1984 models 114 Wiring diagram 123 Conversion factors 124 Metric conversion tables 125 Index 126 Lin-hind View ol Hnndl CBZSON Introduction to the Honda CBZSON and CB400N Super Dream models The proton! Honda empire. which nun-d in a wooden luck in 1947. mm occuplu a mi modern «new The Wet motorcycle to be (moon-d Inlo [he UK in me early 60's, m- 250 cc len ’Dmem'. mu m- min edge oi - mag- which MI been [no Jepenne dominerlon ol the melorcvcle Indumrv. Slrlnue it looked loo. m Wurem eyu, with around moi rum. ma 'Iquere' Ilyllng. In 1959, Honda commenced med reclng in Europe. II [he IOM TT rec". They cem 'm lelm. nexl veer lo race, mlvhe'. but Wellied WWI!" me mlnuilnurer'l lllm ewerd. A Iew velrl liter We derided elm, Ihev were Io domlrlel ell clemr wirh euch rldere ll Mike Hellwood. Jim Redm Phillie Ind Bob Mclnlyre, on four‘ live Ind til cyllnder mechln , Even the previouely unbellln lflliln mullll no longer hld lhlnql lhlir awn wev "6 were herd DUI lo coniinue recing under re Ilv competitive lerme. Nondl wlihdmw irum rlcilln in 1987, when II the Inn Di me In nor In r-rum Iqlln unlll m. l977 :- can “med Hond I Iuccele in rlcing he] been mirrored in lhlir ulel oi med going mechlnery renge which included model: horn 45 cc to I000 cc. end encampeml engine mnrxgumim- ol widely aiming mm such .- tingle cylinder. nunmm m cylinder end Even V-lwin lvpee. The Hand. CBZEON end [he CE‘OON (known lilo ll Super Dveerrul were inlmdueed in the middle of 1978 lo [eh I llroer slice of mu merkell mm were previoueiv com their lorerunners. m. CBZSOT lmd C3401“ (Dre-me). Although III" on [he mark-I in the LISA (where they ere known lekl) (he eximlnu Drum: were only I ehle in the UK hr il month period. Eorh mod-I. e or . Iimiler delign, heving meny immanenauble components. The Suner Dre-ml hue will! Hondl MI termed Europe-n styling will! I much more eponlng Drofilelhenth immedill orede lore Includin eninre lel~ looking (Ink Ind side panel unil e ellmmer Neel Ind new llil' hump, lower hendhben. IM how u rlwolirioned rllrwerdl. Mech- alllv mu. hen lilo been leverel chenfiel Both ed Deerbol. modified inlel end elheu purring end velve inning, redeeigned cr-nkuul longer Iilenoeu. The 400 version now won: . Min dies from brlk end I (went halogen h edlemp unll, Eli-rem" l. nude in r in on dilm ruling Ind assembly nmuduru, In mo vlricul diflerlnml m such model I equipment Model dimensions and weight Overell Ienfim Overell width CBZSON CB400N 2115mm183‘3in) 2H5mm(83-3in) 730 mm [28-7in) 730 mm (25-7 in) llOSmmi43-5ini 1105mml43r5in) 1395 mmiSd-S in) 1390 mm (54.7 in) 165 mm (6-5in) 165 mm (6-5 in) 167 kgi387lb) l71kgl377ib) Safety first! Protessionai motor mecha cs are trained in sale working procedures However enthusiastic you may be about getting on with the job in hand, no iaite the time to ensure that your satcty is not put at rislt. A moment's leclt oi attention can result in an accident. as can raiture to observe certain elementary Dracauticms. there will always be new ways or having accidents, and the rollowing points do not pretend to be a comprehensive list or all danger they are intended rather to mate you aware at the risks and to encourage a ulaty~conscious approach to all wait you Clvrv out an your vehicle. Essential 00: and DON 75 not” "In the engine without first esceneining that the transmission is in neutral DON'T suddenly remove the filler cap irorrt a hot cooling system — cover it with a cloth and release the pressure greduelly litst. or you may get scalded by escaping coolant DOW? attempt to drain oil until you are sure it has cooled sufficiently to avoid scalding you. DON'T or so any part oi the engine. exhaust or silencer without llrat escert hing that it is sulltclerttly cool to avoid burning you. DON'T allow brake fluid or antitrura to contact the mechin a pllnlwotlt or plastic components DON'T syphon toxic liquids such as tuei. brelte fluid 0! entltreeze by mouth. or elIow them to tame on your sltin, DON'T inhele due it they be iurious to h elth tsee Asbestos h ding). DON’T allow any sgllt oil or grease to remain on the floor » wipe lt up straight ewey. belore sorneone slips on it DON’T use lllr'llflnq spannera or other tools which may slip and cause Inlurv. DON’T attempt to Iilt a heavy component which may be beyond your capability _ 9'! assistance DON'T rush to llnish e lob. or lelte unverified than cuts DON’T allow children or a imela in or eround an unattended vehicle DON'T inlle a tyre to a preseure lbovl the recommended maximum. Apart lrorn mentioning the cerceee end wheel rlm, in extreme cases the tyre me blow olt lorclbly. oo ensure thet the machine supported securely et all llmu. This is especlelly portant when the machine a blocked up to aid wheel or torlt removal no lelte care when attempting to sieclteh e tubbom nut or bolt. lt la generally better to pull on e spanner rather then push. so that it e lppege occurs you tell eway lrortl the machine rether then on to it. no weer eye protection when using power tools such as drlll. sender bench grinder etc, Do use a barrier cream on your hends prior to undert- 'ng dirty jobs ~ it will protect your sltih irom inlection a well as melting the dirt e ler to remove afterward but me a sure your hands eren‘t lelt slippery. Note that long»term contecl with used englne oil can be a health he erd. no lteep loose clothing (cults. ii to] end long he well out oi the way at moving mechanical DIAL no remove rings. wristwatch etc. betore worlting on the vehicle ~ aspec ally the electr eI system. Do keep your worlt e a tidy - it is only too easy to tell over articles lett lying eround. Do exercise caution when compressing springs tor removal or installation. Ensure that the tension is applied end r emd in a controlled manner, using suitable tools which preclude the possibility ot the spring escaping violenti no ensure that eny lifting tackle used has e sale working loed rating adeouete tor the iota. no get someone to checlt periodically thet ell is well. when worlting alone on the vehic . no carry out worn in a logical sequence and cheolt that everything is correctly assembled and tightened afterwards. no remember that your vehicle's eelety altects that ol yourselt end others. It in doubt on any point, get spec list advice IF. in spite of lollowing these precautions. you are unfortunate enough to ihiure yoursell. seelt medical attention as soon as possible. Asbestos Certain trict n insulating. sealing. and other products » such as bralte nings clutch linings gaskets. etc . contain asbestos Extreme care must be taken to avoid inhalation or trust lrorn such products since II is hazardous ta health it in doubt 351nm! "1:! they (10 contain asbestos Fire Remember at all times that petrol tgasoline) is highly riarnmable cher smote. or have any ltiric ot halted tiamc arouno. when waiting on the vehicle. But the rislt does not end there a a soartt caused by an electrical ghonrcilcull, by two metal surtaces contacting each other by careless use at tools at even by static electricity built up in your body under certain cono one, can ignite petrol vapour, which in a contrnad space is highly explosive Always disconnect the battery earth lgtounol terminal betore worlting on any part or the lust or electrical system. anti never rislt spitting loci on to a hot engine or arthaust It is recommended that a tire eatinguiiher at a type suitable tat lust and electrical tires is ltept handy in the garage or workplace at all times Never try to extinguish e lual or electrical tire with walttr Note: Any relerence to a 'larth' appearing in this manual should always be retort tit mean a hand»helt1 battery operated electric lamp or llirshrrghr It does not mean a welding/gas torch or lilowlamp Fumes Cenein lumee ere highly toxic end an quicltiy cause unconsciousness and even death it inhaled to any extant Petrol igasolinel vapour comes into this cateoory. as do the vapours lrom canain solvents such as trichloroethylene Any draining or pouring ol such volatile lluids should be done in a well ventilated area When using cleaning lluids and solvents. read the instruc tions c elully Nave use materials trom unmatlted containers - they may give on poisonous vapours Never run the engine at a motor vehicle in an enclosed so ce such as a garage Eith ust lumea contain carbon monr o oa which is extremely poisoncru ' you heart to run the engine. always do so in the open air or at least have the tear at the vehicle outside the worltplece The battery Never cause a spirit, or allow a netted light. near the vehicle's battery it will normally be giving all a certain amount at hydrogen gas. which is highly explosive Always disconnect the battery earth lgtounol tarminal betora working on the lual or electrical systems it possible. loosen the tiller plugs or cover when charging the battery irom an external source no not charge at an excessive rate or the battery may burst take care when topping up and when carrying the battery, the acid electrolyte, even when d'Iuted. is very corrosive and should not be allowed to contact the eyes or sltin It you ever need to prepare electrolyte yoursell. always add the acid slowly to the water, and never the other way mum}. Protect against splashes by wearing rubber gloves and goggles Mains electricity and electrical equipment When using an electric power tool. inspection light etc. always ensure that the appliance is correctly connected to its plug and thet. who e necessary. it is properly earthed (grounded) Do not use such appliances in damp conditions and. again. beware ot creating a soerlt or applying excessive hee In the vicinity ol tool or lual vapour Also ensure that tho appl nm meet the relevant national selely standards Ignition HT voltage A severe electric shoclt can result lrom touching certain parts at the ignition system such as the HT leads. when the engine is running or being cranlted. particularly it components are damp or the insulation is detective. Where an actronic ignition system is hired the NY voltage is much higher and could prove lull. Ordering spare parts wnan ordering apm null for any Hanan u ia odwuma m dual dlrnm Man an oHIcIII Hand: agenL who should nu am an aupaly man 1mm a ~lmcl Pans cannot ba oblsineu "om Honda (UK) lellod direct all mam muu be muted vin an apamyad ag-m even n ma aana mqunaa an no! halt! in neck AIw-ya quote m. angina Ind Iram- numom m mu ana colour when plinlad pan :9 veam‘vad Thu vumo numb-v .. mum: on ma side m m. amnng handy Ind the anqlnl number In sump-d on [he cunkcau below ma rlghlrhlnd urbureuov u" only pm. at ulnu|no Honda manmcma Pauam Lee-non ov angina numb" mm are Ivavlablu some av Wmcn onginue 1mm Japan bul m many «1 men may may have In advam aflncl on under mnea nun/o: valinbility Hanan do not own. a 'umm aacnanpa' acnam. Sam: a! ma move amendlbla puns Iuch .- §plrking aluga, bulbl [was on. and mum on, an o. abuinod 1mm ucceuorv mam Ind momv vmma who nay. convanllnl opening hows, and :- nken be roams no! m 1mm home I: is alao pauihla m obll pana an a Mail om" bush mm a numbcr ol spocvalilu who adv-mu mommy m m. molalcvclu mngumos Lon-non a! fume mambo! Routine Maintenance PModlc mulln' mllnnn-m' u I wnllnuoul nmcen which lhouki commune. Immodllulv [M mlchlm ll MIMI. Th0 oblocl 1: In m-Inuln III Id’ullmml and to alum Ind mum minor (1. cu blhrl (My dcvolop Inla more Illl Ile. Ind ohm mor lmnflw, problamt H hllewl mu W "I. mlehln' ll mllnlllnw properly. il will both run ind parlorm wllh omlmum .Mcllncv. and be I 9700- lo mum-cud brilkflownlv Rogulu Inmclion 01 [hi MOON". wlll Ibow up lnv um which III wining, Ind with I III“! lmul'ncl. h ll 90an- I0 ohllln m. mlximum IN. horn Ifly on. cannon-m, rlnuwlnn II what! 1! bceom-t lo worn lhn h lulllb'l la llll Rogulll chlnIng an be command an lmponlnt .- modilrllcll mllnllnlnol Thlt wlll Inn". "1-! III [M CVcl' p. n lnlpocud mgulany Ind . hp! In. from .ccumuna- llonl a! void GM and grim Cl nlnq I: "pudally Imponlm during I». win“: munmi. allplu III Infill-no. of bclnfi I lhlnflcu lllk which wiry Icon lam-II polnlltll. on [M wnlrurv ll II timing "‘0'. moIIlhI lhll IN p-Imwork, chromium pl (In cnlng Infill lhl rlvloll a! lbrlflv' ark. rlln and road In", A nounl' 01 MI"! upon! Wkly an dinning [M manning will mllnuln h. Input-no. ma van», ma himlighl un-II poinln, IIkI chlppcd point, bob" they bosom l urinal pvobhm TN Haul Immune- llllu In dumbed under [Mir runacllvu mil .9. Ind ell-"flu hold 3!, Ind III .cmmmnlna by dllgr-mt and photoonphn, whuo Damn-m. II should bu not-d mu tho inI-rv Donna-n Ich Chock "II oil IIVII by mum of [he dlplflcll Ind . minlunlnco Ink am only u - gum A: m- mlchinn um cum. 0. u n a. nun under panlcullvlv urfluoul condition: n i. Idviuhlo m mane. mu period between each check PM Inc 0' mhruna. mall uMco opovuionl m Marika in dulil undlv m. numm heading Mowom H «mm 9mm: inlarmauon iI vequlm ml. cu. n. found undav m. pcninunl Socllon n am; nu c .pm in m. min ml Na :pIcill won m vuqulud fol m. nolmnl lamina mlinun-nm mu. m. loall eonu ed in m. m tuppliad win every now mania. will pnm ldcqul m: an mu but u they um um .v mm m locll Vanna m m. muo. household Ihould meno- Addmonol item, wen u a good aullllv mm m. Ind an impm drinr my be man m m. m, “mug: whim it i'wllulble V01 diuonallng WOOHV or MW 300 mull [500 km) I Tapping up My angina/transmission ail Unwow mo oombinod lulu mug m1 dipsuck which in Iilulua in m. 90me d v. cam my. a" me amwck And pllw ii an Damion. but do no! wow u mm. WlIhder ix and mm m. landing. u nomluw. lop up m. oil level (0 bvlno it lo the MAX pc- on. Hand. uoommna m. use at. good qu-Iiry SAE low/40 In n. all. It mi. . unlvmllbla SAE l5W/40 or 20mm oil mlv be uudv npllnifi. N "Quin wllh m. coma! and. of all Routin- mimon-nm 9 2 Tyre pressures Check ihe lyre pressures wirh e pressure gauge which is lrnpwn rp be epeurele. ll is pieleieple ip purchese e pepge so iher ineccureie readings lipni filling slei'ipn peupes ere nor encpumeied, Keep ihe yalye lree hem eusi pr mud and always replece ihe dun cup Check ihe pressures when ihe ryies are cold. ll ihe mechine hes ireyelled e numpei pl miles ihe iyies will heue peepme but, end lhe pressure will heye increesep A lelse reedlnp will iherelpie iesuli. Ywu pressures From 24 psi ll .75 kg/cm‘l 'Rul 32 psi l2 25 WNW ' Inpreese ihe pressure in ihe ieer lyre by 4 psi lo 25 lrpycm‘l when cerryinp e pillipn peuenpei pi irevellinp er epniinupus high epeed 3 Earle/y dldclmlvle level Access lo ihe Yu-u peiieiy is geined eliei iempying rne riphi-hend side panel The slecllolvla leyel can be checked ylsuelly lhrouph ihe peiiery's irenspereni cese Mele sure ihai lhe level in each cell is beiween lhe minimum and mnxlmum lines on lhe pelieiy ceee end rhei ihe yeril p pe hes nor become pinched pi peeriuciep The irenspeieni cue elsp melres ii poesiple lpr e puiclr check on ihe condillan pl lhe peiierv pleies end eepereipis Unless ecid le spill ee rney occur il ihe mechine lells pyei ihe alacvnlyla shpuld elweye be lapped up will distilled weiei ip resipns ihe caiieci leyel ll eeid is spill on eny pen pl ihe machlne, ii ehpuld pe neuirellud wiin en ellreli such es weehinp soda, end weahed ewey wlih pleniy pl weier pihenwise senpus cpiipelen will nccul Tpp up wiih sulphuric 15ch only in ihe eyeni pl Iplllnga 4 Control cab/es Visuelly check eech ceple end lpr lreyinp pr pvolren sirends ll necuaalvi edluel lo me up eny excel: liee pley Aclply e lew drpps pl pll id ihe expend inner ppnipn pl each cpnirol cable end ellpw ii in iun down inip ihe puiei shesihinp This will preyeni rhe cnblu sllcking pr pryinp up 5 Hear chain Iubn'cnlian and adiuslmenl To plolonfi ihe lile pl ihe cnein iepulei iuhiieeripri and ediusimeni is eeeeniiel lniermedieie lubliclllon ahpuld relre place weekly wiih ihe chein ln siiii Appliceiion pl pne pl ihe eeipsol enein iupncenis is ideel ldr ihis pulpou oidlnery enpine pil cen he used rhpuph due lp ihe speed el wmch ii is llunp all in «flecliveness is limlledi Chuck IV" D" lam Adiusr ihe :haln ellei lupricelion so ihai ihere is approximsiely l5 , 20 mm ix , y. in) liee movemenl in ihe middle pl ihe lewer run Always Chuck wilh ihe chem ei iis riphiesi ppini, in will i-eiely weer evenly during seryicel wiih ihe meehine elf iis nlnd end wiih one person iiing pn ihe rear pl ihe Mu! Adiusimeni ls accomplished elrer placmg ihe machine on ihe peime siend end sleclieninp ihe wheel nui so ihei ihe wheel can be drewn papirweids by meens pl ihe dmwboll Idlusmrs in ihe lprlr ends The ipreue eim nuie end lhe celiper pruclrei nui musl also be sleplrened during ihls ppeieiipn Apiusi ihe uuwbolls en epuel empum m preserve wheel elipnmenl The lprlr ends ere :Ialvlv meilred with e series pl peiellel lines eppye ihe edjusrers, ID pipyipe e simple yispel chuck 6 $91er check In eddilion ip ihe check on cpniipl clblns menripned eeriier check loi lpese nuis end liiiinps, and exemine ihe iyies lei weer or deme Pey peniculei erieniipn ip ihe sidewsils lpplrinp lpi any passable spliis pr ieers. Rempye ehy siones pr pihei oblecls which mey neye became rrepped perween ihe iieeds This is peniculeriy impenenr in ihe cese pl ihe lieni iyre where iepid dt'llllon Wlll cause total loss 0' annual 7 Legal check Ensure iher ihe hem liphis speedomerer end indiceiois ell luneiipn cprrecily 00 nor lprpei lo checlr ihe ellipiency pl ihe prelres ——— Sill mlkly or Ivory 1300 In” I [3000 km) Celiy oui me check; lieied under me weeklyiaoo mile needing end ihen cpmpleie ihe lollowinp l Engine/lrnnsmissian oil wiih ine engine weim lp leciliieie lhpipuph dieinlng ihe machine should an placed on us cenrre sienn and ihe cianlresse sump cnnienis drained mm a suiiahle conieinei The pil Cananlly is epprniiimpiely 3 o lilies l5 3 pinisl, so ensure iral a cpnieiner pl adepiieie capaciiy is in lieno neldie erul/Ing ihe main plug end “He! cep Olnsllck The drain plug is lucalefl in ihe lpwer "ng hann well pl ihe cvankcase helpw ihe primary drive covel When ihe oil has drained complelely ielli ihe drain plug Check ihei ihe sealing ring is in good cpndnipn lenL-wmq -i il necessary Relill llie englne will 2 2 lilies l3 9 pinlsl n‘ - \E low 30 engine oil SAE lsw 40 pi 20w 50 may also be psi-r: Allow ihe leyel Io seiile and ihen ipp up es indicaied lly (hl' reading on ihe dipsliclr semi-y e cirplyie eyel an be seen ihiouph irenelupeni cese 1° Routine mailman-nu Dreln in. engine ell 7h". monthly or awry 3600 mikl (3000 km) Complete lne leeks lisled under me pravlnus needings end lnen compiele rile loiiowing- I Hanewing (ha all filler TM 0" liiler should be renewed m every second oll cnenge Yne lliler is ol llle corrugeled peper lype end connol be cleaned; ll muel be lenlacad by e new lliler Aller drelnlng llle engine oil reposllion lne oreln pen under in. linned llller chambal cover in me one dl lne crenkcnc Unscrew llle cenrrei bull end lowal lne boll chamber cover end filler eiernenl lrom posillon in mm eiemenr e pupil in on me hollow boll. Nele lne welner end spring lilled below in. «iler ‘l'neee mull nol ha emined on reeuemoiy Bafora repleclng in. on film elemenl eneck inel lne Ialllng (Jam in me cnemper cover groove is in good condirion end poe lonee correcliy Neill lne llller. enember cover end boll Dy rev elng lne dlernenrilng procedure Nola lne lorked pvolactlnn on me chamber cover We muel iocele wiln lne lug plopcllng lrom lire cllnkcaloi it me plumper re pesinonee correcliy 2 Air [Illar BID/"6"! c/aanr'ng nl elr liller elemenl musl be removed el reguler inleryele lor cieening lo prevem excessive clogging end a resuilenl increase in luel poneumpllon end lose el engine Darfnmllnca ll "I. ma hlnl is used in plmculally duslv oondilioni. Iha melnlenenoe perloee should be snarl-nee .eeordingly To gein acclu lo II“ "In! llamanl, the dullnal must fill! be removed The lull! ll sacumd by [we loving loaded calchu II [he laal oi lhe l below me use! pen. Th- flllol box ll Inc-lad balnw the no" 0' [he dullual and ll cloud by l col/av hlld by mm. Icrawa Ramon me screws 0nd HR "in cowl lwly. Llfi all! [he alamanl lrlme, which l| local-d at lilo leer by Mo luge prolecllng lmm me cesingend than i’Imavn [ha alnmanl. Th mom is mad. 01 synlhelic loam elleellng. impremeled with oil and Ihnuld be cieened in e high "Ilhpoinl Iolvcmi Pillol may be used as an ultimatum bill "I. llama"! mun be allowed In dry thoroughly below the awllclllarl of nlw oil. A polml-wal clam-m will consxilula l Vila hulvd ii blow-back occuu. When llle eiemenl is dry, ll would be lmpregneled wllrl clean in! all (SAE 80-90) and wuoolod ID ramova the excess no nos wring out in emenr oeceuee lnls mey ceuse demege in [he labrlc. rims-lilting rcnawal II the all (Illar alamenl is Dlr’ulllad a! parlilld ll Ihauld be mnlwad funhwilh On no IEDounI run wlIhoul lhe air cleerleu allacned ol with [he alamonl milling. The laning ol ma camurellors like: rnlo ecoounl lne presence ol ma all cleaner and engine Dario!» mence will oe seriously elleclee ii inls pelsnoe ls upsel. Te replece lne elemenl reverse lne dismeniling procedure, Give e visual cneck (a ensure lhal me lnler noses ere correclly leceled ma nol klnked. spill or olnerwise demeged cneck lnel me sir cl ner ceses ere lree lrom spllls or crecks. 3 Sparking plugs Remove born lpmking piugs lpr cleaning end re-gepplng. Belere cieening. oompere the plugs wr inose snown in lire sperk g plug oondllion chart in me lgnilipn cnepler. lo oolein an in canon oi lha running condilion oi alch Cylinder. Clean born plugs. using e wile brush 4 me lype used lpr clanning suede shoes is deal 7 end cal-fully :Ieen lhe eleclrode laces wiln a fine swise file or megnelo liie Check me eieclrwe gep with e leeler gauge and edlusl, ll necessary. lo glva l claaunca 0' 0-7 mm (0 028 ml Always Sal me gap by bendlng lne ouler leenni eieclrode ensuring mm the (we electrode laces ma ken! Saturn Oh no accounl should lho canlle alaclroda be be"! as [his will only succeed in clanking me oarnmm insulator. rendering lne plug useless. Tne spalking plugs musl be ol ma oorrecl lengm lreecnl end grede wnen refining the sparking pluge. :hack lnel lne HT leeds end suwlasw cups ere in good condllion 4 Cam chain tension The com chain can be .rillusrcd eilncr dynamically ul slallcally Tc perlulm lnc Dynamic adluslmenl slarl lha engine and allow n [0 run er lrckovcr speed Slacken lne cam cnein Iensrbnel locknul (localed a! ma rear 0! lhe cvlrnder plum and lhell rel-gnlen A! The lens-oner will lenSlOn lhe chain aulonleli Cally when lhl? locknul i5 slackened Allllough [he dvndm ‘ melnod is quicker lo nerlprm ii is recommended inal ll mere IS any doupl nooul KN} lensmnev anemllon inc slalic procedure is lollowed Wllh [he engine slapped remove Ihe engine lEilrhalld cavel end lolale lne crnrlksnall enli clockwise unni lne lolul T mark and liked Index merli align Al lnrs pornl slacken [he rensrdner lockrim and relignlun ii In some cases inn lensipner may have lrecomu sluck and normal ad,uslrncnr will neve no ellecl on cham lenSicu ll ”Us is sllspetmd remove lne Cylindev head cover lvnglne sipppedl end gonlly press down on me lop pi lhe mils-Drier hind? wllh Ihe locknul slackened lms ‘hould serve IO lice inc lensvoner 5 Valve clearance {rocker arm} adjuslmenl To gein lccasi lo lne recker erme so lllel ediusrmenl cen leke piece lne pelroi lenk, seer end rocker mval musl be removed In eddirien removei ol lne sperkrng plugs will erd relerlon pl lne engine during lne cleerunce chucking open-lien wnen removing lne pelrol lenk. remember lo lurn lne iuei lep lo lne 'DFF' peelllon belore removing lne leed pipe The rocker pove ls mm by lwo speciel sleeve nuls under which lil conical se g ulna! Remove lne null end illl lne cover ewey Piece lne mecnlne in mp geer, end oy lurnrng lne reer maul name in. engine unlil lne lighlrhlnd cylinder is el TDC Thil pceilion an be lound wiln eeee by piecing me milled siol in [M end at me cemsrlell in "la l2 o‘clock pesrlion The correcl dulanlxl wixn lne engine cold, ere ee loliovvs: C5400 N 0 in mm loam mi 0 H mm (0005 mi CEZEUN Inlet l7 ’2 mm I0 005 in) Euneusr 015 mm (a 006 ml ll ediuelrnenl it required uecken lne iocknul securing lne ed' mr scraw. Rolala rne screw unlil lne leeler geuge is e lrgnl ell ng ml end men wilncul allowing lne ediuner screw lo iurn lignlen rile locknul luliy Rercneck lne gep eller lrgnlening lne locknul. wnen lne cleerenoes ere correcl. rolele lne engine inrougn ISO“ and check, end il necessary ldjusl rne velve cl ncee en lne Iahmand cylinder Relil rne rocker cover checking lnei inc seplrng ring and seellng plugs ere rn good cnnr Routinl maimanlnca H Feelav gauge would a. . xlgnx alxaxng xxx dlxxon. and lix and human xne nuls Raplaca xne oeuol xank and anal 6 Carburelmr synchronisation Fol xhe beax posslole oenolmance ll ls lmpelaxxve xnax xne carburaunrs are working In oavlecx nalmony wlxh eacn oxnev Ax any given xnmxxle apanmg .l we clrburetlevs are nal svn chronisad‘ nox only will one thndal oe dmng less wall oux .x wlll also in allecx nave xo be camad av xne clhev cvllndev Tnxs vvlll reduce xne oerlovmance coneidexaoly Ix Is essanllal m use a vacuum gauge sex Canshsllng ul mo eeoaxaxa dial gauges, one cl each oemg connecxed xo eacn cal bulaxxor by means ol a specxal edaaxal xuoe Because ol xne pronlaxxxve max 04 a sex ol xhe requned gauges ix ls suggesxad xnax xne mecnme 'oe xexurned xo a Honoa Sawlcu Agenx lo: svncnxonxsaxlon and adjustmem (0 be canned oux ll xhe vacuum gauge sex i» avallaole relev xo cnaoxex 2 Sections 7 and 8 '0! [he velavanl xnsllucuans Six mnnlhlv or own 7200 mil“ (12 000 km} Cavry oul me checks llsxed unoev xne olecedmg voullne mamxanance headlngs and man camplexe xne lollowxng Cam cneln Idlusllng rm! 7 Fuel filler cleaning A lllxev Is fxxxed lo xhe penal xaa WhlL‘h oxoxecxs mlo xne penal xanlx and nexps oxevanx lovmgn manav ham enxenng xne lucl sysxem To gaxn aceeae no me lxller xne oexrol must lllsx ae dxamed Release xne xenslon on xne penal aloe by pxncnxng xogexhax lhe ears ol xne secuvmg aonng cllo and dalach xne aloe Suosx-xuxe xne lead We lov a sullable lengxn ol lubmg xo allow me oexvol xo he dxalned mm a clean conlalnar The up Is secured oy a gland nux Sllcken xhe nux lully and wllhmaw xne xao complain wxlh xhe nlxel "us me: my be allapeo all xne stand pupa lor cleanxng Tnxs should be done In clean oexxol usxng a so" oxusn xo dlslodge env xlaoped sedi mm or ms! "alas ll me screen l5 parlolaxed lx should be renewed Re insxall xhe xao by ravarsing me dismamlmg pvocadul: As a oxecauxlon agaxnsx leakage eonlv a small amounx ol seal-ng compound xo me up base xhveana beloxa xne xeo ls lelxxxed Nlfll monthlymnvllv 10000 m||ll (18000 km! Carry oux xne chucks lured under me Iowgoxrxg headmgs and complexe xne laxxewmg 1 Balance weigh! drive chain adjusrman! Ax xnls roulxne mamxenanc- mxenval xne dnve chem whlch duves xne balance welgnxs horn xne clankahafi should be adxuslao Tnle opevuxon should also be camed oux xl xne angxne beglns xo gex mechanxcally noxsy In xna oxankcase aloe Yne aalance cna-n IS adxusxad by means ol an accenxnc snelx upon wnlcn me hon! balance wexgnx ls mounxed To gum access xo me snalx vemoval cl a sloxxed cap al xne lronx ol xne righlrhand sxoe crankcase covex is vequxrea The balance welgnx snalx l5 xocaxed lorwavd ol xne onrnely dnva pxnlon and IS lxxxed wlxn a oueovanx wmch lxmxls xhe movemenx cl xne slxafx Sunken xne nux on me sxud wnxcn passes xmaugn me elongaxed slox VI xne quadranx wnen xn-s sell loclung nux ls loosened xne balancer anah vvlll aummaucallv move, due xo Ils iuvlng loadxng xo pIDVIde couacx Cham lansxnn The nux may xnen oe latlghlened ll when xne nux Is loosened xne duadxanx moves ham uo agnlnsi xne axud xne nuadvanx musx be vemslxxoned on me and ol xne solxned shah Ynls will reuuue removal ol xne pumarv dnve covey as lollows 0mm xne engine oil by xemovlng xne Glam plug m xne :lankcase and remove! xhe kxckslan lever lram xne spllnad snalx The level .5 neld ov a sxngle plnch oolx Dexacn me cluxcn cable ax xnc ecxuexing level ahev slackening on xne ad,usxev sc'ew Remove xne ngnxmand lorweld looxxesx ‘2 floutin- mil-1mm Shaun m- prlmIry 61le can! llulninn mam manly, in . dllgorul ”Guinea. to mm wlmge. flame»:- the win: and. dlwonnnct m. "ammo“! drive DIM. from lhl (mm a! the 00V". Llfl m WVI' ley. Ham "1. lmnul Ind lhlll Ind nut. Pull U" [M quldnnl Ind npomlon ll on ma mum no mm the [had I: lvlng cum-Hy In th- qu-dnm IIOL Non IM punch mrk on ma shalt and. If m: mull l! th7 "ll" lhl 3 o'clock pollllon IN chlln ll badly worn Ind maul!" MIWII (u. [M locomplnylna lllullrltlon). Fll Ind light." my I'll" run, follow“ by th- locllnul‘ Rap! on [M prlmlry flrlvl sour. ullng I m gallul, and VI"! m- nlllld componlml by running on dlmnllhu Mull. \A \ O PUNCH MARK REPLACE CHAIN Ilhmmhnwkumlflumfimm hub-VIM leml llno VIIle 07 Ivory ‘I‘ 500 mllcl (2‘ 000 km) Compllll .u m. cMclu “ma undo! lhu panama hud- Ingn and mun any nu! ma following: 1 Front fork fluid 5“ Chwlor 4. Scalar“ 2 Ind 3‘ mnguphl l—3. 2 Eruko lining wnr Human tho nu Ml"! Ind Imp-:1 mo bun woo lining: lav mu. 5-- Chi-um 5. Scmlon 12. 3 Wheel bearings In-pm Ind "you. me whul buvln'. Sn Chlpllr 5. Suction: lO Ind \5. 4 Hydraulic fluid The hvdnulic fluid uud ln dill: brlke Ivar-ml ll I can ally lmmulnud liquid upm- M mnmming hydraulic mum l'fidunllv‘ 04.! I Ballad ol lImI ll IMI, DI dew-dos, lo lhl law when E! unml b. loll“ upon lo do in job af'ectivulv. Thll ll mainly Out In In Mammal: Dwnill, lhIl il, ll mac" and 5mm molnuru lrom tho Ill around II. The DOT or SAE mine of I fluld "III!!! "III II hi! bcln mlnullclumd ta 09"." and" the norm! Ml 60061!an “Mild DY braking d III-1 lI wlll not boll In “I. AI ll bucomn d'wldod, how-VII, th- boillng poi?“ flllI unlll mlnul. Iir bubblll form In tho nuld‘ Ullimfl'lv. mil "lull- ln I dron In Drilling lmclIncv To [void ”Ill poldbllllv. dvlud Ihll [M bflkl fluid b0 chlnwd .nnullly, Ind Ilw Ivory Ill“. lhI brill" Irl hlld Thll il mmllm by following IN brlk' blaldlnq inllmcll I comb-d in Chlpllr 5, cunning "III III lhl old fluid ll dillnld all Ind twine-d by "CW Hula. Thll pron." will Illo rumovo Iny (men 01 Ibraiv‘ conllmlnlnl whim mlphl nth-Milo cluu will In [ha IQIII Ind plum! ll ii I good IdII Il lhll lugs. lo dlunlml. ltd "1min. 1h. Vlrloul hyduullc component: I I “hound lollnfl Wlllbl. llllur'. ‘I'hl Ivan ll Illa mama In dill“ in Chip!" 5. loath. mm— 344me Inform-don ll may will luv. boon mlleod IN! meme mnllon III 110! bun man of vlrloul Imu- men n br-Iu pad lnmcllon ma clutch and brllu Idlunmum uc. Thu. clnno! be Hod In a MOM: mllCIDI ov Imml of firm. Ind would b! Dirlmmcd II (M ncullon «MIMI. lelwln. no manllon hll boll! mid. ol dIOBklng "I. mum cyilndu rlIINolI MOI, In novmll “NICO, If" IOVII will mmln vlnullly unchanged. In which can tum-usury Inn-man may Introduo- wflllmlfllfllll Clan~ nmw. In an mm o! u hlluu of m mum, 1M com-nu of "II marvel: will bl loll Mlhln I hw lppllclllonl 01 Ill. brlh. AI in IN cut 01 tho Vlrloul “NI Idlullmntl, 1h! inurv-l mull rlmlln II In. dlmllon I71 lhl ownlr. mlllunlllv. ll Wuld b. nolld him "Ill IIIV plrl ul Ihl muchan not ”Wally dull wllh In "Ill 50!:th would not DI “land" 0' II Immunl lo Mir of llllurl. m owlumd awn-v will D. IerI of I mnllnuoul hld~ luck 01 lnlovmuion lmm KM mlchlm Mllll ln uu. Ilw Imlll polnll wonny of lnvlnlgulon mlklng lhlmulvu known In n canary nllnu om m- vml compo-um wlll :mom. Hound nIluII U” [his Mllnllnlnfl Slcflon u I fluidl. bul lvnid "I. lumpllllon ID mlnk lhal lnv m wmponflnl. om:- Inundod lo. mlv b0 wmplolulv lgnmld lot [In "Ill 5000 Mill! Mnlnllnuncl in much a nun ol mololcvcling n n ma naing o! In. molovcvcb Ilnlf Quick glance maintenance adjustments and capacities Englne/tnnlmilsion oll ecu-city: An oil change . .. . .. At oil and mm change ...... . Front Fork loge (ply Ina) V .. .. . Sparklng plug alp Tyre pruluru: Front . V 'Fiur 2,2 litre (3.9 pint) 2.3 litre (4.0 pin!) ”0 cc (4.9 fl oz] 06 — 0-7 mm 10-024 - 0028 in) 24 psi (1 -75 tg/cm’) 32 psHZ-Zs kg/cm') - Inclust mum in m, m. by 4 psi {0-25 kg/L‘m’) wmn curving . plsnmger a, travelling at continuous high spud. Recommended lubricants Flnlldtlve cmtn '. ........................... Gnulng point: ........................ Whul butlngl ........................... SAE ‘0W/40,15W/40 or 20W/50 Automatic transmission fluid (ATP) Linklyia and aerosol chain lubricant High melting point grease High melting point grease Working condltlons and tools When - molar ovorhlul in contempllted. it is lmpcmnl "III I clu wall llt workhg Iploe ll IvIlIIbb. Iquipwd with l women Ind vleo. Ind with In.“ for llvlnfi out or storing the dllmlntlod llllmbllll in In ordovlv manna! when lhlv lie unlikely to o- oinuroed. The nu ol . good workshop will give tho ullfllctlon of work do». In Damion Ind without h Ill. when the II Ilttll chlnu M the mlchlm lacing dilmIntlld Ind rummbl-d ln Invmlnq other then cl: n Iuwoundlngl Unfonunltolv, thou lflIII working condition unulcl and under than lomr clvcu lmpmvlullon In all“ for. Iltrl can Ind time will be undid. The other IIIIllllll rIquIIImInt II I commoner-We ul ol good all-lily molt Oil-lily ll 01 MM lmpofllnol tine. chnp toall will me eloonolve in the long lun if they Illo m be when in nu. cI ng mon-l lnlury W expenlm a m in the compononl homo worked on. A good qu-Illy lool will I”! I long llml. Ind man than lowly the con. Fol wmlclllv Ill tool: I loal llclov ll tho bu! scum ulna no will huh I vary comm. onuvo long. mound wllh lho mug. gong- ov locuwy Ihop, Huang and that. mummy Ihoou ohon omv excellent quality tool! It discount one-s. so It [3le to than around YMI III oltnlv oi loell mound ll Ion blI piicle, bu IIWIYI llm to purchue Items which moel lh iI VIM llItionIl Illity ll‘mll'dl. ll "I doubt. took the novice oi lhe lhoo modulo: ol man-eel oelon nluung - pluchuo. T I bell} ol my tool kit I III ol anon-Ind“ wormm. which can be used on nlmoci my pen el lho MHIM m which thou ll lIIthle ICC”. A m til min lwnm makes I uMul Iddilloll a lhov can be used on non "III In my llohl 0: when new ll luau-clad. Whole the can hu [0 be lonl wllhln meson-bl. boundl. I nompmmiu cm In Iflmod with I sol ot combination Ipennml — open-mold It one end Ind thlnq I nne o1 lhe “me m on IN 01th and. Socket lpennevl my lilo be conudmd a good investment, I have 3/: m m ‘Iz ln dl o kit compvillng I lflchIl handle Ind I mll numb“ of Well“ hudl. il munw II lunlted. Mollionll tocllm can be purcluud. II Ind an they In inquired onvlded they If. |llm ln profile. locket! will null nuuot bolts that In they" room When pumhumg Iplnnerl or my kind. make II". lhe meal we llIndIvd iI ouvcnmd. Almoet Ill mechlnu mlnulIcturId out!!!“ In. UK Ind the USA have met": nut: and Dons. whllu thou pmduced In Bnum hm BSF or BSW urea. The mm M used In USA in AF, which I: III!) lound on m 01 the law 8" 'Ih Iii-chines. Otherl looll thll Ihould be lncludod in tho hit an I vllloe o! manhood screwonvms. I put ol pilot! Ind a hommlv, whorl considering the Dutch-Is of Knoll. it lhould be rImImbIrod lnel by urrylng ml the work ell-nil. - lug. companion of the nnmul reo-il coll, mlde up by noon: chimes. will bl shied, The mommy made on own I minor mqul will go a long wlv low-n1: the lmpfovemonl at a toolkit. In addition to the halic tool kit. clrlain Idditionnl tool] can prove i vllulble when they Ila close to fund. to help speed up I multitude of mpelitivl jchl. For nxlmpll. In impact Iuowdrivor will In the mmovll ol Icrawl lhll the been tiahten'd by l lmllIr tool. during Immbly without I 1i|lt ol damn ing me Icrvw h on. And. of course, il lo rel-ghlen tin scam. to mum an all e: - Challp plierl thI their usll too. since gel! plnlonl. IhIhI no simillt components Ire Mon-Ally ntllmo by clvclipl lhll not loo o 1in fliwlecud oy sclewdrivei. There are two lynu of circlip pliers. one in: lnte ll Ind one for mam-l cilcllpo. They mly mo have Itrlighl or right-angled IWI. OM ol the molt uulul ol Ill mall I tho torquo Mlnch. I ionn oi manna lhIl cln oe lulu-loo lo u in when n mollurod amount cl love. is poll-d lo Inv bolt on nut. Tolque wrench setting: Ire given in elmosl evely modem wovluhop ol uwice mlnull. whom the anon: to which a complex componenl. such It I cylinder heed cl be tightened wlihout “Ir 0' dlltorllan or leIkIgI. The thh mug of having CID! il VII Inulhar elamnll. Ovenighlening will Itrelch or even bvllk boltl. neceull-llng IxttI work to him-cl "II bmken portions. AI mlv be elpeclod. lhl Moll Iophllllcllod 1h. mlchinu. [M anet IS the numb" at lools likely to be "dulled if It II to be kept in fir“ CIIII condition by the home mochlm‘ . Unlortunltilv thus "I Cllllin iobl which clnnot ho IocampllIh-d lumsflully wilhout tho conIcl equipment and I though there ll lnvIl‘iIblV I pic in who will undemko the wodl lo! I In. the home much-n1: will hlve to dig more deeply in hi: pockel bl thn pinch-u al Iimilu Iquipmont ll he doe! not with In Il'nnlcv lhe Ie I 01 omen. New I wold ol amnion lI neoeuuv. Iinoe lo ol than InhI bill loll to the own. Although an elacmul mulllmatu at the AVG type will prove halpful in trlclnq Ilectllcll llultl. ln Inclined-mad hlndl it mly imvochly dlmlge some of lhe Ilectricll com» ponents H I tell current il nailed through them In tho wrong (1 action. Thin can lpply to the svnchmniletion ol twin or null» lini- cumumm loo. when a eon-in omounl at upmln mod-d when ulling llleln up with Vlcuum geugee. Thole m, howmr. exwptiont Some imtmmentl. Inch II Itrobl llmn. m virtually lsuntlll when checklng the liming M n mlchlne powered oy CDI ignilion lvltem. In man, do nel wrehne Inv of the" spacill lloms unless vou have the exnevience to uu thorn oomnlv. Although this mlnuIl show: how nemponenti cen oe vaovld om replaced without thI nu o1 tonal-i Iowioo iooll lunleu lbsolulelv omnlilll, it iI worlhwhile giving Conliderl- tion to thl march-II ol the mom commonly um tool! ll the in china is mgltdld no long leml purthlie Whilst the Iltame- live melhods wgoesled will remove Ind leol-ce pIrlI wililoul visli ol damage. the use at the soul-l tools recommended Ind sold by the mnuleclum will inmieoly uve timl. Chapter 1 Engine, clutch and gearbox Calum- G-nml ancrimion Omrlllonl with main/gum:- in 0mm Dpomlonu Mm “ulna/puma: \mll imam mm mm. . Dllmlmllng m. mains/puma: rlmovlnu the cynmr hm com rockor 9.» ma cum-nun Dllmumling m. InghII/gllrbol: nmvlng [M cyllnd'v III-d. wllnd'l block Ind nlIIOfll DIIm-mllw (h. unqlm/oumon: "moving Iho allomuar Ind m- ignmon plck-un Dlnmlmllng Ihl angina/gumbo rumovInn m. mm fln-I drM Inmclm . . olmamllna m. "film/gum umvinumo primary drle Dov”. chm?! Ind llcllfllfl column-nu Dllmlnlllng m- mlm/gurbox: "moving m- all pump Ind primary drlv. plrllon . Dlumnlllng [M lwlnl/fl'lrbo "um-I mmponunn Dim-mung m- min/mum nmvhlg m- nun-v Moro! Ind all ("l-r V Dim-mung m- nngim/qurbox: upmung mo cunkcm hllvn ...... i Dim-mung m- ”gin-low!» romavlng m on '1 min mt bullnon mu m: min bolrlnp mppon mung Dim-mung m- .nglno/gum "moving m purbox mllnlhufl and llvthlfl .......... Dllmlmllna mo nglnl/oolrhox: nmoving in. mum-n naming m. gum-m Dllmmlllng (he engine/mum ramming mu mm: min! lulu our Ind Haul-n numbly . . Ellmlnlllun Ind unw-llon: gin-Ill . V Inulon a "now-(Ion: lily-0nd be ring. Innlon Ind «now-don: cunt nu ma mlln During- Enmlnnion and rummxl Exlmlnulvn Ind romwnl cumming rodl V . V run-nu mimn m dvivu Eumlnubn Ind mnov-ilon: nlnonl Ind piston rings Exlminlllofl Ind rurmvlllon: cylindfl hind Ind vl‘vl! 0““ u- Euminnion Ind Inflow-lion: lock" mind!" and mm um: Eumlnlllon Ind anew-[Ion driv- :hlin m1 "an! V . Euminullon ma mnavlllan cum-ix dnvo chlln SHOCK." V Examinnkm mu runovulon mrm molo' clulch m1 minpinion snmmnion ma mum oa mm lmmblv V , Eumlnllion ma nnovlllon: 9mm: componcnu Euminnion mu mov- uni» naming lb. um min gum: m1 mo mlln boating “ppm clung . Engine IIISIIMDN' 'IDIICIHI "1| kickfllfl I’ll“ Ind Engine mlmmbNV fighting "I oil mm mu m a mom! Engim ”numb ma kicnun mummy V Enoln- vnmmb oil pump Engi rummb y, Mmlrv driv- Dov-r pllcing m. pineal, swim: block and cyl|ndu bud ......... Eng|nn numbty. up: a cum-nun. Ilmlng um um. um Ming nu rock" union . . V Ronlwinn lhu main/sumo: mm In m. hum. . swung no running an mum main. V . Yuking m. mum mom». on (In muV F..." alugmm, outbox mlhl cumin-(1 bllflnql. placing m. mulch-n90 iii-cranium I pI-cina me prim-w driw pinion Ind I pinning m. - Imllov ma flnll dim Summation- Englno - cnsou 1'pr Twin—cylinder, air-cooled, 4-inch saw 61 0 mm (2.“! W 51min AI ,4 mm (1 V6301") CID-city V i . Communion rulo ......... 1‘9 cc(‘53cu in) 9,4“ 16 cum 1 Englm. cam ma scuba)! lem and rho- Pinon 0 D ("Ind-rd) .......... smoumu Sue-1nd ring H Survlcollnm . . on control rIng . Sande-"ml! PIIIon ovmam nu. - Cvflndtr Mock CVIIMM bor- mud-m Surviu llmll. Mlxlmum ov-Illy . Pinon/MIMI: duly-m:- Vlhm Ind minus VIIVI an Inn). ......................... VlIvI film dllmilu (mln . ("I-1 Exhnm . VIM :1lele do Inc- In!!! . . Exlmm Vulv- Ipdng fr" nnmh- (nun): Inln gum . . lnlol lan . . Elhlult out-v . . Elhlulllnrlor . . Cumin-k Ind ruck-r um- Cum-huh lob. mInimum migm Cam-hm )obéu-mumng clu no. (mo Cunn- humll cum (cum-II VIIVI tlmlng lulu open- Inlfl do!" mum opm . . , Emu-t clou- ......... Cunt-hm MlIn bulrIng/Ioumll tic-rum Sowleu IIInIl ....... Blwnd baldngfloomll a. uno- Slrvle llmII. BIu—ond Ila flan SvaulImlt . C Iutd! Tvm ...................................... No o1 pI-Iu: Fricllon typo A . FrlmIon [you 3 . PIIIn ........ Tvp' Slrvlmllmll 1w. 3. . SOMCOIIMII . . . Spflng m. Innqm . SlWIuIImI! ..... 0|.97»31.99 mm (2.4401441 in) 0.10—0.30 mm (QW—ODI 2 in) 0.50 "171110.0105") 0.03-0.06 mm 100010.002 in) 0.10 mm (0.004 In) 0.02-0.05 mm (00008-00020 In) 0.10 mm (0.004 in) (1015-0045 mm (00006-00018 in) 0.10 mm (0W4 in) v 0.25 mm (0.010 In) 9 0.50 mm (0,020in) + 0.75 mm (0.030 in) Ind + 1.0 mm (0.040 in) 82.00—01.01 mm (24409-14413) 62.10 mm (1.4“ in] 010 mm (0W in) 0.10 mm (aw in) 45“ 5.“ mm (0.210 in) 5.54 mm (0.257 in) 0.10 mm (0.004 in) 0.10 mm (000‘ in) “.5 mm (1.75 in) 36.0 mm (1.42 in) 43.9 mm (1.73 in) ‘1.0mm (1.01 In) 0.12 mm IQWS In) 0.16 mm (0.006 in) 36.8 "111111.45 In) 30.9 mm (1.05 In) 0.23 mm (0.009001) 0.20 mm (0.0079 In) 10° BTDC JD' ABDC 00° BHDC 5‘ AYDC 0020-0 045 mm (0 0008410019 In) 0.08 mm (0.003 in) 0 0200.0“ mm (00003—0001 7 in) 0.08 mm (0.003 in) 0.05-0.25 mm (0002-01)") in) 0.35 mm (0.01‘ In) Wu. mullHfillo 3 I 6 2.7 mm(0.106 in) 2.3 mm (0.090 in) 3.0 mm (0,118 in) 2.8 mm (0.102 in) 39.0 mm (1.535 In) 37.6 mm (1.476 In) cum 1 Englnc. emu. Ind mm 17 Engine Typc . Born . . Stink. . . . Clplcltv . Compulflon villa Pinon: and vlnga Pinon 00 (Illndlnfl ............................ filnq .nd nlp: 10p Ind “Dorm ring ........ Serv|colim11 ..... . on central ring Slrvlu Ilmu . 11an .m- clc um:- Tupvlng . Slrvlol Hm I , Swami rlng . s-rvlc- Ilmll Pillar: ovonlzu lvllluhll Cyllndor block (Minds? bun "Ind-rd Sowla 11ml! . . Mulmum ovllllv Pinon/MM" :lurlnca . Vllm Ind luring- VIM uu Inglo . . . VIIVI nnm alumna (ml Inm . . . Exhlull . . . v-m Itnm/gnldu :II Inc- Inln ..... Elhlull VIIVI “"1": 1n. nqlh (min) Inm out-v . Inlll Innlr . Exh-uu mam . Exhau-Hnnu . VIIvI cl. VIII“ (:0 lnlll .. Elm-Ill! . . . Clmnhm and rocket um. Camshan lobe min1mum naigm lulu ..... Exhoun Cam In hum: c-mn (cum-1 Dull! inumlll V-Ivc flmlng mm own] ...... mm clown Exhnm op- Exhlun claul 8—39-06. BofllanI-mlh 1.733 : 1.947 : 1.545 ' 1.280 : 1.074 ' 0.930 : 3.125 : . . in) 50.5 mm(1.992 in) 395 oc(141cuin) 9.11 : 1 70.47-70.49 mm (1774-1775 in) 0.2-0.4 "WHOM—0.0161!" 0.8 mm (0.024 in) 0.2-0.9 mm ((1006-0035 In) 1.10 mm (0.043 in) 003-000 mm (0001—0001 In) 0.10 mm (0.004 (n) 0.0250055 mm «100090.002: in) 0.10 mm (0.004110 0 0.25 mm (0.0101n). ¢ 0.050 mm (0.02011!) . 0.75 mm (0.030 in) Ind o 1.0 mm (0.040 in) 70.60-70.51 mm (1775-2170 In) 70.00 mm (2.701") 0.10 mm (0.004 In) 0.10 mm (0.004 In) 45' 5.44 mm (0.214 In) 6.54 mm (0.257 in) 0.10 mm (0,004 In] 0.10 mm (0.004 in) 44.5 mm (1.75 in) 36.0 mm (1.42 In) 43.9 mm (1.73 in) 41.0 mm(1.61|n1 0.10 mm (0.004 In) 0.14 mm (0.005 In, 37.180 mm (1.4838 In) 37.213 mm (1.4051 in) 0.23 mm(0.m91nl 0.20 mm (0.0081111 10' BTDC 35" A300 40' 8300 10' ATDC ‘3 Chapt- 1 Engino. ciutcn ma gum: Cranium Main baldng/ioumnl cit runes San/ICU limit ....... Big—end side flan . Slrvie: Iimn ....... Clumh Friction W B . Pllln Friction all" (Malia-u Typo A ...... Sonic. limit. Yyp. a ...... Swim limli . . spring in. mm Snrvlu limiI . . . . Primary arm rlIIo . Z . . . i Gml dualpflan Th unin- "nod to IM "and. 250M and JOON mod-ll ii I Iingl. ammo-a umlhlfi ytnicll plullol min, TM 360' wlbbld cunt-huh. which "I’ll an int" mail mlin billing! ll mined by mo muting wolpnu. on. ai which lin inward: pi Kill cvlniui'llh Ind on il. TM wtim" In ilmld Ind drivin by 5 chain, dviwn imm pinch-l lying batman the Mo mir- lmt nps mu mt Ioi cum-It any. lunch. in. “nun-n drive chlin, which in oi lh. ithflOd Hv-Vo im, pawl Ihmunh I tunnel bolwun lhl cylindlrl Ind In m [M camshaft which il mouniod on m. cylindu bud. To ml“ in" mo of III. rululvcly Imlil oombunion thumb". inlfl Ind on. "Mun, Till lug. linnll um plying Inilu brutninp upmmiu. incrum cylindor iiiling during Iii. induniovl Ilroiil. but withoui ihl punullv of incl-nod compomni w-lgiu Thll liim l high" uh maximum mainl lpIOd within" the III! oi Vlivl bonnet. Inlbilng «Iii uu Io n- ma. oi lhl mam-pt- III-adv pained by lmpnmd Induction. All unpin. cminp: m Inuilcturvd imm liumlnlum lio . [ht cylinder Mock Doing fin-d wili’l dry nni iinIrI. Th. ulnkuul. which haul. Ihl crlnkihlh Ind purtm wmponmu. upmn hodmnllv Io helm-In my alum-ruling and rummbiv. Thn mum-it ll Hound by n oomph: aluminium caning boil-d lo [M undenid- oi tho m Incl-o nap“ in". Thil “sling . mounting in! In. oil pump and Itrnincr unll. wn lump Iubricliion i. wwlitd by - Irocnoéa oil pump dllvun by I! chlln irom [M cunluhnil. Th. oi! [I picked MD hum KM r-umir in th- lump ihmuqh - mm “min". and It "I." pluod lhrough I plpcr mm clam-n! to all working pan: oi In. .ngin- Eolh modal: uillln l llldiilmlll wnlilhl-mush. 8400M! purl»: dvIv-n imm ihl angina vll anII pdmlry drivI pun And I muill-nili! clutch. 0n C5250 N and 400 N mod-ls Hurling is aflensd lilhw D DIG-0.045 mm (DBMS-000$ in) am mm (0.003 in) 0020-0044 mm i0.0003<0.00i 7 in) 0.08 mm (0.003 in) 005—025 mm (0.002 to 0.0l0in) 0.35 mm [0.014 in) Wol. mum-villa 6 I a 2.7 mm (0106 irii 2.3 mm (0.090 ini 3.0 mm (0.1 18in) 2.8 mm10.102 In) 42.75 mm H .353 in) 41.25 mm (1.62! in) Gap-0d, conlflm—muh by kickiun m Iioclvic Illnov mom: Thu C3250 NA Ind 400 NA mod-ll how-var Iva Inol Iq mil with I kick!" I! d W I cvlnknhoh- mounlofl ‘ - all Ulltmllm which income! II "II mum! coil Ind liming dlvico in! me CDi lclplciiol dilchllgo ipnIIipnl .ymm. rm CDI mtam diwonlui snliruly with ihg contact bro-ken uliminuinp mu need ibv mumtanmca Ind nmnrvinn the long mm nccuucy oi lha iqnii n Iiminq z Dmflonl wim Inglnl/gulbol in lum- It in not ".0.us to i’lmovl [M Inuinl unit irom lhl 1mm in on!" to dimmi- tn. following inm': 1 my“ Ind II'I-illrid Wankel“ wnn Ind iinll drivu Wk" cowl. 2 Ciuld! numb! nd ml! ulcclcr nomponlnu (allnmll). 3 Oil pump-m1 iilll 4 Alum-lav Ind surm- moio'. 5 Cylindlr find Ind cviinflu hold Bowl. 8 Cylindfl Mock. piliml Ind ling] 3 numbn- with “aim/mm: unit unwind imrn hum. A. pruviouliy «win-a. KM mnIun-n nnu pnmox s m hon-a wlInin - common ullng. Any oniI I on either oi Inn. mu mliov numbiiu will man a nmbni oi tn. «mine from [M mm m lhll (he mnmn hllvu an no "par-"d. I leoulng if. mine/outbo- unit 1 Files in machin- an ill unit! nlnd, mlkiiw luv. lilo! II it cum 1 Englna. clutch and oaarbax 19 namlnq Ilmly. Z Mmum by no mum uaanllal k la uaaful to aha th- mlchhl I lumbar 0' ha! abuva floor lav“ by phclnn ll on a long bunch or horllomal ramp. m: wlll anabla man of m- work to b. carrind am In an uprlnhl pom. 3 Plloa ulnhh mupuda balmy lha critical. and draln an m angina all. Tha lump plug nu lun forward and In an dghl 0' [ha oll Mm howl-lg. Tba all will drain fall-r W mu angina haa blah ermad up pnvloully. lharIby Manna and mlnnlng the all. Awmllmalaly 3 Inna (5.5 pllllll mould draln out. Undo lb. all flllar ohambav bolt and ram lb. chambar and flllIrl 4 TM dualual II aaculad by Iwo mrlflu Inadad Caleb“, one of whld'u ll plamd um dda M Iha Ital, lowalda m. raar. Bah"- danraaalnn tha “who. and llhlng (ha aaal away. h“ [ha aacurlng llnk from nu lock “had In [ha Ian-hand alda 1.71 [ha hm. Dalaeh both alda Gavan from [ha tram. Each la a pulh m, nomad by nmluctlom locating In gmmmou In [ha hum. 5 To unvam ml rlak of anon clvculu durlnfi aubaaquanl dlamlnlllngy lha banary Ihould ba dllommacladl Thlt may ba flan: by prlllrlfi buck lba worming boat from [M accaaalbla larmlnal (Dollllva) and dalachlnfi lha maln tabla. I! [ha machlna ll to In our M uwloa for an Ila-mad Imam M (In. M balm-v n uppmlm-my oua mum lmmm To on. «no Dana-y, dough ml umrlng map and pull the bum our aim. canlar. Io fill" lean to ma Earlh lnagulv-I mmln-I. Dlmnnm tho aaflh load and Iha hualhar luba‘ and I"! ma ballary awly. 0 Turn lha hlal lap In lha 'DFF' pollflon and ramova lha lual llnal lmm alum tho lap unlonl or lha carburanov Mal Chan-bar unlona. Tha pun! lanll I mound I1 Iha tall by a Ilngla boll Ind la aupptu‘ad at lha hum by rubbav Marl unsound lo Iha him too lulu, Mulch IoulI with cupa on tho undanlda nl «ha llnk. Aflar nmvlnq 1M balm Illda the tank raarwarda, until m- cupa C ar I’ll rubbara. and than llfl KM rank 0" tha ham. 7 SI Inn of! lully Iha "mun ulna/balm“ box and balanev but] amav clampa. Than null (ha clamp! of! Ihl box a bl, In elm m- lolm flamovl (ha mm mm holding um um. «pm flanoa Ind Illda m "uncommon um TM lwo Ixhaull plpn may ba amen-a aI Individual componnnu Tha allancarl an Mllnad on brick-u hold In Ih. hrpd Ilumlnlum looms! pl I by a Ilnfila boll anal. Th. boll Illo ucum lha pllllon 690 II, Aha! nmoval of lha Illancara. [ha balanc- box‘ which ll Iuapandad "om [M ulnlcala by mo bum. may ba datad’lld. T'ha box ll aurnrlllngly haavy. an ba puparad lo Iuwflfl Iha walghl wharl rImovlng lha bolll. Ramovll 0' "I. chroma guard from (ha rlghl-hlnd alda 0' [ha box may ba nwlud‘ lo Iluw amumrh upon hair 8 Pull back rho rubber boo! from rha Iowa! and 0' (ha cluleh tabla to that m. mammal locknul may ba Iooaanad and run 0" (ha lhraad. Slack-n lha nut on tha adhalar lully. to glva planly 01 Illck no that lha lunar :abla may b- dauchad from [M opumlng arm. 1'». am In tho arm and may mulra opanlng Illghlly with aerawdrlvar lo a my [ha cabla la b. much“. Pull (ha Damnllla ubla oul M (M and»! bramr. Dalach lha “alum-m arm cable hum Illa crunkcau rig-Hand mm mar unmwlng m. locarlrlg mu. Ram "- bull to "old km. s Dlawnnacr IhI Alumna um I: m: m block woman and two may common In the mmar/ngulalnr unlL Slmllarly. diam-Ian (ha oll nraaaura lwltnh Ind and naurral ladle-Io: hut Pdu on ma rubbar boot Ivom m mm: mm nrmlnal Ind alum-Met an aunt! cabII. l0 Dlmnnan Iha mama! tuba from "I. unlorll an RN cyllndar haad and III lllrav box. TM tuba la Iamnd al aach and by a ulna clln anl of m- clrbunnou I: not alrlctly mun-w whan nnpaflnq for and». nmml. n l. sum-c. howavar, (ha! [ha arbitration Ira rnmovad lo lncnala clear-ma both luv thanmov-I and m-lnnallauon of KM mlm. Banana. bf [ha llmllad span- balwun (M nar I71 lha cvlindar hold and (M Ivan! of m- Ilv film box, urbunncv val-naval laqulval tom. Ella and would ba carrlad out in ma 'Dllowlnq uau l l Unabrlw [ha four Icmwa and m. llngla long ball that sauna fl” bald Ilaady brash“ In lha frame and wllndar head. Ramon! I1! m brackm alas amt. Sladran fully ma acriw cllpa holding the urban-mots In an alr film box unb- Ind uh- inlat fl“ Sllda (ha all MIC cflu to [ho raar ab lhll may clear (ha «mm-no: rrlulllha. I2 Rm m. Iwo hon: ncuring uch lulu alub m ma cyllndar haad. Grun firmly Iha dill-hand “lbw-no! and pull ll badrwlrdl. an Ital [ha alr has oonear‘inaa, Thll will give wi- llelam char-ma lo nmova Iha lnlal nub hum tha right-hand arbur-nor. Emu “all opnmlon on m- loll-hand lnnrumonl. H)" [ha albumin)" Ward! out 0' [ha all haul and our law-Ida [ha I‘lwhl—hand lid. of lha mlchlna. Eudora the ear— bulatlm arl minim-W Waad b! rameval, m- comm! cablal mun b. Gal-M. Slack-II lha locknml on bolh Ihmnl- cabla IdluIIarI and Ihan wow [ha adluaiara [ml-Ida In W planry ol alack In lha ubla. DWI” ma mar tabla adlulllr lrom m. mumm bridal and almanac! [ha innal cabla from lha wanting pullay. Dal-ch nu mm am. In . aimllar mum, Slack-n ma chok- num clump cable and dlloormacr l - able. ‘3 Unhooll [ha brai- Iiml awllch wring from [ha Ilar brak- nodal rIlum wring. Ullng - Iullablu lavar. unhooll lha ralum aprlng hum lha braka padalv Slack-n a" and vamnva lha adlullar ml! lmm [ha my of [M bilks conning rod Io lhal lha mo can lam KM opal-ting arm. Puah ma rmnnlon from m In Ind Mn 11. macaw with th- nul. to the rod to pew-m Ian, Ramon m. can Dad-l nlvol non. Soma unlul m-muwlng ll nan-Ind l1 Iha padal and rod ara lo ba withdrawn wllhoul damaga. Rm“ bolh "on! room-u, aach Mwhich la aacurld by - alngla boll. H From [ha la'bhand Ilda M m. anglna. ramm- lha 91a! chaoga lavar. which la “quad by a lrclln. M [M 9. r c rloa arm whlm la wound by a clrcllp Dd (ha our chlnoa arm whldl la Imrad la (ha Ipllnad aha“ by a plnch ball and nut. Th- lwo componamn Ihould ba Illd of! [half shah- umullanooutlv [09'er Mlh m eonnccilng rodl Tha boll mull ba wllbdrlwrl balm- Iha arm can ba Gal-chad. Slackan aylnly and IM mm m Dona mlng m. analna lm no covav. Pull lha mi away frum [ha anal and o" lha walrchlnga m". Ramon Iha anon Dhalrl pmanor, whleh la lacuna by I am ban. ‘5 with m- flnal adv. chaln wring Ilnll vellum-d on 0". 0' [M mocha". caany prlaa o” lha Ipilng llnk and dlaconml and Iamova Iha chaln. ‘8 Tha madam lo! anal”. lament-l ll diclalad by Iha ah 0' ma Puma and mo lad lhll [ha englne Ina" urvu [Iran-d mambar. Bacauu no lmr ham. lubu Ill amployad. mu unglna mould ba lowamd lmm politlnn, unlll ll claara lha ham. ralhal than "fling il aul Io nna Ildo al la morn ulual. To nan. lo be lmrld mofiwuiyaly in a wnlmlhd Ck MIG ba placad balnw [ha lump balnra mount- lnn boll nmval. AI all me poopla should ba prlunl durlng [ha rum-l oporallnn: m to lawn lha lack and ma olhai In Ila-fly an main-l I7 women ma null hum on low maln angina mantlna bolt- .m Ilao 9mm m non- mum-q m- angina hon! mounllnu Metal Iu Kha ("ma down tuba. Chuck! all cab d! and wlnl m claar of m angina and will no! baooma may“: or Krupp-d during Inglna rImovIl. Dlflth [ha lmnr buck-l Ind than whhdrlw [ha anglna mar mounllnq bolll. ll Maury. mu m. walaht at ma annlna lo nluu mo bolu by ldlnlllnu Iha lack halghl. Whh all halt! ramd. lha anglna should ba low-rad nudity umll lh mum porn Irl lwal with [Na Iowa! and 9' [ha from Muba. T"! m angina backwardl allgmly and than llfl i! bodlly a" Illa lack and away ham "1' machlna, raw-rm lha rlqurand dda. Two poopla Ira raqulrad In I"! "la .nglno; whom campus: I: 1- Navy a mam-mung m. anglnaloaarboa mm: mm ______— l Balm- wmmanclng wort on ma angina unit, m- anomal surf-cu should ha claanod eroughly. A motorcyclu haa vary llflla proraclion hum road grll and other lolainn mmov whlch ,V . /I/' “7!) Exhlull pip" held by "anon and lwo null a 7d leaw ma silence" I 7. Wm exhaust pipe ’bnlancn box can be rumovnd as a unix DUI ummmn I: Basic! 4 8b l' noun-w flack-n Iully adjuu-r u "march-v 43:2 The Inner cum-i «mm! by - ungl- nul ‘Jab umvu m. me bolt la (rue m. brlko pvd A M. Thu allvchlnga um — "cuud by a pmch bolt and 4 no mo lavu A hold by a :ilclip‘ would be mmnvao sxmuimnoouuy 4 I7. Ramon m- nuu horn m- lour .ngln- mourning bolu an m. From ouwmubu and ‘.15b ‘ ‘7: Wu nngin' Iowmad from I». fume 4 Wu unscmw muse on me novel and Iowev vear bolls 2‘ Chum 1 Englno. clmdl Ind ammo: loonlr or Ill" will find ll: wly lnlo {M dllmlmlad .ngina il (his llmpll pnuullon I: not elrrlad nul. 2 0M 0' (hi prowl. ry clolnlng oompaundl such I! Gunk 0v Jlll Ian bl uud lo good W061, upoclally il [he compound il flm lllowld Io pin-(VIII lhl film of avg-Io Ind oil below il in will!“ lev. In III! USA Gummfl downluv ll In nllomllivl. 3 ll ll lunllll whorl wlmlng flown to mllll lurl (in! WHO! clrlcs purllcularlv now mu mu. pm! I" 4 Collin top!!!” In loom-l- ul ol looll in Iddlllon lo "10” of "1- tool In" clrrlod undo! the “II. 5 ll lh. lngln. hll no! binn wwiwlly dilmlmlld In lmpcfl mnwodv-r wlll prov. 'mntlll. ThlI wlll nllgulrd "l. Mldl cl [M cmuhud Icrtwl uud lo: onqlnl nmmnly, Tlun m lnvlrllbly mlchlnI-llghllmd during mlntfllflm c-mlon: Uu gnu c. u llu mam and all. m ly dim-find. Uu I era-mud typo Iu-wdflvu Ind NOT an. M m. Phllllp. typo. whleh wlll .llp am 01 m. serum, 6 Avald lure. ln luv 0' m. our-(ion; Thin ll annually I good ruwn why In mm [- tucking, mumbly duo lo l 0 ll“ 0! Ill. wrong pmotuurl oi uqunncu of nporllloni a nlummllw the wlmlgurtloll: numln. tho cylinder me now. mum all! Ind nun-Ml I I’ll“ lhl lnfilM ln In updd'll potltlon‘ I noon-d by woodIn bloch, '0 ml! ll umllnl "cull. Loci-n ind "man (M lwo II Iv. null "Ill “Cur! (I'll cyllndcr hud cuvll lo {ho cyllndu hi 6‘ Llfi Il‘n cowl ”~er 2 Rumoln both lpllklng plugl. Apply a lplnnll la m. .lm- nllu! an". Doll Ind rel . [M lnglM In I lam-m dlmcllon unlll (ha 7' mllk on [M raw! lllafll WI"! lhl lndcll ml'll cl“ Into rho DIIlnfi. ln lhll poflilon both pllwnl wlll b. M TDC find only om clmlobu wlll b. nng-ulnq a rock". Tm. will .llow roman! 01 l I Fvllndlt hlld wltMul nllclnn unduc III-in on ma cam-hm or loclm gm. Cl Sllckcn lhl cyllndu Mud “curing boll] “1."le lllllt II I llml, following m. “guano. glwn In m. lcmmmnying lllumulon. Following lhll nan-nu wlll mlp pvl nl cylinau hlld dlnonlon. Cvllndlr hold r'muv-l lhould nlwl ll. pllco man "1- lnalnl ll cold: lhll loo pnvtnll alllofllon 4 Wllhdrlw I'll Mlndlv h Id boltl [09.er wilh [he rockov pln uulnlng pl m Nol- m. maul bvlu w Ih." «mu m ma (our lnnlr boll whlch um II on control W hen. Lifl lhc Mu voclulr urrlu WIY lndlvldullly wmplfl. wilh [M pi nd rack” Irm . Thou Immbll. Ihoulfl he pul lo 0" I n In! hmhnr lllonllon l - 8.50 Om carnal-fl UHVIII metal mnlnlnq boll nu bun unlovod (Irmwodl 5 To onlble m. mun-ll lo be removed, m drivan snmcka! mm nm be mound lvom me smll nunga. whm il is mama by lwo balm Rum. [he engine unlll one boll is accesslhle Slnckan mo boll Ilithlv ma man mm. m. engine one: more. unlil m. mom boll can be banned and rsrnnvad Halal: m. .ngln. again ma remove m. nm boll Gvul cm should b. I .n no! :0 allow any componunli m lorel‘gn mane! ID lull flown lhrough m. cam chain tunnel This ls particularly Imponlnl ll . lap—0nd owvhlul only is m be canine oul Tum m. lnglno inquired, umll on: ul m. cubouts ln m. cum much! it ".an above "I! elm [numal Slip the cam mam ufl m. Mugs ban :0 mm [he slnck gllnud allows dlungugomom ol m chlln. Tn. camlhll‘l‘ logslhel wilh ma sum an now be manoouma lmm ponilion lemma m. righl- nd Id. 01 "I! mlchlnu. ll l “)0er Dva'haul unlv is anviugod "I. cum mlln lhould Ml be lllowid m lull Inlo ma cum m in tunnel bnuuio mmml l: amcull To pravem mi: occurring. plm . lhurl rod m mammal through ma chain ma lcmu m. cvllndov mm, or mm m. chain with a length ol um win, 8.5!: Clm'l-fi Ind mm!!! mlnoouvufl from Million cum 1 Englm, clumh ml purbol 7-5 1 DIImIrMIng on wu/W: I‘m-wing m mum hold. mum m and plum“ l Tin boill whldl awn tho lockl' pl! unim pl” "Waugh (M wllndll‘ Mud and Evilndu block Ind tertw dlr-clly mm [in Grimm... ll follow! Kiln one. "I bolt: In I'm. no air": mfllllnll noun Ihhlv ”I. cyllndir hold or cvlindov block. 2 Silcilan Ind r-movo till locknul which munl IN. “I" chlin IdluItIr. Till. will Iiww till Inn-loner blldl m rulu com- mloly. HOWV‘ m. N“ from [M rill 9' If“ cylindor Mld whlch ubinl m. IIrIIlmIBr buck-t. Noll ml! mil boll. Ind mu udlun-r null m bum llmd wlm - unllnn (Him: to pmnl oll Inknum 3 DUI m "K lypI of cvilndlv hind filth“ u'd, i! In With lb“ lilo cvlirldll' illld will b. llucll 'lrmiy lo lil- Mind" Hod! Hamel. Conddoublo can would bi III'M Mon trying lo Ian-nu than me oomponunn, Ind m “mm-[Ion to use IIOOIIlVI fore. Ihould b. lvoidod I! III coo Commune. "purlllon Dy Wklnfi lmund m. d, ullng I block Di hln‘lwoud nmck by l hammtr. Pile. "lo block only on Wfllonl cl m- cylindu hnd which no will nupponoa by wobm gum!- or ”moot Mow lruund m. cyllndov mu mun - numb-t 0' dual. lilting cl!- no! lo dim-g- m linl, Ii ml. muhod fulll ta loo-on IN two wmpomnll, m. lupus-don ol I II will luv- to b. ldoulld. Uu lvrI Inna ol mum-bl- Iongm rulm than wuwdvlvun. hue-um (My nan-d no load hunt and Mn no mm “on lnurl mo lwm only Damon iin' whlch on wall "would Ind unturl Ihll lhl In" unylng m- dlmx Iona m 1- mm It pol-lug m IM body ol tho cyllnnIr/cyllndvv In. I unm, wnnn ml. mathod o1 cvllndor hud "ml ll not annually to bu "command-d, thor- my be no paella-bl- Ill-"mm. ll lollom mu mum- cannon Ind mlml III nqum. Having lcmmpiflwd tour-Inn M! an cvlindlr VII-d up Mi IN cylindlv block mmllw Ihl um chlln lwm filling by pllclng I bl! lemu- lh. lop nl m- cvllnd'r blod. Till union" blldn I. lacuna lo lhc log 0' [ht lonllonw Inn by I clwls pl" upon willdl k pivots Dbpllc. the 'fi' pin: within»! tho m pin and mm m- llmlomlr binds. "19 Had. mun b. dmln'd ll lhil Illa! haul. the clayi pin I. too who '0 pl- flown thm lb. dill" Imml. Do not allow any ol man common“ [0 In on cluln lunnol. 4 Withdrlw lhI elm dulln guidl blldu from (hi from 01 me am ell-In luflflll. Rom. m- ongln- umil rh- plnonl III It YDC. hand landing 1h- um chlinl ll men-my, Io umm il locklna. Sup-nu ma cyllm‘hr block from m. ennkun ulina a "midi mlllu a! block 01 wood Ind hommu. Om again car- lhould D. "II." no! lo dlmlol lilo HM In ml: all lmn will not h linulnd Ind mid not b. ufld. Slldl [M cvilndcr block up und all me nlnom. uldng can to upper! nch plnon Is Im cylindtr block bommu lm. Il - up m1 mmul only I: Mina um om, pm:- I clun mg in nu. mum-a moum bolovu Ii’l low I119. 01 Ila! cylindtr "I" IN rlnp. Thll will or.» dual lnv mll partial-I of Drum ring filling lmo Rh. crlnllull. If"!!! m. Mind" block Ind IImovI "ll Mo lug! O—rlnga, on- at whlal m. cm nah prolmdlnq cyllndav move, 5 Prlll n» mm 90690011 pin clmlip of Inch plum from pvli- 110mm. mm mm an a Mom path In ln gluon begun to C!" b. unloved with "It. ii lny difficulty II cnwunlnmd, apply m m- ollloding pinion mm a my any which boiling wmv nu Iun bun pound. Tm will gm m noon-my umpomy amnion In th- DlIIMI bowl lo lllow KM gnaw-on pln lo b. wind oul. Iulon "mm/lug no" plum, Icllbc KM cylindlv Wlmulhn inlldl [M fluofl lklfl. A wait F 0' L will Wlum IN! the piston II upload in m. camel ban, on mlmmbly. It I. mum-my to mrk m buck m1 lmm o! m plnan boun- Illhl' "I. lfllll of Ildllun VIIVI all-my! ln "1. pinion crown will illvl ll ‘iN' 0! 'EX’ mlr‘L II will b. mud li'lll on each plnofl "It MIMI! Vllvl cal-lev ll lilflniv of?!" to lhl IHIldI. For this union the plum: III Mndod and slum! b0 lmuch-ngod. B Each Dillon ll Mod with two companion ring: and In all normal ring. ll ll win In illvl (M ring: in pllol on [M pluton- umll lhl limo com-I for (Mir oumlnnlon or fin-VIII in on!» Io ”old confining lholvamicl ova-r. N I: II II 15-. 0-45 0-15 K Emilio! DOM! pl." Fng.‘ whim-“Wank! l Miran-rear!!! 7 DMmM-YOM 2 Lllmclwrunilr a Cflmhudeawaullngflng a RHmcbrplnMahlnym s mumm- 4 LNrock-Iplnnmnlnlplul w smgulp 5 cwmhudmm n cwmm—dw s 12 SMMMM—IM I3 Cyllmrboh-lnfl ll Emu-4M 15 llonnndlnflw-W—‘M 15 ”Miami—2M I7 Nnflawdowvl—‘M clan and nmovl [M locknul which ”cm-I [he cum 7 2b Rcmovl m- bull ma ldjullul mud chlln Idlulllr 7V5. Duo-m m. outnrclrcflp m}: pulh an! m. gudgnon am :0 m. m. amen VOID-Ahkzu Fly, 1.1 CIMIMI. VIN“ Ind moo-um Vllvl no”! Jul — ‘ all Vllw “I”! "ll — 2 a” Clmshlfl In!" "le lock-I um — 2 a” Exhlu." "In mall! um — Z of! Rack" sylndll - ‘ all Spring _ ¢ all 5 mm "M ‘ 4 0!! 9 Em-un um — 2 9” IO um Imminpun n Volvu 1mm spring — 2 all 12 ann cum min; , 4 on I: van aunt :prlng - 2 all u vm. spring up — 4 all 15 v-m spflng up - 2 all 75 de wing unr— 4 on 17 van wring "11- 2 a” Is VIM sum :o/m — 0 all L'UIIOI — 4 ON flaring lmw — 5 n” Tlppl d/uJI/ny mu 4 s all Flu. I .3 Cy‘lndor Mod bah loo-Mu. “Clam- ate»— Mud nuny buck" ovum, mu cub - 1 all mm yum yum — 4 all Emu" um gum — 2 all cmm hudyuhl — r all nu.u~- Can-m m1 Climb." Mu chain Clm mun unllm blad- L‘lm chi/n [MIIMII Chi/n undead Ind/w WJJWWWM“ 7 mums—2m a Smwdlp—IM 9 loll-40!! ya swam—2w n amp-cm 12 Owing—2M FI'JJ Cundllhlndm 6 Chain (lump!!! I cum mam-r mun-r a Climb-If mun guid- 9 5mm my ball - 2 all sud-look r: loll-Joli r4 Stud-401’ 15 Schpr—ZMI m Smw—znfl 17 smgmw-am Ia swam—2M m :22" u 11 WOW! IZSquMMu 1.1 D-IIny—ZM I‘ Nu! IS R-pln Chum" 1 Engina. clutch and gaarbox 29 Flga u Cyilmlov Noel r Cyl/ndlr black 4 swing [lily » 2 an 2 cm. Inn/Incl 5 L‘yflndn m. 0.7m — a 6mm» on. gm" 2 art 5 Nvllow uawal » 5 all a Dlamamllng m moln-lguvbol: umovinq m. an. . "not And mimic" plck-«p i To roman ma allornllor mlor vauinmg boll n .a nlcasslry lo lap ma angina Ivom iaiaiing ma :1 law achieved by glacing . clan fining mm: bu inrougn am: or bolh small and eyes Ind allowing ma but in baav down on lmlll woodan blocks placaa acmu ma crlnkc moulh On no nccounl muai ma bur be allowed to bear Uiloclly on“) ma gaakai laaa Having aiaggad ma angina mun miaimg vamava ma ioioi lemming boll Tnka can wnan manning ma boll ma: ma cam chain ooaa noi bommu nagpad and mu ma conneclina lad: aw ai such an angla mai ma big-Ind bolsel do nai laul lha clunkcua you 2 Ramovnl a» ma rolov boll will givo Access lo M .niamal ihraad in ma mm: boas Thialhvead laauiiaiaa ma ma 0! Randi aarvlca mal No 07733 - 0020000 whlch should be used in 8.3. Thu lnnltlon pick-up II ntllnad by two cmnhlsd screw! remove we roll)! ll mus puns! IS not available a laggaa samckel pulls! mould mi be usaa as a lubslilulo Almougn ii la oossible in m such a llama h \S likely to damaga [he Iltamllol‘ voioi, DY ma coll! nffixsd lo the back gma lsiaioil ll special cave is run “hall 3 Loosen and Vemova ma Mu mews which sacma (he igmr iian pick-un m ma casing and looaan ma nllamlmv load wiring clamp SCI'W Pall ma click-up lwlv from ma casing unlll .i duangagaa ina laoaiian aawala Remove ma lhraa allumalov siaior mam, no NOT loosen ma mg blackrpalmau amws bauuw mix will cause loss at .gnmon liming accuiam um um 5mm awly logamai mm ma pick-up wim which ll i: larcen- n-ctod 4 Mia ma Wooan knv lmm ma iagaraa ponlnn ol ma crankshah and Ind aim ii in a sale place ll ma hay in mmly locllod removal is nai rauulmd 9 Dilmullllnn ma onglna/gaarbox nmovlng m gaamox final drivI Iamcku l Undo me me 6 mm bolls lo ralaaaa ma auva surockel mung glua Flolala lha plale .lm mm men lnfl a" ma plat! and me spvockel 8 3!: Yr:- llllmllol min: i. hold by thin Clouhoad screws 3° Chlptor 1 Engine. clutch and nurbol 9 h Ramon MI two 3 mm bolll Ind 91 b “h 0" [ha dViVI Ipvochl ”lung plu- IO Dlemenrllnp flu en e/eeeroee removing me prrmery drlve cover. clumh end Rlemen compenenu l Remove lne pinch oolr secorrnu rhe lllelrsren lever end pull me eeeemolv on lhe eplr ed shah Loo-en evenlv end remove rhe boll! eecuring me prrmerv drlve cavnr re the enplne Nave rhe cluloh cahla ebulmenl oreellel secured by Mo screws Pull lhe cover lrorn plepe eher breellinp lhe seel wim rhe peellel nv u g e rewnlde mellel 2 Prise lhe rubber boo! lrom lho oil pressure ewrrcn end also rho neulrel indloeror ewilcn Disconnen lhe elecrrrcel leeds end remove rhem lmm rhe anglne lr is recommended lhor rhe ml oreseure ewllch be unscrewed er rhie juncxure because rl pmr reels and may euner demepe. :l Unecrew lhe foul belle rn rhe clurch cenrre evenly e lrlrle er r: lime in e diepenel eeduenee unrrl rho pressure mm lhe sprlnge hes been releesed Remove lhe rnruer plere end rhe tour sprlnge, The elulch cenrre is rel ed by e speciel nnp nvl secured by a‘bellufl wesner Removel 0! me our requires a gag spanner whlen hes lour relsed prerecllons or peps re engage wrlh rhe slols m rhe nul ll e sulleole spenner ls ner evarlahle e home-made rdol cen he censlrucred eesrlv usmg a longlh pl lhlcll vvelled ruolng ol me correol dremerer Relreve one end or rne rune uslng e hackuw end lrle so rher rhe necess-ry proreo rrene ere lormed Yo remove lhe nvr lhe clurch muer oe pre~ venred lrom rplelrnp. To eocempllsh lhie rem rernpererrlv rhe clurcn sprrnpe end Dolls wllh e heevv w-sher lined on each hell lo lelle rne plece nl rne cluleh preuure plele Aller eleclrenrng lhe cenrre nur remove lhe bolls washol end sprlnps 4 Remove lhe cluleh eenrre ooes lollowed ov rne eluroh pleles These mev be removed rndlvrduellv or ee e complele sendwrcn Nola cerelullv lhe nquanca ol plern end lncllon pleres end m penrculer lher lhe evrermosr lrrclion plele elrnough penerellv ermrler lo lhe Iumummg lllcllon pleles ls slrgnrlv rhrclrer ms plele should be merlled ee such he evord conlusrpn on reeseernoly 5 Remove rhe eluren preesure plere lollowed ev Ihe clulch ouler drum epecer oush end lrnellv rhe hoew blcllmg weener s Greso rne durer end ol lhe klcklllfl Velum eprrnp vvrrn e perr ol plrers Pull lhe rurned end lvom lne encnor lug end ellow rhe sprrnp rensren ro lee releeeed ln en enll-clocllvvrse drreerron rn e conlvuued menner Wrrndrevv rhe sullng purde end rhen pull me rnner end pl lhe spnng lrem rhe redrel hole bored rn lhe lrrcllslerr shell The sprrnp re now lree ro oe slld on me shell Remove lhe wesner sprrng Inckslarl pawl end we lrnel washul lrem lne shah the pew: Elude plele whrch re secured lo me come by rvvo oolrs need nor be dlerurbed unleee damage dlclmes venewal ll Dilmlmllng m enplne/peerborl. removlnq th- ell pump end prlmery delve pin n l Releese rhe clrclip vvnlch sec-rm lhe ell pump driven sprockel lo lhe oil pump snelr Prevenr crenkshen rel-non ln rhe usuel menner uunp e cloee lining bur oeeeed lhrough lhe smallrnnd eye ol one cannecllng rod Looeen end remove rhe prrmerv drrve/orl Dump drrve lpmckol cenlre boll 2 me drl pump sprockels may now be d simulleneouely on we respeclrve shehe. srlll rn mm W n lhe chern More end remove rhe shouldered spacers lined behind rhe drrve spmckel a The on pump ls secured ln place by four bum, which should be sluckanaa avanly in B dllponal SUDUOUCO, lo maven! dlslor» llon Remove rhe bolls end dieolecelhe oil pump e' ‘Iued below rho or: filling rs e hexagonal hnusrnu vvhrch nn wally "lawns mcomovdles me all sysxem pressure mmaee valve lrlv ‘Mm MOUP‘S Hm valve ls Doslllnner’ mstdc (hr: lower llmLL’oxl‘ mm The compnlvelu near) Hm he lemovcd unless urrrrn» rrr rrpmrc llllefiaeliulfle rre eddmmalloll ol evrueneo ol nrl gm; r-r lrr .wg n howl lnr llrlrrnlrgh I‘L‘dnlng 5 Remove lne orlmavy dnve prnron rrem rne splined crank shafl end end rhen drspleee rho splrnee wesher IO 3: Fr: wuh-r- to bolu Ind mlng- IO ncur- clulch duvlng nux vamovll . 1:; l ’ 4.. v0.8. Full ma and 09 m. klcklun ralum spring 1mm m. nnchov 10 6b Chm vlwl gum. pllll var dun-g. lug (snowed) 32 cnapm 1 Engine clulon Ind gearbox H I. R- n ma clrcllp l-rrawedl which occur. me oil pump dvlvon Ipvocllol [0 ma oll pump Ihlh kn, 12 Dllm-nxlmg m. ong|n Ibox polishing. enamel compo-mm r moving rne l neprau me pawl arm on ma geercnange mam ann so lhnl ma pawls clear me plnl ln rne chnng- drum end Wnn rne pawl arm dopruued ulup me surchanm anon Md wlmdmw iI lrom lna cexlng, 2 Loom Ind um: w m onenge drum Hopper arm plvor boll unlll rho mum nor n9 ran-ion can be vale-ad Unscrew rna boll lully and lomova rne Irm 3 Ramovl lna an-nge drum lac-ling plare. wnlcn is neld by cuunlauunk screw. Thou Icvowl ere onan very ligm lake we no! lo dim-9n ln. Icvaw na- 6 Unscrew rne noulrel indicaror swircn from me ualmox rool l: Dllmunlllng an. .nglne/ae box. removlne ma nun-r rnmor end all mm l Baler. oonrlnulng, rna complele crankcase mun be invoned on'lne worlmencn. lo improve IECQSS In order ra orevenr ma cam chain rensioner nlnde rrom foullng lna workbench blocks mun be used. pllcafl slraleplcally so lhal rna crankcase >5 secure 2 Remove me me bolls which pass mrcugh lhe slanel moror 11 lb Loci-n Ind nmovl an". bell and never end ease rna slaner molar lrom poslnan lr necessary use a wooden lever belwaen lne motor lronr cuvm and ma ctankcau l0 laciliule remoyal 3 ll me all llller alernenr was nor removed bolero the engme was oarecnad lrorn ma Ivame, lhls rney new be accomplished Unscrew me cenrre boll mm. mm m. llllar chamber cover In place and lrlr .r on! complele wiln lhe cover and me all llllar The ml llller alemenr annuld be pulled on ma nollow ball and discarded l4 Dun-mung m. englne/gureux crenkcne hulvn Iuvlullng m. l Loosen evenly .n a fllaqonll sequence and man remove rna bolls aacunng lne lwo cvlnkcnu hnlvai Tna bolls should be loosened m we sums. lo wold d-slanion Separale the cue: using a rawhlds mallar In men ma saal at me anskel compound On no ecmunl should levers ol any dolcnullon be planed belween me malmg laces ol me me crankcase nalvas The Ilumlnlum laces ara eully damaged and mu lranrmenl wlll .neylleoly end ln all leakage I! a laler care 2 Lrlr lne lowercase away ncnng me poslnon cl rne lucallng dowel plns and me llgera oi alghl Orvmg m the matlng surlece AH componenls axCeDI me slaner molar .dler double gem and Ilckslarl aseernbly wrll remarn m rne crankcase upper nall I» 12 ‘ Urucrow Ind vlmovu lho nauUI! Indllzllov lelch Chant-r 1 Engino. clutch and gearbox 33 is Diem-mung rhe engrne/ge rbox: removing me an m-iner unic reer bei-nce mm and nuance-ring euppen mnlng | Unscrew rhe rwo bdlu which rerain me all srrerner um! rd rha rnainbearing lupparl casxing Lin ir awly nering me all ring ar me flanged and Non rhar me righr-hand boll panes imo rhe adppen cearing .n such a wey as m aecure rhe rear balance weigh! :hlh THII will be lean men clelrly when [he shlh is wirndrawn To do rhie lnnn a screwdrivav in ma groove close lo rne aherr head and null rhe shen our. 1 Slick-n and rumnva "1. "ml 5 mm bull! WINCH DIS: rhmugn rhe suppcn caning. One or rhe boirs. rogerher wllh rhe aaconfl ail slvlinnl ball. lacums (he balanca chum quid! Luann evenly, in e diagonal sequence, rhe boirs clamping rhe suppon casli‘ng [D "W crankcase UDDOI h using a rawhide malls! has lhe caaling hum engagemanr wilh rhe hollow dowaII When rne cesrlng ia lree llrr ll away raking care rhai rhe lower haliel each mulnbculing shall doc; no! VI” our Dlwlnced shells uhau‘d be refined immedillelv in "lei! aliqinal polnlans. (a unit! cenmnian ar «he exuminllion erage Lm oul rhe chern gurde block and ma rear balance walghL which will have been freed by (amoval 0' {he supper! bracket la Dllm-mflna ma engine/g arbour, removing rhe ge rho: rneinehan end raven-n l Uh am the gearbox in mm a campiale unlr, pulllng rr re and lids lo! alumina! rI Ind lnacuury 'Dr further dismanllr Ing er a later alaga. Similarly remove lhe gearbox mainsharr 1 Note the position 0!. Ind remove any bearing Inc-ling pins [how am a pulh III In [he caling Remove lhv Imlll Oil Inca npuia from rhe melnahan needle roller bearrng nousrng In lne crankcase null Thin mo in I nuth lli 17 Diem-mung rhe engine/geerboa. rernevlng the crink- ehan and «mm belence eherr l Graep rhe cronklhnn ar bolh anal and Iifi' ham pouilion rn lhe crankcase hall 00 nor displace me be 'ng MM: al rhrs stage Remove lha carn cnarn rrorn rha crankehair dnvo wrecker 17 2a Unscrew rhe be‘lenee eneh edluerer nul end z unscrew the balanc: shah adjusrer nur irdm rhe smd pre- ,ecrrng from me Drlmary drrye chamber wall. From me dppdsire end or rhe shah. withdraw rhe spring clip and displace rhe ransroner spring Grasp rhe shah ar rhe adluner end and wilhr draw ir lrerrr (he casrng rd has me balance welghr and drive chain Du nor rrenspoce ma rwe balance waigms or sham. 1! uiunan g are engine/gearbox: renreylng rhe geer eel-cm mohnniurl i Sirde oul lhe rear seleclor fork rod and lln on! ma two selecror lurks. Similarly, iammra rhe rmnr rod and me aingle selecxar red Replace lhe iprks on mow reapecriya rode in ma correcr posillon, lo aid reassembly 2 The gear chenga drum ' now iree rd be slid oul er rha caling. rewards rne primary driye side el rha engine 3 Yaka care nor «2 lose rhe saiaadr ldrir guide pm: These are a iighr push in rn lhe vdrlrs end conseduanliy iali oul easily I72!) I! [M OIMV CM withdraw "I. Iodw Cllp Ind dlmllc- rhe Ipvlnp Ill-nu lmmNy— 2 M Nut MIIIINM Front Mammal! Ill-m mighh 2 of! cm [ll-MN!!! Mum m Chan DleW-Zafl I Z J 4 5 Cmmdw S 7 l 9 10 Emma-2M H Dmulmbbll— 12 M 12 Cum eon-Ion mun autumn 1.? Mn 14 NM 15 Wish" I6 Will"! 17 Half 10 Studbolt 15 NW 20 CIrdlD—Zofl mtuuw Crunbhafl unmbly Ml/n billing M- 5 0” 5mm Mm pinion 5mm Idle! gut and: Sun-r chum Fla. 1 .I Ont-W! W 6 7 B 5 Spring—3M "mm—3M 5""!!er loll-1M w noun-Jan I: cum! :2 a-dng 7.? Wbodruflhy ChIptle 1 Eng , clutch end geerhoit 35 is Dismentling the engine/geereoit: removing the eeerter meter idler geer end ltioltetert eeurnblv l hemovel oi these item is not required unless well is euepected or demege hes eccurred, reeulring renewel 2 The alarm! mom! idler gall run! on I pllln shaft which is I push fit in the ceslng The sheh is secured by e eingle boll Remove the tech. withdrew the eheit end “11 out the idler geer Note the o-ring lined to the ennuler groove in the Huh. 3 Disolece ihe 5' clip lrem the inner end oi the lticlteten shell (whale lined) Wilhdiaw [he shall and msullca the kicknurl pinion. Nola {ha washm lhfll lies between the pinion and "10 supuorl luq in (he casmg 4 0n Ialar models Wllh me all pressure iellel valve posrtioned IliSIde lhe crankcase nole lhal (his can now be unmoved lol Inspection Ol lenawal 20 Enmlnfllon Ind innovation: qInIrII l Beloro examining lhs companInl pull cl "1- dllmlnllod unqlne/fiourboll null '01 w ' ll Omnlill lhll lhev Ihould be eleened lhamuthv Uee e oe inn/petrol mill to remove ell trecee ol all end sludge which mey he ccumuleted within the engine 2 Exemlne tne crenltceee c tinge fol melt. or other eigne el dlmn at ll I melt in filmy-ind, il will 'fllulll pm IIIlonII attention or in en IIInmI cese, renewel oi the is. ting, 3 Ell-mine celelully ch pen to determine the extent of wear. II in doubl chuck wllh [he lolollnu fifiu I whcnwlr lhov Ml quoted In lho I'll. Tho following mlionl will indicuu will“ Kw! DI wall cIn bl Iwnclld Ind in m-ny can], thI ecoepteble limits 4 Use cleen, lint-ire. rege lei cleening end drvlng the verioue wmponente otherwiee there in rieil al emell peniclee onetruct- lng the lnternel ollwevs. 2| Exemlnetien Ind vonmllon: DING tseerlnge .______—_ l Big—Ind llllurl ll lnvIIlIbly lMchlld by I pmnounctd knock lmm Ihl ulnllcau Th. knock wlll bacon: prowl“ IV warn, Iceompanlld by vlbvlllon. II [I .mnllll lhIl lho blu- lngl III II lwcd Icon I poulbl lino. [ho oil picture will zl .2. Remove lhe ce'e rune nd IIoIrIlI the connecting rod end up D. manned and dam-90 cull-d lo olhev can: 0' the engine 2 The big—end: heve ehell type beeringe Eitemine the beering eurieoee ener removing the bee ng ceos t is not nac-mrv to remove the shell lithe beenngs ere bedlv eculted a: scored the ehelle will heve to be renewed Always renew oeerings as e complete III. ll [he shall surf-cal Ive "unit/sly scuflud 0' heve 'oiclted—ug' end the lou e on thet oeering ie 'blued‘ er discoloursde it any he en indication ol lubrication ieilure The fimniofling cl ml Iubiicllion lvflom MUST be chackld below engine nInImblv in such e cese :i ll the cend ion oi the buringl epoeers to be eetieiectory. check thet the cl nee between e oh beering end the roornel il within "In Inwmmondcd limit II Ild down in {he IpcciTiCIr tlone er the blainning ol this Chapter The cleerence cen be owned by mounting the intemel dierneter oi the shell inning end the outside dleme r oi the bi9~and lournel end suhirecting the eecond ligure eeteined irom the lust Pllsliulupe‘ clrl IIID be ulod in Ihl lollowing mannei (In! I ehnrt length ol 'Pienigeuge' end use it on the iourhel so thet the prom-riled indexing rune leIllv Bolt up the connecting iod end he g no to the recommended lovqul 0! is A 2i lb vt (250 , 290 ltg cm). Do not rotete the oeering Sep e the two beering helvee end remove end inepect the ’Pleetigeuge‘ Title will lndice e the Imounl ol cleerehce, tending ol the Pleetlgeuge will depend on the type used See menulecturet e inetruetione T‘he clenrenoe me eieo m e e ined by direct meeeulemeht on the thlcltneee M the 'Pleetigeuge, delng e micrometer. 4 When renewing the boltingl, beeiing eeiectlon ehould bl mm by rele ‘no to the Donn-cling rod code, e number etemped on the mechlned elde ol the connecting rod. end the big-and loam-l coda. which lIk lb. him 9' Iclllrl Icrlb'd on till Idllunl mnluhlh waI thv H) {ho Iccnmplnyinq lllullrltlonl lo! tho position 0' In. vIlloul cod. numb.“ on (in cvlnllhlh. The |I Ill Ind Rumba" |hou|d bl crou~ refined m thl lcwmplnylnfi eelectlon chlrl 5 When fitting new beeringe e euie thst they ere no iened mnlcllv Ind lhll lhl longul an "II Ind ol ouch Ihlll locI with the mouse. in the connecting rod or tearing up Also ohecit the ct ch oeeilng to eneure thet nlecuan II eccuret . it in considered good prectlce to renew || oeerlng ehe e when en engine le etrlpged down irrespective oi their oondlllon Shell bolrlnuu I iIlItivIlv innxpentlvt comp-lad with the can at weueuent drententllng te mpllco eeerlnge mu thO flllld plimllumly O 2‘ 1!: TM eonnectlng rad Immhlv Ind Iholll 3 Ohm 1 Engim. clutdl Ind gearbox p I I I I I Fig.1.. M-In baring .na umpml coa- inc-dun- A - U4 mill Diving/mam)! [cow Ill"! CI D N big-0nd BMng/oumll (nod. numb" 2) 5 Con!!! Inlln ”tiny/90ml! (:06. Inn, 5} E — H Wind billing/cu"!!! (lad! numb" I” C — RN main bum/cums! (rod! Int" Cl cnsoManELs CIANKPINQ can! mm (as 3 Sum m cunmm u nch «M an van-block: or | 2 s buwnn unuu Roll the cunuhlh ma manur- ma mnoul 29m. mu. mm m in. mnlro min During )oum ullng . am glugc. u in. moor-w 2999:“ mum ninoin nona- m. "Nio- iimn, in. cranklhlh mull b. a; i Jaooo~ : (mum o (GMEM c innowm run-ma. ov nine—d in mm mm oi - Inociullu 1m lullghlenlng 58 u. 3”" ’“’“ 3- Mn mlnd mn "II runoul in mi in. lclull ru rig men. 2a: 2 330W 0 IWW EMOWNI 91mm 4 min burinn m mun on Mac a by mun-inn lo in. 5;; m“ ""“ cod- numhm min-a on "II an]: m crunklhlh wen. Infl by 89 3 1 £352.,“ ‘ ""°w"’ ' "“c" ‘ ”W" m. min buvlng up codo numb-n 0! lens" which m marked on "II mnmu n.- wdlng on in. cunkclu cm a. round Ilumpvd on in. ou - no at m g rbax mm w .001: , u m. min burinu journal Inn-u mu m. up Inner: or number: wiin "‘09 MODELS fMNK'IN 0 f0“ NW 5:5 m- .cemnunying mm «or cervm boning nI-clion. 22 minimum m4 unmuon: ennui-n Ind min nun Ino- I Exlmln. (h. maln baring mm and aim in. cl uIInq in. pv_ooldun . ducvibld luv big—9nd Marina]. m. Fig, 1.11 lowing mauMM-mmw iomionon g 5 Chuck the mudw o! m. mu burlngl which n mu in 32303;“ 33%;” gig: I“. plug lhl oiiwm in "1. cv-niunm Tray occwonaii‘ym work . _ loo-o. quinn Iubflullun momm- ma lumoqulnl wing 33 ' 333:“ E "mm” ° mm“ c ”mm" hum. A Icon ball can a. unniny mum blck inlo pi-ca, E”? , mo.‘ D mm, c MM,” 5 [mm lkovbomu Mound aym-wnmion oi. locking fluid. 3 E :3 an an m 58; 3 sums» c (BROWN a mum A mum as x mm mm X SWIM-mm mum- . (my .immvmm , I (II-(l7 I!!! In V 502 mm C (Miami I ‘9‘ w I ‘5' mm a n 1::an rllsomilslmm C [ inflow) rim-cum,“ "a 1: rigiuolmwmmmn , I Z i ‘ Y eon-c1 cl. mm- I’ll - shown in In. mcmcuionl m nu- will an m- 2 M um in. mlln baring ma big-end bolting immi- for bulky by inn-wring . a. loumll In uvaul mm: ponuonn. x: LN mlln Nulny hails/n, rim/um wiin . mimmm ii .ny joumll i. worn buyond m. urviu v Cum- mln bearing homing wdolnm Ilmll, (VII cllnhhlh mun DI unwed. H min bur/n, hauling my. [um Chum I Engim. clumh Ind gearbox 37 :Izsa noon: mane IMLDD can! A I 2am. nun mu. macaw-n 2m”... mum Imam ll'hLW) malnm ((-Iowm noun-n cAsnn I now manual clllowm IlIucI com; mum : mu» cunml IllL‘Cl) I lull "015M cuwuunus MAIVHOUI IiUDCDDI. A )snz- m» mu. Macon-n mg“... mum Anmo- minnow nlanml pillow... mm... mm: I mm. anlHNy clIIam IlILAClI cools mm... cnoll- clIIowm llILACIl “nun ”025m numlmmum A (Ila!) Isozmlwem I lll-(ll Illuxnlsozm c lllowIIl usuuusom a llama» Jamal-94M E mum) >I‘Mlult90mm mg. 1.12 mm burl». Mon nu. 2‘1 hIlInu mlqnu lnoomorm IlmplIItlou: mm" 23 Eumlnlflon and nnoutlon: 00an rods 25 Examination Ind make-mm: oIl ulll I I! ll unllknly m-t ollhn! aI Ihn noun-cling man wlll bond during normIl unpo. unlul In unuI II occulvlncc Inch flmpp‘d vlv' h cluIId Ih. OnglM to lock Carolouno W In removlng I llgm guaquun pln can lllo am I my lo I limlllv pvchlnm. I! ll "0! ldvlllbl. lo lluighfln I hon! connlcb lnq m ‘ lwll It ma only I. clory wlullon, 2 Thu OI m. Donn-ulna lod ll unbulhnd and i! wlll b. "mum In mm In. conmctlnu rod ll m undo-on pln mom. I Illcll Ill, Alwlyl cnIcI mu m. all mm m [I'll lmlll-Ond lyI ll no! blank!!! IlnDI lI I’ll oll manly ll Cu! on, lhl :2 r ng mum wlll wIIr wry rIpldly. Z. Enmlnlflofl Ind nnovlllon: banne- W’Iu Ind drhn chill! I Wh n chlcklnfi Ihl blllnc' wllgh! Immbllll l! is boll lo chnck llch u! lndcpcndentlv. to vald Iccidomnl Imorchlnno ol the nomponom 9mm 2 DIIpIICI m. clvcllp Imm lhl b nc. wily!!! can!" be“ Ina lemon :11. um nllIl. Brian rImovlnq m- Iprocm Ina dlmpq! rubber lnunl no" Ill]! "1- mocks! in limod in til-lion la m. bullncu mlghl. Th- Dunch mull on "Ch Ihould b. In IllgnmInl, lo onlurl mu my I70 In mo Donut! mlllivl pom- (Inn. 3 M null ch mm In»: lu wrmponding bIlrlng IlImu-r wllh I mlcmmflu or "mini Divan, Th- wlvncl II"! Im II Iollnwl' 5 Inc! (MI! 00 (In/Ill Ell-n" .Ihll! ID (mu) 77.95 mm (0. 707 in} 15.01 mm (a 710m] 4 DImIge la compuulan at m. 60mm! rubbed will u ohvlnul on lntwcllofll ll nocomrv. m. rumm- would he mnnwod II I Domplllo ul. 5 WMn mun-hung In. bIlInoI mlgm Immmy onluru mu m. Illgnmm mark: I wnumlv pllcod a m blllncl wulgm ddn chllrl up". I in llmol! ldul condlllorll. being lubrlulod with I ocnnm Iupplv a1 lluma all, Ind Ihurufon do" no! novmlllv w." unlil I conlldorlbla run. I. fill nun com-a, ll aImIgI m m ch llnII 0v mum ovlaem, or II play lrl m. chum lI uuum, l! mul! be uncwld. l An oil "ll |I (man In In. qunl-mnn and a! ma chnkIhIk mm In mm“ oil Irom Inmlng mo comm m 1. mm lI no In all Inl Iinud mum me outbox mm mm Ipvocknl. II llIhII' uIl iI dunno-a m nu Ihown I lcndlncv Io lllk i! mull ls. nmwad 2 Oil II [Ind m «II- In INIcIlen II mo human wilh IgI. I! II omicull Io gln luv firm “commundlllonl In mi. rug-ct uunl In In Ih-I ll mm lI lnv mum Ibaul m- concl- lion at I uIl. mm at II I proclmiml 2' Ellmlnfl‘on Ind mention: cyIlndO! block I Th. uwul lndlullon OI badly wom cvllndor Dov Ind pillar! txuniw smoking (mm m. 'lhlul‘l hlah crunkuu compression Mich can”! all hlkl. Ind pllton lllp, I mull": mu. "1-! occuu who" marl ll Null or no land on "II lnglnl. II Inc lop aI nu cvllndfl nor. lI Iumlnoa lawfully, l! will] b. found mu! lhlrI ll I "do. I! Ihc lmn! 0nd blck Iha dlpm oI whldu wlll lndlcfln m. moun! (II will whlch I'll! Ilkln pllce, Thin M90 mlrkl IM ml! of trawl 0' "I. log pillon rlnq Z Sine. IhflI it I diI'IrInOI in cvlindw ml! l" am on! divan‘uml. Ild‘ m Ila. Ind buck !o from Mlltunmlnll Ihould b! mldo TIM mclwlomonu a! mu. dlmrln! palm: down m. lung"! 01 In. wllnau boll. Inning it"! below me lo!) DlIIan ring ridge, man mom 2; inch below «he luv M m bola Ind m. III! mummmcn! lbou! I inch "am we borlom OI Il’ll cylindu Dori. ROI" !u the Speculum)!!! l0! cylinder Ipcciflcuionl. ll any 0! IM cylindcr ban lnlid- dllmttlr munoulemunu ”cud the servin- llml! lhl wllfldu! mun DI bond on! Io like m. n." lit. 0! piuon. II mile ll flifllmnu 01 man III." 000‘ lrl bemoan lnv mo mummnn m. cyllndlr mama. in any CIII. bl ”bond 3 Ovurllzo gluon: Iro Iv Ilhln In four Ill [0.010 in)‘ ¢ 0.50 mm (0.020 m), I 0.75 mm I 0 mm (0 0‘0 lnl, 4 Chock "III the lufllm ol the qllndm boll ll Ir.- Irom Icon mm a slim damage that may have mulled Irnm In I rflu Ingln. Him or IllecId gudwofl pln. A who" wlll bl "oust-7v “7 lemon lnv deep INNI‘ iwcspeclivu DI m- Imnunl 01 born wur mu nu nlun place. olhnrwlu l Dom- D'luion loll! will occur 5 Malta tur- IM llIIrflll coollnu fins M "I. cvlindl! mock Ire no! clam wilh all or told dlr! whlch wlll pmln! [III In. Ilnw a! II! Ind mu. m swim lo mama-l. o 0.25 mm .030 in) and o 3. Chm 1 Englm. clutch and outbox 27 Enmlludou Ind mum: plum- m: m m. I Amman l0 Ill. Dino!“ Ind Dillon rinm can bl ”flunk-d If I born in Warm tine. MW component: will bl W4 2 ll I rlbor. II no! nmry, cumin. Ouch ping“ “will ROI-0:1 plflonl in“ In mid M bldly dimloumd II [M rowlt ul lfiuufl fll-I larva-sing Ila tiny. Rum. m. Ditto" final by pumlnu nu my: loan with ma Iimmbo mun 9mm lining [M rlng mm m groan. Gm! can In men-my I uhk uumlon Man“ an fin“ In brink IM will bulk It’lly, ll onmnlfld‘ u «no any. m gummd In m groom, mm mop- o1 Iln an M um m on. mam nu. n shown in m Accompanying iilumlion. 3 Romow .u when from m. gluon crown. uninu a blur" lain", Mid! will not dlml’ m mm of flu Dillon. Chln lw-y urban doped“ mm In v-M autumn and finish on with mltll Milli! In ml! I womb, Ihlninfl lufllu ll Ichiwod. Clrbon will not Idlinri I0 rlldlv to I pollfhid luff-OI. 4 Small high Ipob on m. back no hon! mu M m pitlon Cl" bl clmlullv Ullld MCI: with I “no lwill fill, Dipping 1h- flln in mllhvlllod Ipirll 01 naming in lam with chllk will .mvm m. m. clowlng m1 mmuauy waving ma non. Only nll Ihould b1 nmawu Ind Amy wlm m. come! loin-nun. Nun! uu Oml’V 9'0" 0' chill in chin [M plflofl Illlrl: [M lino ”dick! 0' lmory lrl lnclinod m nmbod [Mmuivu in III! loft aluminium Ind manqutnlly lDDIlO'III tho III. of “Ir borw n born Ind nlflon 5 MI mm m. mudd- di 0' 0' [M pinion lbaul 0,1 in up from m. lllifl ll rluhl lnpl I to IM Ii”. 0' lb. 911de pin. Ii ihl mum-mm il unfl'r KM urvlu ilmll 1M Dillon lhmllfl bi r-nowodv 3 Chuck mu m- wdwon pin bolus m not worn o: the clmllp grown dun-gun. chock mu m. pillon ring groov- um Inll'flofl. Sid- Mll Ihouid not ucaod "I. «commented lmuunl. 7 Mann ring wnv can b. mnlund by tanning m. rlnq: in m. her. lmm lhl lop Ind pulhlnfl til-m down with Ih. blu 01 m. plnon Io mu may III Imu- with m- borv and done to m bonom of [M born whirl m. cylindlv won! il l Flue. I hill! gluo- DIM-In in. ring lndl ll IN C no. "cud: Ill. “Nico llmll IM vino uhould bl rlmwod‘ 8 Chick "1.! (MI! ll no build up oi urban Illhlv in [M ring arocvu of m. inn" lurlleol 0' [M rlnal. Any carbon dooollll mould bl car-lully Ialptd lwlv. A man lung!!! 0' old Dino" ring llmd with I hlndl' Ind “upon-d ll an. one! lo I c palm ll I tor Icrlplng Dul onmmod plum ring grown. 9 All plllonl luv. "I'll fill! lumped on m. Dillon crown, origin-I pinion! Ming lllmpid 3|le iSTDl OM Mull. nlltcnl lllvlnp "I. "noun! 0' Midi. {mint-d, 27.3 Clo-00d pluton- Itauld m I Ml! Ihlnlnu owl-DI Thin mini IMF / I Fly. 1.1‘ PM lummld linfil Flu. LI: Pmmmmlm Mu Cumin-ring roduumNy — 2 all Dlgvnd awn, 3M! — 4 on Clrdlp — 4 on Y PInonItngnr—Iafi 2 Pinon—2M J Gumnpln—Zofi 4 Bolt—lull 5 ”III—‘0” 6 7 9 cum 1 Englne, clutch Ind geerbox I .—_—#—— 28 EIImln-tlon Ind Innovation: cylinder heed Ind velvet _—_——- I ll iI bell lo remove III clmon deIlu from (he combur lion dumber! belnre removing the vIlveI fur lnIgeclion Ind gvlndin -ln. UII I blunl end chisel of Imper Io (fill me Im- laces Ire nol demlged. FlnlIh o" with I maul Dolllh to Ichieve I Imoolll. Illinlng Iurleoe. ll I mlmn finllh is reunited, I nigh lpeed lell meg Ind polllhing lug mlv be uled. A chuck Illlched lo I flexlblI drive wlll llci I [he pollIhlng accretion. 2 A vIlve upnng mmmulon ml mun be uud to campus: uuun III of vulvu lorlngI ln mm. thereby ullowlng lnu splil callelI to be removed from the VIle up Ind In. vIle wrings Ind cane Io be mm. K- n Ilnh MK 01 pun upume Ind Inert each VIIVI lo "I” ll sen be «pl-cad in [he collect mmbulliofl number. TllerI II no danger of InIdverIInllv replIclng In inlel vnlve in In Ithull pallilon, av vloewom. I! the vIIve heIdI Ire 0' dl" Inl II! The normII method of mIrlling VIN-I lo! IIler ldInlIflrAtion II by an". nunchlng [Mm on vIlvo hIId, TnlI method lI no! "commanded on vIlvu, or Inv olnel highly IlmIIed oomponeme, II ll will pmduce high mess mime end "my IIId Io eIrlv lllluie l'lI—on lIbelI vIblv inr cllbed. I ldenl lo! the cum 3 More giving in. vIlve Ind vulvu uuu lunnui Inennonl check the clelflnu belw n eIcn vulva elem Ind the guide in whlch ll olelteI M Ilure Illa the Vllve Hem diemelerl M nun mu vulvu m nnu palm 0' gm u wear and men mu mu uguln ul rlgm- u to lhu flm mu uremenl. ll mu valve Ilem il below the IINlce llmlt. ll mull be renewed, The vulw ulom/guldu cl vuneo can bu muuuwm wins "in use 0! a dial g g. Ind u w vIIvI. P De mu new vIlve lnlo mu guide end menwm lne Imounl ol IhIkI will! file dlIl quge lip venlng IgIlnIl mu lop 0' in um, ll mu umaum 0! Wu: iu r lhun lhu wuuv Ilmln "I. gum muul bu vIaned. o rImo In old VIIVI gulde, plIoI the cvlindel heed in In oven and hell ll lo Ibo”! ‘SO‘C. The old guide can now be (lubed on! from the cvllndel Ilde The come! 6er should be Ihouldlved wllh me "Full" dlImele! [he lame Iile II [he VIlve Ilem Ind [he IIlgeI dlImI Illghllv Imellel [hen the OD ol the vIlve gulde ll I lulIIble drlfl i: no! IvIlllblI I pleln bull drifi me be ullllIId wlll’l gIIIl cum. DO NOT uuu u blowlovch or othol lonellled ln'm cl heIl mun:- lo hull Ihe cylinder held pile! lo vIle guide remav Hearing in [NI wly mIV cIule Insoluble dImIge due to werping. EIC'I Inlet Ive guide is (med wlm un Ovvlng 'o InIure puma mling The O~ringl mun be renewed wilh new oomponInlI The elthIl VIM guides IlI fined wllh I clwlip which IclI II I poelllve Ilop in petitionr lng mu gulau In in. namingm clmllpu Inould be renewed ll mu IIme um. mu gulauu, Nuw vulva quid-a Would be lined I! the lime hell II In! remavIL 23 I Note [he Ipilng III! fined below all leIl 5 Vulvu grinding is u simple Ink. Commence by umuuving u mm in fine vulva grinding compound (urbomndum pun.) on (he vIle Met Ind IPDlY I suction loo! m (he held at the velve. Oil [he VIIVI Hem Ind inn-n (he velve in [he guide so the! [he lwo Ind-eel lo be wound in nuke Conllcl with one Inulhev Wflh I ”mum-w Mlion, grind in In. velve heed lo the Mel, using I backward Ind lerw rd Ictlon, L"! "In vIIve 00c lenlllv Io "all the an ng compound II diflnbmed evenly. RIpeIl [he Ippliulion umil un unbroken ring at lighl gray mun fl is ob! ned on hem vIle Ind IeII. T'hil denolel the grinding ow ion iI now complete. Before peIIlng In the next vIle‘ mIke sure InIl Ill luau ol the vIlve grinding compound nIVI been remand from bell! the VIlVl Ind l" "I! Ind ““1 none n nleved (he vIlve guide. ll mu precaution ll no! observed, no wear will IIkI pleee due la [be highly Ibruive nllule ol the urhnmndum pell- 8 When deep pin nmunllve , il will be nocuury in me u vIlve rulucing mucnlnu and u vulva IeII cuner. m 10 un unglu 0145', Never used Io exlxl VI grinding beau" mi: will only packul mu vulvou in the n Ind lend to uducua englne efficiency. II more i! Iny doubl eboul [he condition II I valve, lil I new one. 7 ExIrnine [he condilion of {he vIlve colleu end the groove on mu vulva III!“ in which they mm H mum in ny sign ol dImIgI‘ new puns would be lined. Check lhul lhI ulvo upn‘ng oollIl iI no! CIIDIId. ll me DolleII walk loose or [he collIl Ipllll whiln mu engine u mnning. u vIlve could dmp lnm lnu cvllndev Ind uuu Ix u ve dun-9e 8 Checll the hue length 01 Ilch 01 [he vIlve Ipringl The wingl have ruched (hell quoIIble limil thn [hey VI oompvunod in nu llmll reIdingI given in mu SpecilchIlonI union 01 mil Diem-I 9 fleeuumble [he vulvu Ind v-lvl Iorlngl by nvmlng mu dlImInlllng procedure Fix new oil ”all In IIch vllve guide nd oil bath mu vulvu mm and mu vulvu guide. prlol lo reIIIombly TIkI Ioeciel e lo IanI (he VIIVI gulde oil IIII iu nol dImIged when in. vIlve .- nuned The Iorlngu u ol vuriublu pllch. EIch mun be finud wiln lnu clolel ooIII nuumul me valve guide A! I linel check one! numbly give me end 01 such vIle Item I "all! up wllh I hlmmev, Io MIkI lure the up“: wllm the Icelled wnuclly lo cnuck in. wllndev hold for unu-gmnm, eIpeciIlly ll ll nu. IMWH e tendency lo IIIk ail II [he cvllnde! held iolnl. If more lI any uvieuneu of warn-on, moulded ll iu ml loo gun, lhu cylinder Med must be Illher rnIcn Id ll 07 I new he 6 "ma Mon cuuuu M cylinder nuua wlrpage cun be "Iced lo unequal lamina-Ag of mu cvllndev hue bollu by lignlening lhlm ln moon-C1 mu-ncu. 2!.9h Lubflcell We vlle Item before lnlIfllofl 28.91: Spllngl mull b. "Hod with all". DOIII downwlrdl “ 29 Eumlnldnn Ind renew-don: mall" mud“. Ind you“! um I Th. rock-l can-ion lomlhu wllh lhlll valued components would bi can! Ind l [we Iona! dltrnentled eeper ly. te preyent the lccldonlnl munch-nae ol componlnu. The vlfloul purl: 01 such assembly would b. kapl In matched Iub~luembll '0! "1| umo much 2 meal-co each rocker pin :0 tlut the rocker emu end the end lloet eontrel eprinoe cen be removed Tllt- are that uch lp|ndlc uml lelh In origin-l vocll-t I'm. 3 Chick lhl mclllr unll luv undue well an their spindle: and renew my thel ehow use ' play Elle ne uch rocker erm where it bee on "I! aim end the ediue r end when bleti en "II VIM alum hold. Arm! Ihll Ila bldlv hlmmoled or wom ehould be renewed. Slight weer merke they be stoned nul with e urbomndum oil “on .bul rum-"1b.! Ihll l4 loo much mall! I: "moved II wlll no! only w- bn "in Componlm but may "Ilka comet edluelment of the "pool glp lmpoulble. *—— 30 Elimination Ind runner-don: umlhlh. (amok-9| boll- Infill dflw chlln Ind million" l The lam-hell ehduld be exemined yleuelly lor weer which wlll prob-DIV b. MI! "Id-n! on [M Ilmpl a! such cam Ind when the cum contour ctr-non lhlrply Aim check the beering lur'lotu '0' obvioul mar Ind mrlng. Cam lift can be checkld by Inc-wring [h- hllflll o! ‘M clm "on! ma bottom 0' lhl bl“ cltcle to the top ol the lobe ll the menumnent in loss lhln the urylee limit the opening el lhll pe nulur yelye will be reduced mulling In poor perfmmlnm. M. sun "I. diameter of Ilch beenna leurnel with e rnladm er er yernier gouge, it the fill!“ 07 II In" than [M urvlol Ilmit, renew th- camlhoh 2 Th. Clmlhlh bcl diucllv on [M cyllndor held In llial end thet at the rocker clrflon, the being no uperere bee no: check the beerlng eurteeet for Wu end eeorino The cleerence betw n the cernehelt beerlnoioumele end the bearing eurleoee my be chucked uIIng Plenleeuee lpreu gauge) me el in the Ilm. mlnn. ll dammed lot crlnklhlfl be. nu chit-rice in Slclllm 22,3 0' ml: Ch plan If the c lrlnc. II wallet lhln olvln '0! [he 13M“ Ilmil, (M Immmondud comm i: la vanew lhl clmlhlh 'bud lcumng II lvld'm on lh. catfish-9! billing turf-DI! 0' [ha cylind-r hlld Ind uni." du lo I lubrication fllluro. Ih. only mmndy I! to rim "II cylinder held rocker Cullen, Ind Ihl camshaft i ll tnnsp lhnl ll hl: been demeqed eleo. use Compnu eprlnqe to Illow oeller reinerellerlen 3 Check the clmlhah drive chern lnr weer and demepe to the elde pletes end pi e. No eervrce date in everleble ler this chern. but In common wllh the belence weight chem. wolklng condlr tiont ere rdeel end lherelore e low weer rate my be expected It would‘ however be noted that the breekege ol eny chem within the engine will not only neeeeelrete complete angina drsmlnl ling ler renewel bu! my cause extenelye engine dummy: 4 Check the urn ohern teneroner nlede end the guide blade lor weer end lnr peperetron oi the rubber lrorn the backing place No mediation. ere Ierd down tor eeeepteble blede weer. bill it re moon-ted thet the componenu ere renewed ll weer hn| reduped the rhicknees al mbbat re more then 50% It the rubber hee begun to eeperete lrorn the elede, the com ponenr should be mmw-d n: e rnerrer dl course. 31 Euminlllon Ind nnovfllou: umlhlh drivu chlin lunch“ i The upper cemehelt chltn torocket ls bolted to the cemehelt end In coneequehce re eeeily renewable rt the teeth become hooked. worn, chipped 0! broken The lower sprocIlul re mum-l with the crenkshett end it eny ol these detects ere eyrdent the complete erenke ell umely mull be renewed Fonunllalve l e dreetle eeeree ol eclron re rerely necessary |inca the purl: eonurnao ere 'ully enclosed and well lubricated workan under .deel condiment 2 it the wreckele ere renewed. the chein Ihould be renewed er the name time lr rt bed prenree In run old end new pens together since the re el weer he eccelereted :2 EumIn-fion end renew-now nun-v motor clutch and delta pinion l Th ner meter clutch. e one-wey clulch working en the roller end "mp principle end ie fitted to the left-hend end at the crank-halt. In the normal course ol events, is unlikely thet the clutch will melfunction. 2 To chick whalhll [ho clutch iI lunclioninu cutmclly. grasp ma cranIuhIft Ind rotate (h. sprocket, When vol-led i an arm :Iockwila dimnion, I: viewed irom Ihl sprocket sl 9, the clutch Ihould lock tmm-dietely, ellowing power to he tren ed lmm the wrucltet to the crenkehelt When rotated clock In. the spmckol Ihould be hue to run smoolhlv II the movement is unutlelectory, withdrew the eprocket from the clutch and pull it ofl the crlnkshafl, Th. tprocknl boll should be smooth only scoring lndrcetee that the roller: ere similarly marked end Inquire lunher Insnucllon cum 1 Engim. amen Ind g-rbol ‘1 3 To gain accou lo the rallors. springs and plunge”, removal cl lhl dulch body from [he :llnluhull ll nuuimdl The clulch body I. ruIinlld by (hm WChl IUIWI of I p- ulu won lhIl require I local-Hy shlpcd nockol ktv for the?! nmovul. Dul o "I. unulull Imw farm, (III Avllllhilllv M [M lock“ ll ramlcnd Ind [Mr-loin ll ll lmmmundod um I Hond- Slrvlcn Man! he lam-ch06 In any out mmovIl Ind Italic.» mum. 4 All" rlmovlng lhl lcrlwll pull in. clinch bofly all [M cunklhall. Dllpllol IM roll-r1, lpllngl and plurIqIII. ll [hon II Iny obviouI onr at dlmagl to than compo-unis. rIDlICI MIMI Ihculd b. Mud. 33 Eumlnlflnn and mull-flan: clinch numblv 1 Alloy In CIfllnflld Billed of 1. Bl I'll clulch ll ml! and ammo?! clutch Illa. MI luv. "I. width 91 [Ian plum Ind melrl [M "lull! wllh m. Iolcl'icl WM glvln. Nol. lhIl lho flm Marion pIIlI lo be umavaa audna dlummb II": ("it oulovmoll plum) ll Ilifl'llly [hick-v lhln “ll rim. ndn' til "I. plllul. Thll pllto Ihould bl marlin! Iwmpril , Io avoid mnlullonl when m. oval-ll wldlh rill: II "In llmll. ml lnnfled plllnl mun b! "nmdl pnllvlblv II I Oomph" m. 2 Thu pllln plllol Ibould no! WW lrlv “can Mll’lnu lbluolng). Chuck in. Mung. of can pllin plu- utlng plu- gl... 0' I turn:- pl nd . In i ”up. Tn. nuximum allow» lblB wmul ll 0.20 mm (0.008 In). 3 TM plIIn backlnn uln- ll mud to in. clinch “H"! i- mlllrlod by I dauhll lplvll clvcllp. Fluid blhlrld KM pl“. I can lpllng whlch lcll lhock IhIorvav To In! [M pl I .pilng .nu .prlng ml in. cllcllp mm b- pvllad lmin po loflv Sun ll lliI cum and of "I. cllp dlwlIclm ll 9mm lllI groov- ullni I IMIII Icruwdrlnr. Ind wurll round I'll clutch clmrl «Hill in. clip I. clur m in. arm, sullm nmovlng in... iluin. email in. g.p bulwnn in. pIIln bulilng pl. rid in. clinch clnln fllngl. For “I. Ihock Imbfl Io lunclion omcllnllv Ihon mun b. I glpollll In 0.10 mm low In). 4 Chock th- in I in! cl Ian clulcn .pring wml . wmlu filufll. Ami com III. u... in. win... will i. pmn ul, incl-by uduclng in. pmuln 199"“ no in. nlulch pl. ThI coma in minimal- .n giwn ln ln- Spocmullom umlon pl lhlI C pm 5 Eumlnn lhl clulah lI-mblv lo! burn at lndnnlnkm on [M can» all ills pmlmdlng loflguu of ma Inurlod nluu Ind/cl Ilotl mm In 0!! “wt 01 "It on"! drum wllh whleh [My mum. SlmlIIv wear an occur bomun thI Inn-l lml‘” cl ll" pllln dutch pll Ind "1. lie" lrl "ll child! lrle drum. Wllv 01ml: nllun will emu clinch drug Ind llow fllunqagc- CLUTCH CENTRE D PR ISC S ING SET RING SPRING SEAT Flgl |.1I chum-mm» mni duling pm chum“. sing. in. pl. . will income [ripped Ind will nol om lullv when lilo clinch is wilhdrlwn. A small .mpunl oi we" am he panama by aiming wiln a an. lila: moi. nun-iv. we" will nmnium renewal 0! [M worn pm. s Th. cluldl rule-Ia mach-mun anIch In in. plimlry dlive pom dou not nmnllly rlquila lncnlion inc-us. ii i. well lubrlcllud. In a... mum in. p." baring mlv may duo ID in. "Hull impom during clulcn opmlion. Til. During is I Dulh m in [M mum pm. me i. .uily unloved ioi rlnaw . :4 Eumlmdon Ina runov-Ilmi: ”Inboa- pomponpnu —_'—— I Ennlln. Ian ol lllI an: pinion. lo omur. um um. In no alippua a mun lulh lnfll l lb! cool on m nd ol ln. pinion. Iv. nol rounded. GIIV pinion. wiln Iny of in... a flu: mull b. ran-won: moi no "till-flow muhod ul incl ming mom. 1 The game. Ito-final mun be m. lrum play Ind show no sign. of muslin-u thn may ." minim. Ami thorough wull'mg in novel, [M bclringl should in Dllminld lpi mugllnu. Ind allyv AlIo chuck luv pining on ma roll-i inch. 3 Il would not be nae-um in aim-nu. lhl 9"! clumi uni-II 6.me nu occumd in lny M in. ninionl oi l llull nu bIeom' lpolrlfll in In. gum: IllIli. 4 Th- .ceompanyinq Illlmmlonn mow haw lil- clumn m In.ng.d on "lair Ill-kl ii i. impmilw mu In. I: cluxim, including lilo mun wan-r. Ina Cl'CllDI. m lmmblld In sncnv in. 00mm name. olhcrwln oonmnl 9w niec— lion pmblnnln will Ill 5 In W01 lo .llmln. in. ii ll cl inmmcl mlmmhly m . I laugh slum II in. plnion. m mnov-u. Alw Iinp I d "Mild II .oon I. polllbll. la nduco lnv conlunlon which lMlv condition Should I mum-bl. .mounl 01 work i. liming la «in mm In rlnnw ll. 7 cup. in. am ul mi rod. lo: Il ignlnm by iolllng mm on . .nm 01 pi. pl... I blnl ion wlll cluu ailncully in aiming purl Ind wlll "ill. in. w, clung. plnlcullrly m-wv a The ulmm lam would b. cumlnnd clnwlv in mm. inn my m nol bvm oi bldlv worn. in :2 .mm m- micn mpg. wiln m. uni chlnnlll III .uliy "niwlbll ii in" Ir. worn Unmi nomul clicumnmm. in. put . mm in II nlllulv lo mu qulckly. unlm in. mm. nil i.v.i n . hnn along in moo-n. low. 5 Thu mail. in ln. ulmol mum, wlln Mllch ln. ullctor lodu up.“ mould nol mow Inv undul .lgll pi wur uni... noglacl n Ind lo undIr-mbrlclllon M in. purpox. Chuck in. union 0! in. gum-n9. pawl. much-n9. lrm Ind min “099.! Inn winfll. w..lln.u in in. wing. will .a lo Imnnciu guy "Ionian, cmell in. eondlliml 0! ln. pm “099'! mm mm Ind ln. pin. in in. crimp. dlum .na mm which ii my... ll i. unlllulv in" my will uk. place hm .mp1 Illa contidlrlblc mil-19'. ’i— as Eumlnnlon Ind runnvnion: Helm-n comm-nu - CIZBON Ind C3400 N only __’_’_——— I am... in. Helm-fl .mmhiy mull p. dim-.nlioa com» pleioly n In lmel pan 0! uval from "I. casing. rm lunlm dimmlllng It Muir“ lot inwlon. 2 ll fllwlng Ml 0mm, check If“ klcluflrl whul and India! Dim luv will. Dlmlw will bi ufl-Cvidtnll lntplcl Illa [M prl at mam pm:- Ind [M mp am. for Indiuilom cl lmminonl lliluvl, m kiclulnrl ltlum W'Ing thould b. minim clo-ly lor .iqn. all go. oi alarm-hing, ll mid b. mild lhll rlnnwll of (III klckfllrl wing cl" b. mldl Wl‘ml “naming "I. cunts-II. chap!- 1 Englm. chm Ind gum: Fl" I J. Garbo: comm 1 ’4th '0 MllnM 6m ”pinion I! 009006 Milli wuhu 2 Lunch Y 1 and' 5m pill pinion 20 ”um quI — 2 all 3 LnlM Ill'cupinlon 12 MIIIIM Smpulpln/nn 21 Clrdlp —J M 4 Blah I .7 [HM 5m M pinion 22 tuning pin 5 MIMM 2nd pulpinlon ll Fhll m wt"! 23 Soil During G Mllnlhlfi Jld Md ‘Ih pulpinlon 15 Plan 24 fluid]! mill! Marina - 2 all 7 Liv-M 1M 9" pin/on '5 Leaving pin 26 Oil uni l LIYIM 4M nu! plnlvn 17 Thrall wulm — J M 25 all 110/ 9 SD’IIIOdMM 10 "'11:!le 27 Bothufi so hunk-mm mm mm: prim-w am- can I Eumlm lhl prlmlfv drivn plnkml lav mlpmd, broken or mm mm. Thin w o! dlmlol cannot In mam: m. oom- pen-m mun b. rInlmd. TM plnlon‘ meow III unllluly lo boeoml dun-gm mm a may «win. compomm Imam" mppcd human m. Inm. Th- mlmlry adv-n our In rIv-Iod Io In. ciuIch nut-r am Thu. two lumn In no! IuwlI-d uncut-Iv u "pine-mom; If an. 1-"- [hi cum mun b. "now-d n my um. um. 31 Emma m-unbly: mil I Balm- rlllumbly m m. mam/Wm. mm in com- monood. KM v-vloul camper-um pun would be dun-d IMmughlv and plum on I INC! 0' clun Dip", clou In "no wovkln In. 2 Mllu Wl‘ I" “In" of old nub hnv- bun rimmed Ind mu lh' mnlng when m clnn ma Inna-manta. on. M mu but my: lo rlmavl ald gum comm I. lo lwly - rln who In mcthyl-M :9HK. Thin lcll II I wlwm Ind wlll Inlun lhll "I: cum": II rumovnd whhoul rum Io unplug and In. con- uqmm rm 94 amp. 3 Glflllv [Wilbur l "I. mutiny loch Ind hm IVIIIINI In oil an Hlltd wilh a In Inglfl: all. MIR. Inn III now gnk-u Ind Ml IOIII In In hind. llv: Ill r'pluccmunl DIR! Muir-d. Nomlng II mun hum-"nu nun hlving to mg In It». middlu cl I rnmmbrv uoutnco Doe-un- o vllll gut-I or «mum-m bl." ”nook-GI I MI I"- "Ill [M nllllmblv In. ll than and lhl! "’0'! I. m . wklng mm. mm to nu lwul ma Clo-runs. Ilnlngl Mir-WI lhcy In glvlh. Mlnv of m. mull" boh- urn Illllv Ihnnd l1 ”Might-Md. vaI In. lb. eon-c1 dz. mwdflvl' b“ hi I?“ cmlfll'ld luv-WI Ind now-r an winiry Icr-wdrlvlr Bf punch. If m Ix ulna mm m “loane- 0' mill m In (In pm. It I: «MI-bk lo ran-w Iran I- l mm m. JO Englm mmmflv: mining the mama Immbly mam hal mmlgm I Plano I’l- uwfl crlnkclu hl" Io Ihll II III“ Iacufflv. upl‘d. down. unwound on Mocks u wen u mlgm III-I when I‘m-d. [M um chain Ion-loner blldl will no! fnul Ihl worth-mm. 2 MIMI I'll drhn chlln whh [ho from b In cu w ' wilh IM unlock-t Iawudl 1M prlmuv drlvl IIdI I71 lh Inn-II lhn 1:.va In [In (using Lubviull lhl blllnc. thlh Inn was ll inlo pomion in m- cuing m um um Idlullll Ian-dram ohnpuod hol' fin mm m: udlumv mm. mm tho 9qu «mod and lnnirmon. Ina. m- Ian-Iona Ipdng omo mg III II Io um nu ouur mum and inc-9" m! m. cuInq qu, Tnnlinn [ho “wing in an Inli»clockwiu dlrlcllon, until [he innu Ind an bu Ilid into [M lion-d :hlfl Ind. Th. ‘91an thould b. tension“ Ihmugh nboul f at 1 mm, m: nun mmd um um laying dlu. ll, lo! Iom "non. [ha ldluflor pinco WII removed mam [ho shah. lhl lmmblv rmm DI mud in l plrllcullr “will". lnfllll thl In!" In "ll uling w "HI "I. punch milk on m- mmldod and il In ml ‘0 o'clock Dolmen Fil m. luring and "I." mllII III. In." clockwiu - ll Inn "am [he lhvudod find ~ unlll [M punch mark I: In m. 6 o'clock million. Hold lhl sink in min poniIion. Inlirm m- Iprlnq unnim ma III m. .diulll' Flinn m thl Iplirlld lhlh Ind w (hi! the ldjullnl nud Ilu ocmvllly In In. Iongma FII ma "gm-n m. Ialllninq nuL 5mm mu some by m at mo :19 cup, 3 Lubriclll with lngln' all [h- mlm belting Ihllll. lflar Insuring mu IMV urn con-aw In pluc-I FII mu “mm-n drm chlin an“: "I. wlnluhlfl lunch". Thu Don-:1 lproclle! is the Imllhr 01 [bl Me. I! (ha “In" clulch dvivln plnian wll umondv ll mun b. M'iflld ll [MI "-9-. With "1! crinklhlh Mk1 It“ rout. "I! u r uininn in I cloc wiu dilution Io mu (M ninlon hon mum IhI clutch body unilv Ind don not flltDlIeI ml mil"! I PIN:- I MW oil ”II on "I! IIfl-hlnd cllnklhafl and wilh In. laying lid. flcing Inw-nn Th. mum-II can now be bmrld In") phol. making eon-in I'm lho cam chlln lllll in": the lunntl Mwlm [h- lwu c nkuu "mums. and Ihll lhll nil "I! lit! in Ill arm in tho cvlnkuu. cnapm 1 Engino. Clutch and gaaibox ‘3 33‘ I Lubricllo Ind chuck millionlng 0' mlln balling Ihllll 38 3|: In I" m. mm! blllneo I I91 Ind chain 33 Enum- md‘lnllm iaaaaainhly- lighting in. gm ulacioi 7'1 i Luoiiuia ma gelmhlnpa diam baannga and ma ilia drum inio Damian in iha caaing Fashion ma single ioiwnid a!!! ulacioi link so lliai ina guida pm angagaa wiin in. caniial luck In ina cnanga dium Slide iiia seluclol iod inlo poslllon In [acute in. link Fil ina mo ran seloclov lailis in n similai mannmi IO Engln- volmmblv: mphclng ma gamox componania i ll mo qaaisliali aaaamollaa wala dismanilad loi lnspecllon oi unavaiion may mnai now be asumnlad aa complaia nniis baloia lining mm ma ca 9 wrian raassembling aiiliai snail ialai in ilia appropiiaia lina diawi 9 io ensure inai all oinicns cii ipa and waahaia aia ialmad in lucfly ilia coiiaci didai Fa in: lo do inia will iasuli in :onlinuous gall salacnon problems thn lining ina bush upon whlch lhe mainsnaii em gaai oinidn ioiaiaa, cnacli iliai ilia nola in in: bush aligns wiin 38.312 Rm- angaga vollurl as 3d Sacura ili luring wiin [hi wing clip iha hula dullad in ma shall 2 lnaiall ilia OII laad jai in m. oiinca ol mo mainaliali naadla idllai naming mining in ma cranks-u lowai nail Slmllally, lii lhl layman naaala ioilai boarmg locaiing pin 3 lnaiall ilia wmplaiad mainaliaii in ma caaing ao inai ma dowalial loclle win. "I! dealings and ma calacioi loni anuagaa wiin ma seloclol dog channel Fii ina complalod llvshafl in iha sama way To ascanaln wiiailiai iha nominal have locaiad cormcllv wilh inaii dowels, cliacli inai ina le small sciibod mail. on ma hoe oi ma ouiai iacaa aia in lina wiili ina casing mlllng surfnw “—— 41 Eng!" mnnmblv: vuphdnn in. can. chlin guida. and in. m nlmiina auppon caaing ——_—— l Slida ina cam cnain iansionai blade inio poslllan in ma casing an we pmwclmui ai ilia ldwai and locaia In in: iacassas in me casmg Ensuia inai ina nowad laca is Downing lowflld! the ham oi lha angina POSIIIDn ina balance cnain guida and some II by means ol me single ooli Check mm the oil laad .ai oiilices are noi blocked and incn inaiali ma iai in (he casing ‘4 Chapur 1 Engine. clutch and gearbox 2 Tu anaure ihai engine balance is marni 'ned lha bllancc weigh“ must be iimed In Ialnlion [a me crankshah This is done by aligning given maria on ma Mn walghls and ma clankshah wirh various mating mince- nl ine crankcase hall Home ihe cunkmafl so lhll "1| ‘8 mark on (he exlrema lair-hand crank ahan web la aligned with me maxing lace bl rhe crankcase nall Inward! lhl lalr M the casing Mesh 1h! Iall balance walgm with ma dliw chain and lame ma aasambly so "‘5! ma ‘Tc mark on iha ironr ballnoa weight ir in line wnn ma casing meiing auriace and the TH' mark on rhe rear balance weignr .s roughly in parallel wiin ine mailng aunaca The cenrre lun oi lha chain will now be mashed wllh me dee splockll all ma clankc ahan. Final llrnlng aeiuavnani can lake place only aher lne suppon caning has been filled and ma rear balance welghi lacuud en in man a lnslnll the mom bearing mall: in (he auppen casirng ana chack that me six noilew now-la are in place Position iha balance chain guide block In approximaialy lne curraai poairion in relaiiun m the chain Lubrieaie me main bearing lournais arm analla wixh clean engine oil and lhen lewer lha suppofl casing inlo positinn 4 Liir nu ma raar balance waighi and slide ihe balance shall inm peamon so inar lhe weighi IS ramporanly secured The 39. ‘l: Penman mu VIII fork- lnd locale wllh rod balance Weight: shoulc new be checked lbr hmlng by ralamng lo iha ocmmpanvlng Illustrmlnn, ll my rear balancar l5 incorreaily posirionaa wirhdraw ina ahan and mbva rne spreckei iha required number nl raeih on iha chain Kalil ina shah and recheck rhe liming 5 lnarall ma six suppen caning main securing bans and [lemon mam evenly in a diagonal sequence in a iorque seiring M3 3- :l 7kgfm124 27min: 6 Check inal iha o nng is fined m iha erl smainel union and and mairian me sllllnul on me supparl casring. lnaiall me rear- mesi securing boll nollnq mar me balanca shah may have in be rmarea alighily , by lnunlng a screwarwar in ma slol mavided , so ihar rne raliayee eeriien bl in. snan aligns wilh the bell hole Fit the mo chum g a black ”Ewing hairs and final 6 mm subpbn using ban llghren ihasa belra lo a mreua ullinanl|0~14kgiml7 7 iolblhi 7 Belora cenunulng make a llnal cneck on me accuracy or ihe balance weigne'crankehah llmlng and check rher all ma sharia mule lreely In rhea healing a The balance chain may now be aeiuaieu wiin iha aeiusiar nui slack move ma aniusiar quadlani againar ihe spring anion and allow n in lliak back The spring Will auinmarically posuion iha arm in glva lhe carreci lensmn Tighten lhe locknui 39 "2 Ice." In. "on! "tenor lurk wllh "1| lad 40] Emma mainlhl’l 801 Dell DU“ 0” hell Illvnu Wilh Ihlh hol- to an m. luv-Hm um m-lnlhnh numb! buying- bouts mm pin. :1 an: Iullnnl vulqm Cunhruh me bullnm migm Flg.1.‘7 III-no. mluM dmlng - Ln (.5 ll .1 Inn-"1h. chlln nuldi block Mid by on. Dal! and inn-ll [he ‘1 In The hon! ballnm TC mlrk nulllal with me clllnu all Ind 15! (-nowodl u u‘ancl mow mquy in paralhgl mm m. ullng mlllnn luflnce - n . > . 4! 1a Mu the rut hlllnco wulqm wllh (ha chain In M 20 Ice mo chum gum- block In nppmxlmnovy mu con-c1 lw'oxlmalely ma oonact nulllion ponklon || Iuppon mung mm munng born Tovque down av-nlv m uwnu‘ uquonco M 3 Lower lupporl caning lmu n Chuck aowa‘ posiuoning ‘8 Chnpnv 1 Engin clutch and gearbox ‘2 Erwin. rl mmblv' "placing lhI kicluwn Ira-h Ind nlflov idkv pin on ‘ The componams nsun m the. haaaing mus! be vehued .h ma crankcase lower hau were xha crankcase bah/es can he re yomed 2 Posuion [he smnnv I613! when m the casmg recess so mm ma smlllor diamelav pinion is [awards the canne of me Cflsmg Check lhal (he 04mg :s m New on ma pmlun shah am shde me shah mw posnion so max is Iocaxes the mm The shah shomd be msanad so ma! the crosssdvilled new ar m9 mnev end ns wuh (he Doll hole m ma casmg Insen and hghlen me smgre run-rung mu 3 H uvewoush vemmnn xhe UM pwssw who! .ulvc ahnum no“ he Iphns‘d m "w \Hwev cvdnkrnsv I)” HEM 'mmvla N mod-Is only .1 PM“ a who In lsuvl [)m‘rm m {'H‘ ”Jamil mm ”w [H.mv lm l' luwavds ma msme Shp the heavy Imus! washm between lhc [witch and [he Somme suupnn mg and men MSG" me spmme m locaxe the MD componenls Secure (he std‘e by means 0' (mi E'fihp Heassemaly 9! me Iemanmng klrksvarl compunoms may be accompnshed now D! a' a ram snaps as nescnben m Seurnn 45 J. ... ‘2 2- Do no! omll O-rlng whcn mung "an" pinion and lhfll 42.3! Wllh klcklun plnlon Ind Ihlh Inuma show 1 Engino. clutch and porno: ‘9 n Englno too-onion: jolnlng on mnocuo how.- l Flt I now «pm at out“ O—llltu in tho room In the wagon Dining, Ind "In chuck that tho dowol- III Mild Io tlihu the opp-r cl lvwot cronitcooo inn 2 Mn. om am in. noting sun-cu at tho two cranks-u hllvll palhcfly clo Apply will! compound to the foco ol tho iowor cronltuoo ho Tho lowor ullnq out now bo littcd ovur 1M “pp-V ulnltalll Ind III Nil column» II II model“ In lubrlcuo III. VIHOUI During! with Infill. all bllom fining [In kwnr ullng. TM. wlll Inlull KM! [hill it no oil n-mtion, how-vol bflfl. Min [in origin. II Hm rum 3 Man I" tho lIllllIhg bum Into KM crlnitcuo Ind mun tinhton thorn In on own one! alooonoi uquonco, to tho loiiowino [omn- uttlltgo. 5 mm bolt: 5 In!" boll! Zia—JAGkflmHS—ZZINM 1-0- I-4kflml7— IDIb/fl) Tho "grinning apomion mould bo done in at low Ma otogoo. M Englno rooooontbly: min-Ina tho oil nit-v uni m motor 1 lnIIfl Vt. oil filial oinlrl ball through tho dilmbu can! Ind llt tho comcrouion Ipdng ma bocklna wuh Puoh a now D“ Ill-r Ohm"! mm [M 0'"!!- boll Ind In III I?- lub— ouomhlv on tho cronkcooo. Noto thot tho cho bot com is prom-n mm o lomlon lug, to old positioning, Tho mm lug muot ongooo commit! with tho nroioctioh on tho cooihu bolmo tno bolt Io tightonoo. ll Im In my doubt lbom [M condition ol tho chuntm ulllng ring at tho cont-o boll o-nng, tn. no! in woman would no ronowoo 1 Lubricoto tho non-t mow boon Ewing om oiido tho no or motor Into poultlon In (M alnltcou. If nmrv, ml." the canton-ft slightly to onobio tho Harlot Ilium: pinion to moon- wltlt tho idiot olnhn. Fit ond tiutton tho twcboito as Engin- no ombly: toot-cm. tho gut enoug- mod-ontont and iticlmm monthly l Pooition tho out chonpo drum locating pioto in tho wimpy orivo chombot ond fit lhl countonunlt totoining :43qu Honda lacommondod Ifllt lhu wawl b0 lilkud in pot: inn lftar fight-rung to ptovont tho :crm humming ioooo in nrvlca. A locking lit-id upon-d to tho throm may be uood II on Ihamar the 2 m rimming item-n wmponoml Ihould new bu limo Fit mo thmfl woohor hm, foilowod iw tho mchot ciocot ccii luring Ind tho cocoon thnm wooh Noto that tho rotchot cloc- mot bo fin-d to tho kickot rt oft In coo petition only: out it with on punch mutt an ”at commnt in oilgnmnt, u thio in not dono lnconoct Iliduufl oporotion will run“. slide Ihs mum Ipflrlg onto tho ohoit Ind iocoto tho innot tumod ond in tho wondrillod halo. Grim "I cum IIlfflId and with l Itoui poi: cl pilot: om ton-ion tho opting In I ciocitwioo d|ruciion until tho hooltod and an no mum: on tho lnchov lug With the loving in pllu. inun tho coring guido. enlulinn it is puohw fully homo. 3 Fit the couchonpo drum ttoccot cm into tho outing and apt-co tho chongo cino ond pin muting plIIu to thot tho tailor ond ongogoo with tho chongo pin cloto Enouro thot tho mould-lid 0nd 0' IM dllllncl um. Orig-gel eon-city wiih tho ctcppot omt. ond that whon tightonod miiy tho bolt don not provont rot-lion at tho lml. Chock that tho mum wring Io con-coy iocotoa Ind tonoioood. A Lightly onooo tho poncho-too optinoc oholt and lniroduott it through tho halo in tho outbox woli. Gontiv pulh tho ohoh homo through tho oil oo in tho timing tid- woli. Th Mint on com with con at tho oooi lip will no dun-old by tho oplinoo on tho omt wtttlo piloting [M ohm ham, hold tacit tho chum pawl, which io owing loom, on tho mo of tho mlln onn, Io thot it clooro tho chonoo pin oooombiy. Tho controiioino outing on tho moih orm mull bo momma con-cily. with oho splint) ha 0mm lid. 01 ml Imp mm, 5 Saw mo nounol hale-tot lwhch Into tho lop oi tho outbox B Solon continuing. chock tho ooioction cl ooch goo: in turn. f Fl.. 1 .1. 0mm MM 1 smmront a Phondplm 15 Continuum 22 Cmtonmkoaow—Jall 2 s-hnorlm 9 Spots-v w smgm 2: Nut .1 suocmm lo Stoop-roan l7 Nomo/hdcommncn 24 SW wow 4 Chomflumliuhwplon ll Spoon la Fblnwnhu 25 alumnus-son 5 s-IocmMmd—zoll 12 Rum-puny 19 Jauntllbollhubg a Gmhamdmnluumbly 1: common 20 non C Ch-nwnlnplm u Flint/Wily 21 Holt 1 W \1 . , u 1 Duck chlmhor can: Owing b‘lurl mung oll mm ts 5. lnusll m. cmnqo drum noppov um 45 5h Ropma m. :hlngl nlnl m1 aim ehepter 1 Engine, clutch end gumbo): 5‘ ‘53. Flt amt-fl"! 107an only II Ihowfi u Ennlnl reeeeemely: repleolng the prlmery drive pinion end all pump l On early models (with the oil pressure tellet valve [loslllflnali beneerh the oil pumpl note that the valve can now be rehlted ll dismantled reassemble the valve lakmg care not to overtlghten it an telltttng 2 Check thet the two hollow dowele ere ted to the rear ol the oil pump. Piece e new gutter on the re ol the pump end pd Icn the compllto unit ln the eeelnp. Flti end tighten evenly the retelnlng wewe whilet llmulllfllo ly routing the Oil pump windle la check "ill "to pump callng doll no! diuorl and Claude blndlnq. ll lhll do" uncut. volume the screw: Ind check thnl lhl mlllnu lurflcll III lbloluloly clc n 3 PM the lntemelly eplihed wether overthe crenteheh ee thet (he chimilrld if“ e dismal-r (Ice is low-nil the anulna Slide the prlmery drive pinion onto the eplined eheh. d The verloue componente which comprise the all pump drive should now be assembled end litted Flt the sprockul specer onto the crenkeheh with the lerge iece egetnsr the primary drtve plnion Meeh the two pump eproeltete wtth the eheln end in lhlm onto mail umcllve shaft: so thnl the all Dump drlve pm engeg the leer ol the dr n lpmckal end the drive Inlocket engegee with the two lleu milled on the llllrllma end ol the crlnkuhah 5 Insert end tighten the centre bdlt end ucure the driven pmlon by mom! 0' ma civcllp. To prevent :ranklhlh voulion when tightening the centre bolte pus e close titling bet through on! Imlll and av. In the tome manner 5| lhal used kn diementling purpoee: _—_—__—__ 97 Engine reeeeetnbly: Repleclhg the clutch eeeemhly end prim-Iv dflvu can! I Piece the heevy thruet weeher over the clulch eheh and in the clutch epecer bueh Lubricete the bush end hr the clutch outer drum ea thet the primery drive pinione engege correctly 2 Piece the clutch centre on the workbench so thet the llenged leee ie downwerue. Fit the com spring son. the cone eprlng end the becking plete eneurihg thet the spring II fined with the outer diameter ewey horn the clutch centre Secure thud dompenente by men: at the mull circllp. Fit the clutch plates to the clutch centre one et e tirnei slanlnq with e friction plete end then e plum plete end e lrlction plete ellernetely Line up the tehge ot the lrtctlon pletee so thel they are level Wllh esob Fll pawl-"V1.61ptul to clur chenge pln end plete. Nete eprlng poeition each other Fit the uranium plete a he to the assembly end litl up the completed unit Ind ineert ll .n the clutch outer drum Some edlunment lo the position ol the clutch plete tehge my be neceeury te nehle the unit to be titted 3 Repleee the clutch peg nul end the epeciel domed weehel Yhie he: one lece merited ootelde end should be titled accord- lngly Tighten the nut with the peg epenner ue d during dlementling. end prevent clutch retetion by edopttng the eeme method 4 Replace the clulch eprtnge. thrutt plete end bolt. The Doll: ehoulu be tightened evenly. in e diegonel eeguence until tlght 5 mm the on pre eure wernlnp much in the top el the ceeing. Net. thet the ew ch het e teperee threed whlch eldt oil llghtnm. end lherfloru will not mew in fully Reconnect the twitch | it held et the tenninel by e tingle eerew a Pl-oe e nlw ltet on the outer Inc. at the crenltceee the dewele will hold ll In position Polllton the cover end ltnoclt it gently onto the dowele Replece the Ialllning belte end tighten them down evenly m e cllurclois sequence Telte cete when litttng the outer ooyer thet the ltlcltsten ehelt solutes do not damage the all sent llp ———— 48 En'lno rummbly, "pl-Chg "I. Immnnr Ind flnll drive epmcttel —— l Pau‘tlm [he llnmnlol “not lgalnlt (h. crankcau left- hlnd well no mu tho lhru Illllninq wmwl cnn he inunod Fit the llllov Io lhnl the wiring load] In II [he [on Pt n lhu igmr lion pick-up into pile. so that ll lac-tel camcllv on the dowel. end ineen the amp, Tighten the two eat: 0! ecrewd evenly, to lvoid dillomon 0! e M! compononll Push "In two wlving ummmau into the cut-om! lh the seeing well end eecure the laid by m m 0' "II Imlll clip hlld by I singly urow 2 Ram I I Woodm" knv into I!!! race» in lhn lap-Vlad portion 01 the erenltehett, eneuring thet it it properly leoeted Pbelttdn the elternetor mluv lo that the kevwey ie in line with the ltey end pue tt tully home on the eheh, rit end tighten the rotor oentre boll. preventing rotetlon ot the cunkdhuh by uting the Claus fitting ber penned through the mall end eye 0! one connecting rod. 3 Puu the linll drive lptockcl on m Ipiinod gatrbox ouput ehelt end then fit the eecuring plete. Home the plete ed thet the two belt halee elign with thoee In the eprocllet end then ht end tighten the two belle 2.‘ Fig; 1.19 Cluld‘ llnmbly Clutch uum drum Clutch spun mm C/uu'h an". Spring slat Fntllan plate a Mum p/am A s a" Fm. Clutch prlsium pl." mm»: mm mm Clulth wring — 4 all Curl: Iptlng Plain clutch pl"! - 6 all lack nu! Lack mm, wmm Daub/u mm mp 50/: , 4 air a.” Dual/Ivy .7. 46.4: FII m. two uprocmn Ind chain Ilmulunwully “Ah Fv and (Iv-Ion um:- bolr ucum lower spracku mm cnclip a . 47 3- Secura chum I-mvourllv hv "mrw Indnn belu mo 47 3b Nola mm: on comm nu! walhty, m accordingly women 54 Chauta- 1 Engine. clutch end gnavbox 47.5. Flt Ihl prim-Iv dvlv. can! Ind I nuw all u E 49 Enylnl nlmmbly: ”placing m plllonl, cvllndcv block In! Wllndlv h d a 1 Eden mplaclnq the alumni, plece e cleen mg m eecn cnnkcau moulh m pruvunl nnv dilplucod wmponlnl 1mm lalllnq lntu me crlnkcue. I: is only loo any lo drop n Clrcllp whllo n in belng ineened lmo [ho pinon Don, which would mum-1e I (mm-r urip dawn 9m in an val. Z Bofaru mlining (he pilloni the p [on ring: must be "plaudl On 400cc moduli, [h- Ihrlo-p‘om oil Conlmllad ling would be fined. on. piece a! n l 1‘ tuning mm a lids In: men mu corms expander no men me Vin-I Ilde renl Than com~ penenu mly bu mud n wly up Thu ramuminq ling! includlnu lhl onl into all comm) ling mud lo 250cc models. Ihuulfl be fined wuh mo lificalion muting: uppovmosl ll any dlfllculry_ll lnmunluod in idumifylng me Iwu lop rings ll should be noted mu [ha 2nd ring has n lllthly lapelod sacnun and me my vlng . pal-"II swim, with allqmly chemvered edges on ma omur Inca, 3 Fa me pinona on to men orig el cpnneczlng rods mm me mark embossed on each nlllon crown 'ICIVIQ leeward: I! ma «wring lwilch lulu pomllonm Conlclly gudgeoa pi Ive . ugm m m m, gislan bosses wavm each pluon firs! l0 awlnd me melel Dc not large! Io IuOviula lhe gudgepn pln smell end eye end we pmon basses below veemmbly 4 Us. new cucl-ps NEVER rerun old circlips Check ma: eecn circlla ha; lowed correctly m ild groove A dlsplscad clvclip mll emu never! engine domagc 5 Fix e new cyllnnov bale gum ave! me holnlng down studs Gum compound musl not be used lmen me lwo locenng dowel. in me nonl puler cvllndel heed boll holes and chuck mu me two ell reed ms in me meung survece an m pollllon end no! clogged. Fu naw Orringl [0 each cvllnfler sleeve whale may Dmlocl lvom me cvllndav Dual 6 Posmon me mm ail wnlml Ving componums ml each plupn A400 models) to mu me end geps are ex least 20 mm (0 75 ml 49va hum one unolher 7 Polillon (he plsmn ling: no mu men end geps Iva uul ac line will. alch olha! end m e plsmn ring clamp In each plslon ll is mgnly recommended that nng clump! be used lur cylinder block vepleoemem. rm. opavlllon can be done by hand hm l5 s [odious [551‘ end u ls all me eesy m lvacluu: 3 mg Poslhon me WHO" 3! mc Chum-r 1 Englm, clinch Ind gearbox B The :yllndlr black wplueemanl openlion requirln Mo parlonl: one In held In. pllmfll Ind hula bad In. pillow! Into Ihl bores, Ind Ihl mhlv Io luppon ma cylindIv block I: II i! low-n41 into poslllon. Lubrlclll (h. cvlindu burll am ma ’3an Ilnfil mornughly, Position tho wllndor block obovn Iha plnanl Ind, with I IIngIh of lull-My DIM wirl. hook Ihl clmlhuh chlln up Ihvough IhI chlln mun-I bIl'wIIn mu wllnd‘r bolls. Run I lcwwdvivfl of rod through lhl chnln lcvou the lap at m. bur-I to prawn: 0w umm-n ch-In filling mu, 9 CIIINIIV did. Iho cyllnau blact down umll lhI pinch! mm m cyllndor bum Keeping m. plnonl Ian." «0 mo hovel all” In. block down until m. pllmn clumps Ira dlelIeId‘ Remove "I! Iwo ring clump Ind my my plddlnn "am If": crlnkuu mothI Ind push [M cvflndu block down unto m. ban gum. IO FII I MW 04an In "II nud which projlcll from ma cam chain Icnllonov body. InIIlll "1. body In "In VIII 0! m. cyllndlr block and Vi! I wllhIr nd nuI. Do not Ilwlun [he run II [MI ungo. Ruwnnlcl Ihl Ilnllonl' him. with (In mavinn unsion-r arm by Inunlng ma claw: pin mu lining m. flaming clip. Tu. can noI lo drop my componsnu down m- um chlin mnnol Pull [ha muvlnn arm upward! :0 mm i manned mlly .na lock II In IMI polillon by llmlonlnu IhI ld|ultll nul WiIh I I I'm In pIIDId, Ihl Ilnflnnor blldo hll IM III III promo. IPHI hcllllllsl elm chlln Ind clmuhlh rIlIllmbN, I I lnnlll me am chlln quld- hll I In [M hon! al ('1. cylindlv block, onluflng Ihll "I. law-r Ind [out-l Connolly in [he culng. ‘2 Fl! mo bu! hollow flaw-II lo "I. oulu boll hnln in [he cvllnau block lop mulna .un- Ind pllca . nm '0 ring mound each veal oular dowel Place a new cyhnde! head mlkIt In polillon UVII IhI dew-II. l3 Pulmm m- wllndll MIG IbovI [In Main. Ind using lhI hank“! Wlll‘ Dull lhI cum IfI drive chain up (mung?! IhI chain IunnIl In Ihl LVIIMII h d and N! [M h d onto the dowall, Pllcn I urewdllvu "Waugh Ihl chlln lqlln, luau lhI cvllndav bald 1‘ Inan Ind Iluhlon m. chlln llnllonol uppev bull' do ml omll m- o-nng. Top \ Second 0» U Flu. I .20 Pm ring MI” ‘93. LuMGIII lmlll‘nd bolring bohru Inlulllnn nlIIan Ind oudoion pln ‘33:: Fh Dino" wllh IN mm low-m mu Ex mavk lumwcd) lam-van 415 Inun mime Ioculng dowl Ind po-Iuon m. mo on ("a In" ‘9 mn Pull mo tun-bong: upwlldl. locklng il by mum at ms nu! ‘9 ‘1 sun. [M chain guldu blldl lnlo plane (9 ‘25 insult the lam dowtll If. (din-d ell-pm 1 Engino. clumh and nurbox 57 49.1. Fk tho mmchlln (Inllontr upon boll. Nola [M Owing so Engina ullumbly: .aplncing ma cam-non, timing lna VIMI and rming ma lockll goal l Sacunl lna cam cnaln using c langln oi lnin wila so lhal auling umshlh loplacnlnanl llln chain will nol loll lnlo llla ulna-l. Poullon (he umshch splocllal lo llla lail oi lna onaln Ina inun ma “Huh-fl fmm lna righlrhand side The lllnlno lnnlks soliooo on m. twnckfll inoa musl laca lowalas lne lakr nana slag. To sllow ma unlsllsll canlla boss [0 mm inc sprocku canllc. ma Ipmckll mun be posilionao wllh lna on. sal culowcn lpnmximlwly van-cal wiln lna splpckal palilionod again" llla nanoa. lolcla llla cumsnall unlll llls slm m-cllinao in [M loll-lund and is in ma l2 o'clock ooslllcln and vol-la inc spmcknl so ill-l llla oppouo scuba malls sla pnvallel wllll llla cylinder noao Apply a spsnnal lo lna .llalnolol lolol canlrc hell no rolm llla rolol In a lorwcro ailcclion unlil lna ’1‘ mm on llla ruler is in allacl nlignmanl wiln lna misao inaal mall on llla using Now Iifl ma cam cnoln onlo llla sprockal mo nlign lna boll llolss In in. Ipmcka! wllh men in llla umlhnh llcnga 2 Fll ana plnlullv sclcw m m lirfl sploclial poll ll lnc llnilng is collacl [he ’1’ milk on ma allnmclol rDlDf milsl be in lin. wiln llla lnaali mnrk nno lna lwo sci-poo llnas on llle spiuckel must oa plrnllal wlln ma cyllnoal ncao COVE! monng suflace in cad-lion lna lnillco slol in ill. cnmnnll iehrhand ano mus! ha in llla 12 o'clock poxilion ll lna mam ao nol clign axacuy lapaal lna liming uoucnoa ma la-cllacll Abwlul: acculccv ls csunlinl. 3 Apply non-parmlmm lockingilula lo llla sploclial polls and liglilon llloln lo s lolqua sailing ol 1 a - 2 2 kg! ln (la , 15 llll in "n mniulim musl la mum: lo innn lna sacono boll Ind lna bolls mil-l oa lignlcnaa "only ‘ Llluliula lhoroughlv ma oanullm juumais and Iobu and fill (M lroughl palow ncn looa willl engine oil simllclly lubvlcola 01. v. a «is no |pvingl. Pincus lnc numbiad lock" csmau lnlo ponllon on llla cvlindav hurl, cilal Chucklnfi mnl lnc noilow dowel! a mm: m ma ioul oulal ooll nolas lnun llla Iona Boll- l ll om lllmugll lna on m. cyllnasl Mod Ind cvllndor block Ind sclaw inlo lna clankccu. Nola lllcl lll. loul unlla bolls slc lilud willl n cappal wulhel unaal lncii Mans Th- loclial oin sscunng glclaa lillao lp llla oulav lwo bolls on ald’l cmial ua nol inlalcn-ngublc 5 Baiola liglllaning llla boll: nola lnal wllh lna onglno posillonao willl llla pillom cl YDC, ona cam loba wiH be sol rlcianlly mm la nclu-la llla Bdlacanl metal can To Dravenl amen-on nackan on ma loom column on ma ralnvam lotkfiv um. um loosaning lilo lacknul Tionlan lns balls evenly in . numbal oi slaps. in . IQVQVMI ol lna saqoanca gwcn in [he Fig l 3.1'lla comm loloua salling is 3 o - 3V3 kgl m In s 24 lol ill a Balm IM Evfindov held com is laplacaa. lna claslance human accn luck-l um and vllva slam musl l:- cnackad ana ill-ouilna mill-lac wmllne pillonlllTDC lwllanlnalolol T ml k is . lgnco wiln ln. an mam llla valve; to. one in olhev cyiindm will be alone, willl ma coin lona: polnling downwards Chuck llla cIa-lsncas on lllsu lllnla vulves, using I iaalal gnuga ol "10 Comm can nla laoomnlanoaa clnrancal sla as iollows. [825001 65400 N Inlel D 12 mm {0 005 in) D 10 mm IO 004 ml Exhaust 0 16 mm (0006 in) (7,74 mm (0 005 in) II nqulrld. |ooun the Incknm Ind {um "19 udiuxlav unlll ma mm mug. ‘ . liglll sliding fil Tighlan ma locknul. wllhoul allowing the Idlulflr la (um. and val-chuck mo gap. Home ma cunklhlfl (hmuoh ‘80" mm mo plslon: lie :9 ll TDC Chuck Ind ldiuu [M vnlve dominoes on ma second cylinder 7 Mull. Iurl moi ma cylinder llama cavcl saallng “Hg is in good oondilion Ind oollcclly posilionnu and rum ma cylindal hlld cove! Saturn lhl cover by mean! a! [he specml balls and vuhbel washers. Ii ma condilion oi inc washer: is suspacl, may should no 'Bn'Md a Home lllc cranksncn coll-clockwisa unlil mo 7 mm on 58 Ch-pler 1 Engines clutch and guarbox 50 I Fun me cum-hm lhrough mu crock-v Ind chum u Ihawn 50.21: all." Hln on Inmckal no a wow" and mo 50 4 Fl! m. wmbha rock" camera, Nola mu the Von: comm cum-nan no: i; in the V2 o‘clock pom-on boll: mvl mpg-r wash-rs [he VO‘OI Is An WI! mm the man mavk Slacken ME Lam chem lansmnel Iocknul ana man hghlan u The lonswonel Wm now m- su causally vol propel chem amusrmenx s1 Ropllcinglhomgin q Iboxum Inlholumc 1 A: ws m. casa wum removal enume ven‘lcemgm renuwes consmeranle cure arm penance The mmal sxage oi mummmenx muuuls mo aeaale one m gulde me ungme arm the ulhev m opevula ma lack m we shame on m me an so that n w as well balanced as possmle Ra-u me engme s‘ow‘y so [hm me my av [he casmg anler: ma moummg nlales squavew Allyn the lwo :sav mounlmg boll ho‘es mung me engme as necessary and mscn bu! no not mgman me mm REM (he engme «mm mounlmg macm nohng man the sunny mom came mns Down msm m: bvacle! asplacemsm of we head swam bvackel snoulo be comm oul onw uhev me carbuveucvs have been refined Fu ma nous lvom ms Veflrhand slde 01 the machine m [he Inlavasl 0' unv'ovmlly arm men Ilfihlen me mus 9tu mm mm ma angma mar uppev mnummg mu nm secures ma aarm mm 'mm ma baumy Thrs mus! nm he cm-uPrl 2 Loop the (mnl dnve chain ovev [he Engme spmrkel and mash the [we ands DMD [ha real wheel snrockex Rep‘acu me 503 Thu (lulu mug. would a. . ligm . wing in Chapter 1 Engine, clutch and gearbox 59 master link malting canatn that the sprtng ltnlt ts replaced the correct way rotrrtd That Is with the closed end lactng the dtrao tiah oi trayel Replace the lower chetn protector plate PM the final washer onto the geatchange shah Slide the final drive sprocltet coyer lnlo positron and secure ll by means at the bolts 3 Rarlnsull the rear make pedal by reyarstng the dtsmantllng procedure Grease the otvot bolt and bttsh before lhsertrng them. Alter reconnecttng the bralte operattng rod to the arm on the brelte baclt plate, adtust the hralta by means oi the ndiustev nut so that there ls about 20 , 30 mm l,\ . ‘iml movements! the bralte pedal loot pad belora the brake begins to btte a Checlt that the atr hose scvew clips are ln posttton on the two hoses. Place the cavbovellors as a uhtt to the nghlvhlnd stde ol the machine so that thetr control cables may be recon nectad Connect the closlng cable iirst and than hole the throttle pulley tn the open postttcn and ralit the ppehlng cable to the rear Adiust the cables by means at the lower adiusters so that there is a small amount ol lree play at the throttle twtstgrto Reconnect the cholta cable tnnar to the cholte arm and secule the outer cable at the clamp so that there ts a small amount oi lree play Rush the carburettprs tnto oosttton so that the cave httrettttr mouths are lolly home ln the an hoses The inlet stubs shattld now be lttted one at a ttme ustng the same system adopted cturtng dismantling Ensure that the 04mg tn each .nlet stub llange is tn good conditton and stands nruud oi the llange lace when tn the groove it the Caring ts below the surlace ol the flange, lt mll serve no uselul purpose and MUST be renewed 5 wtth the carburettors tnstalled the head steady bracltet may be replaced Note that the rear bolt whlch holds the lone hand brecltet plate to the heme also secures a wtrtng clamp Reconnect the breather tube to the arr filter box and cyltneer head cayer unions secttrtng the nose at each eno by means at the spring cltps a Reconnect the alternator leada at the bloclt connectors and snap connectors edtacent to the regulator/ractther unit and reconnect the oil presattre and neutral lndtcator swltch leads Secure the stanar motor cable at the motor termthal and pull down the luabev boot 7 Reconnect the clutch cable to the operattng arm alter passtng it through the anchor brecltet on the caslng Adlusl the cable so that there ts appro ately to 20 mm 1] I .nl movumanl measurae at the handlebar layer ball end balore the clutch beams to llfl Do not lorget to tighten the locxnots alter unlusimuni 51.4: Rnconnen the (maul. cable: with "\O waning Bible It the ram and 5 insert the tachometer cable lower end into the minor)" housing tn the primary drtye coyer and m and tlghten the secur tng bolt ll oiMcolty ls encountered engagthg the dnye opg wflh the cable, rotate the engine uslng the ltteltstart a Postttcn the exhaust balance box below the crankcase so that the bolts may he tnsened and partially ttghrened Fl! 3 new exhaust gasltat rthg tnto each at the two exhaust ports and replace the exhaust otpes rndtutdually Replace the sllencers Tighten the exhaust ilenge nuts itrst. iollowed by the tram clamps balance oox bolts etc Thts wtll preyaht any pan ol the system betng stressed tn posttton Fl! the rtder s loatrests to Reiit the petrol tanlt and connect the luel lines no not omtt the smell spring clips tt Reconnect the plug caps to thetr resoecrtya sparlttng plugs and reconnect the battery termtnals the a ltnal ytsual chaclt to all electrtcal connecttbns and replace the two stde covers 80th are a mesh ltt l2 Pour the recommendee auanttry and grade ol otl lnlo the engtne through the ltller ortrtce to the rtght oi the cyllndevs xtclt the engtne oval smartly wtth the tghttton OH to help prtmc the mlways 5“!) mlnoouw- the carburettor: into polillon 5v 9- Squr‘l mo mum. on ma. msoning mu Sacurmg Dom f 515:: FR 3 now gllkal ring in each exhlull port 51 ‘2 Refill ma Inglnc wuh m. Conan quanmv cl 0“ cum 1 Eagle... emul- and gurbox 51 52 Surfing Ind mnnlng tho nbulll “In. __#—_ 1 Open ma leml up, clan the urbul'flof MI Ind non ma onglnu, unln nlthav tho kiclm-rl at m- alectrlc nun-v. Hal" "1. cholwl Icon II ma onglnu wlll run mnly Ind klID ll runnlnq II I low mod '0' l hw mlmflfl In lllaw all mull lo bulld up Ind fill oil to clrwlllul I! "l. M oll pnllum lndlclmi llm II no! onlnwlm, non m. InglM lmmodllmly ma Invuug o m- uck nl all pnmfll 1 7m main. my and lo Imolu through m «Mu-u lnllllllv, dul In (M "mum of all land whirl lmmbllng "I. Vllloul componIMI. Th. mum. cl all would nrtdulllv burn way u m. ungln- um.- down. 3 Cluck m finder of m mlchlm In! all Ill” 07 blowing gukou. Mllu Inn mu uch our anew" eomcuy ma mu III "1- mnlmlu hmfllon Iflifllwly, ufllwllm lhI MIR-l “III II an IIIIMIII III! chock b'forl llklng "I. mnehln. on In. mid. 53 lelna m. nhlln we'll” on IN to“ l Any "bu"! machlnl wlll mid llml lo “I“! dawn. Mn )1 pl I hle bean "pl-cud I" "I'll Main-I old". Fov lhll anon it is hlmly hauls-h!- to uni (M muffin- uomly for flu first few mllIl lo "In". all hll cirwll Id ”1qu! [M lubrication mam Ind mu any new pm: and luv. begun ID bod down. 2 Evan gum: an in humanity if m ongim has been rlbotld o! W I m ulnlunlfi hll bIIn 'itlnd‘ In the can M I when, m- we . wil hlvu lob. runAln again a 61 m. muchlnl mm mm, m: mum 9mm an m m- gurbox ma - unwilling hind on [M lhmfll' untll I1 I'll! 500 mile! hive hum wVIIId. Them in no point in knplng m Inv lo! M llmll: m- muln mquinmm is to Imp Hutu loading on m and". Ind to nrldullly wort up plrfvrmlne' unlll the 500 mlla mllk ll winked. Th.“ neommndnlonl an M Iomnad n: In nun! Mun only l n" mlnklnlfl ll "find. Emll'nou ll the inn gum um:- u I: IV m Iill mm m main. |- runnlng MIIy. : II n lnv um- - lubrication hllun i: Impacted. mp um um. lmmodi-lulv, and anwnlgm the lava. I! m angina I. run without an. Mn luv a man wean, irmparlblo lnglnu damn. l1 sum-m. 4 Man an mgim nu mm dawn compluolv mu m. hll run. rum-cl tho v-riouu unlngl, uwilllv the vulva lnml. During m. run mall 01 IM lnglnl component: will hle IIIIIId into [Mir noun-l erlnn loullofll. 54 Funk dll'noIlI: 0!:an Symptom cam Enaln- wlll no! Ill" Funny cm lqnltlon Enfilnl runl untwnly Ihwlng cvl|ndu bud mum moon-cl lgnmon llmlng Luck of Dow" Ilmlnq Navy on eunmmpllon Dun-god oil m1. Exclulvo mlcnlnlcll ml" Englni clam-III Ind lad" Lubrication llllur' Duhcllw mm... mug. lflnltkm Ind/0! luol will!“ hull Flull In lull syn-m or Incontcl lgnllion mum: m In our] of when Wom cvllndor Dom lplmn lllpl Warn cam-hull any. chnln mm.) Wom blw—cnd halving: (knock) Worn main boating! (rumble) Ion-fly Roman m plug! ma Ilv mm w cvllndu nua. Chock mum: upm occurs wmn imllkm l. much-d on Ind angina round. Hm ignlllon oompunm. all-cum Runcw Imam. Chock "ch mum lndopcnoomly, n Ihoughcngim willnm n. Lnk should bu mam horn oll lolklm whulgllnolpls. cmn Iccwlcv mu n noouurv max SCI lbovo. Chick lor ban w I I pillnnlllnquiru Chuck InglM for oil leak}. . who" Ind “I avar- Hobo" Ind film-nil. “on; Minn I'm 7 a: mum cram ru upllcemcm crlnkfluh ammbly. Flt mw loam-l naming. mu mu. Run-w mum-n numbly H mm- bolrlngl m wnm. Slog angina m1 chock Mum: lnumu pun- m umvlng ell. cum oil Iml In cunmu. Clutch and gearbox ’Fauk diagnasis’ on page 62 Chum-v 1 Engine, ema- Ind “turbo: an hunuI-gnou um Symmem Cum Howdy Englrulpctdlncrllul umby Clulchllin Chock clutch ndjunmam by (no play at (ldmmcllrlmlmlchlnndou ml handlobu lever, Check lhicknan of respond inunm plum leflmkvlnlmflngplmGlu Clumhdrlg Chuck clulch Idlulununl lo! we much china" iukv and mann- cvnpl tom-m whon dutch I. plum-m. DWficuny In "lacuna noun-I. Chum opnmlon mm Durham, mop-a m rum control unl- h. pll Chock clulch «mm. In! indem- uian- in um um cIulch plnns fol burn on mnguu, arm wllh m. n cum-go no! loo gran. Chock cubic Ind "new i! Access-W Mlh mm cab!- iu lubricllnd Ind hlI no lhl'nhond! u Plundhumfl who: Sympmn Oauu Romney Dmlcully In ans-ulna gun sum: tom but know, Gm chmm not “mum-d oomnly cmk gm cluuu lmngemanl m1 willlon a! mum Wuhan. Mlchlm lump. on! m mlr Wom m on was at gun plnlom finmw worn pinionl. Shopper nrm- nm mung mnmty n on rith‘hlnd cunkclu emu Ind Gulch-no- In" do" Ml N‘Ilm l0 originllpolhlon Kick-nu don nm mum wm nngln. In Iumod our or “arm! chluurl Inn: Bmk-n mum wring avoun a nooriv Ilnllonod mum who RIICMI Immbly mm chock "OW" arm Icliun. a. ow luring. Run“ saving or II—nmion, Pm cunkuu Ind ronnw Ill wom aunt Chapter 2 Fuel system and lubrication Column Ganml dclcrlmkm Patrol II R Pllrnl II PIqul lIId plpI: oumlnlllm Carbumuou Imovll ......... , CIrbur-uou II Imllng mmlnlllm mu mlmmbly . . Cniburlflorl vnthlonlullnn . Elihu-Klan. Idlutlmnnl for llcllnvu . Cnrbuuuorunlngl c-munnou: Idlultlng non I owauam‘uu- Emluu mum I I All clam ImI ‘ 2 Each. luMcIIlofl ‘3 Oll puma: dllmlmllng lImmItlon and nlmth ll Oll pulsar! bv- DI“ VII "Mull mlnlllon and Hallo-mom ..... , . l 5 Oil mm: "n. 'ug m. clam-m I! on mum w mlng lama l7 Flull dllfinol‘l. MOI lvflm Ind lubvlculon ‘8 Enema-“om Fuol nnk uplclty Ovulll ham 14 Ill 3.5 III [3.7/3] US/Imp gull} (0.9/0.8 USIIrnn all” CIrburonorI zsou 400M Mal. . Kulhin Knihin Typo ........ V330A [18 mm) V331A132 mml Air lcmw oponlng . 2 mm. l§tuml Flo-l holy!“ . . . l5.5 mm (0.61 inl l5 5 mm (0.61 ln) Vlcuum (ll Idle) 170—2 H) mm No 200-240 mm Hg ldlctpud ‘3002100rvm 1200:100'Dm EnglnI/tnmmlnlnn all All model- Capacny A! nil chnngl ........ 2.2 lim [3 5 pin!) Al all Ind "luv ”chlnqa. on :Ida Inn'r mar/mam ram clu nu Oumromr/bodvclc uno- - Relor'nd flan . oupnuun .. . 1 annual dualpflon TM full Iylllm comprlm I pflml llnk hum whlch puml I- led by gVIvlly to m. «on crumb." of rho mu K-lhlu cu- munun. A unglu ml up Mm much-bl- um- mm In lac-lad hon N [ha uni. on I'll I'll-h M pmvlulon lo! I mum pllml wpplv what! m mlln luwly ll Inhnunod, For cold lllfllngl . cIr-val chnkI control I. 9mm, Inluvoonnlcud by I Bible lo I?“ llnktd min bun-dun In "I. 1.3 “Ire [to aim) 3.0 Ill" [5 3 pin!) SAE low/4o. l5W/‘O o! zow/so mm 0.10 mm (0.000 m) 0.35 mm (0,014 in) 0.10 mm (0.004 m) 55.9-75.4 9.: (4.0—5.3 kg/cm’) urbm‘flon to mu IhI minuu M both urban-non can b- nnrlemnud umpor-nly. Throuk mum! in ell-cud by (h. mini 91 I nth-pull chlI Irrlnwm‘nl which (will! ‘bunorflv' VIM in Id. cIlbuNIlof. LlMulion ll by [M WI! lump ndnclpll lll whlch all In dollwnd um" plluull. hum [ha lump. lhrouuh I muchlnlcll pump lo um Ming guru at m. lngim. Thu puma n ol the mmld lypl and II dfiwn from "1' crunluhlh by l small tln II mw dilln. 0" ll mwll‘d undar unmi- Vll VIIIIu vIlvn I d lull flow all M!!! mm wllh I up" Illmnnl. m lnqim all I: IIIO [fund by Ih. prlmlrv drlvl Ind (h. DIIMX. 5‘ chum z Fuol syn-m and lululouion z Pm» an» '1me Ind "pl-comm 1 The full unk II mlllnod II the forward and by Mo cum. on. of whlul II ullmd tlch lldn 0' [M und‘nldl of (I. link, whlch locate with mo mum bun-n on m Mme mp mitt“. III! M the llnk rum on I am." rubbu llddll pllcud um” [M o log moo. um I; named by . Iingll boll guano through - lug pmlocllng nun m. unit. 2 To r-movu lhl Ilnll. pull 0" 1M Incl ”no It I'll ”(ml up. lhll Iumlnu th- top kw! lo (M ’W petition. ROI-Du Ih. pr.- nun on mo ml llm by olnonlng log-um um ms at mo new. lug wring any. n a. mo dullull lrom mo munino by moaning Ilmu oously m two who lomd worm located ooIow m. u of m. um. um naming m tlnglo ucurlnq bolt, the “M an bl pullcd buckwlm. unlll l‘hl Dual slur "ll rubbov DUN-II, Ind "find «Wild! lev Item "I. machlno. 3 when mol-clng mo uni, nwm mo lbcvl mum, Mnlu wr- lho Ink u eon-«Iv and can no! "In my cunlml cabin or who: N dmlcully I: moo-m and man wing to ma. mo mm cupl om mo mberI. - mull Imourll of omol mlv ho lwllod lo [M rubbfll II I lubllflnt. a Panel up: normal and upheomom lug This should be done using - Iofl bnuh and clean perm]. ll mo film scrun ha: booom. perfonlod. il shouid be mama. 3 The up in - sumo unil; momloru. ll Ink-go occur: a! the low ma complete Issemblv mutt be umwad. A WM" mung [In no to the penal link, apply . small menu! 0' sealing compound In an gllnfl nu! lhrnds 4 Wind flu: cumin-lion I A Ivnllwllc mbblr had nlp‘ ll used Io wnvlv [he flow 0' MI lmm mu patrol up In the "on ch be! union o! the lift- hnnd urbumnnl. TM pins 5! Mlinud I! Ch Ind by I wuo clip. which mun Mid lh. pip. firmly In Dolmen Chuck poriodlcnllv to 00ml. m W MI no! begun In Inlil or tuck Ind lhal lhl win dim hlvo nol worn through 1M lufllcl 1 Do NOT unlu- l bronn pipo wim one a! nllulll lubbev. mn lompomlly. Pnrol c-um numl rubbir Io Iwall very moldly ml dlfinlcwlla, with ma mun um minulo plniclu 0! NM)" would Oldlv an“ Inn! ml cavbuuuors Ind cause Mochwl of Inlimll pullmwlyl. Plllllc Div! of "I. camel born tin can bl and II I llmpcury Iubllllull bu! ll should he nomad WW! "I. come! lva M lubing I won I. pouibll I‘m). II will no! hav- Ihl um- mum of "I! bllity. I m ouml llp iI mum on m anon-id. ol mo link by - gland nu! whlch lo oonoomrlc mm. the up body. RImoul ol mo up, .mm luv mm Clo-ulna a! yum-l, mun b- proud-a by dulnlng mo mm m- an o- aono Mon ry by llnlng - Wil- - Imam M lublng, o law-r and ohm-I: l: pI-ooo In a can— "In", 2 Unumw mo gland nul Mlv Ind wllhdvlw the mo from m- tank 11.. lllm oolumn my on one on mo and plot lo: clun- S Cam-neon: nmovll I 3.107! nunmpllng lo act-oh m. carburanm, mo pure! [Ink mould bl nmowd In Improw nun II dllcflbod In Simian 2 Mlhil Chap!" 1 BOD-I1- 01 m. "I“ Md IDIDI bum-on "II "I! 0' [ha cvflndll hold Ind I'l- liv flllu boll. uvbumflov removal rInu tom flintmy Ind art In lddilion, "In animal mmovll ( Fig.1.! roam 1 Fw/upuumbly a Locuhg mmr—honl—ZM u Wulm z run/lagoon 9 LoeulnorubboI—rul 15 loll-19!! : leflhlrunmbly la my“, 16 Smeuhw—2ofl 4 rumm 1: Hum "my :7 Fun/pl” 5 lerankfldwmphln 12 Imam-m m Spdngdlg-Iafl a 7m mum: 1.1 cu- rs am 7 Fullpblulfl—k/flklpflfl' 1 Chum-r 2 Fuel "mm and lubricuion sequence musl he lellowed Nnmovnl ol me new needy breckel me oleles ol whlch can between me me cerburenore. is nor slrimly necessary elmough ir will impvm access 3 Slacken itu me ecrew clips holding me comurelrors m me err mler box smbs and me mlel slubs Sllde me eir nee. clloe re the rear 50 max may clear me cerburerror mourns Remove me lwo bolls securlnu eech inler smb m we cylinder need A Grasp firmly me righlrhnnd cerbureuor and pull ir reerwerds so am llre air hose concenlnes Yhi: will give wt ficrenl claalance re enable me inler nose to be pulled on me car» borenor Repeer rnls opererien on me lehAhInd mumm-nl Pull llre cavhurouars (orwarll ee a mm, on! at me an hoses and men our luwavdi me righlrhund side or me meenlne 5 aelore me carburerrors ere completely lree lor ramovsl. me conrrol cables musl be delecned Slnclan llre chokl c-ble clamp on me carbuvauov eo mu m. lnner cable can be dlscom necled lrorn me opalulmu arm end me complere eeble pulled lrom poerrlen Slacken me eelueler locknul on me lower ceble adjusts! ol eecrr mrollle came and screw in me adiuneru lo recreeee play in me ceble Open rne mmnlel by mlllina lne pullny end dlsmnnucl rne reer c-ble looeninq c-blel from me uullsv Close me lhroule end dlscormam me hum ceble lcloslna ceblel 3.2 Wllhdvuwlng me eelml lee Ind mm $3.. ~. 5 ‘b ma lhvollh clblol dullchod a ll mmovll 5.4: Th- clrmnllor‘l (amend u 5 mm! Chain" 2 Fuol lymm lnd lubrication 6 Clrburiflau: dlllnlrming. lemlnlflon Ind mmmbiy l asters dismantling ol the cerburenors can be commenced the two instruments must be separated item the mounting ber and the controls disconnected ss inllowe: 2 Unhoplt the light spring thet returns the choke link srrn wit-re the choke shafts interconnect at the Ioft~hlnd instru- ment Telie special note oi the position or the tpring, to prevent contusion during reassemny Loosen the two screws which hold each carburettor cap and iemoye the screw hem ouch cap that secures the top bracket, The cerburettors share a common mounting bar. held to such instrument by two screws Remove the screws and detach the bracket These screws mey be very tight: talra care not to damage the spit screw heeds,1he two instruments son now be pulled span As this is done, the choke link rod will dismnnuct from the choke arm on the left-hind ink lrumonl, and [hi throttle link rod nrm will llido out 0' volition. Note the coil spring placed concentrically between the ends or thu thmllla rodli Thi- will VIII Ital Thu iuel "3'1er tube is I push in in each carburettor, the seal being me e by an o-ring at each and 3 I! is snggasllid {hat each carburettor I! dlsmantlod and reassembled separately to word muting up the components Th! carburettor: are handed and theru'nre components should not be interchsnged 4 lnysn one oerburenor and remove the three ilost chamber screws. Llit the iloat chamber irorn position end note the chlmbor "Illng ring This field not bl fliltu'bod unlan ll ll damaged. the two iloat which are interconnected can be lined sway sit-r displacing the pivot pin. Tho llosi needle is lttlchlo to the hon [Inn by l lmlll clip Dntlch thy clip from the tsng and no" the needle in a seie pisse 5 Pull the rubber blanking plug irorn the slow iet housing and unscrew the slow jet, When unscrewing eny jet, a close iitting Icuwdrlvgr mult be used to prevent dsm go to the slot in the sort iet material Hold the secondary msin let holder with a small apsnner and unscrew the secondary jet the holder may then bl unscrewed lo roleaso the hall!!! is! which ll I nth ii! and protects into the carburettor yenturi Unscrew the main iet ham lh. "All hauling and than unscrew the mlm nonl- item the same housing 6 Unscrow lha remaining scrlw which hold! the Clrburcltor cap iplaton ohsmbail and pull the esp hom position Remove the helical aptlng and the nylon sealing ring Pull the piston up and out or its slider The piston needle can be rernoyod by on. screwing tha plug in the top 0' the piston Thu handle will drop ML The main air jut Ind secondary air 10' Ml hidden below a 6.!- Detach lhl mounting bar plate. which is retained in the upper chamber by a single cross heed screw Remove the screw and plate The two slow air iels are similarly positioned opposite the main air jets, but are not closed by I gllte Nuns oi these iets can be removed Thav must be cleaned in place. 7 On 400 cc mdals an air cutout valve is included In alch carburettor to automatically richeh the mixture when the throttle is closed suddenly sitor the engine has been running last This prevents beckhring in the exhaust svslem. The cut-out valve is enclosed by a cover held on the outside or the car burettpr body by two screws Unscrew the screws. holding the buyer in place against the pressure or the diephrsgm spring, end then lift the coyer away Remove the spring, and cererdliy hit out the diaphrlwm 8 Check the condition oi the ilpsts Ii they are demaged in any wey they should be renewed The iloat needle and needle seating will wear alter lengthy service and should be inspected cersrully Wear usually takes the iorm or a ridge or groove, which will cause the iioat needle to seat impenectly ll damage to the seal has occured the carburettor body must be renewed because the seat is not supplied as a separate item 9 After considerable servrce the piston needle and the needle jet in which it slides will wear resulting in an increase in petrol consumption Wear is caused by the passage or petrol and the two components robbing together it is advisable to renew the let periodically In conjunction with thl piston needle in inspect the cutout yslve diaphragm ior signs oi ports 'ng or periorstion. Dsrnege thrill be as ty seen I I Elton: the ulburutoil l mollomblcd, ullng the reversed dismantling prooedure, aoh should be cleaned out thoroughly using oorripressed air. Avoid using a piece oi rag since there is alws sir oi penicie oi lint obstructing the internal p sugeways or the jet orifices 12 NOW! In. I DlUCI 01 wire or any pointed metal nbtact to cle a blockad yet, it a only too easy to enlarge the let under thlle circuml nun lilo lnmlw the I". D' patrol coniumpr tiort l1 tho oompvllnd lit in not Iii-Noble. I blllt 0| llr lmm a lyvl pump will usually Mafia '3 Do not uw nxcnniv- fore! when roalnmbllng a cars Durant" Dualuu it llv to lhlli l jet or some 0! tha smlller screws. Furthermore, the carburettors are cast in a zinc»based alloy which itseli do" not have a high tensile slvength Tsite psrticuier care when replacing the throttle yalyes to ensure the needle gn with the in seals It Do NOT remove either thl thmtlla stop screw or "‘5 pilot iet screw without inst rnaiting note oi their exact positions Fsilure to observe this precaution will make it necessaw to resynchroniae both cerburettors on reassembly c.2o nleoennect the light choirs link arm return spring snd upamo the two carhuunnn a A. The non chamber hm on nhov ma We: Icmwa are vomoved OJh Uh mn [we "OI“ cl"! II a unit , 8.5!: The mam Ju llrmwtd) can b. unlcmwad a 5: Susana-win llrrowed) Icmws \mo hauling whlch ham! M0690 in! In mace 6.6. Rllnu up to nnln mean 10 mo pl-Ion Me Full mu m. nylon mung plug as. m. Jill-mun com-a by a pm. mulm by on. unw 8.5b WIIMIIW [he pilmn Ind Mldlu 8.56 Ind ufllcvlw m. grub Iclcw m allnw noadln ramom hum IM Dino" 5.7 Cour nulnod by two mew: which houses xha culroul vulva on loan modal cum 2 Fuel mm and lubrication 5'3 “9.2.2 Cut-um I Gala-u" H AllM-ofiwlwuumbly—2M 21 Sam—40!! 2 Flu! “Wimp—2M (MIZMI 2J SNOW—50” 3 Junoodouumbly-Zofl 12 SM 20” 2‘ Savvy—OM 4 Flonnuombly—ZM 1.1 YMMIIMW 25 SWMW-5UW 5 Flu: dumb" uumbry - Z all It Crow-nu! numb” 25 Sm manor - I all 6 PW! ldluflll lmwunmbly 15 NH urbwlmw 27 Swing qu — 4 all -2oII 15 Lilo-IMHO! Z! FIN/Mp!” 7 Pinon uumbly—lafl 17 Numth-anl 29 Fuddnlnplpl B Fudcrou-Ilidplpil M Nahum—2M 30 Smack—4M 9 Thrall/l Imp urn-v "00!"ny 19 Smw — Z all I" MAM Ill ID Synchronlnllan lflunmlnr law 20 Sci-w - (5 M— INN) .72 Snow/ll lumb~ 21 Saw — 3 all 7 enmunmm: "nan-militia" I For Ihl bun po-llbl- poflwmlncn ll 1- Impmuv- um um arbor-non m working In pun-a ham wlm "ch emu Ax my ahnn mmnb ounlng n m umunnm m no! IV“- nhmnlud, no! only w||l on. wflndu bl doing Ml work but II will Ilia In mm MW to b. Carri“! by [M oer cyllndor. "ill “I“ wlll rlduu lb. ”Norman! MIMIIIDN. 2 I: I. "mu-I m uu . vleuum mug. nu cominlng at me mum. dial gluon, on. at «an balm common n; mu m- bunnor by mum of a spud-I mm mm TM mum nip- mwl Ink: 1»- mp a! and! In!!! Inc! lo I’- I‘Il of tho cvllndlv Mid, tho ormeu of Mld’I I8 Willy W by I noun-lo mw, Molt mm In unllknlv to no... RM many v-wum gang. m which 1. Mn «punch. and Is not- mny mm by and. 5mm mun, whowlll any mu m- M- mmnlnlng our-um m n nomlnul mm. 3' I! m vlouum mug. m I. mil-bk. puma u Iollowl: Rumnvl m- aul-m Ind pow unk In am noon: an bu gain-d m m. clrbunnorl. Ullng - sun-Mo Imam amod plum "Donn-ct lb! patrol Ilnk with If! urination, to NI 0- “vol flow u" b. mlhlulnod. TM MUD. Ilnl mud B. m lbovu lhI bwl d [M “mm-non Cam“: mo mum gluon m m main 4 sun m. unglm um .um I: In run mm: norm-I wailing ummmun hll b0!" nmd‘ “ll. MIG Ilka 10—15 mlnulu. Sn th- tbrank no um Ill mph. wad of III!) - 1300 mm In mlnnlnod. u u.- mdlngs on an muum slug“ If. not wllhin 40 mm Hg 0' Ila. om». lam. ldlunmnl |I r-numd. Loosen mu Iockmn “curing m- lulu-Io! mm on m Ihrulll' lhl mm mm. 5 Turn IhI ldluflor ICIIW lnfl-uockwlu In inculu Iht "Adina on I90! flfllIJIlnd urbunlio', In clockwlu [0 the m. mums. unl|l m- vlmum mm ca non cumurnnor m «1. am. Mun mu lawn-v Iodmul and men-ck. a Mm unvlug m mo Ivnchmnluflon cl curbunuor- m- muum nadlng u lick-cw! would In 200 - 2w mm Hg uoo cc mod-ll) 0! I70— 2“) mm Nu (250cc Ml). I Commundfiumnbmchm I TM «Mr-unr- Ihanld b. “Inn“ 061' lnqlnl tick—mu: Mun-v.1 umuronov manor-lama hn boon uni-d out at I! my. Idling I: luv-MM. Bob-I lulu-flog m umunmn n chock [hould b! mid. lo Dnlun (M! "II hlhwlng "ulna: In camel: ennucl mum nun, [pinion umlng. um cum-um lurking dumpl, crlnknnl all low-l. II It ulna [moon-m Ihlt "I. mgInu n u norm-I running lamp-rum". 2 Sun nu onglnu and Bring I: up to noun-I munlng (Imam-I. Unlulw "I! 01mm. lion Iu'Iw. Mlch l: lyn- shrunk-d to both cam-mum 0nd ll "Humid on I bunk-l lube-rd of "II “fl—hand urban-nor. umll m. Infill“ luml WI! .1 "I ma mm“! M obi-Mn Tum nah pflol ucnw u. ml nmoum nan umll «h. onglnu memo mu mum rpm ooukublo. Lawn mo .ngln- W, udng m mom- yer-w. unxn m. onglnc I. lumlnq am at uoo — ‘300 mm on mu Irv mo Imam, 3 WWdedhmm-nmallmmmm mock vim-mu IM nnglm mod rial. I! [MI I: who can rim-l Ih- pmuduu givIn In 0.. pmiom pluguph. 7° Clueler 2 Fuel lvmm and Iubricelion 8,2 Pllol bcr-w Idlunol Fla. 2.! Cmcldng flou luv-l A Fla-l tongue 8 Phil va/va x : l55mml0.§¥ ln/ 9 Clmu rum)! unlngl 12 All chino! fl|lmlml|nu Ind cl. ning l Sem- ol me carburelrer selling; ml. aa [he was ol me needle iala maln 1m and needle peslllonl are are Dredoleb mined by llle manulucluwl Under normal cucumslancas il ls unllkllv lhll mug Mfllngl will tequila modlllcallon, even lllougrl mm a pmvlllon made ll a ell-nee appeals necemrv ll can elm be ellrlbuled lo . Gal/sloping onglna laull 2 Alwaye arr tllthly on me I‘ e el a ":7! mulluvu elnce e mall mllllure will calm llle engine lo overhear Helelence lo Chip!!! 3 will [haw how lhc Condlllnn DI [he scuffing plugs can b! lnllmvltld with lomo axpcrienc- a! u leliable guide [0 Cir hulenor mixlult llrlnglh ‘Iu tools in We Calhurlllan can ululllv DI "-0.6 [D l dalocllv: llmlnn Invancnv H We ldvIncev ecllon HID-Cl il can be delaclod by checking lrle lgnlllorl liming wiln . arrobelcope 10 (2|th mum. adluellrle noel lowl 1 ll problem are Inmumomd wllll luel overflowing lrem me "all chembara, which clnnol be "lead re llle flout/needle lumbly or ll nonelalerll fuel elmalion ls encounlered llla ell l will probably lle m maledlualmenr el lne lloal level ll will be nacuaary re ramave lna lloal chamber bowl lrerrl each can burellor lb ell-ell me lloal level 2 ll lne lleel Iavnl la eorrecl lne dlelanee between me ulelr moll Idpe ol lhl lleala and llle llanga ol lrla millng chamber body wlll be Is 5 mm lo.el lnl 3 Adlualmenle are made by bending me lleal ammbly lang llungue), which anglon wlln me lloal lip. in lll. dlrecllon requlred (aee Icoompanylng alaqreml ll Elk-Ill! Iva-m l ulllllle a Iwu~llro|ll lne exhausl lyslem does nel reeulre Iuch lreeuelll allerrliun becalm me exhausl gem are ueually m elm oily nalure. 2 De nel run me mlchlrlo will. llla erlnaasl bani-e unloved. er wlln a qulre dmerenl rype cl alloncav llrled Tm Illndlm preduellon all-near. hlvl been designed le give llle beer poulhl. perlermarlm. wllilel Iubduing (he axhlus‘ mle re en encaplabla level. Almougn a madman eellellal lysrerrl or one wlmoul bamn. mlv give me Illusion el er lar apeee as e rasull el lb. chlngod elrleuel nole, rne cllencu are lnal perlermence wlll have almond dcwrdinglv l The air ll'llal boll ls lllled below me daelseal All enlers lhlough e vnnl el lrle leer bl me no: :dnlernrrlg lha elemenl and man panes mleuall ma elemanl le duals whlch Ieed lo me Cali bumlol moum: A rubber plpe runs llam llla bvaalhar uni n on me cylindel halo [0 e unlan on the lower lldlll edge bl me lillel boil Tllla ia filled so lllel all carbombesed vapcuvs expelled ham lhe enulne are lacrvculnad lhldugll lhe Cumulalmrs and men bum in lhe Cylinders 2 Tb g n aceen lo me filler elemenl llle dualseal musl lilsl be removed The seal ls secured by lwd spllng loaded calcnes below and low-ms me real e! llla seal pan 3 Remove me all tiller box no whlcll ls secured by lhlee umwl and lm eul me alamanl relalnmg llama lolldwad by me elemenl TM frlmo la secured el lne lower edge by Iwo lugs pleiaellnu lmm the wall ol lhe chamber 4 Th. elamerll ls ol svnlrlelic leem sneellng impregnalad wilh all and lhnuld be cleaned lllomagllly m e um "ashpoim solver" Pnlm' mly be used as an allalnalwe bul lhe elemenl man be allowed lo dry complualv below me appllclllon bl new oil A wal elemenl will consume a me lisll ll bldwrbacll Wm [M clrbvrulmu occuu ‘2 4 All mm clamor“ II I hum meat clamor 2 Had Iymm Ind lubrlcltion 71 5 MI" "Io element iI dry, it should bl rI-lmpmgnlmd with clIIn your all (SAE 30 of 90) Ind wound to nmovo If. Ixeut DI no! wring M “D IhmInl bnuuu IN: will nun dImIgI In in. (Ibrlc mam-uni; um mum-i. 3 ll (h. IlamInl l! durum or Ml beam. him of DIdIhod. ll lhpuld b. "MM. 7 Drum omnlmnwnhoulmnkdnmmdnd,m with (h. ImIM mining. Th- klflnu ol If. albunmu "In! Into Iccounl "1. Michel of in- Ilr ell-"Ir m1 angina pana- mImr wlll bu IIrlquly INIctld ll ml! bIIIneI II upIIl. 8 Ta IIpIIeI IhI IlImIm, rmnl m dllmamllog prueodun. GIVI I vlluIl chuck lo Insure “ill "I lnlfl hoIII III Err-Elly loaned not Illnhd will 04' omrwlu dImDW. Chock "III [In Ilr dIInII cIIII M "II lmm Ipllll 01 cuclu. 13 Emma lubrleotlon 1 TM oll com-Inna In IhI lump Ind lI WM by lb. InqlnI mmmlukm Ind prlmIrY mm. 2 A milling vIriI lypI on pump film from a par on "I clutch, dullerl oll ham "I. lump lo "II "It 0' [bl Inglncu Oll k plcllod up In ['10 lump ""0"qu a win gum which pmiacu in. all pump min Iny iaig. parilciu oi lot-lg" mum. in mini-n, action of "II pump ludl all I I pron! nmlur' VII I prIIIulI IIIIIII Vllvl, which by-pIuII all to m lump W m! prawn Ilmldl Ill. prI-l llmh. Al I mum. I! 1' milk m mllnnln I poi-tum prawn In [M lubrluilon mom. TM «Ind-id pn- mn |I to — 5.3 ku/cm' (50,9 - 76.4 ml) ll mnII wortlng lImpIrImrI. 3 Slncl lhI all how wlll nod, undIr mum-l clrtummncll. mum m p'uwr‘ ulna «M. h pan-u dlmfly through [In lull flaw “III! which PIII I uplaeubk ohm. w flllIr out IW Impurlllll which my ollwrwln pI- lo [M whiting pm! of m Infllm. Th- oll mm unll In In own Dv-oIII VIM to mm [In cut-of! of (In all Iupply N "DI fill" Ohm"! hII Income clam. ‘ OII lrom I‘M llllOf llhd dlmn m "I cunktull Ind blg Ind bIItlngI wllh I upIrIlI pawn lIId In m. cImM Ind VIM I-ImbllII. Oll II Illa lId dlncfly m "I bIlIncI wolf" IIIImbIIII. Sutplul oil drllns to "I Bump whorl ll II plcllld up again Ind in. cycia II rapaaiad. 5 A lounh all mull II In in: lrInImlrIIlon mmm I pIIIlnI ll of“ Ind of KM mllnlhlfl bolflnfl All" lubrlullon, [hi all II thrown down lnio th- bottom 011M Air-"luau, a An oil muslin w. ing “pm is includod in If" lulwlution circuit to give viml wImlng, by mum oi an indicate: light. it lhl plIIIum mould run lo - law imi, It all pump: alum-mine. Inmlnnflou Ind unuinbly I TM oil pump cln bl "mom from IhI Irwin. whik m! Irwin. II lllll In tho film. NMVIL II will b. noelII-Iry to rImovI llll p'lmlly any: com to 9I|n seem anardrairiinp ma all. 2 Fuel llII midi I ll! lop ml! OM lpply lM III! brill hilly. 'I'lIlI will [Jr-Von! m on of [M CIInklhIll nd to Illpw ml all pump 1‘17le Wk“ boll lo bl rIlIllId. RImovI lhI boll Ind Illo [III clvclip whlu‘l holdI lb. drlvln IprockIl to "II oil pump Wk. Pull all bolh [pluck-II limulllmully, lllll mIDhId with "I. chIln. 3 Loo-n MI scrim huldlnn [M all pump In plICI Ind "mow ma pump Ind gum. DllplIeI I“. an». pin lrom lhI pump mm. Thin loo mould bu “and ululy t RImovI iiia mo amwl imni ma pump body Ind Im an in. pump no"! plan. NOII Ind rImch we Ihlh Ind-flan! Ihlm. m [M drlwIlIIfi Ind dill/inn pln from poIlllon. Th- lnnlr role: can now In dll anal follomd by IhI DUI-l volor 5 Wlil III [M pump compo 1 WM! pIIml Ind allow mm w my balm- curving WI llll'fll'llllofl. 3-for- pIrllllly nlmmbllng in. pump for vInouI muwmmnu In In canm nul. chick lb. cling fol bnlhg. a! hem-I, 0' worlng on lb. |nlldI podium-v. a Run-mu. In. pump man Ind manur- "II slur-nu m till on“! "no! M m. pump body, uslng I Ml" pawn. ll lhI mmumnam mam ma uMu iimii at 0.35 mm (0.014 In) lhI row- 01 "I body "In" be rland. Mm"! |I worn. Mouum tho clIIrIncI bIlwun "ll oulIr mm Ind ma m mm. uainp a iaalai paupc. ii Rh. clu m IIeIIdI 0.10 mm (0.“ In) [M lowrl mull bI rIanId I I IIL ll would hI nolod "III 00' flat of lhI out-r rolor |I punch mum. ThI punch mark Ibould he. Mayhem [M m-In pump cIIlng cumin mammmnu m: on mummy, Win: in. pump rum Install“ In IN pump body lly I Ill-lam quI lap-I ma mIIlng Iuflue. of "I. pump body. Mlln with I “III! gauge niauuia in. cia IneI bIIwIIn IM rum: lI Ind lhl MM! .69.. If [M cl. "no. Izmdl 0.10 mm (0. In) [M rolm lhould bl MING III. rip. 2.4 on pump (71in nun-M Olwnw WM ("WW thlln olpump am- much! UQVQOIAHM< I 3 § 3 72 ell-pm 2 Fuel lymm and lubrication 7 Examine (he mum and mo pump body for sign pl swung, Chlwing or other lurks. damlgo which will occul W Mllllic panicles find their way inlo m. oil pump lmmblv Renewll ol the aflanad pan: is {he only vamodv under mesa :Imum» SIIHCII‘ Deanna in mind mu me man musl always be Ianawud as I muched pair a Hummblo ma pump cpmponms by running me dismanllinq pmpoauie Remambur [hat the punch marked lac. 0' [he mlor mun hue uwlv ham [ha mlin Wmn bodv The componanl pen: mun p. ABSOLUTELY clam or damage m the pump will mmll. Raglan [he mmvs and lubvicam [hem thoroughly below I ing [he err Rafi! the two hallow dawsls and "I! shim boiorl "placing the cover all?! and ligmaning ma Imwl. 9 Place I flaw gash! on the IN!) dew-II Ind position the oil pump against m. :hambol mll, Fit and lipmn m. scram evenly Rotate ma oil pump gem whim tighlaninq me scvews lo chnck lhal [he rolovs do no! bind A III" pump is I'musl Invalinblv duo in diny VOIOII Roman In. oil pump 14.4. Slplrl I "I! thl at!" pump Nu" mp 171600.! Ihlm ‘4 4b VVllhdllw ml dNVIIhIh Ind oln [Irrowldl N A: Llfx oul th- lnnu rotor Ind lmn u to [M mm mlor Nam m. punch m-rk lnvmwodl ch-pur 2 Fuel system Ind lubrication ”.0! MO um [ho cll rlrlco DOWN." [hi on"! rolm Ind pump body 73 14 6!: M uum lhe cle rsrlu holmun lhe auler rotor and inner rotor ‘5 0|! pro-luv. by-plu Vlle: rumovll, luminlliorl Ind Nahum-m l The pressure bvrpau valve should he removed perlodlcally ln l; ,rl lnr lullerl llurl-rlnnlng 7m: valve rollers“ nl a hexagonal hndv cunmlnw a plullgpr ann mung 0n «ally "HXII'IS llll- Vellvl‘ screws lnln "H‘ (,Vxlllklslfie (Int-(Hy hplllw Ulv' lrll null”) and mu ldlel rnorlels lr ls lulmlllml lrlsrrlo llle cralrklusc lowm hall 2 To dlsrnanlle rhe valve, dapruu lha and cap below lhe circllp. ulinn a suilehle screwdriver so lhsl lhe spring pluslura ls held in check. Remove lne clrcllp and release lhe pressur a conlrallad manner. ll mn Cllclln rs removed wllhoul daprasslng lhe cap lhe clvcllp. cap and spllnq will llv our lorciplv vlsklng lha lose at all rhesa componehu and possibly lha slgh! m one ava 3 The valve bodv mav now he unscrewed lram rhe csslng Ramuval oulle poaslale belore lhe valve compommls are displaced, oul lhe ci lip removal l: made aasrer vvuh lha bodv held firmly ln lhe caslnp 4 Clean lna valve componanls lhorouehlv In pelrol and men lnspecl each one lor damage. The valve eomponenls cahnor be ucqul‘lad as sepsrele rlems; ll damage lo one .5 under” me complere aseernhlv muel he answer! 5 Ralil lhe valve av reversing rn. dlemanllmp procedure l5.l on pressure by-pall valve dlrecllv below oil pump la Oil mm rene ngth meal l The all llllar us come ned wllhln a seml-Isollled chemper wflhln lha crankcase Access In lhe elemahr I: made by «An scmwlnu lha llllar cover canlre hon whlch wlll bllng vvlrh n m. cover and also Ihl elamenl aeldra removlnp lhe cover place a raceplacla penealh rhe enplne la calch lhe anglne oll conralnad .n rha liller chamber 2 When lonawlng lhe nller alamenl ll ls wrse lo ranavv lhe lrllar cover O-llrlg al lhe same Irma This wlll ohvlala rhe posslbllllv pl anv oll leaks Do nol ovanighlen rhe eenrre boll on replecamenl rhe correcl reroue sellings i: z a A 3 1 kgl m as , 2: lol lll 3 The lrllar bypass valve Comprising a plunger and spnnp ls sllualed ln lha bore ol rhe filler cover canrre ooll ll ls Iecam mended lhal lha ov-pass valve be checked lcr lree movemenl durrng everv ’Illm change The sprlng and plunger are relarned by a pm across lhe cenlre boll Knncllmg lha pln pul Wlll allow rhe sunny and plunger lo pe removed ler cleanlng 4 Never run rhe englne vlnlhoul lne lrlrar elemenl or .ncrease rhe aallad oelwean lhe recommended all changes or on rrller chanwus Engrne all should he changed everv 2000 mlles and me elemanl changed every 4000 mlles Use only me recom mended vlsoosllv ol ell 17 on pressure wlming lama I An all pressure wamlng lamp ls mcorporaled lh lhe Idorrca llen svslcm re glve .mmedlale warn-hp pl excesslvely law all pressure 2 The all pressure swuch ls screwed lnlo lhe clankcase ln 5 horlzonlal poslllon prclzcwd by a shelf] lHCOvDOialed In lhE pnmarv dnv. cover The swllch .s lnrerconnecled vvllh a vvernrhg llghl on rho lrghllng nahel on ma handlebars The llghl should be on whenever rhe rgnlllen ls on hul erl usuallv go our al aboul I500 rpm 3 ll lhe all warnrnp lamp comes on whllsl lhe machlne .s bclrlg nddan rha englne should he swllched ofl .mmedlalelv olherwlse mere .5 a llsk ol severe engme damage due lo lunrlcallon lallore The laull musl be localed and reclllled hernre lhe englne l5 Varslalleo and run even lpr a brlel momenl Machrnes lrrled wllh plan shall heallngs relv on hrgh all pressure lo malnla-n a lh.n all hlrn pelween lhe beallnq sur laces Fallme ol lhe oll pressure wIH cause lhe wuvklng surlal 95 lo come we dllecl cunlacl causmg ovelheallng and Ewnlual sellure 7‘ cum 2 Fuol mm and Iulm'mion 1 8 Flu" flaw-z Ml mum Ind liable-Han 91mm Clan Englnn unallllv I'd" Ind nop- Fuol tun-don Soul-um In fihor bowl 0' ”on! chlmbfl Englno mn- hudvl Black m hum Clrhnnoffbodlnu nth-um Engln- luau rlwn- ma cum-m Wuk mlnun Aiv clunu dilemma-d a hot- Ivllt Modflkd IIWV fill up!" cllburlllon on muuu warning ngm eomu on Lubdeulon mum fullurn Engln. gm nolIv Flllun m chang- origin. oil w»... neommcndod RIM CM V'm hole in "He! CID. Dilmlnlll and clean. Dllmlmla Ind clnn cll‘hurlnnv. Check In! punmmd llou a flicking float noodle. Chock luv puni-l block In “mm-non Rmnlfl o: vim hose. Raul-u with origlnal dulgn. Slop englm humus-low. nuc- ma mm, huh hum manning. Dmln a" old all Ind mflll wllh now all of con-ct gum R-mw all liner Ilemom. Spark plug mammal-u. Checkmq plug 930 mm lame. gauges Allmlng (he ulug gap Now use p: Covrec! lwl Spark plug amalllpm: A blown, Kan m gvl'y hung cm} .5 vae ovum!“ hm pullmulmp horn “awn amounu pl all mdlcnllve 01 currecx A'nglne vunnmg coudllmlls and "W selecllun In (he combushon chambfly m (hvouqh me use 01 ‘ow uualllVl pl [he npomnvmm up.“ mung ulug all Rcmove peppmu o. .. npl mm "my {arm Black EODW 6205‘“ Indium an ave! Huh Vuchall MIXIIAVE. or 3 WM, ol‘y carbon 0&9qu 10"“ an meculcal leakage uulh mom) mallunchonlng lgmllpn wall-m. II no Implovemenl p untamed, mu msulnlal nose. mullmq .n :1 mrth Tim muse may tx- a W pne qvade naum plun badly me ”gm” 0. .g maHuncnunmq lrmfllnn mmn A blvslmufl Mule msulalpl DI melmd elzcnodc ”la-cam pm A mm Spavk pluq pm only wanes me: mu 4pr pmloam lhn advanced .gnmpn llmlllg 0' a malluncllonmg :opllng mlem whole lgfilhofl symm became lne erEaSElJ gap n‘uullc} hmhl‘l ll cpnecllpn does nol move Elvenlve, ”y Home. gram plug vollage m lnlllal! Ihespark Tm candlnan can am: men an polluupn Chaptef 3 Ignition system Cum-nu Senor-I dualptlon I Iunlllon l'imlnu: checking. 5 can sync!" princinlol oi opmilon 2 Spurting pluu chucking Ind running in: anus s chucking rho igniiign loumo coil a nun iii-gnou' ignition mum .............. 7 CD! Ilnll und nil-d pulnr: inilng . 4 Suclflenlom Alumna! Mil. i . . Nippon Dlnm (250 moth”, Hillclll (400 modal) Yypn , . i Fouling p'vmlmm mum“. fixnd mulli—mil Ilium Ignlflon Typo ...................................... Clplclla' dlIch-rgc iunilion (CDll lgnhlnn tlmlng 254m 400" Follrdld: 0n F‘mllk . IS'BTDCOIBDOI'DM l5°BTDCIlZ°0mm Full ldillnn. . ‘7“ BTDC a 43" BTDC I 5450—6300 rpm 4500—5350 'Dm Spuklny plug. ...................................... NGK‘ NDI Malawian Tlepo DRBES XZ7ESR-U' H62 'Mlnlfllclurlr'l nmmmundllkm Plug g-p .................................... 0.5—0.7 min (0 0244.025 in) cumin running in arm law (M naming plug noon 1 ami common The lunlllou IvIllm mad on Ill [ho modal! Own-d In lhl: mnnu'l I: oo iii. CDI lclpielflvl dlnchlm ignition) hm. in mi- typo pl IVIIOM "II norm-l contact bru- nr and IM mum-niul lulomlllc llmlnq unll Ill dlwcnud with. [hall plum blinq (Ihn by wlld- at." Dompomnu wlIlch mml If" lunlllon ilmlng ounrvnlullv T'n- mototwcla‘ I ulmrlul Inn-m in pommd by I alum-k mounlod ‘2 vol chum-ml. whlch llto lawman rh. ignition liming nick-up nu [M pulur urlll Mlfll oprllmll [M lwllllon llmlnu Imam-1|: ldvlnu. MounlId clou n; [M niiurnuor II "I. ling pull" unh. whlch iriggm in. cult-m la "in CDI unit molmfld below "I luol Ilnk. 2 CDIlmm19Mfludm I A. (M Ilium-tor mm lot-ml, nmnilng cumni (ac) il gnncrlnfl in m. lwilllnn gonna. call of in. mm min mum is than ncilflod by a clock und mama In I". clplcilpv (condom-r). Whirl [M pldi-up. which II mounlcd on "I. DIrl- Dlltrv 0' "II moi, plull WI "Md pull", lulu! cumnl il lnduud in in. palm whleh la lppllld m .n clocrricll Iwilch. TM much I: lumod an. lllowlng (h. cumni nor-d in in con- dtnln' “I dllchlru. mmuun "ll lunlllon nrlmlrv coll. TM: iuni arcane" - high cumnl ln Ihl igniilon ”60le mi, whlch ll pulled ['1me ml HT laid! to lhu Iplfliinu plugs. "15 om. ail-lug oombu-Ilon lo Ink. plan. 1 Th. igniilon ilinlng mm in cannons-1 lutomlilcallv, by lhl Ilmll tun-n! ham IM fluid pal“! bolnu npllud by on! from tho ”Vilma pulul wnrllnud wlmln [M I mum. AI onulnl lpI-d [um-"I lhl adv-non pulflr lllowl Ih' aloclllcll lwllch m be 090"!“ gull-r Ind inc culmii la b. pulsed ihmugn in. pnmlry wlndlnul in me ulunl my. 3 Chanting m igniuun loam coll I fill por'ovmlnel Ind Down! 0' holh lho Iouroa cuill lo! ihc flinging clvculi Ind [h- lmillm ”um call, can only In officinmly duck“! with mellliud "I! caulpmlnl 0' tho mulli~ mm lypo. II I! unllhlv lhll [ht uv-vlql owner/rider will huva menu in mi: lypl of wuipmnnl M In. Innmciinn in lll H“ In wnloqulnm. l1 lhl pcflomuneo ll lulplcl li Ihuuld be check-d DY l Honda Sin/le- Mini 0' .qu-Iloclrlcllni 2 Dlminiwd padormlnm OI complain! ml 0' Ina chu ing Mum may by uuud by hulu oilm Ih. Chuck lhll mu coil mounilng bolls are ham .1 poor gunning Insults in law oi ll’lllic output aria check xhnr all mnin wiring norm-aims m llnn .ng briahl. Talal oulput llilulu on all ma coils may be due m "I. flywhell having she-rod ill drive key nri Ihc cvlnklhlh dlive Input This hull will b. Bull-Bidder" an ink Denim. cnnmor 3 Ignition syn-m 7" f. 2.| Cup-char dlwhlrun lmhlon nldl-up KIM) 4 CDI unlt Ind find pulur: Inning 1 Th. common" in m wocmlng smion running m the «wing at luspccl oomponnnu noon.- Ian-IN m lhu cm uni! M m. oulw uniL In an. mm 0! Illlum, who am In uunllbn should be unowoo. s lmldon (lmlnq: chocklng 1 Boom- no much-Meal m o u uud m oonuol mo pain! a! which lgnlflan ocouu, lgnlflon Ilmlnn con be chock-a only when m ngtno II mnnlng, u nu n Ilmbompic lamp. 2 Ramova mo mommy com [mm m Ion-hand you aim: engine, :0 mm the mam-w. mm is in View. Note mo mious liming mlvkl on mo mlor paripholv mu m. mdel mm pmjaclr mg hum 01: mp cl m casing Cannon mo smaboscope wim mo iqnanon by lollowing (ha inmnnions given by the lamp 5 mlmfllnum’ 3 sun "In angina nno allow :1 In run at nel—vvor spend Aim m balm o1 ma mooosoooic lamp a! we find" mm. M n mo Dormcl spam, mo F' mm x wnh mo Index mm, m. rimmed igmion nming n canon a To week mo porforrnlnca 0' mo momouo advance syn-m. ineruu m. angina spoon prowmwow unIiI mo index mm .5 human «1. Iwo najncom mu .monco mm: an m. mm! pmiphcrv u the nav-noo pmfimuion dons no! lake place. at u can ndvlnea il room-a oumao (he spocliiad englna loud unga. lb: m was on no! lunmIm-nq oonocuy 5 11mg on liming i; comma ma 3.! wmononuy dunng m-nuvmum, no minimum oomg pombh u o lllar om u «1. mm on liming a lawn: [0 be incomct or n ma adv-nee svmm malfunctions. mo only remedy u venewll of m. o. : concor- nod. —’— a sumng on... «mixing m1 "mung mo gup- 1 The two NGK or NIwon-Denla :pavking plug! Ive [mud lo the CBZSON Ind CB‘OON models ls sundnvd The plug lypes oro uiwn In mo mclflullons me how nlnq 01 mo cnupm Con-in Dunning common. mlv indicate . chnnga .n splrking plug arm. bu! wncullv me W9. veoommundad by [he mlnuhclum am: "u b.“ Ill mund «Men, 2 Chad: Ibo up of [M plug min“ I! m- lhvao monlhly m 3800 mile union. To run mo 9- ,bond 1M ouler Ilncmadn to bvlng i: done! In. ov lunhu aw" lvom ma conml «and. um" I 0.7 mm (0.023 in) bile! gang: cnn be inunid. N" band IN Denim 0mm m "I. \nwlulm will Dvldl. caning Inginl dim-v il lhl mnldu 'l“ mu lho cylindnv whllll "I. Ingint In running, f I LH CIIIIIAIN cum 5 Ball — 5 all 2 Gun! 5 Hall .7 All-Inna: — :nmplau 7 C Clip 8 Scuw Fla. 3,‘ Ali-mm I-Imhly WIJMI r 3 M1400” mad!” V 5 Straw — 2 all 10 Scnw— 3 u” 11 WuMI— 2 UNIZ50N MM) 7B (:an 3 Ignition "mm 3 Wm nom- alumna, ihn condiiion at (M sparking plug lllcimdol Ind inlulllor an be used I: I rolinbla gulda lo nnginn warlflng condllions. Sn m colour pnologmpns an pug. 75. 4 Army- wry Iplm naming plugs of tho lecommandld gloom In the ran ovum of pluu ililurl. ([1 will onlhlo (he angina to bc rut-nod, 5 aowm oi unr-llghl'ning inn working plugs. omarwiu thin [I rllk m "ripping IN lhrlldl [mm the aluminium llkzy cvlindfl holdl. Th. plug] lhould b0 Imcienflv lifihl lo “It firmly on 0!." Como! Ill-ling With-rs Ind no more Use I apnnnu whlah l. good iii in prmni in. manner from flipping ma banking in. lnIulllci. 5 N m. Ihrildl In tho cvilndlv hold amp II I maul! u! avar- ugm-ning "1C Iplrklng plugl. Ii il pouiblc lo incl 'm thl had by [hi Lin 0' 5 Hanna" [hr-ad inun. TM: cMIp Ind con- wnllm mothod of "pl-cine (ht [hr-Id . molt motorcycl- d u apart“ a ”MOI 0' ml. nlluvl II In oconomic mini. 7 Mn- m- m. plug lmullflnq anal m n good fil ms nu- IMIV mbbcr “Ill. Th'v lhould Illa be Iron! cl n In prevent "acklnq Th.“ up! oonuln [M wwuuori lhal nlimlnln both rudlo Ind TV lnlarftrnna. 5,3b W full ldvlnm dmlng mlr‘ll 5,3. The rIIIVdOd fimlnn InHK 'F' 7 Flu“ dllynul': ignition mmn lmpmm Rumnflv Englm will not mn Sllflav mnlm no! working Shun circuil in wiring Complflely aixnuvgod balmy Engln. mllflrol Found lurking plug Pool naming duo in genevalov mum and diuharged ban-w Englno llclu pow" .nd mamm- Enuln‘ ‘hdu' whln undnr loud Produmhofl Rluvdod igniiion liming 0mm: SWIlCh mmi limos in can :onlacls me duly ll lignu and nlhar slecliics luncllon swllch may need venewal Dischavged balmy Use klckslan mum ls reclining Faullv suns! Inhlbllol swncn Check wnemei his: 45 mini Eliminnl. mm below swncmng on agnin ll lighl! do no! work rechalge imhl remove uauerv and wanaw plug and MW onglnal cleanad Check aulpul 4mm generals! Remove and uncharge DINGW Check liming. Check glide do plugs ruled. use mended wade: nnlv Vucom~ Chapter 4 Frame and forks Com-nu Glnurll ducrlptlun mm lurk um: nmovul hem H.- mm. Fork you .nu n ring mu burlngl: nmovll From forkr alum ling! . hrk Inga l . smrlng hud bouillon: mmlnulon and noonnon From for”: "Baum!!! . . swaying had luck ...... 7mm numlnnlon Ind nnovnlon Swlnu nu Irm r-u rm dlunlnlllnfl mm ronovlllun ..... . Nu! lumndan unl -cl unuauhu»- 0mm land; In Illon 12 Fran IIIM umlnuhn ‘3 Foolrul numlnulon und mum/mien . ‘4 Nu! M nodal: unmlnnlon Ind rim-lion ‘5 Dullull, umovl ..... IO Spud-mum mud and “woman: he maul Ind rind-comm . l7 Spa-comm ma Hahn-mm drln um. .umh‘lllufl Ind mum. not V ‘8 Spa-dam cumin-non 19 Full dlngnol‘l um. um lm ..... 20 speculum- Fum- val ..................................... Diamond. ulino onglnc n - nuuoa numb-r Front lurks Tvpl TIhwonic. hydraulically dlmp‘d Trowl ' 1 sum lm nqlh (mm) on capacity lpu ha). luv lumnllon Tynu . . ........................... 133-5 mml5~5ln) £80 MINUS-501:1) 140 CI: (479 ll 01’ Slimming I'm, Iuwnflld on lwo hvdfluflclllv a. mold Iuloinflon unlll 96 mm 13-! in) 1 Gum-l dominion 2 melorkw:nmov-Hmm!hlhm Both ll‘odfll WWI-d by lhll Ill-null I'll!- I him. My" 01 Ilmllll IVDI, Man I)“ Inglm ll Itnmd mlmbfl bming I wucluul pm of m. hlmu. ay ldflpflng lh‘u 3ka a! construc- llon wllgm can bl "due-d Ind Cflglm nmavll becom- r Th! from lurk: In of I'll eunv-ntionul lllllmplc lvpl. hlving lnllmll, olH‘lllld dumpon. TM fork Infingl In con- Kiln-d wlmln IM fork I‘llnmionl Ind Olcfl 'nrk he can be dlllchld from “IL mlchlni a wmpllll unit, wiihnul dllmmllng m. Il rlnn hud ammbly. Rnr mac n l. M m- miqnlng um mu, u-lng oil mm Iulpc nlan mm. to pmvldo m- nmulrv dlmpinq union. Th. unlll n Idluulhls w "m rh- Ipdng rulings on b. efhclMIy Dhlnmd within can-in llmlllv lo mlich [M land clrrild. 1 ll l. unnmy mu m. hum forts will hm In b. "moved from m him I: - oomploln mm, unlm m. umlng mu warmly r‘qulnl In-nllon or ll m- mmlm wflln «om-I dim-9.. ll ml: In m- an, lImovI mu om low by lollowlng m pmwduu In ml. Socllon and ma cominu- dllmlmllng u dowrlbod In nu calming Socflon. 2 Phat 0 mm wwon wow m eunllcuc no mn m. 9mm mol in mlud ml: an: of m groundv amen m Ipoodomnu an» M m- uumox on m. loll-hind m. at m mum-eamkholdbvlmw 3 am m. M boh- whlch rmin m. mu win-r mummy on m. limb am of mo 250M, ml the foul boll: which unin m. two “up" lmmbllu on tho dull dim 91 m. AOON. Remov- IM numbiv loo-um wilh m. nnociln Mala 3° Chum 4 anl and tom owning camper-am sun bnlu hou a. hold by - clip ma gnmrm mum: Dy . Ilngt. bolt, Fm m. cnp Ind pull mo clllpot Ind boll Dockwltdl. IWIY hum Ih M]. This to to be don. with both cannon on tho ADON. Tlo Ich ulipnt to I wit- .bl- point an the frlmc. dolt at my plrtl to be remand. 4 Roman tho Ipllt pin and undo tho clotlllltod nut at! m- whool moan. Loo-n tho bolt! whim hold tho windlo clump an tho tl’t "'1 bill lomr lug Full tho whooi Iplndio hum willon Ind I low tho trout wt! 0 am ho. 5 Whin "moving It» "nou- hvdtutllc bak- pom it I. Import-ht that car. ll tlilott not to bond of link tho btlkI he.” or DID". Undot no alumni-um: would tho hunt bruit. bo manna I: lay mm during "may-l a: mm In dong-t at m. cllipot plmn Doing into-d out of tho Mindot‘ with tho vomiting loll of fluid. Should thll hlwon, tho bull llloltlbty mun DI hind lit-t lt ho! boon upload and tho front what in in poiitlotl. ll lnv fluidl ll lnldvoflortllv Inlliod onto tho plinlwori it Ibould In mmovnd It can. Nvdtoulit: fluid! Ito man oiloctivo nlint mmovm. 9 Ram tho from mudguard which il tItllnod by two bolt: through brickltl on tho Inlido 04 Inch tori lowot log. Alla rim tho mot-I fluid! on tho M1 Inlldo M tho Mudfiultd lCBZSONi IMI on both Ildol of tho ‘00 mi. fiomow ttto mudgulm comma wtth contra buck-L 7 Unmw tho limo chtoml up ttom uch furl: lunchiotl luppot tuba) top. and town Illckln flu pinch bola clumping olch fork lug to tho Iowa: flooring you. Elm tori: log can now In rumovud actual unit. It may bu mmrv to spring tho yclto cilmnt In.“ with I ”MM! to Illow tho fort ionl ta ho uulild down, out MWIltloft. B TM hull logo MIV now Do flllmontlod Individulliv ll dualbod In Smlon 4. 3 Forum-undulating WM’uomov-I I m [wt-coding Suction amt»: m ptooodurl for romovll at m. m lop without tuning to din-uh m. Itntlng nun bnrinp at you: Funhut dimlnfllng at m. tori Immbtv mly b0 ucoomle-m u tollmm. um :Irtvina am to»: log "mow-L 2 Cammottel by nmoving m right-hind an. aunt hum m. humo und dllmnnocting tho mutate bIttory land "om (ha lotmln iloilting tho sharia! Iyolom in thi way will pmant lucid-"Ill ind-dual!“ wit-n tho wiring lo I It! discow mud. during diumlmllng. 3 Roll-Io mo holdllmn/rlm mflanor nmmbly by removing tho two 'anI thlt poll through tho sholi It tho i! o‘clock Ind ‘ o'clock volition: Ind Into tt‘ ommbly, Ditconnon the bulb ioldl Ind fill: tho rim/mam mm to otto side. I Detach tho main comma from tho Mndloborlv The hydrlullc mlltot cvilndot mull b. fathom. Th- multot cylinder .06 our-ting lovlt lulmbly ll clumped In tho but! by two boltl and null. Hold tho manor Winder In In uptight position to paw-m fluid “"th in tho non at tho 250N tho cyllna-t Ind hon all now b. thrlldod out)“ the mlchino so thlt they Ind tho ullplr may Do romovod ftom tho machin I In Imdllmltltlod Immbivt On tho ‘OON mod-I than two lmureootnctod hou- which mult be remand. tognthot with two ullporl, u - oompmc uumbly‘ 5 Dlwonnoct th- main connectkml within m. h dllmp shall It tho block mun-m: Ind "up connoctofo. Sim y diluen- nocl m. loldl ham tho “Odom-tut hud, Inchumam and th— Ignition Mitch. Tho wit-I llld'lng thtuum to tho hlndlobltx can b. Bullod thrwnh th- ottflco in tho roll at tho Midi-mo. Ind tho hlndlobltl letdtol wmpiotoly rumov-d. l Sllflwn tho tout boltl thll tltlln tho hlndllblt cllmpfi, Ind Il't tho hundhbatl ley eomplot- with tlchomotlt Ind Mmtor whim In tltoinod an A common 3 ck ballot! to tho I09 flooring you. Dimmt thl two drtvo “bill by uflI‘ amino tho knuriod ring on «ch ubi- ond lnd tho Indicatut iompa. 7 human tho lotno domod nut lmm the log at tho Ila-ting mm m1. holding tho Midi-mp mun u dy roman the tart uwot you. "to hoodllmn can bo Mud 0" Own Yoko me ploto with mu m tort Ihvoud/Mldlomp buckm. I To nit-u tho law" will Ind tho noting hold Itom‘ unwow ma alum ring at the tea with l nun-bl- C-Iolnnon ii on”! I mum ll nm "Ill-bin. A bull drift con bl uud to boson m. ting. Al tho flooring h 6 ll lawn-d tho unconad bull bum-o- "on "to low" no. will bo tile Ind can mould b- um to catch mum n thnv tnll tvu. Th- Dining] In tho upoot tleo will olmnlt unllnly Itly in Dllco Thou cln bi amoawu one. m- low-v you I. am at It» My Fig. ‘.I Fm! huh hunt lurk numbh' ‘ anl It!!! satin — 2 of! Folk want me. (Illnchlonl — 2 M Inbound spring — 2 all fork stunt/don plug — 2 all 5pm., nu , 2 an RN Iowa! In Dun can! — 2 all Dump” rad nut — 2 M w Pinon ring . 2 an H D'W’VIPIIIM 7011- 2 of, 12 ant lurk - mmplotl 1.1 0414qu u Smuduppuyuldc-Zofi 15 RN hunt folk lhltzud I 6‘ Lil front lurk shroud t 7 Shmudlamlyuldo - 2 all 1! lion bolt - 2 a” 19 Unit — 2 M 20 Wqu Z! Clrtllfl - 2 a” 22 0! no! ~ 2 a" 23 Stud — Z all 2‘ Nut - 2 afl 15 Plain wulm— 2 all 26 Spring wuhot 2 7 04m - 2 at 2! 591m cllml! uhum‘h‘hN‘ Z 8 The Iron! mudguard ll hlld by lwo boltl on n '1 Mg 2 7b Ilncken [he vol. ulnch balu 2 7c The hrk Iag- can b. wlmduwn from me yoku Hg. u Mooring nun bunny. mm clip (not 400M Upon m L awn cup [Jun ".1 Lawn yon/u-mng mm Upplr to L our com Wash" Bur/n; 0mm" nut Ia Lou I I Rival 12 w r 13 5pm.! boll A 2 all 74 Sun! our QQVQQAHN~ S Chantal Frame nd lurk: ‘ Front fork): dllmlnfllnfi "I hit hp v II )- .dvlnbl. lo dllmanlle uch mm lug «pm Iv uling .n idlnllall pmefldu . Thorn II luu chlnu ol unwittingly alchlnqlnu pun. " [NI lupmlch lI Idoptod. 2 Glllc (he lap o! "lo fork lug stanchion in m. ['an of I vies so am the log In upvlgm. Pmlm the mnehion mu by wrlpplng a bully clam or lungth o! In gylppm ponlcn, Do not uvlnlqhnn m. vi . unlcrlw m. Inner pluq mu m-ln- m. km: wring. When m plug l. ppmchlng m- and at m. mmd. menu" to muol ma pl- plug and Im out "10 low Indus. Non mu mo wing will b. cox/Ind In all Maul. (h. all his yo! [0 bl drlinod. 3 Human KM fotll Inn 'mm [In VlOI lnd dnin out the oil into I lull. . com Inor, Drllnlng il lidod H the Inn ll pumped l numb'l dllm. 4 Rlloon. the lurk II“ In W vlca no that (hl lower leg i| unload. Ind rlmuw lb! All-n with! from m. we bau m l . log. Priu 01. mm cam on the Iowa: lori y Ind pull me lurk Iubu 00! of mo law-r leg. ll m. om um i. now inv-nod. ma damp" rod llumbly will lull oul Film: m lhe dlmp‘r rod l: - .Ingl- plllon ylng: ma . "bound wring. Tr... Ilnq nlod no! In nmowd, "up! '0' anew-l, 4,1b lev. m. 'Drk lprlng ham mo Illnchlon ‘Jb Ind null nu! ma dlmp‘r rad Illumbly a 2. Un-mw m. lnnu plug uninlng m. lurk wing 4 ‘- Unlcmw tho Allin Doll 4 I: Th. damp" Md humbly alum-v 4 FrImI and mu as _—__——— l thmzmmmlflm __—__—— 1 Thu puru mom llIblI lo mu war In unwed parlod of uwlw III Ihc lnumll when of IN Iowa! log Ind an on"! lumen If [M M Illndllon of who. fl than II Iqule pllv bIIwun IM- M pIml may mun III venom II I common unlI, cm: IM lurk um luv lamina mm m- unqm mm Imm In: all an! End Imrlou hm will oumlou mu all ml and l. m fluld l. 9.. 2 llllodvlllbllmmwmollmllmnlmlo’kIIn dllmlmlod. "In H My Ippur la I» III good condlllon. Thb will uv- I Itrlp down «I Ibo Iona II I III" on. ll all lung. ocwrl. TM oll III In In. lop 01 “all WWII lurk In In rIIIlnId by In InlImII C-rlnq whlm can DI Mud on! of politic" wlfll I Imlll Imwdrlwr. Cluck mu "I dun ucludn mberl Ill no! Iplk an worn vols-n [buy buy on m- onI mix. A mom mluaov wlll Illow th- lngnu M dun Ind mm whlch will dunno. In. all III! Ind Mnlulllv uuu will of m. lurk Ian. 3 ll ll ml woully ponluu lo mum-u Io-Iu Much thI bun bIdIv dlmlgod In In chdom, ponlculmy WM" [M some! III! If! not IvIllI II II IMIVI but In In on m Ildl 01 MIN Ind II an DUI-ll MCI-IN llneo thor- ll m Illv munl to arm whnlm IhI lam m bun m muud ow mot-l hllgumt Fork mnemom (mbnl can In chock-d. In" Ilmoul ham mo low-r Ital by mlllnq mm on I and an IurroI. Any ml-llanmlm wlll bl llnmldlllllv ohvloul 4 m lurk luring! wlll m. I wmmm m um oonIldIr- IblI ung- Ind wlll mud rum-I ll 1M hm mlon Incom- Ipongv. m Invin- IlmlI lol- mI Ioul nu Imam oi «ch ulna ll ‘80 mm (18.90 Inl. Alw-vI rim mom II I much“ pl'u. I mmamnm unfimlmmdmon —_—_——— 1 am eommonclng rummblv M m m, Iumlnc m. Ilurlng MM Ila-I. TM bIll bIIrlng luck of m. ntplcflvn cup Ind eon. Mldn’ Mk! I). wllshnd Ind fill 1mm "mm-«om, alclu of pmlim. ll slau- cl w.- n mam. m. cup- Ind com mun b. nmmd. In order by m. mlgm no. murlng on any mololWClI In In mummy good. m- m'lng hind bullngl muflu IbIolulIly DIM. Em m. ImIIIIn Imoum cl van on th- cupl Ind mu mly nun flaring wobblc I! hlgh WI Ind luddtr during huvv from whal hrIIdng. Tho cun- Ind mm It In III-mm m on lhllv mlpoctlvl ion-lg- Ind can b- IIppIa hum pollllofl with I mil. IblI drlfl. 4.4. Tlu dmnmd haul M W WI 2 Bl" b'Irlnql In III-[MN may. ll [M Mull“ In ml!!!“ 0' mm!“ llllv mull b. "mod. Yo hold [III “III bull. in pm. during nus-mm cl m M vain, pack Ihl bolrlnql wlm mun. Th0 uppll rm l- mm wlm Ilgmnn i inch Ilnl bllll I “I. lower MI nln'lun bllll. Although Inch [Ion VIII mm '0' III lerl IIIIl blll ll mu“ Ml b0 flnld, Th! gIn Illmm my burlngu to work manly, slowing Illom Ikiddlna Ind Imltmlng "II III! of want. —— 7 Frommu-phoom _———— 1 5|th I‘ll. hum W by lollowlng In m the dlmllml- lng granular-I W In Socllonl 2 Ind 4 M Ihll cum". Each lulk In muld h lillod wllh I10 cc (‘9 N at) of good quIl-ry Imomallc Innumnlon llusd (ATP) halo" m Icnw plug II III!“ Inlo mo mp cl lhI ulnahlon 2 II "II [mt lumba- pva fllfllwlt lo II—loflll I’IIDIIUI "II M vol-I, mull um thalr out-v mm In chm Ind poll'hod n [M they will M" M mot- IIIINI I! ll ohm Mum-pou- to an I mam-I mm to upon up ml (:1an I: m- Iunehlom In mm nun-nu hm woman. Emu that Ihlbrl ”Infindmmmmmflmmmm nummmmdmmmmnmmnwmn placed, “film IhI MM you pinch bolls. Idol! Nlly Human- lnu mu from “I W clamp- bounce Ihl bib IMrIl [Inn to enun- any work My Ind III mmpod In “\Ill' ndulnnl widens 3 Bolu- IflI mldlh. ls mod on KM mid, and Ill- IdluII- mm at m Milli hnd Nlfln’. ll may In mo ulna, luau will newnTl-nmldhnod-Wfllyhmwmm MIMI VII hIndlobeI If. pullod IMI Dom-d wlm "II lmm Mk0 Ipfllod hurl. I WI MIG no" III Iqulllv undulrINI. II [1 “MI Io unwltllndv apply I loading of mnl Ian: on ma and buy- lngs by cnnlgMInlnu, IVIII llmgh m hIndlIbIn Ipulr In turn oullI lmly. mnlgm bIlIlnot wlll clull m. mIchlm lo toll In low unna- Ina qle many lmmeln hlndllng, um: I mm In wIIvI. Adlullmlm II arr-fl If (Mr. II no pumtlbll ally in urn bump m: m IIIndloborI wlll leng «a lull lodl In m air-ulna, m" (M mnehlu II on III. comr- IIIIII’ Him "II from Mal CIIII MIN around. only I Illghl up MIG uuu Iln hindlobun Io Mug. 5 TN Idllmmm mould bl mldl uIlng I C-IDINIIV lehd on m- um: nm on ma mooring nom‘ lmmdlmly mm m lnnvumom momma pl. . Mull- um Idlunmtnl wllh my dam-u nm on m. mg of tho nurlng nom loo”. 3‘ Chem» A Frlmc end fork: 1.14 4A.“- 5 2 The ail soul I. held by . Twine cup O Slnrlng MIG luck I I The eleenng heed lock ls hued m we underslde cl me lower yoke ol lhe lurks. whet: ll ls wcured by e coyer and mm wnen ln lhe locked polmun, e boll extends lrom me body ol me lock when me lurks am on lull Ian-hand lock and ebul agamsl a [demon ol lhe sloenng head lug 2 ll lhe lack melvuncudns n must he lenewed A legal: rs lmpucllcuble When We lnck ls changed a new key mus! 09 course be used lo malcn me new luck 3 To vamovo the lock dlsladge lbe nyet and lm a" me ccyer Ineerl lne key and mm II lo me lell Yhe key mey be men wilnduwn logalhar wnn [he lack mm 9.1 The n ulna need lock lmed below me eleerlng M d s F em: eumlnuion end renew-lion 5 I In. lreme is unlikely m lequrre enennnn unless acnflenl damage nee occurred In some ceeee, replecemenl el me hams ie lhe only nliflanow couree ol eclrbn i! u re badly on! at ullgnr menl. only e lew lreme lepen soeclallsls hnve lhe "as end mundrlll nucauavv lor raseulng me Vvime m m renulrcd slandurd cl accuracy and eye» lhen were is no eesy means el 7 l Replen-sh eecn lbrk leg mm the eonecl quenuly olall nsussmg lo wnel eklenl me vrerne mey heye been av!!- sues-ed z Afil! lne meehrne nu cbyered e comidereble mlleege, ll ls aflvlubla lo Iumlna lhe heme cleeely lbr alone el crecklhg m splnnng el me welded ,urnle Hull cen elm eeuee weekneu M lneee .o-nu Mmar dlmlgo can be repclrod by welding or brazlng depending on me enenl end nelure 0' me dlmape 3 Remembsv "III e heme whlch re on! 01 nllgnmant wm eeese hendlrhg problums end my eyen plumola speed wobnles ll myullgnmenl l5 summed ee lhe lelull bl en eccrdenl n wvll be nocuury lo elrip me mecmne cemplelely so lner me heme eeh be checked end, ll neceluryy renewed a lo Swlnqlng Irm re r Goat flllmntllng, mmlneudn end mnuvuiun l The reer york euembly DIVOII on enouldered buknes pressed rnlo lne crossrmumbev el we end 0" each lerk enn Whlch are supooned by e nlvol shafi vunnlna lnreugn lne lrerne down lube borsochou Warn swlnglng erm nwal beanngl will ulve lmplnClsl handlmg wnh e rendeney lor lhe reer end bl lne mecnlne In much or non The any can be deleeled by pllclng me mnchm: on us eenhe slehd end wnn me veer wneel cleer ol lne gvound pulllng end puebmq on me «our and: m e hdrieemel dlrecnen Any eley wlll be magnllmd by (he leyereqe effect In (he UK "cuss Dlly wxll cause me machma ‘0 (all [ha DOT MS! H II qulle GISV l0 lannvalo [he swmglnu arm when was! neeennelesenennon 2 Ya remeye me veal swunglng enn lurk Mu pollnon me meenme on me :enue slflnd 50 mm n resls lirmly end eecurely nemoye lne llnel dnye :neln by Olllchlng lhe mesler llnk end lnen unscuw me [we bolls rher held me chnln guerd 3 Damn lhe breke lerqee enn lmm me lug on me brakn plele end lrern me lug an lhe lrerne In boln cases lne [mane arm Doll VBXElnlng nuts ll! “Guild by Splll Dim. Unscrew lhI Adlusler run on me brake 0991!!an enn end pull me rod mrough lne lmnnlon on lhe brake enn Raul-ca me ednmer nul lo avcld me loss bl breke rod sunny 4 Rummy: lne seln pm horn lne end at me wheel epindle end remdye m. canelleled nul The wheel sd-ndle cen now be pulled am [0 xhe Ieh knack lhe wheel speeer out al poslllan 1mm belween me make plan and me lerk end The reer wheel can now be nlred reerwerds. our el lne lrame 5 namoye xne lower boll lmrn eecn reer suspenemn unll end swmg me umls beck aul bl me my Chip!" 4 Film. Ind folk! 85 e Remeye rne inclinui ham me and ol rna pivm shaft, which can man be upped our lrorn rne len-nand eida kaing rne swinging arm folk up and down will aid romoyel pl me sum The swinglng arm lure ie new lrea id be pulled lmm poeirlon berwaen me Me lrama luge. 7 fiemmm in. dufl eecluder can: 1mm aecn end dl me rprli croeemember. More me presence or me lipped eeellng ring] in ma caps. Puerr om me me lnner menu. 3 Wash me inner and aullr numea cerelully in perrpl er enolner wlvonl Do not Idmuva ma ourar bushu lmrn Damion in ma fork cmumember unieee mey need renewal u may are made dl a mime malarinl rner wlll probably lrecrure wnile being drilled am. When drining In new humus. ensure mar may enier men houelnge eguerely Uu a eon wood or hard rubber pen bdlwdln rne buen end drivel lo preyenr chipping Check me pivor enen ler snaighmcn by vollinq u an die edge pi e deed ilei eurveca ll ine shah ie em 5! mull be renewed or arrelgmened. 9 naauamnle rhe awrnging errn lurk by Vavursmo me dremanllrng procedure. Greene rne prvm shell and beating: liberally belpre raussdmhly and check ihal me sealing “Hg: in 10.5 nerecn me lower end at such euapenalon unir me dun mos ere in good condlrien. Aner instill-(inn, greeae me bearings moreugnly by epplying a gr in gun re «re nipple provided Clun Mi any excess gill” mar has exuded lrdrn me and! at me creee-mernbeu, 11 I“! wagon-Ion unfit-I Oumlmiim l Tn. rear luspenlion units lined re in. Honde 25ON end won model! are el rne nerrnel hvdvluiically damped rype edluuable re give fiv- dmerenr 397mg ulllnut A C~sparlnal Included In me idol en should be mad xo [urn rne lewer wring sen end no alrer ne poeirien on me aoiuslmam projecrion. wnen ine epnng am re rurnad so mar in. sfleclivu langln or me epring i| enpnened me :uapeneion will bocuma rraayier 2 ll a Mlmnsion unii I lr. or i! m. damping efficiency re reduced in any erner we tho rwo unlls rn u be renewed ee e peir For pmciu roadrrolding. n re impereriye mm mm uniu reeci lo mowmonl in me serne wey ll 'ollawl me! me unire mun always be eer er rrre same spnng reading \77 10,8!) H) 7B nulh cu! m. limo! bulhu 10.71: The woulacvud bun.- mlv be armn cm 10.9 Afiu r-Vlning. gnu. mo puma- thoroughly cum 4 mm. and folks 3" Hg. 4;! Nut mains minim I CIIIIII an 5 FM built — 4 o” 2 Lawn gum: mg 5 Swinging um im J Hall dilvl chlln ID SM - 2 UN 4 Mural/Ink n Bantam—40!! 5 Iandnd lubbll M10 — 2 M 72 ("Mellon Ilbll s flu: mm mnm um 13 Swinging Irm pivot 7 Land! valid 1‘ Should-MM 12 Comm and: mlnulon 1 Th. 0mm Illnd pivoll on I Inlfi mnnlng Ierm "II bunom IumI lubtl. which it ucunu by I pinch boll II "In vlghl n nd Ind. Thu plvat lumbliol on CI"!!! Illndl ohm noel-end wllh "gird Io lubvlcllion Ind [MI will Mnlullly land [0 w . ll ll prudem to "move tho pivot Inch Ivom Hm. lo Um! nd alt-u II lhomugnly. Thll wlll prolong I’ll flucllva l". M m Ind, 1 Chuck till! the Ilium wring ll in good oondlllon A bmkln or walk [ulna mly sluts "in Illnd Io flll Willi“ m- mlch I ll bolng riddnn nd ouch In IamI obn-cll. unulllnfi IM Ila-r. 13 Plan mu IImInItlofl 1 Th. prop Iund i. Ilnchcd m - lug wolm la in. Inn-rum Iowll lrlmo min A Iubbcl block h Mm lad-d [0 m. law" and 0! "in prep u-nd lo mu n WI" mum Iulmnlllcllly thn ll III“!!! In obllIclI If I! hll bum lIfl down lnldvlflonlly, 2 Chick "III the pivot Doll in locullfl Ind mu m. cum-ion anvlng it In good condition Ind no! ovumrnlchld. Chick lhl rubbal block ior mu oi damage. No pm Ihuuld m worn bolaw lha_ moulded line on m. mbbcr. l‘ Footnfll Iflmlulflou Ind I'm-flan 15 Lgmhgnui 22 SgIngin is Snub] mam 21 3M 17 Spunk/min! 24 Jon 1: Mn 25 son 7! Ploln author 25 Giuu Mull—Io” 20 Plain WIN :1 Spring mum Dim from m metal on which 1! plvou by wilhduwlnn "II ”III pin Ind pulling oul lha nivol Ihlfl. II ll anlIlabiI In rlnlw [M (1 90d our", bu! ii "tutu". (M an bl Mm llrllghl by clImpInn mm In .- vlu um i- Iinglo . dull mi wmi - blaw limp whllll [M Ippmp'lfl‘ wow" Ippllld. Do not lfltmpl l0 “night-n 1M bomm while in" III amend Io m. fume J If n I ll ”pH-d lo [M m n boll." nlIcI during any nulmunlng opemion in lollowl lhIl 1h- foom-I rublm mm M nmowd llmwlrlly. 15 III! bull nodal: mmlnaflon Ind mutton 1 TM III! bills ptdll Dive“ 0" I ball which Blunt lhmuqn m- riwn-hand loan-n nil Ind unwu Inm m- Ind ul tho Olnm IIIM pivot ”II". 2 ll lhI brill. pcdll in born at Mill“ il an b. "may!!! If!!! dimnnncling um "(um loving Ind tho but. rod and unlcruw- inn lhI pivol boll. TM pldll would b. Ilrllghlcnnd l7 ldogllng In. um. mum ll nmmmnndod for Don! loolnlll. ll Ihould b0 born. in mind ml! Dialling lh' pod]! will Ilmnsl uflllnly dItlvay [he chmmo nlll. wilh which "II camponim it linilhcd [MI-loll il m. Colman: local net 0' I I mlchino II imponlnl m pm mould b- mum 3 The "I! brlkl podll ll lllumod lo ill mmll million by In exlnntion wring Thil should be chuck“ In I uII II“! it i! not nmchod. Ind pulls In. buk. e" c nly. l Both m. hon! loolrull Ind lhl pllllon loom": I boll-d lo huvy all Ilumlnlum all I. am a! which is finld alch IidI of m- WIM- Tho homu- plvnl upw-rdl on their mouming hm: I I Ind l Iprlng loaded, lo l p (Mm in 'h-ir horimnlnl pollllon. ll In chuck ll muck. [My wlll hld uniwlvdl, mduc- Inn "I. rllk cl dlmlfi. lo lb! rldu‘n Pool or lo EM ml frame. 2 I! In. balm!" IrI dImIgId in In Imid'nl. i! is oouible lu unm-nu- m- mmblv line In eamponem um. much new loalrux hum In. mounting nlIII Ind “DI'III the folding loo! 1 I Dalian“: nmovll 1 TM dullull is “mild lo the film. by I bridge I! "1' lion! which loch"! will! lha frlml nd by two wring loldod Ellen" I KM III A :inglc chIIn m on the left-hand line of m "I! may bI Ina-god wim ma helm" lock mil [0 pmvam salt mum-I. 2 Pail cIlly In. “I! should DI rumovld and tho swing Inldod cums: luhn'laled wllh lignl ail CHIN I Fum- Ind MI:- n Spade-rm bud m1 mommy hold: um! um "pun-m 1 Th. nos-dorm" mm Ind m. Inchonmu hand may b. "moved [mm the muehlno Mdually by moving m- inllm- mant Danni. covlr Ind "ch lng [M Mo mm holdlng ch inllrumonl. or Ina-um by utmlnn mo mum consul. mu than unlnllnfi [M oumpommn. lfllr "MI, I! lb. 5mm" mmod (I ldoplld. [he bulb hold." lbould bl "MW 9% the DI" M [M Innmmml II mlv III Int-d *0!" position. 2 The drlvn (2th mun b0 dot-dud fill! in IiIMV all. End! 1| ucurld by I knurlld ling. Aplrl from Men in tithor ma drlvl or dvlvl ”MCI, I Incodomollr 0' uchomlur which mllfunclkml ll maul! ID unllr. Flt I mol- nmam or limb nu Iy outrun uh- rap-Ir lo - comm-m lnmumm up." mulllfl. 3 ficmmzm mu - modem-m in com: wondna om: I: - Imnwry nquirnmonl In an UK. Aun mm lhlllIgll mum, Mar-nu Io m. odom or vualnu II um um! ulilhctoly III 0' hand": poet with "II In I“. Incl IchOdIJIOI. ‘II Spudcmv and mm driv- ubln: nun-Imam Ind mlnm I n I. cam-u- m amen m min clblu from llmo m mm In my «o chuck whuhov [My m mane-m Idoqul Iv Ind wvmrm m. oullv mvurinql m cum-gm or autumn-pd - ny palm Ilonq lholv rm Jtrkv o: Iluwlnh mrmm-nu can ohm no mm m . dam-gnu flvlv. um. 1 For musing, mum-w ma inncr um um rumuvinq .u m- old mus, all-n with - polmI-sookod nu ma cumin. m. am for mom Imndl a mrm «my. :4 chml- m. cm. mm him mamng point yrs-3c, mung am not m gnu. um In! six inch: u m. point whm the cam mm «M Innrumcm hand. n ma: pmouullon Is no! obs-Md, groan will wan. inm m. h a ma immobilise m. hmmum maxi-mum. ‘ u my inmmnl mu nap. mung mpm - hmkan am. am. unm- m admin-r vudlnw continua. Inmcliun will show mm. m- wm cm. nu mm; H m. m. Mr chI- lam an :- nplma and m-Inunod in m. cum on nu um: guano. Nmr m u my inn-l ubh Ilonc n m. commg i: dam-god a command at any pain! Ilong m run. II $90.60!!!” Ind mun!" HINDI: Ioutkm I'll cumin-don v m mmhr mm gum. I. mud on m. Ink-hind m. of m. "w whul mm, m. an». r-rnly aim "unbl- wovmm n n hp! won-fly lubricu-a. Lubviulion should uk- pm:- Mun-v07 m. mm Mal n rlmovod for whul buying Imp-«ion a. nphwmtm. 2 m "woman arm I. um hum m. plimlrv arm cum vll - on! on nu w M m on pump mmn plnlan. nd m "mm - Mflbl- an. no nu llchomun rum n unllklly mu m. mum-I arm wnI giv- uouu- durlnu m. norm-I uwic- m. oi m. "mum. anneal-m .m- u I. fully .nmua Ind mainly lubricated. 20 Flu" dllth: hm. and MI Symptom can“ Ramsay Mlflllm v VI IIIMI to "I all or [hi I'm film. Chock Ind run-w. d9?“ with I I W handhhln Twin-d fol‘u Chick mum. Wh 001M Illgnmnl Chuck Ind It'lim Sllcken um" Idlullmanl il correct. Mlmlnc mlll ll low In.“ Mlflhlnl luddon thn M7!“ MRI II lelld Mnehlnu pthI on mm “mm FM action It"! M-mxnn wlnduu Sum-mg Immdn, a. what undl Io hop Owniohl "wing mud belrlngl Slack fluuhg hold bun-"g. Warn '0"! Ind." lmmetlw vori dump-n Imfhflhn nu IquInIion uni“ Sula-mien loo Iofl in kg: Ml of ullmmnm (Minna In yoku’ Wom swinging um um: 119mm until Idiullminl in mum. Dim-nu. 1uril and mow low-r um mam: lunchiam. Check on enmum Chuck whqu unhl um hm damping mien Rllu summlon unil naluumam nna notch, sumn you mm», mu :m mp noun, Pump vow mm- mm men rlflthan from bonom now-ml, Dimlnllu and mmw buthu Ind p|vul Ihlfl Chapter 5 Wheels, brakes and tyres Cum-m: anl mu llmovll Ind rind-cum": . . . , From whul dlIc huh: mmlnlllon Ind "now-non Flor“ dllc bub: mmufllng tho ullplr unit anavlng .nd nplldng lhl mu am . . . I MIMI cyllndlr llmlnltlun and nnantlon . HMIW lhI Mar-Mlle mum lbnvlngu: lumlnulon and nun-mom . :mmlnlllon. lomnl Ind amnion . . . omnwambun— Rurwhnl: «max and molmmnl .... I 1 Nu! mu. mmImIon .na rumvltlon I2 Mpnhgm nlvbvlh 1: Nut whnl MIAMI: nmflvll Ind "pt-DIM"! . H R“! Mull modal: mmlmlbn Ind unite-mum . ‘5 Nu: Mlul cum am: mmInqun Ind mmqun . Ia Chlln: mmlnulon, Iubdullon Ind Idlullmcm , . . l7 Tynl: nmvll Ind "alum-M I8 Flull doom: mum mm and mu . Is Splufllcnlonl TV"! 250" ‘00" anl . 3.60519 J-BOS‘S Rnr #IOSIS “0518 Two pnuuuu anI 14 ml 24 ml ‘Rnr 32 mi 32 all 'lncvuu by 4 ml wnm unyIng . pun-noun! nmIIIng u man mod an in anl .......................................... 1 nun-nu dllcllvflon 7h. Iwo modlll cow-a In ml- mlnull m mud n nd-m wllh In In Inch diam!" m! mm m: n 19 In I-om I Thu Imm m. uann || 3.80 In and "1 uo |rLTM eonllu M In .IumInIum .Ion rim Ind - uh ' "mon- nectld by qumInIum .1on nook“ rm componann m mud mun-I m vom- . unn. whlch hu - pound-I nronglh 9mm lhln mu om.- molt-d wh-ll. Thu cazsoN I: mm mm . .Ingl- an: mm u m- Irom m: cm dlng mo. drum n I but... Th. cuooN mlum m. n ma mum-II. bul nu - len ditc horn huh. 2 From Mud: numlnulon Ind mum-don I Thu Comm: wnul nqulru ion mum lnomlon mun - luck-d whlll, In mu parlodlc llnllonina a! It: won. I. n-Imu moan-Iv mu noulblu. 2 mlng - flud poInm. chick lhl who-I rim Ior quIIgnmm Nyauullully mum-a 239 mm (9.4 In) twln (flu: SIngI- ludlna uno- 140mm (Svfi In) drum HydrlulleIIN out!!!“ 27: mm (10.75 In) .IngI. am Shah loading w. No mm(5-51n)drum when II II round. flood. neommlnd In. (allowing mlxlmum plmll'dbl' llmXII: flldlll run-Dal 2.0 mm (0.08 In} All-l run-om 2.0 mm (0.09 In) Th- whool urinal bl unlit-d W buckling or damlDI Io Ihl room hn llkln plies. In (M mm of such DI- Iho Mal mum I:- named u - mmplm mm. 00 max Hump! to ugmm 0V lawn m. ball! which hold "I pllll look.) In lhl whocl hub. Th- null an “mun-d Ind "cur-d by plnl ll KM Victory: Ind mu run In din-"but 3 From Mud: mow-I Ind «pl-elm"! | Plum ml mlchlnl on "I. “Mr. land .0 lhlt "II hum ml il Glut of "I. groundv I' MOIIOII'V, DIUCI l Hock bliow m. from 01 IN maln- lo Dal-nu In. machine, 2 TM random-m cubic on be": models I. I push m n ma low-r UM, ”thud by I 14'on luuw. Unlenw [ho lcmw Ind whfdrlw th- cubic. m Chapur 6 Wheel-x braku and tyre: 3 oh 400 e: modal: on. Duke calipex uml musl be aexechec m allow ale-xenon when xhe wheelie removed Slmply unscraw me me mounling helxs horn ene eelipex xe achlnve Ihls 4 Remove xhe eplix pm and run from xhe wheel spinal: eno xhen dexech me xplndle clemu horn xhe hese ol xhe nghx-nene lurk lewex leg, whexe lx ls xexelnee m xwe nuxs The wheel should he suppenea when removing lhe clemp m pvevenl xhe left-hand lexlx log eplnele eye nenx becammg slvninufl Wllhr draw xne wheel eplnale end lower xhe wheel aux ol xhe lexks 5 Repleee xhe lxenx wheel by ruverslng xne dlsmlnllmg pinceV dum Ahex .nmllxng xhe wheel splnale M xhe clamp so xhex lx suppons xne wheel ene xignxen me spindle nul De nex arm! In M e new SDIII pm The spindle clamp nuls musl he llgmened in a speclnl sequence Tighlen xhe lxenx I'm! Vully so xnex xne rxenx faces at xhe eleme nne lcrk leg are xegexhex Now ughxen xhe xeex nux xa xne some xorque semnu es xhe Imnx nul The veccmA mendad lovque wrench sexxmg l5 1 a 7 z 5 kgl m H3 . la lhv h), lhls will luv: 3 clavallel gep hexween xhe clamp xeex laces Inun me speadomeler eehle secunng ix by meens at me suaw Rolallng [he whual le haID local: (h: sneedomalev Innur cehle end wnn xhe drlve flags ax xne end at xhe shah 3 4 Remeve xne spindle clump by vol. lng xhe xwe vallmlnq .Inlng screw nnd nmow wh lmlndle nul nun f N 2 ‘ l6 k 20 l s 1 7 , xx @@A vs x q l5 &% \ u x @Q; 3 Flue 5.1 anxwmel — 250M Y a Inn-might a deday 15 W he! 2 When/spindle 9 Type M; 01/ seal 3 Spindla nuxeep 10 lnrmrlub: l7 ol/see/ 4 Spam n Syaldm'nflorg :5 Screw 5 ‘ What/hub cam 12 nuke disc 19 Sal/2pm 5 WM»! numb/y 13 Hull ~ 5 M 20 Bull » 2 all 7 Ewing an"! n Cme/Iexed nul 21 Jaumllba/lbaaring 7 2 all cnoom s wnuiu. bull. Ind Iyru 9" Flu. 5.2 Front“... -MI°N 2 1 him- wily," 5 swing we» 2 Whul .1th 7 Spummlu drln dog .1 Splnflll ml! cup 5 7W! 4 Spun 5 (mm mo. 5 Whulunmbly m Spudnmoluynrbox 4 Hum whnl the links: Illln‘nlfldfl Ind Mon i Chock m- «oni mm mum synod", no.- and allow unn by Ilqnl ol fluid in no. dupllullnq mo omen. whor- memory on cawou mod Pay ponlcullr moniion Io m ooridlllon oi in. haul, whleh mouio o. mum wlthoul an (Inn n mm m slum oi crlcllng. wllnlng w nth-v mono: dlmlg 2 Chuck lhl low-i oi hvdvlullc fluid by vlowlng mmuon in. unnuuoon: rlurvolv. ii in. «am in boiow Ihl lmi Imi mm, mm lhl hundlubau w pllcod mu m. :ouwoi: iI vurlical, mm fluld oi lhl Donna and. would be mum. Tn. conncl flulfl hould oonlorm l0 SAE Jnoa (UKI o: om a lUSAl Imclfic-Iionl. Mm uu ongim all 07 my lluid om" \hln mu vacummandad. om: fluldl rum unulllllclorv chlvncuuuicl and will vupidly danroy th- um 3 in rum pa. would be lnlpuclld h! w. vld gmova which mlvlu [M limll oi in. hlclion m mil limll ll rum-mu bolfl pldl mull b6 Ilntwnd. own i! only am no. mum in. wur mm. 4 m om won mm. my in wld lvom m. an at m. nllinu lucmblv um llfllnq mo hlngod pluuic inmcllon war ii "I. pau- mquiu vIan-l mov may no "menu irom in. cllioor without removing m- wnui. u ioiiom: cazsou mom 5 Homovo mo tlnglu Icnw which holdl (h. «ma com co in. canon Ln 0" it». com m unou m on“. Pun mu m. and iounng pin apllnu clip. anion wilhdr-winq in. pin). pulh [ha cullpev hard ow! to m- 1iqm.Yhil wlll uuu (h. oiuon m raven! imo the cyllndu, .iiowing room (or [he :ubuquan‘ finlnq oi new pldl. a Aim romovino mo Iwo ulna, [M poa- mlv in mm iron. polillon . wiouniiy. mm in. shim oi-ooa Iwinu lhl , im oi mo oum pad. m: m. mw p-dl and in. with by running in. dllmanlllng woman. Emu mu aha! fining If“ on: vim. mo lm-ininq luring || inn-ind lo mu um um annn "I. drlllld udlal hole In uppmpll .oin, 11 lllkl dllc — 2 ul’ ’5 0i! ”ll 72 Eun-109fl l7 SHIN IJ Cum/unimn IB Spllipln l‘ WOW ’5 .Inumll ball hilt/hp I5 all no! — 2 all CI‘MN mod“ 7 Unmw lh two bolt! whld’l nlu inlu m. cllipll honing, neurlnu ii to (M flipper! buck-l. Th- houllng cm mm b. “hid on, luvlng me two pldl ln podium in lhl Iuppon brlck‘l. Dltpllcl "ch Bid and [hi Inll-chl u Ihlm flnod lgllnu m0 010‘. callpor. a PI-eu lwo nnw old In poIlflofl Ind mm mo Ihlm no mo Invw mlrl on tho Ihlm iI llclng in [bl "mull fllrlcllon 01 dllc mmkm Blfom mplnclna lb- uilpu homing guilt in in. plnnn lo 1 O wmdlfll cluunu i| nlv‘n let {M new punt. Pulhlnq ln IM pi [on will cluln lhI fluid level in tho mlllol cyllndfl rIIOrvuir m film. chock lhul il doe! no! ovorllow 9 On C3400N model! mo pmcoduia should be repealed iov 1M umnd c-Iipor unil In puni iwiil pvobably b- iound ih-i Dom nu 0| pldl will It I nmfll! run. 92 Chapur 5 wheels, braku and (we: 4.7 Human we mo boll! Inuwod) which hold me wiper m the brush! a sh Yh. pm mm m. loving smm vemnven s humane mu. uvemmnngm. .Ipenmn I Cehper vemovu may be accomphshefl w-mam removmg me lvonl when! mom: on CBAOCIN manure u Ieesx one cahpey mus! be delached odors whom vamovul can be accomnhshnd savor: communcmg clhper vumovll me nmmuuc mm should be mamad nom me brake svslem and mun/Du Baav m mmd me sch/en! chalaclsnshcs or me flurd when dmng (his mscon not! (ha Duke mu a! my ban“) unto" 0" WE CBVIDEI hv romov mg the Damn boll em: aan me mm to drum mm a suitable oememe. Fump me hund‘ebav new to help exual all me mm: On cawoN models uneconnm me make mm.- av me secann cahper and tapes! me owenon C8250N 1 Ramova me brake am: a: aescnbeu m we preceding Secnon unscvew the two 00?“ which {2:551thth me cuhper um! arm upon wmch me mm shdes dunng cuavahan 1m two halves a? mu unu cnn now be sepavered Push nu! me bows to nee me .nner cahper hall from me supoon bracket The suDDDn mam :s semen m me talk log by {we bans cn-pur s M. lu-Im um! mu ’3 3 Roman mu ulllun boo! hom mo ullpu cyllndu loum clllpnr III"). Yo dlwlaeo mt plum, WV I bIIIl 0!me air to m. fluld lulu. T-Iu uu an an:- m- plnon II II 0mm —|f&wpodoipdudoulwhhl mmrflMpI-mnmlyb' InIpIrIbly dam-gm. 4 The par" mmovtfl nhould h. clumd WW» “WW only bvlk. fluld II [M Ilquldl Final, OH 0' plvl'fln wIlI all". m. vIrIouI IIIII a: mall and duml Ind thou“ not ho u-d undlr Inv drama-nan WMn m. vurioal pIrII th. boon elunut «my would b. none! In palm-m hugs mun rummblv, I0 lhll 1M1 In hm dun ho. 5 Ellflllfll 1M pllion In: worn mum at 01h" Impufnnionl II I! hon lnv lmpofllcflonl It mun DI nrwwod. omit Illo’ hydrluIlc "uld Illklw wlll occur, whleh will Imuh Drilling lMdonw. Wll‘h mould lo III. vlfloul lull, I! II mm». m mm mm .u, lrrupoulv' :71 I'll! nap-amen. I: I: a mu pilot to DIV walnut m. vlul o! u m Ind comm- hum brlku Illluu Chuck KM Illdov Dom 9w war, W wllh the MIDI In In. Bum" Mei-l In MIG! [My IIIdI‘ W I! m polmn wlll cum mu luddcr Ind pool mu mu... 6 Hnulrnbln und'r dlnlul'y dun condhlont. DY mnulng mu dim-ruling mum Apply u mun all-mm of mph". sum 10 In. Illfllr he“! Mon Ming KM Dom: Rmnnm In. hydrlullc fluid plpl Ind mlII luv- lhl unlon h" In." (lam-nod fully. Brian on brill. can 5. mod. m. ml. mum mutt bl nflllofl WM. lav-II fluld Ind Mod 01 III, In blbwlno In. pm our. ducrlbld In Suctlon B M (MI CMDIIf. CI‘OON 7 TM dIImInllIng Ind amnion Wm '07 I’ll 400M hula nIlenr II In mo. rllpucll IImIIIv to mono flMn bf lb. zsoN. bu! u an bu mn by oampIrIng m- munmlom a! bum two of clllpov mm m .omn muiar diff-rune” in comm-won. m elleav hauling do“ no! up. . Inlo two mm- .m m. munnu In mm: m. ally-r housing - moumu on m. mppon mum in timer-rm I Rum and "pl-dun an ban «to: I ll il unllhly "III [ht dIu: wIll maul" numb-w unlll I ma» MIMI mllllr Ills blin covavnd, unlnll vamlIuII Waring M Ihl dill: M III-n pIIcI llwnby l‘ldudnfi Drilling afflclnncv. To '1va "I flrll much the Iron! whul II dlwflbsd In SlnIon J of MI! Chlnlu. 2 The single fill: a! In. CEZSON iI ucumd by "v. boll! whidl pan Into lhl Il'f-hlnd lid. 07 [M hub. Simillny. ucn M "I din: mud m (In CBJOON urn "CUM by "v. bolu. In nlilhov an In locking WIWII 0v Iptlnfi WIInlrl (mud into In hub. 3 Th. bvulu flu: eln b0 chlclod to! w r Ind 'Dr wlrpupc whilll lhl hum whlol II “III in In. mIchlnI. UtIng I micmmlu. mnwv' m. lnldmoll M In. dlu ll m. polnl 0' gnu-n mm, n m. muwromcn I much Iun mm In. moonl- mlndld 31ka "mi! of 4.0 mm IOIISB In) [M dill: Inould bI nnlw'd. Chock In. WIVDIDI 0| In. dim byulflng up I nil-bio point-v clan m m- oum poripmry cl lhl dl-c Ind win ng m. 'mnl MIIII Iow‘y. II In! loul wlmnw It mo I [Mn 03 mm (0.0.2 in) In. dIIc Ihould bl runtwod, A wlrpId dill), upon hum nfludnfi m bflklng flficilncv. II "Italy Io “LII. luddt'IrIq durInq hllklng Ind MII Ilia clulo Ihl brlkt In hlnd whln II II no! In no. X j \ u 2 Flu. u anm ally-r mm— mm 1 mm clip 9 Dual m 15 Pin Imam clip 2 hymn-m m emu-mu :7 5100de9]. J Fluenclllllpltyilndul H Cam I! Inwn'm can! 4 Co 12 Splmh—Zofi Is o-rang -40” 5 Dlprt—Zofi 1:: Spindtboot—lolr 20 Inn 6 Pinon u Anmnumlm 2: III! 7 PIuaruul 15 Pnden—ZM 22 Boll—2M a mum/m.- 94 cums Mud-.mkuundlym £5 7 z m) '5 ‘ Flu. 5.. Full! MOI. nllpov IIIlI - ‘00" I Man ”In G Diu- pod — 2 d7 2 Hm ad 9 Flinn .7 Dun cam cllp 10 Put ”my 4 [Ind nlwll I l Dun "dude! 5 Dull up 12 CHI»! birch! Immbly 5 COMM! uumNy I3 Fla/«diving :llp — 2 M 7 Com m1 plum using 14 AMI—chm Wm (tn/nail} 1 Mum: evil-Idol: mmlnnkm Ind mun-Hon I TlII mun-v cyllndIv ll unllluly la nle lmbl' unllII IN mlohlnn hll bIln [loud luv I long ”rind of unlll I mild"- Ibl. mllllgl MI bun vavId. TM quII Ilqnl 01 (MIDI! III hllum DI lluld. cluIIng I finduIl II" In [In fluld lIvIl Ind bid Inklm: plrlormneo. 2 To all" uccn- no mo mm" wllndu, comm-m III- alum-mung owl-Ila“ by mummy . him In!» In um “up" unll bIIId VIIVI. OBI" "I bIIId vIlvl W complain tum. [hon oporno [III "will bull II"! will III lln hydmullc fluld II pumDId out 01 Ill. rIIIrvnlr. Cloi- (h. ”I"! VIM. I‘m IN blIId lull. Ind nm [In lluld In I cloud ”MIMI! '0' Nb.— quom run 3 Hanan the banjo boll Ind flulfl ho” hum lhI Ind of m m- Iv cyIlndII unll Ind rim IN IIVIr plvul boll. m. HVIV Ind (M "an! lull!- lwlldll DIIIdI m. MIIIIY CVIIndIflmm Ill. hundltbnn by nmovlng me two bulll m1 m- “wring cllmp. 4 Ace.- II now IVIIIIHI lo [M DINO" Ind [M :Vllndcr Ind II II powNI lu "mom "I pllton IIIINBIV, I090"!!! whh mg ml I"! I‘ll HIMM m clrcllp Ind IIIIInfl boot. lollawod by "I not! hum-I dlp. TM rImIlrId'r of "II oompornnh an DI pull!“ out. TIM not. a! "II wlv In whldl IhI IIIII IrI mud Dunn-I lth mun b0 anIeId In IM um. odor Ind noIlllon, Flllun lo chum thll nIeIIIlty MII malt In b'IkI lIllI‘fIv 5 Cltln ll“ mun-r cyllndt' Ind plum IVII «mu hydraulic fluld or Ilcohol. On no Iceman! u- IbrIIlVII or Ollur wmnu Inch II pawl. II My Hm! of dlmloI 01 MI! III widlnl. MIWII ll actuary. II II no! nlIcIlCIblI lo mclllm Illlw' IM nlnon 0r Illa cvllnflov ball. 0 Soak on ”CW IIIII In hyduullc fluid lo! Iboul IS mlnum pilot In lining, lh-n run-mm m pm: In manly m- um- odev, ullng [M fIvIrIII 0' "II dlvnlnlllng MINI. LubrIcIlI whh hydraullc fluld Ind null. lurI mu IIIleId I69" of tho IIIII lrl um dumped. I5 Anu-dumrshlm 21 Conundpmon lulu] m lawman mm "Wm! 17 SM 22 cuwwuuuunbly I. 8010* 2.7 loll-2M 1.9 Sphfllbool—ZM 2‘ Hull 20 CleI'Inndhv 25 loll-CM ”th “MI! 7 Kill! llII l-mbbd mIIIIv cyllndov lo "II hIMllIbIr‘l Ind meonnm Ill. MndlIbIl IIVIV Ind mu. fiiflll In. ruINolr wlln hydrlullc fluld Ind bIIId Ill. InllrI lyflIm by lollawlng llII amour. dualb-d In Suntan D of mi! Chlnllr. B and! Ill-l KM brIkI Il mlflng clumsily hula" lllllng lhl mIcMno on m. road. Io rumm- D'Illu'l Ina Illml (hi and: normally. Uu In. bran finflv lav lhI flnl 50 mil“ cc to to In 1h. now comma-nu bod down manly. 9 It should bu Imphnlnd Inn rip-In lo m. m , tyllndur an Inn «mu-d m - Nondl 5-mo- mm, or mumw. mu m 6.9me porn would bu rial-cud Irv I nuw unll. DlInIMIInq Ind rIIIIImny wlm I «ruin Imounl ol Iklll um! I: In Imam-«Iv. that uh. onllm op-mlon I: uni-d our and" mlully dun conunkm I mm Cu: hula: Man an hydrlullc lvmm I Rmvul of." lhI II! In)!“ Ill. hyduullc lyIIIIVI II IIIIMIII lo! [M IlllclIncy M "II Milling lanm. All all! MINI GUI no IIIII M M." Inv PC" of In. mum I! ha n flIImImIId f0! IIDIIV or mmul. Taanna ml IyIIIm up wlll not “fill“. I III paella" will IIIII mmIln. Ill-n Imlll ImaunII mung dllmlllc In: at am mmn. 2 Chfli nu IIVII In In. ".mll. Ind flIl IIMOII II) "II lop. Apia, hum- of willan [In flulfl on m polmod or pllnic lur- fun-L 3 Flu: I dun [II btlow KM brlkl "”va unit Ind INIch I clul nlutlc who lmm th- allp-r bind mm In [M contlimr. PlIcI Ion" clun hydvlullc lluld In tho GOMIIMI I0 Il'III m. plp. ll IMIyI lmmomd bIIOM lhI ludic- of (III lluld‘ I Una-w [M hlId lei-w m Dompl I In!" Ind puma [he lllndlIbIrl IIVII “My. Al "I lluld I M from "I. bl.“ WW "II IIVII In [M (IIIrvnll wlll lIlI. YIkI call "III "II lIvIl don no! man Ibo low mild m- ovIrlllon oomlnun. olhcrwlu III will ”to! "II mom. mfllullnfi l huh IIIPL Chant-r 5 mm, brIkol Ind um. 95 5 Continue m. pumplng mlnn wlm m- lmv unlil no furlhov nlr nubblu morg- lmm th- and of nu plmlc ulna. Hold Ibo mm low! Igllnn m- mndlnbm and dam-n m. clllplr blend nunw. Romovu m. plmic (uh. m h. hind new I. cloud. 5 Chock mu mu union «or mlm, mum usually d-nolu mm ll Illll .I: In [M mum. ll m mlon ll may, wnllnuo m- hludlng omrlllon In mu urn. m-nnnr, unlll nll Irlou at a .- mmovld. 0n cstoon modch (h. paw-dun mould bu "poll“ on ma umnd clllpu. 7 wvlcn .Il mm 01 .1. my. bun rlmavod m (M mum, Ion up I» ro-rvolr um: mm [M al-pnugm m: up 0: com. n Ippmpvll Chuck KM mm mm b! I. la nu chock .lm mu m. mm mm In gunml II luncum w .mcinmly worn unlnq In. mmlnn on I?“ mm a link. lluld dvllncd hum IN mum wlll nlmw con-Inky no man! Inn-d. vhhtr by fumign mm: or man commonly by lb. unnamllon at w. v [mm m n I. All nydmul'n: nulas m lo wml ammo hwmmlc, mu II. mu m cap-bl. ol drlwina w. from In. Ilmolohm, and nun-av dour-mug mall Iplclfleulonl In mw cl ml. m: m- ululv. chum-u at m- rluld, old nula Ihould ulwm In almmal F22 Flu. u Mum cvllndlv 1 Slop lung much a Iwo-my/o/nl my (doom 2 am. Mu uumuy — 7 Gmmml — 2 M 2 armoww 5 Mn“! cyllrldo! “1va 3 5m- [mu :1an s all run-mm (250M lo Rum/I up 4 Mum cylindlrhau ll 045m (400M 12 CYIIMI clump 5 Twwnylnlnl MOON; IJ Blow-gm _————— i From wheel barman: unmlnnlon and mum I I Plleo mu muchlnn an [M cum. mnd and rlmuvu mo from mlul u mwrlbad In Sodlon 4 of ml. Ch-pm Roman ma modem-m gearbox, nrlvn nu! .nd oil all on In. righl- hand lldo at huh Ind ramav. m mm mm oil ull hum tho Iok- Ind nu . 2 Th. wh-ol burlngn cln now a. uppod em from new Ila. wlm me us. 90 - ubl. long arm, c-nrul ma uvln upping wlll puv-m me no mo rvlna‘ Ind dam-9o In my me". 3 Ramxm .II Inn old at .- Imm m- mm and be nngn, giving lh. Ian-v - lIn-I mm In p'lrolv Wh-n ma human m c| n lubvlcllo lhlm mrlngly wlm - my Ham on. Chuck In. barium M DllelflM pllll 22 Wuim— 11 all I 5 Mull! [VI/"do! boot I‘ a". 250M) ’6 Pinon 1.1an 23 SENW — 4 all 17 link. In!!! 1‘ Nut ’5 PM! Doll 25 Wu"! I! Boll-4 M120”, ZEONI 25 HM—ZMIMIZ50N) 20 HDIUMIZWNI 27 5011720" 21 Straw 6m may Ind roughuou whun may m pun by hand. All und boning- will .mn . Imlll nmoum al noise when spun bul may would not alum or Iound rough I! mm in Iny floubl abaul the common at m. boning It." would be ran-wed d B-lnn mplnclng In. mung. pack mam wilh hlqn mulling poinl gmu Do not ovarfill In. hub centre wim gleam . u wlll swim when hol nnd may find iu way 9-5! m Oll sell! The hub apnea would be lboul g lull ul grunge mm m. bonyingl in. uning - mu drive on the ovum. nnq at m bearing Do not drlv- In. Dunno ring at m. During or cam-n- will be lncunod. Replies an oil nul- cam-my, drihlng mom mm mace wilh a thick wnllod lube of approximllely ma urns dlmanlion n In. ail «.1. A lug. noclm Luann" is Ideal. 9“ cum 5 wvmln, bum-nary". [MW 10 In: M: main-dun. "ml and mum l Plan- "I. maddnn on m- oonm mm In lhu "I. run MIC-l ll rllud dull of lb. ground. Chock for rim lllmmunl Ind dim-o. In [M rim Ind loo“ 07 MM." Ipulwl by «allowing [In plumm- VII-ling lo I!“ hm! who I dncrlb'd in Shclion 4 0! "III Chip N. 11 lull-Wood: nmovlllnd rod-com l Pllun m. mmlm on m. canlru mm no mu m. my whul l. "Ind clnl at m. wound. Dmn cl m. cluln n the mum llnk Dy rumovlna m. wring ms nu; m. ml" flood not I:- run on on our box leclfl, z Unmw an adjunct HUI lmm um um ol m. arm nut-I- Inn ma Ina "Ion dual-II m. bull. pml w mu m. rod lnvu Elb'nl' DI IIII Ind WWII! WM: drlvo dog In Iku m. lnmnlon ln IM counting nml Pulh cu! m lmnnlon mu m il. locum" mm m- Idhlnu mu, nu nu ma, [0 "old Ion much on mm lovqu um fmm m. tuck plm m removing m ucurlng uplll pln ma unwnwinq m. "U! a Roman m. mm plrl ham m. wheel .plnal. ma unmow m. ml and Mml .plndl- nul. Supper! m. wainhl 01 me mul pum cu! uplnal. Knock m. whnl mm am lrnrrl Demon m b ll. luck pl- no Khl km nnd m. whael an now In Mud clnr from bomun m 107k .n , 4 “when m. mul by mmlnq m. dllmlnlling ulocadulo m chlln alum" mull run he umlmd when lnurlirlg m. Mml mlmilm Bcfnn llgmmlnn m. spinal. mu m m. chnln Ind Wei thll ('1. wk. ' mm '0! cluln ldlunm ru ln smian 13. Do nm lolgnl (0 mm m. brlk. [cirqu- lrm boll by mo - cl m. wlit pin ll m. tom-u I'm bacon!“ dfllchld ln "Nico. ma bluka wlll lock on firm .gpllmlon. mung In weld-m. N m. u Inthwd cnun .d/unn — 2 0! Nu! whul spam-l Wqu clan mm mm — I all Black - 4 on Euvu Ru, wnul wind/a Slum Dull mnr Rm whoa! I 1 During spun-r 12 ant-nu mm»: an 13 Tm ’ 14 Innu who 15 Ammo: dnwbali— 2 on 16 swam pug bola — 4 of! 17 Loch mu — 2 m 15 Nu! — ‘ all :9 Cirde 20 Olin-I 21 me/balloumlg 22 meu pal/bunny Whvmm‘ku~ 3 Cheer-r 5 Whull. brekes end (yr-1 97 II 2- Remave the br-ke edqu 5% 11 3. Remove wlli pin end unmow ihe culelI-led nul 12 “Ill bruit. . min-(ion and "mm-lion l The brake beck plala wmplere wuh rhe breke shoes mey be wirhdrewn lrem lhe wheel hub elur lhe wheel hes been removed ee dewlbed in smien ii 2 Exemine rhe eondruon ol rhe breke llnings u rhey ere weerine lhin ur unavenlv, rhe brake shoes should be renewed The mge ere bended lo the breke shoes end cenner be eupblied unpainloly, 3 To remove lhe breke shoal, rum lhe breke ODB'llmq leuer eo lhei lhe brake is re lhe Vuliron poelrien Pull lhe breke snees rpm [0 lree rhem lrom iherr epererlng cem Ind hem rhe nlvm on wmch lhe find ends beer Then pull lhem upwerd m e v lor meilan m ihei lhey een be lined ewey iogerher wilh lhe rerurn eprrnue When ihey are well cleer bl lhe breke piere ine rerurn eeringe cen be dereched. 4 Check rhe inner rurlece ol ihe breke drum on which [he breke ehoee beer Yha surleee enould be has ham score marks or indenieriens, olharwlsc reduced breking elficiency will be lneyireble. Remove all ireces oi breke l lnq dusl and wipe wlm e reg seeked in DMIDL re ramnvn ell ireces e4 greese end an 5 Belore repleeing‘rhe breke shoes. check lhel lhe brake coupling eem is working smoorhiy end nol binding er us give! The cm can be removed for greeerng by unlachlng lhe operalr mg erm lrom rhe spurred shen end lhe opevallng arm has splinu whrch engepe mm ermrlar splines on me cam shah end the brake lbrque erm secured by n spill pin ll 3b Slide spindle lhrough chem edjunel mark rhe omvnllllg arm and me snllfled shell in aid cerreer relocallon 6 YD reassamble me make Shae: on [he hmku plale M m: rerurn serrngs end bull lhe shoes enerr whriei hnldlng rhem in me lbrrrr oi e v lacing upwavds ll rhey ere new locered wllh lhe breke opererrrrg cum and filed pivot rhey cnn be pushed back lnlD DOSAhOn by pressing uewnwerd Dc ner use lorce ol rhere is risk bl dislomng lhe shoes _——4 la Adjuennu rh- rllr hull- —_——— All models I Ad‘uslmenl or lhe reer breke m curreei when rhere is 20 7 30 mm (3 7 I} rnl up end down movemenl meesured el rhe rear brake pedellool {New berweenme lully 0H and en pos» “an 2 ll when ihe breke rs luily epblred lhe angle berwuon rhe brake arm and lhe opereiing rod rs more lhln 90° lhe breke erm should be pulled all me cemsheh eher lbosenrng lhe pinch boli Reser lhe breke erm so inei lhe nghl angle is produced 3 The heighi bl lhe brake pedal may be ediusied lo surr lhe brelerence dl me rider by means all a boil end locknul hired lb e lug m me reer cl me pedel Nbre ihai ir my be necessary in adiusr lhe haighlrselllng oi lhe srdb lemp SWlIch elrer adiuslr mehi bl lhe brake pedal daemon 8 Chain musm 7 2 a” wheel Sana: emu nut/«ulna usambly amka shoe ~ 2 all 5 cum a mu Spring — 2 a” mu; ape/sling arm Rubbn lrm 510000! 0m 5"! m Wm indium! n cmln ud/um‘ng ball 12 Bolt 13 Cum/um nu! 14 Ma 15 W's/w! [6 Nut :7 Nu! Ia 5pm pm r9 Sump/n 20 Split pin 2! Bolt _ ‘ \ I2 1c chock [ha drum ”Haw 'Dr leaving Ramava dust cmoter 5 Who'll, bnku .no (yr-l 99 lleAdlunmanl at the flop lump lelch Mly be nocimrv H Rut whlol bolting mmovul Ind (cpl-comm the wheel mull blck plllo with- t Ya gain non: lo the rearwhoel beeiin . be removed hem the "within. one the br- drawn tmm the bake dvum 2 Knock out the beatingl. ullng the some procodun .- oolcvlbgd lot the hunt wheet starting with ma right-h- 6 Dining Ind than lhu left-hand belrlng. Yh. rim-nu an Mlving lelflna end manning uncrlbod tov the ham wheel twlv .tmii-ity lo the teat wheet, ‘5 RM! Mull Imckn: Inmlnltlon Ind "pl-00mm l The run whoa! smock" [I "lain-d on lb. lift-hand lid. 0V ihn hub by a large cllcltp, Ind ll quI-d by four ml which on“ into lhn culh dtivl in "It hub Ind all musinld by h-xlgcmll nuts 2 To remove the Iprucknl. fill-Ch lhl ug- Circlip end the waning plate which s below The citctip in protected by n umber CD»!!! which should no mised tmm position Pull the soiocket a" the hub, together with the (our drive pins 14 2b Wheol lpaour and balling 3 Check me oenditian at In. sprocket teeth It lhey ere hooked, chipped 0V badly wom the sprockax must be venewafl, it is considomd bud practice to renew one smock-t on in own The final drive swockus mouid Always be renewed es e peir end . new chain fined, otherwise maid went will necessitate even eerim van-wal on the mm occaslon a The Iprocku may be refined by revemng mi dilmannihg placedum. II I! imponanl mu Ihl vecems m the run! at the meow em ongnoed wvveclly by the mined ttets en uch cu-h driva pin. 19 R r Mod cull! dim: ulminlliofl Ind vlmvlflon l Att modsts are fitted with e cush dvlve mnngemant in the rest huh whtch nllows a men amount at movement between the hub and the drive sprocket to hela demo aut transmission shock told! 2 Thu pins 5! the we: at the sprocket pass into cut stunt-mum blocks which 3'! located in s moulded vubbev buflet Ahu remavnl ol (ha ctvcitp and sprocket the cush dnve cover mly be Mud ley to gem access to the blocks and button it the bullets have become compacted they should be vunewed 1‘1: fit into huh centr- 15.2!) ramovul 01th Iplockll vlmning crrclip l5 2: Th. Inmclll mly be ”had lwly common Mm pm: 15.2: leow1allhn cum driva wvlv Inahlu: accon to block: 15 2h The pm week. It: mourn-a u Ihown and and bun-r1 101 ‘81: would be “not! al Ihown l7 Chlln: Iumlnltloll. Iubrlutlon Ind Idwmm 1 Tha llnal flrlvo chaln ll lully almond lpln [mm [M prolecn (lnn glvon by a shun ch ngulvd aloha iha unpor rum and mi pmpullv mllmalnnd wi have a shun m. A worn ch n will call" rapld weal al the mock-II and (hay loa wlll Mad replacemenl 2 The chain iension will need edjueimenl at regular iniervala lo componlule fur weir, Thll ' acoomplimbd by locunlnq me real whlal run, which ll Mcumfl by a up"! pin and Imuning ihe large nul holdlng me cueh drive/aprockal hub hollow spindle, with the machine on lhe cenlra and. The brake lomue arm nuts should be Ioounodi bul II is nnl neumrv lo rumor/a ma luring ”willy pin! 3 Slackln lha Iocknuli on ma ell-in Idluuau on "In lurk ends Screw the edjualera lrrwarda an aquel amouni io iighien lhachaln The mnsmn I5 correct ll than is if: 20 mm (3‘ In ‘/a in) up and down mowmenl in [he canne of ma law-r chain run Always check ihe chain when ii ia a la lighieai poinl, a chain rarely wears evenly. This may be accomplished by luming ihe wheel whilai uwlvlnq a linger io ihe lower chain run The llghllll poini ll easily found 4 Always adjuel ihe draw balia an even amounl so lhei comcl wheel alignmenl is preserved The full ands are marked will! a series ul vaflical linls lo provide a visual check ll deairad. wheel aliqnmeni can be checked by running a plank el wood parallel to ma machine so lhal il louchu both walls cl Illa rear lyre. ll wheel alignment is Collect il mould be equidisiani 4mm allhal aid! 0' [he "on! wheel lvru when lasted on bolh iidas 0' "I! ma! wheel, il will no! much lha hon! tyre because ihis lyre has a mailer cross auction See the accompanying diagram. 5 Do npi mn ihe chain ovenighi io wmpenseie lei uneven wear A lighl chnln will place alcosslvn sllesse: an [ha gearbox and rear wheel bearings leeding lo lheii rly lailure II will also absorb a surpvillng ameuni or power 6 Aller a period 0' running ihe chain will require lubrxcaripn Lack oi oil will eecelereie lhe raia dl wear bl bnih cumin and spruckele and will Ilad in harsh irenamieaien The applieaiien or angina oil will ncl Is a lempolarv expediam but it is nralevabla lo remove ihe chain and immerse ii in a mplien Iubricanl such as Linklw: or Chainguam aflel it has bean claanad in a paralfin beih These lanai lubricants achieve berm penelraiion al rhe chain link! and rollers and are less likely to be thrown a" when in: chain is in mollun 7 To check whether the chain ls dun luv ranlacamum. lav ll lengthwise in a siraighi line and compress ll endwisa uniil all 1813 Check in. rubber bioch- loi wmpmlen er porlshlng play is rem up Anchor one and inen pull in ihe eppeslie dimer iion lo Ilka up [M play which develop! ll ihe enein erienes by more mu 1‘ inch per lpoi should be renewed in conlunclion wiih ihe sprocknn Nero ihei ihis check shnuld ALWAYS be mad. nher ihe cnein mu been wlihud oui bur belpie anv iubneeni is applied eiharwm in. lubviunl may me up mine or ihe play. a When lining ihe chain on ilia machine Malia aura ihe spring iinii II pouiianed corieniy wiih iha crime and lacing ine direciion cl iievel 9 Replaeemam chllnl am now an bie in narrow: meiiic sires lrnm Renard leiled iii. an h chain menuleeiurei When ordering a new chain alwm qupie ihe sire, in. numbor 0' chain link! and ma vaa cl inechine ie whlch irie chain is In be fined Fla. 5.! MW of chicklng Mml allgnmom A A C Intent“, 5 Corr-cl _—_——— la 71ml: removal and replace-mm l Ar some lime or diner the need will arise in remove and replace ihe iynes, army as ihe resuli ol a puneiure or because a "’1 Cram 5 Who-In. hnku Ind Ivm lonlwll iI nmimd lo off-II WI". To m- lnllvtfknmdl Iyr‘ changing man-nu . lunnmbh um ya I! n M slmph rub! Ira ow Ind th- Ild'mlqn lIImod. m. whol- opIrIdon b surprillnuly ulmph, 2 Tnmmwlhlmhommw.flfltmmml finmflnmldlmbyfolowlnnmwmnhsocflon‘orll of ml: Guam. banal»: on My my 0mm e: an n-r thIl DI MW. DoflIII "I. "II by nlnovlnq flu VIM lmn Indwhcnllllmllvd'flmld. wmmumolmwu-w-y hummmdrlmmbmhm-ommfl-Nldmlmflu commlloflhodm.fllmflhhoflngelpuldwmm tvl‘ VIM Into IflI MI W. 3 Inmlmbmdo-lomunM-ndlworm-dgoof m. MI my KM Midi of [in mi rim. VIry lltlll Iona mould ht Manny: If Willa ll mill-Id I! II probably duolothalhIllle-Mhmmmwmmllol 1M Mal rim III [In my round [M MI. 4 one. mom hllbnntdwdwlrmlmlflm.h|3m to work lmund m Mm! rim In that m. lyr- ls comm-My in. an on. Ila. A: an; mm. m. lnnov rub. an In nmovod. 5 Walking hum lb. mm IMO of I'- m, Inc [M olhtv Ody. M [M IVY- ”! 1M out-HI M "II ml rim which [I lunh-n Aw y. Conllnu- lo work Iround mu rim until Ihc M. I: lma enmplunlv from m. rlm. 6 II I punch"! VIII Mann-"Id m. nmovll cl KM Kym, fi- IMIIII lilI Inn" lub- IM lmmm h In I bowl cl lull" lo lrleI m. noun. 0! m IL Mark in polhlon Ind d'flun [M lubu. Dry m- tub. Ind III nu Im mound [M pun-slum will: I pclml km! 7.9. Whirl (M Illr'let hII (Mod, IppN lhI mbbov solution ma Illcw ml: to dry mm naming lb. mama lmm IN led'l and Ipplylng m- puwh In mu nun-en. 7 ll II hell to It“ I plldl D! [M un-wlunllluq lyp‘ which will (om-l - wry DIVMIIIIIII null. Non Ill-Ill mum MOI-IVY m mmow put-min mung from [M lop smile. of m lech. I'll! ll hII "II“ In mdllnfl. Inn" Iubtt IIIIdl hum lyn- "mic "1er may "aid" I ludll I’VDI of pllch IM “MINI ll - nun-cm band I; m b. Ichllvnd. 3 Below rlflflklg KhI WM. chuck "I In“. lo II'IIIII lull ll'lIl mu Igor“ which uund the punclun ll nol "Input Chock m. oullldl 0' KM Km, pIfllculIvly lhI mud IIII, II "III. lurI nolhlng I: "oppod lhu mu uuu I lumm punmun. 9 I! I’ll Illm Iub. PIII burl paldlud on I numb” of put mm or W [MI i: I III! or [up halt k 1: pmhmbll to disc-Id h Ind fit I m but Suddon dun-lion may cluu In W. plrlieulaflv If h mu with [M from M. 10 Yo nuke. MI lvrI. Infill. (h. Inn-l wbI 8)"!er for [I w amm- I dmulu up. b-n only pun. Than Blah ll lnm me Ivn Io mouth-“10.6 malady. by tho MB on "n MI I! In In“ Ind hi." "I! VIM llwvufll "I. III" [In Ind IJII halt In I'll ml rim. Anna: M was up on IN N!!! kw mmIdI. main!" to hold "I. VIIVI CIDHVI In "I eon-cl Ion-flan. ll Surfing II m. wlm tum-11 hum In. VIM. mm (In lyrI Mdmhwdmmflnunfllhllbfllfllnlh WM will. Calllnul lo m Imllfld (hi [VII In Ihll 'IIhlon umllfl-Mofmnlldto'mmllmflwflmJlmlybl non-Irv lo mu 1 m- IMI during m. llnul moon, ‘2 Mn. nu- mu m In no pull on m- ryvu vulva lfillfl eommuldng whh mo mu mm from nu um u m. mmdmmwlhwflmflm.flnllhwlmm nu don w m- um. pushing m- um up [me an M- will Ihl bcflnfl up muml I’III rlml Thh wlll Incur- [In lnnIl tub- llanr-wd mmuummmmwl-mdmc III. rim Mm I MI MI. ‘3 Check lhll lhI Inn-r IubI I: not mun-d u my palm. Rm Inn-to mo lmlu tub. Ind mi mu m- lyn in nallng oomclly Imund "I. MIIII rillll “Kn Ihauld b- I "I'll lib mould-I1 mound "I. will of m. l’le on both Ildll whlch would bl midi"!!! from "II ml rim II III polnll. N [M lvrI ll unImN loan“ on tho rim. Irv bounclnn [In WI WIIIII "ll Iv" II II lb. mmmmd mm. It iI prob-MI "III on- 0' [in bold! MI not Wlbd do" of IM DIM!- m“. ‘4 AlvaI run m. Mil II I”! rimmm'ndod DMIWII Ind mm undo: ov our-Inna". The eon-c1 urn-urn for ”lo we III glwn in m. Spodflclfionu SIcllofl 01 [MI Chlpllr. IV I pfllion nanny! iI uni-d. Ina-nu "10 ml! l’vrI plIIIulI only by mum-«Iv I mi ‘5 T" uni-elm! II Ildcd Dv dulflng th- IH‘ wllll, ulnimllrlv In no vicinity of [M ball“. with I Hbflll Golfing 0' Fund: chalk. Wld'llng up liquid DI" Illa DI ulod In good INICI, um um ha- lho alum-mum cl awning me Inn-r lumen of “II Mill (In! In mu. Nan lmm m. log-l upon mom |: I m gull rhk ol a blow- out. which an thI Iodoul :onnwnncn. 19 Fug: diagnosis: whoa/s. brakes 1nd (ms; on p.96 1 Tvn nmnvll: DPHau mnm Kuhn and mm "we! m Llusc pmmmxy m my valvv wrmn my mm m clean wmuvl- m.» .n \hown 1mm...“ mm.- mm mm mu] my-vv u.“ Use svms‘al lechnlque la: mend banal hmsh a! Iym valvl- Push vam- and m,» up mm wu- wmm mung mm mm m vosmon mud lranpmg 104 Chant-r 5 Winds. bake! and Kym 1n anfl-gmflth-kulndmu Symptom cw“ am Handhblvl owlllnu at low mull Machine llckl pow-v Ind lamb!!!“ 900er Roll bflko cub. when [wild wally Fvom but. (uh loom" am. pull-o" unwin- Hum lununlubfl Bucklu or flu In what! rim. mom probably Iron: mo! “in nm nmign: on rim Rut brllu binding Endl of lull. thou! no! chlmhmd Elbipliul bvlka drum All In hydrlullc Imam nu: mm: mm 0' won moo Mum lem min bub: ulcklng pim- In mm caliper Wm 01 bldiy min-rod fin-16M (:th Nook” or My warn Mm wom or datum-«Inn cum drln rum- Chock rim llimm'm w Ipinnlng whul. mn-w complete mini (Comnlr wncou Chuck in minimum. w.nn hrlk- drum providu but «I- am. numun mu. Chlmhl wllh filI. Lightly skim in Delhi [loud-Ill! nnnmlon Mull”). Blood brill. Rum hock pm- and ruin m- Ipdngn. Ovflhlul ullpfl null, Auk-ll or mm In mmm Hm I: a vain flmw rubber). Chapter 6 Electrical system Com-nu ‘ Slop and I. lamp: mplloomlnl of bulbs ............ 1O Cnnklhlfl I .I‘flllO' macklnn IM 0|:th 2 Flushing lndlcflo’ mo npllcing bulbs V . . . . I I Rugulnm/mcflfl utlnn 3 Flushing Indium , Iv: location Ind mplnmmenl . 12 Ian Ind mllnton-neo . . 4 WIming Ind hdlmot llmp lb replacement ‘3 Blfllrv. d‘llmlng pmmdula V 5 Mom: bulion ........ ‘4 Fun: location and lifllmmlnl , C Ignition Milo“ 7-va Ind "pun-min! V t ‘5 Stan-v motor: «mow-I, axumlnatlon and flpllcomunl 7 Stan lImu mulch GlullmInl . ls sumr lolnnold when: tunmlon and location B Nomlnll ich swltch: locatlun and nnlng l7 H clamp: rlphcinp the bull” Ind Idlulllng balm Hundlnhu twhmt: other]! ‘8 a at“ ............................... 9 null anon- nriul untum . . t ls Speculum)!“ Bunny Mllu Vult- CID-Elly ‘2 volt, ‘2 Ah Ennh . l , Nugl w Alum-tar Mlkl Nlppon Dense (250 model), Nllachl (‘00 model) TypI Nollllnq purmnnnnt mngnut rotot. multl‘coil llllo' Incorporating CDI ignition power source ma IimIr Oulpul ............................... 150 wlnl I 5000 mm (JWN) '30 wit“ 0 5000 rpm (Z50N) Stunt motor Blulhlunglh H-O— l2-5 mm (013- 049 in) SINICI llmll 5-5 mm (02‘ In) lulhl H MD . Tull/buhump . Inwumnt llam- Plloulgm High bum Indiana Numlllndlcuov on prallul' wImlng Flunlnglnalmon . . . Fla-rm ludicllm bulb ............... AI/bu/os ,md 12 val! 1 General WNW “to ad I mar-d by (HI m-rlul II filled with I12 volt Iclrlc- Intern. Th. clmm comptllu - cunlun-h mounud. perm-tum mlwm alum-m um! I eomhlm wlldmu- maul-mt recall" unk. Th- r-gnluov mull-min: m- output In wlmln . worm-d Ilmn to mum mmhuglng mu m mtifiur oonvm- thu c (lll'mulng cumnt) oulpul to dc (air-ct cumnll lo Inlhll "I. Ilfihll and lnclllllv Owlnmnl lo bl World Ind to lllow "\I bInIrv to be chllwd. TM alum-tor comin- of I mum-coll Iwr boll-d to "I loll—hind ullflq Ind I pom-mm mlonm mmv. Indudid In "In llamalm In lb. vIriaul oom~ pan-ml Mllctl nluu to the CDI lmltlon mum, 2 came. mun-nu: ducklng mo mum 1 Th. output 'mm [It Iltcmltm mounlod on (ha and 0' [he crankahuh cln be chuck-d only with lmcilllnd In“ oquipmlnt at In. mulllmIlIr va‘. II in unlikely thut tha awn-go 45/40W125ON) 50/55W (400M) 5/ZIW 3-4W ‘W 314W J-‘W 314W 21W 34W owner/dour will hle Imus to ml: oqulumcnt or inmuctlon in la uu. In mum-non. lt thI random-nu at th- nltomuot I la Iny wly Iulpocl. ll Ihould bl chock-d by I Hmdl Survica Aqonl o: In Iulo—oloclrlul npocI-u-t 2 II I mammal" ll lvllllbl I wnflnl mick on tho lllnr nltov may be uni-a nul tollown, Comm: I d: voltmltu emu "1' two bltllrv llflllhll rid Inn." In omm-llr In lhl ball-w pollllvn but Dhmnnlfl lb. black land from thn Wlllm/mflmn un'fl. Sun "I Incl" Ind chock lhl mudlnqa on both mtm, width mold DI ll follawl: Cit-tying tum Ompul n 5,000 mm C5400 IZOD/mum“ HM min/14.5V C5250 1500mmmu EA min/14.5V Rope-I [M chick with (M "010“,“ mlln bllm leldlld on. cn-rying mm Output n 5000 rpm am 1200 mm Inn 54 min/14.5V c5250 2300 mm mu :4 min/14.5v 1““ Chapmr a Elactriul synarn 3 More lhal lhis check mus! be made wilh a lully charged hallerv and aha: rhe engine has been allowed in reach normal working lamparalura. 4 ll ins voliaoe and correnr is aorrecl, ii may be assumed mar rha ayslam ra Iunclionlng proparly A marlrad roduciron m oulpui may be a rasuli ol damaged windings in ma siaror calls or brplran leads. These may be chucked lor conirnuuy and reslnance wilneur removing inc aliernarer irom [he machine as lollows. 5 Remove the lefishand sioe cover 'mm the flame so (ha! access lo me raciilar/ragulalor unll rs made Dlsconnaci ihe yellow wrres lrern lhe aliernaror al iherr lhleerpln block connecror s using a mulirmeier sei lo lhe resrslanca lunclron check lor Conllnully belwaen :ach yellow wile and me ollrer iwo ln lurn ihan check lhar lhare ls no conirnurly beiween each yellow wue and a good earth polnr on me crankcase ll any wrre rs rsolaied lronr rha orhers or ll any rs snarled lo earlh ihe slarer rs laully and musl be renewed Check lrrsr however inai lhe laull is nol due lo 2 damaged or a broken wire ll'l some crrcumslances rhrs can be repaired Due lo me high replacemenl cdsr ol an allemalul particularly where a CD! generals: cm! Is incorpur raled II is worlh havlng lhe unrl checked by a compelem aulo-eleclrrcran balora conslgmng ins assembly in me scrap bin 1 ll lha rasialanca lam are aallslaclory lha rapulalorrrecrrler unit lhould be aumined as described in ma 'ollowing Secllnn 3 thulllov/rlctmov Inning i This cernponenr rs a heavrly-lrnned sealed melal unll boiled xo a blackel benrnd rha |ell~hand side panel ll rhe unn is lound id be damaged or lauiry II rnusr be lanawed even .1 only one side ls aliacred repairs are nor nossmle 2 To check me lagulalnl srde a volrmerer musr be connecrad across lhe barrery lavmlnals wirh ine engine vunnlng rhe volraoe across lhe barrsry should be oarween id l5v 3 To [55! rna racllhal separara lha leads rrorn rhe unrr al ma lwo block connecrors Usrne a rnulrrrnerer ser re lhe approprraie resrsiance scale check lor :onllnuily barween rhe green wire and each yellow wllu and belwaen rhe red whlla wile and each yellow wire inarr reverse rhe rneler probes and check lor conllnully rn rhe opposrre drrecrren in ms nerrnal drreciron ul currenr llow the merer should show very llllle resrsrance (down! 5 , 40 ohm [ml in me reverse drrecrron much areaier resrsrance (approx 2 K ohmsl snpuld be measured ll any oi rne rwelve lesrs does nor produce lhe expecled insull men lhal parlrcolar diode rs laolry and ma compiere unrr musl be renewed 3.1 Flnnud nwhlor/ncflflll unl! Ind m-In block eonntcton NOIHAL DIRECYION vE Low REDNINIYE one“ —_ REVERSE DIRECYIDN RECYIFIER YEST VELLOW 0,—- araca anssn REGULATOR TEST Fig el Rwuluor/vonillnrlul ‘ Banal-v. Illnflnltion Ind main-nano- l Bolh models are hired wrrn a lead~acrd ballery al |2Ah capacrry 2 he lrarraparenr plain: as. ol lha barrery permrrs rna upper and lower lavalt ol rha eleclrolyra ro be observed when rna barrary is pulled (mm in nouainp below me dualseal Access In rne lunary rrray be gained by dullchmg iha lrarne ngnr-hand aide cover. M renance is normally llmiled lo looping rna alacireiyie lava: beiween ma prescribed upper and lower lrrnrrs and by me 9 sure rna venr pipe in nor blocked The i- d pines and man separarors can be seen lnroogh rna iranaparenr casa. a runner guide In ma general conorrron or lha bbnlW 3 unless acid is spill, as may occur rl ine machine lails over rne alaurplyrr should always be lowed up wiilr drslilled waier ro resrore ma oorraci level ll acrd ra will on any ol the macnrne, ri should be neulra ud wilh an alkali each u was o soda and washed away wllh pianry el walar, ornarwrse serious corrosion will occur Top up wrrh sulphuric acid at rhe correcr spacrlic oraviry ii 260 — 1.28m only when spillage has occurred Check rhar in. vanr pipe is well clear bl rna lrame rubes or any or rne orher cycle pans. lor obvioul reason! Chemdr 8 Elmiul :ymrn 107 I 4 I Battery is ausily accullbla lhe! lemavll 0' Iighbhlnfl lrIme cover s emery: mlwlng procedure 1 Tim nomill chiming 7. lo! lny bInIry il (’3 IM Illofl cepscllv. Hence lhe cherglnq rule for lhe 12 Ah bsnsrv s I Z smps A sllghllv higher me or chsrge me be Head In en emergency. The higher charge re should. ll possible. be svolded llnu ll wlll won-n 1h. worklnn I". o! m- bInIry. 2 Mill. sure ihsl (h. bellow ch-rger connection s correct red to poslllve Ind blIcll lo negellve. ll ls prshrsble lo remove IhI blnlry horn In. mchlm whlll it I! bIlng chlrold Ind lo remove lhe venl plug lrom sch cell. When lhe bellerv is recon heeled to In. mlchln "II bllclll d mull DI connected lo the nIgIlle llrmlnll lhe rod Inn! in WIIIIVI, TM! ii men lmpnnlrll [NI mlchlnl hII I nIgIlle Inn mum. I! ma llrmlnlll ll. Inldnflinllv rIvInId, "\I Ihclviul ly Im will be demeged perme Intly. __——_——— 6 Fun: locIllon Ind Nahum-m _—.—_—.— l A bank 0! lull" iI com nan wilhin I small nlIllic box Ioceled near lhl regulalor anu iuses are used, I e mlln one being 0' 15A rellng end we remeinlng rwo oi 7A rering, Z Belem replacing I fun (in! hll blown check the! no ubvlmll Ina" clrcull h l occurred, olmrwlu (ha rIplI lun wlll blow lmmldllluly ii In lnnnod. It is IlwaI check lhI IIIEIIIEII circuil lhorouthv, In "I lhe lIull Ind alimlnlll ll. 3 When I luII blow! Mill. Ihl mlchinl running Ind no IpIrI l! Ivllllblo. I 'uel you horn remody i m mmm lhe blown 'qu Ind wvlp II in alive! pIpIr beorI In ting II in "in In" holder. Th0 Iller pup" will follow "w I C! Ell continuity by bridglng lhu bldkln fuu w Thll Iwedi nl would NEVER bl and i' mun ll 0 dense oi shun circuil or other major ‘Ilactlicll llull, UerwidI more Iurloul dlmlgl will be cIund Replace lhe dociored' ruse el lhe ae esl possible oppomrriliv In "More lull c|rcull prolenlon. 7 Sun-r motor: rlmnvll, Inmlnlflofl Ind nplle'lllinl l Ari eleclric elener moldr. operated lrom e smsll pulhc bullon on me rignfrhand side of lhe handlebars. gravid!!! an alierneilve and more conveniem merhod oi mning lhe engine wilhoui having lo use lhe kickslen The slsrlar mom is maunlad al lhe Iron! 01th crankcase, immedialely below ma lronl down lube Currenl is supplied lrom lhs ballerv via a heevv duly solenoid swilch end e ubla capable or carrying the very hiwl Curran! amended by tho nerler molar on ma inilial llIrlvup, 2 The surler molar drives . iree runninp clulch Vie en idler pinion. The clutch ensursa lhe slerler molor drive is disconr nan-d irom the pump drive immedlelalv rhe engine slens. ll operales on lhe centrirugel ciple: spring loaded rollers laka up lhe drive unlil (ha centrifugll Iowa 0' lhe milling nglnl overcomes iheir resisience and rhe drive is eulomaliceny dismnnened. 3 The slsrler molor in" be removed while lhe engine is In lhe lrsrrle Disoonnacl ml bullerv leads in isolale lhe eleclricel synem and men delsch lhe heavy cable irom lhs lerminal on lhe slsrlar molor body The prolecling rubber bool wlll hove id be prised of! lhe lerminll re gein access lo lhe rm! 4 The slarler molar is secured lo lhe crerlllcese by me bolls which pass lhrough lhe leh- and end or lhe molor casing. When lhese bolls ere mlhdrewn lhe molor cen be prised oul ol posrlion end llhed awev ll necanery s Khln wooden wedge pllmd human "I: molar using Ind cranks-n may be used l0 push lhe slarler mom! backwards so lhsl lhe molor bossl vu lha hold in lhe using. 5 lhe pIrls M lhe sinner molar moul likely m require unan- llon III mo brushar. The Ind cover is "(lined by "1- two long screws which peas lhrough lhe lugs cssl on holh Ind niIcII. ll "\I IquI III wilhdruwn, [M end coylr inn be lined IWIY and lhe brush geer twee-d 8 Lifi up In. loving clips which bill on lhe Ind 01 llch bvulh and remove lhe hrushee from rholr holders. Each hrulh should thI I ling": M 12.5 mm l0.5 In). The minimum Illcwlbla broth IInglh il 55 mm [0.12 in) II Inc brulh iI Inert-I ll mual DI rlnowod. 7 Scion Ihl brulhl I rlpllud. mlkll lurl "III IhI oom- mulslor is then. The commulemr is lhe ring or copper seg- menu in which I'll haunt: boll Ch!" "I. oommunlol wilh I IMD M all" DID-r. Nlnr uli Imcry clolh or via Ind-dry IN smell IbrIIle frIngnn mlv Imbod lhImulvll in (in Sch cooper oi me commumbr end ceuss IleI-Ilvl wssr or rhs bmlhlt. Flnllh of! "i! commuulor with mull polish (a give I morn surf-w end hnallv wipe lhe segmenle over whh s molhvlllld lplrlll mil-d II In InlurI I wall. In. ‘ufllu. Chick Ihll Ihn Mia lnwllrorl which "I bulwun lhI segment: or lhe commulalor. ers unflIrcuL The ulndsrd groove deplh is 0.5 — 0.3 mm (D 02 — O 03 in], hul if [M Ivurlao gloom dlprh isle s lhan mislh armelure should be renewed or relumed lo a Hand. Service Agenr inr re~cullinu 9 Rep ace lha brushes in lhsir holders and check lhal lhev slide qulla lrealv Mel-e sum "ll brushes Ire vlpllced In moi! origin-l political beau“ may wlll hlv‘ worn lo "1. prollll ol lhe oommulslor Replace snd lighlen lhe end cover. lhsn rlplIDI (M IIIHII mom! Ind cable, "6 when "nullify lhe oal prim" swhch Ind III , by ravIrIiny lhe dismantling proce» durl. _——’- l Sun-f whnold lwndi: funcdon Ind loath" _——— | TN flirt-r mole! switch is dlllqflnd lo work on me 0cm)- mlmmic nrincipl' When (M sinner mum! burlun ll demon-d cunsnl lmm lhe bensrv passes lhreugh windings ln lhe ewllch solenoid end genersles an eienrb-megnerie iorce which noun a sol of domain poinll to close, Immedlelary lhe point] close. the slsner mold: is energised and e vary hsevv currenl ie drawn horn lhe bell-iv 2 Thil Irwngumenl uud ior ll leul two lulwnl. Firmly. lhe sinner molor currsnl is drswn only when lhe bundn depressed end is cut on again thn pressure on the pump is released. This ensur minimum or nage on lhe benerv Semndly, W In. benery is in I low stale 0' charge them will Ml be sulficienl currenl lo cause the solenoid conlecls to Close. in ConsequInDe. ll I: no! possible In alien In exceulve drum on lhe benerv whim. in some c-rcumslances, can cause lhe plales lo overheel and shed lheir coehnps ll lhe slsner will nol 108 Cranmer 6 Electrical Iymm operale firsl suspecl a discharged banary ma can be checked by lrying rha horn or swllchlng on rne ligms ll lhls check shows me bellery lo be In good shape suspacr rhe sranar swllch whlah should come lnlo acllon wall a pronounced Cluck ll ls localad behlnd lhe laflrhano slde panel and can be ldenmim by rha heavy oury ararler cable connanao lo n lr 45 her poulble re ahecl a sallslacmrv raparr il rha swrlch manuncllons ll musr be renewed 9 Nudllmp hcigm replacing mu bulb! Ind ldjunlnu Mum I In order ro garn aceesa lo lhe headlamps bulbs .l ls necessary lo lirsr ramnya ma rlm cumulala wllh rha rellacml and headlamp glass. The rirn la rararnae by me screws wmch pass lhrough lha headlamp ahall lusl below rha me headlamp mounllng bolu 2 Pull rha headlamp bulb socket lrom rha raar bulb holder The headlamp bulb ra rararned by a aprrng loaoed collar To relaasa lha collar depress and lhen rwlsl ll m an anll-cloclrwrse drracoon The collar aphng and bulb may be lrhad lrom posmon 9.1 Halal-mp rlm ls wowed by two ":an p-nlna through lha shall V .l 9 2b Blyanu collav locales [he bulb holfleh bulb is n blvonel lit A rellecror lhal accepls a pllol bulb Is lrned lo all models dehyareo lo wunlvlos or slales where parklhg llghls ave a slalulory requiremenl ma ollol bulb ls held In rhe bulb holder by a bayonel r mg 3 Beam helgm on all models ls anecred by lrluhg lho headlamp shall allar lhe mounnng bolls have been loosened sllghlly On lhe caAooN lha holeonxal ellgnmem bl lhe beam can be amusled by allerlhg rhe posrrron ol lha sclew whlch passes lhrough rhe headlamp nm The scmw rs lured ar ma 9 oclock posllion when viewed lvom ma lronl el me maehme Turning rha screw or a alochwrse olrecllon Wlll moya lhe beam olracrion eyar (n lhe lahrhand slde 4 In rhe UK ragulalloas srrpulale rhar rhe headlamps musr be arranged so lhal rhe llghr wlll nol oarrle a person Slandmg al a drslanca graaler men 25 laar lram rha lamp whose eye level ls nol laaa rhah 3 laex 6 rnches above mm plane ll ls easy lo approaimele lhls swung by placlng rha maehma 25 laal away lrem a wall on a lauel road and aamng lha baam helghl so lhal rr la conaemrared ar ma same herghl as me dlslunce bl rho canlra at me headlamp lrom rbe ground The rldar musl be same normally during lnrs opararian and also me p. ' n passengel ll one Is call-ad regularly k l 9 2: Film bulb holder ls a push m in ma reflector I09 S m > its: E E n - 3:5; S E m - :2; am ‘3 u - in m. :9 N 1 .EN w. ‘39:; n. 5 32-3 San-=5: «in u. {a N I 3‘39 n» It 3%.! 32.5.3 «3; I Ea N I L539 2 \\3n 3.33:1 N ~ 33 .ukl \ h 53 35%.; E :EEEU m kn N l E: 3EI§R h to n I 3.3.}! K 203 ‘ >353.- ..E-iun: nd .2; 33E 33 Eat ES 5.52.! :32 SE 5.53.: E n 1 ES: .533 SEE-t 5‘! $252.- 5.33.2 kmm‘na ta N I355.) RN in N 135$: mm ta N I than an khan VN {a N xknw MN kc N I {on NN 35m R 5 ‘ 533 3.255 to: an .3 w I 5:5 9 xx « 583 3.25:: «8: E .3 N L53 u N :2. 553:: E 33 EE 2 £3 uEa¥~x 3 :EEEw E 332 Brute-k N. 5 ~ I 3.2:; . _ 3!»: eat a. :22 53 SE n ta n I S: .33 a zoo. ‘ >35:- nE-E-ux no .u: ES 553:: its: 3: ii» « PE» ES? x :5. SEE? 5.53.2 SE $.52- SSE-.2 v—Nm‘mun Chimera Electrically: um 111 #— 10 Shop and rail lamp: repleeemem ol bulbs ’— i The combined slop end rail lamp bulb conieins [we was menis, one loi lhe slop lamp and one lor rail lamp 2 The ollsel pin beyonei ruling bulb can be renewed alrer rhe plasric lens cover and screws has been removed. l Flashing indicator lamps are «bad lo rhe lrenl end reer el lhe mechlne They are mounred on shorr srallrs rhrouoh which his wires pill Access ro each bulb la geined by removing rhe lwe screws holding me plesric lens cover. "is bulbs are relalned by a bayoner living I Ll olch filming lndlcllor Ian- 12 Fl Ihlng Indium! II Iv: lac-don Ind "pl-“main __—_—_.—— l The llaahlnq lndlulor relay lined in Conjunchon wrrh lhe llaehing ihdlcaloi lamps ll Iocaled behind lhe reclllier behind lhe leflrhund e e cover II is mounled in a rubber boil which isolalea il from lhe harmlul aflecls el vibrarlon 2 When lhe relay malluhclions il mull be renewed a lapel: is impracticable When lhe unll is in working order audible clicks will be heard which coincide wirh lhe flash ol rhe indicalor llmpI. ll lhe lamps mallunclioh checll lirslly lhal e bulb has nor blown, or the handlebar :wilch is no! lbullv The usual sympmm 0! e laull is one inil I llash belora lhe uhir goal dead 3 Take greal am when handling a flasher uml Ir is aesilv dlmuged, i1 dropped, __—_—_—_ 13 W-mlnn end indie-oer lamp bulb rlphcomom i All bulbs lirred lo ihe lnsrrumenr heads ei warning lamp console are ol lhe bayoner lii ryoe 2 Tu gain accesa re ihe bulbs commence by removing rhe ins sliumanr console covar which I! held ar ihe periphery by scievvs. The ceniial elusrer ol bulbs my be removed lrem rheii holders, one er a llml To allevv removal ol rne lnsiiumenr mounred bulbs, ihe drive cable on rne insiiumenr heed musr be derached and rha rwo mounrine nuls removed liom rhe haw ol lhe casing The insliumeni can inen be lilled upvveie sul- hcreniiy lo allovv ihe bulb holder in ouesiion lo be pulled oui 10.1 Slop/ball lamp lens is held by Mo Icrowl _—’_ H Nam location ———— l The mm is mounrad below lhe headlamp shell on a bracller secured by one lork yoke pinch boll In lhe evenl ol meiluncrien no repair or edlualmenl is possible and lhe horn musl be renewed _—_—’ ls lpnilion swisch rarnovel and replacemehr —_d l the combined ignirion and iiphling masrai svvirch is mounred in belween lhe rvvo insriumeni heed: secured io lhe insrrumani console covei ll ine swirch malluncllons ii may be removed ellei derechino lhe cover and eher disconnecling ihe leeds er lhe blooli connecror Nepal! is rarely praclieenla ii is DVl'uuhle la Dulchl” a new switch uni! which will DVDDahlv necessilale lhe use ole dineieni lley i la Slopllmp ewnch adliiarmarir i All models have s slop lamp swllch lined lo operate in con- .uncllpn iivirh lhe rear brake pedal rhe swllch is locelcd immedlalely lo rhe rear of lhe crankcase on lhe righr-hand side ol rhe mechine ll has is lhreaded body giving a range ediusi menr 2 ll lhe slop lamp is lere in opereling rurn lhe ediuslei our in B clockwise direction SO lhal [he EWitch rises "om [he blacker '0 which ll I5 bunched 3 ll rhe lamp opeielas loo early lhe adiusrei nur should be ruined anllrclnckwlu so lhal lhe svviich body l5 lowered in velar lion re lhe mounrine brecliel 4 As a guide lhe lighl should ooarare elrei lhe brake pedal has been depressed by labour 2 cm q inch) 5 A srep lemp swrrch is also incorporsred in me lronr Drake cable lo give warning when lhe lidril brake is applied This is nor yel e sreruroly requiremenr in lhe ux allhough ii applies in many orhei coumries end sieres 6 The lronr brelie slop lamp EWIKCVV is buiii Il’ilD lhe hydraulic sysiem and comains no provision loi adivsrmeni ll ihe svinich mslluncrlons ii musr be renewed "1 cums Simian-mm. 17 "ml Mlumvlwlmh: Ion-don mill-“Mg 13 "murm:ml I Bolh mode" hlvl I "Infill Indium: mm mounltd In the roof of "II mlrbox. TM MC?! |I lmrconnocud with I wlmlng buIb In tho con-ale Dink-Cl! "I Innmmom him mount-d hrwlni (1 [hi Mndllb'm 2 N lhl num’ll lndlenov limp do” not lflumlnllt II "I. comm llm. ram m boo! (mm the mo of an Iwhch ma dlmnnlm [M III-1 Whh "In lpnhbn Menu on. Ilfl’l "I- laid .guinn m nonin- cling. u in light don um ooml on, - hum land of bulb is Indlcllld. I1 Ib- IWII walk], IN "I‘m mm, I Gumrllly walking. the Wild!“ Q!" "fill trouble. but i1 neon-aw they can bu dllmlllll'd by Willing (h. halvu which him I vii! clump Imund m. handllblvl. Nola Hut "1. machinl mnno! b0 lllrlod unlll lhl Ignilion cal—out on iho Mild 0nd of (he lndloblll ll lumcd to "w caninl 'ON' nun-mm, 2 AMI-y: dllmml'cl 1h. blfllrv bib" "moving lay a! lha [Mich-I Io Wm"! (M Dombllltv M lhofl clrcull. Mon "0|!th In and by Him com-cu. bu! in "II even! 0' (ho bulky of mu IMImll purl, It will b. nom‘uw lo mnuw lhl mmmlic lwitch. J Emu-o m0 inflmll Gunman-nil of Ilch [witch In vary Imull, I!!! membr- dlmwll to dilmlml nd Illmmb I woo-nod . Inca. llul com-cu Clo-nu in used in cl. W6 annual Th can b. lollyod Inio llch swilch, without who mod for dim-"mug 13 mek: ml lvl‘llll Symptom Cam um Camullll lloclrlul 'lllm' Blown full Chock wlrina Ind lbfiflcfl wmpomnll fl" won clrcu|l befor- finlnfi a now halo. cm balmy nonunion. also Wham» oonmctlon how 8"" M oomulon. Dim “an“, horn Inmvl‘lvl Dildllmld bnflirv Roch-r9- bll’llrv wllh bnnflv charm! Connlnllv 'beng' bulb: Vim-«ion. poor mm connuflon ma chock mum mom-m: i. glvlng some! nulnu! (-bctriul Incl-II“). chock mm bulb Mama m ucur-d comciiy, Chock unh mum or con- mcflonn in farm. 113 DZ @0an Into: Nam— in? Chapter 7 Honda C3250 N and CB400 N Super Dreams 1981 to 1984 models Contam- lnlroduclian CIMI 11 huh! I! n plpl. nmavll Ind mflnlnq — 03250 NBC and C0400 NC Cylinder h ad nmovll CBISONDC Ind C3400 NC medals anoving m- g vch-ngo oxumll componcrm — C3250 NDC In C5400 NC anI (ark ' Inural 11"ch Front (0711 llmovll, dilm-nlllng. tumlnauon and rnlumblv N wmhu From b . caliper: dilmlnllinn m: nlmmbN — c5400 NC 7 From brllu disc: nmovnl m1 rlnllcomom A c5250 NDB. ~06 mi c3400 NC. a Tyru: nmovll and 1. "inn 9 Punclun n .r Ind lyre no. 10 rm vllv amnmaon and r .ml . ,. 11 O-rmo 11ml an" cmm mumnam 12 Halal-mp. c3250 11°C 13 Specific-flout Sp'ciflcufiunl below In given only what "10v um" hem lbw 101 [he 01 Inch a! (ho I?" III Chlvlcn 01 "Ill mlnull. Specific-(Ion. mm». m cum- 2 Curburonor Make Typu. Prlmurv mlln 1.1 Socondnry main 1- slow 191 Air Icuw opening Flau huigm ml. mu smmmmm rel-fins to Chapter 4 From lurk: Sprlng 1m lonqlh Service 1111111 Slur-anion bond (mm. 011 cup-city (par leg) Swmutlam r-Inlng xo Charm: 5 1’an From. Rear Tyre prmuru ann. Rlar 1.1 Super Drum mod-II luuuod .1 ma bggmnmg 03250 "DC 03400 NC Kuihln Klihin vaaoa V5311! 72 7B 105 108 38 41 2 [Hull 1; Iuml 15.5 mm (0.61 lrID 1300 1 100 mm 15.5 mm (0.81 In) 1200 g [00 rpm cum us. Nun. uoc Ind cuooun. NC Tuluoopic. hydraulic-[IV dlmpod wiIh human new 140 mm(5.51n) 499.2 mm (19.65 in) 499.2 mm (19.18 in) 0.2 mm (0,001! 1n) 190 cc 16.6 Imp 11 oz) CIZBONI, NDI. NDC Ind C3000 NB. NC 3.505194?“ lubelass 4.10518-4PH lubelan Solo Fillion 23 ps1 23 um 23 psi 35 mi Chum-r 7 1901 to 1904 modal! 115 MI nr cylindcr Master cylindlr In Service Iim‘n . Mulor cylinder pislnn OD C3250 N Sawing Inn-m C0400 N ,. Service "mil Br-ko ullpcr Clllpev piuon 0D. San/ice Ilmil Caiipar have In Service llmh spocmwion- Inkling lo crapur o H- dllmp bulb Alum-tor own-n cmlng mm C3250 NBC 1300 rpm mm C3400 NC 1300 mm min 1 Introduction Since 1973 whln mo "and. Super Dvuml wan immune-fl may have pravod lo I). ulnmnlv populll, mullv my 250 model which [owned [he motorcyclt ulnl chm 10! l considlubll limo. Thu wn obvioully no nlld '0! Hand- In change lhllv mod-II lo “II-cl gm 1 Ill-l. For lhil rlllon “I. lam mod—ll. covered In lhl: Chlmu, fl VI "01 be." 1:th I wall a CI 1mm "1 prmcallon. in. man aipnmcam chlnqn hlvt boon mod- to ma mu pm! wllh 1h! lmroducflofl 01 hnlhod 109k Ions, Iubcllll Iv!" and 5 MI" Dillon clllplv 1mm buku. which I! only fllfld In 111. 1382 in 1334 C8400 N mod- . Minor Imlnl modification- hlvl bill! mlde: that: In dlwumd In [hi im, Al mlvloullv munlionod VIIIouI Imlll modmclflonl 1|le Mn mtdl [MI 00 no! neuaurlly Ill-cl 0w dlImanillng 9060611": mn- IIIIII to my hon! brake m [or cyflndev nurvnlr Ind 1M Duh dlIc mounilnn urrlngbm-m. 2 Cumshlh lubrication pl”: nmuvll and "fitting — C0250 NDC Ind 00400 NC I The 1982 on mooeia rm- bun nnad wlm oi| tun-hr 919.1 in clnv oma luhrlcnlan to ma comm-u on is «liver-o w ma camlhlh by W" oi a ainpio pip. irorn u:- crlnkcau Io m cylinoar hand whlch Manchu into two pip” [01nd ch at m. cam-nan holders. 2 Lmia abouid pa wrong wim mo Ivnam ppm from pouibiy a biockapn oi m. pipaa or, man probably, on Inc from m. unionl. Blockage: can be cl ma by ramming nan pip. and airminp a blast of air Ihrnugh "jam. 3 ma axllmnl pip. running down mo conm of mo minim naao cm in dllmnnilld by ramming mo banjo union bon 1mm ma (on 01 me crankcau and ma banjo union boll horni 0 mp 01 (he cylinder head. A aaanng wnhnr iI filled on uch am oi ma banjo union and mm llw-vs be raflmo wllh mo plan. 4 Amp; cm be going Io mo bunched oil pipe onca ma (Minder head can! in rlmovnd. Romwu ma mo bom Ind m: m. cover on [he cvllndar hand. The all pipl can now be :1 fly mn. Tba oii daiimy connaciian a! ma horn oi ma mm mm m. um: muininp ban in ma ammoi pip An o-rinp is firm buwaen the oaiivary—pip. union and ma cvlindw bud. Finllly inmuva ma Mn bolu holding m. branch... or ma pip. Io ma clmlhnh holders. 5 Whnn raiiuinp uilhu pip mm mu mu m In the banjo union or. Inc or block-poi and um m- . mp wnhlu am in good condition. Boo-nu ma banjo boiu an amino Ixillly 14.00 — 1.903 mm (0.5512 — 0.5529in1 14.055 mm (0.5533 in) 13.850 — 13.507 mm10.§453 — 0.5475 in) 13.335 mm (0.5447 in) 13.957 — 13.584 mm (0,5495 - 0.5506 in) 13.945 mm [0.5190 in) 00400146 30150 4 30.100 mm11.1370 — 1.1090 in) 30.142 mm (1.1867 In! 30.230 — 30.306 mm (1.1902 — 1.1931 in) 30.136 mm11.18551n) CIZEO N DC 80/55W Output n 5000 mm 15/5A min/14.5V |2>14A min/1L5V Ind raojoiiy Ihly ban a law aria-r manpm .no Ire miiy broiun mmuo “auras am boom by m manuiauurar. L. lg. mooio in women: by r. cwinn the union waahm mm man Iunhgr Iighloning 01 (h: b-njo boiu. Fig. 7.1 EnilnI/gurhox Inbriclflon W0"! — CIZWNDC Ind C0400 NC modol I Rock-r arm 5 any“ 2 Nackw um 9 jminujm 3 fun-shah 10 Luvsh I! 4 From blunt" I 1 01‘! [I’ll] 5 Clankshlfl I 2 Oil pump 5 Oil plusxm switch 73 Flessurl relic! "Ive 7 Hm bollncll 1‘ Oil SUI/nu 118 Ohm" 7 1981 to 1384 mod.“ Hg. 72 Cylindu hold Ind VIM poll - ClkwNDC and CIIOO NC modtll I RighI-nlnd [0“le 7 In No uumbly barrio! B Distributor pipe 2 Lufthuvd mckll 5 Union ball carrier ID O-rfny 3 Ball with Iubbll l 1 Oil lud nip. "1/ . 2 a” 12 Union ball 4 Ball - 6 all 73 Sum wunux 5 S ling wlsnlr — a all [4 Union bolt 6 Exhlusl "In 151""va 15 Sulllny wash": 3 Cylindlv Mad rlmovnl: C3250 NDC llld CB‘OO NC mod-II I Thu procedure lw lemming Ihe Cylindm hlad remains virlulllv unchlnficd. wilh lhn exceplion a! the “No Innarmusl running Dolls 0! m. Ink-hand rocker Carrie! A vubbav seal 15 linad la the Item 0! each Doll and fovms an imporunx lunclibn In the wliml head luhviulion Iynam. II is for [his mason [hm each bolt musl be refilled i in oormcl localion upon Ialssembly Ind mus! n. u be (rumpus-d wuh m. plain lvpa balm n Rumwlng an Dutch-non mom-I comvonom , 03250 "BC and CB‘OOMC I A mod Sal-cm! drum chlnge mn assembly rm been lined to ma above moduli. The procedure luv ramnvinq Iha anarchnnnu mm and "mm mm in now-m, unchnngad 2 The chlngu pins cm b. removed by ramownq the single boll in me can": a! mu "new drum cum and ting the aim lwlv. Acton can now bi made In [ht liva pins. 3 Upon naulombfv lomlmbfl m lac-la m. wiped pin on [he cm 0' m- “lama! drum WIlh me dvillmg on "10 mm “=- 0' [he cam. 5 mm m: gmrll dmvlnllnn In. most noublo chlw- m m. mm luck laql i; m: woman» 0' bush-d leqx. Two unon coma bulhu m lined m ucn In wmch avevonl ucm-l com-n 0| m- mncnion and lawn log. mm tau-nu m mplncum-nl ilamu m: cm a. run-ma it won develop: m m. lurk Inn. Tm mm [on boll design vlviu hllwcun m. a and c moduli. TM mm film! m m- : moan: mainlninl Ian-ion dilncllv on lhl '0“ I9" when "1! B modal Ion boll In! as a plug Ind . “com: :97ng uluming nng il lined mm m. (on H! Fly. 7.3 Modfiiod unveiling. mlchlnilln - CIZSO NDC Ind CIJOONC molt m- unncrmm. Gulchangs mm Cnmnlisu spling Paw/ spring Cum/pin pm: Ball Chung: pin — 5 an Swaps: um Ball Washar 1a Ruum mm H Cal/n mmwmmAuu‘ Chum-r 7 1981 W19“ moddl 117 6 From 10th: "may "numb" alum-"ulna. mmlnnkm and i The iorlr logo an in remoyed irom in. main. eiror in. ironr wneel. mudguerd end brukl onllperi.) hm pun romoyed. Reier In cneprer 4. Section 2 ior Inmuvll oi mue oompononio 2 Ullnq en own mind spinner sleolren end rernoye rne ionr lop poll lrom "on leg. Thu lop ball mud to me c model iI under pressure lrorn lire luring end once me lop boll in removed me epring will mend lovclbly. Fm rnir renon unemw lhI bolt slowly epplylng en oppoeing ioroe wirn me npenner on me: me inreedr m not d-rneged u me plug leem me len lhmIdL Slick-n me lorir your. uppnr end lower p oh polr. nd pull (M lam downward: our oi lhIlr locnion. li lnv reel lm l. mu lwlu rne leg n ll ir pullod irorn in. machlnc nnwrlng rner rrrn muchlm don nor ovIlbIlInce in in. procur. 3 ll me lorlre m m be dlImInll-d llckll eecn leg upemely ro avaid lha pouiolllry oi inlercnenging lne commit. a modoll only ‘1 SI at In Allen kny 01 MI ll:- cl lhI mull ln IVII [ulna reielnlng ring Mid proceed lo unlcuw in. ring. nrle ring mm In mid-r Iprlnu lenuiun and can mun be ukeu lo pimnl lhl wrlng iorolng in. ring lmo oroir. ll my be nemury ro hold ll!- slnnchian in a vice lo vava Ill rot-ling whlln me rel-m ring 1| IIIckunId. MIkI luvI mu "II iew- oi lhI vlu e ulddld Ind "in! only I Imlll Imounl 01 10":- is lwllId lo (M elancnion. Ramon lhl epring nu lrom Iri- ion of the spring, C modal 5 Rumova ml Ipllnn coll-v "am [he loo 01 "in Illnchian. All mod-II 6 Invnn "II lurk ha and allow "an all lo drllno ThI M Ipvlng cm now be Ihlkan am of me Inchioii. A. "in lulng urn-mu irom IhI I nchion no" lhl 1: ion M "in clout wound coll- “ I wuldI lol lummblv Fun on [he rubber duel all In rIVIIl [he clrcllp locllod bInIIIh ill Ullnfl I all! 01 clrcllp DUI?! dlllodg. lhl clicllp 'mm In groove Ind slide ll WI! lb. Ind 0' [ha lunchlon, 7 In ordur lo IIDIVI VII Illnchlon "of" IM low lug lhl AIIIn ball which IIIHII I!" III. 0' [ho lam! lIfl mull fill! be removed Thil boll IcVIWI ink) "to dImpIr rod which is Illul d lnlldl lhI lunchion Ind will 011." ml I wllh lhI damper rod whorl on euompr l. rn e lo unwuw ll. sec-nu oi Ihil prnvillan mull bl mIdI lo hold lhI dlmw rod. Th. fluid 01 0|! damper 10d I rIcIIlod la Iccommll l "Niel lool IIm CHICK. B Pllcl [he lowIV llfi cl lhI loll bIlwIIn IhI pIddIdi WI 0! n vch Ind rign lhI rloe iuer Inouah ro nold rhe log in die Tampnllillv inlllll IhI lurk wring Ind fll [hi my CID. "III mllhod um lrw level or me compruud Fort spring Io piweni [he dlmnol rod lmm lolIllng. All Itllmpl cln than D. mid. Io unlcrew "in Allen MI II "III mulled prove! unul'll Claw oblIin I llnalh 01 woodln dawnlllnq. lllfihlly up" on. Ind Ind lnlllll lhI lelVId Ind in m. Fund 01 I'll dImDIv rod. Wllh lhl lld 0' In III (In! If“ unwilling pvolrodlng from [m I ochion cln be h d 1| whllu ml AllIn boll iI unlcrIwId. H In unilllnl il MK I IIIIbII cul “II dowcllinq o" lo iuII bIIUw the “w 01 "II sllnc on Ind "1|! lhl lurk I” bolt. 9 WI"! the All"! boll mmuvld the two column-nu Ell! he mulled by uilnfi the Illnchion I slidI hlmmov by which Io iii-lodge (he bulh, Icwlhlr with "It all all Ind backing ring; Once me we componunu m upIrllId in. demo-r rod an can on oil-ken oul oi the Iowa leg. l0 Claln Ill lhI tummy“: and Ily [him on! an I dun walk swim and examine rnem ior wear end dam-go as follow II lr ie gonorelly nol possibla ro nrligman long which nu. burl dumped in e oldeni. pmicolnrly when me oorrm ilge are nor nyeiuple. II re lweye but ro err on rlre eioe oi salary and nr new onen. eopooinlly oinc. [have is no my means ro detect wnernor me ioriu neye been oyemreueo or merel luigued. Fork summons can be checked. .iler rumovll irom me lowar legs, by rolling mern on e deed ilu sumoe. Any rniulignrnnnl will be immodi ely obviouL l2 onecir me iree lengrlrr oi me iorlr noringe end repleoe ii rhey uoeod or. minimum longrn oi 489 mm (19.25 in). Forlr .prings will rm e penneneni sol eirer ooneiderepl. uuge no will requiro renew-l ii in. iorir union oooomee spongy. la iron-w impocl rne oueiree lor sign: oi waving end onipping. II is good prenice m inn-w [he ouerrer ii rne reilon wriuco ooexing n-e worn in ruclrr on urenr rnor me coop-r our. in mowlnq ior more lhln rhmumm oi in. enrire surllco. i4 Check me condirion oi the rubber dim seals. li lth ere :rlcknd or worn Hound KM mnenlon dull nnd wuer will pormrm m lul end mnlunlly domege me oll ml und-rn m lr .- edyrnole ro rennw me oll ml- whun m. lurk: m dilmunihd, IvIn ll iney eppe-r lo on in good condirion. inle will me - Ilnpdown oi in. iorir .l . luar dm ii oil le nge occun, I5 ii damping Icllon ll lou. rne pinon ring around me dlmml rod need Would be mowed. Clur any onerrumione irorn rne ern-ll mm in me rod end cMck rne ecllon oi we won rebound uprrng. ls wnon nammbllnq me iorlr leg conducl Iallumbly In clnii working oondirloru end oneure thI .ll oomponenu er. eoeolmely ole n. Poelilon me you reoound wing our in. end oi me damper rod .nd ineen me lmmbly inlo 1h nonion, Fk lhl d-rnper rod mi oyor me .nd oi rne prorrudlng demper rod end urulully innrl IhI Illnchion inlo in. lower leg. son in. lhruldl oi rne Allin oolr wilh - locking compound .nd lrlurl rne Doll and la w er lnlo me end oi in. demper rod, One oi lhc rnunodu dour-bod ior olnelrening rne Immhlv can be uud ior rignrnnlng ll. 11 Tn. uppor noon, oll all ma bucking Iingl enouid now in iirred. Poonion me noon over in. ulncnion and IlldI lr elong unril il rm lgIlnIl III hauling. ll re nucesury lo on rlinar e llbricnlnd rool oi me iionde urvch looi ro drivl me noon lnro rne low-r leg reoeee. n l. impononr rn-r lhI burn l. driynn in non-rely so Hill on o lo IhI loru leg in nor incurred, To llmicma me nonr. made rool obi-In - lengin oi ruin ol en Int-mm dllmfluv elignrly l-rger men inn oi in. lllncniun .nd en enremel diameler ||lghlly leer men rner oi me burn, 5mm in l lire end oi um Inbl ll bum more lo lu ldee Ind lree oi ourro. ay .liding mie lubl up end down me eunonion In e on iorce can be plum on me aulbolrd eurieoe oi lhI hum. Slide g ring our in. unchion .nd lnlull ir Iglinsl I. We all lull in ATV Ind lil ii an ton 01 [hi no marked ieee uppIrmoIl Th rool moior reiiuing oi me burn my eleo p. uud IO dim me oil on nomo. Noie mu m- oll ml is mind correclly when m. lip groove erouno rne ineide oi in. noueing il clIIrlv mix». in all rile uppiv necking ring over me oil u and more lr wrr r e mug. Finllly real in. dun IIII eneonng inn il locllu properly over me lower leg. la lielill rile iorlr lag and imull rne noring wirn ire clout colll polilionod in me umo direciion as norod during rummblv me wring seer end mo wring rer 'n-ng ring. Clamp me umchion oerween rn. prodded inwe oi e woe wnil. thI ring ix rlgmened. Then m in. up oyer me ring. c mod» 20 Pom-on me wing collar on loo oi rne snnnl 113 Chap!" 1 1981 to 1984 mod. All mom 2i Rniii [M furl: loo. imo (hair you. no mm m. lop oooo oi in. niniioriioii io flulh wiiii m. in. at iii. "we: volt. no mum in. you pinch ooiu @n Qn g7}. 11 lnspecl in. 04mg noon: the ioiii ioo boll ano innow ii ii memw. Rnfii lhl ioo boii irila [M sunchion. noiii iii. iioiii mudgulrd‘ um I and mu uiiooiini and lesl inn nciion oi me ioiiis by oouiiuog mom up nno down. Fig. 7.‘ PM Mk- — I mod-II (C mod-II lmlllr) i mam-1mm (on log 5 sonny uni numb» In Law" 2 Swing ii Low-r backing ring 3 Sflnthlan I2 Damp" rod 1"! a "boil/id wing i: am», rod pillon 5 Upon backing ring u", 5 UPPII blah H Ci'rl‘llp 7 Swing rill/"lily W ’5 Dim»! rad 5 Law hush IE Lin-hand fork by 'I From brllI ullpol; dbman‘llnfi. aluminium and w numb" — cnoo NC i Bali and w con la amend by lookluq Ihrnugh inn IDIRH'I ll mu nu a! m. caliper. Th- nllpav can "main in die for [NI our-flan. Hopi-cl lha pad) H ollhfl llll wan down la "in w. Hm ”HM on tho (on cam. Rupim bin and. I III, mm ingiy. 2 Th. brill! old: In lac-ltd hula. Ill. callw by MD plnl which mull b0 rurmwld pilot lo and r‘movll. lem m. Ilnflh boll DI [ht ill! of Ill. ullpfl. whlcll "Iain! [M pin nuinlng pl And I"! 0" ll! DIIIC. Unlcmw IN. Iowa of "I. MO boll! which “curl I clllpcv body to lhc ullplr mum brlckll Ind nlvol "in c 9" up. way from In. button and (flu. Ullw a pull 0' long-non plllrl pull [ho pod Ntllnlw plrII lmm ooniiion. TM in gun can now on remand ioi Inmclion or null mil“. 3 Winn rniiiilng m. brlk. pad. Iii-mo mu m luring pm- il pollllomd cmlctlv In "In “lip" bun. One lo (M Inmlud "1“:an 0' "I. new uldl m. pllmnn may luv. to D. pulhnd blck imo Ihllr born. Thil wlll "quiv- I firm pnmn Ind mull only bl don. whh IM hind. do no! mik- lh. oinon II III. in“! llll nldl Ind lulull Ill. Ice-ting pins. Rnlmmbly of [hi all”! in - dlmc! rev-ml oi i Imlnlling mom I ll lllInllon in the clllpol imml cannon-nu in ruquim [ho lvlllm mull "ml be drllrild cl fluid and (he caliper umuvod {mm the mlchlna. Pl. lull-Illa Ioc'plldl bun-uh (ll. brl I hot. bunlo bolt on "II ullpflr, Ind rtmov' IN Dink) i7 Sum — 2 a” 24 no ball ’9 Dwain: ”'IVF - 2 of! 25 So ng mshn is 26 s img qum :7 Dim mi 20 inn-nan: loud/Imp 25 on 5 I buck-l 29 Du mm 21 0.».ng (lily — 2 all 30 NM — 2 on 22 mm mind/n clamp ai wmm — 2 a” 2.1 Allui boll .72 Spring wlshlr — 2 a” boll. Tl ornni cm noi io niiow hvd'lullc iiuiu io noiii anlo oniiiiworii ii in n wry .iinciivn onirii Ilripp-I. Mydilullc iiuio will nino onmngn mow Ind oinniii: comoononin. 5 Roman mo cniioni Ind Ink. onon a: douvlbcd oniiioi and im oui Ihl oak. and noiing oi-io. Prino out me colllv and "Abbi! boot 0mm In. lug “Inn-d abov- "II pinon housings. Thl oinionn cm on wiiminwn hoin moii born by lDDlvlng n smlll nmouni oi mmpfllud nii ihiougii mo iiuio inioi. PI-co n oioc oi ing om [M moiociino pinion vino. io nbnorn in. «ma still in in. “no... ii in. pinion oii min inquirn innowni may can be mine: iiom ooniiion wilh mo "a! bind. oi n nmwoiivni, em muni b0 inkon noi ic aim-9c iii- bus when rnmovino in. no 5 Wm ii iniomni compo t: in new hvdvlullc nuio an minim mom '0! mni 0' omnoiniion u ioiiown, 7 Chock iii. pinon sun-con Ind lhl oniiooi now '0! noorioo n! omniv- won. ii i n ma ion. io "new nii min wniini mo “noon l| om, min wiii arm a i rink oi n mi inning moniy niioi [M cniiooi in In ooo iion Ignlii. Neodlnu in My. ii - nlniculil mi in unm-ooa muni continlv on wound. 3 Con in. oinionn Ind innul lipl oi mo min wim new him nuio mo in ii lhlm in mg uni-poi. Annamaio lhl clliper oomooimiin by running iii. a iii-oiling orocoauio. 9 Ram lh! oniipoi io Ihl mnchinn Ind veconmci iiin hydraulic hon. mo onnio union ooii, Wioo All moon oi iiuia irom in. cllloer mono: Ind communes io blood iii- Ivllem oi alr. Pinco n ciun conuinni under mo uiioor Ind connoci n Innqlh oi nllslic nip. io «n oinno niooin mi (h- oonininni. Ramon mu Mo nmwn mniuing in. mllla' wiiiioor murvnli up and mo hydraulic fluid up io me now level iino. Loosely ioiii me can. Chapter 7 1981 to 1984 mod 119 Clusu me bleed nipple Ind pump lhe brake lever unlll lhe new lluid hu lrlellId lhraugh lhI bvlkl line‘ Kelp I close wllch on m- leval av lluiu in m- veuwuiv mIlling um mu it do“ not lull helow [he bonam IIVII. ‘0 Ununw the hind Icy-w on. half mm and Iquun lhI bllkI ller II lav II it will on bul do no! mlnu il unlil [he blender vulva iI cloud again, Repeal (he one" ion l "V limla until no marl air bubble] some from the plastic tube. 1 I Kup lowing up the rmrvoir wim new fluid. when all the bubbles di'lDD'l'. close the bleed!!! vIle dun up. Check lhu fluid lewl in lhe "moi! Ihll the bleeding Opel-lion he been compleled. Luv-mm: nifpn 9m- pnd ~ 2 all Pisnm ~ 2 nil Put spring Gal! Cull” Boar — 2 0!! Pin » 2 all 50/! Sell - 4 of! Pin naming pm. Boll 51nd n/llDll Blood m'pp/l Cap Holt .7 2 a” Supyon buck" Baal Pad plu- Flg. 7.! From brllo ullpor — CWNC model 0 Fun“ brake dlIc: nmovll am! "all until! — CIIWNDI, NDC Ind CI‘OONC cum NDI mu Mac 1 In order to roman um um. mu m horn whul mu wudumalov cum. should vim ba vumovld u ancribod In Chlpm 5, 5mm 3, 2 Lay Ihe whul flu on m. ground. wllh uh. huh um: uppumon and undo me five mm in he the mu. m. nu long ball: can lhon b. pun-a lhrough m. it’l- and ud- of x - whul w m. m. tum mu. 3_ Rollnlng 0! ma dilc I. . nulghflomam mum of m. removal nlocndura “gm-n m. null m - lomu- mum of 1.7 - 3‘3 kgl m (20 7 24 lb! 01). CBMNC 4 Rumuve (he flan! when! and speedometer cabl- dasclihed in Ch I! 5 SIcllon 3. 5 Gem dllcl I Velllned by “VI long ball; which all! dlraclly lhrounn lha hub from [in lull-hand Iide. and III held by live mm on ma oppollle lid: of lb: wn Nu. "m a dlmpinq Iplcur In filled immcd' Ily undamoll lch dim. 6 Rouumblv ll 5 alrlifihflnrwlrd rIvIrIIl of [M dllmamllnn plocedura. Tlghlcn m- nuu m a mum swing of 2.7 — 13 kg! "I120 ~ 24 IM i‘ll. I Yyne: nml Ind mug [lumen (well l ll II Ilmnglv "Damn-Mod Inll would I repair lo I lubeiIIl IV" In mucky, lne whul I "moved ham In. machine nd Kalle" lo I ['le flning Incl: II WM il willing lo do Inc] 0' "kill lo I do I bIcqu lh- love- mquirod Ia break lho Jul MMI [he who-I rim and IV be d it consumable and camidnwd lo M mend In. clplblllll I 0' In individual working wllh norm-l lvrl ramming well Any lborliva Illamnl lo hr ll lhe nm in bud ual le Illa cauu dam-no lo lhI thII "In. Illullinfi in all upon V. with I "glue-mum. ll, however. I luillble held IlleII-ng moi VI Iv Iabll. Ind "purl-nu hII IlrIldv bean gained in ill uu, (yr animal and "filling can be ocwmplithod II lullows. 2 RamavI lha whul lvum [he machine by lollmvinq [he iflIlNCIiOHI In! thIl rlmovll II “scribed in Chan"! 5. Soclion 3 0! ll. den-riding upon which wheel II Involved. DIHIII the lyre by "moving lhe Vllv. inn" and when il iI 'ullv vellum, wlh lha be d pl "l. V lmln "II who vim on both I' II so thal "II band omen lile enlra wall 91 [he rim. AI nalId. lhis opal-lion will Ilmoll cenlinlv maul" In. nu 0' a bold winning loci, 3 Inun - mo Imr close m m u no luv-1 [ha edge al In. lyre Me! the ouuid- of lhe wheel nm. VIrv Iinlu lame ghould be non-nary; if rain-nu ll oncounlIvId ll il probably 120 Chant-r 7 1981 to 1984 mod-II dun to (h. llfl that Ill. tyr- btldl hlvl not lnllmd the wall 0' the whoul rlm Ill lhI wly round tho W"- Shoulfl lhl initial nmhlom mln. lubfiullon 01 "II MI Mid Ind tho lnfi! I699 Ind llp ol tho rim will heiliutl mil. U“ l rleommondld lubrlctnl fluted Iolutlon 01 wuhlng—up liquid or french chllk. Lubr' tlon II ulullly "commanded al an lid to lyre lilting but in um i. equally dolithla during runny-I. The rm ul leyer dlmagc la whul llm! can bu minimiud by the nu of pmnllelery plenrc rim mmmm plum over me rim llama el tho palm who tho tyre lawn Iva lnuftOd. Suit-bl: rim pmilctovl "fly I). "wound Vlry I'lilv lrom Ihol‘l length: [4-6 Inches) 0! lhick-wllbd nylon patrol pip. whlch hlya been Iplil down on. lid. ullng lh rp knWI 7h uu of rim pmtuctm Ihouifl bl mound Mun liven Iva um Ind. lhuufola. whln lhe dull ol u-meeei ely. ‘ 00c. thl MI in bola edgld our the whool rim to wart Imd the whul rlm no thll (h. Iyn l comp! IV D. an on. lda. 5 Wofklng from lb! mm IldI cl tho WMII. Illa lha olhu edge at lhe lyre aver lhe oumae cl lhe wheel rim, which le hmhul ewe Conllnue lo walk Imund me rim umll me lyre is freed complelely horn tho rim. 6 Kill! to th. lollowlng Simian lor dill"! willing to punctull Ipllr Ind "ll vanawll 01 Ml]. SIC I'm (ht "erlu relellng lo me ty e vllvu Smlon ll. 7 Rclltting of mu MI II ylnuelly a mural of animal procedure. ll lhl tvrl h hlllncn mlrk lululllv l upot cl colouvld paint), II on Ihl IV!!! lit!“ ll Dfiglnll Iquinmlm, thin mull bl notliloflod llonglldo thl vlle Sim rly. lny lrvow Indlclllna dilution cl lmuloll mull lice mo llntll way. a Sllnlng u "I. poinl lunhul from lhe valve. Dulh the lyre bald ovnr lhl Min. 01 till whuol rlm unlll it In locllud In the clnlrll will. Oonllnu. In WM lround lhI Iyn ln lhll l||hlon unlll lhl whole of no. lid. 0' [M W" on [ho rim. ll mly bl n-ueuely lo me e lyre ver dullng lhl rlh-l elegu Hele lglin, "I! u“ cl 1 lubricam wlll lid fitting. II ll nmmmtnflod flrongly "II! when rllllllng lhn ryr. only I ncommundod luhficlnl is null! but-u“ uch lubfl I llto hlvl ulllng alumni Do not be an! glnlroul In lhn wllullon ol lubvlcam of lyre chop may occur. 9 Flltlng lhl up”! build I mlllr In fitting lhI low-r b'ld. Sun by uulhlng Ihl bud wt "1. rlm M into "I. well II I palm dlemelriully opponlle lhl me ya Cohlinue working lewd lhe tyn, euh Ildo o1 lhe elem-lg point. ensuring lhel lhe Mad opposite the wofking an is Ilwlvs in lhl wall. Apply lubricanl ll many. Avoid uslng Mo lavas unlas: lbmlululy to hell? (Mines dlmlgo to the 5011 wheel rim. Thu uu cl m. IVIIS should be required only whun thl final portion cl bead Is m be pushed Dvov the rim. l0 Lubricu. the tyrl bold! Igl prim to inflnting the tyre. and check lhal lhe wheel rim is evenly poiilionad in rel on In th- W1. buds Influion al the tyre may well prov. imposlihll withnul lhn u" ol I high tritium Ill has-.11“ tyre will retain all comnlclely only w In "In bands In firmly linll [he rim edge: el all palm: and it my be lound when using . loot pump that air asclpcl It thl sumo Illa Is it is pumped in. This problem "my also be uncounllrod when using In Ii! hula an new tyres which run boon comma-eel: in ltaugl end by ylnue 01 their profile hold the been: away llolll the rim edges To Ulllrwml this dilficully. I loumiqull "my be placad Mound [he :ircumloruncs ul thl tyre. av" Ih. centrll are: 0' the "and. The camprlnion ol [ha "and in lh val will an" the band! lo be flushed ourwnlds in lhfl dullrod dlllctlon. The typo ol luumiuuux mint wldaly used cumin: of l lunglh ol hose closed It both and: wilh I Iuitlbl. cllmp litlod In enable both and; to be connect-d. An ulfllnlrv lyro Valv- iI lluod ll one and ol lha lube | ID pleu the M! lh. floor. With lhl airlina tym into lhe angle belween I lunch“ to lhu vllv‘ Oddlllonll grlnum ll lhlrl conned In th- l'yII by Ih. hind Ind Ihln. I! Ihuwn in th. lccolenvinq illunl lloul poinllaluund th- IOIL Tho Ipnlicllion ul pnuun ry .clrcumleren whim aimuluneously uwlyinulh elrheu Wlll alien ellecl an mus-l ml bclwun lhe lyre bud: end wheel rim. thufi Illowinn lull-lien l0 oceur. ll Hlving succeulully eccemelhhee inllauon. increase lhe nreuure to «1 pa nu chuck lh-l llle two as eyenly dimud en lhe wheel lim. Thle may be judged by checking lhul lhe min Dollfioning line learn: on each lyre wall :1 aquidisunl lrem me llm mum lhe lolll elruumlerence el lhe lyre ll nu. l: nel lhe cue. dell e I e tyre, .wa eualllenel lupus-lien me rlinllllo Mlnor eulunmenu to ma lyre position mly no mede by bouncmg lhe wheel on lhe ground. l2 Alwlyl run lhe lyre u lhe recummended plenum ena Mm under or oyer-lnllele. The correcl plouuiu ere givnn In lhe Specificalionl Semen ol lme Chuoler. Y Bill. dirt 2 5mm .7 Bur/rm emu 4 a ring 5 All VIM 6 Bolt ~ 5 all 7 Swdnmcm gum: 8 all in! 5 arm my 10 Count-mink screw I I Can! ’2 MA — 5 all 13 Du." In! It Spun! I5 Hlllnn wily!" — AIR Fly. 7.! From who“ - C3250 NDC Chlpmr 7 1981 m 1994 mod-II 121 Flu. 7.1 From who! — CI‘OO NC 1 AI! who 7 lulu disc ’0 Oil ml 1.7 Nut — 5 a" 5 Ell-nu mum — Am 5 Bolt — 5 an H Spudommr "um 14 Du.“ ml .7 sunny 5 Dumping spun - 2 all 9 0,». dog 12 Count-Hunk xcnw 15 Spun HAND FLOOR Flu. 7.! MW of I'lllng hold. of m Ivrol 10 Punch". run-Iv and mu mow-l I Thu pvlmlrv mum-go M m- mbulm um . In mum Io mam nanny-non bun-m nojocu Inch n min on: wimoul Ian 0' ail Evan i1 Inn of Ilr I] upflilmod, beau“ m. il no inner (uh. «I mpwrl, in non“! candida!“ I suddin blow—om II Ivuided‘ I II a punclum of lhl Kym occun, (III wrl Ihuuld be wmavod lo: mmacxlon lor dim-ac below my ancmpl i; mm. ll rlmldill union. Th! "mum-IV Noll! of l punclund Nil by inuning I plug 'mm "1' outside uld no! In I 'mmad, Almwgh mi- type 0! mmpourv mm || uud wIa-Iy on can, "1. mlnuhclunu uronqlv rucofnmlnd "Ill no :uch "all! I: ind out an mmorcycl' Iv". N01 only do“ [he ryrl hlvo I mum-v cur-u. which do" rm gm Iu'fcmn wan to 01. ohm, the wflmuoncit M I Madden 6."le III nhln lum- c‘nnflv serious HI]! "I. rill e! such In occunlncl Ihould bl lvoKdDd II III col“. 3 Th. Mo mould b. lnlp'ctod bolh intld. and out '07 nun-g. m the man Unvonun- Iv m. imm llnlnn at me two — wmch llkll [M pllca M "II inner lube - mly ollilv obtcum lnv dam-g. Ind 10m. cxplrlencl i| maul!” in m-klnq a canoe: Imam-m a! m. mu common. 4 The"! Ivu Mo mlin lypll «.71 IV" npliv whlch l I con- Iidlrod uh In! Idomion In lop. r|ng (ub'lm molocvclo NV... The fill! W of "va condfll 01 inllrflng l mulhroom-hudud ping inln [he hole horn (he inddl 0' (M M. Th! hol- 1| mama lo! Inumon of m. Ding by lmmu and me lwlicunun of In ldhuivl. Th. mound up 'I ll unild Do! by mung m- inner lining in me damaged m- nd Ipplvinu a cold at vulclmud Dutch, Blcluu bolh inmlon and no I [I "my am lo be envied aul saloly. viquivc exp'rionc in lh tvpl a! wall. il is vncnmmondod "III Ihl Ma bl pllcnd (III hlndl of I moi}!!! wilh lhl nuclulrv ski“; ruhu lhln lupnirld in "In home woman». 5 In the "an: 0! an lmnrgency. m. on|v rowmmlndod ‘g you—#mno' "pair ii to Vi! I "Ind-Id innit lube 0! lb. normal Iill. II mi: course OI uclion is adoplod, cue Ihould be llhn to ensun Ihl! [he an“ M [ha punclurl hua Min removed bafova [h- innar who is filled. II will bl bund lhll lbs valvl hole in m- Iim is coulidorlbly llrnor Khan (ha Glamour a1 [ha inn-1 lube VIN. film. To prawn! In: lawn“ a! road din, Ind to hllp mpoor! (h- valve, 5 wlofl Ihould be fillod over Ihl vllva. A newsman lancer '01 man Honal model equipped with Consul whack is Ivlillble horn Hamil d in, 122 Chem 7 1981 to 1984 mod“. s In the event at the uni Ibility of tubeleu mos, culinary lubed tyrel may be fitted in I an wheel time. uae [VIII or In equivalonl type Ind qudI [0 IIIer their mil-bully. it is recommended met the advice or the tyre manureclurer o: a legal-Ne supplier [I laugh: lo Insure thIt e oompItiblI replIcement MI is lined. 1| Ym velvet: Medan Ind renew-l I It will be IpprIciIlId lrurrt the preceding Sections. thlt [he Idopllorl nl [ubeleII tyrII hII mIde it neceuarv to modify the lawn I Inwemerll. I there il "0 longer In inner tube which em 1: "y the vele cm. The problem ha been welcome by “ling I moulded rubber VIM body whlch locum ill the wheel rim hole, The valve body iI DOIr-Ihloed. Ind h” I groove Iround ltI widelt point wh h enaIgII with the rim lormlnq In einighl all 2 [he VIIVI ll lined from the rim well M! It lollbwl that it can only be renewed whim [he tyre hull' I removed hot“ the wh Once [he velve hII been fitted. it I Ilrnoet impouible ta rem I it without dIrrIIfie. Ind lo the elm u: method lI to cut H II clou ll Dalllble tu the rim well. The two hIlel of the old vulva can then be removed. 3 The new valve II lined by hurting the [hie-ted Ind 01 the velve body [hrough in. rim hole and gulllng it W until the WWII. Inglq n In in. rim. In prIctloe, - nomldev-ble Imounl o1 prelim! lI required to pull the vein |nto Million. Ind moot tyr- llttIrI hlve I mcill tool which Icrewl [mm the VlhtI end [0 Inlhie march-u to be oblllrled. H il dVInlIgeotlI to Apply I little lVrI he'd lubriclnl to the vllve [o IIII III lnIIrlion. Chock [hIl me vllve I: noted evenly and ucululv. 4 The Incident! el VIlVl body tIiIur‘ iI rel-lively IrrIIII. Ind lelkeqe only menu when in. umber vulv- uu ngn Ind beglnl to pelleh. A quliflnlly mellurl. ll lI Idvlllble I0 ill I new VIN. when I new tvr ' tilted. ThlI ’ l preclude Irry rllk ol the valve lIillng in service. when purchllinu I new VIlVI. it Ihould be noted [MI I number of dill-rent type: Ire IvIllIbl . The correct type lor u“ in the Count“! wheel ll Schrlder 413, Brldaeport [83M or equivalent. 5 The VIN. con ll 01 the “me type II thlt uIOd wilh lubed tyrII Ind IcrIwI into the Ile bowl "1. We an be rem-d with I ImIll Iloned tool which in norm-"v incomorItId lrl plunger lvp- mum- g-ugu Sam. VIM elm cane Incorparlle - evaluation lav remevlng vllve com. Although [uh II [vrI vllv uldom give trouble It ll WM. [01 I ll 0c Iionnlly, In IluIive IIW puncturl can be mud to I lIIltlnfl VIIVI con Ind [hiI Ihould be checked b'tov- I genuine punclun In Manuel-d. a The ulve em up. m - linnifiunt pert oi the um um numbly. Not only do [My plenum the lumen at road am into the vIlve, but IlIo Ict II I mildew IIII which will reduce the riIll at Iudden dellllion ii I who we Ihould VIII. and [1' each mllerv Pmided that the crying: do nol tail. the lubricant wnuined should last the entire iii: at the chain. The outer wrllul M the their: must M course be lubricated at [ha specified imam-Ix 2 Honda recommend that the final drive chain be inspected every 500 mile: "000 km) for conecl ediustmanl. adequate lubricanl Ind be cleaned. 3 The chain can he Itbricllld with SAE 30 ar 90 9-3! oil or In normal ch n lubricInt mithle lnr O-ring chains. On no accnunt use lubricants suitable [or ordinary chlinl because these will inevillblv cause £1:me to [he O~rings, and aw.) never Iubiecl [he chIin lo I chain bllh in hot grease. 0 The chlih musl be ole-nod when in niece on the rnlchine‘ using Immune (perIiiinl applied with a salt brush: never use any ltmng Iolventu which "my attack [he O-rinqL Ind never um I “III“ clennev or nunurl washer to clean [he chain, as Iheee dam-go [M Dalngs 5 A chain in r l Del is [tuck to the outer | es 0i [ha chIin ldlullinu buck- nd mull b. repleced wnn lnulher label ll the eh I! is renewed. III DIHDOM is to indicate chem wall The mm non in- or . red Ind gran lone. u the green lone aligns with the end or [M winging .mi IhI chem should a. cnnsidered serv‘ Ible, hul when the Ind al the Inn is in the red zone the ch '1 "met be renewed. 6 To renew [hl ene' av remove me [Ill wheel 0: move il lorwerdl until the ch cIn be [1 ched lrom the sarocket Remove me geIrchInae pea-I llnklge mo the lowland ethuIt silenur. then remove the lell-hInd loolrul mounting all", which [I secured by [Wu bolt] Ind [he Iwinging Irm pivot "I." lemming nin Remove in. engine loll-hlnd cover. then unscrew the gumox Iorockll mouming bolls, withdrew the uni ‘nq plIlI Ind pull the sarocllel Ind chIin all the IhIlt Iplin I. Remove [he lelt»hInd rear wsoenlion unil ballot" mounung bultl lullv elnck-n me [09 maunling belt and pull in. unil on its Iwmfiing nn lug. Ramon in ma mounllng boil: and withdrew the chlingulrd [mm in. Iwinginu mn. Wilhdrlw [he chIin lrom [he mlchlne. 7 Roll n9 I [he reverse of [he removIl procedure, ensuring [hII ell lIslanIrs Ire lignlened le me mailiee torque wrench nlllnge. Nola [hll Ihil procedure In only necesIIrV [or the ItlrIdIrd endless chain which il Iuwlled II I single loop or with a nutter link which mull be rivetted [o [0!" both end; However. 0 chIins are now ble with ordlnlrv con» necting link I! one of [hue ll "nee. lhI chIin an be disconnocled II delcribod in Chlpler 5 Ind run all [he Iomcllets wilh no nm to: lunhel diImIntling, On reliulng. Insure that the lam 04mg] petition-d : really en el h llde ol [hI mIIIn Io the! [h I ll no In. betwaIn the conneclmfl link fidepllta ma Inrima clip The closed end at In. wring c Inuit ii“ the direction at chem trevel. 8 Chem edluelmenl le cIrried em with the machine on ll: cerllrI Ilend‘ [he recommended lree play iI now l5 » 25 mm (| 7 l in). I3 HIIdIIrno: CIZEO NDC l2 Owing final drive ehIln: "Hinton-nee i All II module re fitted with I final drive chain ol the O- nng type, in which gun. in peeled to [he be ing when: and mauled by small o-llnge eel betw In [M eieeple u in. l ThI Hondl C3250 NDC iI fitted with the lame queru hIlogIn hIIdIIlnn unll II [he ‘00 model filler [e Chl I 8. Section 9 Ind the figure 5.21:! hIIdlImp rImavIl. HI ember thIt bIcIuIe ol [he "Ill". 0' the aunt: hIIogIn hulb, iI mull not be handled. 123 :52: =< ‘ .235 33m 2 So u... z Sumo :on . 5.5.6 9:55 Conversion factors Length (dismnce) Inches ( In) Fm (h) Mlln Volume (Ir-pacify) Cunlc inch” (cu In; in') Imparlll pints (Imp pl) QUE"! (Imp m) Imps nl qulm (Imp ql) US uulm (US at) Imp-ml gallons (Imp gal) lmpcrlll gullom (Imp gnl) us gallon: (us all) Mass (weigh!) Dunc“ (0:) Pound: (lb) Farce Ounces-(ole. (ozl; oz) PoundI-Iarc- (lbI, lb) Nmom (N) Pressure PoundI-Iom w Iqulm lncll (pal; IbI/m': Ib/ln‘) Poundl-lorco pol sou-n inch (pm, lM/In'; Ib/in‘) Poundt-Ialcn pol tau-ll Inch (nil, lbI/In': lb/In') Pouncl-lom pa lqunr- Inch (pIi, lbI/m’; lb/ln') Kllonalclll (It?!) Milliblr (mbll) Mlllibur (mblr) Mlllibll (mlm) Millib-r (mbcl) Millimolln ol muculy (mmllg) Inclm ol walal (Imp) Torque (ma/nun! a! lorca} Pounds-(ole. Inch“ (lbl In; lb m) Poundl-Iorco inch“ (Ibl m. lb In) FoundrIoch lnchu (Ibl in, lb In) Poundhlorcn Ion (lb! fl: lb II) PoundI-lom (III (IM h: lb fl) Nmorl mlnn (Nm) flower Horupowov (hp) Velocity (spud) Milo] 907 hour (mild/hr; mph) Fuel consumption' Mug; 9.! g-llon, lmporlal (mpg) Mllu not gallon. Us‘(mpg) hmparuure Degrool Flhrlnllnll xxxxxxxx xx xxxxxxxx xxxx xx xxxxxx 0.070 0.068 0.069 8.895 0.01 100 0.01.5 0.75 0‘0! 0:535 ll on 1.152 0.I13 0083 0‘38 I358 0.|02 755.7 1.609 0.354 0 ‘25 - ('Cxl.B) * 32 Mllllmouu (mm) Mules (m) Kllmlm (lull) Cum cnnlIm-lms (cc. cm’) Um: (I) an (l) us all-m (us 411) um (I) Lllm (I) us gallon: (us gal) L‘mu (I) Guml (g) Kllogrtnl (lg) Nomom (N) Nowlom (N) Kllogr-lm-loru (“1; kn) Klloguml-Imcl 9.1 can». com-mu (kni/cm‘: kg/cm’) Alma-pram (m) Bull Kilomk (IlPl) (”norm-Iona pol noun mumm- (kgI/cm“, Ilq/Ern") Pauli (Pl) Poundmlorco nor Iqu-n Inch (W: lbf/III'. Ib/ln‘) Minimum ol mm (mmllg) Incl... gl mm (imp) Inch— ol mm ("04.0) Poundlem DI! taunts Inch (W. IM/ln'. lb/ln‘) KIIogr-mu-Iorct cumm- (kgl ml: kg cm) Nmon mum (Nm) Valium-Iota. (m (In! fl. lb II) Kllograml-Iomn m (Ital In. in m) Ncmon um (um) KiloqumI-Im Ill-1m (lgl m; kg m) Wm: M) (llama pl! llou: (km/hr. kph) Kilomolru pol Iiln (lull/l) Kilommu pol hm (km/l) Dogma. Camus (opgms Delmar-dc. 'C) xxxxxxxx xx xxxxxxxxxxx xxx xxxxxx X X X 0.035 2.205 3.6 0.125 9.8I 1 4,223 I 1.696 I 5.5 0 I45 58.! 0.01 68.947 I 333 2 ‘51 2'7“ 0.588 [0’5 12 7.233 D. 738 9.504 0.0m: QBZI 2.825 2.352 ~/I 1. common paw-u Ia mum [mm mm: p'r pallon (mpg! m [bu/100 kifornwn (1/ (Mr-l]. will]: mpg (lulu/ill) x [(100 km - 252 Ind mpg {US} 1 [/700 In! a 235 Illllllul IlII) Inches (In) F301 (It) Mlhs Cublc Inch“ (cu III, In’) Imponll pmu (Imp pl) Impellil uulm (Imp a!) Imp-ml quart: (Imp 111) US quark (US a!) Imporill gallon; (Imp gal) Impoml gallon! (Imp gll) us gallon; (us all) Ounces (at) Pounds (lb) Dumas-love. (011; oz) FoundI-lovcn (IM. ID) Nmom (N) Pounds-Iowa por tau-Io Inch (psi. IM/in'. Ib/In’) Pounllrlom pol mum Inch (Dd; IM/In': lb/lrl') Poundo-lom- not Iqulrl Inch (pun. Inl/m’. Ib/In') Poundl-Imcl DI! mulls Inch (nu: IM/in'; Iblln') Kilomll (kPn) MIIIIM (mblr) Mlllibn (mblv) Mull-bar (mbu) Mllmm (mbcr) mum nl mmuw (mmMg) Inch-a nl mm (mm) Pounds-(ole. Inches ("71 In, lb In) PouMI-Iorcl Inchu (lal In. It m) Puundl-loru lnchu (IM m; In In) Pounds-Ioru loot (III! II: It) Ill Pound-4m (not ("7' fl. lb '1) Nmon melm (Nm) ”WW ("PI Mllu on haul (mllol/hl. mph) Milo; pol gnllpn. lmpovlll (mpg) Milu pot gallon. us (mpg) = (‘F - 32) I 0.55 Metricoonversiontablas Ind- ”64 ”32 1/10 3/32 15I10 31I31 BM Dldmlh 0.01 5625 0.03125 0.M0075 0.0025 0.0701 25 0.M75 0.109375 0.1 25 0. 1 “25 0.15025 0.1 71 075 0.1075 0.203125 0.21075 0.234375 0.25 0.205625 0.201 25 0.2”075 0.3 1 25 0.320125 0.34375 0.350375 0.375 0.390025 0.4M25 0.421 075 0.4375 0.4531 25 0.40015 0.404375 0.5 0.515025 0.631 25 0546075 0.5025 0.5701 25 0.50375 0.300375 0.325 0.04N25 0.05525 0.071 075 0.5075 0.703125 0.71075 0.734375 0.75 0.735025 0.70125 0.700075 0.0115 0.020125 0.04375 0m75 0.075 OM25 0m 0.021075 0.0375 0.053125 0m75 OM75 Mum-mn- 0.369 0.7037 I .19“ 1 .5075 2.3012 2.7701 3.1750 3.5710 3M1 4.3056 4.7025 5.1594 5.5502 5.0531 0.35“) 0.7400 7.1437 7.5403 7.0375 0.3344 0.7312 0.1201 0.5250 0.3210 10.3107 10.7150 11.1125 11.5004 11.9082 12.3031 Willa-u- to 110' mn Indus 0.01 0.00039 0.02 0.00070 0.03 0.001 1 0 0.04 0.00157 0.05 0.00107 0.06 0.00236 0.07 0.00270 0.00 0.003 1 5 0.00 0.N354 0. 1 0.W394 0.2 0.00707 0.3 0.01 101 0.4 0.01 575 0.5 0.0 1 080 0.6 0.02362 0.7 0.02750 0.0 0.031 50 0.0 0.03543 1 0.03037 2 0.07074 :1 0.11811 4 0.1 5740 5 0.1% 5 0.23622 7 0.27559 0 0.314” 0 0.35433 10 0.30370 1 1 0.43307 1 2 0.47244 13 0.51 101 1 4 0.551 1 0 1 5 0.59055 1 5 0.02002 1 7 0.00020 1 0 0. W l 0 0.14303 20 0.70740 21 0.02077 21 0.66614 23 0.00551 24 0.04400 25 0.00425 20 1 .02302 27 1 .00209 20 1 .10235 29 1.141 7:1 30 1 .101 10 31 1.22047 32 1 .25004 33 1.20021 34 133555 35 1.37705 30 1 .41 732 37 1 .4507 30 1 .4”1 30 1 .5354 40 1 .5740 41 1 .5142 42 1.5535 43 1 .6020 44 1 .7323 45 1.7717 1m In Mllllmltnl lneh- mm 0.001 0.0254 0.1172 0.0500 0.1113 0.0702 0.004 0.1010 0.005 0.1270 0.000 0.1524 0.007 0.1770 0.0% 0.2032 0.000 0.2200 0.01 0.254 0.02 0.500 0.03 0.702 0.04 1.010 0.05 1.270 0.00 1.524 0.07 1.770 0.8 2.032 0.00 2.200 0.1 2.54 0.2 5.00 0.3 7.02 0.4 10.10 0.5 12.70 0.0 15.24 0.7 17.70 0.8 20.32 0.0 22.” 1 25.4 2 50.0 3 70.2 4 101.3 5 127.0 0 152.4 7 177.0 0 203.2 0 220.5 10 254.0 11 270.4 12 304.0 13 330.2 14 355.0 15 301.0 10 “.4 17 431.0 10 457.2 19 402.5 20 500.0 21 533.4 22 550.0 23 504.2 24 013.8 25 035.0 20 000.4 27 N58 20 711.2 20 730.5 30 702.0 31 707.4 32 0120 33 830.2 34 $3.0 35 0000 a 014.4 Index A Acknowlodglmonu 2 About lhll Mlnull 1 Minimum:— bully-e. miw any. chlln i 1 am chlln million '0 “Mutter "ck mar 53 "ml drM mlln ‘0‘ Hull llvnl 7O Mlflllmp balm hllflhl I08 quick glam:- minim-nu 1: mar brill 57 mt chlln 9 amp lump Iwflch HI ulvn slur-ma I0, 57 All c I! 70 Murmur 76. ion B Emory churning mun-m 107 swim:~ bln-ond as can-£01m 40 main 30 mung hud BO whuoli Won! 95 run! 99 llndlnq m hydrlullc Int-m 94 Brain:- Imm dllc 91,115 multr cyflnfllv 93 Did - vuv meu 87 rill drum S7 Bulbl - rcpt-cumin:- film" ‘07 hudllmp l0! lnurumcni 1 I ‘ new and 1-" l I I w-ming lamps 11 i Buvlnw mu pm- 7 null H C Cabin - normal :» choir. 83, 65 Inhriuilon D mmmm and "1:710qu 88 mm. 63. 65 Clmfllm ddvu chlln Ion-half IO. 40 Cnmh-fl lubvlcuion pip. 1 I5 Cl'burlnor:- Oman-11a lulu-11mm: tick em as din-mung and nun-mm ca flu" dllgnolll 7‘ "on Idiuflmlnl 70 nmovll 64 mung. 7o lug-mallow 33 l cumin-[Ion '0, 69 Chlm umlhlh drive 90 final 117M ‘0‘ Ch-pm canton“:- 1 Enoin clutch .mi unmox is 2 FuIl lvlllm Ind lubviuliou 63 3 igniiion mm 75 ‘ Frlm. In! lulu 7S 5 Who'll. brlllnl Ind MI 89 C Enema! Imam ‘05 7 Honda C3250 N and C5400 N Sum! Dveams 198‘ In I98! model! 1“ Chicks:- blnlrv “tardy“ law! 9 CDI Will and find puller 77 control clbhl 9 IMWIIIHIMIW all luv-I 8 Ignition nome- call 73 swim Ilmlng 77 Doll 9 Il'uv 9 Iolrtilng plug gun mung. 77 IV!- pv‘uuru S, 89 VIM Clo-(Incl ‘0. 57 Comm sand 37 ‘ tin-ulna:- a|7 Ml. Illm'nl ‘0, 7O Chaim/cum: unit 24 lnll 67M 1:91am")! lulklnn aim;- 1 1 Clutch:- Iabll 62 any 52 mmlnaflan Ind rumnllon ‘1 “III! alw- 62 "plum-um 5| IUD 52 meme-1km is Coll~lonlllon mm 76 Conmnlng rod 37 Convenien “clan |24 Ennkuu huh/u:- up-mlna 32 lolnlnq 49 Carlin-ll 3G, 42 Cuth flflvl - roar mnl 99 Cytlndcr flock 25. 33, 37 Cylinael hand 25. 39‘ HS D Diamonlllnp 39 Dominion- — war-1:» heme-I "II-m ioe onglm, dumh Ind gum: 13 mm- Ind tom 79 Ml Ivmm 63 ignkion mm 76 Iubviuiiofl 83 Mun-in. bum Ind ml as Dimensions and mughi 5 Dullnn — animal 87 Indax 127 E Elaclrlcal ant-m:- Iltamltor 10G haIIary 9, ma ‘07 iauii diagnoaia i 12 flaming Indie-Ion I I I luIa location I07 tiudlamp ‘08 hem I i I ignition and lighting twitch III lamm ice, I I i nnulltor/mctlflur ion lpaclflcallon I05 ltlrl'v motor I 12 lturIav Iolanold 107 lwltchu hanukbar I I2 Engine:- balance waigm. and drum chain 37 Mg—and balrlnga 35 ninth-ft MVa cmln and mnlonav ‘0 eonnactlng ma: :7, s4 crankshltt, 38, ‘2 cvarilicau halvu: lanai-ting 32 Icining 49 cvllndar black 25. 33, 37 cylindai head 25, 39 daurbanlalnu as dilmaritllrlq - oanaral Z4 cumin-lion and runny-lion — gum-I 35 fault diagnoaia Bl gudoaon nifll 23‘ a lubrication "atom 71 main hurlrina an all puma:- aiamamiing 7i ramoval 30 - rallltlng 51 oil ml: 37 nllton and rlnut 25. 3! rummblv 42 raIlItlrIg In lama BI, 59 umoval [mm ham B New Ipindl nd Irma M Immunoa- is. in IllflIl mom: 32. ‘9. 107 Itlnlng and running a "built unit Bl ioklnu a rabuilt III-china on lha road 6‘ torqua wranch "fling. 35.4419. 57, 73. so vllva c a Inca- IO. 57 vaiv. wrlndlna 39 valva fluid" 39 Emma Iyltam 7o F Fauli magnum:- clutet'i 62 alumina] ay't'm i ‘2 angina aI tram and briu 88 ‘ Imam 7‘ carbon 02 Ignition ayaiam 75 lubrication "film 7‘ MI olI, brllI-I Ind Iyral lOZ nil IO, 73 Final drlva chalri ioi ' Foui ram 37 Frama Ind brim» unite mud B7 dual an 37 iaun alumni: as hot man 87 fork yell-a 80 irama — auminltlon and ramvltion 94 from lurk loan: diam-"mag I1 examination and rammilon 83 removal 80, I l 7 WW “Ind I7 raav luau nodal 37 in: auntie" unit: 85 noudomm and radium-r Mada and am as atoning Mad hurl-19a so marina hand lock 54 lenqlng arm m. iovii 34 From bran ca DO! I I8 Flori! imiu 1 Is. i i7 ant ml 89 FIJII mam:- Ill fllIu 70 ammo": adluamml an fl-nantllng and anmlnailon 65 float laval 70 amino. 70 unmiaaiion as “UN diagnoaia 7‘ panel had Pi“ M DIlrol Ianli e4 patrol up 84 Fina inc-lion 107 G Gallbulz- common“ anmlnnlon Ind ram-don 4| flimantllng — pmai 21 iaun 6|me :1 lubrication 83. 7| Ianlnvll 29 molaclng componarila u uhuov mom-niim: nmonl 33 Mining u ”Celtic-lion I7. 18 Garth-"9a axiomai componantl I is Glmltov (- amuov) 79, we N lumbar lelchal - gami 1 i1 i-iaaaiamp bum haight aaiunmam loo Mom locatlon ii i Nydnullc inaiu mum — biaaainq u Hydraullc lluld 12 | igniiion lyncma CDI lyItam - miplal of oparllion 76 llult diagnoaia — 7: pick My 29, 7‘ pain: unit 77 naming ping: ducking Ind gap ultlng 77, 7! operating condition - colour :hari 76 aourca coil - making 75 muflmiima 78 lwltdi l 1 I tlmlnu — cMclilng 77 K Hanan:- uiarnamiing wmponma 30 rumination and now-lion M 128 rlmovol :15 Iaplacing an L Lampl 107. 108 Low chug-69119188, 101. 107 Lock — nudw mod 34 Lumiwim mum — .ngim 71 Lubrlu!|on:— cm 5 final dma null" 101 whanl budngl 95. 99 Lubflumn, nwmmma 13 M Mom-none. Idlunmunn Ind clucitiu 1: Mum cvilndnr 9:1 Malnlonlncl — minin- 8—12 Manic conversion 1-qu 125 0 011mm 10. 7:1 011mm". oy-pu. um 7:1 011 pnnuu w-mino lump 7: on pump 30, 71 011 mi- :17 Old-ring.- mi- pm. 7 p Pad-I - rut Mon 87 Patrol Ind plpl u Polml link 64 Petrol up :4 Hum m! ring 25. 3B Prop nlnd I7 Punaur- yon-ii 101, 121 0 Oulck gim- minim-no. ma Minimum: 13 R Eur brak- Did-l B7 Rllr duln :< 1: min: and lubfluflon IOI umlnulon ma nap-1mm 101 R Ir "amnion will 85 R I! whfll Bl Ru! who-I:- culh dd" 99 lumen-1 99 RIgullIol/ncllfllf 10$ Ring- ma plnonl 25, an Routlm m-lmmlnu 8-12 S SOMV chock 9 Salaam much-1mm:- ramov-I 33 mining 43 Spam om: - buying 7 Splvking plugs:- cmcldng and ”film: pp 77 conning mndilioru~ coiour chm 7s Spoodomollr and “woman:- drivu — bastion Ind luminuion 53 Win GIN-I — mllnllnlno‘ EB Madl- umovli 88 Spociflcationlb bulbs '05 clulch '6. I5 “and“! lylllm ‘05 engin- 15~1a mm Ind lulu 79 mil mom 8:] gumbo! I 7. 1a ignition 7s lubdulion 63 which. but-I Ind Will 89 Sumr mow ‘07 Sui-now noulrlmlnu 3. as, 101. 107 Slurinq ma lock 34 Summion 1mm 85 Swingin am my turn 84 Swimi mm < gum-1 112 igniiion 1 1 1 liwmng 1 1 1 noun-1 indium 112 on mum w-ming 73 Inn-v mom unto-said 107 T Tammi". mm .»d cubic u Tool. 14 Tomuo much uninm :15. u, 49, 57, 73. no mo mmm 9, 1189 mum-I and upllcomonl — coiour pholoqvlphl 103 vamov-l and mining — iuboion mu 119 valves 112 V Vllvuz- char-nan 10. 67 wlndlng as tlmlnq 55 Vlln - oil pmmro bypau 73 W wwm ma mun-ion. a WWI:- burinou 12. 95, 99 from as run as wiuno dingmm 12:1 Wodu‘ng eondhlonl 14 Primed by J H Haynu & Co Ltd Sparklord Nr Yeovil Somerset BA22 7JJ England Honda c3250 N Super Dream. 249cc. Introduced February 1978 Honda C3250 NA Super Dream. 249cc. Introduced November 1979 Honda 63250 N3 and N03 Super Dream. 2090:. Introduced February 1981 Honda 03250 NDC. Super Dream. 249cc. Introduced April 1982 Honda 63400 N Super Dream. 395cc: Introduced May 1978 Honda (23400 NA Super Dream. 395cc. lntroduoed November 1979 Honda 03400 MB Super Drum. 395cc. Introduced February 1981 Honda 03100 Nc Super Dream. 395cc. Introduced February1902 Step-by-step procedures accompanied by hundreds 01 photos and line drawings Comprehensive routine maintenance and iauit diagnosis section! Every manual based on a complete atripdown and rebuild Written irom hands-on experience using common tools Detailed wiring diagram ISBN 0 35596 893 5